GTA V Murder Mystery. Reasonable Decision (Something Sensible) Lester Task #3 - Murder — Panel

The passage of all missions of murders in the game GTA 5 is available only to Franklin. Access to them is activated after completing the Fame or Shame quest. You need to wait for the call from Lester, who will offer to do one job. After that, look at the map to see a green L icon there.

Move to that place and meet with Lester to understand what he wants. Since he constantly plays on the stock exchange, respectively, his tasks are often associated with it. And don't forget that you can use Leicester's stock market fraud to your advantage. Just before completing the task, it is worth investing most of the money in the shares of those companies that will be mentioned in the combinations. After passing the test, you need to wait a bit until the price of assets rises in order to profitably sell them.

1.Hotel assassination

For completing this quest, you can get:

- 2000$ as a bonus for a sniper kill;
- new safe shelter.

At the beginning of this mission in GTA 5, invest in Betta Pharmaceuticals shares. Then go to the pier and on one of the benches standing there, find Lester. Come and activate the video.

After watching it, it will become clear that your goal is the head of a medical corporation that produces male pills. But they do nothing but harm. In view of this, Lester will offer you to kill the businessman covering this disgrace. He also intends to influence the growth of the share price of Betta Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

Move to the Von Krastenburg Hotel, where Brett Lowry lives. Head to the multi-level parking lot and arm yourself with a silenced sniper rifle. If you don't have it, then stop by Ammu-Nation and buy it. After you have the combat arsenal, open the radar and move to the marker on the first floor.

Watch a short video in which you will see how Lowry arrives in a car with bodyguards. He will leave the hotel in 45 minutes according to the game timer, which equates to 1 minute 30 seconds of real time. If you look at the corner of the monitor, you will see a timer.

Continue through this task in GTA 5 and go up a few floors to wait for Lowry to appear. It is worth noting that you can kill him on the move or when he gets into the car. Also, a businessman can appear from any exit.

Wait for the bodyguards to enter the hotel, and then attach the sticky bomb to the car. As soon as Lowry gets into the transport, activate the explosives and enjoy the fireworks. This is the fastest and easiest way to finish off the target, however, you will not receive 100% bonus dollars for this task either. So it's better to use a rifle to fulfill the above requirements.

If you don't know how to get out of the parking lot, then just move to the highest level and head to the building materials ramp to make an incredible jump and end up on the street.

After completing the task, move from the hotel to the maximum safe distance. If you have a tail behind you, then get rid of it to get 100% for completing this mission in GTA 5. After that, wait until Lester's call starts, which will tell you that your things are in a new house and you can not return to Strawberry.

2. The Multi Target Assassination

For completing this quest you can get:
- 5000$;
- $2000 as a bonus for the fastest kill.

Before embarking on a mission, invest the bulk of your money in Debonaire Cigarettes shares. It is worth noting that this kill will become available to Franklin after he completes The Merryweather Heist. Now you will need to eliminate 4 jurors who were bribed by Redwood Cigarettes.

You will be given only 9 minutes to complete the task. So you need to try to act as quietly as possible so as not to contact the police. When passing this murder in GTA 5, it is better to use a sniper rifle with a silencer and an excellent optical sight. Constantly use Franklin's special skill to avoid an accident and be in the specified place on time.

After a while, you will receive the first message from Lester. It will indicate that your first target is a beefy guy who can be found in the gym located on the beach. Head over there and take aim. To do this, you can not even get out of the car. Just try not to miss, because in this case the jock will run after you and you will have to spend a huge amount of time to get away from the chase.

As soon as you deal with him, move along the beach strip to the north. There you can find the next object that sits on board the yacht. Aim and shoot it. After getting rid of the second enemy, continue through GTA 5 and take out your phone to read another SMS from Lester. When you get it, head to the Eclipse Medical Tower

Once there, find the next window cleaner in line. I advise you to shoot it by going to the right side of the building. Use your sniper rifle and kill him. Then go to Vinewood Hills and find a biker on the highway. Hit his car or just shoot him on the go. The task will be considered completed after the last object is dead, so you don't have to get rid of the cops.

Lester is paranoid, so it's not surprising that when Franklin arrives at the meeting point, all he sees is a payphone ringing. Franklin picks up the phone, and Lester tells him that Redwood Cigarettes (the tobacco giant of the GTA world) bribed four jurors to get out of a lawsuit filed by people who got sick because of cigarettes. The jury must die, and the sooner the better, as the trial is to take place the next morning. In addition, for the quick completion of the task, Lester promises Franklin a bonus. Mission Murder - 4 targets will be available after completing the task "".

This mission is one of Lester's 4 stock missions. Before starting the task, read the .

Of course, one should not expect any altruism from Lester: he hints that a blow to the reputation of Redwood Cigarettes will have a very positive effect on the share price of a competing tobacco company - Debonaire Cigarettes. Invest in Debonaire shares before completing the mission (do not forget to do this with all three characters).

As soon as Franklin hangs up, a message will come to his mobile from Lester with information about the first target - a bodybuilder at the gym, which is located on Vespucci Beach. At the same time, a timer appears: only 9 minutes are allotted to eliminate all targets, so you need to act extremely quietly and carefully. The best choice would be a sniper rifle with a silencer, and if you don’t have this tool in your arsenal yet, it doesn’t matter. The nearest Ammu-Nation weapon shop is around the corner.

Get in the car and head towards the first target. It is better to avoid accidents and especially collisions with pedestrians, since there is little time, there will be no time to break away from the cops - Franklin's special skill will come to the rescue. It is better to shoot at a bodybuilder from a sniper rifle in the head, avoiding misses, otherwise he will start to run away, which threatens to waste precious time.

When the first target is eliminated, Franklin will receive a message from Lester with information about the location of the second juror - he is sailing on a yacht off the coast in front of the Pipeline Inn. Get in your car and drive north along the beach. Finding out the target is easy - there is only one boat here. Use a sniper rifle, but be careful - if you miss, the jury will immediately take the helm and try to escape, so it will be even more difficult to hit him.

The third juror, whose coordinates Lester will forward to Franklin when the second is done, is in the Eclipse Medical Tower in West Vinewood. The target is a window cleaner located in a cradle on the right side of the building. Stop the car on the opposite side of the road from the entrance to the medical center at the Bean Machine restaurant - this is the most convenient point for shooting. Just one accurate shot from a sniper rifle, and you can go further.

The fourth and final target is a biker who is riding his Bati motorcycle through the Vinewood Hills. The easiest way is to crush him with a car, or shoot him with a Micro SMG.

When the last juror is killed, Franklin will call Lester to inform him of a successful assignment. As a reward for eliminating four jurors, Franklin will receive $5,000. The bonus for the speedy passage of the mission is another 2 thousand dollars. Debonaire Cigarettes shares should be sold after the income from them reaches 80-90 percent. The proceeds should be invested in Redwood Cigarettes - after a sharp drop due to a shaky reputation, Redwood shares will start to rise, and in just a few days they will grow by about 300 percent, after which they can be sold.

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Devin Weston will come to Franklin and will try to induce him to kill Michael, to whom he has a personal dislike. After he leaves, you have to decide how to end the game, however, you should know that if you kill one of the key characters, you will never complete the game 100%, and the task of killing Trevor or Michael is much more boring than that prepared by the developers in the "Save Both" option.

The last mission and the final game in GTA 5

save both

Drive over to Lester and watch a short gameplay video where he comes up with a scenario where you kill all the game's antagonists and live happily ever after.

Head to the Murieta Heights Foundry, but bring your friend Lamar with you first.

As soon as you arrive at the place, you have to watch the most entertaining cut-scene: Michael and Trevor, whom you are trying to save at the cost of your own skin, point weapons at each other, and a little more, and the irreparable will happen. In time, Franklin, who arrived in time, hardly manages to resolve the difficult situation by uniting former friends in the fight against a common enemy. The FIB agents are close, so it's time to get into position and prepare for the attack. During the firefight, do not forget to switch between characters.

Once you've cleared the building, switch to Franklin and go help Lamar.

When a hint appears, switch to Trevor / Michael, all the main characters should be on the street. The longest and most epic shootout in the game is waiting for you, so don't forget to stock up on bulletproof vests before completing the final mission of GTA 5.

So, after you kill all the agents, at the general meeting you decide that it is worth forever silencing everyone who crossed your path. You have 4 targets to destroy: Wei Chen, Harold Joseph (Stretch), Steve Haynes and Devin Weston.

The murder of Mr. Chen

Before you kill the leader of the triad, visit Ammu-Nation and purchase body armor and a sticky bomb.

The best option is to wait for your target to enter the highway, drive up to them on a motorcycle using Franklin's special ability, throw a sticky bomb and detonate it, and then hide from the triads.

Stretch's murder

Control will switch to Michael. Just drive up to the basketball court where your target is, approach Stretch and kill him. Now it remains only to hide from the Ballas gang.

Assassination of Stephen Haynes

Drive to Del Perro Pier, where FIB's most corrupt agent is filming his show. Grab your sniper rifle and take out the most annoying asshole in the game with a headshot.

Now it remains only to escape from the police.

Murder of Devin Weston

This is the only sub-quest in the mission where you may have difficulty. Before you go to deal with the main antagonist of GTA 5, visit Ammu-Nation to replenish ammo and purchase body armor - you will find a notable shootout. Get to the mansion where the asshole billionaire lives and use a sniper rifle to destroy some of the Merryweather fighters who are guarding Weston.

Then enter the local area, knock out Devin and load him into the trunk of the car.

Drive to the appointed place where Michael and Franklin are waiting for you to deal with this big thorn together. The task will end with the fact that you will push the car off the cliff.

To complete the mission The Last Dash - Save Both by 100% (Gold Medal) you need:

  1. At least 20 opponents must die from an accurate headshot.
  2. Mr. Chen's car is to be blown up with a sticky bomb.
  3. Haynes is supposed to die from a headshot.
  4. Harold Joseph must die in close combat.
  5. Your shots must be at least 70% accurate.
  6. The passage time should not exceed 21 minutes and 30 seconds.

Kill Michael in GTA 5

If for some reason you disliked this deceitful and slippery character of the game, then you can end it without a twinge of conscience.

When Michael arrives to meet Franklin, you will watch a heartbreaking cutscene in which his wife calls him and tells him that Tracy is going to college, but Franklin still tries to kill him. The bullet hits the car and Michael manages to get away. Get in the car and chase him.

The chase will cause you to catch Michael by surprise and throw him over the tower railing, but he will grab your arm. You will have a choice - to reset it or save it. Whichever option you choose, it will still fall.

Afterwards, Franklin calls Lamar and leaves into the sunset.

Kill Trevor in GTA 5

The essence of the mission is the same: Trevor comes to the meeting, but Franklin misses the opportunity to kill him, the chase begins.

Now you just have to shoot at the gasoline in which Trevor is lying.

If the game crashes while completing this mission, read all the recommendations in this section.

If you still haven't decided who to kill in GTA 5, then choose Save Everyone. It seems that the developers did not specifically make epic tasks to kill one of the main characters. This completes the passage of the storyline, but don't worry, there are still collectible tasks.

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Grand Theft Auto V has three dramatic game endings, "Kill Trevor", "Kill Michael", and "Death Wish". In this article, we will tell you in detail about all three endings.

(Attention - spoilers!)

After Michael, Franklin, and Trevor pull off the largest federal vault heist (mission "The Big Score"), Franklin meets with Steve Haynes and Devin Weston. Steve orders Franklin to kill Trevor for his out-of-control nature. This is confirmed by the murder of an FBI agent. Some time later, Devin Weston meets with Franklin and orders Michael to be killed due to the fact that the latter interferes in his affairs. Devin also believes Michael was involved in the death of his lawyer. Then Fanklin (the player) must choose which of the two he should kill. Alternatively, Franklin can ignore both Steve and Devin and team up with Trevor and Michael to eliminate all of their enemies. Thus, 3 endings are possible, each of which we will consider separately.

Story #1. Franklin, agrees to the FIB agent to kill Trevor. The ending is called "Something sensible".

Franklin meets with Trevor. They start talking about their problems. Trevor thinks it's about Michael and starts complaining about him for setting him up. Franklin points a gun at Trevor, claiming that Trevor is insane. Confused, Trevor realizes that Franklin has been a rat all along. The chase begins. During the chase, Franklin calls Michael, asking him about

Michael arrives very quickly and rams Trevor's car, which crashes into an LPG tanker. Beaten and dying, Trevor angrily calls his former friends Judas and orders Franklin "Shoot, corrupt Judas!" Franklin shoots the fuel. It ignites and Trevor is burned alive.

Michael and Franklin come to their senses. Michael still considers Franklin his friend, but Trevor's death has taken its toll on Michael and he needs time to get used to everything. After the credits, the player can continue to play only Franklin or Michael, Trevor, of course, is no longer available. Trevor's money from the Federal Vault heist will be split between Michael and Franklin.

Ending #2. Franklin agrees to kill Michael at Devin's request. The ending is called "The Time Has Come".

Franklin shoots an arrow at Michael. They meet. Michael is on the phone with his wife, who informs him that Tracy will be attending college. Michael approves of this. Watching Michael, Franklin suffers greatly, but nevertheless overcomes himself and begins to make claims to Michael.

An experienced gangster understands what's wrong, and that Franklin came to kill him. The chase begins. Once at the Palmore Taylor Power Plant, Michael climbs to the top of the generator tower. A duel begins, from which Franklin emerges victorious. At the very last moment, Michael, almost in tears, says that he was the only person in Franklin's life who gave him a chance. But all this is useless, Franklin pushes Michael, and he crashes. The scene ends with Franklin calling Lamar to make amends. After the credits, the player can continue playing as Franklin or Trevor, Michael becomes unavailable. The money from the Federal Vault robbery goes to Michael's family.

Ending #3. Franklin, ignores Steve and Devin and teams up with Michael and Trevor. The ending is called "Death Wish" or "Save Everyone".

Trevor and Michael come to the rock to meet Franklin. Not finding him there, his friends think he committed suicide by throwing himself off a cliff. But it turns out that Franklin, a kind of slob, was simply too late. All three throw a car off a cliff, in the trunk of which Devin is tied up, and happily go about their business. The money from robbing the Federal Vault will be divided equally among all players.

In the last mission, to get the gold medal you need:
- invest in 21.5 minutes;
- Kill 20 enemies with headshots
- accurately hit the target, at least 70% of hits;
- kill Cheng with a sticky bomb;
- Shot Steve Haynes in the head
Finish off Stretch with a melee attack.

Summing up.

Whatever choice of ending you make, after the final credits you will find a psychological portrait from Dr. Friedlander. The portrait is based only on your actions in the game and is determined by many factors. Below is the list.

1) Handling money in the game.
2) Use of prostitutes and strippers.
3) Attitude to phone calls asking for help.
4) Use of exchanges and shares.
5) Murders of pedestrians and civilians.
6) Attitude towards shop robberies and car thefts.
7) Attitude towards yoga and Epsilon Culture.
8) Attitude towards sports.
9) Attitude towards the missions of strangers and freaks.
10) Choosing the ending of GTA 5.
11) Summing up.

The mission that we play after completing the task "".

This is the first mission in a series of missions where we influence markets and . can advise you postpone this mission, like all other missions from the section " Murder" to get the maximum money at the very end of the storyline. However, if you want to go through this mission in the middle of a story company, then first check out the article "".

Lester asks Franklin to kill the target as she leaves the hotel. Your target is a man in a pink shirt. Your position is across the road, in the parking lot. After the murder, you must quickly leave the crime scene, so before starting the “hunt”, make sure to have a fast and maneuverable car at your side.

If you are noticed by security, you will receive 3 wanted stars.

As a reward, you will receive $9,000 and become the owner of an apartment in Vinewood Hills, but in the process you will lose your house in Strawberry.

How to earn in the mission "Murder - Hotel":
Before the start of the mission, we invest in Betta Pharmaceuticals through the BAWSAQ exchange all free cash by all characters at once. Then, at the end of the task, wait until the stock prices are as high as possible and sell them. PROFIT!

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