Composition "The victory of good over evil in A. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

In whatever form the struggle between good and evil is waged, but the victory of good is always and by everyone regarded as the triumph of justice, because the category of "justice" meets the criteria of good to the greatest extent. It is connected with the idea of ​​a set of morally acceptable norms, which act as a correct (adequate) measure of rewarding a person for his actions. This concept evaluates the relationship between

a) the "roles" of individuals or social groups: everyone must find their place in life, their "niche" corresponding to their abilities and capabilities;

b) deed and reward;

c) crime and punishment;

d) rights and obligations;

e) dignity and honor.

Their conformity, harmony, fair correlation is regarded as good.

Justice is the measure of the natural rights of man. The concept of justice is based on the principle of equality, equalizing the rights of each person to a single starting opportunity and giving everyone the same chance to realize themselves. However, equality is by no means the same as equality, although these concepts are often (consciously or accidentally) confused and replaced by each other. People are equal in their rights, but not equal in their capabilities, abilities, interests, needs, "roles" and duties.

The intentional or accidental confusion of the concepts of "equality" and "equality" testifies either to our linguistic negligence and the level of culture, or - much more seriously - exposes socio-political and moral speculation and attempts to manipulate people with the help of the desire for justice, which always drives a person.

The consciousness of justice and the attitude towards it at all times have been a stimulus for the moral and social activity of people. Nothing significant in the history of mankind has been accomplished without the awareness and demand for justice. Therefore, an objective measure of justice is historically conditioned and relative: there is no single justice “for all times and for all peoples”. The concept and requirements of justice change as society develops. Only the criterion of justice remains absolute, which is the degree of compliance of human actions and relations with social and moral requirements achieved at a given level of development of society.

The concept of justice is always the realization of the moral essence of human relations, the concretization of what is due, the realization of ideas about good and evil. After all, what seems fair to one person can be perceived by others as flagrant injustice, which is manifested in the system of assessments, rewards and punishments (appointment of one of two “equal” applicants to the position; distribution of bonuses to employees; punishment for the criminal).

The problem of just retribution for especially grave crimes is perceived especially sharply and painfully by people. Even in the Old Testament, justice was established by the simple principle of "an eye for an eye." And to this day, vengeance and revenge are perceived by many as the only means of retribution for violence and murder. Hence the attitude of the majority of people to the problem of the death penalty: about 80% of the population of Belarus and Russia consider it the only fair means of punishing murderous criminals. Perhaps this is indeed true: a person who took the life of other people should be deprived of life himself. But it turns out that from the point of view of morality, the absolutization of the principle of justice can lead to evil instead of good. This is exactly the case with the death penalty. The most important argument against the death penalty is given by supporters of the ethics of non-violence: the death penalty is certainly evil, because, by destroying one evil, it gives rise to a new one, and on a larger scale, turning into murderers everyone who voted for it, sentenced to it, carried out the sentence . The presence of the death penalty in society makes a person habitual and indifferent to evil, murder, the death of another person, cruelty. Justice lies in the fact that the punishment must be inevitable, and not in the fact that it must be cruel, all the more senselessly cruel. Obviously, the death penalty does not make any sense for the following reasons:

The abolition or retention of the death penalty does not change the level of crime in the country (this is confirmed by many years of sociological research);

The death penalty does not have a preventive effect: it does not intimidate or deter the offender (which is also confirmed);

It does not prevent crime: none of the potential criminals is stopped by the presence or absence of the death penalty in society;

She cannot satisfy the relatives of the victims: after all, the momentary triumph caused by the fact that “justice has triumphed” is not able to return their loved ones to them;

It is not a full punishment: instant death during execution - deliverance of the criminal from suffering.

Thus, the meaning of the death penalty boils down to one thing: the satisfaction of our base passions in cruelty and revenge. Justice can be carried out in a different way that does not take the life of another person, even a criminal - for example, through life imprisonment. And it is inappropriate to talk here about the economic inexpediency of such punishment: humanism and morality should not be measured in monetary terms.

The problems of Good and Evil, justice and injustice, violence and non-violence have been and remain the central and eternal problems of ethics. But we would like to end this section with the words of A. Schweitzer: “Kindness must become the real force of history and proclaim the beginning of the age of humanity. Only the victory of the humanistic worldview over anti-humanism will allow us to look into the future with hope.


In a broad sense, good and evil denote positive and negative values ​​in general. We use these words to mean a wide variety of things: “good” means simply good, “evil” means bad. In the dictionary of V. Dahl, for example, (recall, he called it “The Dictionary of the Living Russian Language”) “good” is defined first as material wealth, property, acquisition, then as necessary, suitable, and only “in a spiritual sense” - as honest and useful corresponding to the duty of a person, citizen, family man. As a property of "kind" Dalem also refers primarily to things, livestock, and then only to man. As a characteristic of a person, “kind” is first identified by Dahl with “efficient”, “knowledgeable”, “able”, and only then with “loving”, “doing good”, “soft-hearted”. In most modern European languages, the same word is used to designate material goods and moral goods, which provides extensive food for moral and philosophical reasoning about good in general and what is good in itself.

Good and evil are relative - in their correlation with the highest good, the moral ideal as an image of perfection, or Good (with a capital letter). But the opposition between good and evil is absolute. This opposition is realized through a person: through his decisions, actions and assessments.

ON THE. Berdyaev: “The main position of ethics, which has understood the paradox of good and evil, can be formulated as follows: act as if you hear God’s call and are called to participate in God’s work in a free and creative act, reveal in yourself a pure and original conscience, discipline your personality, fight evil in yourself and around you, but not in order to push the evil and evil into hell and create a hellish kingdom, but in order to really defeat evil and contribute to the enlightenment and creative transformation of evil.

The concept of good and evil should be formed in childhood. And goodness begins precisely when a child is born. Pure, bright, truly good creation of God. By educating children in simple everyday rules of behavior, we cultivate the moral code of the generation. Sukhomlinsky argues that “children live by their ideas of good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity; they have their own criteria for beauty, they even have their own measurement of time. The whole question is how to preserve all this purity, the purity of a small heart.

Parable about good and evil. Anger had a son. They called him evil. Such that he himself was difficult with him. And he decided to marry him to some virtue. You look, he will soften a little, and in his old age it will be easier with him! He stole joy and married his evil to it. That marriage was only short-lived. But he left a child - gloating. Indeed, there can be nothing in common between good and evil. And if it suddenly happens, then do not expect good from him!

Fet Athanasius wrote about Good and Evil:

Two worlds rule from the ages

Two equal beings:

One embraces a man,

The other is my soul and thought.

And as in a dewdrop, a little noticeable

You will recognize the whole face of the sun,

So merged in the depths of the cherished

You will find the whole universe.

Not deceitful young courage:

Bend over fatal labor -

And the world will reveal its blessings;

But to be not a thought of a deity.

And even in the hour of rest.

Lifting a sweaty brow

Don't be afraid of bitter comparison

And distinguish between good and evil.

But if on the wings of pride

You dare to know like a god

Do not bring into the world of shrines

Your slave anxieties.

Pari is all-seeing and all-powerful,

And from unstained heights

Good and evil, like grave dust,

In crowds of people will disappear.

In the middle of the thicket in a gloomy cave lived a sorcerer named Mack. He was cunning and angry so much that even the grass growing around the cave withered from his evil breath. Mac's witchcraft was fueled by the malice of people. The more evil people appeared in the surrounding cities and villages, the stronger he became. But kindness continued to live in human hearts, which did not allow malice to take possession of the souls of people. The sorcerer was angry, and angry, he lost his strength. Then he had an insidious plan...

Not far from the sorcerer's cave was a small town where happy people lived. They worked and raised children. Their merry laughter from morning to evening reverberated around and angered the sorcerer. So he decided to conquer the city. The sorcerer knew that every person has his own weaknesses, which are hidden somewhere deep - deep inside. This is what Mac wanted to use. One day, when thick darkness descended on the earth, he appeared in the city. Smiling maliciously, the sorcerer walked through the deserted city streets, looking into the windows and sending curses to people. His breath, filled with malice and hatred, penetrated the hearts of the sleeping inhabitants. Having walked around the whole city, the satisfied sorcerer returned to his dwelling and began to wait for the morning. He was sure that his efforts would be rewarded.

Morning came, the inhabitants of the city went about their usual business. But where did their kindness go? They began to quarrel with each other for any reason. Even the closest people became enemies. It seemed to everyone that his neighbor was plotting something against him. Therefore, there were often fights.

Thus, day after day, malice drove kindness out of their hearts. When the last grains of kindness dried up, people turned into shadows, but they did not notice it. But the sorcerer triumphed: now he has become stronger than ever!

But not all the inhabitants of the city were affected by his witchcraft spells ... On the outskirts of the town, in a small dilapidated house, lived a grandmother with her granddaughter. The granddaughter's name was Lyubava, and the grandmother's name was Mira.

They lived very poorly, but they did not envy anyone and never grumbled at fate, because they knew how to rejoice in everything good: the gentle sun, green grass, birdsong, warm summer rain, the first fluffy snow ... Even on the darkest days it was warm in this house and cozy, because his hostesses were warmed by kindness.

New Year's Eve has arrived. Lyubava left the house and, as usual, smiled at the winter sun, greeted a sparrow sitting on a birch branch, ruffled from the cold, and waved merrily after the red-breasted bullfinch. She and her grandmother loved the New Year - a holiday of miracles and magic - and always made a single wish: that the New Year would bring joy to all kind people. They did not ask for anything more from Santa Claus. But the good wizard never bypassed their modest dwelling. When Grandmother and granddaughter fell asleep, he entered the house and left gifts.

Lyubava went to the grocery store to buy something for the holiday. The girl was very surprised when, at her greeting, the owner of the shop grunted rudely:

Grab what you need quickly and get out! I have enough to do without you!

Confused, the girl could not utter a word. She took the purchase and silently left. On the way, she had to listen to a lot of insults from the boys running past, and from the hurrying passers-by who stumbled upon her somewhere. Returning home, Lyubava told her grandmother about what had happened. She sighed and shared her thoughts with her granddaughter.

This, granddaughter, is the tricks of the sorcerer Mack, who infects people with anger and turns them into shadows.

Why does he need this?! Lyubava was surprised.

This makes him powerful.

Why didn't you and I become evil? the girl asked.

Because we love each other, and in our hearts there is not a drop of envy and malice, - Mira answered. He can't deal with us.

How to help people free themselves from the evil spell of the sorcerer? the excited girl asked again.

I also heard from my grandmother that Mac can only be defeated by a person with a pure heart. He needs to get on New Year's Eve to a magical forest spring that does not freeze even in the most severe winter, and drink water from it at exactly midnight.

Where is this spring?

By the forest lake where Mac lives. But the villain will not allow anyone to him. After all, he also knows this secret. As well as something that will forever lose its charms if a person with a pure heart drinks spring water.

I'll go there! – resolutely declared girl. “You can’t leave people in trouble!”

Although I’m afraid for you, granddaughter, I won’t stop you, ”grandmother said softly and began to cry.

Don't cry, dear grandma! I'll be back soon, - the girl promised goodbye and went in search of a magical spring.

Lyubava headed towards the darkening forest in the distance. There was such a strong snowstorm that the girl could hardly move her legs, now and then bogged down in deep snowdrifts. When she finally reached the forest, it was already dark. Suddenly the blizzard subsided, the sky cleared of clouds. The moon appeared in the sky and illuminated the forest. The girl saw a lunar path in front of her, which went deep into the forest. A girl walked along it.

At midnight, Lyubava reached a spring ringing like thousands of small bells. Snow lay all around, the branches cracked from the frost, and near the spring it was warm, like in summer. As soon as the girl leaned towards him to drink the magic water, an unknown force threw Lyubava into the snow-covered bushes.

How dare you come here?! – the sorcerer appeared angrily. "Submit to me, stupid girl!" Otherwise you will die!

I'm not afraid of you! the brave girl replied.

Not afraid?! Mac hissed, trembling with anger. - Yes, I will destroy you!

The sorcerer grabbed the girl, but she boldly looked into his eyes. Mack immediately felt himself weakening: even such a powerful sorcerer as he was unable to cope with the all-conquering kindness that lived in Lyubava's heart. His hands unclenched and the girl was free. She went to the spring and pressed her lips to the crystal water. Having drunk, Lyubava hurried home along the same moonlit path. After all, her beloved grandmother was waiting for her there, who prepared a modest treat for the New Year.

In the morning the girl left the house and ran into the shopkeeper. He had a basket of groceries in his hands.

Hello, Lover! he spoke softly. - I decided to visit you, congratulate you on the New Year and find out how your grandmother's health is. And I haven't seen her for a long time.

Good morning! We're all right! Thanks! - the girl answered happily, accepting the basket.

Lyubava immediately realized that the inhabitants of the city had again become the same. Her kindness and selflessness healed them of anger, and the city of shadows again turned into a city of happy people. However, one should never give vent to evil feelings. Otherwise, they will crowd out kindness, and there will be some kind of evil sorcerer who will turn you into insensitive shadows, as happened in our fairy tale.

Good in fairy tales always defeats evil, and for this we love the ingenious instructive stories about Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, Miracle Yuda, mermen and mermaids. A. S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is also a fairy tale. There you can meet the evil wizard Chernomor and a huge talking head, the brave knight and the beautiful brave princess, the wise old man Finn and the vile traitor Farlaf.
A lot of evil and injustice awaits us at the beginning of the poem, but a fairy tale has its own laws. Ruslan's love, loyalty and endless courage overcome both the distrust of the old prince, the evil machinations of the dwarf wizard, and even the deceit and betrayal of a cowardly rival. Lyudmila also does not give up when she gets into trouble. She is brave, does not lose heart in the captivity of the insidious Chernomor. The young princess manages to hide by using the bearded dwarf's magic hat. This helps her to wait for her beloved, the victorious kidnapper of other people's brides.
All evil is punished by the end of the poem. And this happens due to the high moral qualities of the heroes of this fairy tale.

Essay on literature on the topic: The victory of good over evil in A. S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

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The victory of good over evil in A. S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

4. Justice: the victory of good over evil

In whatever form the struggle between good and evil is waged, but the victory of good is always and by everyone regarded as the triumph of justice, because the category of "justice" meets the criteria of good to the greatest extent. It is connected with the idea of ​​a set of morally acceptable norms, which act as a correct (adequate) measure of rewarding a person for his actions. This concept evaluates the relationship between: a) the "roles" of individuals or social groups: everyone must find their place in life, their "niche" corresponding to their abilities and capabilities; b) deed and reward; c) crime and punishment; d) rights and obligations; e) dignity and honor. Their conformity, harmony, fair correlation is regarded as good.

Justice is the measure of the natural rights of man. The concept of justice is based on the principle of equality, equalizing the rights of each person to a single starting opportunity and giving everyone the same chance to realize themselves. However, equality is by no means the same as equality, although these concepts are often (consciously or accidentally) confused and substituted for each other. People are equal in their rights, but not equal in their capabilities, abilities, interests, needs, "roles" and duties. On the one hand, this is wonderful: after all, it is in our inequality, non-identity that the origins of our individuality, uniqueness and originality are laid, and would it be fair to measure everyone “by one arshin”? On the other hand, this confusion of concepts gives rise to a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions.

So, a child cannot be equal to his parents, but he must be equal with them: he is not the property of his father and mother (by the way, just like the state), they are not free to dispose of him at their discretion, and his rights must be respected and be protected, as are the rights of adults. It is no coincidence that today a powerful worldwide movement in defense of the rights of the child is expanding, and in educational institutions the rights of the child are studied within the framework of human rights. A woman is not equal to a man - and this is fine, but she is equal to him in her desire to realize her starting opportunities. The student is not equal to the teacher, but is equal with him in observance of civil rights and freedoms, in relation to his honor and dignity. And therefore, let's say, the demand for their respect from both the teacher and the student should be mutual: the teacher does not have the right to humiliate the student, just as we demand this from the student in relation to the teacher.

The intentional or accidental confusion of the concepts of "equality" and "equality" testifies either to our linguistic negligence and the level of culture, or - much more seriously - exposes socio-political and moral speculation and attempts to manipulate people with the help of the desire for justice, which always drives a person.

And today, various political parties of the left direction, using the property inequality that is developing in the market, the division into rich and poor, appeal to a sense and consciousness of justice and call citizens to fight for it and establish equality. These leaders are either illiterate and do not understand that equality is impossible in principle, or they deliberately use the credulity of citizens in their quest for power.

The consciousness of justice and the attitude towards it at all times have been a stimulus for the moral and social activity of people. Nothing significant in the history of mankind has been accomplished without the awareness and demand for justice. Therefore, an objective measure of justice is historically conditioned and relative: there is no single justice “for all times and for all peoples”. The concept and requirements of justice change as society develops. Only the criterion of justice remains absolute, which is the degree of compliance of human actions and relations with social and moral requirements achieved at a given level of development of society.

The concept of justice is always the realization of the moral essence of human relations, the concretization of what is due, the realization of ideas about good and evil. And therefore, the concept of “justice” embodies those properties of good and evil that we spoke about above, in particular, relativity and subjectivity. After all, what seems fair to one person can be perceived by others as flagrant injustice, which is manifested in the system of assessments, rewards and punishments (appointment of one of two “equal” applicants to the position; distribution of bonuses to employees; punishment for the criminal).

The problem of just retribution for especially grave crimes is perceived especially sharply and painfully by people. Even in the Old Testament, justice was established by the simple principle of "an eye for an eye." And to this day, vengeance and revenge are perceived by many as the only means of retribution for violence and murder. Hence the attitude of the majority of people to the problem of the death penalty: about 80% of the population of Belarus and Russia consider it the only fair means of punishing murderous criminals. Perhaps this is indeed true: a person who took the life of other people should be deprived of life himself. But it turns out that from the point of view of morality, the absolutization of the principle of justice can lead to evil instead of good. This is exactly the case with the death penalty. The most important argument against the death penalty is given by supporters of the ethics of non-violence: the death penalty, of course, is evil, because, destroying one evil, it gives rise to a new one, and on a larger scale, turning into murderers everyone who voted for it, sentenced to it, and sentenced into execution. The presence of the death penalty in society makes a person habitual and indifferent to evil, murder, the death of another person, cruelty. Justice lies in the fact that the punishment must be inevitable, and not in the fact that it must be cruel, all the more senselessly cruel. Obviously, the death penalty does not make any sense for the following reasons:

The abolition or retention of the death penalty does not change the level of crime in the country (this is confirmed by many years of sociological research);

The death penalty does not have a preventive effect: it does not intimidate or deter the offender (which is also confirmed);

It does not prevent crime: none of the potential criminals is stopped by the presence or absence of the death penalty in society;

She cannot satisfy the relatives of the victims: after all, the momentary triumph caused by the fact that “justice has triumphed” is not able to return their loved ones to them;

It is not a full punishment: instant death during execution - deliverance of the criminal from suffering.

Thus, the meaning of the death penalty boils down to one thing: the satisfaction of our base passions in cruelty and revenge. Justice can be carried out in a different way that does not take the life of another person, even a criminal - for example, through a life sentence. And it is inappropriate to talk here about the economic inexpediency of such punishment: humanism and morality should not be measured in monetary terms.


The problems of Good and Evil, justice and injustice, violence and non-violence have been and remain the central and eternal problems of ethics. We have presented here only some approaches to understanding them. We hope that the knowledge gained and your own life experience will help you to navigate your life correctly every time and make the right moral choice. But we would like to end this section with the words of A. Schweitzer: “Kindness must become the real force of history and proclaim the beginning of the age of humanity. Only the victory of the humanistic worldview over anti-humanism will allow us to look to the future with hope.”

Glossary of terms

Kindness is love, wisdom, talent, activity, citizenship, a sense of belonging to the problems of one's people and humanity as a whole.

Passivity is the position of a person who has not grown up to violence.


1. Venediktova V.I. On business ethics and etiquette, M., 1999.

2. Zelenkova I.L., Belyaeva E.V. Ethics, Minsk, 2000.

3. Zolotukhina-Abolina. Course of lectures on ethics, Rostov-on-Don, 1998.

4. Kondratov V.A. Ethics. Aesthetics. Rostov-on-Don, 1998.

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Good in fairy tales always defeats evil, and for this we love the ingenious instructive stories about Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, Miracle Yuda, mermen and mermaids. A. S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is also a fairy tale. There you can meet the evil wizard Chernomor and a huge talking head, the brave knight and the beautiful brave princess, the wise old man Finn and the vile traitor Farlaf.

A lot of evil and injustice awaits us at the beginning of the poem, but a fairy tale has its own laws. Ruslan's love, loyalty and endless courage overcome both the distrust of the old prince, the evil machinations of the dwarf wizard, and even the deceit and betrayal of a cowardly rival. Lyudmila also does not give up when she gets into trouble. She is brave, does not lose heart in the captivity of the insidious Chernomor. The young princess manages to hide by using the bearded dwarf's magic hat. This helps her to wait for her beloved, the victorious kidnapper of other people's brides.

All evil is punished by the end of the poem. And this happens due to the high moral qualities of the heroes of this fairy tale.

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