Conduct with health benefits. Three ways to spend a healthy weekend

Who among us thinks at the beginning of summer that it will end very quickly? After all, we can finally enjoy the sun and do nothing on the beach ...

But we suggest you spend this hot season with maximum health benefits. Here are a few ideas that will fit perfectly into your summer plans.

1. Stock up on vitamins for the year ahead

In other words, get the maximum benefit - right from the garden! And for this, “green” and “refresh” your daily diet: let your table have as many vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries as possible.

When, if not in the summer, can we improve our health and stock up on vitamins for the year ahead?

Make vegetable salads and stews, desserts and fresh juices, add berries and fruits to pastries, make jams and freeze foods for future use. When, if not in the summer, can we improve our health and stock up on vitamins for the year ahead?

2. Make a summer fitness plan - and follow it!

Summer vacation is not only lazy pastime on the beach. You can and should spend time with health benefits, and for this we suggest you draw up your fitness plan for the summer. The best way to exercise is outdoors!

Choose those sports activities which you like best:

  • Cycling. When you pedal, the muscles of the pelvis and legs work, as well as the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, calves and ankles.
  • Run. Stop postponing your runs “until the right moment” or it may never come! Buy new sneakers - and forward, through the stadium, forest, embankment, park ... towards a slender figure.
  • Volleyball. During this outdoor game on the beach, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also get an even tan.
  • Yoga in nature. Practicing yoga in the fresh air, you improve your figure and general well-being, relax and learn to control your body and emotions.
  • Aqua aerobics. Water is our reliable partner if you need to quickly tighten the body and tone all muscle groups. Moreover, in the summer you can train not only in the pool, but also in any open water body.

3. Communicate with nature - with health benefits

No matter how banal this advice may seem, but try to get out into nature as often as possible!

First of all, you will saturate your lungs with fresh and clean air, and also enjoy the contemplation of natural beauty. In addition, walking and cycling through the park and forest, swimming in the river or the sea, climbing mountains and hills, active games and outdoor sports will significantly strengthen your body.

Due to dryness, our skin becomes problematic, itchy in the throat, and besides, drowsiness is felt.

4. Don't let yourself dry out!

In summer, we suffer not only from the heat, but also from the dry air. Due to dryness, our skin becomes problematic, itchy in the throat, and besides, drowsiness is felt.

How to deal with it? Very simple:

  • Drink plenty of fluids and remember to carry a small bottle of purified water with you.
  • Spray your skin with thermal water from time to time.
  • Ventilate the room more often, especially if the air conditioner is on.
  • Use humidifiers.
  • Surround yourself with indoor plants at home and in the office. They improve the air in the room, and are simply pleasing to the eye!

5. Take off your heels

Are you forced to wear uncomfortable high heels? In the summer, this can turn into a real hard labor, as the legs often swell.

Take off your heels as soon as possible - let your legs rest!

So take off your heels as soon as possible - let your legs rest! It is convenient to have a pair of spare shoes with you (for example, at work or in the car).

6. Have sex with the man you love

It has been proven that regular sex life slows down aging. If you have sex at least three times a week, you can look 10 years younger than your peers. In addition, sex increases the amount of collagen in the body, which makes the skin supple and smooth.

And it is also an excellent tool for strengthening the heart and blood vessels, losing weight, increasing immunity, as well as for sound sleep and raising your mood. As you can see, there are many health benefits! But the main thing is when intimacy brings both partners a sense of happiness and strengthens their relationship.

So, if you use our tips and spend this summer with health benefits, then with the advent of autumn you will feel rested, prettier and full of energy!

Healthy fresh skin, a toned figure and a refrigerator full of fragrant vegetablesthis is not a picture from our site, it's you. Most of the girls flipping through glossy magazines for some reason always think that energy and attractiveness require a lot of money, but in the week it turns out that following the next 8 points is more than enough. In general, we suggest not spending this weekend on the couch watching your favorite series, but take our advice into service and arrange an active and healthy vacation for yourself!

1. Forget about the word "laziness"

Stay busy even on weekends. Devote this time to personal growth and things that bring you real pleasure - a walk in the park, dancing, drawing, theater or. Let weekdays become work for you for experience and a career, and weekends become work for yourself.

2. Alcohol at lunch - yes or no?

The weekend for many is a great occasion to celebrate the previous 5 days of "slave labor". For some reason, excuses in the spirit of “you can wallow all Sunday with a sore head” and “you don’t need to go anywhere tomorrow” are somehow more convincing for many than understanding that we don’t have so much free time throughout our lives. Then why spend a day on alcohol and cigarettes when you can call friends on Saturday evening and get up early on Sunday morning, enjoy the sun and devote 30-40 minutes to a morning run.

In addition, remember: alcohol is very (very much!) A lot of sugar and calories, which causes a jump in insulin and makes you overeat.

3. Watch yourself...and your portions

Discover your real experiences, complexes and desires, not the refrigerator door. “I came to my friends, and then everything is in a fog ...” does not work here. This is not kindness, not love for your body, but a simple weakness for sweet and crunchy. Consider all the emotions that make you: anger, resentment, shame, guilt, and so on. Write them down, if necessary, and state the problem on a piece of paper. Only after you release the emotion, start cooking and eating.

4. Think about your favorite sportswear

What's a weekend without sports? Find some new or retro video with a professional trainer and feel like a model who will be on the catwalk in just a couple of days. If you want to get out of the house, then in fitness clubs and yoga studios there are always trial classes, which may not leave a residue of delight, but will give you 1.5 hours of excellent physical relaxation.

5. Spend at least an hour or two outdoors

Surely you have sighed more than once this winter at the thought of “how nice it would be to lie on the grass now”, “sit on a bench by the pond” or “wander along your favorite alleys in the park”. It's time to make all your dreams come true by wrapping yourself in a warm scarf and feeding the birds returning from the south. far from work issues, and oxygen will improve the performance of the brain and muscles.

6. Do you really need this diet?

It often happens that the weekend is perceived by us as 48 hours of permissiveness - is this the right approach? For some, perhaps. But most often, it is on these two days that we gain more kilograms than during weekdays, following a certain (most often strict) diet. Review the list of your daily meals and snacks - maybe they seem to you not very tasty or small? Then why follow written diets aimed at not always healthy weight loss, when you can come up with your own, individual program?

7. Go to the market

In spring, only markets open before flowers. In a small open-air space, as a rule, the best berries, fruits and vegetables from the nearest suburbs and abroad “come together”. There you can always find home-dried grapes and apricots, unroasted nuts and a wide range of spices and herbs. Spending a few hours outdoors tasting the juicy fruits is much better than hustling in line at the supermarket on such a clear day!

8. Start Treating Your Fridge And Stove Like Your First Aid Kit

No wonder this item is right after talking about the market. In Ayurveda, there are such concepts as "live food" and "dead food". The latter includes products stamped by machines at the factory, fast food and refined food, while the “alive” refers to what is grown in the earth without chemicals. It is with the help of such food that you can cure any disease (even cancer and AIDS) without resorting to antibiotics, because, according to the creator, a pharmacy is a symbol of ignorance and misunderstanding of the needs of your body. Prepare a salad with dark greens, chickpeas, spices and lemon juice, cook warm pumpkin soup, and treat yourself to nut truffles for dessert. Just listen to what is required not by your brain, but by your whole body as a whole.

Summer is the favorite time of most of our compatriots, the time of the sun, warmth, ripe fruits, the sea, cottages and night walks. What do you need to do to enjoy your summer?

1. Don't miss berry and fruit seasons

This is perhaps the first thing I would like to recall. The seasons of some berries last only a few weeks, so do not miss the moment and delight yourself with juicy raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries. On the way home from work, buy not a donut at the store, but a glass of freshly picked berries from your grandmother next to the bus stop. Do not save on your health, stock up on vitamins for the whole year! Set yourself a goal: not a day without fruits and berries, and strive to achieve it.

2. Breakfast on the balcony or on the roof

What can be done only in summer? Have breakfast outside! The appetite in the air is kindled, and the metabolism is accelerated. Rejoice in sunny days, enjoy the wonderful weather, eat slowly and mindfully, remembering that your food gives you happiness and health. Be grateful!

3. Vegetarian picnic

Continuing the theme of eating on the street, we would like to advise you to have a vegetarian picnic in the forest or on the banks of the river. You don't have to make veg kebabs, although the idea is good and we have some great tips on this site. You can simply take with you sliced ​​vegetables, fruits, berries in a tray, freshly squeezed juice, or make veg shawarma by wrapping slices of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and a potato or lentil cutlet in pita bread. It will be very tasty, check it out! And if there is no time for a picnic on weekdays, we suggest taking lunch with you and going out to the nearest park during your lunch break, spreading a rug and having a snack, moving away from all problems.

Another cool idea that can't be done at other times of the year. In many cities, open-air cinemas have already opened their virtual doors. And it's very cool, believe me, to spend a warm evening on the street, reviewing the most interesting films of this year. For book lovers, there is another idea: read in nature, listen to the rustle of leaves, watch the wind play with the pages and be glad that you are here. What could be more beautiful?

5. Go to the forest for mushrooms and berries

We wouldn't be a Vegetarian if we didn't write about the fact that berries picked by ourselves far from the city are many times more useful than those sold in a store near the house. As a bonus, you get physical activity, good mood, outdoor recreation, filling the forest with strength and energy, and many, many vitamins. And when the first summer rains pass, do not forget to visit the forest for the first mushrooms.

6. Walk barefoot

Remember your childhood, and walk in the morning on the grass covered with dew. Dew rejuvenates the body, gives energy and energizes for the whole day. And if you walk along the seashore, rivers, walk across the field, lawn, feel free to take off your shoes and go barefoot. Every urban dweller needs to do this regularly, because many of us, living a few meters from the earth, do not feel connected to it at all.

7. Outdoor sports

Yes, yes - if you haven't started yet, it's time to go for a run, exercise on horizontal bars, ride a bike and roller skate. Summer is conducive to physical activity in the fresh air. But, if you like something more relaxed, try yoga. Yoga on the seashore, river, in the forest, and even in the nearest park will give you that peace, tranquility and harmony that are so lacking in everyday life.

8. Travel

Summer seems to be made for traveling, so even if you are not going to the sea, go at least to a nearby city for the weekend to feel the joy of movement and the diversity of life. We grow when we learn new things, explore new places, meet new people. No one comes back from travel the way he was.

Don't put off summer for later, look around - it's already here!

Anya Kirasirova

Although calendar summer begins already on June 1, astronomically summer begins only on June 21, when the sun passes from the zodiac sign of Gemini to. This is a time of change and the better we adapt to the changes, the easier it is for us to maintain our health in balance with natural rhythms.

Summer is a great time to take care of your body, health, increase energy levels and replenish vital resources. Thanks to fresh and affordable products, it is in summer that we have the opportunity to easily part with extra pounds, harden, strengthen immunity and replenish vitamin D reserves in a natural way.

Summer with benefits: action plan

First of all, in order to spend the summer with benefit, we need to draw up a plan of action. For example, I got this:

  1. Every day be outdoors, in nature for at least 60 minutes.
  2. Take pictures and smile every day.
  3. Finally start running in the morning and after taking a contrast shower. After all, it is much easier to do this in summer than in winter. If you start now, then by the time winter comes, I will already be hardened like steel and all viruses will bypass me.
  4. Make a plan for training and yoga classes for the summer.
  5. Make a list of books you want to read this summer. In autumn and winter, there will no longer be so much free time for reading.
  6. Make a list of beautiful places that I want to visit and see this summer. There will be something to remember later.
  7. Go to the local market once a week to buy groceries. The choice of fresh, seasonal products is wider there. In addition, this is a great place to socialize and hone your communication skills.

This was my summer to-do list, not yet complete. I'll come up with a couple more points and hang them in a conspicuous place. Your list will probably be different.

We are moving into summer mode. What should be the summer diet?

In summer, the diet should be easily digestible, which means -

  • seasonal, fresh, organic- herbs, leafy greens, wild plants, raw vegetables, fruits, berries, green juices, a small amount of seeds. Seasonal vegetables contain a maximum of natural water, vitamins and useful elements. In addition, the use of seasonal products forms the optimal microflora of our intestines.

Seasonal products of early summer: dandelion, sorrel, gout, nettle, clover and many other wild plants, first vegetables, salads, fresh herbs, root crops, shoots, flowers, roots, berries.

  • local. Local is what has grown within 200 km of where we live.

To stimulate digestion, it is good to use stimulating spices and herbs that promote the release of bile and digestive juices: Cayenne pepper, bitter herbs, mustard.

Good for stimulating digestion and various fermented drinks, such as herbal kvass, ginger ale or kombucha.

With excessive heat in the body, it is recommended to use herbs with a cooling effect more often in summer: peppermint leaf, hibiscus flowers, red clover flowers, chamomile flowers, rosemary.

The perfect summer breakfast. Which products are best. A couple of ideas:

  • Dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, young cheeses: feta, cheese.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Seeds: chia, sunflower seeds, pumpkin.
  • Smoothies prepared on the basis of nut milk, water, kefir.
  • Kashi: oatmeal, linen or oatmeal jelly.

Summer detox - unloading to the fullest

What is a detox without a fasting day? No! For the summer season, both different mono-diets and fasting days on the water or even fasting are very suitable.

  • For example, unloading day on the water our liver will love it. The liver will be cleansed, rested, gain strength, cheer up and will happily perform its functions, ridding our body of excess fat.
  • Unloading day on a watermelon will please and cleanse the kidneys.
  • Unloading day on apples and celery will help cleanse and heal the intestines.
  • Unloading day on carrots and green juices improve skin condition.

You can arrange such fasting days for yourself, for example, once a week on days when the phases of the moon change:.

The benefits of fasting days: the body adjusts to the mode of burning fat.

If mono diets and fasting cause only negative emotions, then you can try to detox yourself by spending at least a day only on liquid nutrition, eating smoothies, herbal teas, drinks, green smoothies, vegetable soups and so on.

Beware the Sun! The path to a beautiful tan

To acquire a beautiful, even tan, replenish vitamin D, the main thing is not to be a sun maniac, but to sunbathe, gradually increasing the time spent in the sun. Do not forget about sunscreen, hats, glasses and light fabrics that cover our fragile body during the hours when the sun's rays are especially dangerous, that is, from about 11 am to 3 pm.

When choosing a sunscreen, you should be careful with those that contain Triethanolamine, Hydantoin, Oxybenzone. These are serious allergens and irritants that should not be in cosmetics.

By the way, you can also use it as a sunscreen. Coconut oil. But this is a last resort, if there was no better tool at hand. It contains a natural SPF 4 filter. It can also be used after sun exposure.

There is such an interesting observation that in the days when the Moon is in the signs of the fire element - in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, The sun is hotter and the chance of getting burned is higher. So these days it is desirable to reduce the time spent in the sun. It will help to identify dangerous days.

Every time we look forward to the weekend. And almost every time we spend them to no avail. But in two short days you can do a lot of things! You can chat with relatives and friends, with your loved one, or you can devote this day to caring for your body.

  • What is the best thing about weekends? The fact that we can finally make up for the lack of sleep. Therefore, many people like to sleep until dinner, after which they lie in bed at night with insomnia. It is not right. It is better to wake up a little later than usual, but not allow yourself to delay getting up, and go to bed a little earlier in the evening. This will only benefit your health. And in the morning you will wake up rested, fresh and without dark circles under the eyes.
  • It would be nice if after sleep you went for a walk warm up and get some fresh air. Better yet, take a short walk. After that, you will have good health and cheerful mood.

  • To relax, you can take hot bath by candlelight , and at the same time arrange for yourself aromatherapy . This will benefit not only your body, but your mental state. Aromatic baths will soften the skin, stimulate the body, relieve you of tension.

  • You can even make your own if you want. wrapping at home . It helps to reduce body weight and remove toxins from the body. To do this, you need to evenly apply sea salt with honey, or yogurt with grated fruit, then wrap yourself in a sheet, lie on the sofa and cover yourself with a blanket. In this position, you need to lie for 20-40 minutes. After that, take a warm shower and apply moisturizers to the skin.
  • If you don't want to spend this day alone, call your friends and go to the spa . Specialists will work with you there, and you will definitely not waste your day in vain. In a pleasant environment, you will forget about everyday worries and about the impending work week.

  • Often on weekends, in order not to get bored, we invite a bunch of friends and have parties. But since you have decided to take care of your health, it is better go on a diet for a few days . Eat right, drink more green tea, do not abuse fatty, starchy and sweet, do not overeat at night.
  • If you are adventurous, plan ahead for a little travel to nearby cities . Most importantly, it should be exciting and interesting. Because the positive emotions that you get as a result of the trip will give you a charge for the whole month. After all, there are certainly cities that you dream of visiting. So why are you delaying!

Let your weekend pass with great benefit for your soul and your body! Love yourself and don't let laziness get the better of you. After all, how nice it is to get up on Monday in a good mood, fresh and rested, after a pleasant weekend!

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