Role-playing games for children. Role-playing games for children

Zhanna Magomedova
Approximate scenario for the role-playing game “Theater”





MBDOU No. 41

Educator: Magomedova Zh. R.





Consolidating children's ideas about theater.

Strengthen the ability to take on different roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, constructors, building materials.

Encourage creative use of ideas in games surrounding life, impressions about works of literature, cartoons.

Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop a game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers. 6. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help out peer: the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players, to resolve disputes fairly.

Developing the ability to develop creatively game plot.

Formation of positive relationships between children. Formation of cultural behavior skills in in public places. Develop speech, imagination and creativity.

Preliminary work:

*invite parents to take their children to theater;

*conversation about theaters in our city as cultural institutions;

*looking at postcards from theaters in Kemerovo;

*conversation about rules of conduct in theater;

*reading a fairy tale "Zhiharka" and role-based storytelling;

*production of attributes for games: screen and its design, tickets, seat numbers, masks for actors, poster, money, cash register window, sign "buffet", sewing an apron and cap for the barmaid.

Subject-game environment.


*props for the performance - screen, stove, spatula, bench, table, wooden spoons, wooden cups, cast iron, ladle, costume elements;

*details for the buffet - sign "buffet", cash register, money, products (cakes, chocolates, juices, candies, apron, cap, doll dishes (cups, teapots, saucers, tray, flowers;

*details for the cash register - cash register window, calculator, money;

*details for the controller - chairs, numbers.

Preparing for the game:

Puppet show, reading and looking at illustrations about theater, making attributes for children with theater.

Game roles:

Administrator, cashier, ticket taker, barmaid, actors, spectators.

Game material:

Cash register, theater tickets, poster, invitation cards, screen, large signs: "Youth Theater", "BUFFET", "AUDITORIUM", "CASH REGISTER"; toy dishes, food models, furniture, money, chairs, where the row and place are marked, decorations, bell, soft modules, costumes, masks, audio recording "Birdsong", illustrations theaters. Perm, portraits of artists and composers, illustrations for fairy tales.

Approximate development of a role-playing game« Theater» :

Educator: “Children, what did you see unusual today when you came into the group?”?

Children: "Poster"!

(Children read)

Educator: “What do you think a poster is for?

Children: “So that we know that there will be a performance and come to it.

Educator: “What is the name of the institution where performances are held?”?

Children: « Theaters» .


Educator: “Guys, which ones do you know? theaters in Makhachkala» ? (Russian Drama named after Gorky, "Avarsky theater» , "Kumyk theater» , Philharmonic - concerts are held there.

Educator: "Guys, theater- this is a cultural institution and you need to behave culturally there. Do you want to play theater»?

Children: “We want!

Educator: “In order to start playing, what must we do?”?

Children: "Distribute roles".

Educator: “Let us remember who works in theater» ?

Children: “Controller, cashier.

Educator: “What are the responsibilities of the controller?

Children: “He puts chairs in rows, hangs numbers on them, checks tickets from spectators, helps them find their place.

Educator: “Who will be the controller? Please go prepare your work area.

Educator: “What are the responsibilities of a cashier?

Children: "The cashier sells tickets".

Educator: “Who will be the cashier? Take your place of work".

Who else works in theater"? Usher)

Educator: “He checks tickets at the entrance to theater? (A child is selected to play the role of usher.

A child is chosen for this role.

Educator: "Without whom it cannot be theater and why» ?

Children: “Without artists, they are showing a performance. The artists will be...

(Artists and pre-prepared children go behind the screen and get dressed.)

Educator: “And you and I will be spectators. What will we do in the game"?

Children: “Buy tickets, take your seats, clap your hands, give flowers to the artists, give flowers.”

Educator: “Let’s get ourselves in order, fix our hair and go to theater. What will we go on?

Children: "By bus".

(The teacher offers flowers to one of the children and goes to the bus. The driver and conductor take their attributes, the passengers take imaginary seats, the bus drives. They sing a song "On mountain roads"

The teacher conducts a conversation about behavior in theater.

The driver announces: "Stop - theater» , carefully get off the bus, don’t push, boys let girls pass.”

Educator: ““Here, you and I have come to theater. Look how

called theater»? (Russian Drama named after M. Gorky)

Skomorokh 1: “Listen! Listen"!

Skomorokh 2: “Listen! Listen"!

Both buffoons: “And don’t say you didn’t hear”!

Skomorokh 1: “We have a show today!

Skomorokh 2: "To everyone's surprise"!

Skomorokh 1: “People, guests, why are you standing there!

Skomorokh 2: "Visit us in theater hurry up» !

Both buffoons: “Pay for the performance is your good mood”!

Teacher and Children: "Thanks for the invitation! Guys, take your seats. The fairy tale begins."

The first bell rings, the second bell rings.

Children spectators pass through "hall", they give tickets to the controller, another controller escorts the spectators out. Spectators take their seats in the hall.

The third bell rings.

Showing a fairy tale to children "Little Red Riding Hood"

Storyteller1:A girl lives in the forest,

And he dances and sings!

Children love everything and wait

They call it Little Red Riding Hood!

Storyteller2:I live here alone with my mother,

She loves grandma!

Make yourself comfortable, guests, sit down

And watch carefully!

Together: This is a saying, not a fairy tale!

A fairy tale will come!

In the foreground there are several trees, a house, next to a rattling forest at the end of the forest there is a house. On storytellers enter the stage.

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived one little girl. Her mother and grandmother loved her very much. Once, for her birthday, her grandmother sewed a gift for her granddaughter - a red riding hood. The girl liked the red cap so much that she wore it everywhere. The people from the village called her Little Red Riding Hood.

(Mother and Little Red Riding Hood come out of the house)

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood go and see your grandmother, take her some pies and a pot of butter. Find out, my child, if she is healthy!

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, mother, I’ll go and check on you.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood is walking, singing songs, picking flowers, and then she approaches the forest, and the Gray Wolf meets her.

Gray wolf: Stop girl. What is your name?

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm Little Red Riding Hood, don't scare me gray.

Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm going to see my grandmother. She lives alone, I want to visit her.

Wolf:(sniffs) What's in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: And these are pies. Mom baked it, I’m taking it to grandma. Oh, you must be hungry. Help yourself!

Wolf:(takes it carefully) Well, thank you. (Eats greedily).

Little Red Riding Hood:Well, am I going?

The wolf nods (whispers, leaves).

Narrator: And the wolf ate and grew better.

Wolf: Wow, I'm full. Tasty. Good girl. Oh, she's alone in the forest. Let me go and see her off. Otherwise you never know. Wait, wait, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: What do you want Gray?

Wolf:You fed me. Let me take you with me.

Little Red Riding Hood: Let's.

Narrator: Here they are together. The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood went to grandma’s house together.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, here we are, thank you wolf for seeing us off!

Wolf:(sad) Well, what if you don't need me anymore? I went.

Little Red Riding Hood:Wait, wait wolf, let’s be friends with you?

Wolf:Be friends!

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes.


Little Red Riding Hood:Come with me to grandma. She is very kind to me.

Narrator: The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood went to their grandmother’s house, and when the grandmother saw the wolf from her chair, she collapsed. Well, there was a roar in the house.

(Axe knock).

Narrator:And woodcutters were working nearby (Knock-knock, Knock-knock)

Lumberjack1:You heard?

Lumberjack2: Yes, it seems like it’s at grandma’s house.

Lumberjack1: Let's go quickly and see, maybe what happened?

Lumberjack2:Yes, faster.

Narrator: The woodcutters came running to the grandmother’s house.

Lumberjack 1: Grandma, grandma, what happened?

Lumberjack2: Yes, what’s all this noise you’re making here?

Grandmother (leaves home): Oh, darlings, everything is fine! It was old me who got scared of the wolf and fell out of my chair. And this turns out to be a friend of my Little Red Riding Hood. Come in, dear guests, you will be. And the tea and pies had already arrived. (Granny looks out the window)

And you come, and you come. Then don't say you weren't invited. We'll drink tea and have conversations.

Storyteller1: That's the end of the fairy tale,

Well done to those who listened. (Actors line up)

Storyteller 2: When there is good in the world,

Together:It’s good to live in it!

Yacht was designed as a role-playing game for teenagers, however, it is no less interesting for adult players than for children. Moreover, when adults play the role-playing game Yacht, game process becomes a truly action-packed spy detective. The yacht has been good for a long time classic example game scenario and deservedly takes its place in the file cabinet of any “armchair” roleplayer. Even if you are far from the role-playing movement, and are a completely respectable person, this role-playing game, as a means of unforgettably spending time and taking a break from your serious problems and worries, will undoubtedly be useful to you. Many companies dealing with the topic of corporate recreation charge a lot of money for organizing the Yacht role-playing game. Below, I will tell you how to download the game script and give some tips that will significantly help the organizer to make “Yacht” more interesting and better.

So, if you are planning to take part in this role-playing game as a player, then I categorically do not advise you to read the game script. Only the master should know the entire scenario. You can read the tips written below, as they are general character and do not reveal the essence of the characters' legend.

You can download the script for the role-playing game Yacht, and now let’s get down to the tips:

There is a version of the scenario online that adds two more players, but this is for the most extreme cases. These two roles are written into the game without changing the roles of other players, and in fact, no one needs them. I advise you to meet with all the players in advance, give them their roles (at least a couple of days in advance, since you need to get into the role and, ideally, make a costume). In addition, game fees (at Consumables etc.) I recommend taking it in advance. This disciplines the players. If, nevertheless, one of the players refused at the last moment, urgently look for a replacement, or, what can you do, you need to start without some player. (the main thing is that the captain is J). If the absent player was supposed to have an important prop, we use any toy to stage a suddenly dead character, and whoever manages to rummage through it, well done. In extreme cases, even without two players the game can go off without a hitch.

According to the scenario of the Yacht role-playing game, you will need various props.

It is described in detail in the rules, however, I will say the following:

  1. 1. The map can be printed, or you can draw it beautifully on whatman paper if you have the time and hands.
  2. The captain's seal can be bought at the Rospechat kiosk (they sell seals with Smeshariki).
  3. If you simply stick a piece of plasticine as a seal, it will easily peel off from the door frame and stick back without a trace of tampering. To avoid this annoying possibility of hacking, you can make real seals: take a soda cap, coat it with plasticine and tape it tightly to the door frame. We tape a thin rope just as tightly to the door. We insert a string into the lid until there is a slight tension and put a piece of plasticine on top, pressing the prospector into the lid. On top of the plasticine (preferably light colors) we stamp a signet. Thus, it will become impossible to open the room without damaging the seal. The sealing procedure must be carried out by the captain in the presence of the owner of the cargo, but the props must be taped in advance.

According to the scenario of almost any role-playing game for teenagers or adults, you will need a weapon.

Pistols can be used from two types of children's pneumatics: with plastic balls and with rubber bullets. The difference is as follows:

With plastic balls, the gun is easier to reload and there is a real clip that can be removed. However, the bullets are small, and it is not always possible to notice whether you hit the enemy or not.

With rubber bullets, the gun will have to be reloaded like a musket, forcing the bullets into the barrel after each shot. This bullet is much easier to find on the floor, pick up and use a second time.

Which option is preferable - decide for yourself, the main thing to remember is that All weapons must first be tested on yourself, on the force of a shot at close range. I recommend modeling point-blank shooting (really point-blank) like this: the shooter points a pistol at the enemy’s body and says “bang-bang”, after which he immediately lowers the barrel down and shoots at the floor. If the bullet flies out and the shot is successful, it means the enemy is killed. If it turns out that before the “bang-bang” the shooter forgot to cock the pistol, it means there was no shot.

The setting of the plot role-playing game “Yacht” can be provided with the following elements.

Besides general design rooms, on torrents you can download music from the 30s and 40s for the wardroom and sounds of the sea for the rest of the rooms.

Instead of a typewriter, you can use one glued/tied to the captain’s desk as a radio station cellular telephone(respectively, using a walkie-talkie means sending the required SMS or calling the desired number). Don't forget to write down the number in this phone as "radio station".

Also, if you have portable radios, you can organize a speakerphone from the captain’s cabin to the entire yacht (and also make masterful announcements through them).

When organizing the Yacht role-playing game, you need to take into account one flaw in the script.

More precisely, a phrase in the tasks of one of the players. He needs to “purchase a document confirming the right of ownership...”. No one can issue this document. Because of this, the game task becomes impossible. The solution is as follows: 1. Remove this phrase from the task. 2. Grant the captain the powers of a notary (confirming transactions, performing weddings, issuing death certificates, etc.). In other words, any document sealed (the signature is not important) becomes legal. Well, except for passports, of course. The second option complicates the task for the first character and introduces a little variety and part-time work into the life of the captain.

Almost every story-based role-playing game has hardcore "bad guy" roles.

Otherwise, the role of the bad guy would be played by the master. Considering that the game is pseudo-historical in nature, it is important to pay special attention to the issuance of such roles, especially if the game is played for teenagers. After the game, it is always necessary to give each player the opportunity to speak out. For those masters who will be especially stressed by the brutality of a number of roles, I recommend looking for the version of Yacht about the Caribbean crisis. In essence, this is the same yacht, only a remake with different names and countries. But the remake, in terms of atmosphere, is worse than the original, so take it only as a last resort.

The ending of the role-playing game “Yacht” can be beautifully played out.

This can be done with the help of killed players. 5 minutes before the final, in one of the rooms (preferably not the game room), we dress them all in camouflage (and the master also dresses), put on body armor (black bags with holes for the arms and head), stick on the necessary chevrons with tape, distribute spare pistols ( the more weapons the better). In two minutes we explain who they are. And at the moment when the game time expires, we burst into the playing area and then, depending on what chevrons you are wearing, do so. But in general, the winning process should be controlled by the winning players, and not special forces in camouflage (he only makes sure that no one else takes out pistols and tries to escape, well, he also controls the behavior of the winners, checks passports if necessary).

If you decide to enlighten your friends about the game based on the yacht scenario, then be sure to write how it went. Also, if you have any questions while preparing for the game, feel free to ask in the comments. I will help with all I can. And if in your file cabinet role-playing games There are other powerful scripts - I will be glad if you share the link.

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There are 39 comments on this post

  1. Leonid 27th May 2012.

    Interesting. Tell me, in what place does the murder, the introduction to sleep and the search take place? Not in front of everyone. And how does the euthanized person then react to the euthanizer?

  2. Yuri 10th March 2013.

    arose interesting situation 12 guys and 3 girls, was it worth rewriting the legends or just giving the girls male roles and the guys female roles?

  3. Denis 11th July 2013.

    Hello! I decided to play the game at the camp site. There are ONLY 13 of us, so I excluded British intelligence from the game and edited the roles.
    A few questions.
    How is it possible that the flag will not be moved by the captain or the first mate? When will they be offered money, for example?
    How will a safe with weapons be opened in the game?

  4. Denis 12th July 2013.

    In the role of the captain, it is written that he and the first mate take turns on watch, but in the role of the first mate, this is not written.
    In my opinion, there is still a mistake in the cast. the chief mate of the sapota wrote that “Among the passengers you recognized several more people: SS officer Peter Bock (player’s full name), who is traveling under the name Pierre Brusso, and Jose Balboa (player’s name). You never knew them personally. You saw Peter Bock once in the Reich Chancellery. And you are familiar with Jose Balboa in absentia - his photograph appeared in the case about the laboratory, it was assumed that he was well acquainted with the author-developer of “Weapons of Retribution.”

    Jose - is this a typo and does it mean Tomaso?

    About the safe. — the captain has the key and it could be stolen, perhaps ransomed? I'm interested in the gaming moment. Can they hack it?

    Only ABRAHAM WAINGER (besides the captain and first mate) has written about yacht management.

    Another question: is there enough poison for only 1 person?
    What about a syringe with sleeping pills?
    Where to put the antidote? It's not given out to anyone, is it?
    Should the seal and the false seal be identical?
    Should real passports be different from fake ones? on what grounds?

  5. Vova 16th November 2013.

    How long does the game last?

  6. Elizabeth 2nd December 2014.

    Good afternoon
    Please tell me where I can find more scenarios for office role-playing games? I can't find scripts on the Internet.
    I really liked the yacht, but, unfortunately, there are not 15 of us.

  7. Roman 26th December 2014.

    V text document CAPTAIN'S FORMS provides a link to this page and says that on this page we will learn why captain's forms are needed, unfortunately I did not find this (
    that was the first question.
    Second question: in the terms of the game they talk about a real phone and about real calls and SMS, where and to whom should they be sent?

    (As a radio station, you can use not a typewriter, but a cell phone glued/tied to the captain’s desk (respectively, using a walkie-talkie is sending the required SMS or calling the desired number)
    Or are we talking about workshop advertisements, then in this case there is no need to write or call anyone, and the phone may not be real, and I can pronounce the announcements out loud???!!!

  8. Roman 26th December 2014.

    How to use the walkie-talkie??

  9. Roman 28th December 2014.

    Please write an answer regarding the captain's forms!
    And it is not entirely clear how infection occurs, how to determine who has become infected.
    Thank you))

  10. Roman 28th December 2014.

    Who should initially have an order for the right to issue Money... and who should find it??

  11. Andrey 13th January 2015.

    Hello, great script, there are just a couple of questions that I haven’t found answers to.

    If there are less than 15 players, what characters should be removed in order?

    In 1 of the comments I saw that there are other characters, where can I find information about them, this is if more than 15 characters will play

  12. Victor 14th January 2015.

    How to “throw a body overboard”? Carry the dead man out in your arms or tell him that I threw you overboard?

  13. lexrem 26th April 2015.

    The question arose: Are coffee/cookies sold in the bar for in-game money, or is it better not to bother with it and consider the food included in the fare?

    Veselchak Reply:
    April 27th, 2015 at .

    In general, this is the competence of the captain - this is his ship and his rules. But according to logic and experiment, they usually sell for 1-2 dollars apiece. The fact is that both the bartender and the captain can somehow earn extra money + the bartender and the waiter do not feel like they are wasting their time + on the ship they eat like the rich. So the poor for whom 1-2 dollars is a significant amount. So it's better for the money, however. the captain can declare for free and make an exception for someone individual (sometimes the crew eats at the expense of the yacht)

    lexrem Reply:
    May 5th, 2015 at .

    I apologize for a possibly stupid question, but I just can’t figure it out. How to attach the lid (for sealing) to the doorframe with tape? Then cut a hole in the tape? But she won’t hold on? Or should it be tied at the end? Nothing comes to mind... I’ve completely lost my wits. 🙁

  14. lexrem 11th May 2015.

    Thanks a lot for their help, we played the game. The first time it turned out a little crumpled, but everyone just really liked it. If anyone is interested:

    Veselchak Reply:
    May 11th, 2015 at .

    This is normal money))
    How many people survived by the end of the game?

    lexrem Reply:
    May 14th, 2015 at .

    And by the way, here is a file containing money, passports and slightly revised extras. the roles I used in the game.

    Maria Forest Reply:
    December 26th, 2016 at .

    You have Israel in additional roles. In 1945, such a state did not yet exist :) Don’t kill historical authenticity))

  15. lexrem 14th May 2015.
  16. Alex 5th February 2016.

    What's the point of giving Sandra Trevolyan the ability to operate a walkie-talkie if the tasks of British intelligence do not include transmitting anything over frequencies?

  17. Alexander 17th April 2017.

    Do I understand correctly that the captain's cabin is located in separate room so that no one can see who is there now? Is it the same for cargo compartments? Should they be positioned so that no one can see anyone approaching them? And another question: if, for example, the documents for the V-2 and the amber room are a folder and a box, respectively, then all players will immediately see if someone has taken possession of these items. What's the best way to avoid this?

Let's play life: 15 role-playing games familyr_papa wrote in August 30th, 2012

text: Lena Charlin, iz_antverpena

“I don’t know how to play with children,” the mother of two girls the same age once admitted to me, “and my daughters are still not very good at playing together.” Lotto, puzzles, classes on developmental aids - it's easy. But the children ask us to play bunnies and imagine that we are pirates or princesses. But I just can’t come up with something interesting, it turns out boring.

“What if you don’t invent anything,” I suggested, “but play in familiar life situations that we encounter every day: we go to a store, a clinic, receive guests, travel, send things in for repairs.”

And in just a few minutes we came up with 15 simple scenarios for role-playing games that the whole family can play without inventing any “bicycles.” The heroes of the games can be family members, or they can be toys, for whom adults and children speak. Game props can be any thing in the house. For the development of imagination, it is even better if substitute objects play the role of genuine things (a stick will become a thermometer, small leaves will become money, and shoe box- cash register).

1. Kindergarten

What do you need: figurines for the role of children, parents, teacher, nanny, music director, physical education teacher.

What to do: reenact a traditional day in the garden. Parents bring their children to the group, the children take pictures outerwear and change their shoes and say goodbye to their parents. Then the kids go to exercise, have breakfast, the teacher conducts classes with them and organizes games. After second breakfast everyone goes for a walk. And then the game goes on established regime day: lunch, quiet time, afternoon snack, games, evening walk and meeting of parents.

Why it's great: the game helps the child adapt to kindergarten, gives an idea of ​​the daily routine. For children who are already accustomed to kindergarten, this is an opportunity to tell their parents what is happening while you are not seeing each other. It is in the game that you will hear how teachers talk, how children communicate with each other, what problems arise difficult situations and help solve these problems in a playful way.

2. Guests

What do you need: a set of dishes and cutlery, food, guest toys.

What to do: the child invites guests over the phone for lunch, sets a time and begins preparing the first, second and dessert. She sets the table beautifully, seats guests, maintains a conversation, and changes dishes. The guests, having dined, thank the host for Tasty food and say goodbye.

Why it's great: Children learn hospitality, table setting, and being friendly to others.

3. Store

What do you need: showcase (built from cubes or Lego parts), products (a set of plastic dummies, products cut out of colored paper or molded from plasticine), figures of a cashier, loaders, sellers, customers, paper money, price tags.

What to do: a loader unloads goods brought to the store. The seller carefully lays out the goods on the display window and places price tags. The buyer comes to the store, selects products, puts them in a cart, and unloads the products onto the belt. The cashier reads the barcode, names the amount of purchases, takes money from the buyer, gives him change and a receipt.

4. School

What do you need: desks (cubes), board (sheet of paper), figures playing the roles of students and teachers, notebooks, writing materials.

What to do: the bell rings, the teacher spends a few simple lessons: mathematics, drawing, reading, physical education. Each lesson is allotted five minutes. Between lessons there is a break during which children communicate with each other and play games.

Why it's great: many children want to grow up quickly so they can go to school. This game will make them feel a little older and give them an idea of ​​the school daily routine. He will tell you how important it is to listen, answer questions and complete teacher assignments. Shows you how to work in a team and make friends.

5. Doctor
What you need: patient toys, a phonendoscope, a thermometer, medicine bottles, a syringe without a needle, a bandage, patient cards, any safe items that can serve as substitute hospital equipment.

What to do: A forest hospital opens and a line of stuffed animals forms to see the doctor. The doctor listens to complaints, asks questions, looks at the throat, listens to the patient with a stethoscope, carries out treatment or writes a prescription.

Why this is great: children learn about the medical profession, and the more knowledge they have, the less fear they have before going to the clinic. They also learn to be responsive and take care of those who are not feeling well.

6. Workshop

What do you need: a toy or, better yet, a real set of tools.

What to do: fix any breakdown in the house (imaginary or real), take toy cars to a car service center.

Why this is great: the child learns to correct mistakes, fix broken things, and masters the skills of handling tools.

7. Circus

What do you need: circus arena (round tray, cardboard circle), figures of spectators, animals and circus performers.

What to do: the spectator buys a ticket, comes to the circus, takes the place indicated on the ticket. The presenter announces the program numbers. The performance begins: gymnasts tumble, monkeys ride horses, and a bear rides a bicycle. The audience applauds the artists. During intermission, they walk around the circus, take pictures, and buy something tasty at the buffet.

Why it's great: With the help of the game, you can prepare children for visiting the circus for the first time, arouse interest in this type of art and in the work of circus performers.

8. Daughters and mothers

What do you need: dolls, Stuffed Toys, stroller, bathtub, household items.

What to do:“Mom” feeds, bathes, combs her hair, and takes her “baby” for a walk. The parent can encourage the child to talk on behalf of the doll, animate it, say that the baby is hungry or it’s time for him to sleep, let’s start putting him to bed. Parents also have the power to add variety to the game by offering new situations: the baby has a sore throat, let’s take him to the doctor, or he can’t sleep, let’s sing him a song.

Why it's great: the child learns to take care of someone, adopts parental habits, and gains knowledge about basic baby care skills.

9. Bus
What do you need: chairs, steering wheel, toys-passengers.

What to do: A row of seats is built from chairs, and the roles of driver and passengers are assigned. The driver announces a stop, new passengers board, pay the ticket inspector, receive a ticket, and get off the bus at the desired stop.

Why it's great: the child gets the concept of riding in public transport, can change roles and play either the driver or the passenger; during the trip, different geographical names are remembered.

10. Hairdresser

What do you need: mirror, toy scissors, dolls, cosmetics bottles, combs, hair dryer, hairpins and bows.

What to do: The hairdresser covers the client's back with a towel, washes his hair, combs his hair, gives a haircut, blow-dries his hair, and does his hair with hairpins and bows.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a hairdresser, learn to politely thank for the service provided to them and, of course, learn to make themselves beautiful.

11. Construction

What do you need: construction equipment for various purposes, figures of builders, cubes.

What to do: build a house. An excavator digs a foundation pit, a bulldozer levels the site, the foundation is poured with concrete, and builders build a new house brick by brick.

Why it's great: the child gains knowledge about the construction process, learns what different machines are needed for, and sees the finished result.

12. Airport

What do you need: toy airplanes, airport terminal premises, figures of airport workers, flight attendants, passengers.

What to do: passengers arrive at the airport terminal building. They check in and check in their luggage, show their tickets, go through a metal detector, go to the waiting room, and then are invited into the aircraft cabin. Passengers buckle up, the plane takes off, and during the flight the flight attendant brings drinks and food. After boarding and disembarking the plane, passengers receive their luggage at the airport building.

Why it's great: children get acquainted with the progress of air travel, which is especially important before the upcoming flight. During the game, you can play out possible situations and ways to solve them: your ears are blocked - you need to drink water or suck a lollipop, you want to go to the toilet - you need to go to the back of the salon.

13. The dragon and the princess

What do you need: shield and sword, princess castle place, dragon cave place.

What to do: The dragon attacks the princess and takes her to his cave. The knight saves the princess, but first he must find out what the dragon is afraid of: sword, fire, water, tickling...
Why it's great: This active game, you can and should play it on the street, children run, move, make noise and invent different ways how to deal with a dragon.

14. Mail
What you need: newspapers, magazines, envelopes, parcels, a postman's bag, a “house” of several apartments.

What to do: postal workers sort correspondence by apartment numbers. The postman puts newspapers and letters in a bag, enters the right house and puts mail into boxes. If there is a letter or parcel, the postman rings the doorbell, specifies the recipient's first and last name, asks him to sign the notification and gives the letter or parcel.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a postman and learn to sort items.

15. Fairy tale

What do you need: character figurines made from any material.

What to do: play out the plot of a child’s favorite fairy tale from beginning to end.

Why it's great: You can start playing fairy tales with the smallest, one-year-old babies, at this time they will already recognize many animals, and your changing intonations will help children easily learn how this or that animal speaks. Plus you always have the script at hand, or rather, in the book.

We didn’t stop at the 15 games described. Ideas kept pouring in: rescuers, detectives, fishermen, playing in the library, in a cafe, in house cleaning... And the main thing is not even that role-playing games teach children something, although this is also important. The most important thing is the delight of a simple game and the opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Scenario for the role-playing game "Taking the Snow Town"

The game “Taking the Snow Town” is an original development, repeatedly tested on children aged 11 to 18 years. Can be used in summer camps, schools, etc. The game can be used by counselors, teachers, teacher-organizers, additional education teachers, educators, deputy directors for educational work, methodologists when developing leisure activities at school and children's camp. The purpose of the event is to develop children's independence. Objectives: developing the ability to work according to the rules, the desire to achieve goals, strategic qualities, creativity, children's health.



Counselors. Every “snowman” should have a watch. “Snowmen” have the right to carry as many “snowballs” as they like in their hands, but not in their clothes, bags, etc. “Snowmen” cannot be taken out of the game; they can only be neutralized by one hit of a “snowball” for 1 minute. Several simultaneous hits of a “snowball” on a “snowman” are counted as one. Hitting a frozen “snowman” with a “snowball” does not count.
- Some of them are sitting in the “snowdrifts” - their task is to prevent the players from carrying away the “snowballs”. To do this, they shoot small “snowballs” at the players. The “snowmen” guarding the “drifts” move along their own trajectory. That is, each “snowdrift” has its own trajectory for the “snowmen”. For example, in one, the “snowman” catches up with players only along the perimeter, in the second, along the radius, in the third, along one side, etc. There should be one such “snowmen” for each “snowdrift”.
- Other “snowmen” attack players on their territory, preventing them from building a fortress. There should be one such “snowmen” for each children's territory. They do not have the right to go beyond the boundaries of the territory, but must try to hit the players with a “snowball”. They can attack one by one, or they can all get together and attack one child’s territory.

The players are children.

They look for “drifts” and take “snowballs” out of them. They make a fortress out of large “snowballs” on their territory. Players are only allowed to carry one “snowball” at a time. They can accumulate “snowballs” on their territory, but they cannot pick up 2 or more “snowballs” at once. Children can be taken out of the game and returned to the game. Several simultaneous snowball hits on a player count as one. Hitting a player with a snowball again does not count.

"Snow Woman"

Counselor. It is located in the “bast hut”, where all the children who have been taken out of the game flock. He gives each player or several players who comes to him a task. After completing them, returns players to the game.



(storage) – a place where combat “snowballs” (small), “snowballs” for construction (large) are stored:
- there can be any number of such “drifts” on the territory, preferably as many as possible;
- each “snowdrift” stores a different number of “snowballs”;
- “drifts” can be located both on the plain and in hard-to-reach places, but not dangerous;
- in total, in the “drifts” there should be 5 small “snowballs” for each player, 14 large ones (for construction) for each team;
- the “snowdrift” is located on the territory, which is guarded by counselors (“snowmen”);
- the boundaries of the “snowdrift” are not marked by anything, they can be seen by watching how the “snowmen” move;
- after the players take all the “snowballs” out of the “snowdrift”, the “snowman” can go to another “snowdrift” or join the attack on the children’s territory.

Children's area

- this is the territory whose rear touches either a fence or a wall. That is, only 3 sides are exposed to fire. Its borders are marked with identification signs. On the territory of each team there is: a large tape for gluing large “snowballs” into a fortress, a team flag. The team builds (glues) their fortress on it.

"Lubyanaya hut"

This is a designated area or room where children who have left the game, those who have been hit by a snowball, flock. They have a small cross drawn on their palm. After the players complete the task, the “snow woman” circles a cross on their palms and releases them into the game.


1.The entire shift is divided into teams. Teams can be squads. There may be mixed teams. That is, the shift is divided into several parts/teams, in which children from each squad are present. The following is important here. First, distribute children from junior and senior squads, as well as boys and girls equally, into each team. So that the teams are equal. Secondly, if the shift consists of 2 or 3 teams (the result is large teams), then more than 14 “snowballs” must be allocated to the fortress.
2.Each team draws a flag for itself (paper canvas measuring 25*40cm), attaches it to a twig (1 m)
3.Each team has its own territory.
4. All heroes and players take their places: “snowmen” - “drifts”, “snow woman” - “bast hut”, teams - their territories.
5. The signal to start the game is given.
6.Each team must find and steal 14 large “snowballs” for construction, and build a fortress from them on their territory.
7.To do this, team players must find a “snowdrift” in which large and small “snowballs” lie. You can take both, but one player at a time can only take one “snowball” - large or small.
8. “Snowmen” will interfere with this, trying to hit the players with a small “snowball”.
9.In the event that the “snowman” hits the player with a “snowball”. The player picks up the “snowball” and gives it and his own, if any, to the “snowman”. The “snowman” places a small cross on the player’s palm. The player goes to the “bast hut”.
10. In the “bast hut” there sits a “snow woman”, she asks one or several players tasks, if they complete them, they return to the game.
11.Players, in order to remove the “snowball” from the “snowdrift”, must:
- or hit the “snowman” with a “snowball” (in this case, the “snowman” freezes for 1 minute)
- or watch from a safe place the trajectory of the “snowman” and, having realized which place on the territory is inaccessible to the “snowman”, simply go around it.
12.When attacking a “snowdrift”, all “snowballs”, after being thrown, falling and remaining on the territory of the “snowdrift” belong to the “snowmen”. All “snowballs” that fall behind the “snowdrift” belong to the one who picks them up first.
13.When attacking the players’ territories, all “snowballs”, after being thrown, falling and remaining on the children’s territory belong to the players of this territory. All “snowballs” that fall outside the players’ territory belong to the one who picks them up first.
14.When attacking the players’ territory, players have the right to escape from their territory so as not to be taken out of the game, or to take cover behind the “snowballs” or a fortress under construction, and after the “snowmen” leave, return and try to complete it.
15.Each “snowman” has the right to attack (hit with a “snowball”) any child player without any reason.
16.Players do not attack players.
17. Players do not have the right to take more “snowballs” from the “drifts” than they need for construction.
18.If a player brings an extra 15th “snowball” to the territory, then he must throw it out of his territory so that those who need it can pick it up.
19. The winner will be the team that builds a fortress on its territory from 14 large “snowballs” and hoists (sticks it with tape) its flag on it. As soon as the flag is hoisted on the fortress, the shelling by the “snowmen” ends and a signal is given to end the game.
20.After the signal, all players begin to clean up the area.
21. A collection point for “snowballs” opens in the “bast hut”. The team that brings the most snowballs will receive a sweet prize. Another option is possible - everyone will receive 1 candy for 1 “snowball”. Thus, the more “snowballs” he brings, the more candies he will receive.
22.The awards ceremony usually takes place at the evening or morning assembly.

The game was carried out by my teaching team several times at a summer health camp. It always went off with a bang. The undoubted advantage is that the game is not contact. That is, children “don’t shoot at each other.” The risk of injury is low. The game is dynamic, emotional, strategic. Average physical activity. As a rule, it takes up to 40 minutes.

Scenario of the role-playing game “We are going to the theater.”

For children of middle preschool age.

Target: establish the rules of behavior for children in a public place (on a bus, in a theater); develop acting skills ( expressive reading poetry, movement), development of children's horizons, communication skills and interaction with peers and adults.



S.R.I. "We're going to the theater"

Middle group.

Target: establish the rules of behavior for children in a public place (on a bus, in a theater); develop acting skills (expressive reading of poetry, movement), development of children's horizons, communication skills and interaction with peers and adults.

Game attributes and materials:

1) attributes for “bus ride”

2) arrange a theatrical wardrobe, the presence of a mirror.

3) arrange the theater box office, prepare “money” and “tickets” (prepare them together with the children in advance).

4) together with the children, prepare programs for the upcoming performance.

5) prepare treats for the theater buffet

6) prepare flowers for the artists.

First, you need to talk with the children about the theater, look at the illustrations, discuss the rules of behavior in public places, and talk about the theater employees.

Progress of the game.

The teacher invites the children to visit the theater and asks how can we get there?

Children's answers, discussion of options and selection of a suitable vehicle.

We decided to go by bus. We appoint a driver and a tour guide for our bus (explain who a tour guide is if they don’t already know). The role of the guide is performed by the teacher. Children ride in a circle, and the guide offers to look left and right through the windows and names the sights. Talking through the rules with children safe behavior in the bus. The bus stops at a red traffic light, we talk through the traffic rules, when it’s yellow we start the engines: “Drrrr-drrrr-drrrr”, when it’s green we start driving. Finally, we get off at the Teatralnaya Street stop.

We direct the children to the wardrobe. We talk about the need to put ourselves in order in front of the mirror, straighten our clothes, hairstyles, and look neat and tidy.

We distribute flowers to the children for the artists.

We approach the theater box office. We discuss the need to speak polite words.

Hello! Please give me a theater ticket!

The cashier also answers politely:

Hello! Please! Enjoy watching!

Thank you!

Children go to the “foyer” of the theater. The roles of program seller and barmaid are performed by children. One barmaid can serve desserts, the second can offer tea.

After the third bell, the children take their seats in the auditorium. The role of entertainer can be performed by both the teacher and the child.


Good evening, dear viewers! We are glad to invite you to our performance!

The performing artists are announced.

Children take turns reading poetry with expression. The audience applauds and gives flowers.

At the end of the solo performances, you can invite all the children to try themselves as artists, to depict the movements of animals to cheerful music or an appropriate song.

Thank everyone and invite everyone to clap!

Return back to the group by bus.

Working with parents:recommend that parents visit the children's theater, prepare a booklet with brief description children's theaters, perhaps with a list of interesting performances for the near future.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of the role-playing game “We are going to the theater” in the senior group 9 of preschool department 2 of GBOU secondary school 657

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Summary of the role-playing game "We are going to the theater"

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