Diets how to remove the stomach. Waist size as one of the parameters of health

The appearance of the belly and sides upsets every girl. To become slimmer, you need to follow a special diet. It should be borne in mind that the diet will give only temporary results. If you want to achieve a longer-term effect, you need to radically revise your diet and, of course,. So, what diet should be followed to reduce the stomach?

The best effective diets for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

There are many effective diets that help to make the waist thinner and get rid of the beer belly. Therefore, each person will be able to choose the best option for himself.

Light kefir diet - to remove belly fat

Kefir diet is the most effective way to ensure a flat stomach at home. Thanks to the systematic use of this fermented milk drink, you can improve the functioning of the intestines, which leads to getting rid of excess weight. In addition, the kefir diet helps to rejuvenate the skin and cope with the stomach.
Of course, this diet is considered very tough, because for three days you only need to drink kefir. However, thanks to such a strict diet, it is possible to achieve very fast results. In addition to kefir, it is very important to drink enough water.

This diet is designed for three days and has certain contraindications. So, it categorically cannot be observed by people suffering from an ulcer or gastritis. In addition, you should not switch to it right away. Initially, it is recommended to do fasting days, after which you can follow a three-day diet.

Weekly buckwheat diet for quick weight loss

This is a very good diet because buckwheat is an excellent source of protein and contains very few calories. The use of this cereal helps to remove toxins from the body, as well as to cope with excess weight.

This diet is designed for a week. Its essence is very simple: at night you should put a glass of cereal in a thermos, then add a couple of glasses of boiling water to it. Leave buckwheat for the whole night. This amount of porridge should be divided into equal parts and eaten throughout the day.

You can also drink no more than 1 liter of fat-free kefir per day. Green tea and water are allowed.

Gentle dairy

The dairy diet can have different options. The most severe is the consumption of 1 liter of milk per day. It should be drunk every 2.5 hours. The duration of such a mono-diet cannot be more than a week. In addition, during this period it is very important to drink vitamins. You need to get out of such a diet gradually. On the first day, until 12 o'clock, you should drink milk, and for lunch you are allowed to eat a light vegetable salad.

On the second day, you can eat salad for lunch and dinner. At other meals you need to drink milk. On the third day, you can return to your normal diet.

For those who cannot comply with this, you can choose a dairy-vegetarian diet. In addition to milk, it is permissible to eat cereals, fresh vegetables, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese. Also, vegetable juices and teas from mint or rose hips will help diversify the diet. You can drink mineral water without gas, compotes and jelly.

Thanks to this diet, you can significantly improve your body, reduce cholesterol, and prevent the development of obesity. In addition, a sparing milk diet will be an excellent way to prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes, it even helps to cure gallbladder pathologies.

Sassi water

To speed up the metabolic processes in the body, cleanse its toxic substances, normalize the functioning of the digestive system and burn fat, you can drink Sassi water. Some people can lose about 7-10 kg of excess weight through the use of such a liquid.

To prepare the required amount of drink, you need to take 1.5-2 liters of pure water, put 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger. Then cut into thin slices 1 lemon and 1 medium-sized cucumber. Also, add 12 fresh mint leaves to the water. All ingredients should be mixed and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
Then you should drink the resulting remedy during the day. This must be done in small portions. It is strongly not recommended to drink liquid in one gulp - this will create an increased burden on the kidneys and heart. If, in addition to drinking Sassi water, a correct diet and light exercise are taken, the effect will be much better.

In order not to harm your health, you need to consider that this drink has certain contraindications. In particular, Sassi water is prohibited for people who are allergic to its components, kidney failure, gastritis. The list of contraindications also includes peptic ulcer. Do not use this drink for those who have exacerbated chronic diseases.

To determine the optimal duration of the use of this drink, you should consult a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist.

Fat burning express diet - protein

Eating protein foods is a great way to deal with those extra pounds. Protein perfectly saturates, but it is absorbed rather slowly. This prevents the release of insulin.

In addition, nutritionists believe that a protein diet is one of the few dietary regimens that provides stable results. To reduce the stomach and make the waist thinner, an addition to the protein diet should be a sports load. This will help strengthen the muscles and prevent them from wasting.

To restart the metabolic processes in the body and direct them to spending fat, you need to eat a lot of protein foods and limit the amount of carbohydrates. To reduce the waist, you can follow this diet:

  1. breakfast - 2 boiled eggs and half an orange or grapefruit;
  2. lunch - boiled chicken, fruits or vegetables;
  3. dinner - lean boiled meat or fish, boiled eggs or steamed vegetables.

The menu of the correct diet for a week to reduce the abdomen

Since such a diet has a sufficiently large variety, it can be followed throughout the entire diet. Weight loss can be different, but usually they are about 3-7 kilograms.

  1. Breakfast should consist of unsweetened yogurt and an orange. For a second breakfast, you can eat a boiled egg and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch should include boiled chicken meat - a serving of about 200 grams. In addition to chicken, you can eat vegetable puree or salad.
  3. For an afternoon snack, it is recommended to use low-fat cottage cheese - about 75 grams. Dinner may consist of a steak, orange or grapefruit. At night, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

Video: diet for a thin waist and flat stomach for women

Overweight people usually take in more calories than they burn. Therefore, all those who want to cope with excess kilograms should reconsider their diet. However, this does not mean that you need to starve, as this leads to loss of muscle mass. To cope with excess weight, you need to monitor the number of calories consumed. How to do it, look at the video:

Video: how to remove a man's belly at home

To cope with the stomach at home, you need to eat whole grain oatmeal, rice or buckwheat with dried fruits. A good breakfast option is also natural yogurt, scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, vegetables. It is very useful to eat germinated grains in the morning - wheat, buckwheat, oats or other cereals. An addition to this breakfast is egg white and seasonal fruits. A more detailed male diet is shown in the video:

To cope with extra centimeters at the waist, you can choose an effective diet. It is important to understand that such food restrictions can only give temporary results. To fix them, you should review your diet and exercise. Thanks to this, you will gain the desired harmony and do not harm your own health.

To remove fat deposits from the abdomen, it is important to eat right. Losing weight requires proper nutrition and exercise. Let's take a closer look at what a diet for losing weight in the abdomen is, what are its basic principles.

Nutrition principles

A diet for weight loss of the abdomen consists of the following principles:

  1. Never eat right before bed. All foods that will be eaten at night will definitely be deposited in the abdomen in the form of a fat fold;
  2. To quickly achieve the desired forms, it is important to exclude sweet pastries, soda, mayonnaise and pasta from the diet;
  3. Every day you need to eat vegetables and fruits (everything except bananas and grapes). They are enriched with fiber, which saturates the stomach and prevents the body from feeling hungry;
  4. Use olive oil for dressing salads;
  5. Vegetables are best eaten raw;
  6. During the day, in small portions, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water;
  7. Try to quit bad habits of smoking and drinking alcohol.

It is important to strictly observe these principles if your goal is to get rid of excess belly fat, lose extra pounds.

Rules for effective weight loss

An effective diet to combat excess fat accumulations on the abdomen includes the following rules:

  • Eat small. Divide the entire diet for the day into six servings of approximately 200 grams. Fractional nutrition will help the body to always be full and easily digest the food eaten;
  • Eat foods rich in animal protein daily. Prepare chicken or beef dishes. It is also recommended to eat seafood, eggs and cottage cheese;
  • Various fast diets for a short period, not only do not help get rid of fat accumulations, but also harm human health. Since the nutrition with such diets is not balanced, it does not have enough nutrients. Eat twice a day foods with healthy fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. Eat almonds, sea fish, and season dishes with linseed and olive oil;
  • It is important to have breakfast with cereals. Any cereal consists of fiber, which retains water, stimulates the absorption and digestion of food. Porridges do not allow gases to accumulate and do not cause bloating. Porridge is recommended to cook from unpolished, whole or steamed grains. Soak the cereal before going to bed, and in the morning cook delicious porridge from it. Soaking will help useful substances to open up as much as possible and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body;
  • During the day, it is recommended to eat two servings of vegetables and fruits. When eating raw vegetables, it is important to ensure that there is no flatulence. If it occurs, the next time the serving of vegetables will need to be reduced.

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In order for the belly slimming diet to be effective, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Water and other drinks improve metabolism, cleanse the intestines.

sample menu

To remove fat accumulations from the abdomen, you can follow the following menu:

  1. Have breakfast with any milk porridge;
  2. For a second breakfast, eat any fruit;
  3. Dine on vegetable soup, without adding potatoes. Also please yourself with boiled chicken with vegetables;
  4. Eat a handful of nuts for an afternoon snack;
  5. Dine on baked or boiled meat or fish. Serve with fresh vegetables as a side dish.

For weight loss, you can create your own menu for every day. An experienced nutritionist can help you with this.

Not only diet, but also physical exercises will help to remove the stomach. Spin the hula hoop, run, jump rope. It is also useful to massage the abdomen. Such daily activities will help you quickly find a slender waist.

An effective diet option

To remove the tummy, you can resort to nutrition, in which protein days alternate with carbohydrate days. Such a diet can not be followed for a long time. In 10 days you can get rid of 5 kilograms.

It is allowed to use boiled chicken and chicken eggs from protein products. From carbohydrate products - beets, carrots, white cabbage.

Protein day is as follows:

  • Drink a glass of water in the morning;
  • Have breakfast with a boiled chicken egg and a cucumber with herbs;
  • Have lunch with boiled chicken in the amount of 300 grams;
  • Dine also on chicken meat (300 grams).

Drink two liters of fluid daily.

Carbohydrate day recommends eating 1.5 kilograms of vegetables per day. You can make a vegetable salad and eat it all day long. Prepare the salad as follows: cut white cabbage (500 grams) and carrots (500 grams). Squeeze the juice from the vegetables and drain it. Dress the salad with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

A diet with alternating protein and carbohydrate days has the following rules:

  1. Dinner is recommended no later than seven in the evening;
  2. Under a strict ban salt;
  3. You need to eat five times a day;
  4. To maintain weight after the end of the diet, eat oatmeal, uncanned beans of any kind, lentils, brown rice, chickpeas (a type of pea), barley;
  5. Breakfast should always be hearty;
  6. Under a strict ban, buns, sweets, fatty and fried foods, white bread, smoked meats;
  7. Natural juices are recommended to be diluted by half with water;
  8. Drink compotes, decoctions of dried fruits. Such drinks will help the intestines work better;
  9. Be sure to limit your sugar intake.

Nutrition must be balanced if you want to remove excess fat from the tummy. It should consist of 15% protein, 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat. Squirrels must be half animal. 90% of allowed carbohydrates must contain starch. The third part of fats should be vegetable.

In the issue of combating excess body fat in the abdomen and waist, physical activity plays a significant role, aimed at burning fat and tone the abdominal muscles. But no less, and maybe even more importance is given to proper nutrition. Going on diets, especially extreme short-term diets, is not at all necessary and even unsafe. This is where proper and balanced nutrition is important. How to eat right to remove the stomach? Consider the basic postulates of a healthy diet.

Initially, you need to understand why excess fat can occur in the abdomen. The main reasons for this are:

  • Wrong nutrition. This may be the lack of a diet, namely too rare and plentiful consumption of food, overeating, lack of breakfast. Also, don't be surprised by belly fat if you constantly abuse simple carbohydrates, fatty, fried and other foods that are bad for your figure. Another serious harm to your physical form is unhealthy snacking on the go.
  • Lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the body does not have time to burn what is eaten, and the muscles atrophy, which affects the figure.
  • Lack of sleep and recovery, permanent stress.

All these causes are interconnected, and even only one of them can lead to excess weight. Also, hereditary factors and the presence of certain health problems can play a role in this matter. In the latter case, you need to consult a specialist, but in all the rest, the first thing you should start with is proper nutrition in order to remove the stomach and improve the figure in general.

The basics of proper nutrition against the abdomen and sides

Many do not know how to eat to remove the stomach, and make a large number of mistakes. The first is constant fasting, after which we usually eat twice as much, and everything dropped comes back in double volume. In addition, passion in this way leads to certain health problems. Remember that for healthy and safe weight loss, you need to eat often and in small portions - 5-6 times a day. Many people are afraid to eat meat or vegetable fats, but at the same time, these products are just the ones that we need.

If you want to get rid of belly fat, then in percentage terms your diet should look like this:

  • proteins - 50%;
  • carbohydrates - 25-30 No.
  • fats - 20-25%.

Now consider each necessary component separately


Protein food is ideal in order to remove the stomach and sides, so you can and should eat it. However, not all proteins are useful, but those that contain a small amount of fat. The list of protein foods that you can eat without fear of losing weight will be as follows:

  • egg whites;
  • chicken and turkey fillet;
  • lean veal and beef;
  • various types of fish: cod, tuna, hake, pollock;
  • squid and other seafood.

Other types of protein foods are also allowed, in which the fat content is higher, but the benefits of this are no less. This, for example, is the meat of red fish, which can be consumed 1-2 times a week.


The word “fats” drives many people who want to lose weight into a panic. But in vain. Not all fats are so dangerous. Some are useful and even necessary for healthy rational weight loss. Of particular value are polyunsaturated fats of vegetable origin. These include unprocessed vegetable oils, nuts, and avocados. You can also take fish oil capsules.


The most dangerous for the figure are not fats, as many used to think, namely carbohydrates, but not all. Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple ones are the main enemies of our figure, which provoke sharp jumps in blood glucose levels and give satiety for a very short period, besides, they are quite high in calories. Simple carbohydrates are all sweets, bars, cakes and so on. They also include fruits, but they are less high-calorie and more useful, so you can indulge yourself and those who are losing weight with them.

Complex carbohydrates work in the opposite way. They saturate the body with energy slowly and gradually, give a feeling of satiety for a long time and at the same time require efforts for their assimilation by the body, therefore they contribute to weight loss. Sources of complex carbohydrates are as follows:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • wild and brown rice;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • rye types of bread.


Fiber is a substance that is not absorbed by the body, but as if it passes through the intestines in transit, cleansing it. Fiber helps to eliminate the end products of digestion from the body, thereby preventing fermentation, decay and other unpleasant processes. Fiber also helps to fill you up, as it fills the stomach and prevents overeating due to this. Therefore, for those who do not know how to eat in order to remove the stomach, it is recommended to include foods containing it in every meal. The main sources of fiber are:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • beans, asparagus;
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • all kinds of greenery;
  • pepper;
  • carrot;
  • apples and some other fruits.

Top best products to reduce the stomach

Proper nutrition helps to reduce the stomach and sides, and for it to give the best results, it is recommended to include foods that promote weight loss in the diet. Of course, only they will not help you lose weight if you simultaneously eat a mountain of sweets and do not play sports, but by including them in your balanced diet and replacing unhealthy snacks with them, you can quickly achieve the desired results. Consider a list of the best products from the stomach.

Fish and fish oil

Fish is indispensable for losing weight for many reasons. First of all, it is a valuable source of protein. Additionally, it provides the diet with beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The lack of these substances negatively affects the nervous system and sleep, which in turn provokes the active production of the stress hormone and excess weight, as a consequence of this. It is recommended to eat fish regularly - 3-5 times a week.

It is also very useful to take fish oil. It is better to do it in capsules - so there will be no unpleasant taste. This product has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


Eggs provide the body with both protein and useful cholesterol and the substance lecithin. And if everything is clear with the protein, then a lot of myths and disputes go around the yolk. Many consider it harmful, but this is fundamentally not the case, since cholesterol and fats in its composition are only beneficial, and not only do not interfere with weight loss, but also contribute to it. The yolk also contains lecithin, which includes our brain and the entire nervous system. This component prevents nervous stress and excessive tension, so the yolk can be consumed. It is recommended to eat two eggs a day along with the yolk. Eggs, by the way, are considered the perfect breakfast.

Nuts and sesame

Nuts are quite high in calories, but in moderation for weight loss, they are only useful. They contain healthy fats, as well as such a valuable mineral as magnesium, which takes part in all metabolic processes in the body. Also, this component is largely responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and for proper sleep. Nuts are good for skin and hair. But, no matter how useful they are, remember the high calorie content and consume them in an amount of at least 35 grams. You can use them as a snack.

green apples

Apples are one of the best products for those who want to lose weight with benefit and pleasure. They contain a large amount of fiber, pectin, vitamin C, as well as a number of other vitamins. Also they are low-calorie and allow you to satisfy your hunger. No wonder there is a saying that people who eat at least one apple every day can forget about hunger for a long time. For weight loss of the abdomen, green, unsweetened varieties of apples are especially useful.

green vegetables

All green vegetables have an extremely low calorie content, but the body spends a lot of energy on their absorption, so they are usually referred to as the so-called negative calorie foods. They are a source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, antioxidants, and plenty of other nutrients. By the way, the champions in calcium content are dark green leafy vegetables, which surpass even dairy products in this respect. Absolutely all cabbage and greens deserve to be in your diet if you want to clean your stomach.

Here are the basic postulates of proper nutrition for weight loss of the abdomen. It is important not to overeat and eat healthy food. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to starve - you will always know what to eat using the above list of products.

Very important point is the liquid, which also promotes weight loss of the abdomen and the whole body. We are talking about clean drinking water, which should be drunk in an amount of not less than 1.5-2 liters per day. But drinks like store-bought juices and sweet waters should be excluded - these are empty useless calories. In addition, those who want to lose weight are advised to give up alcohol or reduce its consumption to a minimum.

It is also the second half of effective weight loss of the abdomen, which cannot be dispensed with. Include in your program both cardio and strength training aimed at working out the abdominal muscles. In combination, these measures will help you burn all that is superfluous and gain a beautiful flat tummy and a thin, feminine waist.

Almost all women dream of reducing the volume of their waist, and men - to make embossed cubes on the press. In practice, over the years, it is in these places that not just fat folds are formed, but whole rollers, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Often, the weight goes away, and the legs and arms lose weight, but this area still remains problematic. Therefore, the question arises so sharply: is there any effective diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, which quickly and without harm to health dissolves this unpleasant fat, called visceral fat by experts?

About visceral fat

A sagging belly and fat rolls on the sides are nothing more than visceral (abdominal) fat. Its danger is not at all limited to aesthetic ugliness - first of all, it is fraught with unpleasant health complications. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

It consists of brown fat cells located in the abdominal cavity. They envelop the internal organs and must perform a protective function.

The norms of visceral fat for women and for men are different. They are measured by waist circumference: for the fair sex, it should not exceed 88 cm, for the strong - more than 94 cm. So if you have these figures higher, you need to look for a suitable diet and change something in your life, because in large Abdominal fat is dangerous to health, causing diseases such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • thrombosis.

Reasons for its formation:

  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • love for sweets;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • constant stress, depression, anxiety, nervous breakdowns.

So no, even the most effective, diet for the abdomen alone will not cope with such a misfortune as visceral fat. Only an integrated approach will get rid of unpleasant deposits.

In solving the problem, one has to take into account the opinions of not only nutritionists, but also fitness trainers and doctors. Strict adherence to their recommendations is a direct path to getting rid of visceral fat.


Before choosing a diet, review your daily routine and lifestyle in general. In order to remove the stomach, you need:

  • get enough sleep, and go to bed as early as possible;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • choose for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: women are recommended to twist the hula hoop with weights, men - to pump the press;
  • walk a lot;
  • breathe more fresh air;
  • during sedentary work, arrange every hour a 5-minute warm-up.

Emotional condition

Life in constant tension, quarrels in the family, deadlines at work, lack of vacations and days off - all this negatively affects the nervous system. And this is one of the main factors of fat deposition. The more experiences - the thicker your waist will be. So you will either have to pull yourself together and calm down, or drink antidepressants (it is recommended to do this even before the diet), or undergo a course of treatment with a psychologist / psychotherapist.


And only after all this you need to put food in order and look for a diet. It should be low-carbohydrate, non-caloric, with a minimum amount of fatty foods. Meals are at the same time. The best option is 5 times a day. Drinking regime - about one and a half liters of water. Of the methods of cooking products, give preference to steaming, stewing, baking. Forget about frying in oil.

Mono-diets, separate and fractional meals are good in this matter. The recommended period for losing weight is a month.

There are a number of foods that have fat burning properties. Be sure to include them in your diet:

  • legumes;
  • (give preference to broccoli and color);
  • dairy products;
  • red wine (if there is no strict ban on alcohol in the diet, you can drink a glass once a week);
  • dried fruits;
  • horseradish;
  • citrus fruits (the leader in fat burning is grapefruit);

Many desperately need a quick diet so that in a week there is already a wasp waist and cubes. It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s impossible to say goodbye to visceral fat in a short time. So it is better to choose a long fast. If the technique suggests reducing the waist in just 3 days, you should know that this is a myth.

Additional techniques

As soon as you start to lose weight on a diet, in parallel, use other ways to deal with deposits on your stomach and sides:

  • anti-cellulite wraps and creams;
  • bath and saunas;

Many experts are of the opinion that the most correct diet for losing weight in the abdomen is the organization of a regular healthy diet. Its principles are familiar to everyone: 5 meals at the same time, a feeling of slight hunger when leaving the table, a minimum of fried and fatty foods, no fast foods and soda, dinner - 3 hours before bedtime.

But, if the problem of excess weight is acute, of course, it will be necessary to look for a more strict methodology with the restriction of certain products.

Diet Options

What are diets for weight loss of the abdomen:

  • From E. V. Malysheva

In one of the Health programs, E. V. Malysheva talked about visceral fat. The nutritionists invited to the studio proposed a very simple diet. Its essence is to eat right, do not exceed the daily calorie content of 1,500 kcal and include three foods in the daily diet.

This is an avocado, which is high in monounsaturated fats, and they reduce waist circumference by 30%. Ginger with gingerol included in its composition - the famous fat burner and savior from flatulence. Blueberry with its bioflavonoids and antioxidants that utilize glucose and perfectly saturate.

  • With a sedentary lifestyle

If you have a sedentary job, you are chained to an office chair and cannot get out for walks in the evenings, a relatively light diet for beginners will help to cope with the stomach and sides. It involves a balanced diet, which contains both carbohydrates and proteins, and even a little fat. Weight loss occurs by reducing the calorie content of food, small portion sizes and eliminating harmful foods.

Breakfast options: corn porridge / scrambled eggs / oatmeal with milk with fruit / 2 eggs.

For lunch - a small citrus.

Lunch options: baked or steam fish / various light vegetable salads / chicken breast (beef, turkey).

For an afternoon snack - a glass of juice / fermented milk drink /.

Dinner options: seafood / stewed vegetables / steamed meat (fish) / cottage cheese casserole.

After a few days of such nutrition, weight will begin to go away, after a couple of weeks you will feel how your sides and stomach are losing weight. This is a fairly sparing diet based on the principles of healthy eating.

  • Tomato Express Diet

Express diets for quick weight loss of the abdomen are not recommended by experts due to their inefficiency and harmfulness. Despite this, you can try to at least slightly reduce the waist by actively eating tomatoes. Duration - only 4 days. For breakfast - an omelette with tomatoes, for lunch - tomato puree soup, for dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables. From drinks - tomato juice without salt and any smoothies and cocktails based on it.

  • Treatment / table number 8

For the treatment of obesity in the 30s of the XIX century, the Soviet gastroenterologist and scientist Mikhail Pevzner developed a special nutrition system. The only technique that doctors support, actively using it in hospitals and sanatoriums. This is a very strong diet that can even cope with visceral fat in a month.

Each of these diets is effective, allowing you to reduce your waist in volume, if you approach weight loss in a complex way. Without physical activity, the fight against body fat in 90% is ineffective.

sample menu

For men, the following serving sizes are suggested:

  • 300 gr for breakfast;
  • 100 grams of fruit for a snack;
  • 500 gr for lunch;
  • a glass of protein shake for an afternoon snack;
  • 200 gr for dinner.

For women, breakfast and lunch can be reduced by 100-150 gr. For them, the daily calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1,200 kcal. For men, this figure is 1,600 kcal.

A protein-vegetable weekly diet is easily tolerated, as it allows you to eat meat and fish. Suitable for men and women, so we bring to your attention its detailed menu.

Lunch should consist of any citrus fruit: grapefruit, orange, 2-3 tangerines, pomelo. For an afternoon snack, it is advisable to drink a glass of protein (protein) shake with pieces of fruit and mint.

Even the best diet will not be able to remove visceral fat if you do not follow the basic recommendations of experts. The problem of its formation is not only in nutrition, but also in other circumstances. First of all, deal with them and only then select the appropriate technique. Only an integrated approach can restore your harmony.

For weight loss in general, several conditions must be observed, the main thing is to spend more calories than you get. But in an effort to quickly remove fat from the abdomen, people begin to sit on low-calorie diets or refuse to eat at all. This is fundamentally not true, because this way you slow down your metabolism and begin to accumulate even more fat mass. How to remove fat from the abdomen when the body simply refuses to break it down and turn it into energy?

Those who are lucky enough to shed a few kilos lose not fat, but water and muscle mass. As a result, there is a result on the scales, and in the mirror everything began to look even worse. Because there were few muscles, and it became even smaller, due to this, the scales show a decrease. And the fat mass becomes larger or the skin sags and the appearance worsens.

In this article we will tell you how to cope with excess weight with the help of proper nutrition.

Every famous Hollywood coach knows this secret, and now you will find out more. Alan Aragon, trainer and weight loss specialist for Men's Health magazine and co-author of The Lean Muscle Diet (Muscle Diet), believes that the fastest way to look like a mountain of muscle is to lose 5 kg of fat. The more fat you remove that covers your abs on your stomach, the better each muscle will appear and make you incredibly muscular.

That is why I spent a lot of time trying to lose the last 10 pounds of fat folds, unfortunately, like many others, I found that the goal eluded me all the time. Until I turned to Aragon for help, whose nutrition and training methods have shaped the bodies of NBA athletes, Olympians, and competitive bodybuilders.

Using Aragon's advice, I cut my body fat in half, to a lifetime low of 6.8%, and sculpted not only my abs, but everyone else too. Now you.

How to remove subcutaneous fat?

Use Aragon's simple five-step nutritional plan for the ultimate belly beat. (Also check out Aragon's complete modern guide to fat loss - check out The Lean Muscle Diet.)

1 Count your calories

When it comes to calories, Aragon has a simple rule - eat in the amount corresponding to your desired weight. Let's say you weigh 220 pounds but want to lose 180 pounds. You need to consume as many calories as a person with a weight of 180 pounds.

Main formula: If you train for about an hour a week, or less, then you should add 10 to your desired weight. How many calories do you need to get every day. However, if you're exercising more, then add one for each additional hour of training. So, if your goal is 180 pounds, and you work out 3 hours a week, you should add 12 to 180 - we get 2160 calories per day. You can split them up into as many meals as you like—three, four, five, or six—as long as you don't exceed your daily limit.

Press Products

Serving Size calories Protein (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g)
Meat 85 grams 100 25 0 1-2
Beef, fish, chicken, turkey, pork
Eggs 1 egg 78 6 1 5
Dairy products
2% milk 225 grams 122 8 11 5
Cheese 28 grams or piece 110 8 1 9
low fat yogurt 225 grams 155 13 17 4
Fruit 1 whole fruit or 1 serving 80 1 20 0-1
Low starch vegetables 1 serving raw, or ½ serving cooked 35 Feb 01 6 0
All types except corn and potatoes

2 Eat by the numbers

Of course, you can only focus on calories. But by eating the right amount of the right nutrients, you'll achieve results without feeling like you're on a diet.


Perhaps you don't need to talk about the virtues of protein, because it is a material for muscle growth. It also helps reduce appetite and lose weight.

Formula: Eat 1 gram for every pound of desired weight. If you're aiming for 180 pounds, you should eat 180 grams of protein. One gram is about 4 calories. So, counting the calories from protein, multiply the number of grams by 4. In this case, this is 720 calories.


For years, this nutrient was considered a dietary demon. However, recent studies have clearly shown that these are not the fats that accumulate in the stomach, although they have too many calories. Conversely, fats can actually keep you from overeating because they make you feel full. End result: You stop eating frequently and stay satisfied for longer.

Formula: Eat half a gram for every pound of desired weight. If your goal is 180 pounds, then it should be 90 grams. And since 1 gram of fat is about 9 calories, we get 810 calories from fat. This is about 40% of the total calories.


Foods containing carbohydrates not only taste good, but can also be rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should not completely abandon it, you should only make sure that you do not abuse it. Eating the right amount of protein and fat can make it easier to reach your goal, as opposed to fasting and eliminating these elements. Another key aspect of Aragon is to give preference to proteins and fats, and already the remaining number of calories to carbohydrates.

Formula: Sum the calories from protein and fat, and subtract the total from your daily calories. Let's take 180 pounds as an example, that leaves 630 calories. This is the number of calories you can get from carbohydrates. Like protein, carbs contain about 4 calories per gram - so divide the calories from carbs by four to determine the number of grams you need. In this case, about 158 ​​grams.

3 Create your menu

Build your diet around whole foods - the ones you can find in nature. Your main preference should be meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, plus wholemeal grains. Remember¸ that typical unhealthy foods are candies, pastries and sugary drinks, eliminate them.

Use the characteristics of the food as a guide for building your diet. Mix and match foods however you like so that calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates match your desired weight. The nutritional values ​​shown do not contain exact numbers of calories and other substances, but will give you a rough estimate of your nutrition.

4 Set in your diet

Be guided by the following rules to make your meal plan more effective.

  1. Eat at least two servings of vegetables a day. Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, which will keep you full.
  1. Eat at least two servings of fruit a day. Fruits provide your muscles with the carbohydrates they need for energy, but have less of an impact on blood sugar levels than grains and other highly starchy foods. This is important because it can help you avoid food cravings and overeating, which happens when your blood sugar levels rise and fall quickly. It is best if most of the carbohydrates come from fruits and vegetables. So limit yourself to two servings of grains, legumes and highly starchy vegetables, and leave the carbohydrates from other foods alone.
  1. On workout day, eat 1 hour before class and 60 minutes after your last rep. For each meal, the goal is 0.25 grams of protein and carbohydrates for every pound of desired weight. If your goal is 180 pounds, you need to eat 45 grams of each nutrient. This will provide your muscles with a healthy dose of nutrients to provide energy during your workout, and to develop your muscles after. Keep in mind that the total amount of proteins and carbohydrates per day does not change, you only eat from a strategic point of view for the best result. There are the following options:
  • Ready-made cocktail containing a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Add more fruit if necessary.
  • A virtually protein shake like Optimum Nutrition Whey along with ½ cup oatmeal and a piece of fruit.
  • Tuna salad or turkey sandwich.

5 Forget about the details

Once a week, relax and have a holiday. Aragon believes that there is always a place for junk food, as long as it makes up a smaller part of your diet.

Note from the author : This article was printed on December 24, 2014. Right after the release of Alan Aragon's publication, co-authored by award-winning journalist Lou Schuler - The Lean Muscle Diet, and this is reflected in our story. The Lean Muscle Diet explains in detail how you can create a traditional nutrition and exercise plan for your body. Whether you have 20, 30, 50 or more extra pounds, or just want to lose the last 10 pounds, or you are skinny and trying to build muscle, this book has a plan for you.

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