Useful tips for the game.

In this section I will talk about all sorts of useful and secrets of Clash of Clans: how to optimally quickly develop your base, which cups are best for farming, which army to use, how to get 5 workers without investing a penny in the game and much, much more!

1. No need to spend gems (crystals)

Many players, at the beginning of the game, make serious mistakes and subsequently significantly slow down their development. Be more economical. Do not complete the construction of buildings ahead of schedule, do not speed up the barracks, mines, or spell factory. Invest crystals in workers. This is the only true use for them. This will significantly speed up your development in the future.

2. Don’t rush to improve the Town Hall (TH)

Anyone experienced Clash player of Clans will tell you: don't advance to the next Town Hall level prematurely. There is no need to rush here. Develop evenly, improve all possible troops, strengthen defenses, build and improve Army Camps to the maximum. Paint the fences. After all, with each subsequent TX level, farming becomes more and more difficult, searching for an opponent becomes more expensive, and stronger players will rob you. That's why don't listen to anyone. Develop correctly!

3. Don't chase trophies

There is such a thing in this game as “collecting cups” or “climbing the league.” I think everyone knows that when you win battles, as a reward, among other things, you receive trophies - cups. Thanks to these same trophies, you move up the league, starting with bronze (400 cups) and ending with champion (3200 cups). Don't worry too much about this question. I will only say one thing: farm where you most often find an equal or weaker opponent. In addition, cups can be easily lost by losing repeatedly.

4. Rapid development in Clash of Clans

Buy workers. The more there are, the more buildings you can build and improve at the same time. Always plan your buildings ahead! This way you will know how much resource is needed and how much time will be spent. Remember - a worker should not rest day or night. Set your priorities correctly: you don’t have to download the mines at first. They are of little use and the resource can always be stolen from other players - such a policy will significantly speed up development. Don't upgrade warehouses unnecessarily. If there is enough capacity, it is better to improve something else. Try to distribute the builders in such a way that they are not freed all at once. Then you will have enough time to farm and the workers will not rest.

5. How to protect resources from robbers in Clash of Clans

There are several options here:

1. As I already said, you need to plan your buildings and improvements. This will make it possible to farm exactly as much resource as you need in the near future, while leaving a very small reserve. There is no resource - there is nothing to take;

2. No matter how protected your base is, there will always be a stronger player. Therefore, the only significant protection at any TX level is a 12-hour, free shield, which can be obtained if your base is destroyed by 40% or more, or if the Town Hall (main building) is destroyed. This is why many players take the Town Hall outside the fence to the corner of the map. Resources are safe, but we sacrifice cups;

3. The third method applies only to elixir and dark elixir. They can simply be hidden (at night, for example). Everything is extremely simple. We will need the full troop limit (loaded to the “I can’t” Army camp) and nothing more. When leaving offline, we order dragons or p.e.k.k.u (any expensive unit) in the barracks, and blacks (Hog rider) or someone more expensive in the dark barracks. And we calmly leave the game. Upon return, cancel and the resource is returned to warehouses. Of course, you can’t hide a lot like that, but one by one :)

6. How to buy 3, 4, 5 workers in Clash of Clans without investing a penny in the game

I won’t say that it will be simple, quick and right away. Everything over time, everything gradually. Initially you have 2 workers and 250 gems (crystals). We don't waste gems! We get 3 workers by clearing the map of thickets (from each such bush or stump there is a chance of getting from 1 to 6 gems). At the very beginning it will be expensive, but after just a couple of days of playing you will easily cope with it. In addition, in parallel with this, you will (even unintentionally) complete some tasks (so-called refreshments), for which you will also be rewarded with a large number of crystals. In this way, somewhere around the 5th level of TX you will be able to acquire 3 workers.

The next - 4th worker is obtained by completing 2 - 3 not difficult tasks (checks):

1. Sweet Victory (250 gems);

2. Star League/League All-Star (500 gems to start);

3. War Hero (250 gems).

Thus, 4 builder is purchased at level 6-7 of the town hall. It could be earlier, it could be later. It all depends on your activity in the game. In addition, not everyone will be able to complete the “War Hero” level by this time, but this will be compensated for by other, less useful tasks.

To get 5 and the last worker you will have to work hard and grow up a lot. In fact, only one title needs to be closed - “Star League”. The reward for the Master League is 1000 gems, for the Champion League - 2000 gems. From personal experience: with full upgrade on 7TX I reached the master league, full 8TX can try to reach the champions league.

7. Several interesting facts finally:

1. Did you know that a gem box located at an opponent’s base can be destroyed by lightning spells? It is enough to release 2 - 3 spells at it. Why is this necessary? - God knows, it’s just the way it is 😀

2. Have you visited the Clash of Clans basement? A place where there is no league, where people have less than 200 cups, is the very bottom. I was! What do you think is there? The younger generation of Clash of Clans mixed with fat abandoned bases? No. It sounds stupid, but there is a game there. As soon as you go below 200 cups, low-level bases will be replaced by 9, 10TH and not a single abandoned one. Sort of like a “family leisure club” 😀

List of topics that may be useful:

Strategy and tactics of attack in Clash of Clans;

Arrangement and types of base in Clash of Clans;

Having played Clash Of Clans For quite some time now there have been a number of tricks/secrets that you must know if you want to get ahead quickly and gain an edge over your competitors.

So here are my Top 5 secrets game Clash of Clans, I hope they will be useful to you while playing the game.

1) Slowly Improve Retouching, Take Your Time

Wait as long as you can before upgrading to the next Town Hall - Take your time! I strongly recommend upgrading all structures, buildings and troops to the maximum in a given level before moving on to the next one.

This is one of the most important tricks of the game. Going to the next level too quickly will overwhelm you and slow down your progress in the game, as players at your level will be much stronger than you. Slowly improve whatever you want, and then move on. This will also allow you to make your raids more profitable since you won't be punished as often by your opponents.

Especially when you are going to improve your retouching from levels 7 to 8 - make sure you are very strong and will be able to stand in front of strong players one level higher before moving forward with this move. Retouching from levels 7 to 8 I would say this is a tough transition from the game, and you will greatly regret it if you improve the retouching to improve all the necessary warriors and buildings, and it will seriously bother you,

1) How to farm correctly if you need a lot of resources

Perhaps not a huge secret, but it's worth mentioning. When raids you selflessly want to go for massive booty, the most quick way to do this, look for inactive players who are stocked with Gold Mine, Elixir Collector and Dark Elixir Well.

This is evidenced by the fact that they do not have any league designation next to his name. You can also easily guess this by looking at the Elixir Collector, it clearly states how full it is. This will mean an easy run for a huge win! Their Clan Fortress will also most likely be empty. This way you can use cheap wars such as Barbarian, Goblin and Archer.

My record was over 1 million resources in one raid! This is definitely much more profitable.

3) Revenge!

One of the most underrated features in Clash of Clans is the Revenge feature in the Defense Log. Why revenge? Because you can check the attacker's village at any time and wait for the enemy's resources to replenish before attacking him! You can see how many resources it has in each storage.

You will also be able to check his clan castle and how many troops are in it if you need it.

4) Load Barracks

The next thing is to always load your barracks with the most expensive units in the game before logging out.

Why? Because everything you spend in the barracks can be 100% returned later, the next time you enter the game.

This way you can hide your resources from being stolen by the enemy. Best option, is to fill your barracks with Wall Breakers, since they only take up 2nd place and cost 3000 elixir at level 5. With upgraded units you can hide about 900000 elixir there. Therefore, make sure your Military Camps are full before you log out.

You can do the same with the Dark Barracks and hide the Dark Elixir there.

5) Farm Dark Elixir

When you are in the low level range and you want to collect Dark Elixir quickly, then it is not that easy with simple farming. There is one trick to quickly get a lot of Dark Elixir! Here's what you need to do:

1) You must upgrade Lightning Spell to max level

2) You must reach the Gold League minimum to be able to attack people with 1000-2000 cups + a good reserve of Dark Elixir.

3) Find players with more than 1000 Dark Elixir available for mining (you can use the "Revenge" function) and reveal all your Lightning Spells on it and move on to the next one.

4) Carry a good army with you to steal other resources too.

You will be able to collect over 1000 Dark Elixir per hour with this technique. And don't forget to fill your Dark Barracks to keep the Dark Elixir from being stolen!

By applying all these tips, you can quickly and effectively develop in the game Clash of Clans. Happy gaming everyone!

Greetings, dear readers of the Clash of Clans Academy website!

I will tell you about my philosophy of life, my goals, and transfer the projection to the game. I am following my own path, and this path is the path of constant self-improvement. This improvement occurs in all areas of life. That is, every day you need to become even stronger than yesterday, even smarter than yesterday, even richer than yesterday, even happier than yesterday. My life is a competition and the task for me today is to be better than me yesterday. In practice, this turns into a system of physical and mental training.

Now let's move on to our game. The task is to make improvements every day, and to confirm your level, enter the world Top, both individually and as a clan. That is, to become one of the best players in the world. What is needed to complete this task? I think it is obvious that to be in the Top you need a TX10 base with maximum pumping of defense structures, army structures, resource and all other structures, too, and at the same time maximum pumping of all troops, first of all, of course, those you plan to play (but best of all in a circle). A separate topic is the fence; of course, to accomplish this task it is desirable and maximum level fence, but 10 and even more so 11 levels are almost unrealistic in a donut-free game. After all, upgrading a fence from level 9 to 11 costs 1.750 billion gold, divide this amount by your last farming result per day and you will see how many days of continuous play you need just with pumping up the fence. That is, a reasonably sufficient level is 9, well, maybe part 10, and then after fully pumping TX10. Level 9 is quite feasible without money, I set it and many people in our clan set it without an injection of real money.

1. Before moving to a new level of Town Hall, it is necessary to upgrade and build all available structures. Yes, yes, everyone. And gold mines and elixir collectors as well. That is, ideally, on each building, when you press the upgrade button, there should be a message that in order to improve it is necessary to move to the next level of technical equipment.

2. Construction and upgrade must be done in the following sequence:

3. Now for the sequence of upgrades of protective structures. The point of consistency is to use the strongest possible weapon from the beginning and adhere to this principle. First of all, at low TX levels, I recommend upgrading weapons mass destruction, these are mortars and mage towers. Only these guns hit groups of enemy soldiers (as you remember, the level of the mortar coincides with the level of the bows it destroys with the first shot, i.e. one mortar will remove a crowd of archers with one shot). on TH9, crossbows take the first place in upgrading, and I recommend upgrading them continuously up to level 3. And on TH10 the first place is taken by Inferno, I also recommend upgrading them continuously until level 3. Well, now the actual sequence itself.

Also upgrade spells as you use them, but at each level of the TX lab it is also advisable to upgrade to max (all warriors, well, except black ones), because maybe you are not playing as someone yet, but when you switch to it, it will be already leveled up, this tactic has helped me out more than once.

By following the strategy outlined above, you will receive a technical upgrade that is pumped to the maximum and will be able to confidently move first to the national top, and then to the world one. By the way, for playing in high cups, I advise you one trick: once every 2 months with the whole clan (if the clan does not support you, then alone) climb as high as possible in the cups, well, as far as you can. Do this regardless of the TX level. I met people with TH7 in the 2nd Master League at 2800 cups. So you can climb very high. I recommend doing this race for cups no more than 3-4 days if you do not have TX10. On TX10 you can do it for a week or two. Why do I recommend 3-4 days? Personally, I usually climb to my maximum in 3 days, and then the movement begins up and down in conditions of a sharp shortage of resources. These races for cups are useful for many reasons, firstly, you know your maximum (that is, you know what exactly needs to be improved), secondly, it diversifies the game, thirdly, you gain experience in fighting at high cups, fourthly, it unites the clan.

Well, that's basically all for today. Try it. develop your bases, ask anything that is not clear, I will answer. By the way, I can also write an article about the strategy and tactics of attacks, including the recruitment of troops, etc. If interested, write in the comments.

I wish you daily victories in life and in the game, because the game is also a part of life.

Tomorrow I plan to post information for the real winners. Follow site updates.

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We all have different goals in Clash of Clans. This game has no end. It will not end with passing some final level. One option is to pump up the TX to the maximum, but to be honest, I don’t understand this. This strategy in Clash of Clans quickly leads to a fiasco, that is, the player abandons the base. If you stupidly quickly pump up your tech, reaching level 10, then in the rest of your development you will have weak farming. And then you will have to invest your funds. Some people play to fight with other players, as well as to participate in clan wars. Some people play to kill time! But in this article we will talk about proper development in Clash of Clans. Where to start?

1. Under no circumstances upgrade the Town Hall ahead of time. Only when you have improved all the structures and pumped up the warriors, move on to the next technical level. Collectors and mines should not be excluded. Why? It’s just that there is at least some logic in this. Some people improve TX because they want new buildings that open up when moving to a new level. Believe me, new buildings will appear and they will also need to be improved. Even more time and resources will be needed.

2. After you have improved the TX (town hall). What to build and improve first:
2.1 Downloading the laboratory
2.2 Upgrade the defense.
2.3 Upgrading the buildings of your troops: camps, barracks, spell factory and laboratory. You can download it simultaneously with the defense industry.
2.4 Downloading storage facilities, mines and collectors.

3. After we have prioritized. It is important to decide what to download first in these sections. If you have a low-level HT, then it is better to first improve the defense of mass destruction: the mortar and the mage tower, since they hit several units at once. When you reach Town Hall level 9, crossbows appear. Now their priority is. And when you improve to TH10, first place goes to the infernal tower.
Well, here is the upgrade sequence:
1. Inferno Tower (Inferno) on TX10.
2. Crossbows on TX9.
3. Mortars.
4. Towers of magicians.
5. PVO (Air defense). If you have a weak Airdef, then you are vulnerable to the enemy with air units. Therefore, you can improve it together with the above buildings.
6. Archer towers, since they hit both air and ground units and have a large radius of destruction.
7. Tesla on TX7. Good protection the unit �P.E.K.K.A� will not hurt you, and they, like archer towers, hit air and ground units.
8. Guns.
9. Bombs.
I think there is no need to explain why this is better if you have logic.

4. Buildings for troops. Can be improved at the same time. But at low levels, camps have priority. For example, if you upgrade a camp from the first level to the second, the places in the camp will increase by 10, unlike other improvements.

5. Resources. First storage facilities, and then mines and collectors.

Perhaps that's all. Although

6. About builders. Save up crystals and do not spend them on speeding up and completing the construction of the building. Complete achievements, remove obstacles and builders will appear without investing real money.

Good luck to everyone. Follow the instructions and everything will work out.

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