Graduation at music school: finding your note. Graduation party at music school

Script on Prom- Graduation party music school

The song “The Road of Good” is playing


Good evening, dear guests!

Our door is open to all friends!

Throw away your sad thoughts.

Let us part, but now

We are connected by a great feeling

Forever, no matter where we have to live,

Good and eternal art

It has also taken root in our hearts.

Years dedicated to the three muses

Give your whole life a new taste.

After us, cherish these shoots

There will be a school and a university...

Everything that became dear to you at school

It will always be just as expensive:

We'll surprise you with a clear field,

Spring water rings.

In life you will definitely find

There are so many colors that you can’t count them.

And, to great joy, you will understand:

There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Please accept our congratulations,

Dear graduates!

You all deserve respect

For the hard work.

Everybody wants to see your change

Of course, it’s better to see them.

Get up on stage together!

Song “Make friends, children of the world”


To your home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation! The presenter asks questions - one at a time to everyone.

Who is your favorite teacher?

Which office has the fakest piano?

Why do you love solfeggio?

Who in your class encouraged others to skip class?

How many seats are there in the concert hall?

What is missing in our school?

What inscriptions did you make on the desks during your studies?

How much does the microphone weigh?

Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

How many lessons does your teacher teach per day?

What were you asked when you entered 1st grade?

How many times have you forgotten a change of shoes?

Will art be your profession?

How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun survey, the presenter continues the program.


Remember the first day of September?

How far this date is from us!

Our long lesson is over,

There was only no bell since class.

Remember, school is the beginning of everything,

There are miraculous sources of many rivers here.

The time has come for it to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

The last bell sounds. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the school principal takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of completion of the art school.

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the school principal.

Leading: And now first-graders take the stage to congratulate the graduates.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

We will follow you

All seven years the class is class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.

Children's song "Bobik" performed by Korotya Ruslan

M. Krasev “Lullaby” performed by Papkov Danil

Bel.n.p. "Oh, jigune, jigune" performs Nazimova Dilfuza

Czech.p. "Annushka" performed by Daria Kharlanova

Sladek "The Rich Groom" performed by Cousin Violetta

Leading: Let another generation

Without indifference and laziness

It bursts in here in the morning.

Like the summer sun

Song "Chimney Sweep" performed by Vika Makarova

"Gnomes" performed by Chupina Masha.

Leading: At night the stars run into the distance along blue rivers.

In the morning the stars go out without a trace.

Only school remains with a person,

School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings

On any road, to the side of any

We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.

The music will stay with you!

Song "New Song"Performed by Aliya Nizyamova


A beautiful garden where sounds bloom

The melodies are wonderful and random.

And hands catch on the keyboard

Harmonies are unexpected secrets.

“I will sow quinoa on the shore” performed by Nikitina Louise.

Leading: Today the music is heard

Not at all what it used to be.

The soul string rings -

"A game" performed by Karimova Madina


At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classics, pop, jazz

Whatever you want - everything is for you!

"Frog Jazz" performed by Vdovina Ekaterina

"Orange Sky" performed by Yulia Andreeva

Leading: Being a flutist is not so easy; we blow it every time, but in a concert performance you won’t take your eyes off us

Revutsky “Song” performed by Marina Andreeva


I heard the doors slam in the corridor,

Everything starts, everything is completed on time.

What will happen after all this? And there will be a lesson.

Last lesson.

"Cancan"performed by Alena Gudkova and E.V. Safiullova.

Leading: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I won’t give any hints, everyone is familiar with the accordion.

Ital.n.p. "Santa Lucia" performed by Sharkaeva Amalia

Host: School years! There are so few of them!

But nothing will pass without a trace.

The road to school will not be forgotten,

Friends never say goodbye.

“Both at school and at home” performed by Safiullina Liana

Olya: That's a year of study behind us

Rise and fall ahead

And this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

"Three Girlfriends" performed by the vocal group “Sunny Rain”

Anya and Elvina:

We wish you inspiration

Less failures and tears

So that you find something you like

And love music seriously

"Rio Rita" performed by Ilvina Timerbulatova and Anna Fazlaeva

Leading: The school gave you warmth

Taught me to love music

Was a carefree childhood

In this school you have.

But where did all this go?

There was and is no answer! It's already summer,

And we are losing you!

Leading: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more valuable in the world

So that everything turns out great for us -

Give us parenting advice!

A word to parents

Graduate Julia:

From this stage we send thanks to you!

For being in the whirlwind of affairs

You were so wise and beautiful!

We wish you to always be busy!

All: Thank you!

Graduate Masha: Our heart will not forget about you

We will think about you often

And believe that we love you

And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Graduate Nelya.

Our school welcomes us all as friends,

But seven years and seven winters have already flown by...

And today we sadly say goodbye to her,

And we say thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

“We must trust the young” graduates sing and senior group

The music gets louder, graduates get up from their seats and go to their teachers with bouquets of flowers.

The soundtrack from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus” plays. There are two presenters on stage.
1st presenter. Shurik told us this story. Maybe this story happened in one of the schools in our area. But according to eyewitnesses: teachers, parents, graduates, it happens in our school every year at the end of May.
2nd presenter. And every time she is special and unique. This is the opening ceremony life path to our graduates.
Sounds like a touch. Two girls bring out a scarlet ribbon and a pad with scissors.
1st presenter. Friends! Today we have a big, joyful and bright holiday. In a few seconds these silver scissors will cut the silk ribbon...
2nd presenter. And a direct path forward to a bright future will open for our graduates. The honor of opening the path is given to the director of Lesogorsk secondary school
Nazarova S.I.
Sounds like a touch. The director cuts the ribbon.
1st presenter. Meet the graduates of 2007!
The musical theme from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” plays. Exit of graduates.
2nd presenter. Friends! Today the school accompanies you to the distant, unknown, but interesting world- the world of good and evil, the world of romantic dreams and disappointments, the world of hopes and falls.
1st presenter. Yes, studying at school, as they say, is good, but studying at colleges and universities is even better. But in order to get there, you need a document confirming completion of a secondary school.
2nd presenter. On behalf of those who have been with you for the entire decade school path, who thought about you, strangers yesterday, now family, who in the ringing silence of the school after the last lesson reflected on your questions, weighed their answers - on behalf of the school teachers, the director of the Lesogorsk school in the world is addressing you.
For twenty-one days you walked with excitement,
Tickets were stubbornly crammed until the night,
And even the weather helped you:
So that you don't walk, it pours rain.
But everything is behind us, we passed all the exams -
And immediately they became more mature and serious.
And here we deserve one of the awards:
Today we will present you all with a certificate.
Presentation of certificates. The presenters read a short comic description of each graduate.
1st presenter.
A very difficult task -
To defend the innocent in court,
Because our girls
We decided to become lawyers.
Our Julia knows for sure
Her hand is needed here
Who is responsible for the matter?
Don't play the fool.
Yulia Gondozubova is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
The appearance of a model and creativity is a gift,
Look and smile, acting talent.
Katya could become a pop star -
The whole school would come to her concert,
But Katya only dreams of becoming a lawyer.
So, bon voyage, bon voyage!
Ekaterina Belkova is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
You went to school with Lena
And got used to her role:
Here to clean, and here to wash,
Water all the flowers in the class.
He will put everything on the shelves,
Everything in her hands is on fire.
She will be a lawyer -
Military specialist.
Elena Kuriseva is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
If you decide to embroider a picture,
It’s better to contact Yulia Shchegletova.
There is dexterity and dexterity in the matter,
The knitting needles and needle are dancing,
Let her talent help her
Make people kind.
Yulia Shchegletova is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
From Anton Vostryakov
We rarely hear words.
He is handsome, modest, dexterous.
All you need is training
Willpower and mind.
I'm from bottom to top, I admire the look
I look at what kind of eagle they raised here.
So let them walk through life side by side
Integrity, great things.
Anton Vostryakov is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
And without Demin, without Sasha
Life is completely unbearable.
The lad is faithful, dexterous, brave
I can handle any task.
And he is very friendly with sports -
He is the best football player.
They have mastered football at “A” level.
He is beautiful and healthy.
It will be sad without you
Be brave, go ahead, Sasha!
Demin Alexander is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
Who will greet children with a smile,
He will devote the whole day to them,
He will play and dance,
He'll make you laugh at recess.
At the pedagogical institute, of course, we know
The road is difficult, not easy,
But we believe that Lena Tolstova
It will definitely go there.
Elena Tolstova is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
When your heart skips a beat
Or a broken arm
You call Maria -
You'll feel better then.
Will go to medical school
And they will give her a diploma there.
A nurse is her calling -
This work is noble.
Maria Stryapikhina is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
We hear heavy stomping,
And a swarm of bees buzzes.
It's not stomping and not bees,
And build up the military lads.
Every boy's dream
Hold the machine gun in your hands.
They will grow up like Max Ignatov,
They will be on duty.
Maxim Ignatov is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
Who has big eyes
And a smile from ear to ear,
Who is attentive and kind,
It will not be indifferent.
Who writes poetry all day long?
And he sings the songs of the Circle.
There is no one more beautiful in school.
This is Natasha Dudorova.
Natalya Dudorova is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
Well, Artemka Shleinikov
The embodiment of goodness.
He knows and can do everything -
A very smart head.
He wants to open laws
Like Archimedes and Newtons,
Trajectories and flights,
New types of aircraft.
In the meantime, Artem, go for it,
Make your dreams come true -
Become a great engineer.
Artem Shleynikov is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter.
Like a forest stream is quiet,
And the movements are easy,
He does everything slowly.
Oh, how good Julia is!
But we know there is character,
All you need is a uniform and honor.
And then the rewards are countless
Into the twenty-first century
Our Julia is walking.
She's a super class customs officer
It will be after school.
Yulia Kuriseva is invited to present the certificate.
1st presenter.
What is marketing?
Many people don't know
A Agarkova Marina
He dreams of studying it.
Who is so strong in science?
Who is so in love with science?
She is an Olympic hero
I'm happy to speak for the school.
We wish Marina
Happiness, joy, victories.
Dedicate yourself to science -
We give you advice.
Marina Agarkova is invited to present the certificate.
2nd presenter. So you have received the main start in life - the first document on education, and tomorrow you will fly away like birds in different directions.
1st presenter. One small but proud bird said: “Personally, I will fly into the sun.” And she flew higher and higher, soon burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
2nd presenter. So let each of you, no matter how high you fly, not forget your native school and remember your childhood, because now it will only be a dream.
The soundtrack of the song “Colorful Dreams” or “Where Childhood Goes” plays.
1st presenter. In order to honor our graduates, we organized the community and formed the masses.
2nd presenter. On behalf of and on behalf of various organizations of the village and district, our guests congratulate the graduates.
Congratulations and parting words to the guests of the holiday.
Immediately after the guests’ performance, an ambulance siren sounds, and “orderlies”—children in white coats with mock-ups of syringes and thermometers—drive onto the stage in a children’s car.
1st orderly Did you call the sanitary and epidemiological station?
1st presenter. No.
2nd orderly Why not? A call came in that the Lesogorsk school terrible epidemic foot and mouth disease Everyone is required to get vaccinated.
3rd orderly No, professor, look at their faces: this is Lawrence-Moon-Beerde-Beale syndrome.
1st orderly This disease develops in the body of a graduate, weakened by exams. All the symptoms are visible: tears in the eyes of teachers, trembling hands of parents, confused looks of graduates.
2nd orderly It is urgent to take measures to eliminate this disease.
3rd orderly IV?
2nd orderly Syringe?
1st orderly We'll make do!
2nd orderly Potion?
1st orderly No, it's no use!
2nd orderly The only thing we can do for you so that you all leave school in health, a bright mind and a strong memory is to conduct a session of clearing your head of bad thoughts.
3rd orderly I ask everyone to rise from their chairs. Stretch your arms up, slowly lower your hands to your head and scratch it, and then “drop” everything that is “stuck” to your hands onto the ground.
And so three times. (Graduates perform).
1st orderly Well, to lift your spirits the best remedy- song.
Everyone sings to the tune of the song “Conversation with Happiness” from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.”
Happiness is suddenly in silence
There was a knock on the door.
Is this really for us?
We believe and we don’t believe...
The fluff fell, the dawn floated,
Childhood was passing away -
How many years?
We studied at school for ten years.
Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked,
Everything has become clear to us now.
For many years we have been arguing with fate
For this graduation party.
Gnawing on science, sailing the seas,
We know: it was in vain.
Everything that happened at school was not in vain,
It was not in vain!
And it came and it came true,
We are just waiting for an answer:
How can I live without you?
What do we need in this world?
We will break glass
And write cheat sheets,
If only you, teachers
It wasn't boring without us.
2nd presenter. Tell me, what did you dream about when you graduated from school?
1st presenter. I dreamed of going to university, acquiring a profession according to my vocation, finding good friends, meeting great, bright love.
2nd presenter. Do you hear the cuckoo cuckoo? (Recording). They say she sometimes predicts fate...
1st presenter. Cuckoo-cuckoo, when will our graduates enter educational institutions?
The cuckoo crows once.
2nd presenter. What kind of scholarship will future students receive? (“ku-ku-ku-ku-ku-ku...") Taking into account the fact that today one “ku-ku” is equal to 100 USD.
1st presenter. Or maybe someone else would like to ask the cuckoo a question?
2nd presenter. What's graduation without a teacher? A graduation without a teacher is like a wedding without a bride.
1st presenter. Teachers are present at our holiday, and they have something to say to their children goodbye.
Teachers sing a song to the melody of the “song about bears from the movie Captive of the Caucasus.”
Somewhere in our Lesogorsk,
There is a good school
The guys study there -
Not the worst of them all.
Lessons float by
They sleep under the ice of the year,
The kids are studying there, the earth is spinning.
They teach, trying
Everything that is in the program.
It just happens often:
Time is running out.
Children sleep in class
And they get two
Instead of hints they write:
"I love you".
Following the farewell ball
Dawn will come soon
And for the cute kids
Many, many years
Lightning will sparkle,
The streams will ring,
The fog will swirl
White like a bear.
1. I wish all graduates
Start the morning with exercises,
So as not to upset either dads or moms
And my health was fine.
2. I wish everyone to develop their minds,
so that thought always beats in him like a key.
And study and work only at “five”,
Without giving in to difficulties.
3. I wish you not to lose your cheerfulness,
without being discouraged in any trouble.
And then life will give you a high five,
Revealing the rainbow above you.
4. I still want to wish you
Noble creative impulses,
Don't go to the doctor with your heart -
Instead of drops of love poems for you.
5. So that you can be carefree tomorrow,
Someone must be vigilant today.
I wish you not to let your friends down,
Be a support to those who are connected with you.
6. What more could I wish for?
Let your life be sung like a song.
Even in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard
Only kindness flows from the heart.
2nd presenter. I often remember the day when my friend’s father told him: “I have a desire to teach you at a university, but I don’t have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to send you to the army, but I have no desire.” Therefore, I would like to wish to the parents of our graduates that their desires coincide with their capabilities.
1st presenter. Listen, according to my script, the kunaks come out.
2nd presenter. And I have parents.
1st presenter. Strange…
The soundtrack from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus” plays. Three dads come out dressed as robbers: the 1st with a rug, the 2nd with a dish, the 3rd with fruit.
1st robber. Bambarbia kirgudu.
2nd robber. Dear teachers and all the school staff...
3rd robber. Markavare kuza.
2nd robber. We came to thank you for taking care of our children...
1st robber. Mymsyny carats.
2nd robber. Don't translate any further. That's why we'll sing for you.
Parents' song to the melody of the song "If I were a Sultan."
If I were a sultan,
I would go to school
And he became a teacher,
I would read books.
But on the other hand, in such cases
So many troubles and worries,
Oh, save me, Allah!
It's not bad to be a teacher...
It is much better to live in peace.
We know, sultans,
How hard is it for you:
Do everything in time, take everything into account
With our children.
Tears flow like a river,
But we want to say:
Thank you from us
Hundreds and hundreds of times.
We want everyone from the bottom of our hearts
Wish you happiness
And for new victories
Dial strengths.
We send our classroom
Fiery hello,
Let's just say: better than you
Not in this world.
It's not bad to be a teacher
And teach our children at school.
The robbers descend into the hall and bring the class teacher onto the stage.
3rd robber. Today we are releasing the beauty, athlete, Komsomol member and just a good class teacher, T.V. Konyukhova, because she was in captivity of our children for 5 whole years.
Speech by the class teacher of the graduates.
I look at you and remember the days
When you first came to fifth grade:
The bell rang. We are left alone...
And thirty pairs of wary eyes.
And they showed interest in me:
What is she like? What are they?
I was burning over low heat,
You burned like field poppies.
Then it passed... And the days rolled by,
And months and years have flown by,
And now we, as then, are alone...
Well, what did you want to tell me today?
How did you run from class to the cinema?
So I forgot everything a long time ago...
Alas, the farewell hour has come for us,
And it’s time to choose your paths...
Carefree time will remain here,
Adult life is waiting for you just outside the door!
Thank you for being... you exist!
Classroom teacher Together with the children, she sings a song to the melody of O. Mityaev “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!”
The May linden trees have fallen silent,
The sonorous songs have fallen silent,
Lyrics from these songs
Now they will rush upward.
Good comrades
Boys and girls!

We've gathered today!
Seven-string guitars
The chords struck were harmonious.
Comrade, goodbye
Smile at school...
And, as if in a newsreel,
Memories will flash
It's great that we're all here
We've gathered today!
And our mom is cool
Smiles through tears,
On the naughty and noisy ones,
As before, don't be angry!
Our day of farewell has come,
Our evening of parting...
It's great that we're all here
We've gathered today!
A response from graduates.
1st graduate.
There are people whom we have loved for a long time,
We are happy to meet you.
And from the first grade one thing is clear to us:
Don't part with your loved ones.
We have a lot of warm and affectionate words
For them: for family and loved ones.
Golden crowns for smart heads
Today we want to dress them.
2nd graduate. Today we have decided to crown you and award you medals for exceptional personal qualities in a variety of categories. We thought for a long time about who should be awarded this or that title, and by a majority vote we finally determined the winners.
3rd graduate.
No matter what light we look at,
Our director is responsible for everything -
On everyone on the school floors,
On everyone at school boundaries!
What a bright personality you are.
Life gives you “excellent” marks for everything!
Dear, beloved, sweetheart!
Stay as beautiful as you are
And preserved from troubles by fate!
4th graduate.
In the category "Leader" school country", or "Everything is calm at school" was won by director S.I. Nazarova. Please come to the coronation.
Parents give flowers and gifts. Graduates wear a crown and medal.
5th graduate.
Our school has a head teacher
A child's love for her cannot be counted.
Smart, modest, truthful,
Caring, loved by everyone.
Not a single meeting can take place without her.
And also a parent meeting.
She will skillfully draw up a schedule,
The cheat sheet will reveal a difficult secret
And he will smile at us with an open soul.
6th graduate.
She won in the nomination “Schedule Setter”, or “Learning is Light”
Deputy Director for HR Management L.N. Fedotova
7th graduate.
We haven't rested for so long, we haven't rested for so long,
We simply could not relax with you,
After all, you and I haven’t read so many books,
That a swarm of bees is buzzing in my head now,
We are not gifts, we know for sure.
They liked to fool their heads
You are late, ignorant
And other children's rubbish!
And where did you find strength?
To overcome our laziness?
8th graduate. Deputy Director for HR Utina E.A. won in the nomination “The most patient and fair”.
9th graduate.
Cloudless childhood
We remember now.
After all, without primary school
They wouldn't let us out.
Helped us find ourselves
Our first-class teacher.
He taught us to read and write,
Opened the road to knowledge.
10th graduate. In the category “First-Class Teacher”, first place was shared by Batylova L.A., Karabanova E.A., Yurochkina N.Yu.
11th graduate.
Without a counselor, without Nina Ignatievna,
It would be boring, we know
All our troubles and joys
We trust her!
And it’s not for nothing that she won
In the counselors' competition,
She was ahead of everyone
She has no equal in this!
12th graduate.
In the category “Counselor of the Year,” or “Forever Young at Heart,” the school’s senior counselor N.I. Glukhova won.
13th graduate.
We remember how you taught us
Know all the cities on the map,
But, unfortunately, in Peru and Chile
We'll never get there
You shook before us with dummies,
They called us all kids.
You loved us, although sometimes you were angry,
We learned humanity from you.
1st graduate.
Geography and biology teacher T.M. Siprova won in the category “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.”
2nd graduate.
You can’t count all the diamonds and squares,
We know that the method of integrals definitely exists.
We know that there are trinomials, functions, zeros,
Your equations drove us crazy!
Since the era of Pythagoras
Many years have passed
But better than geometry
There is no science for us.
Mathematics teacher N.V. Satunkina won in the nomination “For adherence to principles and exactingness.”
3rd graduate.
We are "speak English" and "salyu"
I can't forget,
Even the blood absorbed them
The one in our veins.
And although our “lens”
Still limps
But then “good bye, merci”
Everyone understands.
4th graduate.
In the nomination “Cherche la femme” and “how dou-do” the teacher shared first place French Volkova N.I. and teacher in English Zorina A.A.
5th graduate.
Things gone bygone in the past years,
Campaigns, battle plans.
Through the darkness of centuries we comprehended
And... they remembered something.
In all the lessons between us
Peace and grace reigned.
How good it was for us to be with you
And how much we were able to find out!
6th graduate.
A.V. Sizov won in the “Best Dive into History” category.
7th graduate.
Anna Alexandrovna, we know, loved us.
She loved each and every one of us.
Oh my God, may it happen to us,
If you weren't around.
Today MHC is a test,
Well, then write a report,
And still run to college:
Pass the exams yourself
Well, then we can play along,
On time for the rehearsal
And don’t forget to sing the verses.
And, in general, you are a wonderful marquise,
Oh, good, oh, good.
8th graduate.
In the nomination “Culture to the Masses”, or “Special Agent of Public Education in the Field of MCC”, A.A. Kotova won.
9th graduate.
A time of rapid transformation,
And without economic knowledge
Everyone is in trouble today,
Neither here nor here.
No money, no finances
We will sing romances.
We are great economists
We'll get there someday
Lessons from Natalia Alexandrovna
My friend, never forget!
10th graduate.
N.A. Shvedova won in the “Economy should be economical” nomination.
11th graduate.
With your crazy hands
We joined the matter together with you.
And we firmly know that patience and work
They will save us from adversity and difficulties.
You are for us dear father,
Our mentor, our hero.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we say thank you!
12th graduate.
In the category “Very. skillful hands" won by Utkin E.P.
13th graduate.
Tatyana Valentinovna, our cool mother,
It is impossible to forget your tenderness,
Ability to be kind, strict and gentle
And open the soul of each of us with a special key.
We will quarrel and make up.
“Don’t spill the water,” everyone around will say.
Tatyana Valentinovna - mother,
You are our true and faithful friend.
Class teacher T.V. Konyukhova won in the category “The coolest, coolest, coolest tormentor.”
1st graduate.
Who is the most tired?
This is the school technical staff
After all, it’s difficult to pick up all the trash behind everyone,
Clean, wash and sweep,
Paint, smear and whitewash.
How can you not love us!
2nd graduate.
Monakhova T.A., Egunova Z.A. won in the nomination “Golden Hands”, Glukhova E.N. won in the nomination “Most appetizing and colorful”, Demina T.A. won in the nomination “Today there were no explosions”.
3rd graduate.
Accountant is a useful profession,
And everyone at school knows her well.
Tatyana Petrovna is in charge of accounting,
Debit and credit will bring together,
Salary, income and expenses
It will reduce everything to a penny.
4th graduate.
T.P. Gorbatova won in the “Accountant, my dear accountant” category.
2nd presenter.
Here's your year of study behind you.
And the first rise and the first fall.
And this evening we wanted
You remembered every moment.
1st presenter.
While you are together, in class, still close...
And there's a long way ahead,
But there is an opportunity with a kind glance
Ask for forgiveness for something.
Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if we offended you in any way,
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience,
For the gray hair at my father's temples
And for the wrinkles of my own face,
Let us bow to the ground at your waist,
Thank you, dear ones, thank you, thank you!
2nd presenter.
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Less failures and tears,
And in our difficult age there is still patience
And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams.
1st presenter.
May you find something you like!
May you meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly!
We wish you happiness and good luck again!
2nd presenter. For ten years you have been climbing to the pinnacle of knowledge and discovery. And here she is in front of you - tall, unpredictable. Let's come closer to her and leave our handprints.
Graduates approach the mountain and attach paper palms with wishes to it and remain on stage.
They sing a song to the melody “This World” (from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva)
Because graduation only happens once,
For the first dawn of a June day,
Blame anyone in the world
But not me, but not me.
Chorus (sung twice):
This world was not invented by us,
This world was not invented by me.
It was not invented by me, what rushes day after day,
Either bringing joy or sadness to someone.
And the world was invented in such a way that everything is possible in it,
But nothing can be fixed afterwards.
There is only one way for us to cope with fate,
There is only one way in the flashing days:
Leave your heart here and come back again
Where our school is, our love.
At the end of the song, many balloons fly out from behind the mountain.
1st presenter.
Good luck guys, fly away!
A great life awaits you ahead!
Just never forget school
And those who prepared you for the flight!
2nd presenter.
Good luck, peace, goodness and happiness, dear graduates!
1st presenter.
And for you to really remember the holiday, for you to be truly lucky in life, you need to see a shooting star and make a wish before it falls, each to their own.
Graduates leave the hall and graduate Balloons with stars in the sky.

Musical skits and fairy tales have long and deservedly enjoyed the love of participants and spectators; such entertainment is popular at the most different holidays: school, family and corporate. They are, as a rule, very funny, suitable for the theme of a particular occasion, and most importantly, they do not require much effort in making props and preliminary rehearsals, they are carried out impromptu, and the participants improvise with pleasure. Suggested option - Musical scene for graduation and school celebration “On the Eve of Graduation”, is exactly like this: light and funny, it will fit perfectly into the graduation program of both primary school and 9th and 11th grades. Musical arrangement and the author's recommendations for implementation are attached.

(Author's explanation: Musical dramatization of one day from school life. For the skit you need to choose three actors. Ideal option the following combination will become: mom Lyuba is a teacher, Seryozha is a teacher or dad (it’s better to take big man with good plasticity, if, of course, there is a choice, the teacher is a schoolgirl. The actors need to distribute the props and talk about their role in advance, and, if possible, “go through” the script in order to make the scene more interesting and “without overlaps”).

Characters and costume elements:

- Graduate Seryozha(baseball cap, large tie)

- Mom Luba(apron, “Solokha” hairpin)

- teacher(round glasses, frill with elastic band)

- Leading(reads the text)

Props: chair, pointer, telephone

Script for the musical skit "On the Eve of Graduation"

Leading: Once upon a time in the city of N there lived a boy, Seryozha, we were greeted with thunderous applause.

Track 1 is playing. Serezha is great. - Seryozha sits down on a chair and pretends to have a dream.

Leading: Serezhenka has his beloved mother - mother Lyuba

Track 2 plays. Mama Lyuba - mom comes out

Leading: Mom Lyuba has one task, to wake up Seryozha for school.

Track 3 is playing. My sunshine. - Mom Luba begins to wake Seryozha.

Leading: A good option, of course, but this is not about our Seryozha, everything is much more serious here

Track 4 plays. Alarm melody - Mom seems to be turning on the melody mobile phone and puts it to Seryozha’s ear

Leading: Still, Mom managed to wake up Serezhenka.

Track 5 plays. The morning begins

Leading: But then mom and Seryozha looked at their watches and realized that they had to get ready very quickly: get dressed, wash, have a snack, pack a briefcase. Seryozha is getting ready, mom is helping

Track 6 is playing - complete bustle to the music, Seryozha runs, mom sits on a chair and seems to be knitting

Leading: But, no matter how much we were in a hurry, the bell rang, earlier than we would have liked, and Seryozha was late for class again.

Leading: Despite this embarrassment, you still have to go into class. And so, Seryozha enters the classroom, addressing his beloved teacher.

Track 8 sounds. Oh, the hour has finally come.

Leading: The teacher is outraged, he is tired of Serezha’s tardiness, and asks him to leave the class.

Track 9 is playing. Go away and close the door - teacher addresses Seryozha, pointing at the “imaginary door” with a pointer

Leading: And Seryozha tries to make up for everything with humor, and speaks with the intonation of Carlson

Track 10 is playing. Calm

Leading: But, alas, humor does not help, the teacher only becomes even more irritated.

Track 11 is playing. Don't interrupt me

Leading: Then Seryozha uses “heavy artillery, trying to melt the teacher’s heart with knowledge.

Track 12 plays. Twice two - Seryozha makes a cute face and tries to sing, rising on tiptoes .

Leading: Students' knowledge is truly a trump card for any emergency situation. And the teacher, as expected, “melted.” A soft heart, so to speak...

Track 13 is playing. Come in, sit down.

Leading: Then Seryozha got carried away, he decided to remember everything that happened the day before.

Track 14 is playing. Yesterday I was very sad.

Leading: The teacher was a little confused. But he didn’t show it, and Seryozha continued.

Track 15 plays. Say goodbye

Leading: Then it all became clear that our Seryozha was simply very sorry to leave school. And the Teacher, of course, understood this, and also sighed

Track 16 is playing. School is the world

Leading: And, of course, I tried to calm the guys down

Track 17 plays. Everything will be fine.

Leading: And then the bell rang from class

Track 7 plays. School bell

Leading: And Mama Lyuba entered the class, in her hands was a phone that Seryozha had forgotten at home, and from its speaker a song very suitable for the occasion sounded.

Track 18 is playing. But be yourself and everything will be fine

Leading: Our best wishes to the graduates, and our applause to the participants of the skit!

next year Kaminskaya A., Trofimova V.

1.(Music plays in a quiet backgroundChopin Prelude .)

Ved. 1

What an unusual day today!We are all happy here and at the same time sad,And perhaps you won’t find the words,To express your feelings to us.Ved.2

Friends, no cheating todaywith the prom guests,without preamble, at this very hourlet me introduce you.

(remove music)

Alright, everyone is ready, everything is ready:flowers, smiles and words!Meet me in this bright hallheroes of the great celebration!2. (celebratory music sounds, graduates rise to the stage, each person’s name is read out)

1. Baimagambetova Zhanna

2. Dolenko Maria

3.Grom Anastasia

4.Zhanat Anuar

5. Dusheba Irina

6.Garbovskaya Julia

7. Sharipova Adina

8. Nurkenova Aizhan

9.Prilutskaya Anastasia

10.Tulipbergen Ernar

11. Shamanskaya Alena

12. Podkorytova Arina

13.Baigarina Maria

14.Buchman Violetta

15.Zhasulan Almat

16.Zhasulan Nauryzbai

17. Ostrovsky Sergey

Ved.2 The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the children's art school, Esmukhanova S.Zh.

3. (presentation of St. music prelude in C major Bach)

(At the end of the director’s speech, graduates go into the auditorium)


At least believe it, at least check it,but I can’t believe it nowthat once upon a time you were met within these walls for the first time.that many people had bows like big clouds,that sometimes my hand could not reach the keys.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

4.(music by Paul Maria)

(on stage with congratulations 1st grade poetry and playing instruments)

1. You were an example for us, maybe even a beacon,Personally, I will be proud to know you!(Zel V.)2. I want with such a hairstyle, in such heels,to be beautiful, smart, catchy, so that everyone says - “AH”!(Dolenko V.)3. I’m not offended by you, even though I’m not great now.When I grow up, I will also be called a “graduate.”(Ioanidi P.)

4.Don’t look farewell, graduate

On kind teachers' faces

After all, school is your pure spring

More than once in your life he will give you something to drink. (Zel E.)

5. We cordially congratulate everyone, we wish everyone good luck,And let all all year round, you are lucky in all matters!(Sapar A.)

Ved:1 And now, our dear graduates of the piano department, remember how you came to our school 7 years ago.

1.On stage Sapar Aruzhan with the play “Chicken”


2. Zhigadlo Evgeniy will remind Irina how she played the accordion 5 years ago


3. Kabdulkalymov Bakhtiyar will remind our Anuar how the dombra sounded in his hands in 1st grade

Ved. 2 Our dear graduates! I would like to say thanks a lot to your parents for their attention, understanding and support. On behalf of the parentsThe floor is given to Dauletbekov Erlan Zhanatovich.


And they are invited to the stage... you can easily find out who we are talking about now.Unchangeable in their habits,And punctual as anyone,And their knowledge is priceless,And the conflict will be resolved easily.Hairstyled to suit the face, dressed,Do not give in to the passing of days.Yes, these are ladies and gentlemen in subjects -Teachers of specialties.

5. (music by Bizet Carmen)

(meet Dzhumabaev E.A., Serzhantova N.I., Yavorsky I.P., Lobanova S.E., Khasenov O.A., Eliseeva O.V., Kasymov M.K.)

Ved.2 The word for congratulations is given to the piano teacher S.E. Lobanova.

Ved. 1 The floor for congratulations is given to the teacher of the Fine Arts class, Natalya Ivanovna Sergeantova.

Ved.2 The word for congratulations is given to the piano teacher O.V. Eliseeva.

6. (Meladze’s song “Actress” text redone)

Today is farewell day and goodbye to school

You say, hiding your sadness.

How unnoticed the days have passed, you are leaving school

You won't be back here until September.

But you will always remember school years

Teachers, students, sonatas, scales, polyphonies

How strange it is that all this is behind us.

But now the exams are passed, the eyes are sad and sad,

Start adult life ahead

And who will be who and when only the years will tell


The time has come to part,

And it’s time for us to say goodbye to you.

Will you say goodbye to childhood?

In adulthood you: “neither fluff nor feather”

We dear graduates, we wish you happiness and goodness,

May an angel protect you every hour.

Let the years not touch you, and let no trouble come to your house,

We will keep you in our memories

And a long journey awaits you in life, but childhood cannot be returned.


That's behindof the year studies,
Rise and fall ahead.

7.(lyrical music)

And this evening we wish
Walk happily through life

We wish you strength, inspiration,
Less failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams!

(Leading together)

Good luck, dear graduates!

Tatyana Andreeva
Graduation evening at the Children's Art School "We will leave our hearts here!"

Scenario of the teacher of MAOU DOD DSHI MO "Baryshsky district"

Andreeva T. A.

Scenario High school prom

"We let's leave our hearts here

The presenters come out to the music.

Presenter 1:

Kind evening, Dear friends,

Guests, parents, teachers!

We are very glad to see you

On this day and at this hour!

Presenter 2:

And now the cherished day has come,

Everyone's a little sad

And it’s as if a shadow is wandering somewhere,

And everyone can’t wait until spring.

Presenter 1:

There will come a day for everyone when

It's time to leave school.

Presenter 2:

Away with sadness! And to start the holiday,

It’s time for us to invite graduates and alumni.

They go out to the music Graduates on stage and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 1:

That's what they are! Graduates of 2010! (Applause in the hall)

Presenter 2:

So that you graduates of their home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation

Presenter 1:

1. Which office has the fakest piano?

2. Why do you love solfeggio?

3. What inscriptions did you make on the desks during your studies?

4. What color are the curtains in the dance hall?

5. What advice would you give to the school principal when you leave?

6. How much does the piano weigh?

7. Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

8. Which one Christmas tree I remember you more the rest?

9. Why did you need this education?

10. Did your neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?

11. Did your parents have to convince you from time to time to continue attending our school?

12. Do you use the skills acquired in choreography lessons at the disco?

13. Will art be your profession?

14. What is heavier to wear?: textbooks or sheet music?

15. How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

Presenter 2:

Remember the first day of September?

How far this date is from us!

Your long lesson is over,

There was only no bell since class.

The time has come for it to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

To the music of each graduates rings the bell.

There's a song playing « Last call» (at the end graduates take their seats)

Presenter 1:

A little excited with us

What happens in moments of separation

He is the head of our art school

Wise advisor and friend.

Presenter 2:

Who can tell the guys at our school

Does it resolve all questions?

Who calmly and skillfully

Is he in charge of everything?

And of course, who will present the certificates now?

All: Director!

Presenter 1:

The school principal is invited to the stage

The director congratulates graduates and presents certificates

Presenter 2:

And now our graduates demonstrate their talents, they have prepared a festive concert.

Concert graduates.

Presenter 1:

At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classics, pop, jazz

Whatever you want - everything is for you!

Musical number – –

Musical number –

Musical number –

Presenter 2:

Today the music is heard

Not at all what it used to be.

The guitar string rings -

Musical number -

Presenter 1:

Being a choreographer is not easy

We go through the machine every time,

But in a concert performance

You won't take your eyes off us

Musical number -

Presenter 2:

Goodbye scales and etudes,

It's time for us to part with you too

You'll hardly forget us

Music master affairs

Musical number –

Musical number –

That's what my friends will teach you,

At our music school

Sing no worse than a nightingale.

Musical number –

Presenter 2:

Piano section.

Pianists are taught here.

Everybody plays the piano

They live in friendship with music.

Musical number –

Musical number –

Presenter 1:

In our dance class -

There is a loud knock

Our best dancers

They will know "toe-heel".

Musical number -

Presenter 2:

And the music plays again,

It sounds like it to us.

Music is having fun with us,

The music is silent with us

The world is filled with joy again

But in the pauses you can hear

Sadness is a quiet melody

And there is silence of sadness.

Musical number –

Musical number –

Presenter 1:

Magical sounds of music

Everyone admires them

And I know - listen to songs,

You really, really like it!

Musical number –

Presenter 2:

Thank you, music, thank you!

Thank you for the bright moment

When suddenly it opened up to me -

Your bright and beautiful world!

Musical number –

Presenter 1:

Now the word provided to graduates!

(Everyone comes out Graduates)


Allow me on behalf of everyone graduates open"congratulatory" part of our evenings called"We let's leave our hearts here


Dear Tatyana Gennadievna! We want to congratulate you on your new release.

The ship sails on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.


On behalf of everyone graduates we want to tell you...Thank you!

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership!

For the power of experience and knowledge,

For kindness and nobility,

For keeping promises!

It's time

Give a gift to your native school.

We have collected all our warmth hearts.

To you we want to give a heart, finally!

(Graduates give their hearts, on which everyone signed graduate)


We continue the ceremony "presentation" our hearts and we invite Tatyana Gennadievna, Tatyana Anatolyevna, Margarita Vladimirovna, Natalia Petrovna, Gennady Vladimirovich, Yuri Alexandrovich and Irina Gennadievna to come to us. Dear, dear and beloved our teachers! Today we say goodbye to you and

We wish you good health,

We wish you well

To have it in your life

Tomorrow is better than yesterday.

Let your strength not diminish,

Let joy shine in your eyes,

May happiness not be with you leaves

Not in your life, not in your business.

Warmth as a gift to you our hearts!

(Graduates present hearts)


Workers of the invisible front are invited to the stage - Nina Valentinovna, Evgeniy Petrovich, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna!

We walked along the stairs and corridors of the school

Over the years our legs hundreds of kilometers

And these corridors were washed, cleaned, heated

Behind us our nannies unnoticed.

We are very grateful to you and accept it as a gift our hearts!

(Graduates present hearts)


It would be unfair not to remember those who were with us all the years during lessons, tests, exams, who worried about us in a way that we did not worry about ourselves... This our parents. Expensive our mothers, dads, grandparents! We love you, we bow to you. Our life at school was cloudless thanks to you!


When we are sad and anxious -

Mom hugs us.

When we need advice urgently -

We'll go to dad.


Well, grandma and grandpa

Everyone in the world knows

They have sympathy and affection

We will always find.


Please accept our low bow and warmth. our hearts.

(Graduates present hearts)

Presenter 1:

We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words. graduates.

Beautiful parental kindness

There is nothing more expensive in the world

So that everything works out graduates are wonderful -

Give them parenting advice!

(Parents' speech)

Presenter 1:

Congratulate our graduates were decided by teachers.

(Teachers come out)

Dear Guys! You, making your earthly journey,

Linked your destinies with our destiny!

Now neither distance nor year

We will never be separated!

Do you remember, as a carefree and cheerful boy?

Did you see the school for the first time?

I saw delight in your eyes -

I saw a smile on my lips.

And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow

Don't you remember how you entered the music house?

Dressed up like a doll, all in flowers,

And curiosity sparkles in the eyes.

The strings of days fly by so quickly -

And there are no more awkward ducklings.

They all turned into swans

And the wings behind my back grow faster.

That's after a year of study

Rise and fall ahead

And this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

We wish you inspiration

Less failures and tears

So that you find something you like

And love music seriously

Our hearts will not forget about you

We will think about you often

And believe that we love you

And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Our dear graduate! Even after many years

Fly to our unquenchable light...

And no matter what happens, don’t you dare

Forget the art school and your teachers!

And now we ask you to stand up! And repeat our words:

We, Graduates 2010 Izmailovo Children's Art School, solemnly we swear: be faithful to your home school, do not forget your teachers and classmates,

To achieve success in life so that our home school can be proud of us.

All: We bow! We bow! We bow!

All together teachers and children sing a song "Little country"

What else to read