Dream interpretation of getting lost in the forest and finding a way out. What does it mean to get lost in a dream? Dream Interpretation Losing things

    An unfamiliar place, but not frightening, some people are walking, there are guards walking around, they seem to be guarding the entrance to an unfinished building, but as I approach they disappear or leave, I see their faces blurry. I boldly walk into a building that looks like a huge cathedral or castle under construction. Although it is evening outside, there is no light inside the building. I begin to examine the building, going further and further. Until I realized that I was lost, I panicked, called for help, started to return, but there was no way out. In a dream, I took out a flashlight, but it didn’t seem to pierce the darkness, I went back according to memory and sensations, and ended up in a labyrinth, having gone through it, I woke up a little before reaching it.

    I decided to analyze: “! Although I carry a flashlight in the bag with which I go to work, and in my dreams I use it, although there are enough different flashlights at home. - Work time, possibly night shift. I work in production, and large dark buildings have not frightened me for a long time, because... Factories often have unlit areas. So what can happen in a big dark building that my confidence in me will be shaken, and I won’t be able to find a solution to the problem (After all, I don’t build airplanes)!?

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    I've been having the same dream for a month now. After university, I return home. I’m in a good mood in my sleep and I can say I’m ready to move mountains. I get out of the metro, the bus, as always, doesn’t come and I decide to walk. I know that I need to walk for about 15 minutes, but an hour passes, two pass, and I still can’t get there. I turn around and don’t recognize the area. I start to run as fast as I can, looking around, trying to at least out of the corner of my eye notice the nine-story building in which I live. I get tired and fall to the ground exhausted. My body feels nothing, only the heaviness remains somewhere in the chest area. It's painful and scary.

    Then the alarm clock rings and I wake up. I feel disgusting, I have learned this dream inside and out, it gnaws at me, but I have no idea what it could mean.

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    I dreamed that I went on vacation to Dombay by car and got lost. While I was looking for a way out, I stopped in some eastern city, then wandered into a store where people looked at us like wolves looking at prey, but they began to help. They began to tell the way, and suddenly a boy appeared who said that he needed to go where we were going and would show the way if we took him, but added that he was not sure they would let us through the Afghan border))). After that, I remembered that I had a navigator, I loaded the location, and the last thing I saw before waking up was the name of the city Aninofrain.

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    I often have a dream, the details sometimes change, but the main idea is that I can’t find my way home, or rather, get home! I come to the house where I live (sometimes I don’t recognize it, but I know that it’s him) I go up to my floor, where my apartment should be located, but it’s not there, or I just don’t recognize it, or I can’t get into it to come in…

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    I have dreams in which I find myself on a dirty, swampy road under construction on the outskirts of the city, but I know the direction myself or I ask. There is no transport and I go to the place where it is. I walk through residential or industrial buildings, alleys, overcome dead ends, etc.

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    dream. I'm walking through the city of my childhood. I'm looking for the house where we lived. I’m almost there... and I remember, there’s no one there anymore... and everything has been rebuilt around. (I looked at the computer street in the city - it was rebuilt like I saw in a dream! My heart aches. I often see this dream with slight changes.)

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    I dreamed that I couldn’t find my way in a familiar building. First I went there, everything was as usual, I got into the elevator. I got off on the right floor and everything changed there. I wanted to go back, and everything was different there too. I went looking for the way back to get out, but nothing .lost.

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    I dream that I can’t find a stop home, although it’s nearby, I need to go down the street and ask people where to go and I wake up in my dream several times already and I can’t wait to get to mine, I never got there because I woke up

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    wandered into the gypsies, asked for directions and they went to accompany me

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Are you wondering why you dream of getting lost somewhere? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. According to dream books, such an episode can portend both success for the sleeper and life difficulties. Accurate interpretation sleep depends primarily on the details. Try to remember exactly where you got lost - in the city, forest, field or some other place.

What does the dream promise?

If in a dream you just happened to get lost, it means that in reality you will have the opportunity to get big money or some other benefit. In addition, such an episode in a dream can serve as a warning. You are unnecessarily relying on your friends. At the right time, they will not come to your aid and will not lend their shoulder.

In addition, any mistake you make may cause serious problems in the near future; be careful and careful. And according to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, the sleeper who got lost in a dream simply lost confidence in own strength, that’s why he’s confused.

Why might you dream about being lost in the forest and not being able to get out of it? Similar dream indicates that in reality you are in difficult situation and you don’t understand how to get out of it. If the forest in which you are lost turns out to be dense, then in reality you cannot avoid family conflicts.

If in a dream you called other people, it means that in reality you will receive long-awaited news. Why dream of getting lost in. The dream book explains that you may have lost your goal in life. If you are lost in a building, then in reality you should listen more to your own intuition. She will tell you a way out of the most difficult situation.

Have you ever gotten lost in someone else's house? In the near future you will plan a meeting with a person whose behavior is ambiguous and causes you great doubts. In addition, his appearance and mannerisms confuse you and prevent you from getting a complete picture of this character as a whole. Ask him directly, he will clarify what exactly he wants from you.

Why dream of getting lost in completely unfamiliar territory? According to the dream book, you subconsciously doubt your choice, your future. And your indecision and confusion are embodied in dreams.

If in a dream you are lost in the city and cannot find the building you need, it means that in reality you are dreaming of adventure. Lost in a small village? You will not avoid difficulties in the near future.

Who's lost

If you are lost in a dream, it means, according to the interpretation of the dream book, your future is very unclear, all circumstances are blurred, and you subconsciously feel this uncertainty. And if previously you acted on a whim, and you were lucky in all your affairs, now in order to achieve desired result, you will have to try hard, apply all your strength and skills. Also, such a dream can predict prosperity and the absence of health problems.

Can’t understand why you dream of getting lost in? Most often, such a dream predicts success in the business sphere. If you are lost in the city, then in reality you will be tormented by pricks of conscience. The Dream Interpretation believes that you should delve into yourself and find the cause of these emotions.

Did you dream about wandering through a labyrinth? This means that in reality you will find the answer to a question that has been haunting you for a long time. Have you ever gotten lost on the subway? You are tormented by fear of the future.

Did you see someone else getting lost in a dream? This means that in everyday life you are very concerned about this person and worry about him. When asked why you dream about someone else being lost and asking for help, there is the following answer. In reality it will be done for you profitable proposition. If in a dream you saw a woman with a child lost, then very soon you will receive news from distant relatives or friends you haven't seen for a long time.

Other interpretations of sleep

Lost in a car in the middle of a field? Such a dream is considered good sign and actually promises profit. If you are lost in the forest, but do not feel fear, then, according to the interpretation of the dream book, you are in harmony with yourself. If fear has taken possession of you, it means that you are afraid of any changes in life.

  • The primary elements are wood.
  • Elements - wind.
  • Emotions - anger. Organs - liver, gall bladder. Planets - Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation. The forest is trees and the surrounding area is smooth green color. The tree is a symbol of the rebirth of life and spring coming from the east. In a healthy state, a person receives the energy he needs from nature, without focusing on it. When the correct flow of qi energy in the body is distorted (disease), the body activates the process of obtaining the type of energy it needs. When the liver is empty, a person dreams of forests. The emptiness of the liver is characterized by the fact that a person does not want to see anyone (there is no strength to look at people, to communicate), but in a dream an image of a forest is born (a tree, greenery, the desire to look at greenery - this is consistent with the ratio of primary elements, color and organs of perception). A person tries to replenish himself through images that correspond to organs that are in a state of emptiness: the eyes cannot look - an image of a forest, greenery is created, in emptiness the body is immobilized - in a dream there is a feeling of movement, a walk. Forest/walk in the forest/grove and so on - restore your strength, take energy from nature. Walking in the forest in a dream is auspicious; it is an independent attempt to return to normal condition health through calm and alignment internal state in communication with nature. Illness or fatigue has not affected the will to move, everything else will follow. Getting lost in the forest means the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and man is only a small part of the world, which pride often prevents him from realizing. Getting lost in the forest means understanding your relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Depending on the behavior of the person lost in a dream, all systems of the body may be involved. All possible states: relaxation, helplessness or active attempts at recognition, panic or pleasure from unexpected loneliness. Getting lost in the forest without feeling fear or panic means realizing yourself as part of the world. Such an understanding brings peace, contradictions and grievances disappear, the very concept of injustice is erased (nature supposedly deprived us of something). Getting lost and, slowly, looking at everything carefully and with pleasure, walking through the forest is favorable; eliminating internal contradictions will bring health, well-being, and success in business. The dream corresponds to the season of spring. Getting lost in the forest with panic and attempts to escape without paying attention to the surroundings, fear of the forest - this means internal failure/lack of awareness of oneself as part of the world, fear of any changes, distrust of others and of life. An attempt to escape from the forest in a dream is a desire to maintain the previous familiar state of affairs, despite obvious contradictions and failure, a desire to return from a world of harmony to chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world can never be favorable and is especially dangerous in the spring. Pay serious attention to your health (liver) and reconsider your internal value system. Favorable in this case, despite the dreamer’s reluctance, there may be a change of environment (rest).
  • The primary elements are wood.
  • Elements - wind.
  • Emotions - anger. Organs - liver, gall bladder. Planets - Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation The forest is trees and the even green color surrounding the walker. The tree is a symbol of the rebirth of life and spring coming from the east. In a healthy state, a person receives the energy he needs from nature, without focusing on it. When the correct flow of qi energy in the body is distorted (disease), the body activates the process of obtaining the type of energy it needs. When the liver is empty, a person dreams of forests. The emptiness of the liver is characterized by the fact that a person does not want to see anyone (there is no strength to look at people, to communicate), but in a dream an image of a forest is born (a tree, greenery, the desire to look at greenery - this is consistent with the ratio of primary elements, color and organs of perception). A person tries to replenish himself through images that correspond to organs that are in a state of emptiness: the eyes cannot look - an image of a forest, greenery is created, in emptiness the body is immobilized - in a dream there is a feeling of movement, a walk. Forest/walk in the forest/grove and so on - restore your strength, take energy from nature. Walking in a forest in a dream is auspicious; it is an independent attempt to return to a normal state of health through calming and aligning the internal state in communication with nature. Illness or fatigue has not affected the will to move, everything else will follow. Getting lost in the forest means the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and man is only a small part of the world, which pride often prevents him from realizing. Getting lost in the forest means understanding your relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Depending on the behavior of the person lost in a dream, all systems of the body may be involved. All possible states: relaxation, helplessness or active attempts at recognition, panic or pleasure from unexpected loneliness. Getting lost in the forest without feeling fear or panic means realizing yourself as part of the world. Such an understanding brings peace, contradictions and grievances disappear, the very concept of injustice is erased (nature supposedly deprived us of something). Getting lost and, slowly, looking at everything carefully and with pleasure, walking through the forest is favorable; eliminating internal contradictions will bring health, well-being, and success in business. The dream corresponds to the season of spring. Getting lost in the forest with panic and attempts to escape without paying attention to the surroundings, fear of the forest - this means internal failure/lack of awareness of oneself as part of the world, fear of any changes, distrust of others and of life. An attempt to escape from the forest in a dream is a desire to maintain the previous familiar state of affairs, despite obvious contradictions and failure, a desire to return from a world of harmony to chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world can never be favorable and is especially dangerous in the spring. Pay serious attention to your health (liver) and reconsider your internal value system. Favorable in this case, despite the dreamer’s reluctance, there may be a change of environment (rest).

In a dream, as in fact in life, getting lost is very bad. This is an eloquent indication of the loss of life direction, as well as a symbol of uncertainty, which will soon develop into genuine panic. Dream books will show with examples what else this plot is meant for in dreams.

Dr. Freud's opinion

Did you dream that you were unlucky enough to get lost in a dream? The dream book believes that you are completely confused in your novels and connections.

If a woman dreamed that she managed to get lost in a labyrinth, caves, or even an ordinary building, then she exhibits very strange tendencies.

For a man, such a plot in a dream promises an inferiority complex and a depressed state of mind in reality.

Interpretation from the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream if you are not lucky enough to get lost in the forest and experience terrible emotions? A very unpleasant trip awaits you, from which you will not be able to escape. It is good to wander in a dream across fields and open areas. This is a sign of success and excellent prospects.

Did you dream that you got lost in a dense thicket? The dream book predicts numerous troubles at work and conflicts at home. If you are frozen in a dream, then you will go on an unpleasant trip. If you screamed and called for help, then you will receive the long-awaited news.

Getting lost in a snowstorm or at night is bad. In a dream, this is a sign of a business mistake that will lead to dire consequences and large losses.

What does the Yellow Emperor's dream book think?

Did you dream that you got lost in the forest? In reality, you will soon realize how small and insignificant a person is compared to the Universe. This image helps to understand that everything in the world is interconnected and inseparable.

Seeing that you managed to get lost, but in a dream you didn’t feel a drop of fear is good. A great insight awaits you. After it, you will experience a feeling of peace, and contradictions, resentments and bad thoughts will disappear from your soul.

Why do you dream that you are lost and at the same time you are looking very carefully at the surrounding landscape, looking for clues and signs? Good self-examination will help heal the heart. Luck, love and prosperity will finally come to life.

If you dreamed that, having gotten lost, you succumbed to panic and felt the presence of something inexplicable nearby, then you are still only on the way to knowing yourself. But habitual stereotypes, imposed guidelines and accepted morality in society do not provide an opportunity to break out of this vicious circle.

Why do you dream of getting lost in a building?

Did you happen to get lost in an unfamiliar building in a dream? You clearly don’t trust your own intuition, and it’s completely wrong. Did you dream that you were wandering along the corridors, looking for a way out? A well-planned enterprise faces a major setback.

Why dream that you are lost in a very strange place? big house? Meet an outwardly pleasant person whose principles will raise great doubts and remain a mystery to you for a long time.

What does it mean to get lost in the subway or labyrinth?

Why do you dream of wandering in a labyrinth? In reality, you will have to solve a complicated problem, which at first superficial glance will seem almost insoluble. If you gather your strength, you will cope with this difficulty, and then you will feel like a real triumph.

Did you dream that you were lost in the subway? An important and even fateful event is coming, in the face of which you are lost and feel great uncertainty.

Getting lost in a strange city in a dream

Why do you dream that you are in unfamiliar city and managed to get lost in it? Your future, as well as your plans, have not yet been precisely defined. Wait. Lost in a strange town and can't find the right street? You are clearly seeking unnecessary adventures.

Sometimes in a dream this plot reflects Negative influence urban and in general modern life on the dreamer. Big city burdens you and deprives you of personal freedom. You need to either adapt to the situation or look for another place to live.

Why do you dream of getting lost in the forest?

In general, getting lost in the forest is bad. If you dreamed of such an event, then this is a true indication of the hopelessness of some situation. This plot conveys internal uncertainty and fear of future events.

Most likely this is not your direct fault, you are simply under someone else’s influence. Figure it out, and everything will be resolved by itself.

In rare cases, getting lost in the forest is even a good thing. In a dream, the image hints that unconditional success will come only after long searches.

What does it mean to get lost in a cemetery?

Contrary to all expectations, this is not the worst dream plot and it is more of a warning than an indication of inevitability. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account personal emotions.

So getting lost in a cemetery with fear and horror means that something from the past is literally pulling you back. These could be memories, remorse, old grievances, childhood complexes, etc. You have to free yourself from all this, otherwise life is useless.

Did you dream that in a dream wandering around the churchyard was associated, if not with joy, then at least with the absence of bad impressions? In reality, a lot of new concerns and problems will simply appear. But they will not have a fatal impact on future fate.

Getting lost in a dream - specific places

To understand why the plot being analyzed is dreamed of, you should establish the terrain features, weather and other nuances as accurately as possible.

  • getting lost in the forest - benefits, difficulties
  • in the field - prospects, love
  • there are chores in the house
  • in the city - a difficult matter
  • in the intricacy of tunnels - spiritual quests, internal discomfort
  • in the mountains - life trials
  • in the corridor - concentration is needed
  • in the desert - loss of spiritual direction, fanaticism
  • in the tundra - lack of options for improvement
  • in the swamp - illness, difficulties in personal life
  • in the fog - inability to make a decision
  • in a snowstorm - showdown
  • in the dark - doubts, boredom, danger
  • get lost and get out - avoid trouble, good changes
  • not leaving - misfortune, prison

Why do you dream that in a dream you tried to navigate using a compass? Some problem needs to be solved, but you need outside help. If you managed to get lost because you lost your compass, then loss of purpose and unreasonable behavior in real world will lead to a disastrous outcome. At a minimum, you will be left alone, at a maximum, life will turn into a waking nightmare.

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