Reliability rating of insurance companies. Which insurance company is best? Why are some insurance companies not rated?

Anything can happen on the road. Even an experienced driver cannot be sure that he will not get into an accident in the next few weeks. Or even become his culprit. Therefore, it is mandatory to have an OSAGO policy - this will allow you to cover the damage caused at the expense of the insurance company.

The cost of an OSAGO policy is regulated by law and cannot be cheaper or more expensive than a certain amount. For each category of transport, the base rate is different, and the final price of the policy is calculated using a single formula. The cost in insurance companies, in turn, depends on the additional services that it offers to the client. However, the list of additional packages is also small, and it is not necessary to issue them.

For ease of choice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best OSAGO insurance companies. The material was compiled taking into account user reviews and tops from professional analysts. Descriptions of additional services and features are also included. All companies also provide electronic OSAGO, so it is not necessary to go to the office. But you can, if it's more convenient.

TOP 10 best OSAGO insurance companies

10 Liberty Insurance

24/7 support and field trips
Rating (2019): 4.1

The rating is opened not by the most famous insurance company, but capable of providing an excellent level of service. The financial strength rating of Liberty Insurance has fixed at ruAA+ on the national scale of the RAEX rating agency, which confirms the stability of the company. The firm has a high payout rate of 49%. In the reviews, many customers praise her for her loyalty to OSAGO owners and, oddly enough, generosity. Sometimes Liberty pays out more than experts estimate.

The percentage of refusals is slightly higher than that of other insurers - 7.27%. So in the matter of paperwork and care when claiming damages, you should be more careful. Liberty promises maximum comfort when applying for a policy with her. The company is ready to provide not only OSAGO services, but also additional opportunities. For example, round-the-clock call of the emergency commissioner or feasible legal assistance if necessary.


Minimum failure rate
Rating (2019): 4.2

The company has the best rating on the national scale - ruAAA, which can be compared with the leaders of our top. Its level of development is assessed as stable - no negative changes in the situation are planned in the near future. Feedback from real customers is quite contradictory - not everyone likes the speed and level of service. But there are also many positive moments - the company solves problems quickly and efficiently.

Undoubtedly, we are pleased with the very high level of insurance indemnities - 68%. Therefore, there is no doubt that the money will be paid in the right amount, especially given the minimum percentage of refusals. 0.44% of all transactions for the last reporting period were sent to court. Only 0.92% of customer applications were completely denied payments, which is very small. Such statistics of the return of damage pleases - you can be almost 100% sure that the cost of repairing and restoring the car will be reimbursed.

8 VSK Insurance house

Short payout period
Rating (2019): 4.3

The former "Military Insurance Company" did not change the iron discipline and responsibility due to her rank. VSK has very few failures - only 1.65%, almost the lowest level in our rating. The level of payments is average - 41%. With a reliability rating of ruAA (slightly worse than the most stable ones, but without the threat of a decline), this gives hope that the stability of the company will not be shaken in the coming years. Moreover, there are serious prospects for growth. So VSK can be safely chosen as an insurance company for the long term.

Keeps a discount for accident-free driving throughout the year. Guarantees the beginning of the refund process within five days after the request, which is quite fast. Other companies may not deal with the issue for a week or more. Promotions timed to coincide with significant events in the country are periodically held. And you can get a good discount on these promotions. Customer reviews are mixed - depending on the region and branch, the level of service varies from average to very good. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, there is a 10% discount for registration of OSAGO.

7 Zetta Insurance

European quality of service
Rating (2019): 4.4

The former Zurich insurance company provides a European level of interaction with clients and convenience of work. Not included in the TOP-10 market leaders according to the Central Bank of Russia, but compensates for this with the quality of service. It has a national scale rating of ruA+ (moderately high creditworthiness) with brightly looming development prospects. Therefore, you do not have to worry about its stability - the company is quite reliable.

The company promises payments in a short time after an accident, and not within 20 days, like other insurers. And you don’t need a lot of documents for registration - a passport, a PTS and a driver’s license. The level of payments is not the highest, but tolerable - 39%. The good news is that Zetta practically does not refuse payments to its clients: the company's refusal rate is only 1.4%. Every year the company becomes better and more convenient. And in the reviews, customers note that progress is noticeable. Zetta is a real pleasure to work with.

6 Consent

An actively developing insurance company with excellent prospects. So far, it has a ruBBB+ rating, which means a high, but not ideal, level of creditworthiness, as well as some dependence on the country's economy. But actively seeks to get the highest score from professional analysts. The insurance company pleases with a good level of insurance payments - 56%. "Consent" compensates for the damage in all insured events. It doesn't matter how many times a car has been in an accident in the past year, it won't affect your payments. It's just that the policy will be more expensive in the future. Those who drive without accidents can count on excellent discounts for the renewal of the policy from the company. The company has very few refusals to pay, which is good: their share of the total amounted to only 1.45%.

The company has an excellent mobile application that allows you to manage insurance and get all the necessary information through your smartphone. Now it will not be possible to forget when the OSAGO policy expires. In addition, almost all issues related to insurance, damages, and so on can be resolved online. Excellent technical support will respond to the appeal within an hour, you won’t have to wait long.

5 Renaissance Insurance

Convenient obtaining an OSAGO policy
Rating (2019): 4.6

A company with good customer reviews, a stable position and a well-known name. It is part of the Renaissance Group, which has everything from banks to life insurance. The excellent level of reliability of ruAA- (slightly lower than that of the leaders, but excellent on average) predicts a stable position of the insurance company in the market. In addition, the company has something to strive for, so every year it becomes better and more profitable. Support service dispatchers work around the clock and are ready to advise the client at any time.

The Renaissance strives to fulfill all its obligations and once again does not refuse them. The rate of refusals of payments is low - only 2.86% of all applications to the insurance company with a downward trend. The company provides a rather high volume of insurance payments for its level - 52%. So you can trust the damage insurance company. In case of an error when filling out an electronic policy, it is not necessary to terminate the contract and redo it all over again. The service "My electronic OSAGO policy" allows you to make changes directly on the site and not worry about anything. I am glad that you can order a policy online, but you will receive a regular document - Renaissance will send a courier, and he will transfer the OSAGO to the owner within the next day to any place. You can also pay upon receipt.

4 Rosgosstrakh

The largest insurance company
Rating (2019): 4.7

Rosgosstrakh is considered the largest and most successful insurance company in Russia. One of the oldest firms in the country pleased with a pleasant share of insurance payments - as much as 64%. In 2019, the company's rating was upgraded to ruAA-, which signals that the company is actively developing and will definitely provide reliable insurance. The company has 15 years of experience in the Russian market. Rosgosstrakh is the most affordable insurance company. She has hundreds of offices in most cities of the country, so anyone can apply for services. And those who are too lazy to go to the office of the company can easily apply for E-OSAGO directly on the website.

Rosgosstrakh's share of influence on the market has decreased - over the last reporting period, only 12.6% of all insured events in the country were settled, while earlier this figure reached 26%. Unfortunately, earlier the company had problems with payment of damages and other services. Therefore, the reputation of the company is tarnished, as evidenced by customer reviews. Now Rosgosstrakh has corrected itself, but it is still treated with distrust. The percentage of refusals to pay is quite low, but not ideal - 3.98%.

3 AlphaInsurance

Top customer reviews
Rating (2019): 4.7

This company opens the TOP-3 of the most profitable and convenient OSAGO insurance companies. It has been fighting for leadership in the insurance market for more than 20 years with alternate success and has not left the TOP-10 for the past few years. Received a ruAA+ rating from professional analytical agencies, which is only slightly different from the highest score. AlfaStrakhovanie boasts excellent reviews - customers consider the company one of the best on the Russian market.

The level of payments from AlfaStrakhovanie is acceptable - the company provides compensation in the amount of 41%. The percentage of refusals to pay is minimal - only 1.1% of all claims for damages. It has a convenient DSAGO policy for additional protection. It is easy to customize it for yourself with direct design. The advantage of AlfaStrakhovanie can be safely called an excellent Personal Account - it is very convenient to manage insurance through it. In case something is not clear, technical support quickly and professionally processes requests and literally “chews” the information.

2 RESO-Guarantee

An insurance company with a convenient set of service packages. In the reviews, the company is noted as reliable and responsible. The same is confirmed by her rating from professionals - ruAA +, which is almost the best rating. This means that the company will definitely have enough money for more than one year ahead, and it does not stand still. Therefore, RESO-Garantia lives up to its name and pays damages without any problems. Reliability is confirmed by a rather low failure rate - only 2.32% with a downward trend. RESO-Garantia maintains a decent level of payments, not dropping it below 49%.

Among the advantages of RESO-Garantia, one can single out an additional opportunity for car owners with OSAGO from this insurance company - a DGO policy. This is a voluntary insurance that allows you to compensate up to 100% of the loss in case of an accident without taking into account the wear and tear of parts. This also includes the possibility of purchasing the services "Ambulance", "Technical assistance on the road" and "Accident Commissioner". A technical support service is available with advice on accidents 24/7. It's nice that the loss settlement service does not have days off and holidays - you can apply for your money at any convenient time.

1 Ingosstrakh

One of the best insurance companies in Russia, dealing with almost everything. Including OSAGO. The company's reliability rating is ruAAA, the highest possible. I am glad that Ingosstrakh is trying to pay damages without delay and problems - the level of payments is kept at 48% and is growing. However, the share of failures has recently grown up to 7.66%. However, this says little and little about the negative experience with the company. Almost always, one does not even need to go to court to receive full compensation for losses incurred as a result of an accident - only 1.11% of applicants filed a claim for compensation through the court.

The advantage of Ingosstrakh is that it openly offers additional services and does not hide them in the contract. All possible “dopas” are spoken out, and the client already decides whether he needs them. Among the additional packages there are very useful ones. For example, DSAGO is voluntary insurance that can cover the difference between accrued payments and actual damage. But it is issued together with CASCO and not in all regions of Russia. For cars up to 5 years old, it is possible to buy an additional package of “Auto Protection” services, which will allow you not to take into account the life of parts when repairing under an insurance policy, compensating for reduced payments for wear and tear. In addition, together with OSAGO, Ingosstrakh often offers the “Maintenance Guarantee” service, which allows you to reimburse the price of breakdowns discovered during the technical inspection. But it is available only for cars aged from one year to 10 years.

Making an insurance policy for the car owner is a resolved issue. And if he cannot refuse insurance, then the choice of an insurance company for CASCO is completely in the power of the citizen himself.

What are the criteria for choosing an insurer? Experts believe that the most reliable criterion is the rating of CASCO insurance companies.

What is the rating of insurers, and why is it needed?

The rating of an insurance company is an indicator of its reliability. The rating is assigned by specialized appraisal organizations after the audit. In Russia, the recognized leader in the field of valuation is the Expert RA rating agency. The position of the insurer in the market is based on the data of his checks.

Why does a motorist need a rating? It would seem that an ordinary car owner does not care how reliable an insurance company is recognized. The main thing is to choose the most inexpensive policy. However, in the realities of automotive life, reliable insurance companies play a more important role than it might seem.

In essence, the rating shows how likely it is to receive compensation in the event of an insured event. Therefore, when faced with the question of which company to choose, one should be guided not only by the national rating, but also by officially assigned reliability indicators.

Who is grading?

is the leading rating agency. Most insurers get their rating here. The agency has been in existence since 1997. The rating is assigned depending on the predicted probability of the insurer fulfilling its obligations to policyholders. Both the current position of the company in the market and the likelihood of its development or bankruptcy in the future are assessed.

"National Rating Agency" ("NRA") is the leading independent appraisal agency in the Russian market. The activity of the company started in 2006. The company assigns an individual rating based on voluntarily provided information from the insurer. The rating is assigned at the request of the customer.

How is reliability assessed?

Rating agencies evaluate, first of all, the financial position of the insurer. A full analysis of financial indicators and documentation is carried out, conversations with management representatives to summarize the data obtained. The information is processed and submitted for consideration by the collegial body of the appraiser company.

After a preliminary decision has been made, the insurer has the right to challenge it. The rating is assigned by the final vote, taking into account the amendments made by the insurer. This information may be published in official sources or not disclosed at the request of the customer.

Why are some insurance companies not rated?

  • The assessment of Expert RA specialists is not always affordable for an insurance company. Small firms cannot afford the evaluation procedure and operate without a rating.
  • Companies with a negative financial history are not interested in assigning a rating. A low rate can have a significant impact on economic benefits.
  • Non-market insurers focused on a narrow circle of insurers are simply not interested in getting a rating. If a company does not plan to work with a large number of customers, there is no need for fixed reliability.

Rating decoding

According to the official data of the Expert RA rating agency, there are the following classifications of companies:

  • A++ - exceptionally high reliability;
  • A + - very high reliability;
  • A - high reliability;
  • В++ — acceptable reliability;
  • В+ — sufficient reliability;
  • B - satisfactory reliability;
  • C++ - low creditworthiness;
  • С+ — very low creditworthiness;
  • C - unsatisfactory creditworthiness;
  • D is bankrupt.

In order to avoid possible refusals in the payment of funds due to an insured event, it is recommended to apply to companies with a rating of at least B.

The best insurance companies for CASCO

Comparison of ratings in different appraisal companies made it possible to form a list of the most reliable insurers. According to the estimates of 2013 by the Expert RA agency and the National Rating Agency, the following were in the top:

  • RESO-Garantia;
  • SOGAZ;
  • Agreement.

These companies are assigned the highest level of reliability.

Other A++ rated companies

The list of insurers with the highest creditworthiness, according to Expert RA, includes:

  • Ingosstrakh;
  • Transneft;
  • VTB Insurance;
  • Alliance;
  • AlfaInsurance;
  • Renaissance Insurance;
  • Uralsib;
  • Energogarant.

The listed companies have the highest reliability rating, and their market position, including the outlook for the future, is assessed as stable.

Companies with an A+ rating, according to Expert RA

  • ZHASO;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • Helios Reserve;
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • ERGO Rus;
  • Zurich.

Insurers rated A, according to "Expert RA"

  • Hyde;
  • BIN Insurance;
  • D2 Insurance;
  • Intouch insurance.

The position of the listed insurers is assessed by experts as stable, positive or having prerequisites for development. The 2014 rating confirmed the data of expert assessments.

The choice of motorists

People's rating
distributed places among reliable insurers according to consumer sympathies:

  1. Intouch Insurance- the company received the highest marks in terms of payout percentage and quality of service. 90% of consumers are ready to recommend the insurer to their friends.
  2. RESO-Garantia ranked second in the same category.
  3. Third place was controversial. The company “won” in the payout frequency category VSK, in terms of service quality - Liberty insurance, according to the probability of recommendation - MSC.
  4. Here, in the categories of frequency of payments and quality of service, the leadership remains with MSC. 4th most likely recommendation Liberty Insurance.
  5. The company ranked fifth SOGAZ in the payout frequency category and VSK(in the other two).
  6. Sixth place shared by companies Liberty(payment frequency) and SOGAZ(recommendations and quality of service).
  7. Seventh place is unconditionally occupied by the company INGOSSTRAKH.

It is interesting that the companies from the TOP according to Expert RA did not get into the national rating. Thus, ROSGOSSTRAKH and AlfaStrakhovanie, Russia's largest insurers, turned out to be "overboard". Obviously, consumer sympathies are focused on the probability and amount of the insurance payout. As you know, ROSGOSSTRAKH cannot boast of objectivity in this matter.

For a domestic car owner, the issue of finding the cheapest CASCO insurance company remains topical. However, it is not recommended to base your choice on the cheapness of the policy. Remember: the cheaper the CASCO, the higher the likelihood of fraud!

The given rating and the online CASCO calculator will help you find an affordable and reliable option. Now every insurance company has its own website with the ability to calculate the cost of an insurance policy. In order not to be deceived, contact a reliable insurer that has entered the top lines of the rating.

Every car owner someday faces the question of where it is better to insure OSAGO or which insurance company to choose for this. After all, the list of organizations providing car insurance is many, but the problem of who is cheaper to buy the most profitable insurance will always worry car owners in Moscow.

The need to conclude an OSAGO agreement is the responsibility of every car owner.

At one time, traffic accidents were analyzed, and the legislator decided to introduce an insurance system.

Now, certain companies that meet certain criteria can offer auto insurance, online insurance services to anyone who wants it, and in some cases, voice the possibility of purchasing additional insurance, if this does not violate applicable law.

As of today, the concept of OSAGO means the prevention of the consequences of traffic accidents by protecting the car owner from additional costs in the event that he is found guilty in the investigation of the causes of an accident. Upon the occurrence of such a moment, the insurer will be obliged to reimburse the amount specified in the contract to the injured citizen.

If it turns out that the OSAGO agreement was not concluded by the driver or is simply overdue, then, at the request of the law, the individual loses the right to drive his own car.

Now there is a generally accepted methodology for assessing the damage caused. But complaints in her direction, or rather, on the actions of insurance companies in the evaluation process, become the subjects of constant discussions and incessant complaints. This is due more to the actual actions of those who assess the damage, and not to the imperfection of the existing system.

Which insurance company is cheaper to issue OSAGO

The question is where they make and issue inexpensive policies for cars, which policy to choose is relevant every day. At the same time, when choosing from companies practicing auto insurance, it is necessary to build on a number of data.

First you need to understand what insurance companies are, which insurers are the best and where you can quickly insure. This is due to the fact that the state has provided an opportunity for sellers to offer OSAGO policies in a certain price range.

At the same time, companies can either raise prices for insurance or lower them, dumping and gaining customers.

All these measures are associated with a number of risks for the acquirer, which will be discussed below.

The table below shows the most profitable insurance companies in proportion to policy prices within the tariff corridor set by the Central Bank of Russia. This is the minimum cost from which insurers start when offering their services to consumers. At the same time, in some cases, insurance can be issued cheaper.

Table 1. "Favorable insurance companies licensed for OSAGO"

The cheapest policy does not guarantee the reliability of the company . Therefore, when wondering which insurance companies are more profitable to make a document, you need to start from the reliability rating. He is constantly changing. Some organizations leave the market, unable to withstand the competition. Others simply go bankrupt by making the wrong strategy for disproportionately inexpensive policies.

Where is it better to issue and buy an OSAGO policy in 2020

Nevertheless, a number of the remaining firms have been successfully holding positions of leaders stably and not for the first year. It is probably worth focusing on them in order to understand what service is guaranteed to be received on the auto insurance market without unnecessary risks of not receiving reimbursement amounts or, conversely, getting problems in the form of fake insurance.

VTB Insurance
Renaissance Insurance
RESO - Guarantee
Table 2. Reliability rating of the most famous insurance companies in Russia

Certainly, in some cases, it is worth trusting reviews and opinions managed to purchase insurance from popular insurance companies. Including inexpensive, because the requirements of all customers are different.

The latter, as a rule, prefer to remain silent, rightly believing that since they received excellent service for money, then it should be so.

Sometimes, by offering the cheapest policies, insurers on the pages of their portals make it possible to quickly determine the amount of possible expenses using online calculators.

This often simplifies the dilemma that arises about:

  • Where is the best insurance?
  • how to make insurance;
  • how to apply for an online policy today;
  • choose Uralsib, Rossgostrakh or VSK which is better, etc.

After all, a professionally designed web page of the portal of the insurance services seller is akin to excellent management: it helps speed up the purchase process and saves time for the buyer. That the latter appreciate and often leave good reviews about the service, which can be seen below.

At the same time, no one ever prevents a potential buyer from calling the company's hotline and finding out all the questions of interest. Calls to these services are usually free.

You need to be extremely careful when buying insurance on a very cheap policy.. Here one can expect either falsification of the document, when the policies are sold as lost or simply written off. Or imposing by the seller of additional paid services.

Among those who bought cheap insurance, there are deceived customers on both sides. Unfortunately, such scams do not stop at the present time.

According to the legislation, car owners are given the opportunity to purchase a policy via the Internet. . An electronic document issued and paid for online has the same legal force as that acquired in the usual way. Theoretically, it should not differ in value from its paper counterpart. But in reality it can be much cheaper.

Due to the imperfection of local programs that accept payments and process applications for the sale of OSAGO policies, there are frequent cases of software failures during registration, problems with debiting funds, issuing problematic insurance numbers, etc. Usually all these points are solvable, but finding out the causes of certain problems is sometimes very delayed.

Therefore, online insurance is a double-edged sword:

  1. On the one hand, it is fast and convenient, it is possible to pay by bank transfer.
  2. On the other hand, a program that does not function properly often fails car owners who want to buy a policy through online.

The reasons for buying policies online car owners call the most diverse:

  • Then they cannot take advantageous insurance near their home or place of residence.
  • Either the policy has expired, and now there is a need to buy insurance as quickly as possible. Or they just don't want to push in the queues.

And some drivers are forced to use the Internet by the insurers themselves, again because of the current problems with customer service.

And sometimes it comes to the point that, in order not to lose a client, he is redirected under patronage to another policy seller. Such cases are not uncommon and take place with some degree of periodicity.

One of the well-established implementers of OSAGO policies online in the insurance market are the following companies:

  • Ingosstrakh;
  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Alpha insurance;
  • Hyde insurance company;
  • Eutoins;
  • Muscovy;
  • Uralsib Insurance;
  • Tinkoff Insurance;
  • Insurance Joint Stock Company VSK;
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • HOSKA insurance group and a number of others.

To evaluate their activities on the same Internet, bases of the best insurers are created with the possibility of writing customer reviews. Such rating portals with a good status provide the opportunity to write a current complaint with redirection of the latter to the appropriate insurance company for investigation. And often complaints from customers can be resolved in this way.

It is also possible to check a dubious company by sending a request for a license from the insured. This function works on the website of the Bank of Russia or the PCA.

To determine the reliability of the company, you can still use such parameters as the size of the authorized capital of the company and the ratio between received and paid money.

With an authorized capital with a size less than legally approved, the insurer does not have the right to work on the market. The payout ratio is calculated for each offered product separately.

When deciding which insurance company to contact, pay attention to the presence of an extensive network of branches in the region where customer service is provided. The more branches, the more convenient it is for customers.

Look for additional promotions and discounts (within reasonable, not explicit dumping). Large stably functioning companies often allow the practice of providing various discounts and including additional insurance services in the overall package.

Rossgosstrax RUB 83,435,839 thousand
SOGAZ RUB 63,913,169 thousand
Ingosstrakh RUB 41,192,947 thousand
RESO-Garantia RUB 40,167,654 thousand
Alpha Insurance RUB 27,930,673 thousand
Agreement RUB 23,613,700 thousand
VTB Insurance RUB 15,888,150 thousand
Alliance RUB 14,757,499 thousand
Renaissance Insurance RUB 13,032,376 thousand
Uralsib RUB 12,029,059 thousand
Table 3. Rating of insurance companies by OSAGO fees for 2016

How to get OSAGO insurance

The rules are the same everywhere:

  • The car owner chooses the company at his discretion.
  • Carries out an appeal in the application form according to the approved sample.
  • Submit your documents:
    • passport or similar interchangeable document;
    • driving license with a mark on the assigned class;
    • registration certificate;
    • certificate of registration in the traffic police;
    • a copy of the diagnostic card.

What factors when applying for OSAGO insurance affect the cost in 2020

What criteria affect the final amount of the policy, allowing you to choose the best insurance for those who want to buy insurance. There are not so many of them to insure a car profitably:

  • machine engine power. The higher this indicator, the higher, respectively, the calculated coefficient that increases the amount of insurance;
  • the place where the vehicle is registered. Each region has its own rates. In cities where the accident rate is higher, the calculated indicators are higher;
  • age of the owner of the car, his length of service and experience. The more seniority and better experience, the lower the coefficient, since such a driver is obviously more trustworthy;
  • driving experience without causing an accident. Using these parameters, you can drop the OSAGO insurance amount up to minus 50% (as a maximum);
  • given the opportunity to insure under the system permitting the admission of several persons to driving. In this case, the policy will cost more;
  • term of insurance. The best cheap insurance is obtained when applying for OSAGO for 10 months. This is the current trend. It may change in the future.

In the future, when calculating the payment, the base rate is multiplied by the coefficient obtained in accordance with the rules of the calculation methodology.

The maximum cost under the most "unfavorable" conditions for the payer can grow several times, stepping over the mark of 20 thousand Russian rubles.

RIA Rating - 7 Mar. The insurance market in 2017 felt quite good, as evidenced by the dynamics of individual indicators, although the growth rate has significantly decreased. According to the official statistics of the Bank of Russia, last year 1.28 trillion rubles of insurance premiums were collected for all types of insurance (except compulsory medical insurance), which is 8.3% more than in 2016. For comparison, in 2016, premium growth was almost twice as high - +15.3%. Thus, the growth rate of premiums of insurance companies is declining quite quickly, but even their current level can be called acceptable and many times higher than inflation per year (2.5%). At the same time, the main source of growth, as before, is life insurance (investment and savings programs), and a significant increase was observed in accident insurance.

According to the results of 2017, compared to the result of 2016, the volume of insurance payments increased by only 0.8% and amounted to 510 billion rubles, that is, the growth in payments was radically less than the growth in premiums. The ratio of insurance premiums and payments, which determines the losses of insurance companies, at the end of 2017 decreased quite strongly - by 3 percentage points to 39.9% as of January 1, 2018. For comparison, according to the results of 2015 and 2014, the ratio of payments and bonuses was 50% and 48%, respectively. At the same time, the local minimum of recent years on the intra-annual date was observed following the results of the 1st quarter of 2016, when the ratio of payments and premiums was 39%. To a large extent, the reduction in the loss ratio of insurance in Russia is associated with the development of life insurance. This type of insurance assumes that the main payments occur after at least 5 years, and often after 7-10 years. Thus, when the demand for life insurance decreases, the loss ratio will return to its previous level, and most likely, it may even increase significantly (up to 70-80%). At the same time, according to RIA Rating experts, in the next couple of years, the ratio of premiums and payments will continue to decline, and may even drop below 35%.

The number of insurance contracts concluded in 2017 increased even more - by 15% to 193 million units. It should be noted that a significant increase in the contract base is mainly due to growth in four types of insurance: personal accident and illness insurance (+8.8 million contracts or +17%), financial risk insurance (+7.5 million or +54 %), insurance of other property of citizens (+5.2 million or +16%) and insurance for causing harm to third parties (+2.2 million or +30%). At the same time, the number of valid contracts as of January 1, 2018 did not grow so much - by 11% to 129 million contracts. Significant differences in the dynamics of concluded and existing contracts are explained by the short duration of many insurances, in particular, insurance of citizens against accidents and illnesses includes travel insurance, which is concluded for a vacation period, and, as a rule, insurance against financial risks is concluded for a short period.

The exodus continues, the remaining companies are being consolidated

To assess the current positions of insurance companies in the market, RIA Rating experts have prepared a regular rating of insurance companies in terms of collected insurance premiums. The rating is based on data from the Bank of Russia and is built by ranking insurance companies by the volume of premiums received in 2017 from voluntary and compulsory insurance, with the exception of compulsory medical insurance (CHI). The rating presents data as of January 1, 2018 for 208 Russian insurance companies with non-zero premiums collected.

The number of operating insurers at the end of 2017 decreased by 9.2% or 21 companies. For comparison, in 2016, a little more players left the insurance market - 23 companies, thus, the rate of reduction in the list of insurance companies remains relatively stable. At the same time, only 208 companies remained in the current rating that actually carried out their activities (attracted customers and collected premiums), while 237 insurance companies have licenses. It is worth noting that the six companies from the bottom of the ranking were characterized by a very small amount of collected premiums, which ultimately indicates the curtailment of their business, and in the future, with a high degree of probability, it can be expected that a significant part of them will leave the insurance market. RIA Rating experts expect that the number of insurance companies will continue to decrease and in the medium term about 150 companies will remain on the Russian insurance market.

An increase in the volume of premiums in 2017 was demonstrated by 119 insurance companies or 57% of the companies represented in the rating, which is slightly less than in the rating for the previous year (60%), but better than the result in 2015 (54%).

It should be noted that in 2017 the number of insurance companies decreased, the volume of collected premiums from which exceeded 1 billion rubles, in particular, in the current rating there are 85 such companies against 88 companies in 2016. In turn, 21 companies were able to overcome the level of 10 billion rubles at the end of 2017, against 20 companies in the previous year. At the same time, the median amount of premiums in 2017 amounted to 0.71 billion rubles, which is 18% more than in the previous year.

Against the backdrop of a reduction in the number of insurance companies, an increase in the median amount of collected premiums, as well as a good result, the largest representatives of the insurance business are experiencing an increase in concentration. In particular, at the end of 2017, the top ten largest insurers in total showed an increase in premium collection at the level of 9.8% (against 8.3% on average in the market). And as a result, the share of the TOP-10 companies in the total volume of collected premiums increased from 64.6% in 2016 to 65.3% in the current rating. It should be noted that the top ten largest insurance companies provided about 80% of the total increase in collected insurance premiums. According to RIA Rating experts, in the medium term, concentration growth will continue both due to organic growth in large insurers, and due to mergers and acquisitions in the market.

Significant changes among the leaders

Among the largest insurance companies in 2017, there were quite a lot of changes in positions, which was the result of significant diversification in growth rates (maximum 71%, minimum -36%). In particular, a new insurance company appeared in the top ten - AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, which got into the top ten due to an increase in premiums by 71% and was thus able to displace Consent from the TOP-10 largest. Sberbank life insurance and VTB Insurance were also able to significantly strengthen their positions relative to competitors, with premium growth of 56% and 28%. In the current rating, both companies have moved up three positions each, and now Sberbank Life Insurance is in 2nd place, and VTB Insurance is in 4th place. At the same time, the companies that could not maintain their positions were: Ingosstrakh and AlfaStrakhovanie (down one position each and now they are in 5th and 7th places in the ranking), as well as Rosgosstrakh, which lost 4 positions at once and is now in 6th place among the largest Russian insurance companies.

The leader of the rating in terms of collected insurance premiums was the company SOGAZ (158 billion rubles of collected premiums in 2017). This insurance company has been ranked first since the first quarter of 2016. In 2017, Sberbank Life Insurance and RESO-Garantia occupied the second and third places, with collected premiums amounting to 102 and 89 billion rubles, respectively. The fourth and fifth companies in the ranking were VTB Insurance (80 billion rubles) and Ingosstrakh (79 billion rubles). In addition to the above companies, the top ten also included: Rosgosstrakh (78.8 billion rubles), AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK and Rosgosstrakh-Life, whose volume of collected premiums was at the level of 73, 66 and 57 billion rubles respectively, as well as AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, which collected 52 billion rubles in premiums. It should be noted that 10 insurance companies were able to overcome the level of 50 billion rubles of collected premiums at the end of the year, while a year earlier only 8 companies collected above this level.

According to the results of 2017, VSK-Liniya Zhizni had the best relative dynamics of premiums among the TOP-30 large insurance companies. The volume of insurance premiums of this company increased by more than 7 times, which allowed the company to rise by 51 positions to 16th place in the current rating. In second place in terms of insurance premiums is the insurance company SOGAZ-LIFE, which in 2017 collected 3 times more premiums than a year earlier and ranked 17th in the current rating (38th in the 2017 rating) . NSG-ROSENERGO ranks third in terms of growth in insurance premiums among the largest; its growth in premiums for the year amounted to 83%, which allowed the company to move up 12 positions (now it ranks 30th). It should be noted that another 6 insurance companies from the top thirty were characterized by an increase of more than 50% over the past year.

The largest decrease in the volume of collected insurance premiums among the TOP-30 in 2017 was observed at the insurance company Rosgosstrakh, whose premium volume decreased by 36% over the year. According to RIA Rating experts, such a significant decline in the former leader's business was the result of several factors at once. Firstly, Rosgosstrakh is drastically reducing work with OSAGO, which was the most problematic type of insurance for it, which explains about half of the entire decline. In addition, the reduction in business due to the sale of the company, as well as the subsequent reorganization of the new owner (FK Otkritie Group), affected. The second in terms of the rate of decrease in the volume of premiums was the insurance company "Alliance Life", the decrease in collected premiums amounted to 27% (-7 places in the ranking to 24th place). It is worth noting that Alliance Life is part of the Allianz group, which has been curtailing certain areas of its business in Russia since 2014, so the decline in positions is quite natural. The insurance companies Ingosstrakh and SK CARDIF took the third and fourth places in terms of the decrease in the volume of premiums among the largest ones, the volume of premiums for which decreased by 8.8% and 6.2% over the year.

In terms of the number of contracts concluded since the beginning of the year, the leader is AlfaStrakhovanie, which, at the end of 2017, has 46.8 million insurance contracts concluded. At the same time, the largest number of contracts with this insurance company were concluded in two categories: financial risk insurance and insurance against accidents and illnesses, which account for 16.6 and 12.7 million contracts or 27% and 35%, respectively. In total, AlfaStrakhovanie accounts for more than 60% of all concluded contracts for these two types of insurance. In turn, the total collected insurance premiums for these two types of insurance amounted to only 10.7 billion rubles, or 20% of the collected premiums. Thus, the average contract size for these two types of insurance is about 365 rubles, which is very little. In general, a significant number of such contracts with this insurance company can be associated with Alfa-Bank (), which includes insurance in some service packages. The second and third companies in terms of the number of contracts concluded were Rosgosstrakh with 17.1 million contracts and VSK with 16.7 million contracts. In terms of the number of valid contracts as of January 1, 2018, the top three look a little different - the leader is Rosgosstrakh with the number of valid contracts in the amount of 14.2 million contracts, followed by AlfaStrakhovanie and VTB Insurance, whose number of valid contracts is 13.7 and 12.5 million contracts.

Turning to the ratio of payments to premiums, it can be noted that out of 208 insurance companies presented in the rating, 25 (12%) had a ratio of payments to premiums of more than 100%. In general, this may indicate that these insurance companies are curtailing their activities. Most of these insurance companies attract a small amount of premiums, but they continue to pay out under quite a lot of old contracts. It should be noted that among the largest, only Rosgosstrakh was characterized by a ratio of premiums and payments of just over 100%. On the other hand, 70 insurance companies (33.7% of the total) were characterized by a relatively low rate of payments to premiums (less than 20%), including twelve of the TOP-30 in terms of collected premiums.

According to RIA Rating experts, the prospects for the Russian insurance market in 2018 look quite good. First, life insurance will continue to be quite popular against the backdrop of declining returns on deposits and other savings methods. Secondly, therefore, comprehensive mortgage insurance will also show high growth rates. Thirdly, the Russian automotive market is recovering quite quickly, which may have a positive impact on auto insurance. In addition, in the corporate segment, insurance premiums can be expected to rise above inflation. In general, RIA Rating experts expect that in 2018 the volume of premiums of Russian insurance companies will be at the level of 1.35-1.40 trillion rubles.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today" specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creation of ratings for the regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and public sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating as part of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA is included in the line of the agency's information resources, which also include: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in terms of citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citation in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

OSAGO is a compulsory insurance system. Such a system is practiced in all CIS countries. The main purpose of such insurance is to protect the property and health of vehicle owners. A distinctive feature between CASCO, which performs the function of compulsory insurance and applies to the car and the driver himself, OSAGO protects the health of passengers and property. Such insurance has the right to carry out only those companies that have official permission for this, that is, a license.

It should be noted that every year the insurance market replenishes with new companies, which rarely linger in this segment. Most often they go bankrupt or lose their license to engage in such activities. In order to prevent car owners from falling for the tricks of scammers, ratings of the most reliable companies in insurance are compiled every year.

Insurance company ratings

  • Exceptionally high levels of reliability are the designation A++;
  • Very high is the designation A +;
  • High - A.

If the insurer is included in this list, then it already deserves attention among motorists. And those who occupy leading positions have every chance for further cooperation.

So, let's start with the insurers that have earned a place in the "Exceptionally high level of reliability" rating:

All these insurers deserve the highest rating from experts. Thus, they are the most reliable.

Now consider insurers that have received a rating"Very high level of reliability":

  • Helios;
  • Guta-Insurance;
  • ZHASO;
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • Surgunteftegaz;
  • ERGO Rus.

It should be noted that Guta-Insurance and MSK received a rating of insurers that have just embarked on the path of development in the field of OSAGO. All others are considered stable.

  • BIN Insurance;
  • Hyde;
  • D2 Insurance;
  • Intouch Insurance;
  • Ugoria.

It should be noted that all rated insurers are reliable, according to experts. Now it is worth looking at the opinion of the users of this type of insurance themselves. What do they think?

Top insurance companies according to people:

If compare ratings of experts and people, you can see that some insurers are in the favorites in both one and the second list. Moreover, AlfaStrakhovanie is the most reliable in the opinion of citizens and experts.

Which insurance company is best

For years, experts have been working on to identify the best insurer on the market. This list is updated every year, new companies appear. But, there are a number of insurers who were able not only to stay in the ranking of the best, but also managed not to leave this list.

It should be noted that each insurer has its admirers and envious people. Every insurer has negative reviews. After all, it is difficult to find such a person, especially in Russia, who will be able to admit that he was wrong in this or that situation.

So, now let's find out who can bear the honorary title of "Best OSAGO Company":

The second half of the top OSAGO

  1. The fourth place is occupied by MSC. This OSAGO insurer was founded in 1993. The authorized capital is 16.1 billion rubles. The insurer is part of the Spasskiye Vorota group. There are 52 branches.
  2. In fifth place is the insurer - VSK. It was founded in 1992. The number of clients is about 10 million individuals and 100 thousand legal entities. The authorized capital of the company is 3.2 billion rubles. There are more than 600 branches in Russia. The advantage of the insurance company is that it guarantees the return of losses within 5 days.

So in this article ratings of insurance companies were dismantled from experts who issue the OSAGO policy. And it was also found out which insurers are favorites, both among experts and citizens. Moreover, we found out which company is the best in the insurance market. The best OSAGO insurance company is AlfaStrakhovanie.

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