Do-it-yourself canopies for summer cottages from corrugated board and plain fabric. Making awnings on windows How to make a canopy from fabric

First, let's figure out what a canopy is and how it differs from a gazebo and an awning? This is a building that, at the time of bad weather, has long been built to hide people, animals, things. Distributed everywhere. Canopies for summer cottages are easy to build from improvised materials with your own hands.

Benefits of awnings

  • The design is lightweight and easy to install.
  • The structure is solid, but not as fundamental as a gazebo or building.
  • A stationary roof, unlike an awning, is more durable. Will serve the owners for many years.
  • Much cheaper than other similar structures, but it performs the function of weather protection perfectly.

As for the shortcomings, you can name only one. This building is open to all winds, it is well blown. This must be remembered during construction and make sure that your creation stands firmly on the ground, is especially durable, and can withstand any weather conditions. This condition is easy to fulfill, of course, you can handle it by deciding to build a canopy in the country.
In the beginning, we determine the type of construction and the necessary materials.

Types of canopies

  • As a continuation of the roof, attached canopies are built - visors. On one side of such a structure there is a wall (part of the house), the other sides are open.
    Used to cover the porch, stacked firewood, verandas, barbecues.
  • Free-standing structures are the second type of such structures. In the village, at the dacha, wells, summer kitchens are covered with an “umbrella”, in the city limits - transport stops, car parking, cafe areas, sports facilities, bus stations, counters in bazaars. At the dacha, near such sheds, a green fence is planted. The result is a wonderful garden gazebo.
    The universal building protects the population from the scorching sun, heavy rain, unpleasant wind, and snowfall.

The roofs of the buildings are also different - straight or sloping.

  • Direct. The easiest option is direct coating. Used for parking.
  • Inclined. There are single and double slopes. Due to the fact that the roof has an angle of inclination, water flows down from the roof in a timely manner.
  • Complex. Sometimes in design projects non-standard, unusual, original forms are chosen. For example, with a semi-arch. It will also be easy to make such a canopy with your own hands.

Materials for suspended structures

Structures of this type are built from available materials that are sold everywhere.

  • For the frame, wood or metal is used, or the wooden parts of the building are combined with metal ones.
  • Plastic pipes as a basis are used more and more often recently.
  • For the roof, choose, at will, a coating from the list:
    • metal tile;
    • modern polymeric material - monolithic polycarbonate, fiberglass, other durable coating;
    • corrugated board;
    • slate;
    • special fabrics intended for awnings;
    • durable glass, plexiglass;
    • durable polyethylene.

Preliminary work before construction

  1. We think over the scheme of the canopy, draw a drawing.
  2. We choose a place for the extension, clean and level it, make markings for the supports.
  3. To protect wood from mold and rot, we treat wood parts with an antiseptic. With a finished composition or, for example, paint with a primer, and then with paint.
  4. We will prepare the supports for the structure. We take 5 bars of wood (90x90 mm). Since the roof is planned to be sloping, the bars intended for the front supports should be 40-50 cm less than the height measured on the wall of the house. We prepare rafters and blanks for the crate.
  5. We fix the vertical distance on the building with a horizontal bar (2.4 meters).

We build a wooden canopy with a polycarbonate roof with our own hands according to the instructions

  1. We drill holes for installing a vertical bar. If there is no drill, we simply dig holes 0.5 meters deep.
  2. Pour sand, crushed stone (10 cm) into the holes to create a pillow. Then we insert the supports strictly perpendicularly, checking the correct installation with a plumb line and level.
  3. Fill the holes with concrete.
  4. We connect the horizontal bar and the corners of the support to each other.
  5. We mount the rafters on horizontally attached rails and the crate of the structure.
  6. We connect two sheets of polycarbonate (1000x3000 mm) 8 mm thick to get the planned roof size (2000x3000). We suggest using the HP profile for this. In order not to crack the plastic during operation, take self-tapping screws with rubber washers.
  7. We mount the roof on the crate. Due to the difficulty of access to the top with large plates, it is possible to do preliminary work at the bottom, and then lift it up, say, with an electric hoist and fix it.
  8. The canopy for the dacha is ready. It turned out to be a kind of visor, a continuation of the roof of the house.

Polycarbonate is a translucent, lightweight and durable plastic. A canopy for a summer residence with a plastic roof protects well from rain and snow. It does not deform, although it is easier to bend the required shape from it than from another material. A modern polycarbonate roof will serve you for many years.

We mount a free-standing canopy with a corrugated roof

Roofing from profiled corrugated sheet is used in most cases for car parking in summer cottages. Mounted on metal racks.
Holes for racks are drilled deeper - up to 1 meter deep.
The main parts of the structure are welded - you will need a welding machine. Side trusses, battens are prepared in advance, and then everything is connected into a single frame.
The roof is attached to the crate.

Canopies with fabric covering

Its advantage is the variety of colors and shades, fabric patterns. A fabric awning can become a work of art. It is chosen in cases of making exotic author's canopies. A roof made of material will decorate your summer cottage, please the eye. Most often used for summer cottages.
A feature of this design is that the fabric, in any case, is a short-lived material. During autumn bad weather, winter snowfalls, during the non-resort period, it can become unusable, tear. Therefore, the fabric covering from such structures is removed for the autumn-winter period and put on in the spring, before the next summer season.
Such a canopy is built in the same way as the previous options.

The simplest do-it-yourself canopy from the simplest materials

If it was necessary to urgently build a hinged structure for giving with your own hands, you can do this in a very simple way.
To build a canopy, take

  • 2 five-meter PVC pipes (vinyl);
  • 2 pieces of dense polyethylene (shower curtains are suitable);
  • braid, strong threads.

Build a canopy according to the instructions:

  1. Sew the curtains into one large canvas.
  2. From the braid, make 40 loops that will hold the awning (cut off 40 suitable pieces).
  3. Sew the loops to the polyethylene.
  4. Put loops on the pipes.

Then decide on the installation site of the structure. Mark with pegs on the ground the points where you will insert the awning pipes. Set up your structure by deepening the PVC pipes into the ground. Your canopy is ready! Fantasy will tell you the colors of the curtains - and the awning will come out wonderful.
Modern materials suggest us other constructive solutions. Take plastic pipes and use clamps (also PVC) to assemble a rectangular frame (after drawing its diagram). Attach a thick cloth or polyethylene on top. You will get a wonderful carport.
In the same way, you can make a universal structure from thin plastic pipes and durable polyethylene. These pipes bend easily. Experiment with arched shapes. You will get a folding portable hinged structure.
Put a little work and patience - as a result, you will have such a necessary canopy in the country.

At the dacha or in the adjoining area, a frame canopy made of an awning is a necessary, useful thing. And the idea is not new - they began to install awnings and awnings (and they are different, although very similar) from the sun a long time ago. Over time, designs from simple ones were transformed into geometrically complex ones, and controllability and the ability to fold / unfold were added to the “just an awning on a frame”.

  • do not choose too complex projects for implementation;
  • follow step-by-step instructions;
  • and listen to the sound advice of experts.

An economical option for a country awning canopy

Even the simplest canopy for a summer residence will require calculations and a drawing, which is quite easy to compile in the Microsoft Visio program for a more or less competent PC user.

The optimal size of such a structure, as practice shows, is 3.2 m (in length) x 2.5 m (in width). The height will have to be considered taking into account the growth of the tallest member of the family. And if you focus on a height of 1.82 m, then at the edges the height of the planned canopy will be 1.9 m, and in the middle - 2.2 m.

To arrange a strong reliable frame, you will need 4 supporting vertical racks (50 mm x 100 mm x 2.1 m) - one on each side of the future canopy. They can be made wooden by choosing stronger hardwood material. Based on the height of the racks, the length of the rafters and the desired angle at which these rafters should be fixed are calculated. For example, if you take boards 130 cm long, then each two will need to be connected to each other at an angle of 15 °.

According to the available data, you need to build a drawing.

Required Tools

In the process of independent work on a simple tent in the country, of course, tools will be required. The set is simple and available for purchase (or borrowing) by everyone:

  • garden drill (can be homemade);
  • hacksaw for woodworking;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • and furniture stapler.

Rafter manufacturing

Before further assembling the rafters, it is necessary to mark the future details. For convenience, on some smooth surface, you can draw a triangle with a base of 250 cm and a perpendicular from its middle equal to 40 cm. According to this “pattern”, on each prepared rafter board, it will be convenient to mark an angle of 15 °, and then saw off the unnecessary hacksaw.

Using galvanized screws (4.2 x 31 mm), prepared boards are assembled into rafters (3 screws for every 2 boards). There should be 4 sets in total. They will check in the process of work and check the final result according to the drawing - the rafters themselves, and the connecting bar, and the places of fastening with screws should be marked there.

To test the rafters for strength even before assembling the structure, you can stand on them. It will also be necessary to protect the wooden parts of the future canopy by treating them with a special impregnation against moisture and negative biological activity (bugs, mold, fungus).

Construction of a crate of a simple canopy

First you need to fix (dig in and fill with mortar, or you can even fill it with brick fragments) in the designated place two main racks - opposite each other. This is done taking into account the level of the slope of the site. Further, with a marking rope, right angles are measured from the base pillars, and then the pillars of the right row are securely dug in, then the left row.

Now is the time to arrange the first set of rafters - with screws on one post, then on the other (here you need an assistant, one will not be able to do it). You should get the first arch of the “entrance” from the racks and the rafters crowning them. Further - according to the "scheme". But first, the last arch of the "exit" is assembled, and only then - two internal ones, the second and third.

Frame work

The created wooden frame of the future simple canopy at their summer cottage needs to be strengthened. For these purposes, 4 wooden boards, 160 cm long, 2 cm thick and 15 cm wide, are quite suitable, which will go along the very top of the supporting racks, around the entire perimeter. Plus 3 more boards (10 cm x 9 cm x 1.5 cm), which will already lie on the ridge of the rafters. And only on such a frame the canopy will stand firmly, not being afraid even of serious bad weather with a strong wind.

Do-it-yourself installation of an awning canopy

For a temporary version of the canopy, even a piece of a polyethylene sleeve (7 x 3 m) in two layers is quite suitable, which can be pulled over the structure, aligned and secured under a synthetic parachute sling using a furniture stapler, with 10 mm brackets.

But such an awning will protect people and equipment from rain, and not from sunlight. Yes, and it will not withstand snow drifts, so in any case this coating is for one season, no longer. If you need to arrange something more solid, you will have to carve out an awning from special textiles.

Fabric for awning or awning

An awning on a frame is able to protect windows, balconies, terraces or part of the yard from the sun, rain, snow and wind. It can be decorated with a hinged structure (awning) or ground, including adjacent to a wall or other support. And it is very important, if you build a canopy or an awning yourself, to correctly choose the fabric for them. This material should be:

  • special acrylic;
  • durable;
  • water repellent;
  • airtight;
  • protecting from harmful UV rays.

It is correct to choose a material of a light shade for an awning so as not to shade the protected space too much (whether it be a room or part of the yard). As for prints, striped awnings in 2 colors, plain visors or with African-style ornaments are in fashion today. Fabrics can be used smooth or textured.

Marquise frame material

The frame for the awning is a little more difficult to make on your own than the frame for a simple country awning. And one of the strongest and lightest such structures is aluminum in hollow tubes. But even if you use steel tubes, you need to choose those with an aluminum coating that reliably protects the base from corrosion.

However, even before choosing a material, it is necessary to decide on the design of the future frame and on what kind of mechanism will be used to fold the awning (if any mechanism is used at all).

The frame for the awning is the most difficult element when making an awning with your own hands. Therefore, before proceeding with it, it is necessary to think over and calculate everything properly.

Mounting Features

The dimensions of the future awning depend on:

  1. The width of the balcony or window, the size of the terrace.
  2. Departure length (that is, how far it will extend).
  3. Structural features of the future frame under the awning.

From a simple canopy with a fixed frame, the awning is distinguished by several characteristic points:

  • one side is attached to the wall of the house;
  • this design folds / twists without dismantling the frame;
  • the system can be equipped with automated control.

The simplest awning is slanted, placed on the window. It is easy to assemble it with your own hands, having previously bought all the necessary mechanisms and materials. You will need tubes to assemble the frame, as well as a folding mechanism and fabric for the awning of the right size.

Inclined awning with folding mechanism

The first thing to do when designing such an awning is to attach a mechanism that folds the canvas to the house wall. You can’t assemble it yourself, you will have to buy ready-made. They are available in specialized hardware stores.

Such a mechanism is mounted on the brackets that it is equipped with. It happens that an awning is already filled in it, but the minus of such a decision is that it will no longer be possible to choose the colors of textiles on your own. But there will be no problems with cutting, sewing and fasteners.

There are options without an awning, here you can show imagination and a sense of taste, choosing matter. Moreover, there will be no problems with fixing the selected fabric; such mechanisms are sold accompanied by detailed instructions on this matter.

To make the tent inclined, the frame is decorated with the letter P. And it should be located not lower than the middle of the window, but rather 20-30 centimeters above it. Brackets should be attached to the wall, and then, using the axial hinge mechanism, it remains to attach the frame - from the window to the left or right. That is why the awning is already attached to the frame with its free end.

When the mechanism that folds the canvas is turned on, the fabric of the awning begins to be wound onto a special shaft, the frame, together with the fabric, rises to the top, and then it is fixed there.

Metal frame alternative

It is not necessary to make a frame for a metal awning. As in the case of a simple awning in the country, you can make it out of strong hardwood. A timber will do if it is pre-treated with a good antiseptic. And to add visual aesthetics, wood is painted or covered with ship varnish.

True, such a frame is not as durable as steel or aluminum, because it is still subject to negative damp effects, and insects will tend to damage it. In addition, the wooden frame may dry out in direct sunlight, crack, etc.

If someone is not confident in their own abilities, it is better not to take on a mechanized awning, but to make a simple canopy adjacent to the wall of the house on a fixed frame. It would be more correct to choose a simple option and cope with it perfectly, and not take on a complex structure and translate the material in vain, wasting time and effort. And if you really want to design something truly unusual, bright, stylish, you should use the services of professionals.

If you have a suburban area, and you plan to spend almost the whole summer on it, then you should definitely make a canopy from the sun with your own hands. This design can be quite simple, but it will protect you from overheating in the summer heat. And if we provide for some nuances, such as a waterproof roof, then you can hide from the rain under such a canopy.

Below we will tell you what such canopies are, and how you can make them yourself with minimal labor.

Varieties of designs

Canopies from rain and sun can be built according to a variety of schemes.

First of all, it should be noted that they are:

  • Stationary - installed either on a permanent or temporary foundation. In the second case, it is possible to dismantle the canopy for the winter and reassemble it in the spring.
  • Portable - can be installed on any relatively flat area. As a rule, special stakes with stretch marks are used to fix the frame on the ground.

As for the design itself, the most popular include the following models:

  • Wall-mounted - regular and folding. As a rule, they are mounted on the load-bearing wall of the veranda or terrace. They can be folded according to the “accordion” principle or rolled up into a compact roller shutter.

The price of folding structures is quite high, but this is the case when it is better to purchase a finished product: this way we can be sure that the mechanism will function correctly.

  • Canopies in the form of a large umbrella. Lightweight structures are made portable, but quite often one can also find capital structures of a large area.

  • Structures in the form of a roof on several supports. Most often there are canopies on four racks, but in some cases (for example, for a large company) you can use a frame of six or more racks.

The latter variety is the most common, and at the same time, the most laborious in construction. Below we will describe in detail how such sunshades are made.

Structural design

Main dimensions

Before starting work, we need to build a drawing of the future structure. This is done quite simply, but to complete this task, it is necessary to choose the optimal dimensions.

In our case, they will be like this:

  • Height - 2.5 - 2.7 m.
  • The height to the roof overhang is 1.9 - 2.1 m.
  • The width of the canopy is 1.5 -2 m.
  • The length of the structure is 2 - 2.5 m.

Naturally, deviations from these dimensions are quite acceptable.
On the other hand, you need to be very careful about this stage of work, because it will be inconvenient to use a structure that is too low, or, for example, too cramped.

Tools and materials

Depending on the type of frame and its dimensions, we will need various building materials.

For work we buy:

  • Sand and gravel - for filling the area under a canopy.
  • Cement - for concreting supports for stationary installation.
  • Wooden bars with a section of 40x40 mm for vertical racks.
  • Bars 30x30 mm and boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more for the manufacture of the roof frame.

Supporting structures can also be made of metal.
In this case, we will need to purchase a certain footage of a profile pipe with a section of 30x30 mm and a steel corner.

  • Fasteners for frame assembly.
  • Composition for the disinfection of wood or for the protection of metal from corrosion.

As for the roof, then it is used for:

  • Polycarbonate (it is better to take tinted).
  • Dense fabric for a canopy from the sun. For the manufacture of fabric covers, a tarpaulin or other dense material is suitable, as well as a polymer fabric made of polyamide threads impregnated with vinyl.
  • Self-tapping screws for polycarbonate or cords for fixing the cover to the supporting structures.

A set of tools for construction will be quite typical:

  • Trench tool for earthworks.
  • Roulette and measuring cord.
  • Saw for wood or metal (it is better to take disk models).
  • Hand tools (hammers, chisels, pliers, etc.).
  • Welding machine (used if the frame is being built from metal).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and large-scale spending is clearly not required. When everything is ready and the tool is at hand, we can begin the installation of the canopy.

Manufacturing technique

canopy base

Instructions for arranging a canopy begin with a description of the preparation of the base:

  • We choose the place that is best suited for relaxation. It is good if it is located behind the house: then the building will not only hide it from prying eyes, but also protect it from the wind.
  • It is also desirable that the plot of land under the canopy be fairly flat. Of course, you can remove part of the soil and level even an inclined platform, but in this case the labor intensity of the work will increase significantly.
  • On the prepared site with the help of cords, we apply markings.
  • By marking, we take out a layer of soil up to 15 cm deep.
  • In the corners of the resulting recess, we drill nests for installing supports. The holes are temporarily closed to avoid falling asleep.

If you plan to install a stationary table under a canopy, you can also drill nests for the legs in advance.

  • Along the perimeter, we install either a wooden blind area made of thick boards impregnated with an antiseptic, or made of curb stone. It is desirable that the protrusion of the blind area above the ground does not exceed 10-15 mm.
  • We fill the recess with a sand-gravel mixture. We moisten the material and carefully compact it.

Frame installation

  • We cut the bars or pipes for vertical supports to size, taking into account the length of the part buried in the ground.
  • At the bottom of each nest for racks, we fill up a mixture of sand and gravel, which we carefully tamp.

  • We install the supports and align them with a water level. We fix each part with rope stretch marks or temporary wooden supports.
  • Then we concrete the supports, pouring a solution with the addition of gravel into the holes. To strengthen the structure, it is also possible to introduce broken ceramic bricks, pieces of reinforcement, cast-iron shot, etc. into the concrete composition.

Holes filled with concrete should be closed with polyethylene for about 7-10 days: this way the moisture will evaporate more slowly, and the solution will have time to gain strength.

  • After the initial fixing of the supports from above, we connect them with thinner bars or pipes, forming the upper harness. You can also strengthen the supports with struts or cross bars (they will also play the role of a railing).

Stationary roof

In its form, the roof of the canopy in the country house can be different:

  • The most common design is semi-circular. As a supporting frame, metal arcs from a profile pipe are used here, for the manufacture of which a pipe bending machine is used.
  • Gable roofs are erected somewhat less often. In this case, we install two or three pairs of rafters from a board about 25 cm thick on the upper harness.
  • A hipped roof is also constructed from the same material, but it is usually made only over square canopies.
  • An important element is the protrusion of the frame outside the structure. The larger this overhang, the less drops will fall under the roof during rain, and the better the protection from the sun will be.

Too much overhang limits the view, so you should not get carried away in this case.

As a roofing material for a canopy, a polycarbonate sheet is best suited.

It is mounted like this:

  • We cut the tinted polycarbonate panel to size with a knife or a fine-toothed saw.
  • We put on a special protective or connecting profile on the ends, which prevents moisture from getting inside.
  • We fasten the polycarbonate to the rafters with special self-tapping screws, clamping them with such force that the material under the polymer washer does not deform.
  • We install gutter strips at all corners of the roof, otherwise we cannot avoid leaks!

Fabric case

Another roofing option is a fabric cover that can be mounted on the frame:

  • For the manufacture of the cover, you can take a variety of materials. A thin impregnated tarpaulin or tent fabric is well suited, and polymer materials also demonstrate good efficiency.
  • Cotton and calico canvases can also be used, but they only protect from the sun.

When buying materials for the cover, do not forget to purchase a few meters of fine mesh - it will come in handy when arranging the mosquito net.

  • A canopy made of fabric or polymer can be purchased ready-made. The easiest way to do this is in a company that manufactures commercial equipment and advertising paraphernalia: as a rule, such manufacturers have a very wide range of different tents.
  • At the same time, self-production should also not be particularly difficult: it is enough to purchase fabric, cut it according to a pattern and carefully stitch it. For stitching, it is best to use a semi-professional sewing machine - it is guaranteed to cope with dense fabric.

  • Along the perimeter of such a canopy, we mount eyelets - holes with a metal edging. We pass a nylon cord through the eyelets, which we use to attach the fabric to the frame and for stretch marks.


As you can see, a country or beach canopy from the sun can be made independently, while the cost of purchasing materials will be relatively small. Of course, the more carefully the work is planned, and the more accurately you perform all operations, the better the result will be. That's why before you get down to business, we advise you to watch the video in this article: most likely, you will find a lot of useful and new information in it!

Good afternoon. Wonderful day. Because… you will learn HOW to MAKE your own canopy and pergola roof. IN ONE ARTICLE I have collected ALL WAYS, and all instructions, with detailed explanations and photographs. It turned out to be a mega article. But then there is EVERYTHING you need if you want to make the roof of a canopy or pergola with your own hands. (Because we already know... and how to make a canopy)

I will also talk about the STATIC roof for pergolas (the one that is not removable) ... and about the SLIDING roof (which can be pulled up for shade, and pushed apart when the sun is out).

Let's start with a static (non-removable) roof.

ROOF (fixed) made of transparent polycarbonate.

In fact, this roof - turns our pergola - into a real canopy.

That is - if you want to build a canopy (above the porch or by the garage) - then here's a simple idea for you ... first we build a pergola against the wall () - and then we cover it with polycarbonate sheets.

And we get a classic canopy with a pitched roof.

Here is another version of the same pergola covered with polycarbonate. In a special article, I will show in detail the design of this particular pergola model (with a sloping roof) and tell you how to lay and fix polycarbonate on the roof.

Textile binding - on the crate of the pergola

(from awning fabric).

A very simple solution to quickly and easily make a roof for a canopy (or pergola).

A good option is if your goal is to CREATE A SHADOW…

As for the rain, such a textile roof from the SHOWER will not close your furniture ... but it is quite suitable from a light rain.

What material is used - for such a roof under a pergola?

This is a common awning fabric. PVC fabric, or polyurethane-coated fabric... and even Teflon-coated tent fabric.

Also available in matte and lacquered. With lacquered dirt is very easy to wash off.

Such awning fabrics are resistant to temperature extremes, to ultraviolet radiation, to rotting. Have water-repellent effects not amenable to combustion and corrosion. They are very durable (even boats are made of them). In short - such an awning roof, good under the guarantee of fabric suppliers, will serve you faithfully for 8 years, and after 8 years nothing much will be done with it.

Another opportunity to save... there is a cheaper analogue of tent fabric (cheaper than tarpaulin and cheaper than PVC awning fabric) - this is tarpaulin (or tarpix). Tarpaulin is made from woven polyethylene (density from 120g/m2).

And by the way, often awning material for the roof is sold already with holes and metal eyelets (rings) punched in it.

How much does awning fabric cost and where can I buy it?

Well, for example, lightweight PVC tent material (density 450 g / m) - it costs 3 dollars per sq.m.

But the price of tarpaulin - here we see that 114 rubles for a piece of 2x3 (that is, for 6 sq.m.). The tarpaulin size range is wide, ranging from these same 2x3 to 20x20. And any color can be.

But in the photo below - we see that on this one there is a combination of TWO roofing decks.

And an awning roof (for shade from the sun) - and polycarbonate sheets (for rain protection).

And here is another EXOTIC alternative to a canopy or pergola awning.

MATS - not a cheap pleasure - but here is another clear plus.

By the same principle, a pergola may appear mat WALL... and we have already closed from the wind, slanting rain, prying eyes of neighbors.

Although .... wait - the same WALL principle can be implemented and with awning fabric. Build a Roman blind from dense fabric (it will also fall or rise) ...

Or order a roller mechanism - for lowering the awning walls of the canopy. Here is such…

And finally, we come to the SLIDING ROOFS for the pergola and canopy.

Retractable roof for canopy and pergola

(4 ways to do it yourself)

Well, now we'll look at FOUR roofs with sliding system - these will also be roofs made of awning fabric, but they will easily move apart for the entire canopy ... or move to the side, revealing the sun.

I will show in detail 4 technologies - which will allow you to do this - to move and push the textile roof.

How to make a retractable canopy roof

METHOD ONE(with sawing)

Can be done like this...

  1. textiles are stuffed into rivers ...
  2. Along the left and right beams - a long groove is cut on the machine (a recess like a rail).
  3. Laths with fabric sewn on them - are inserted with one end into the groove of the left beam - with the other end into the groove of the right beam. And freely - back and forth moving inside these grooves. Pushing and sliding our tent roof.

Just? Yes - simple.

What's inconvenient? It is inconvenient to cut a groove ... it turns out that you need to have a special machine, and not everyone has one.

In this case, the second method will suit you - ALREADY MUCH EASIER.

METHOD SECOND (with metal profile)

In this method, we do not need to cut a groove. Here we will take a ready-made groove (in the metal profile) and simply attach it to our beams. These are the rail profiles that are so different - our roof slats will move along them.

  1. We prepare the awning roof (we attach the slats to the awning canvas)
  2. We buy a metal (steel or aluminum) metal profile - you can take the one used for fixing drywall or suspended ceilings. The main thing is that in this metal profile there should be a groove - inside of which, as if on rails, our planks-rails with awning fabric stuffed on them would move.
  3. We nail this metal profile along the side beams (right and left). We get the rail we need. It remains only to insert strips into it with awning fabric sewn on them.

(How to sew awning fabric on slats - in the same article - at the very end.)

How to make a shed roof for a pergola

METHOD THREE (on a steel cable)

Or here's another idea - when the curtain fabric moves on hooks along a steel cable.

  1. Pull a metal cable along the extreme transverse beams
  2. Attach hooks to the end of the rail.
  3. Insert the slats into the canvas (more on this below)
  4. Attach the hooks to the cable. The hooks slide freely along the cable - the hinged roof moves freely back and forth.

What can serve you as a hook for hooks (you will learn a little later) but for now ...

If there are no hooks - you can do it differently

make our roof SLIDE along the cables ….

Make holes in the canvas and insert them into EYELINGS(these are such metal rings) - they are put for a ruble in any workshop, in the same place where buttons are inserted on clothes). Pre-mark with a pencil the places where the eyelets will be inserted (there is no need to make holes in advance) - they are punched automatically in the workshop.

Or - you can already buy an awning canvas - the right size - and with edges already studded eyelets. The same organizations that sell awning canvases and fabrics themselves punch all the holes you need. There are even canvases of different sizes with punched eyelets ready in their online stores.

Here (!!!) dug out a photo ... where you can clearly see how the eyelets slide on the cables- there really is no canopy and pergola - but the principle of this system is clearly visible.

Can be implemented in another way

the same METHOD of sliding the curtains along the cable.

According to a similar system - a roof for a canopy is arranged - made in the technique of Roman blinds . Look at the photo below - FACE and INSIDE ...

See the technique?

A thin rail (several rails) is sewn into the curtain ... and along the edge of each rail there are sewn metal RINGS- a cable is passed through them ... And along these rings the curtain goes back and forth along the cable.

Simple and clear.

And if you approach the choice of fabric creatively ... then you can make a roof from NOT MANDATORY TENT FABRIC ... but also from another dense material. It's more beautiful. But not so strong and durable.


By the way … instead of steel wire - you can also use a steel bar (or pipe) - like in the photo below.

To do this, you need a pipe (metal, you can adapt the curtain rod for this purpose) and attach this pipe with pipe holders.

How to make a shed roof for a pergola

METHOD FOUR (on roller mechanism)

There is such a thing - which is called CURTAIN SYSTEMS for winter gardens. Usually they are installed in attics - if they want to set up a winter garden under glass on the south side of the house.

And here are the companies that supply roller cornice systems for such winter gardens - they can just make sliding curtains for a pergola or a canopy for you - they will make it themselves - they will install it themselves. Just pay money.

Here you are probably already ripe QUESTION… Everywhere I say “Sew planks onto the canvas”, “insert slats into the tent fabric” - and you think “But how to attach these slats to the canvas, it’s not clear ...”

Now it will be clear.

HOW TO FASTEN STRIPS to the canvas of the awning roof.

Look at the photo below ... we see a model where ...

Firstly- excellent visibility how to sew strips on canvas(at the location of the bar, the canvas folds into a fold - and stepping back from the edge of the fold by 2-3 centimeters, we drive the line on a sewing machine - as a result we get such a pocket-corridor - into which the rail we need is simply inserted (wooden or iron).

Everything is simple.

Secondly- in the same photo, we can also clearly see how are the hooks on the slats . A similar design can be welded with a welding machine (it is better to order at a metal products factory).

Or TO DO IT EASIER ... nail an iron curved fastener to the thick wooden planks (here it is in the photo above) - and then you will get a wooden plank - with an iron hook at the end and you can already attach hooks on rollers (or hooks on a cable) to it (to the hook) ).

In short ... if you have brains and patience (and you have patience, since you have read this article to the end) ... then it will not be difficult for you to make a HINGED SLIDING roof for a canopy or pergola with your own hands.

Moreover, you now UNDERSTAND the essence ... and you can choose any method from this article ... and bring it to life.

Family Handful - everything is within the power.))

Do-it-yourself canopies for summer cottages from corrugated board and plain fabric

Arriving in the summer at the cottage, so you want to spend more time in the fresh air! But this is not always possible: at noon, the scorching sun rays drive us out of the street and force us to sit out in country houses. Therefore, in order to prolong the pleasure of communicating with nature, it is necessary to protect part of the site from the sun. This is easy to do - just build a canopy with your own hands.

What canopies for summer cottages are and what distinguishes them?

Having decided to build a canopy in the country, first decide on its design. In fact, the appearance of this design can be very different. It can be a canopy over the house, imitate a porch, a gazebo or a terrace.

According to their location, canopies are:

  • Attached

  • They are located close to the wall of the building, so one side of them is closed, and the other three are open. An attached canopy can be very functional. For example, if it is located above the front door, it acts as a visor or veranda. On the other side of the house, it could well be adapted for a patio.

  • Freestanding

  • Such canopies are very reminiscent of a pergola, differing from it only in the obligatory presence of a roof. Such canopies are most often used as a gazebo or parking for a car. Sometimes such canopies completely block the path leading from the gate to the front door of the house.

    According to the design of the roof, canopies are divided into:

  • Direct

  • These canopies are the easiest to make.

  • oblique shape

  • A similar design (single or gable) contributes to the flow of rainwater or melting snow from the canopy.

  • complex shape

  • Among such canopies, the most popular was the arched canopy with a semicircular curved roof. Despite the "complex" characteristics, such a design can be done independently. The metal profile (small diameter, of course) and the profiled sheet bend remarkably.

    Country canopies are made of various materials. The materials for covering the roof are especially diverse - it can be corrugated board, polycarbonate, plexiglass, metal tiles, slate and even dense fabric (for the manufacture of awnings). As for the frame, most often it is wooden or metal, less often - concrete, brick, stone.

    Polycarbonate canopy manufacturing technology

    A canopy with a polycarbonate roof is considered the most modern and easy to manufacture option. This material is strong, durable and does not lose its properties when exposed to cold, sun and precipitation. It bends well, so the roof of the canopy can take almost any shape, be it roundness or waves. For the installation of polycarbonate sheets, self-tapping screws with a rubber washer are used, which protects the material from cracking.

    The area over which a polycarbonate canopy can be built can be any. The main thing is to install a solid frame made of wooden beams or a metal profile.

    Let's look at how you can make such a wooden canopy with your own hands with a polycarbonate roof. It adjoins the wall of a residential building, creating a cozy terrace. A slight slope of the roof allows atmospheric precipitation to independently drain from the canopy without forming stagnant puddles on the surface.

    Before work, in order to avoid rotting, all wooden structural elements are painted with a primer and paint.

    The supporting pillars of the canopy are a wooden beam 90x90 mm (there are 5 of them in total). Please note that the height of the front legs is 1.96 m, and one rear leg is 2.3 m.

    Before the start of construction, the territory is marked, reflecting the position of the wooden supports of the canopy. At the points obtained, pits of square diameter with a depth of 50 cm are dug. The width of the pit should be 10 cm greater than the width of the support beam. In our example, ready-made forms are used as foundation foundations, which are dug into the ground. You can do it differently: pour a crushed stone pillow into the dug hole, tamp it down, then lower the timber, use the building level to check its verticality and concrete.

    In our case, the support bars are fixed to the foundations using metal corners or brackets.

    Since the canopy in the country house will adjoin the house with its own hands, a 90x70 mm beam is horizontally fixed on the wall (two beams in the photo). Subsequently, he will play the role of a crossbar that carries the weight of the rafters and battens.

    The horizontal beam is connected to a long stand (2.3 m) using a metal corner.

    Two horizontal crossbars from a 90x70 mm beam are also fixed between the front pillars. The connection is made using metal corners. It is not recommended to use self-tapping screws for this - this is unreliable and threatens to collapse the entire structure.

    We can say that the main structural elements of the canopy are ready. Now it's time to "collect" the rafters. There are five of them in total and they are made of timber with a section of 70x70 mm. The rafters are laid on top of the crossbars and fixed with self-tapping screws. To connect with a horizontal beam on the wall, metal corners are used.

    For the crate, long bars of a small section, for example, 50x50 cm, are suitable. They are laid horizontally across the rafters and fixed with self-tapping screws.

    Decking (profiled sheet, plexiglass, etc.) is also attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.

    In the proposed example, the canopy is equipped with a metal gutter to drain rainwater into a PVC downpipe. This way you can avoid unpleasant drops flowing down from the canopy after the end of the rain.

    Do-it-yourself canopy from corrugated board

    A fairly popular material for a canopy is also corrugated board, it is especially often used to make the roof of a personal parking lot. It should be borne in mind that the profiled sheet transmits less light than polycarbonate, therefore, under such a canopy, the shadow curtain will be stronger.

    Since we have already considered how to build a canopy with our own hands from wood, let's focus on the option when the frame is made of a metal profile. Let's look at the photo below: this structure consists of four support posts, on top of which there are main beams and a crate covered with corrugated board.

    The construction of such a canopy is almost no different from the previous version. The difference is that its roof rests solely on vertical struts and does not come into contact with the wall of the house.

    The beginning of construction begins with the determination of the position points of the vertical supports, made of a profiled pipe with a section of 60x40 mm. The pitch of the racks is usually 1 m, however, you can vary this distance, depending on the thickness of the profiled sheet, the size of the profiled pipes. Having decided on the markings, they dig holes for supports, their depth is 50-60 cm. A crushed stone pillow is laid at the bottom of the hole and the support is set vertically. The foundation is poured with concrete.

    After the concrete has completely hardened (as a rule, it can withstand a week), you can proceed with the installation of horizontal beams with a section of 50x30 mm, which are fixed to the supports by welding. This may be the reason why many refuse this option: a canopy from a metal profile with their own hands can only be done by someone who knows the basics of welding and has a welding machine.

    The next step is to weld the crates of 50x30 mm pipes to the horizontal beams.

    After that, one thing remains: to fix sheets of corrugated board on the crate. This is done with self-tapping screws.

    Canopies in the yard made of fabric

    If you do not want to mess with the complex structures of canopies made of metal or wood, we recommend that you turn your attention to light canopies made of dense fabric. They are sold already with a ready-made metal frame that is attached to the wall, so there is no need to build anything additional. A special advantage of this design is the ability to quickly remove the awning by simply folding it - special levers and automation allow you to do this in a second.

    A fabric awning can also be made independently, but then it will not differ much from profiled sheet or polycarbonate buildings, although the appearance of such a canopy will be more picturesque and interesting. This canopy from the sun can be made by constructing a metal frame and putting on it a cloth of bright fabric.

    What else to read