What to do if no one needs you. Nobody needs me

Everyone has those days when it seems that the whole world frankly doesn’t care about us, thoughts float through our heads - “nobody needs me,” “everything is bad.” But sometimes this feeling accompanies not just certain periods of time - it becomes part of life. Oh yes, people can be interested by asking the standard “How are you?”, for example, during their lunch break at work. But after a working day, a person returns home and, willy-nilly, begins to wonder: what to do if no one needs you?

What can you really do if this feeling of loneliness comes? Let's look at a few recommendations to help deal with it.

  • First, you can try the following exercise. Make your own scrapbook of memories. You can conditionally call it, for example, “Love bit by bit.” It is best to view it in advance, while not yet in a state of depression. To create your own “love album” you need to collect all the good memories in one place.

    These could be photos from a vacation where you have fun with friends; or those in which loved ones hug you - parents, grandparents. They will serve as confirmation that there are and will be people on earth who care about you. When you feel that no one needs you, you only need to open this album again to remind yourself of this. It does not have to be in paper form; You can also create a collection on your computer desktop.

  • The second tip is to not let the attention fool you.. Since attention has the property of switchability and selectivity in relation to objects outside world, sometimes it is very easy to become misled about other people. For example, you can consider yourself the loneliest person in the world if the concierge hasn’t bothered to remember your name after two years of work, and also if the only person who wished you a happy birthday last year was your second cousin. Falling into negative feelings about this, you can, for example, very easily miss the fact that five minutes ago your girlfriend wrote you an SMS message just like that.
  • Learn to cope with the surrounding reality, accepting it as it is. Yes, you heard right. No friend or therapist can take you out of the reality in which you find yourself. There have always been, are and will be people who really don’t care about you; who under no circumstances would go on dates with you or become your friends. However, it is absolutely necessary to continue to cultivate a sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. Be honest with yourself about your positive qualities. Never downplay them.
  • When working on yourself, do not neglect the use of well-known measures. We are talking about such advice as switching attention to some activity, occupation physical exercise, or a short break at a time when you feel especially lonely. There are several reasons to use these techniques. Firstly, this tactic will help you avoid many troubles, for example, a street fight, large expenses or alcohol abuse. The second reason is the fact that we all tend to perceive reality distorted in moments of despair. It's especially worth slowing down a bit if you need to make certain decisions or take action.
  • Know your own attachment style, and learn to be tolerant of the attachment styles of others. Even if he is an avoidant. This does not mean that you need to seek friendship at all costs with those who do not want to communicate with you. But it really means accepting the fact of who these people are, what they represent.

    There are several attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent and avoidant. Confident is formed in childhood, provided that the parents give the child enough care and attention and do not ignore his needs. Such children grow up to be quite decisive people, capable of building harmonious relationships based on trust.

    An anxious-ambivalent style is characteristic of those who, on the contrary, experienced a lack of parental love in childhood, especially at those moments when it was needed most. Such children grow up to be very anxious people, and they often experience difficulties in relationships. And it is they, unfortunately, who most often ask this question: how to live on if no one needs you?

    The avoidant style is characteristic of children whose parents constantly rejected their needs. In experiments conducted by scientists, infants with this type of attachment practically did not react to the appearance of their mother after separation. The formation of an avoidant attachment style also affects the ability to build meaningful relationships with people in the future.

    Ironically, very often people with opposite attachment styles enter into relationships. For example, a girl who is ready to send batches of SMS messages every day starts dating a young man who forgets his phone at work every other day. Cases of such relationships are not uncommon. Therefore, you need to treat both yourself and the other person with understanding. And one more thing: you can try to change your behavior if you regard your style as avoidant, or anxious-ambivalent.

    But stop trying to change the other person. It's like banging your head on brick wall, expecting it to crumble into crumbs, and at the same time your head will remain in place.

So, even when experiencing all the bitterness of loneliness, you can be guided by common sense and make decisions that are good for yourself. Give in to the feeling of isolation from the world and despondency, or take a closer look at the phenomenon of your loneliness in more detail - it’s up to you!

First of all, you need to understand that loneliness and despair are just temporary conditions with negative emotions. In fact, it’s quite easy to feel needed and not so lonely. You just have to turn your face to other people and do something nice for them.

Seek help from other people

It can quite rarely happen that a person has no family or friends at all. Rather, it is a terrifying exception to the rule. Therefore, if you still have relatives or friends, then in a difficult situation you should definitely contact them and tell them about what is tormenting you. If you sincerely ask them for help, they will definitely help you. During this difficult period of life, it is worth forgetting all past grievances that may have accumulated against loved ones and friends, and remember how happy you were with them in the past. These are not strangers, they know you better than anyone else, so in a state of depression from loneliness, it is best to turn to them.

Communication with a psychologist is another option to understand your own problems, talk it out and get professional advice. You can contact the psychological helpline by phone or make an appointment.

A good option would be to make new acquaintances, and, as in real world, and on the Internet. It is impossible to imagine that out of such a huge number of people, at least someone would not respond to your request to communicate and would not accept you for who you are. For more successful communication you need to contact groups of people who are close to you in some way: go to the library or bookstore if you like books, go to a match if you are a sports fan. This type of search for new acquaintances can be a good way to defuse the situation, and it is also a great way to find someone who will understand you.

Become needed by someone yourself

If ways to make new friends are not suitable or you have not yet found the right person If it doesn't work, try helping people. This is one of best options to feel needed by someone. You can help in animal shelters, nursing homes, hospices, orphanages, and homeless shelters. You can participate in volunteer events to clean up the city or raise money for treatment. Any help will be needed by others and will help them feel better.

Ultimately, you can get yourself a pet or even adopt a child. After all, there is no one more faithful than a furry creature and no one more important than a child. It is impossible to feel unwanted with them.

I don’t know at all what to do next, how to live next. The fact is that right now I felt that absolutely no one needed me, I sometimes meet with classmates, classmates, I see that they have families, that they know how to make something and life has some meaning, although I studied better than them at university .... but I was completely left alone at home in a remote village, for some reason, regarding craftsmanship qualities, they were always better developed in my older brother, he was trusted more with everything, and since childhood I so wanted to be able to make something, to understand technology, but they constantly beat me off my hands and that now I’m under forty and I’m practically a wretched little man who has not created anything and is not capable of creating anything...... Those around me have ceased to please, as in one song: “Scraps of life go away, I look at the sun but I see night"? even nature doesn’t make me happy, the thought of worthlessness and the impossibility of correcting life due to age has crept deep, that sometimes I can wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares on this topic, and all around me there is only dull loneliness, and my body is all covered with sweat, and resentment, ... ...I don’t know what to do next.

Babatur, age: 36 / 06/10/2013


Good afternoon What is it like for you? Are you at peace with yourself today? Perhaps you want to live some part of your life again, act differently somewhere, say different words, behave more worthy, not miss an opportunity... Yes, this has happened to me too. Alas, this is impossible, just as it is impossible to step into the same river twice. And is it necessary? What will we change? What others think about you? Shall we buy something very important?
We are who we are. With its own character traits. And we are unlikely to become different.
What if I am not satisfied with my qualities, my characteristics, my condition today? Is it that nothing can be changed? Why not? Of course you can. Only the change must first occur in consciousness. Everything comes from our consciousness. This is well understood by those who change their self-perception and perception of the world with the help of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes... The effect is immediate, but temporary, like all surrogate happiness.
So how can this change in consciousness be made without resorting to external influence on the psyche? Changes in consciousness begin only when you clearly understand the meaning of your existence. No, not invented by yourself, but real. Who knows? Let's think logically. Who best knows the meaning, purpose of any thing, any creation? The one who creates it. Man – whose creation? I hope not to hear from you a fairy tale like “for millions of years it rained on hot stones and in this broth the atoms suddenly accidentally formed into a DNA molecule, which formed a living cell, and after many millions of years it gave rise to all the diversity of life on earth, harmoniously connected links, subject to a single law. And one of the branches of the monkey family suddenly turned out to be the most advanced....”
Life on Earth is the creation of a living mind, whose name is God. And man is a special creation created by God for himself. And the answer to eternal question the meaning of existence must be sought only from Him. - “And how will I hear him?” There is the Bible for this - the Word of God. For this purpose, Jesus lived among people and left disciples.
- “So what does the Bible say about the meaning of my life?” This is a separate conversation that cannot be digested right away. The main thing is to take the first step: to understand and accept the fact that God has the truth. And begin to understand Him a little, what He expects from us. To begin with, let’s read carefully, slowly, thinking about every sentence, one of the letters of the Apostle Paul:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings of heaven in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. He, out of His love, out of His good desire and will, predestined us through Jesus Christ to become His adopted children to praise the glory of His grace, which He gave us in His beloved Son. In Him we have received redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins through His infinite grace which God has freely bestowed upon us. With all wisdom and knowledge He has revealed to us the secret of His will. He did this out of his own good will, originally embodied in Christ, so that at the appointed time he would unite all things in heaven and on earth under the authority of Christ. In Him we became heirs, as was the plan of God, who works all things in the world according to His will and His purposes. We who first placed our hope in Christ should praise His glory. In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth - the Gospel that brings you salvation - having believed in Him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of our future inheritance and the redemption of those who belong to Him, to the praise of His glory."

“A lot of letters and nothing is clear?”)) Yes, at first it’s like that…. And then the lines of the Bible become living water, and as we become purified, it opens up more and more.
Life appears in a completely different light when you understand that the earthly period is a test before eternity. If we learn to live every day in joy, without becoming embittered, without being offended, thanking the Creator for all the lessons, if we understand that by being offended by life, we blame God for his imperfection, if we learn to love his world, his creation, his people, and accept them just as they are... - then we will be ready to spend eternity next to Him. In joy and thanksgiving.
This is the meaning of earthly existence.
But it's not easy to learn. After all, for everyone man is walking spiritual warfare, and the devil doesn’t let his prey go so easily! He will throw temptations at us every day, leading us astray from the right direction. And it is almost impossible for a person to resist if he does not look at Jesus.

This is the main thing I wanted to say. Did you hear? As for age, that's funny. You are only 36. I envy you that you have the opportunity to discover the real meaning of life before I did...

Vladimir, age: 45 / 06/13/2013

Hello. In your situation, the main thing is not to despair. I read somewhere that if nature doesn’t make you happy, then it’s such a strong depression. You just need to not accumulate unresolved issues, but try to solve them. I also went through a divorce, division of the house, but did not agree to sell the house. ex-wife Therefore, he does not allow me to see the children, scolds them if they communicate with me. Solve problems that arise with loneliness, the desire to do what you love one by one. For example, I look after the house - I plastered the barn, mow the grass in the summer, remove the snow in the winter, right now the fence needs to be painted. I live on the edge of the city. I listen to the birds singing. I work, I live, even on my own.

Roller, age: 40 / 06/14/2013

Good afternoon. Take a closer look, maybe someone around you needs your help. Surely you know how to do something very well and it’s not necessarily a craft. As for age, I think that everything is ahead of you)

Irina, age: 31 / 06/14/2013

Familiar questions...familiar emotions...For many at a certain stage they arise...for some during age crises, for others - more often, for some they do not arise at all and they live without even thinking about it... Yes, living in a village and not being able to make crafts is probably bad. But a person has a lot of opportunities to change his life in this regard, it is much more difficult to change his soul, but you need to change, otherwise resentment, quiet envy and dissatisfaction with life will eat you up. And excuse me, your age is 36! It's time to take charge of your life! You need steps that will take you away from this state...these are small steps-goals, real ones that can be accomplished. For example, this week I’ll change the fence, next week I’ll work, or something like that... And don’t forget to work on your soul. And everything will work out. You will be with your old lady, in a few years..., looking at your growing grandchildren, you will be surprised at your imaginary uselessness and weakness at 36 years old.

LanaSvetlana38, age: 38 / 06/16/2013

I’ll add on my own behalf, go to Orthodox Church, regular confession and communion can help.

Sergey, age: 38 / 06/17/2013

Hello Babatur! What you are describing is called a midlife crisis, it happens to everyone from 35 to 45 years old, and, unfortunately, you will have to go through it. Why unfortunately? Because it is very emotionally painful, you very clearly describe the symptoms of depression that accompany it. You can, of course, try to somehow evade it, then it will hit you in full force at the age of 68, then there will be a crisis of old age. In your case, apparently, the first thing you will have to do is accept yourself with all your shortcomings, don’t worry about the fact that you didn’t become what you wanted and that your family didn’t work out, but on the contrary, turn to face yourself, stroke yourself from the inside, love and accept yourself. Inside you are there small child, it is you, and it will always be with you, until your last breath, so you will never be completely alone. But now this child really needs your inner love, warmth and kindness towards himself. Shine love into yourself, warm this little self from within. The midlife crisis exposes us, it clearly indicates that some things will never happen, some dreams will not come true, and this is reality, and there is no escape from it. this needs to be accepted and everything needs to be re-evaluated. You saw life one way, through the eyes of a boy, when you imagined it at age 16, and now you are already 36, and you are different, and the world is different, everything is different. We need to look for new goals. This will take time, you will probably have to read a lot about the crisis and how to survive it. I will say one thing, no one will make us happy, it is a lie that a person, if he is married, or if he has children, then he is certainly happy. This is not entirely true. A person can be happy if he is in harmony with himself, accepts himself as he is, with all his shortcomings, and does not fight with his in an ideal way“I”, which was once created by him, but in reality he cannot correspond to him. And all these attributes: husband, children, all this is relative, because there is no guarantee that the husband will stop loving and the children will go to live in another city . Therefore, loneliness is inevitable. Therefore, you must be able to live alone, be able to cheer yourself up, give love to your inner child.

Inna Elizarova, age: 38 / 06/18/2013

You can’t live your life according to the standard and be like the lucky ones in everything, former classmates and fellow students. Each person is unique and each has their own destiny. Not everyone has families, children, etc. You can find joy not in material things. Switch from your sad thoughts to the world around you, just like all of us, it is not perfect, try get animals, they will definitely need you and no matter how trivial it may be, animals, enjoying every day, teach us the ability to enjoy the simplest things. Your “age” is not an obstacle in the fight against loneliness, get to know each other, communicate with people - this is a great prospect to find like-minded people, friends and possibly a life partner, or just get good advice and support. GOOD LUCK!!!

Natalya, age: 43 / 06/19/2013

Hello! One wise man said that if you don’t know how to change your life, change your idea of ​​happiness. And in fact, maybe you should reconsider your views a little? Maybe think not about “no one needs”, but “who do I need”? Maybe there are people around you or animals who need care, guardianship, help? Waiting for a “need” from other people is a passive expectation, and providing this “need” to others at the behest of the soul is an active position. Think, maybe you should prove yourself somewhere? Where to help with a kind word, where with participation.
Living closer to nature, you can do things that are inaccessible to city dwellers. Really, calm down, concentrate and make something. Just little things, you don’t have to design a car right away! I straightened the fence, patched up the roof, went through the housework - where a nail is sticking out, where a board is creaking, and everything needs to be fixed... big things start with small things! Order in the household, order in the soul. And maybe something will come up there.

Technician, age: 30 / 06/20/2013

Same topic, I just recently thought about it: I don’t know how to do anything; profession is a waste of time from 8:30 to 17:00; I have no permanent friends due to business travel; relationships after divorce too; illness; fear; I’m thinking of killing everything at once - going to work - not according to my diploma, not according to my vocation - stupidly as a loader.

simenime, age: 32 / 10/16/2013

The first thing that came to mind. You need to get out of a remote village. Perhaps there is some settlement nearby with educational institutions. If you want to make something, try a vocational school! It doesn't matter what age you are. It is necessary, you need to realize yourself professionally!.. It is difficult to fight the feeling of loneliness, but not impossible. Maybe this is your period. Your story is specific and short. If you have at least some living relatives, then not everything is so tragic..

Diana, age: 44 / 09/08/2014

Why are you so different?
So what if you're 40?
So what if you haven't learned anything?
This is not your last day to live.
I don’t care that the post is 2 years old!
Take it and do it!! Or, you just keep whining and go to hell.
Do you know why the others could? They didn't whine! Or maybe they whined... but they did it, damn it, until they got their way.
If you answer in your head “it’s time to do it,” your life will change. And if you give up... then you are simply insignificant. Fuck excuses!
P.S. It's NEVER too late to change your life, if it seems like it's time to change something, don't you think so?

Vlad, age: 25 / 07/22/2015

Try to find something interesting for yourself, and don’t think about who needs you. Try to help others whenever possible

Vladimir, age: 16/12/28/2015

Seraphim of Sarov has several expressions as commandments. Some are very accurate. I don’t accept God myself yet, I haven’t found this
I’m also feeling bad now, for several months now, and it seems to be getting worse.
If your consciousness allows, read the ascetics, the lamps of the soul - Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov....
If you accept, you will find your path in life.
Everything will be fine. I wish you GOOD.

Roman, age: 40 / 03/12/2016

Dude, take up art, it's never too late.

Ingvarr, age: 30 / 04/03/2016

Good day!
The best defense against self-digging is work, action. What if there is no program or goal? Then you will have to put them, but not through the psychological masturbation and self-flagellation characteristic of intellectuals, but
through a rational assessment of available personal resources. You are not the only one. However, I dare to believe that you have a job. Sorry for the pun, that means there is, in the sense of eating, there is also. Already
one plus, believe me, the vast majority who have your problems DO NOT HAVE A JOB. Next - about goals: and, in fact, what was your goal in your youth? And was there any? Besides,
What kind of self-deprecation is the inability to improve your life? And you come to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), there you will get adrenaline, and a free house with a house in a border village, and with a special language
there will be no problems, and the girls there are very collected and purposeful. Believe me, if someone likes you, you will achieve a lot, an Artsakh Armenian woman will chew off a rock for her husband’s career, even if it’s for her and him
It will be 90. By the way, you will see 18-year-old boys who, without any reflection characteristic of a Shakespearean hero, coolly and calmly, without thinking about nature and nightmares, guard
border. Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Nonsense, nonsense! Do you know who wakes up in the middle of the night? A man whose children died before him, a man who was diagnosed with an incurable disease, a man
who owes the bank a certain amount of interest. And what you have is a banal crisis, or rather, an overestimation. Change your surroundings. I advise Artsakh so that you understand that everything is relative,
The main thing is to look at life simply and clearly. And there they will teach you this.

Armen, age: 30 / 08/01/2016

You need someone who is just as lonely. Find a lonely, affectionate woman. You are still so young, and this means a lot. Everything will be fine with you. There is no need to delve into the reasons, just live and don’t delve into it. You
It’s not your fault and no one is new. Work and look around. There are a lot of lonely people in the world affectionate women.

Elena, age: 54 / 10/14/2016

You can’t think like that, you’re human...Look for the positive..Morning is not just getting up again...In the morning you rested from yesterday, and today something good will happen..This is the first, and there are many more rules to happiness..

Neli, age: 50 / 12/14/2016

Brother... In general, MCH’s dad recently died... Believe me: it can always be even worse!!! It’s better to just live, that’s all... Everything will pass soon, believe me!!!..

Maxim, age: 33 / 12/18/2016

You have already written a good letter text. It means you can do something. Good luck in finding yourself,

There come moments in life when a woman clearly understands: “Nobody needs me at all.” This is not a complaint to a friend or a complaint to your husband. This is her inner voice speaking, which means her thoughts are sincere, and the pain is enormous. The feeling of uselessness can arise regardless of age, financial security, number of acquaintances, or the presence of a family. At such moments, an emptiness forms inside, and you don’t see how you can improve the situation.

The germ of this sensation, as a rule, is formed in childhood. If the parents were too busy with their career or personal life and did not devote enough time to the child, he could not talk to them, consult - already at that moment he realized that no one needed him, and this feeling was firmly lodged inside. Then different situations can happen - job loss, divorce, and all these emotions come back again. If your problem has the same roots, try to analyze the situation. You know that your parents loved you. Perhaps they simply could not find a way to express their love, tenderness, care.

What to do?

In fact, there is a way out, and even more than one. First, do you really feel the need to be needed by someone? What does this need mean to you?

Many people live enjoying life, satisfying their own needs, fulfilling own desires and happy about it. These people are self-sufficient, they do not need the love of others, they do not need confirmation of their own importance. Some may call them selfish - but what difference does it make? In reality, the state of loneliness is inevitable. After all, sooner or later the children will grow up and move to their own home, and there is no guarantee that the partner will not fall out of love.

So the most important thing a person can have is to learn to appreciate and be grateful for the moments of loneliness that fate gives. After all, this is an opportunity to devote time to yourself, your interests, and development. All you need to do is use the opportunities that arise correctly.

If this option doesn’t suit you, then the other option is to become needed: take the first step, help solve someone’s problem, be there when they need it, develop yourself. The problem of a person who does not have good relationships with others may lie within himself. How many happy, cheerful people have you seen that no one needs?

At the same time, gloomy and withdrawn people do not evoke a desire to communicate with them, because with all their appearance they show that they do not want to make contact. A person who smiles always attracts others. It is not surprising - after all, it seems to those around him that he has no problems, and they want to join this atmosphere of carefreeness.

In reality, everything may be different: problems, difficult situations, everyone has questions that should have been resolved yesterday. But there are people who will never show by their appearance that it is hard for them. They know that problems attract new problems. Therefore, these people are always in a great mood - this is their habit. If you develop it in yourself, you will see how the situation will change.

A person's value to others is measured by what he can give them. This could be knowledge, attention, care, help. Take care of yourself, master your profession, acquire the necessary skills, and develop your talents.

If you have something to give to another, someone absolutely needs you. The issue may be that you want to be needed by the wrong people. In these cases, you need to be extremely careful - when you give endlessly without receiving anything in return, sooner or later there is nothing left. This is how this inner emptiness is formed, causing so much pain. This is where complexes, worries, and a feeling of uselessness arise. You need to leave such a relationship.

Absolutely someone else needs you - it's time to look around. Just don’t offer your soul to the first person you meet. Value yourself, and then the person next to you will also value you.

There are many people who need and care about support - both children and adults. There are various funds to help them. If you feel an urgent need to be needed, find out which organizations in your region deal with similar issues. They always need people. This way you will not only save yourself from inner emptiness, but also make the world a better place, and also find new friends.

When you lose a loved one

Sometimes terrible events happen, from which it is difficult to recover and it really seems that no one needs you. Sometimes dear and close people who were the meaning of life for us leave. There is nothing left to do but gather strength and move on.

Psychologists recommend finding an activity that can distract you for at least some time. It is very important not to close yourself within four walls, but to be sure to come out. Walking will help you come to your senses a little and realize that life has not stopped.

Olga, St. Petersburg

You go to work, walk down the street, go home and... you understand, “it turns out that no one needs me. You can’t wait for a friend to call, your family has fallen apart, your work is going downhill.” How to get out of a dead end when it seems that everything is going against you? When life crashes and you stop believing in the best, it’s time to know yourself. How to find the strength to live on? It's time to listen to yourself and start a radical reboot of consciousness! Read to the end and you will no longer feel lonely.

Where does the feeling “nobody needs me” come from?

It happens that you go to work peacefully, give energy to those around you, and in return... nothing. It is the feeling of emptiness that eats from the inside and does not allow you to breathe freely. What can I say, even good weather does not give joy, like a few years ago, when you could go on a picnic with friends. Any attempt to return everything back leads to failure.

“I have lost myself and cannot again find the strength to continue my usual activities!”, - such a thought pushes a person into pessimism and self-isolation. Sitting alone with your experiences around broken relationships, misunderstandings of others - this makes you lose faith in the best. Reproaches from relatives, unsuccessful attempts to meet a girl, and also these eternal job refusals - how can you not stop thinking that the world is against you?

Who needs me when everyone around is fixated on their image, you can’t even count on regular communication? There is no need to blame others for ignoring your Ego. People do not always deliberately act against an individual in order to cause moral damage to her. Everyone finds their place where their participation is required at a specific point in time. If a person is fixated on outside attention and this closes him in on himself.

Negative thoughts, which constantly flash in the head, are reflected in the behavior of a man. This results in constant stress that affects your mood and physical condition. This is where excessive sleepiness, irritability, social withdrawal, sexual problems and other unpleasant symptoms come from. Free time, which is freed from the influence of other people, can be spent on self-development.

The guy may not suspect that time without a girl, noisy companies can be used wisely. Loneliness is not a sentence, but a gifted chance to become stronger and more successful. There is no need to think “nobody needs me, they abandoned me and now I’m like an empty place”! There is no need to worry too much about this - maybe now is the time to change your view of your environment and start taking responsibility for your actions.

How to deal with this feeling

There is a stereotype that “we only need ourselves and our parents who really love us.” People are so afraid to be left alone with their thoughts and character, so they begin to feel internal discomfort. Telling the news, pouring out your feelings, being close - it is important for us to feel needed. Longing for the past is what hinders the path of new development.

Constant searches for reasons, imposition of blame create the ground for global problem. In reality, it simply does not exist! After a breakup, guys feel at the peak of freedom for some time, but after short time immersed in negative thoughts. Complexity, bad habits, lack of incentives to develop - all this completely closes the door to a better future. The brain is designed to constantly reproduce the experienced fragment of time and impose a specific meaning on it.

I lost myself or how to avoid the symptoms of disappointment:

  • Don't engage in self-flagellation- it occurs when a man is idle. The feeling of boredom can be destroyed important matters that are needed to achieve goals. In general, goals are a useful thing. They keep the body and mind in good shape, not allowing any prejudices to penetrate into the most intimate.
  • Positive thinking- without it you will neither reap the harvest nor succeed in any business. It is important to strive to see the world from the angle “I believe in good things, I will do everything to get out of this state.”
  • Become more open. Often the problem of loneliness is a man’s reluctance to make contact with others. Girls rarely come up and introduce themselves, so your colleagues may be on their own wavelength and will not devote time to you. Communication and self-confidence are the main skills that others value. The result may be surprising - people will immediately be drawn to such a person.
  • Work on your external image. Clothing style, physical characteristics, gestures, neatness - this is the “face” of a person that presents him in society. Who needs me if I don’t take care of myself, I’m always sloppy and slouched? A representative of the stronger sex will be the life of any company if he watches his speech, looks neat, wears things in good condition, and takes care of hygiene. Maybe this is where the problem of loneliness and denial of you in society lies hidden.
  • Be true to yourself. If a man avoids responsibility and does not take on any business, does not want to see his shortcomings, or fight bad habits, a feeling of discomfort will constantly accompany him. People around them love reliable individuals who are responsible for their words.
  • Accept your mistakes. Egocentrism and pride do not allow one to be flexible in society, which is why difficulties often arise. Agreeing that “I was wrong, I should have done it differently” is the best way to mutual understanding. Easy relationships, where everyone takes part in solving certain problems, will help maintain long-term contacts with a person.

How to get rid of the thought “I have lost myself”? Don’t assume that the world doesn’t care about you and start meeting opportunities. Have your friends called for a long time? Why not invite them to the cinema and get together in a cafe! Are there long-standing conflicts with a girl due to the fault of a man? It is worth understanding where he is wrong and apologizing, showing understanding and feelings for your partner.

The more empathy and determination a person has, the easier it is to achieve mutual understanding with others. If the guard doesn’t notice you when you enter, this is not a sign to panic! Those to whom you made a card and brought a cake didn’t wish you a happy birthday? The joys of life should not stop there, and with them, relationships with these people. It is important to maintain your dignity and perceive reality more sensibly.

Guys, you are great for reading the article to the end! We hope that the information helped to get rid of the thought “nobody needs me” at least a little. A real man is someone who does not question his character and remains steadfast no matter what. You will definitely achieve success in your favorite business, relationships, with family and friends if you act with awareness. The surrounding reality is not so bad - there is a place for calm in it.

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