Does folic acid help get pregnant. The role of folic acid in the process of conceiving a child

Perhaps any couple who wants to conceive a baby knows about a vitamin called folic acid. Moreover, gynecologists strongly advise starting a course of vitamin B9 (another name for “folk”) just before pregnancy. With its help, the female body prepares for conception.

Vitamin for fertilization

At what dosage should women take folic acid for conception when planning a pregnancy? This issue requires detailed consideration.

Modern women are deliberately preparing for the appearance of crumbs (read the article about). Following the recommendations of the doctor, they undergo a medical examination and. Regardless of their results, the gynecologist will advise you to drink folic acid when planning a pregnancy.

A woman planning to conceive a baby should make an integral part of her life. It is important to use medications that contain synthetic vitamins, and eat foods rich in natural trace elements. Affects conception and what lifestyle young parents lead: at this time it is important to give up bad habits.

Before taking synthetic vitamin complexes, you should consult with a gynecologist. Their uncontrolled use can cause malfunctions in the normal functioning of the female body. In this case, vitamins can harm, not help.

However, their importance cannot be ignored. For example, folic acid is necessary for conception.

We list the properties of folacin:

  • helps proteins to digest;
  • promotes cell division;
  • affects blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves appetite and general well-being.

Waiting for a miracle

When planning a pregnancy, folic acid is needed both by the expectant mother (for hormonal levels) and by the unborn baby. In the early stages, this vitamin is involved in the formation of the neural tube. Moreover, in order to get pregnant quickly and live this happy time without problems, you need to drink vitamin B9 much more than always.

Gynecologists unanimously agree that folic acid helps to get pregnant. In addition, "folk" will help eliminate many deviations from the normal functioning of the fetus in the mother's body.

Fetal defects occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, when women are usually unaware of conception. Therefore, it is important to start taking folic acid when planning a pregnancy, and not after it has occurred.

If, before conception, the female body did not accumulate the required amount of folacin, the pregnant woman will face many other troubles that can occur with a lack of folic acid:

  • placental abruption;
  • miscarriage in the early stages;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • the appearance of multiple malformations.

Taking "folka" before pregnancy contributes to the proper growth and development of cells and tissues.

The value of vitamin B9

If there is a vitamin deficiency in food, the result will be noticeable after a few months: folate deficiency anemia will begin to develop in the body. It provokes the appearance of immature red blood cells and a decrease in hemoglobin. Because of this, the woman becomes irritable, her appetite decreases, she quickly gets tired and suffers from depression.

These characteristic symptoms after a while can be supplemented by hair loss, vomiting and diarrhea.

Folacin does not have accumulative properties, therefore, there is always a need for a vitamin. A woman needs to regularly replenish B9 supplies so that the body works correctly and the reproductive system does not fail.

When planning a pregnancy, folic acid should be in the right amount in the body already 2-3 months before conception occurs.

Gynecologists suggest that this time is enough for a woman so that the lack of the vitamin does not affect pregnancy.

But the dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is selected taking into account the characteristics of the body of each woman.


Like any drug, B9 has a number of contraindications. In particular, hypersensitivity to this vitamin.

If a woman has the diseases indicated in the annotation, then folic acid intake when planning pregnancy and its dosage will be determined by the attending gynecologist.

The instruction indicates that folacin cannot be combined with certain drugs (click to enlarge the instruction).

Not always taking folacin will help the fetus to form correctly. This may be due to incomplete absorption of the vitamin.

The body "does not accept" folacin or assimilates it partially under such conditions:

  • woman smokes;
  • suffers from alcohol addiction;
  • lives in regular stress;
  • does not get enough sleep;
  • takes hormonal drugs;

How and how much to take

The norm of folic acid is 200 mcg every day (provided that the person is absolutely healthy). If a woman wants to conceive, then the dose of folic acid should be increased.

How much folic acid to drink when planning a pregnancy? Only a personal gynecologist can answer this question. After the examination, the doctor will indicate the right amount of vitamin for a particular woman.

In large quantities, folic acid is needed for women who have impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract. An unbalanced diet is another reason why folacin is not absorbed by the body.

Folic acid is found in many multivitamin complexes and supplements, so its amount in tablets varies. In the absence of special medical recommendations, when planning fertilization, it is necessary to take 400 mcg of "folk" every day. If during previous pregnancies there were pathologies of fetal development, then the dose can be increased to 1200 mcg. But the doctor must prescribe the therapeutic dose. It is advisable to start taking three to six months before conception, at least a month. If pregnancy occurs, vitamin supplementation should be continued for at least 12 weeks.

Doctors say that it is quite difficult to overdose on B9, since its excess is excreted from the body. Therefore, it is better to slightly overdose than to create a deficit.

Medicines that contain folacin

There are many complexes that have "folk" in their composition. The content of B9 in them is different: from a preventive dose to a therapeutic one.

The gynecologist will advise the patient on the right drug, since only a doctor can calculate how much folic acid a woman needs.

  • "Folic acid". This medicinal product contains 1 mg of vitamin B9.
  • The drug "Folio" is very popular when planning a pregnancy. Its popularity is due to the fact that it contains folacin and iodine. They are necessary for the proper development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother. The dosage of these trace elements is preventive, so most women successfully use it to compensate for folic acid deficiency.
  • "Folacin" and "Apo-Folic" - preparations with folic acid. The content of the vitamin in them is increased. They are taken when a lack of folacin is detected. That is, the dose contained in these drugs is therapeutic.
  • All multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain folic acid.

In addition to taking prophylactic doses of the vitamin, it is important to introduce foods rich in folacin into the diet.
These are fresh vegetables, herbs, legumes. There is a lot of this vitamin in pumpkin and buckwheat, as well as in some fruits. There is also folacin in animal products, but there is much less of it.

The amount of folacin decreases during cooking, so it is better to eat a green leaf salad than a pound of boiled beans.

Reading 6 min.

At the planning stage of pregnancy, folic acid is used for ovulation. In this case, the drug is recommended to drink not only to expectant mothers, but also to fathers. Folic acid helps to normalize all female processes in the body, to establish the process of ovulation, to improve the quality of the egg.

What is folic acid?

The drug is an analogue. The human body is able to produce it on its own, but the doses are very small.

The beneficial substance is also found in food.

At the same time, the results of studies have shown that not all people have the right diet, so it is better to take additional folic acid.

The substance is necessary for many processes occurring in the body.

It answers for maintaining DNA integrity and cell growth prevents the development of malignant tumors. Favorable effect is on hematopoiesis.

Folic acid is really needed. Its lack increases the risk of premature birth, miscarriage, and the appearance of pathologies in the fetus. It helps to normalize and general well-being.

The role of folic acid in ovulation and conception

A couple planning to become parents should not be deficient in vitamins. Very often they are missing a key element.

That is folic acid. from the first days affects the course of pregnancy.

The substance is able to prevent serious pathologies of the unborn baby, among them the following:

  • cleft lip;
  • wolf sky;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • spina bifida;
  • absence of a brain.

Before conception, acceptance by both prospective parents of B9 will help prevent negative factors, appearing at a stage when a woman is not yet aware of her interesting position.

It also affects the possibility of conception, namely, the fertilization of a released egg by a spermatozoon. In particular, in the viscosity of secretion decreases, and this contributes to the promotion of male cells. According to doctors, a favorable environment is being formed to preserve the mobility and viability of spermatozoa.

Does folic acid affect ovulation? It has been scientifically proven that women who take B9 regularly less likely to suffer They also get their periods on time. Scientists have also determined that folic acid promotes ovulation.

Grow in accordance with the norm, subsequently one of them becomes dominant, he during bursts and releases from the shell of the nuclear. The cell is of high quality and ready to meet the spermatozoa. By the way, this process also requires vitamin E.

If we talk about implantation, then the vitamin plays an important role. During the first 5-7 days, the cell moves along the fallopian tube to. This period is one of the most key, because the lady does not even know about imminent motherhood.

Reference: Researchers from the US have shown that women who have problems conceiving should take folic acid tablets at least 6 times a week. Then her chances will increase by almost half, 4 times improve the situation by 30%. Those who used the drug 1-2 times a day caught up with the participants who completely forgot about it.

Many are wondering when to start paying attention to the issue of accepting B9 at the planning stage. Usually, before conception, doctors recommend using it for 2 months.

By the way, the couple should quit buying and drinking hard liquor.

Future parents should stop smoking if they have such a bad habit, since folic acid is destroyed by nicotine.

Lack of folic acid in the body

Lack of this acid leads to folate deficiency anemia. The characteristics of the pathology are:

  • depression;
  • feeling tired;
  • constant irritability;
  • decreased appetite.

When high blood pressure is recorded, a stroke is not excluded. Diarrhea often appears, immunity problems develop, severe diarrhea, mouth ulcers.

Sometimes placental abruption occurs, and this indicates a fading fetus.

How to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy

The appointment schedule is determined by the doctor whose couple is observed for family planning.

The dosage depends on a number of factors:

  • whether there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • do future mom and dad drink alcohol;
  • whether there is a need for hormonal preparations;
  • how many healthy foods are consumed.

When a person is healthy, up to 400 mgc can be prescribed per day. A man should not take a small dose, and this is reflected in the quality of his sperm. This must be done after eating, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

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Folic acid not only takes an active part in the process of fetal formation, but also has a significant effect on the body of a woman and a man during pregnancy planning. But what is this influence?

Folic acid is a substance that a woman needs not only during pregnancy, but also at the planning stage.

This vitamin does not accumulate in the human body, and therefore it should be consumed regularly. However, like any medication, under the supervision of a doctor.

Folic acid is also called vitamin B9, and it takes an active part in a variety of body processes. This substance is indispensable for maintaining the integrity of the DNA structure, for cell growth, the proper functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems.

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and plays a significant role in hematopoiesis. And so much so that if the vitamin is not enough, people may develop anemia.

For women during pregnancy, this is an extremely important substance, since it reduces the risk of miscarriage, prevents the occurrence of pathologies in the child and postpartum depression in the mother. The vitamin also prevents premature birth, and is also responsible for the formation of the placenta.

And during the period of gestation, a woman needs folic acid in a much larger amount than usual. However, according to medical statistics, every second of the expectant mothers lacks this vitamin.

Does folic acid help get pregnant?

It cannot be said that folic acid is a kind of panacea that gives 100% success in conception.

But it is of great importance at the stage of pregnancy planning for both women and men.

The fact is that this vitamin reduces the risk of an anovulation cycle by at least a third - this is directly related to the chance of getting pregnant.

In addition, folic acid:

  • is directly involved in the synthesis of nucleic and amino acids that are required for the production of a healthy egg ready for fertilization;
  • necessary for the immediate formation of the fetus and its proper development subsequently;
  • has a positive effect on the mother's central nervous system and promotes the absorption of other B vitamins.

For men during pregnancy planning, folic acid is needed to:

  • a healthy potency was maintained, in which the vitamin, being a necessary component of the hematopoiesis process, takes an active part;
  • the continuity of the cycle of formation of germ cells was maintained, which positively affects the genetic health of the future father;
  • increased penetration and motility of spermatozoa.

Considering all this, it can be said that folic acid does help with pregnancy, although it is not a key factor.

Application to get pregnant

The drug can be used both in the dosage form and from food. But before better to do research, which will reveal whether there is a lack of a vitamin, and in what amount it needs to be replenished.

And since folic acid does not accumulate in the body, but is consumed with great activity (the excess is constantly excreted), you need to start using the vitamin at least 3 months before the planned date of conception.

IMPORTANT! In order for the substance to be actively absorbed, at the stage of pregnancy planning, parents need to give up bad habits, limit the intake of hormonal drugs and antibiotics, and cure gastrointestinal diseases. Otherwise, no matter how much vitamin is taken, there will be no effect.

Instructions for use for conception

IMPORTANT! The exact dosage and the possibility of taking the drug, taking into account the characteristics of your body, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Both men and women need to consider the following: despite the fact that folic acid is also found in foods, its bioavailability for the body is low. Those. if you take a vitamin only from food, it is absorbed worse and excreted faster.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both parents should use this substance in dosage form - this is how it is absorbed faster in the gastrointestinal tract.

For women, the required daily dosage of the vitamin before conception is 400 mcg, after conception - 500-600 mcg.

For men, the dose of folic acid per day should be between 700 and 1000mcg. And you need to take it as a supplement to your daily diet.

The dosage form of the vitamin is available in pharmacies, produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the dosage.

Folic acid in tablets breaks down very quickly in the light and has a high hygroscopicity, so you must carefully follow the rules for its storage. If they were violated, you can not take the medicine!


An overdose of folic acid can occur with both severe and latent symptoms. The obvious symptoms are:

  • nausea and vomiting occurs;
  • increased gas formation;
  • discomfort in the stomach and intestines is increasingly appearing;
  • from the side of the central nervous system, psychomotor agitation and insomnia develop;
  • possible allergic reactions with skin manifestations;
  • there is a possibility of B12 deficiency anemia.

Hidden signs of an overdose of folic acid affect the child, he is born with:

  • violations of visual functions;
  • reduced cognitive abilities - then they will develop more slowly than in healthy children;
  • propensity to bronchial asthma, obesity and eczema.

Given all of the above, it is clear why it is so important to comply with the daily dose of the vitamin and in no case exceed it.

ATTENTION! It is forbidden to drink folic acid with the simultaneous use of cytostatics, anticonvulsants, antibiotics and medicines to reduce stomach acid.

With infertility

Vitamin B9 does not cure infertility, this must be understood. However, it plays a huge role in helping treatment, as it affects not only DNA, RNA, amino acid production, etc., but also immunity.

Folic acid strengthens and strengthens the immune system of a woman's body, which makes it possible to more effectively and quickly cope with diseases and pathologies that caused infertility. In addition, taking the vitamin increases the chance of developing a healthy egg.

In men, folic acid fights disorders spermatogenesis, increases the number of spermatozoa capable of fertilization, and improves their quality. And also this substance is able to influence the amount of sperm produced, making it more.

So vitamin B9 can, if not cure, but significantly help in the treatment of infertility for both spouses.

natural sources

The table below lists the foods that contain the highest amount of folic acid.

Name Amount of B9 (mg) per 100g. product
beef liver 240
Cod liver 110
Spinach 80
walnuts 77
Hazelnut 68
Heart 56
kidneys 56
Rye flour 55
cocoa powder 45
Wheat flour 40

In addition, asparagus, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, sesame seeds, flax and bird eggs have a high vitamin content.


In conclusion, we can say that vitamin B9, although not a panacea for problems with conception, is necessary for both future parents, and a woman needs it during lactation.

This substance can greatly increase the chances of conception, prevent pathologies in the development of the fetus, improve the health of both the expectant mother and the future father.

In contact with

When planning a pregnancy, folic acid (follacin) is very important. It contributes to the conception and bearing of a full-fledged baby without diseases and abnormalities. If during the conception of a baby, the future father and mother in the body will have an insufficient amount of this important vitamin, then this can lead to serious problems. Therefore, taking folic acid during pregnancy and in the early stages is a kind of foundation for the health of the child. If you have any questions, it is better to contact the experts.

How to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy

This vitamin helps prepare the body for pregnancy and conception. It is recommended not only for women to take it. What does folic acid do?

  • Normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • Activates the absorption of protein;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Plays an important role in the formation of RNA and DNA, directly involved in the transmission of heredity;
  • Helps the absorption of amino acids;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Does not allow atherosclerosis to develop;
  • Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Gives protection from poisoning;
  • Promotes the absorption of other minerals and vitamins necessary for the onset of pregnancy and its bearing.

Taking folic acid before conception is very important for women, because when there is no “reserve” of this element in the body, difficulties can arise during pregnancy:

  • Placental abruption (absolute or partial);
  • Miscarriage;
  • Fading pregnancy;
  • Birth of a child with defects;
  • Decreased appetite in a pregnant mother, and this leads to the fact that the child will experience a lack of nutrients;
  • The occurrence of anemia;
  • Increased fatigue, and for a child in the womb, this is detrimental.

Folic acid intake is also important for men, because folic acid promotes conception, and if it is scarce, it may not take place. So, the effect of acid on the male body:

  • Improves sperm motility;
  • Increases the likelihood of conceiving a full-fledged child;
  • Reduces the number of spermatozoa with abnormalities in the chromosomal set (further this may result in developmental abnormalities in the fetus).

Some couples cannot conceive a baby for years, and then, turning to specialists and passing tests, they find out that one of the partners in the body, and sometimes both, does not have enough folic acid to become pregnant. This cause causes up to 80% of developmental abnormalities in newborns.

To protect yourself and your unborn child from serious troubles, you need to start taking follacin in advance, before pregnancy. This should be done not only with the help of drugs, but also with the help of products containing vitamin B9.

If future parents eat right, take care of their health and do not have chronic diseases, they may not be prescribed this element in the composition of medicines, but it is necessary to consume foods high in follacin.

Foods rich in folic acid:

  • Chicken eggs;
  • Potato;
  • Greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • Watermelons;
  • Rice groats;
  • Kefir, cream, cottage cheese;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Horse mackerel;
  • Cream;
  • Beef liver and cod liver;
  • Spinach;
  • Rye flour;
  • Meat;
  • Walnuts and almonds.

Folic acid can lose its beneficial properties during processing at high temperatures, and in order to preserve them, foods are best steamed or eaten fresh.

Preparationswith vitamins B9

The absence of deficiency in future parents of folic acid is a fundamental factor in the health of the baby. That is why partners are often prescribed drugs containing it:

  • Folic acid tablets for conception. How to use? Experts recommend taking one tablet per day. In addition to the fact that this drug is convenient to take, it is also inexpensive;
  • Tablets "Apo-folic", "Folacin". These preparations also contain *folic acid. When planning pregnancy, the dosage for a woman will be 800 mcg. These drugs are not preventive, but therapeutic, so it is still not recommended to use them arbitrarily, it is better to consult;
  • Tablets "Folio" - a drug that has earned confidence due to its quality. Women need to take 2 tablets a day, men - 1. In addition, this remedy contains iodine, which is so necessary for the health of the child;
  • Multivitamin complexes. As a rule, they also contain folic acid, which is necessary during pregnancy. Instructions for use for them are different, so it is impossible to say exactly how many tablets you need to take per day. The dose for prevention is 400-1000mcg.
    A lot of drugs can just make you dizzy. You should not make a choice on your own, consult with specialists, the attending physician knows exactly which drug to prescribe in a particular case.

If future parents have questions about taking the drug, this instruction will help to resolve them and avoid mistakes.

  • How to use? If a future mother or father is found to have a severe deficiency of follacin, they will be prescribed appropriate drugs. If such problems are not detected, the doctor may simply prescribe general vitamin complexes and good nutrition;
  • Correct dosage. For a woman, the daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy is 800 micrograms, for a man - 400 micrograms. This is due to the fact that a woman gives a lot of this substance to a child to form his nervous system. But these are just approximate numbers. In some cases, with a severe lack of a vitamin, the dose may increase;
  • When to start taking? The subtlety lies in the fact that follacin does not accumulate in the body, its excess, if it appears, is immediately excreted. For successful conception, it is recommended to start taking the drug at least three months before conception;
  • What can affect the body's absorption of folic acid? Often, even when the intake of this vitamin is prescribed on time, its deficiency is still observed. This may be due to the fact that the vitamin enters the body and is immediately excreted from it, i.e. not absorbed. Assimilation is greatly hindered by smoking, drinking alcohol, hormonal drugs, antibiotics, as well as the state of human depression. That is why doctors insist on giving up all kinds of bad habits, at least temporarily.
  • Is there a risk of folic acid overdose? The risk of getting an overdose of follacin tends to zero, because the body actively removes it. But you should not use it in unlimited quantities, it will bring benefits if you use it correctly, according to the instructions.

Now you know why during pregnancy planning, and even after its onset, both men and women need vitamin B9 so much. In addition to the fact that this vitamin helps to get pregnant, it also ensures the health of the unborn baby, protecting it from pathologies and premature birth. That is why you should not neglect the intake of vitamins containing folic acid, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Video. folic acid during pregnancy

Many girls during the planning period are advised by doctors to take certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Let's consider whether folic acid helps to get pregnant and reviews of mothers who took it.

Vitamin B9: features and functions

To understand whether folic acid helps to get pregnant, it is enough to study its features, effects on the body and the processes taking place in it. It is a B-group vitamin - B9. It is necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. Found mainly in plant leaves, some vegetables, nuts and fruits. The amount of vitamin in them can vary significantly.

Foods with vitamin content

For example, 100 g of product contains:

  • Beans: 300 micrograms of acid;
  • Brussels sprouts, walnuts: 130-150 mcg;
  • melon, broccoli, hazelnuts: 100-110 mcg;
  • strawberries: 60 mcg;
  • grapes, oranges: 30-40 mcg.

  • improves the absorption of proteins by the body;
  • promotes the absorption of sugars and amino acids;
  • promotes cell division;
  • ensures normal hematopoiesis (promotes the formation of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes);
  • participates in the formation of DNA and RNA, which carry information of a hereditary nature;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the possibility of food poisoning, improves appetite.

Understanding whether it is possible to get pregnant from folic acid, the answer is clear. It has nothing to do with fertility. That is, with problems with conception, she will not be able to help in the problem of infertility or the absence of ovulation. They prescribe it to strengthen the body and prepare it for such a complex process of gestation, when the mother's energy reserves are spent on the development of the baby.

Can Folic Acid Help You Get Pregnant?

Some believe that folic acid helps to get pregnant and that is why it is prescribed to almost all girls who want to conceive a baby. But by contacting a doctor with a question, you can get a comprehensive answer.

The vitamin is prescribed to strengthen the immune system and improve the overall health of the body so that the unborn baby does not get birth defects due to the adverse effects of the environment, the lifestyle of parents and similar problems.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

Vitamin B9 prevents the development of anemia, which was discovered almost a hundred years ago. After some studies, it has been confirmed that the risk of fetal neural tube diseases is reduced by 70% when taking folic acid. And due to the lack of development of certain dangerous diseases that are not compatible with the vital activity of the embryos, the vitamin helped to significantly reduce the number of miscarriages.

Complications in the absence of folic acid in a pregnant woman

For the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development, a girl should receive all types of vitamins in normal amounts, incl. and folic acid. Whether it is possible to become pregnant with its deficiency is not a question. Of course, this is a fairly common occurrence. But with a lack of this vitamin, the risk of some dangerous conditions increases significantly:

  • miscarriage at short terms of development;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • placental abruption;
  • the formation of congenital malformations in the fetus.

It is the increased risk of defects in the fetus that requires the intake of folic acid in order to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Some of the most common problems in newborns include:

  • neural tube defect;
  • anencephaly;
  • hypotrophy;
  • developmental delay (mental and physical).

Of course, it does not mean at all that with a lack and absence of folic acid in the diet, you can get pregnant and get a lot of problems. Everything is very individual. Just with a small amount of vitamin in the body, the risk of these defects increases.

When considering how to take folic acid to get pregnant, it is worth remembering the individuality of each organism. The level of immunity, the normal development of processes, the production of blood cells, and the characteristics of digestion are very different for each girl. Therefore, the development of the fetus and the possibility of problems are also individual. As far as we remember, even with a lack of vitamin, it is possible to give birth to a completely healthy baby. If there is a desire to minimize the risk of the above defects, then they take acid. Experts have confirmed that when taking pills, there are no developmental problems in the fetus.

Dosage of vitamin

It is best to ask your doctor how to take folic acid to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. He will prescribe an individual dose. If the girl decides to take the pills on her own, you should read the instructions and choose the optimal scheme. Usually, the norm is considered to be 0.4 mg per day. Often, a doctor can increase this standard, almost twice, after a successful conception.

When asked how to drink folic acid to get pregnant, doctors answer that the recommended intake is 0.4 mg tablets per day.

It is worth remembering that excessive intake does not give a positive result. In particular, taking more than 0.8 mg per day is not recommended. But the assimilation of the vitamin does not occur at 100%, and therefore it will not work too much.

How much folic acid to drink to get pregnant with a healthy baby depends on the instructions of the doctor. But this vitamin is not accumulated. If you stop taking it, then its content in the body will decrease.

It is recommended to start drinking it 3 months before the expected time of conception. But couples do not always manage to get pregnant in a short time. In this case, the girls continue to drink pills until conception and after. But if fertilization is delayed, the dose is usually reduced. The main thing is to ensure sufficient vitamin content.

If there is no desire to drink pills for so long, it is quite possible to do without them. The vitamin can be obtained from foods and vegetables that contain it. The effectiveness of the acid is difficult to confirm, because it is simply impossible to find out if the newborn could have defects if the mother had not received the vitamin. But it is known that folic acid helps to get pregnant (reviews of the girls confirm) and reproduce healthy babies on time.

Doctors prescribe folic acid to get pregnant with a healthy baby, especially for women, but men are often advised to take it as well. This is explained quite simply. The lack of vitamin in the male body affects the mobility, quality and quantity of spermatozoa. Men are prescribed pills, of course, only when such problems are detected. But if you wish, you can drink pills during the planning period.

Do not forget about the deterioration of the environment, not always a healthy lifestyle, problems with the stomach or intestines, congenital diseases. All this can lead to problems during conception.

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