Where to place the icons in the apartment. Where should icons stand in the apartment, the correct location of the goddess

Christian icons are available in almost every home. Some people acquire them exclusively as fashion items, without giving a deep meaning, while others keep them as family heirlooms. At one time, believers created an iconostasis. It was believed that it must be located in a visible place and be a talisman and shrine at home.

Attention! Orthodox images are not just an amulet, so you should not buy such decorative elements. Some install them in their own home, based solely on superstition. This is an extremely wrong decision. It is important to select the face of saints in accordance with your preferences and based on the subsequent location in the interior.

Corner with images in the room, which can be located in the hallway, and some options - above the door

One way is to place the image directly above the door block. This will protect you from the negative influence of other people. The holy face will fill the home with positive energy, contribute to the favorable development of relations in the family. Each image living in the house will impose its own influence. Therefore, the face of a saint, a protective amulet and an assistant in building relationships in the family.

What images to place directly at the entrance to your own house?

If you are interested in the question of which icon is hung at the entrance to the room, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to solving it. Shrines should be placed to help protect against the influence of evil and their penetration into the house. It is important to take into account the direct purpose of the shrine.

There are different ways to hang the image. Among them are the following:

  1. If you place the image directly above the doorway, the goal will be to keep external negative energy out of the house.
  2. Above the door that leads to the house, the image will allow you to neutralize the flow of negative energy and direct the flow of positive energy.

However, it should be remembered that there are no strict rules for the placement of shrines. Therefore, be guided by sincerity, cordiality and your own wishes. In this case, the shrine will become a real protector.

Which icon to choose?

Icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family

One of the most sought-after images is considered to be "Seven-shooter". This image represents the Virgin Mary, Jesus is not on it. The Mother of God holds on to six or seven arrows, depending on the particular type of icon. They pierce her chest, and the Mother of God grieves for each of us.

These arrows symbolize earthly sins underneath. Unfortunately, people are in no hurry to get rid of them, so this image is considered in demand today. There are various legends about this image. She has a strong energy that helps to cope with any problems. The icon will saturate the house with positive energy, defuse a difficult situation.

If there is discord or quarrels in the house, you should pray to the Mother of God, asking her to get rid of negative emotions, calm those who suffer, and measure the warring. This icon will allow you to get rid of bad thoughts and unkind people. If important things are coming, take such an icon with you. It will help you calm down and tune in to a positive outcome.

The location of the seven-shot shrine opposite the entrance becomes the right decision. This is done so that each guest meets her gaze. At the same time, the icon itself can be embroidered and even unconsecrated, its energy will still be positive.

What else can you choose?

The "Indestructible Wall" shrine, which allows you to protect yourself from the negative influence of others, to achieve peace in the family

You can place this image in your own house at the entrance. This shrine is of a mosaic type with the image of the Virgin. She raises her hands up in prayer. This icon is the most in demand and revered. Its location in the hallway of your own home becomes the right decision.

The shrine will become an "indestructible wall", protecting the house from negative environmental influences. She is an assistant in the fight against enemies, ill-wishers, sorcerers and black magic in general. If a person with bad intentions enters a house with such an icon above the front door, he will feel more than uncomfortable.

Alternatively, you can give preference to the icon of the Guardian Angel. This is one of the most sought after faces. A saint should be selected by date of birth or by the name of the owner of the house. You should not just acquire an image, it is important to comprehensively approach its selection. Only in this case will it become a truly sacred amulet, bringing good luck, happiness, health.

The icon of the Guardian Angel is selected individually by each person

What should be remembered?

Attention! The main thing in matters of icon placement is faith. Without faith, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve positive influence and beneficial changes in your own home.

Remember that if there is no faith, you can not even try to hang the icon in your own house. It will carry positive energy, but it will not be possible to notice specific changes without faith. It is necessary to approach the issues of choosing an icon in a comprehensive manner. This is an individual process for each person. It is important to pay attention to general recommendations, however, it is necessary to select a specific image solely based on your own feelings and priorities.

There is, according to theologians, an ancient legend about how, during her earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos decided, with the help of the Evangelist Luke, to leave a memory of herself to people. To have a special Divine sign for them, bearing the grace of the Mother of God. Accurately and subtly written off by a talented artist and healer of human souls, the image of the Madonna with the baby Jesus in her arms served as the primary source for thousands of pictorial icons.

It is understandable that people want to always have a piece of the holy image at home, but many do not know how to properly hang icons in the house. What mistakes are most often made by believing Christians who are not enlightened in this matter?

Where in the room to place a home iconostasis?

Images of saints should be given a special and honorable place. According to the testimonies of the Orthodox fathers, who knew where to hang the icon correctly, the icons were usually placed on the eastern side of the largest room in the house. But, if for some significant reason, it is not possible to equip the "red corner" under the iconostasis in the living room or in the hall, then you can use any other convenient place. The main thing is that it should not be cluttered and neat.

Unacceptable accommodation nearby:

  • art pictures;
  • photographs of deceased relatives;
  • TV, music center;
  • souvenirs and non-Orthodox books.
  • attributes of other religions (statues, idols).

Icons need a free approach to perform sincere prayers with a kneeling appeal for help and doxology to the holy images.

How many icons can I have and how can I get them?

For a home iconostasis, there are no categorical requirements regarding the number of holy images in it. There may be several or even one. It is important that each icon be revered, understood and close to the people living in the house.

They need to know:

  • with what words to communicate with God through the miraculous list;
  • the face of which of the saints is depicted on it;
  • in what cases it is possible to refer to the image;
  • how and under what circumstances humanity acquired the icon;
  • when is it celebrated?
  • where a genuine sample of icon-painting art is kept.

Believers should not adhere to unfounded superstitions that icons should not be bought or given to loved ones. Any variant of an honest acquisition of a holy image is acceptable.

True illuminated icons are distributed mainly through church shops operating at churches and monasteries. There are also houses of icons, where, with the blessing of a church minister, icon painters are allowed to make author's lists of famous sacred images.

What is not considered an icon and how to deal with it?

Calendars with indications of Orthodox holidays and fast days, other printed publications, on the pages of which the Holy Family or God's Saints are depicted, are not considered icons. Such literature should be stored separately., in a certain box, and it is wrong to hang them among real icons.

If Orthodox literature has become unusable for further use, then it is allowed to carefully burn it yourself. It must not be left lying in the wrong place and it must not be misused., for example, as wrapping paper.

If, however, the external state of the icon has faded over time or due to exposure to water or fire, and the image on it has not become visible, then it can be taken to the master for restoration or simply left in the church, whose employees know how to deal with it further.

How to keep icons clean and safe?

In church trading shops you can buy icon cases - special boxes for storing icons. They allow you to keep the holy images clean.

Some people lovingly decorate the shelves and salaries in the home iconostasis with embroidered towels or lace patches, artificial flowers. It is necessary to place everything in such a way as to protect flammable household items from fire. At the request of believers, shop workers will explain in an accessible way how to properly hang a burning lamp in front of the icon.

Masters - manufacturers of the base, which serves for the subsequent writing of a holy image on it, usually think over how it will be attached to the wall. In the material, more often wooden, a special hole or loop is made. If there is nothing of the kind, then it is better not to hang such an icon, but to put it on a fixed shelf. But in no case should an icon be nailed through, especially in the outline of a holy face or robe.

Icons in other rooms of the house or apartment

There is no ban on placing icons in other living quarters, in the bedroom or in the kitchen. Of course, we are not talking about a balcony or a bathroom.

  • In a room where a common meal is usually served by household members, icons depicting Christ the Savior or the Last Supper would be right to hang over the dining table. Here, prayers of thanksgiving are offered for the opportunity to eat “daily bread”.
  • Not the pagan “horseshoe for happiness” or “wind music”, but the holy image, as the eternal guardian of the well-being of the hearth, should meet all the Orthodox believers entering the house above the door. In everyday life and economic affairs, since ancient times, Christian peoples have given preference to icons depicting God's helper Nicholas the Pleasant, the Great Defender from enemies and misfortunes - George the Victorious.
  • In the bedroom or children's room, it is correct to hang a nominal icon over the head of a sleeping person. First, through the prayers of the parents, and then the baby himself, she will protect the child from bad thoughts, grant him health and obedience.

If there are many icons, then certain rules for their tiered placement are followed. Central and upper are the holy images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Below are icons depicting the Holy Great Martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith.

How to hang icons in a room

How to hang icons in an apartment and what is a red corner?

How to hang icons in the house was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

The home of an Orthodox Christian cannot be imagined without icons. However, you should not mindlessly buy all the images you like, because they also need to be placed in a house that has limited space. Thus, the number of icons in the house should be within reasonable limits.

How to hang icons in the house? Photos and basic explanations can be found in the article below.

Basic rules for placing icons

According to church traditions, believers should pray facing the east. Therefore, icons are advised to be placed on the eastern side of the apartment. If you have such an opportunity, place the iconostasis in the east.

However, in many cases in the east in modern buildings there are doors or windows and, accordingly, then it will not work to place the image there. But how to hang icons in the apartment in this case? Choose any other wall, because it is impossible to change the location of the building in modern conditions.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points, but also its freedom and accessibility. It should be convenient for all family members to stand in front of the icons, especially if joint prayer is practiced in the family.

Where to put icons in the house

It is allowed to place the image on the walls (including at the head of the bed), on the table. Ideally, when the shrines are placed in icon cases. Candles, lampadas, a prayer book can coexist with icons: in a word, everything that helps in prayer.

At the same time, it is undesirable when secular paintings, figurines, posters with images of athletes, politicians, musicians, and so on are next to the icons.

We add that next to the icons you can not place pictures even with biblical scenes. The fact is that an icon is a means through which believers communicate with God, the Mother of God and the saints; you can't pray in front of pictures.

Where to put icons in the apartment

Can they coexist with home appliances? This is undesirable and, if possible, such a neighborhood should be prevented. However, if, for example, a computer in a particular family is a means of work, then putting the images side by side is quite normal, because before, after and even during work, you can and should pray, asking God's blessing on your deeds.

According to an old tradition, often the Red Corner in the house was decorated with the means available at that time: fresh flowers and skillfully embroidered towels. This tradition is not a sin to support today. Therefore, if there is such a desire, feel free to decorate your iconostasis and single-placed icons.

So, where to hang icons in the house? Summarize:

  • It is advisable to place them on the eastern wall of the house.
  • Availability.
  • Icons can be hung on the wall, put on the table and shelves, placed in icon cases.
  • You can not place icons and decorative items nearby.
  • Icons can be decorated with flowers and towels.

Sequence of placement of icons

Now you know where to hang icons in the house. However, in what order should they be placed?

When placing icons in the temple, church servants take into account the many requirements of the Charter. However, the rules for placing shrines on the home iconostasis are by no means so strict. The main ones include:

  • Thoughtful composition and systematic placement.
  • Above all, the images of the Holy Trinity, Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos should be placed. Icons of the apostles (if any) can be placed under them. Then it is already necessary to place the images of the saints.
  • should be placed to the right of the worshiper, and to the left.
  • Uniformity of styles.

It is desirable, but not strictly necessary, that the images be performed in approximately the same manner: otherwise, the variety of styles may distract from prayer work. However, this does not apply to images - family heirlooms. They should be placed on the home iconostasis, regardless of whether they fit into the general style of images or not.

So, now you know how to properly place the icons in the house, photos and text will help you in this good deed. We hope that our article will help you create a canonically correct and aesthetically pleasing iconostasis!

Recently, more and more people began to turn to faith and try to lead a spiritual lifestyle. Ordinary knowledge about religion is no longer limited to the prayer "Our Father", the baptism of children and the knowledge of the dates of the main church holidays - Christmas, Easter and the Trinity. Now many people are seriously thinking about the meaning of prayer words, holy images, and about the reverent awe that wakes up in the chest at the sight of the Temple of the Lord.

For some, this is a tribute to fashion, but for some, religion means a lot, and he tries to bring this grace of God into his home. Having bought a new home, having made repairs, it is very important to complete this important life stage with the Lord's blessing and bless the apartment or house.

The next step is the design of the so-called red corner. This is a kind of home iconostasis - a sacred place for the prayers of the saints. It is often organized as a separate shelf, free from books, photographs and other necessary and not very household items, on which there are painted faces of Orthodox intercessors revered in this family.

Each icon has its own place and they are placed in relation to the divine hierarchy:

  • at the very top - the icon of the Trinity or the crucifix;
  • the icon of Jesus Christ, on the left (if facing the iconostasis) - the face of the Mother of God, on the right - the image of St. Nicholas (they can be in various variations and interpretations);
  • apostles and equal-to-the-apostles saints;
  • holy fathers of the church;
  • martyrs and great martyrs;
  • reverends;
  • the righteous and the saints;
  • blessed.

However, there are also people for whom the focus of Divine power alone is not enough, and they spread its image throughout the apartment - in the kitchen, bedroom, corridor.

Very often, when visiting, you can find icons on the doorstep of the house - on a shelf near the mirror in the corridor. And some go further and hang the icon right above the front door or in front of it, like a talisman.

But there are several options for such placement, you can choose from which only by answering the question: what benefit should the icon bring to the house?

Seven-shot Mother of God

The most common guardian of the gates of the home is the icon "Seven Arrows" with the image of the Mother of God. To understand what her divine protection consists of, let us turn to her history. She sends us to Vologda, to the distant past, to troubled times with constant outbreaks of terrible diseases.

One day, a lame and sick peasant, who had lost all hope of a cure, heard the call of the voice of the Lord. He prophesied healing after the peasant finds the icon of the Mother of God in the bell tower at the Theological Church and prays before it.

What a surprise befell everyone when she was found among the steps of the bell tower - trampled down, covered with a layer of dirt. But when she was put in order, she not only helped the sick person get rid of the disease and gain faith, but after a while she took the cholera epidemic away from these places.

Features of this image

On most icons, the Mother of God is depicted with Jesus or saints and angels. But here she stands alone, with seven swords piercing her chest. This image personifies mental anguish and her exorbitant sadness experienced on earth.

This icon is known among believers as the protector of homes from criminals and their evil intentions, as well as from ordinary people with bad intentions.

There are different versions of this icon:

  • with the image of seven swords (three on the left and on the right and one in the center, four on the right and three on the left, which is why it is called "Seven-shot");
  • with six swords.

Performed in the second version, it also has the name "Softener of Evil Hearts." She protects the family not only from impious people, but also from discord within. If someone in the family has bad thoughts and anger at relatives and friends, then he is advised to pray to this icon with a request to the Mother of God to give softening to these feelings and emotions.

The seven-shooter Mother of God is considered one of the strongest, therefore it does not matter which icon to hang - large or small, bought in a church shop or printed on a printer, embroidered with beads or carved from wood. The most important thing is the attitude and faith with which you do it, and what meaning you put into this action.

"Indestructible Wall" or "Goalkeeper"

This is another version of the icon that can be hung over the front door.

Its prototype was one of the most famous shrines of the Orthodox world - a mosaic under the dome of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv above the main altar.

It depicts the praying Mother of God, with her hands raised to heaven and standing on a golden stone in the shape of a quadrangle.

This image is also known as Oranta the protector, who for nine centuries could not be destroyed by either war, or the elements, or man.

And Kyiv never fell with it...

History of the name and image

There is a religious tradition about an old man. A wondrous city appeared to him, in which he had to get. But there were two roads leading to the city. One was wide, most of the people were walking along it. However, none of them noticed the formidable giant throwing nets at them and taking them for himself.

Few walked along the second narrow and steep path, but they were like untouchables, the Mother of God protected them, and no matter how hard the giant tried, he could not get them. On this inconspicuous but safe road, the elder reached the desired city, passing the dangers. Thanks to this, the icon with the Mother of God-protector was called the "Indestructible Wall".


In the house, it is hung above the entrance or opposite it. So, she has the ability to protect the monastery from disasters, enemy deeds and from a force called unclean in everyday life. Any person who has impure thoughts, crossing the threshold under the protection of Oranta, begins to feel awkward and ill, and will soon leave altogether.

Protects the "Goalkeeper" and from witchcraft, ailments, various troubles and adverse events. If you pray to her before leaving for a long time, then the icon will protect the house in your absence from any intrusion, taking it under its protection.

The opinion of the clergy

The servants of the Lord have repeatedly commented on the question of where icons can be hung in the house. They disagree about the place for the “goddess” (home iconostasis), but they agree that icons serve a person to connect with the Almighty, remind him of him and send down His grace.

However, there are those who categorically refer to the role of icons as amulets. The clergy argue this position by the fact that the icon is an image of a saint and has nothing to do with pagan rituals to scare away evil forces, and the images themselves do not protect against anything. And this is facilitated by unquestioning faith in God and regular prayers.

Thus, whether or not to hang an icon over the front door is a purely individual decision and should be based on the inner views and faith of everyone, and not be based on superstitions and fashion trends.

They occupy a special place not only in churches and temples, but also in the home of ordinary people. The image of the Seven Arrows Mother of God has been one of the most powerful images for many centuries. There is an opinion that if you hang it in the house, it will protect the home from misfortunes and troubles. Every believer is obliged to know in what, when and to whom the face helps.

Description of the miraculous image

The icon depicts the Mother of God. Her head is slightly tilted to the right, and near the heart in the form of a circle there are seven swords piercing the heart of the Mother of God. As a rule, three of them are on the right, and four are on the left. This is clearly visible in the photo.

There is an image in a slightly different arrangement, where the seventh sword pierces the heart from below, and the remaining six from both sides. This face of the Mother of God is also true.

The number "seven" for Christians means abundance and fullness, and in this case they convey bitterness and endless maternal pain. In some cases, the meaning is interpreted as seven human sinful passions which the icon is able to read in evil hearts. The Virgin Mary asks to eradicate sinful thoughts and is ready to ask the Son to help people.

In the ancient Scriptures there is no information about the date of origin of the image. According to some, the age of the icon is 5 centuries, while others believe that it is much more. History says that the first image of the holy face was found in 1830 on an ordinary wooden board.

Miracles of the "Seven Arrows" Icon

According to legend, the image was painted from the words of Simeon, who pronounced them on the fortieth day after the birth of Christ in the temple of Jerusalem. For a long time, the face was hidden from worldly views on the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. The icon was located in such a way that it was impossible to find it without a detailed search.

For the first time, the face appeared to a sick peasant suffering from an illness. He went to the monastery, however, he was not allowed to the bell tower. Only the third time they had mercy on him, and the man immediately found the holy image of the Mother of God. After that, the icon was washed and a service was performed in front of it on the same day. The sick man was healed. This was the first miracle performed by the "seven-shooter" icon.

Miracles continued until the disappearance of the face after the revolution in 1917. Special fame about him swept in 1830 during the cholera epidemic.

Icon "Seven Arrows": meaning, what helps

All those who are faced with troubles and sorrows, tears and anguish of the heart, resort to the help of the Virgin. It is this icon that softens evil hearts and calms hostile relations between relatives. It is believed that after offering a sincere prayer in front of the image, a person feels joy and peace, as well as liberation from evil thoughts.

In front of this face in the temple, people ask for help and intercession in everyday needs. Most Orthodox have this image in their homes, since the Mother of God is considered to be quick to obey and protector of all Christianity. Those who hang the icon in the house may not be afraid of deceit, attacks by evil forces and people. It protects residents from bad and drives away evil.

Often the "Seven Arrows" icon is located in the office on the wall or desktop. Usually, these are small images that are opposite the office entrance. Often during wars, the miraculous image protected soldiers from dangerous situations and armed conflict.

When people feel anger towards others, they should come up to the face and read a prayer. Just one look at the swords is enough to soften the heart, clear the mind and make the person feel calm and relieved.

Who does the "Seven-shot" icon help?

  1. Those who participate in the battles. The image protects from the touch of a weapon.
  2. People who have envious people and enemies, the face softens the heart.
  3. Sick people in need of a speedy recovery. Prayer is said for cholera and lameness.

How to read prayers

A person can pronounce in his own words, and the priests claim that it helps in the same way as the church version.

Prayer is always directed to the Mother of God with all my heart with the most sincere thoughts. The request for help will be heard and it will come soon. Prayer for the healing of the patient, for the onset of a white streak in life, for the resolution of quarrels and conflicts - this is what the image can help with.

When the holy image is honored

Since all the icons (“Simeon's Prophecy”, “Seven Arrows”, “Softener of Evil Hearts”) differ, they are still referred to as a single iconographic type. For this reason, many centuries ago, they decided to combine the days of the celebration of images.

In liturgical practice, the days of celebration are carried out:

  • August 13/26;
  • on the ninth Sunday after Easter (All Saints' Week);
  • on the first Sunday after Holy Trinity.

In which temple can you find a shrine?

In the Moscow region there are two myrrh-streaming icons of the Virgin Mary "Seven Arrows":

  • in the Church of the Archangel Michael (Moscow);
  • in the village of Bachurino.

The history of the second shrine is incredibly interesting. This image is printed, and it was made by order of Margarita Vorobieva. However, later the owner noted that the face began to stream myrrh. Then she gave it to the church, which recognized the image as miraculous. Now the icon is often taken to the temples of the country and abroad.

Another shrine is located in the Church of St. Lazarus the Righteous in Vologda. It occupies one of the main places in the temple, and the icon has been there since 1945. Earlier, she miraculously appeared in the church of St. John the Evangelist. Nowadays, pilgrimages are held here twice a year.

The list of the image was placed in the Venetian chapel. He came to Italy after the events of the Second World War. Not far from Belogorye in 1942, there was a battle of Italian troops against the German coalition. In one of the houses destroyed by the bomb, soldiers from Italy found an intact icon. She was handed over to the priest Policarpo. Residents of Belogorye say that earlier the face was considered the property of the monastery. The Italians gave the icon a new name Madonna del Don. A year later, the Italians were defeated, and the priest with the image managed to hide in Mestre. There, a chapel was built in honor of the miraculous shrine.

There is one more of the lists in the Kaluga province (the city of Zhizdra). In the description, this icon was called "Simeon's prophecy." It differs from the “Softener of Evil Hearts” and “Seven-shot” in that the Mother of God hides herself from swords with one hand, and holds the Baby in the other.

Where in the house to place the icon?

Before placing an image in a house, a believer asks the question, where and how best to do this?

The most suitable place for a shrine is a special equipped corner - Other icons that are of particular importance to the family are also placed there. There are no clear requirements in this regard, however, some recommendations should be followed:

  • in order to attract positive energy, it is better to place the face in the eastern part of the house;
  • you can hang an image opposite the entrance, protecting the house from evil, negative energy and evil spirits;
  • the icon is hung right above the front door;
  • you should not put amulets, talismans and other items that are not related to Christianity near the shrine;
  • on the recommendation of the clergy, it is worth supplementing the icon with a towel;
  • the place near the icon must always be kept clean, and therefore cleaned regularly;
  • it is undesirable to put other images and household appliances, photos of family members or relatives nearby.

Icon of the Mother of God Seven Arrows

Where to buy the "Seven-shooter" icon?

The image of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows" is popular all over the world. Insofar as there are no restrictions on it, anyone can purchase an icon.

Of course, it is better to buy a shrine in a church, since there will be no fraud and deceit in a holy place. Another place where images are sold is a church shop. Here you can find everything from candles to icons and books with prayers.

Despite the fact that most merchants claim that the image is consecrated, do not be lazy - take the face to the church to give power.

People with creative abilities often create icons on their own - they embroider with a cross and beads or draw.

What else to read