Personal account smiley. Smile tariff plans for mono-Internet in the Moscow region

Rentals related equipment Smile services are not provided when ordering. But, before you connect to the Internet through the supplier, you can buy a router from the company’s employees. And when choosing the “Internet + TV” package, the subscriber is provided with a set-top box completely free of charge. If the client still has a cable from another provider that is not seriously damaged, you can connect wired Internet to Smile at zero cost through it. New wire and work on its installation are provided free of charge.

When using the digital Internet tariff plans of Multiservice Networks LLC, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • To pay for Internet services online through Smile in Moscow, there is a standard advance system that involves depositing a fixed amount into your account at the beginning of each month.
  • Those who sometimes find it difficult to replenish their balance on time personal account, can use the “Trust payment” option. It is provided for a maximum of 3 days free of charge on all limited and unlimited plans.
  • There is no connection blocking. But you can simply not pay for the provider’s services for 3 months. The company does not charge fines, commissions, etc. for this. Afterwards, you can even connect Smile’s wired Internet back to the apartment.
  • Internet access suspended for non-payment is restored within 2-3 minutes after funds are deposited into the account.
  • To terminate the Smile Internet tariff contract, you need to call the Service specialists technical support or contact them through the website.
  • To top up your account, you can use your Personal Account using the Sberbank Online option, the Yandex Money and Web-Money systems, in Svyaznoy and Euroset communication stores.

To find out how to connect unlimited Internet Smile to private house or an ordinary apartment customers can contact Technical Support by telephone 24/7 or the Service Team individuals from 9:00 to 22:00, seven days a week. The provider's employees will tell you how much it costs to connect to the Internet, as well as which tariff plans are the most affordable for you specifically.

Application for connection cable internet Smile involves providing a personal Personal Account. Through it you can top up your balance, receive information on the provider’s promotions, payment statistics, activate options and much more. A forgotten access password can be recovered by calling Technical Support. At the time of concluding an agreement with Multiservice Networks LLC for tariff plans for home internet Each client can optionally activate the service of SMS notifications about the balance status.

Smile is a Moscow telecom operator, which after nine years of independent existence joined the Virgin Connect group of companies, which in turn is part of the Virgin Group. The provider's services also extend to the Moscow region and are available to both individuals and corporate clients. Through personal account Smile subscribers are provided with the functionality necessary for remote control services.

Personal account features

Customers who have connected to the provider for telephone, Internet or digital TV are allowed to carry out transactions on the subscriber’s personal account through the Smile personal account, for example:

  • View information on the contract and connection.
  • Set up automatic payment to have continuous access to the desired service.
  • Pay for services online using bank cards and electronic wallets.
  • Track the amount of traffic consumed (for Internet services from Smile).
  • Extend the use of a service that was not paid on time for 5 days by activating the “Promised payment” option.

Registration and login to your personal account

The official Smile website allows new subscribers to inform the operator of their interest in its services through electronic form, available by clicking the “Connect” button. Filling out the form will not take more than five minutes - the client only needs to provide a name, mobile number and, if desired, email, and also check the boxes next to the required services from the proposed list. The company's employees register and process the application, and the client receives a call back, during which all connection details are discussed.

After the service is activated, the subscriber receives an information card with identification data - password and login, which are a pass to Smile’s personal account on the provider’s website.

All subscribers use a single authorization form, but their credentials differ in the prefix. Users of telephony services log in using the tel* format login, account TV service users are protected by a login with the prefix *iptv; for Internet accounts, a prefix is ​​not required, and the login coincides with the username for establishing an Internet connection. In addition to the login, a mandatory means of identifying the client for access to the personal account is a password, which is initially issued by the operator, but can be replaced on the first visit to the account.

Speed very bad
Availability very bad
Help Desk very bad
Price/quality very bad

The worst provider (aka Virgin Connect)

It could only be worse in a remote village. I connected 3 years ago, chose from three operators, one of them was Virgin Connect, having already had bitter experience then, I did not tempt fate and my nerves. Connected to Smile. Everything worked fine for a while, then problems and crashes started. Technical support became arrogant, the client is always to blame, and then I found out that the company was bought by Virgin Connect. In the summer of 2018, work was carried out for almost 2 months, they were fed “breakfast” and no exact dates there was no stable job. In my house it turned out that they are a monopoly, there are simply no options, and the impudence of this sharashka office knew no bounds. I am the editor of a large publication, I had to take advantage of my position (I often work from home) and give them a hard time. Immediately after social media The directors found me and began to apologize (only under the pressure of public outcry did they begin to think about the clients). There were no problems for almost 5 months, and now everything is all over again. I made a mistake about the modem, I went and bought a modem (no, it wasn’t the modem). Disgusting and disgusting technical support, lack of any desire to solve the problem in a timely manner (according to the contract, within 48 hours). That’s exactly what they answer, what does the contract have to do with it. In general, a solution was found - a local provider came to the house. Never, ever use this provider. Expensive, unreliable, the client is always to blame, so save your nerves. In general, hello to Richard Branson.

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