"It's good to rest! A good rest is even better!" How to rest? Rest at the weekend, on vacation, at home.

Modern life often requires strenuous work, as a result of which, at some point, fatigue, both physical and emotional, accumulates. It is important to know how to rest properly so that the activity is productive and the mood is positive.

The need to restore the body

Good rest is a vital necessity for a person, without which the quality of work is sharply reduced. To determine the optimal mode of work and rest, you need to remember a few simple rules.

To work productively, you need to restore your strength. Rest is not an escape from work, but a way to recharge your energy supply. It does not mean lying at home for many hours in front of the TV. In order to wake up in the morning with a fresh head and positive thoughts, you need to arrange for yourself in the evening.

A walk, a cool shower and a clean bed will provide. Each person has an individual need for sleep, but 8 hours is considered ideal. During this time, the body manages to recover completely, physically and psychologically. If a situation has arisen when it is not possible to sleep at night, it is necessary to arrange a short daytime sleep, as people who usually engage in mental activity rest.

You need to start rest when fatigue has not yet appeared and there are forces left to organize physical activity. The optimal working week is 40 hours. Increasing this time will not increase work productivity, but will lead to overwork and depression, which may require long-term treatment.

Fractional rest is more rational. It is better to rest for 10 minutes during every hour. If fatigue accumulates, it will be much more difficult to cope with it. That is why standards for office workers have been developed. People whose activities are related to the computer are entitled to 15-minute breaks during every hour. This time should be spent on a short walk in the park or doing physical exercises. Such a short but active rest will greatly increase the productivity of further work.

Change of activity

Even in ancient Greece, changing the type of activity was considered an example of how to relax. And not in vain! Rest implies a change in the activity of various organs:

  • alternating mental work with physical work is the best option for restoring strength;
  • if work involves low physical activity, rest should be associated with movement - it can be swimming, running or just walking in the park.

A change of scenery

Changing the environment allows you to effectively recuperate:

  • if the work is related to being indoors, rest should be spent in nature;
  • if a person works in a team, then he will receive emotional relief by staying in solitude for a while, preferably in nature;
  • for people working in the open air, going to the theater or museum will be a real pleasure;
  • in office work, a visit to the gym, club or dance floor will allow you to relax well.

Changes in the emotional state are also important for the nervous system. If during the day there are many meetings with different people, nervous tension accumulates, then how to relax after work? Emotional fatigue can be relieved by a walk in the forest or along the river bank. With monotonous paper work, playing sports or, for example, a disco will be an excellent way to relax.

You need to be able to switch off from work after a hard day. Do not discuss at home the problems associated with the main activity, and unfinished business. It is also advisable to turn off the phone even during a short rest.

A healthy lifestyle contributes to effective recuperation. Alcoholic drinks can give the illusion of a temporary relaxation, but later there will be an even greater breakdown, and the next day your head will hurt.

Weekend in nature

It is worth considering a weekend getaway. It is impossible to sleep off for a week in two days. Lying aimlessly on the couch in front of the TV will also not relieve fatigue. It is better to go with family or friends to the countryside, to the forest or to the mountains, to the river. Such a rest will charge you with positive emotions for the whole week and will allow you to go to work on Monday in a good mood.

Here are some tips on how to unwind after work on the weekends:

  • a person who works without rest wears out the body faster, it is important for him to realize the need to restore strength;
  • reduce to a minimum the time spent at the computer or TV;
  • do not start an alarm clock on the morning of the day off - you can oversleep a little;
  • do not run to the kitchen to prepare breakfast - there is no rush;
  • do not accumulate all the cases for the weekend and do not try to redo them;
  • forget about household plans and arrange a walk in the park, a family dinner in a cozy cafe or do some kind of sport.


Even for a person doing what they love, a vacation is necessary. It helps to restore vital energy, without which the body will constantly be in a state of fatigue. A regularly and properly resting person has better health, reliable immunity. It is better suited for intense mental activity.

In order for the vacation to bring the maximum effect, it is better to split it into several parts and rest every three to four months for one week. This is quite enough to fully restore their strength and not wean from work. A long rest is too relaxing, after it it is more difficult to return to the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the best option. The best vacation spots are quiet, picturesque corners of nature. You can go to the sea or lake, to the mountains, to the river bank, away from the noisy city.

Leaving work, many dream of sleeping off and lying on the beach. However, it is also necessary to rest on vacation correctly. Hiking, sea air and water, fresh fruits and greens will contribute to cleansing and restoring the body.

It is necessary to draw up a holiday plan, which will include active activities - visits to historical and natural attractions, museums. It is especially interesting to observe the life of an unfamiliar city, to get acquainted with the local culture, to participate in national holidays. The richer the rest, the more vivid memories will remain. They will also be reminded by photos and videos that will evoke positive emotions.

Going on vacation, do not choose night flights. After them, a lot of time is spent on adaptation, sleep and recuperation, for a long time you feel not rested, but tired. In the early days, you should also not get involved in active activities until the body is rebuilt. It is better to relax a little, go swimming, hiking.

During the holidays, you do not need to call work, find out the news, it is better to read light literature. Shopping should not be postponed until the last day. At the end of the holiday, it is better to leave two days for a relaxing holiday. As a rule, many people get very tired from shopping.

How to relax after work? Using the above recommendations, you can effectively organize your schedule. This will allow you to always be cheerful, cheerful and healthy.

To maintain a high level of health, proper rest is as important as a balanced diet and physical activity. Rest is of two types: right and wrong active and passive. Active recreation includes physical activity, with a mandatory change in the main activity. Passive is based on complete or partial physical inactivity.

In terms of the quality of rehabilitation, active rest is superior to passive rest in all cases, except for one thing: sleep is the best type of not only passive rest, but also rest in general.

Not everyone clearly understands how you can relax during physical exertion, especially if you have to “plow” in the gym (on the sports ground). And, here, inaction (and the exact idleness) is everyone's favorite pastime. Let's talk about passive recreation.

In order for the rest to be effective, you should follow some rules, following which it is easy to increase the effectiveness of the rest. And this means that for the same period of time you can have a better rest.

Purposefulness and relaxation

It would seem, well, how purposefulness can be associated with rest, especially passive. After all, when relaxing, a person, on the contrary, wants to be unoccupied with anything, incl. mentally. However, to a state of distraction, detachment and relaxation need to prepare and strive. You can't come home, intercept something and thump on the sofa, while allowing yourself to be attacked by unnecessary and harmful information flows pouring from the "television garbage chute". Rest- this is the goal, and for the goal, you need to strive and prepare. "Strive" implies a certain mental attitude to rest. “Prepare” means to perform certain actions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the upcoming holiday.

Even if, having come home, it is impossible to take the long-awaited horizontal position, then some changes in consciousness still have to happen.

Drive away your worries and worries. Especially drive those that are associated with making money. The devastating effect of financial anxiety on health is proven by an Italian Angelo di Carlo who set himself on fire due to money problems. Let your work stay at work.

Purposefulness and attitude to rest: in importance - the first place.

Do not hurry

Haste is one of the main components of stress 1 . Hurry and relaxation are not compatible just as illness and well-being are incompatible. The best way to deal with rush is planning of his time, the so-called. time management. Of course, in our life, in addition to colleagues and partners, there are also relatives and friends who are ready to “kindly” disrupt our vacation plans at any moment. However, if brought to their minds (or rather subconscious) the need to respect our right to rest (and we all have the right to rest), and do it repeatedly, then over time the situation will change for the better.

At the end of the working day, everyone should already have a rough plan for rest today in their head. Otherwise, you simply will not have time to relax - something will definitely interfere with you.

To reduce your peace of mind during off-hours, turn off your mobile phone if possible. Or at least pretend you're not there.

The place where you and your loved ones rest should be like a distant uninhabited island - quiet, calm and not accessible to others.

Water procedures

A 15-20-minute shower or bath, taken as soon as possible after work, will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of passive rest. Cleansing the skin in this case is a secondary task. Enjoy the streams of water flowing down your body. Enjoy the embrace of the water element. Let all your worries stay in the water and go down the drain. Don't let minor work issues poison your health (yours and those around you).

In the cold season, find time to visit the steam bath. Doing this regularly, once every 1-2 weeks, and using a broom massage, you will not only get an abundance of pleasant impressions, but also have a good rest and improve your health.

Water, through its action on numerous receptors on the skin, to a large extent helps reduce fatigue. Water procedures should be an integral part of any holiday.

Comfortable clothes

Clothing restricts body movement. And not only the movements of the limbs and head, but also the movement of blood and air throughout the body. No wonder it has historically developed and firmly rooted in world fashion the concept of " home clothes". Despite their not always the most attractive appearance, these clothes have won the hearts of millions with their spaciousness and their convenience. All the functionality of home clothes is aimed at making a person at home (outside working hours) feel as comfortable and cozy as possible.

As for resting in a horizontal position, then, if possible, at such moments, you should generally avoid wearing clothes. (although it would not be correct to call it wearing). Of course, the entire universe is strenuously preventing man from sleeping naked. There are, for example, "flowers of life", whose fragile psyche can be easily injured by the sight of resting organs. Yes, and other people around may not be delighted with someone's sometimes very "ideal" figure. So, you need to find compromises - lock your bedroom, go to the gym and live separately from those who do not like your recreational 2 preferences.

Refusal of stimulants of the nervous system

In addition to the fact that stimulants of the nervous system introduce an imbalance between the processes of inhibition and excitation, they also disrupt the perception and assessment of a person's own state. The crown of creation, being under the influence of coffee or beer, cannot adequately assess how tired he is. And the feeling of fatigue is a kind of wake-up call for the owner of the body, signaling the depletion of the body's resources.

Timely food intake

It often happens that at work a “reasonable person” does not find time to eat. Untimely replenishment of nutrients leads to a faster and deeper development of fatigue. In order not to absorb food in large quantities later, after work, trying to catch up with lost time, you need to learn to eat during the work day - . "You should not bend under the changing world, let it be better ...".

After all, it is difficult to relax when the stomach is stretched from the abundance of food eaten. And, of course, it is difficult to relax when the bladder and rectum are full - these excretory organs also stimulate quite decently.

Favorable environment

For effective relaxation, it is necessary that as few stimuli as possible affect the body. A minimum of light and a minimum of sounds - this is how an ideal place to relax should be arranged.

Recuperation occurs faster if the inhaled air is poor in carbon dioxide and saturated with air ions 2 . Such a mixture of gases in a rest room can be easily obtained by opening a window or door for a few minutes. more often ventilate the premises especially before holidays.

There is an opinion that a change in the usual environment is necessary for rest. A change of scenery does not affect the course of recovery processes in any way. You can also have a great time at home. And behind the phrase “change of scenery” lies the banal situation of the absence of influence on you by friends, relatives, colleagues, partners, etc. (the list goes on). After all, if “I’m on vacation,” then it means that I can’t be disturbed. Well, in all other situations it is allowed to disturb a person. ... And again, a disconnected mobile phone comes to the rescue.

Essential oils

In order for the rest to be more effective, it would be good to do exercises for the eyes for 2 minutes before starting it. Since 80% of the information enters the brain through the visual analyzer, it would be fair to take care of the eyes before starting the rest. Look around and up and down 10 times, perform circular movements with the eyeballs, and in the end - massage circular movements with the bases of the palms along the closed eyelids. Such a simple complex will relax not only the eyes, but also the brain.

Horizontal position

In order not to take the eternal horizontal position for as long as possible, it is necessary to temporarily position your body horizontally in sufficient quantities during life. Only in the prone position is the most complete and deep relaxation of the striated muscles possible.

Daily 15 minutes of relaxation in a horizontal position not only reduces fatigue, but also
lay a good foundation for a night's rest. No wonder relaxation is one of the most effective ways to combat insomnia.

Eating a lot of food is not conducive to good relaxation - try to take a small amount of food after work. Then, after a shower and eye exercises, lie on your back for 15 minutes with your eyes closed and think about nothing. (especially since it’s better to think about anything than to talk about it).

In the struggle for existence, humanity has learned a lot - a lot of bad and little good. There is a vast money-making industry called tourism. And even at the mention of the word "tourist" in the minds of only a few, there is a person with a backpack going to the mountains. People are ready to work for a whole year without rest, only to spend 7 days on the coast of the sea of ​​a distant and foreign country. Pastime, aimed at ensuring that a person receives as many impressions and positive emotions as possible, is directly related to the entertainment industry, and the most mediocre (but well-veiled) to the recreational sphere.

It is especially easy to lose sight of the true purpose of relaxation [and plunge into the field of entertainment] when choosing a hotel; but that's a completely different story.

Rest right! Good health after a hard day does not appear on its own, you need to work on it.


1 In this case, under the concept stress I mean negative stress.
2 recreation(lat. - recovery) - a system of recreational activities aimed at restoring the normal state of health and performance of a tired person.
3 What is air ions and how they affect the restoration of working capacity is written in the 5th subheading of the 3rd part of the article “ ».
The article uses thoughts from Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting".

Video illustration

Gymnastics for the eyes


The dynamics of modern life does not allow you to relax either at work or after it. During the day, a flow of information falls upon a person, sometimes contradictory, not systematized in any way. Everyone expects something from him: partners, colleagues, management, relatives. The constant movement is exhausting, the same situation inspires melancholy, those around me begin to irritate.

When a person begins to feel like a driven trotter, he needs to throw off the burden of worries and fully relax from everyone and everything. But even after the weekend, many do not feel rested. This is because not everyone knows how to relax and recuperate.

Why do you need rest?

Recently, psychologists are increasingly using the term "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" This diagnosis is given to people who feel exhausted and exhausted even after a few days of rest. All weekend they can lie on the couch doing nothing, but only watching TV shows, reading a book, talking on social networks with acquaintances and unfamiliar people, but the next morning they get up broken and dissatisfied, as if they had not rested. In advanced cases, performance is greatly reduced, headaches appear, immunity decreases, irritability increases, followed by bouts of apathy.

The main cause of this disease is emotional burnout. Experts say: not only the body, but also the soul can get tired. Emotional stress is no less dangerous for the body than physical stress. Therefore, a good rest is impossible without rest from worries and everyday troubles, from intellectual and emotional overstrain. Psychologists are unanimous: from time to time it is necessary to arrange a “unloading” day for yourself - a day of rest from everyone and everything, complete relaxation.

The main rule of rest

The best rest is a cardinal change of activity. Psychologists say this with one voice. For those who are engaged in physical labor at work, sometimes lying on the couch can also become a rest. However, for a person whose work activity involves intellectual activity in the office, something else is needed: physical education, work in the country, cycling or hiking.

However, alternating activities is not enough to relax and rest mentally. . It is necessary to change both the situation and the emotional background. People living on the run, working in noisy factories, intensively negotiating in the office feel the need to stop and be alone, quiet. On the day of rest, they need to turn off the phone and not come close to all sorts of computer equipment. They should also avoid noisy companies. Only in this case they will feel fully rested.

Several ways to have a good rest and escape from work

There are many options for how to take a break from everyone and everything, to escape from work. We offer several options to choose from.

  1. Hobby. Think about your hobbies, which for so long there was no opportunity to devote time. Perhaps you like to make something, embroider, cook deliciously. Dedicate at least part of the rest day to your hobby, and positive emotions are guaranteed to you.
  2. Mini trip. Find a place nearby that you have long wanted to visit, and finally make your dream come true. If there is no such place, go somewhere where you have not been for a long time: to the courtyard where your childhood passed, the park where you walked with your soulmate, etc. You will have many emotions, but not the same everyday. You don't even remember the job.
  3. Communication with nature. Walking in the park, boating, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries, fishing - these activities only seem boring at first glance. In fact, they help to leave all the worries in the city and relax, devoting the day to yourself. At this time, thoughts will subside, the soul will become smoother and calmer. And even if after that you have to return to the same problems - with new forces you will solve them much easier.
  4. SPA-procedures. It is not necessary to visit expensive salons, although this is a good option. You can take a contrast shower or bath with foam (it is better to use a relaxing herbal collection), make a wrap, face and hair mask. Not only ladies can take care of themselves, but also representatives of the stronger half: they can visit the sauna. The main thing is to choose the right company: next to you should not be those you see every day, but people with whom communication has become rare, but remained pleasant.

If you manage to combine several options at once, then the rest will be even more effective.

We are all used to the fact that we need to work effectively in order to achieve our goals, to become successful. But, no less important in life is the ability to effectively relax. After all, this is also an important task in our life, because the purpose of rest is to restore energy, and if this does not happen, or if the result is insignificant, then you will not be able to work well. How to rest effectively so that energy is restored? Let's look at some helpful tips.

1. The first rule of effective rest is that it should be regular. Don't wait until you're on your feet - schedule at least one day a week to re-energize, and stick to your schedule.

2. Rest should diversify your life, so do everything so that weekends contrast with weekdays. If you've been sitting at your computer all week, burying your head in a monitor, plan an active vacation. Or vice versa - if your work is associated with increased activity, allow yourself to lie on the couch on the weekend, watch your favorite movies or sunbathe.

3. In addition, it is worth diversifying your vacation. If last week you were relaxing in karaoke, then this time plan a picnic with friends in nature. A huge mistake of many office (and not only) employees is that they go to the same bar or nightclub to relax every week, getting so drunk there that they need to recover from such a “rest” the next day. Stability is good, but not in this case.

4. Try to approach the organization of your leisure in such a way as to create the most comfortable time schedule for this day. Rush does not contribute to a good rest, so do not plan too many activities. It is better to do less, but with contentment and without fuss.

5. It is natural that in addition to work, we also need to deal with some of our personal affairs that have nothing to do with rest. But, this is not a reason to turn your day off into a continuous race to solve personal issues and problems. Very often, especially women, during their day off they try to clean up the house, prepare food for the week ahead and perform a thousand more important things. As a result, they return to work even more tired than before the weekend. Just try to distribute your personal problems and tasks evenly throughout the week so they don't pile up and take your day off.

6. Many people make this mistake - they spend almost their entire day off, or even several, in sleep mode. Getting out of bed to eat and feed the cat - if there is one. We need sleep, but its excess is harmful, as is its shortage. Therefore, you should not turn into a bear that goes into hibernation on the weekend - it is better to normalize your sleep pattern so that you sleep 7-8 hours every day and always feel fresh.

7. Try not to overdo it with alcohol on weekends, and it's better to spend them without drinking coffee and strong tea. The fact is that these are powerful stimulants for our nervous system, so they will keep you on your toes, and your goal is to have a good rest.

8. Try to spend more time on weekends with your family, especially if you have children. Nobody has such a positive effect on adults as a society of carefree, cheerful and unconditionally loving little people, whose arms are always open for parents. But, in addition to this, children most of all need our participation in their lives, in communication and support. Children grow up fast and it is important to make every effort to raise them to be happy people. And without communication it is simply impossible.

9. It is very important to understand that you will not be able to fully relax in the company of colleagues. You will not be able to switch your attention to rest, being with those with whom you are closely connected in the work process. Therefore, all meetings with employees, phone calls and gatherings over a cup of coffee, plan for the working week.

10. Make an effort to ensure that your vacation time is filled with positive emotions - this helps to restore energy and inspiration. Surround yourself with nice people, laugh, enjoy the joy of life and relaxation. Do not forbid your emotions - the fact that you laugh and have fun like a child does not at all mean that you are not a serious person.

11. If you have the opportunity, turn off work phones, mail, and isolate yourself from everything that somehow connects you with it. It is especially difficult to isolate yourself from the work in your head. If you love what you do, it will be very difficult.

12. Don't try to belong to everyone but yourself on your day off. We all need moments of solitude, when we can only be with ourselves and our thoughts. Everyone needs to sum up, listen to themselves, analyze. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the fact that during your vacation, you will set aside a few hours just for yourself.

13. Do not overdo it on the weekends - remember that the work week is ahead, and you are unlikely to be able to work effectively if your body is broken by krepatura. Sports are incredibly useful, but in moderation - do not try.

14. Do not overshadow your vacation with thoughts in the style of "damn, tomorrow I'm back to work." Everything that will happen tomorrow will be later, but for now you have the opportunity to have a great time. Use it, and don't trade it for inner whining.

15. Try to limit TV viewing on weekends. The stress that watching TV causes is equivalent to that which we get at work, contacting different people, going through difficult situations. Better not turn it on at all - let the TV also have a day off!

Observing the people around me, I came to one prosaic and at the same time striking conclusion. We can't rest! And those options for recreation that we have adopted are not able to give exactly the result we are counting on, and what is the best way to rest?

Here, for example:

Take my colleague Natasha. For a whole year she saved up money for a tour of the capitals of Europe. I bought a ticket - happy as an elephant: "I'll rest at least once, like a white man ..." Two weeks later I arrived, went to work - all in impressions, photographs and souvenirs. The office salivated as she told and showed everything. This extravaganza lasted five days - no more. And when all the stories were told, all the pictures were shown, Natashkin's vivacity vanished. I looked at her then: bluish eyes, shabby, tired look; and I thought - God forbid, so "rest" - 11 months to plow like a Negro on a hacienda - gallop around Europe for two weeks, and then again labor plowing.

By the way, about the hacienda. My mom spends all weekends there, calling it "holiday". Well, just think, there, plant, water, weed the flowers, sprinkle the potatoes, tie up the tomatoes. In the summer, my parent leaves for the dacha on Friday evening, and returns late on Sunday. To put it mildly, "none". Looking at her, I’m thinking about how some people manage to organize their “rest” in such a way that by the beginning of the working week they are in the same condition as an elk shot down by a Cossack: it seems to be alive, but something somehow sucks. AND how best to relax, but clearly not.

My beloved brother in his free time is ready to watch the computer day and night. Games follow each other, like pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. And those, in turn, are pushed aside by the Internet. Sometimes he gets so carried away that he even forgets to eat. Because of the monitor, he gets up only in emergency situations. And the cherished "power" button turns off late in the evening, when my brother crawls away from the computer rack towards the bed: his head is cracking, his eyes hurt, his brains do not understand. Here the little one rested. Watching him, I remember the tale of lost time.

My friend prefers an active lifestyle. I went to rest: roller skates, skates, skis, if I had the means, I would also go diving. And there, you see, parachuting and mountaineering will remain. In her free time, she runs around the park like an avid roller skater, shaping and running to the pool. In general, only for this she has enough energy. Having rolled home, she falls on the sofa and is forgotten by the sleep of a baby. And in the morning she does not understand where she got a bruise on her knee, and why the muscles of her arms and legs hurt so much.

My boss every vacation goes somewhere in the south: Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Spain, Italy, at worst - Turkey. He comes back all tanned and cheerful. And a week later, it's time to take a sick leave - acclimatization with all the ensuing snot and sore throats. Well, what's the fun?

I have been for three years

I work without vacation, somehow I can’t take it off. AND how best to relax haven't decided yet. As soon as I get ready, there are some urgent matters at work. But this year, nothing will stop me. In a week I will receive vacation pay and ... I will spend it on repairing the apartment. It has to be done at some point. And here my husband and I will have three whole weeks free ... We can only dream of peace.

In general, we know how to relax, gentlemen. It is a fact.

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