Interpretations of dreams with beads. Why do you dream of beads: pay attention to your attitude towards family and friends

Wore in a dream beautiful decoration, but suddenly the beads fell apart? This means that your plans will be completely upset and your expectations will not be fulfilled. The dream book will tell you why you dream about an unexpected incident.

Bad Omen

Did you dream that a strong-looking product tore and fell apart? Most often, in a dream this is a bad sign. Get ready for very big troubles or even real trouble.

It is possible that when performing a difficult task, the person you were counting on will abandon you. Approximately the same situation can happen in love.

Are the beads torn? The dream book warns: through your own fault you will suffer serious damages and losses. Perhaps you will quarrel with your loved ones or lose your job.

You are protected!

Why do you dream if you decide to wear an elegant thing, but the beads fall apart in your hands? Someone is planning to do you great harm.

The dream book also suggests: there is a possibility that a magical attack took place, but it was successfully repelled right in the dream.

Seeing scattered beads means that you will literally get bogged down in worries and everyday trifles. Did you dream that the thread broke and the pebbles scattered in different directions? In reality, decide to embellish something or deceive someone, but this is unlikely to happen.

Tragedy or completion?

If a young woman happened to see beads scattered right on her chest, then she is in for a very tragic fate and loneliness in old age.

However, there is a more favorable interpretation of the dream: the plot eloquently indicates the completion of an unpleasant matter, the severance of a difficult relationship, or the resolution of a difficult problem.

Did you dream that the beads were pressing on your neck, and you deliberately tore them off? The dream book is sure: soon all the troubles will pass, you will get rid of what weighed heavily on you. Lately, feel a surge of strength and energy.

According to Miller

If in your dreams your own beads fell apart, then by deliberately bad or simply irresponsible actions you will ruin your personal happiness, career, and destiny itself.

What are they made of?

Beads in a dream symbolize strong affection for to a certain person, work, things, moral principles, etc. If they crumble, then this binding will be destroyed.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sadness; vain hopes.

The meaning of a dream about beads

according to Freud's dream book

Dreaming of beads means that in real life you tend to waste your time on trifles. You don’t have that breadth that captivates and “makes you fall in love” with yourself. Sex with you can only bring true pleasure to a pedant.

I dreamed about beads

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beads in a dream promises attention to you from people occupying a high position in society. Counting beads is a sign of joyful events. Stringing beads brings favor to wealthy people. If you scatter beads in a dream, you are in danger of losing the respect of your friends.

Why do you dream about a necklace?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

trouble; unpleasant connection.

I dreamed about a necklace

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams that she is receiving a necklace as a gift, this is a sign that she has a loving husband and a wonderful home. Losing a necklace means that she will soon have to experience the bitterness of bereavement. Seeing a beautiful necklace on yourself foretells high honors, the right to which you will doubt. For a woman, this dream foretells several not very sincere admirers.

The meaning of a dream about a necklace

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you put a necklace on yourself, it means that in reality you obey your partner in everything. Even if it seems to you that this is correct and this is exactly how it should be, you are mistaken. Submission and absolute submission ruins your chances that he will have respect for you. Now he likes to feel power over you, but then your oriental complaisance will probably irritate him and he will no longer experience the same delight.

Expert answers


On Sunday I dreamed that I liked the necklace, and I was going to buy it in a store that was closing completely, i.e. as a sale of remaining goods. And I was lucky to see this decoration; it was beautiful and impressive. Thanks for the interpretation. (Minochkina, Olga)

For accurate interpretation there are few details, but the dream may mean that in reality you have difficulties finding a partner, special choice no, but thanks to a lucky chance you will meet a man you like.


What does it mean to dream in which you give beads to another person? ([email protected])

Giving beads to another person in a dream indicates that you want to establish contact with him. There are no details for a more precise interpretation.

Appearance jewelry in dreams is often interpreted with positive side. However, some dream books about beads give a negative forecast, depending on the situation related to jewelry.

Dream beads: what does it portend?

Women's dream book

Accepting beads as a gift means a quick marriage for love and happiness. Torn, scattered beads seen in a dream promise the commission of rash actions, the result of which will be a break in relations with a lover. Buying beads and at the same time doubting the choice means uncertainty in real life. A sleeping person cannot decide who is more suitable for the role of life partner.

Imperial dream book

A dream about beads placed around your neck and squeezing it is a direct sign that it’s time to think about your health. The severity of the decoration is a manifestation of the severity of the disease in real life. Tearing off the beads, getting rid of the pressure, means complete recovery and recovery from the disease.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Trying to collect scattered beads and string them on a thread means poverty, sadness, and disappointment in people. Giving beads to someone as a gift in a dream foreshadows separation from a loved one, a severance of ties with him. Seeing beautiful beads in a dream means long and hard work that will help you achieve what you want.

Dream book of the 21st century

I dreamed of beads - soon pleasant surprises await the dreamer. Negative interpretation: beads dream of tears and grief, than larger size beads, the more sorrowful the person will be. Beautiful, shiny and bright beads signify improvements in life, while black, irregularly shaped beads signify failure. A torn thread and spilled beads dream of frustrated plans and unrealistic hopes. Looking at torn beads and sighing about it is a sign of betrayal by a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Breaking heavy beads on yourself means solving problems and leaving troubles behind. Taking off jewelry that you didn’t like and that was preventing you from breathing normally means liberation from prejudices. Why do you dream of beads? To tears and frustration. Stringing beads on a thread in a dream foreshadows troubles that will be provoked by a sleeping person. A dream about selling beads promises empty troubles. Wearing long beads while experiencing joy means a long-term relationship where the dreamer will be adored. Short, awkward jewelry, when wearing which a person experiences discomfort - to wrong choice life partner. You should take a close look at your lover.

Beads in a dream are a reflection of your connections with others, and also foreshadow a series of important events.

To truthfully interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account details such as the color of the beads, the length of the decoration, the material from which they are made, etc. How does the dream book interpret beads seen in a dream?

What are they?

Beads from expensive materials indicate that your family ties are very strong. And glass ones characterize you as a person who does not value loved ones very much, and is constantly looking for benefits only for himself.

Plastic ones indicate that friends are more important to you. blood relatives. And amber ones foreshadow a series of pleasant events in your destiny.

You dream of multi-colored beads before an exciting adventure. And dark, monochromatic ones indicate that fate will not spoil you with bright impressions for a long time.

A sparkling necklace is dreamed of before important news from afar. And wooden beads foreshadow family gatherings.

  • Whites - take care of what you have.
  • Black - danger awaits you.
  • Red - you are a very bright personality.

As the dream book writes, beads that are torn or torn signify disagreements with a loved one.

If in a dream you yourself ruined the necklace, then the blame for the conflict lies entirely with you. To make amends, the dream book recommends taking a decisive step towards reconciliation and presenting the offender with a gift according to his taste.

Long beads dream of a series of events that will affect your future destiny. If the beads are small, then you will have to work hard in order to achieve a new standard of living. And large beads, according to the dream book, mean good luck and fast decision accumulated problems.

What did you do with them?

Stringing beads on a thread means doing a tedious task, which will subsequently bring considerable profit. And putting beads around your neck means taking on additional obligations.

If you are unable to complete the work, the dream book recommends simply not taking it. Otherwise, you may either suffer significant financial losses or quarrel with a loved one.

  • Accepting jewelry as a gift means you are interesting to others.
  • Buying them is trying to adjust your destiny.
  • Finding beads means getting a chance to change your life.
  • If you don’t like them, it will lead to a quarrel with your family.
  • Giving them to someone means being interested in other people's problems.

As the dream book says, the dream book interprets the beads that you put on someone as your desire to place your problems on this person. And throwing a necklace in the trash means getting rid of unnecessary obligations.

Stealing beads, according to the dream book, means committing a rash act that will negatively affect your destiny. And to find them is to receive a responsible task.

Everything that beads dream of is connected with your inner world. Therefore, if the interpretation of the dream book does not suit you, you have the power to change it with your actions. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Beads in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Beads?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Beads mean?

According to the dream book, to see Beads - This type of ladies’ jewelry, as a rule, dreams of melancholy and sadness. In a dream you can string beads. This dream indicates a joyless activity that causes apathy. If you dreamed that you scattered beads in a dream, then your sorrows will also scatter like beads. If you buy beads, you risk getting sick in life.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about Beads:

If you see luxurious beads on yourself in a dream, this means purchasing an expensive item.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

If you see beads in a store that you really liked, but you cannot buy them because you have no money, in reality they will give you a wonderful gift, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if you dream about Beads, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Beads in a dream?

Receive beads as a gift - for a happy family life. However, if you dreamed that you lost or scattered beads, you will have to bitterly repent of your own actions, since you yourself can destroy your happiness

Grandma's old dream book

Why do you dream about Beads? What does this mean?

Seeing Beads in a dream is a surprise.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Long beads - to new love. Torn beads mean treason. You are given beads in a dream - you are very loved.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Beads in a dream?

Seeing Beads in a dream means - Stringing (beads, corals) - to poverty and disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of Beads, what is it for:

According to the dream book, see If you dreamed of beads, then a tedious but profitable activity awaits you.

See also: why do you dream about jewelry, why do you dream about gold, why do you dream about jewelry.

Pocket dream book

You dream about beads, how do you understand this?

If you dreamed of beads, then you will experience sadness, nostalgia for the past, and regret about missed opportunities. Wearing beads in a dream - patronage awaits you influential person, his letters to you will be published after his death.

If you dreamed that you were stringing beads, then everything you do is aimed at attracting attention to yourself. If you don’t come to your senses, you will very soon become the subject of ridicule from the people around you.

If you dreamed that the beads were scattered, but you could not collect the rolled beads, then your opponent began to act cunningly and skillfully.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasiliev

Seeing Beads in a dream:

If you dreamed of beads, this means a possible illness.

Everyday dream book

Why does the dreamer dream of Beads?

If you dreamed of beads, then this means a whole series of events. If the beads are multi-row, then a lot of events will happen. You need to see what the beads look like to determine what awaits you. So, for example, to see beautiful and rich beads in a dream - this means good streak in life.

If the beads are clumsy and inconspicuous, then dreary everyday life and minor troubles lie ahead. If the beads are scary and ugly, then you are entering a streak of failure in your life. The more beads on the string, the longer the events will last.

If you suddenly dreamed of beads that fell apart, then something threatens your plans. If you try to look for and collect scattered beads, then everything can end in disaster, so be careful in life.

When you dreamed that you wanted to buy beads as a gift, but could not make a choice, then this is a warning that in reality you do not dare to start a family life. We must stop hesitating because real life bypasses you.

It is considered good luck for a young girl to see beads in her dream. If a friend gives her beads, then this means a long and happy family life. However, if the girl herself scattered the beads, then she created all the problems for herself, so soon she will bitterly repent of her actions and mourn her lost happiness.

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