What is technical English? Where to find texts.

English for engineers. Polyakova T.Yu., Sinyavskaya E.V. and etc.

7th ed. - M.: 2007 - 463s. 6th ed. - M.: 2004 - 463s.

The textbook is written in accordance with the program in foreign languages ​​for non-linguistic universities. The purpose of the textbook is to teach various types of reading of specialized literature, the possession of which is necessary for a future engineer, as well as the formation of oral speech, listening and writing skills. Effective practical mastery of the language is provided by a system of communicative exercises and role-playing games that stimulate the interest of students and their creative activity. The textbook is published with an audio supplement (2 audio cassettes), all materials of which are read by native speakers. Recommended to provide a basic course in technical universities. Can be used by individuals with a technical background who wish to improve their English language skills on their own.

Format: pdf (7th ed. - M.: 2007 - 463s.)

Size: 14 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Format: pdf (6th ed. - M.: 2004 - 463s.)

Size: 48 MB

Watch, download:drive.google


Format: mp3/zip

Size: 99 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

For students from authors 3
To teachers from authors 5
Unit 1. Value of Education 16
Unit 2 Live and Learn 43
Unit 3. City Traffic 68
Unit 4. Scientists 91
Unit 5. Inventors and Their Inventions 117
Unit 6 Modern Cities 142
Unit 7 Architecture 167
Unit 8. Traveling by Car 190
Unit 9. Water Transport 213
Unit 10 Air Transport 238
Unit 11. Construction Materials and Structures 261
Unit 12. PC means a Personal Computer 285
Unit 13. A Few Concepts of Market Economy 309
1. TV Competition of Inventors 328
2. Applying for a Job 332
3. Conference 341
Alphabet 348
Letters and Sounds 348
Basic School Vocabulary 350
Basic Grammar Terminology 355

Today is programmer's day. On this occasion, there is a holiday in our office, balloons, fireworks (actually, no: we are working hard). But we could not ignore such a day, so we prepared an article about technical English for IT specialists.

Why does the developer need English (this question made me laugh). The answer is obvious: English is needed to understand terminology, work with English-language interfaces, read technical documentation, study professional literature, conferences and webinars... And, of course, to be able to work abroad.

The developers already know a huge number of English words (at least listen to ours: they don’t seem to speak Russian at all, but only “fix”, “debate”, “asapyat”). But using professional slang does not mean that you have a full command of the English language. Therefore, we have collected resources in the article, thanks to which you can fully upgrade English for work.

The content of the article "English for developers":

We are looking for professional vocabulary:

Downloading skills:

English Dictionary for Programmers: Vocabulary Sources

The vocabulary for developers is extensive. Those who the layman can call "IT" include a dozen different specializations: frontend developers, backend developers, testers, web designers, products and others (but they all need to be able to "fix a computer").

We have collected sources where you can find both basic and highly specialized vocabulary.

1. English for IT-specialists: textbooks

Textbooks are especially suitable for those who decide to learn the language on their own, as they offer a ready-made lesson program.

English for Information Technology- suitable for entry level. Includes the main basic vocabulary.

Career Path Software Engineering is a lexical guide for programmers that combines specialized vocabulary and work situations to develop communication skills. Topics: software development, testing, user interface, modeling, career options, etc.

Oxford English for Information Technology- another complete course. Suitable for intermediate level. Includes student workbook and audio course.

Professional English in Use ICT- The course is suitable for intermediate level. The book is built from simple to complex, all units are divided into topics.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Computers and IT is a workbook designed to improve understanding of technical vocabulary. Includes crosswords, puzzles, and more.

2. English for it: online courses

On the Internet, you can find sites with various online simulators for your technical English.

You can also find specialized vocabulary on the websites:

The sites are in English, but ours will translate any word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: blogs, magazines for IT specialists

The most effective way to replenish vocabulary is to “take out” words from a living context. For example, read an article about a professional issue and write out new words from there. Such vocabulary will be better remembered, because it will be associated with a qualitative context.

Materials on Lingualeo: technical English for programmers

The Lingualeo material library contains over 250,000 authentic texts, videos, audios, and more. The main feature is that you can 1. click on an unfamiliar word ⇒ 2. see the translation ⇒ 3. add a word to study ⇒ 4. learn it with . And the context will always be with you.

We have a huge amount of materials on IT topics: collection, collection, etc.

Also, vocabulary and ideas can be drawn from and from special. And we have collected cool examples of Elevator pitch.

How to search for materials: enter any technical term in English and sort the materials by difficulty level and format (video, audio, book). Link instructions.

Magazines and blogs in English for developers

The principle of working with texts on other sites can be just as convenient: 1. install ⇒ 2. poke on unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for study.

Where to find lyrics:

  • news.ycombinator.com
  • blog.codinghorror.com
  • www.improgrammer.net
  • www.smashingmagazine.com
  • designm.ag
  • sdtimes.com
  • www.drdobbs.com
  • www.creativebloq.com

Working with other skills: listening, speaking practice

Full knowledge of a foreign language includes 4 skills: reading (we named many sites for it), listening, writing and speaking (that is, speech). We will find additional resources for listening and speaking.

1. Listening: podcasts and videos

Part of the collections on Lingualeo that I talked about above - are collections with videos that will also help you improve your listening skills. Now let's find some more podcasts:

  • Herding Code - technology podcasts with Scott Allen, Kevin Dente, Scott Kuhn and John Galloway.
  • Let's sum it up: English for web designers, it-specialists

    • Like any specialist, developers need not only basic English, but also highly specialized. Basically, it concerns special vocabulary.
    • Vocabulary can be found in professional dictionaries and materials in English. The second option is preferable: this way you will learn even the most difficult words better.
    • Do not forget other skills: listening (listen to podcasts, watch videos and TV shows) and speaking (communicate with English-speaking colleagues on special forums and social networks).

    Well, once again, congratulations to those involved on the holiday! And now let's go. 🙂

And what do they eat it with? The term "technical English" can be conditional, which means it can be used in various fields of activity, such as IT, where web development knowledge prevails, engineering, where mechanisms and communications are encountered, or the navy, where people manage everything that shoots and moves. That is why at the initial stage it is important to clearly identify English in which field of activity you are interested in. Interestingly, even the British themselves do not know all the terms associated with technical English, just as we cannot know those highly specialized words and expressions that are used in aviation, shipbuilding and the automotive industry.

It is important to note that technical English is, first of all, a special vocabulary, which, in combination with grammar, allows you to communicate and correspond with people who revolve with you in the same professional circle. It is necessary to clearly understand that, associating yourself with technical English, you must know every term, every expression that will help you give the most accurate instructions and unambiguously interpret any task.

In order to be as fast as possible, you must have knowledge of grammar and spelling. It is very important to understand that the same term can have many meanings, and their translation can be radically different. That is why you must master not only English synonyms and variants, but also memorize their Russian equivalents.

To overcome the subtleties of professional English, it is necessary to work properly with specialized literature, which is aimed at translating technical texts. Also, take a look at the numerous dictionaries and tutorials designed specifically for those who work with technical English. These may include the following collections:

Read English scientific texts. Course for beginners.

English-Russian explanatory scientific and technical dictionary on system analysis, programming, electronics and electric drive. Volume 1

English-Russian explanatory dictionary of computer terms

Technical dictionary (English-Russian, Russian-English). X-polyglossum. Publisher: IDDC-2006 Recommended for technical professionals.

English textbook for technical universities and universities Orlovskaya I.V., Samsonova L.S., Skubrieva A.I. (For students of technical universities and universities of machine and instrument-making profile).

The tutorials mentioned above will help you overcome technical English on your own. However, in order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible and come to an understanding of what real technical English is, a specialist in this field can come to your aid. The easiest option is to find good ones, where they will help you master all the intricacies of the technical field, and on your own you can work at home, practicing the knowledge gained in practice.

Remember that everyone who is connected with the technical field simply must be aware that even Technical English is always updated with new words and expressions, and you simply have no right not to know them, because sometimes not only correct work may depend on you mechanisms, but also the lives of people.

The purpose of the textbook is the formation and development of the competence necessary for the use of English in the field of professional communication. The textbook allows you to develop the skills of communicative reading of scientific literature, oral and written scientific speech, expand vocabulary through general scientific and special vocabulary, work out the grammatical phenomena of the English language characteristic of a scientific text. The textbook contains original scientific and popular science texts that help expand the horizons of students.
This textbook is intended for students of engineering and technical specialties with an intermediate (Intermediate) level of English proficiency (which corresponds to level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Proficiency) studying in educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

Write down the following formulae in your notebooks. Check the results as a class.
1) V over I equals R (all capital letters)
2) P subscript one V subscript one equals P subscript two V subscript two (all capital letters)
3) one over u plus one over v equals one over f (all small letters)
4) capital F equals small m small v squared all over small r
5) one over R equals M over EI (all capital letters)
6) sigma over capital Y small n equals capital M over capital A small h capital R subscript small f
7) capital A equals two pi capital R subscript small c, open square brackets capital R subscript small c minus square root open brackets capital R subscript small c squared minus small d squared over four, close brackets, close square brackets
8) tau equals four capital Q over three pi capital R to the power of four, open brackets, capital R squared minus gamma squared, close brackets
9) F is proportional to M subscript one M subscript two all over R squared (all letters capital)
10) T squared over R cubed equals four pi squared over GM (all capital letters)

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1. They (carry out) a series of experiments this week.
2. They (introduce) some new methods of investigation lately.
3. He (publish) a few papers on the problem this year.
4. We (clarify) this question last week.
5. Prof. Brown (give) some useful recommendations a few days ago.
6. There (be) a heated discussion at the seminar today.
7.Dr. Clark (be) in charge of this project for some time now.
8. Our efforts (be) useless so far.
9. These studies (be) very intensive until now.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English for Engineers, English for Engineers, Kovalenko I.Yu., 2015 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English for Economists, Agabekyan IP, Kovalenko PI, 2005 - The textbook complies with the state educational standard and the requirements of the English language program for non-linguistic universities. It is designed for 4-6 semesters ... English language books
  • English for Economists, Agabekyan IP, Kovalenko PI, 2004 - The textbook complies with the state educational standard and the requirements of the English language program for non-linguistic universities. It is designed for 4… English language books
  • English for engineers, Agabekyan I.P., Kovalenko P.K., 2002 - A textbook for students of technical universities in the first and second stages of education corresponds to the program in English for non-linguistic universities ... English language books
  • English for technical universities, Agabekyan I.L., Kovalenko P.I. - Vowel sound i When pronouncing a short vowel sound i, the tip of the tongue is at the base of the lower teeth: a shade of the Russian sound and ... English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • English, grade 9, Diagnostic work to assess the quality of education, Veselova Yu.S., 2015 - The collection offers diagnostic work in English for grade 9 of secondary schools, with which you can control the level of development ... English language books
  • English pronunciation that everyone envy, or How to learn to speak English without a Russian accent, A practical course in two books, Book 1, Shevar de Nidze V., 1997 English language books
  • English pronunciation that everyone envy, or How to learn to speak English without a Russian accent, A practical course in two books, Book 2, Shevard de Nidze V., 1997 - Lingaphone course “Master Sound” is the only most complete textbook on English pronunciation, written in an engaging way specifically for a Russian-speaking audience. … English language books
  • English for Sociologists, Kuzmenkova Yu.B., Zhavoronkova A.R., 2014 - This course is addressed to students of non-linguistic universities (level (Pre-) Intermediate), specializing in the field of sociology; it allows you to master the skills of the English-language general scientific (academic) ... English language books

Previous articles:

  • Practical grammar of the English language, Shirokova G.A., 2013 - The textbook contains systematized information on the grammar of the English language, necessary for understanding and translating English original texts. Recommended to study... English language books
  • English in 5 minutes, Orlova N.F., 2014 - The manual contains 5 main topics: My family, Living to eat, Time is money, Going on vacation, And ... English language books
  • All vocabulary words of the English language, grades 1-4, Polozhentseva D.V., 2016 - The proposed book contributes to the qualitative assimilation of basic English vocabulary studied in the elementary school program and covers topics such as My ... English language books
  • Easy English Grammar, Lavrinenko T.M., 2000 - The proposed Easy English Grammar is designed for a wide range of English learners in various forms of education or independently. The material is organized... English language books

Send an application right now and get absolutely free access to the first lesson, where we will tell you about 14 secrets for learning English quickly!

It is now possible to master technical English courses in a short time on the modern program “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” from the MBA CITY Business Academy!

The purpose of the intensive course "TECHNICAL ENGLISH" is to allow anyone who wants to quickly learn the topics of technical English for work, as well as learn turns and set expressions to describe the principles of operation of various mechanisms.

The Technical English course is designed for those who wish to learn English for work in industry, as well as for those who have already mastered the intermediate level and want to develop further.

In the course of training in technical English, students of the English language courses for engineers will have to learn all the necessary grammatical forms and lexical features of the English language for technical descriptions. You will also master the skills of negotiating with manufacturers of complex technical equipment in English and learn to understand technical instructions in English, learn how to use your knowledge in professional communication, master professional terminology and develop the confidence needed to break down the language barrier.

You will learn and be able to put into practice many other important language skills - for example, writing technical specifications in English, checking technical indicators in English, using English to explain technical problems and breakdowns in equipment, and much more.

Still looking for the best place to take technical English courses? Whether you live in Moscow or any other city in the world, everyone can now study English at the prestigious Institute of Foreign Languages ​​without leaving home.

Thanks to the technical English course at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the MBA CITY Business Academy, you will be able to improve your language skills and become a valuable specialist - a professional with knowledge of a foreign language!

To complete a course of 3 levels of technical English from the MBA CITY Business Academy, we offer the most convenient and effective ways of learning.

Distance English course. A modern and fast way to master technical English is to take a distance learning program at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the MBA CITY Business Academy. The distance technical English course provides complete and up-to-date information sufficient to learn how to communicate and understand technical instructions fluently. A clear and detailed multimedia presentation of the distance course material allows students to master this training program on their own.

Individual learning format. This format provides for many training options, including tete-a-tete training with a teacher, corporate training with a teacher visiting a private trader or an organization. In addition, individual training can be done online via video link or via Skype. Whether you choose face-to-face English classes or via Skype, in any case, in an individual format, you will have direct communication with the teacher. The individual learning format also gives you access to remote course material.

Each lesson of the course includes several informative blocks: it consists of text materials with the addition of useful illustrations. Also, the full remote technical English course includes diagrams, tables, audio and video, having become acquainted with which, after the first lesson, course participants will be able to apply their knowledge in communicating in English. You can start classes almost instantly - access to the program will open after paying for the course through your personal account on the site. Do you have any questions? Specialists of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Business Academy MBA CITY will promptly answer them through the website or by phone and will definitely provide you with professional support.

MBA CITY Business Academy's online English courses are your chance to learn everything you need to develop personally and professionally in the international field!

After completing the “TECHNICAL ENGLISH” program from the MBA CITY Business Academy, you will be able to feel free in an English-speaking environment and perform your job duties that require knowledge of English as efficiently as possible.

Expanding your knowledge of the English language means contributing to your future personal success and professional growth.

Leave an application for a general technical English course at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the MBA CITY Business Academy on our website today. Hurry up to start learning and improving your skills. The result will undoubtedly be an increase in your income and an expansion of the range of professional opportunities!

Upon completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate of state. sample with an international application on the successful completion of the "TECHNICAL ENGLISH" program.

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