Description of the rowan tree for children. Composition about rowan

In Russia, it is found in the forest-steppe and forest zones of the European part of the country, up to the tundra. Morozov is not afraid, penetrating even beyond the Arctic Circle, and only in the southern regions of the country does the moisture-loving mountain ash take root poorly.

Scientists have 84 types of mountain ash. Rowan ordinary occupies the most honorable place in this large family. This tree is 8-15 m tall, with an openwork crown. It grows quickly, blooms in the seventh year. Fruits annually from 8-10 years of age, lives up to 200 years.

Rowan blossoms in May. It is visited by bees. Honey from mountain ash of a reddish hue, very fragrant and tasty.

The real beauty of mountain ash is revealed in late summer - early autumn, when it turns red from the berries. Their clusters will light up with fire against the background of leaves as graceful as feathers. Bright rowan fruits are called berries, although in their structure they correspond to the fruits of an apple tree. "Apples" of mountain ash, each no more than a centimeter in diameter, are collected in clusters of 25-40, or even 50 pieces. In each of the "apples" 4, and sometimes 8 seeds.

In these berries - not only beauty, but also great benefits, although they are with a bitter aftertaste. Knowledgeable people do not eat them at this time. Waiting for the first frost to hit. Cold discourages bitterness from berries, and all useful substances are preserved.

There is especially a lot of vitamin C in mountain ash - like in lemon and black currant. By the amount of carotene, mountain ash can compete with carrots. And the fruits of mountain ash are rich in sugars, vitamin A, malic acid and tannins. Thanks to these substances, the berries do not rot and retain freshness for a long time.

Tannins are also found in wood. That is why, when wooden churches began to be erected in Russia, mountain ash was used along with birch for their construction.

Rowan fruits are the main food for many birds in autumn and winter. The bear also likes to eat the fruits of mountain ash.

The Russian name is associated with the word "ripple": when you look at a mountain ash, bright red berries ripple in your eyes.

The story about the mountain ash for children 8 - 12 years old

Children of primary school age about the beneficial properties of mountain ash

Rowan - a talisman of happiness and health

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: homeschooling teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya boarding school", village Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material Description: This story is written for children of primary school age 8 - 12 years old and just adults. This material can be useful and interesting for teachers of primary and secondary levels. This story can be used on thematic class hours for children in grades 2-5, for reading in the family circle at leisure. The story briefly provides information about the beneficial properties of mountain ash.
Target: Formation of ideas about the beneficial medicinal properties of mountain ash through a story.
- educational: talk about the beneficial and healing properties of the shrub;
- developing: develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, vocabulary, curiosity;
- educational: to raise interest in the study of the medicinal properties of mountain ash, in the world around us; to instill a love for nature and a desire to protect it.
In autumn, we admire the various colors of nature. Everything around turns yellow and red, delighting our eyes with rich autumn colors. And the beauty is especially good at this time of the year - mountain ash, about which many poems and folk songs have been composed.

Rowan has been known as a food plant since ancient times. Even in the times of Kievan Rus, the Slavs ate pickled rowan berries with honey.
It was the Slavs who noticed that if rowan berries, harvested after the first frost, are added to the dough for baking, the product will acquire a unique piquant taste.
And the housewives noticed that if you put sprigs of mountain ash in a vessel with water, then it will not deteriorate for several months.
In Russia, it was believed that the mountain ash has magical powers and can drive away evil spirits. Therefore, in many houses, rowan branches were even nailed to the walls as a talisman and protection from damage and the evil eye. They hung large clusters of berries on the front doors, gates so that evil spirits could not enter the dwelling. It was believed that the rowan tree can heal a person from many diseases. Therefore, in the summer, in the old days, sick children were placed under the mountain ash for healing. Rowan branches were nailed to the doors of houses on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, as a talisman of happiness, good luck and health. And at present, residents of villages and towns are trying to plant rowan bushes near their homes.

In Russia, home-made sweets for the rich were made from rowan berries mixed with sugar. Over time, it turned out that the fruits of mountain ash help with many ailments: with beriberi, dysentery, cholelithiasis, rheumatism, anemia. Mountain ash is a natural remedy that can both nourish and heal, and please the eye with its beauty. Rowan berries are used not only in medicine, but also in the food industry. For children, you can dry the rowan berries by sprinkling with sugar. It will be a delicious, natural and healthy treat. Rowan fruits can not only be dried, but also frozen, soaked, cooked in the form of juices, purees, jams, dry rowan powder.
Here is such a wonderful and beautiful our beautiful mountain ash!

Sorbus (common mountain ash) represents deciduous tree or shrub having a shallow root system. This plant is very tall, and sometimes reaches 20 meters in height. The bark of the trunk is gray, smooth. The leaves of the plant are alternate, oblong, young - pubescent, and later - naked. White or pink fragrant flowers are collected in an inflorescence - panicle. The rowan fruit is a juicy globular berry that comes in red or orange. Inside the fruit there are red seeds, sharp at the ends. The flowering of mountain ash falls on the month of May-June. The fruits ripen from early to mid-autumn. The tree bears fruit only in the 5th year of life.

The modest beauty rowan adorns parks and gardens in spring with carved leaves and caps of white flowers. In autumn, the tree is strewn with bright, tight clusters of berries. Throughout the winter, the tree serves as a natural bird feeder for birds remaining in their native places for a period of cold weather.

Rowan is planted in gardens as an ornamental plant and fruit crop. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Many varieties of large-fruited mountain ash with a high sugar content have been bred. For decorative purposes, varieties with beautiful carved leaves are used.

Despite the apparent fragility mountain ash is a strong and durable tree. Previously, fishermen made rods from rowan rods, knowing about its flexibility and elasticity. Baskets were woven from rowan branches, and thicker ones were used for hoops for barrels. In addition, various crafts were made from wood; the strength of rowan allows you to carve the most bizarre patterns on it.

Berries have found a variety of uses in cooking. Jam, jams, jelly and other sweets are made from mountain ash. In Russia, rowan wine was known, which was considered healing and was used mainly with loss of strength. And fresh berries laid with hay were stored until the very spring and delighted the village children.

Rowan is harvested for livestock and birds. Berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, mountain ash is a good honey plant.

Rowan has found medical use in different countries. Its main properties are high-vitamin, hemostatic and diuretic. It was also used in diseases of the liver and kidneys. For scurvy, rowan is used in India. Rowan fruits are recommended for cardiovascular diseases: arrhythmia, hypertension and others.

Rowan is considered a sacred tree by many peoples. It was believed that it could not be cut and, moreover, burned in the house. Rowan planted around the house served as a talisman against lightning. The tree was usually dedicated to the local god of thunder (in Russia - Perun).

Rowan is used mainly in protective and love magic. During the wedding, the windows of the newlyweds were decorated with clusters so that their love would be bright as rowan berries and strong as its branches.

Everyone saw what a mountain ash looks like in autumn, because it is a very beautiful and memorable tree. Rowan ordinary description for children will help prepare for the lesson.

Rowan: description for children

Probably, many people like such a time of year as autumn. The leaves turn yellow, slowly fall off and cover the ground. The most beautiful at this time of the year is the mountain ash. It grows in different parts of the country and can delight everyone with its beauty. On its branches hang bright red clusters of berries, which not only shimmer in the sun, but are also very clearly visible from afar. That's just for a long time this beauty does not stand, but that's all, because people pluck them, birds feed on them.

Previously, almost every house had bunches of mountain ash. People believed that they could protect not only from the evil eye, but also from damage. It also helps to keep the family hearth.

In autumn, rowan leaves gradually turn purple, and sometimes they can resemble a bright fire. Some trees bear beautiful red berries even in winter.

Many artists and poets admire the beauty of mountain ash and sing in their works. In addition, a huge number of songs and poems have been written on this topic.

With the first frosts, the leaves fall from the mountain ash, but the berries remain in place. These berries will come in handy in winter for hungry birds that have not flown to warmer climes. And it’s not at all scary if snow lies on the berries. The berries will not suffer from this, but on the contrary, they will become a little more beautiful than before.

In addition, mountain ash will be useful and tasty for people. First you need to wait for the onset of frost, and after that, collect rowan berries. Usually in autumn, the berries are still bitter and not so pleasant to eat, but it is best to pick them after the first frost. And then they can be used to make jam. Each berry has a huge amount of vitamins that are needed in the autumn.

A slender beauty rowan grows in our forests. It attracts attention at any time of the year.

In autumn, the mountain ash turns into a real beauty! Openwork-lace leaves first brighten, then turn yellow-orange and red. Bright juicy clusters of ripe rowan berries blaze among them. And there is an elegant mountain ash, like a girl in a colorful sundress with a ruby ​​necklace around her neck.

With the advent of winter, the fashionista does not lose her beauty. She covers the flexible thin branches with lush snow caps, from under which scarlet earrings of berries peek out.

In spring, emerald patterned lace leaves begin to bloom on a thin-stemmed tree. Then small white flowers appear from the buds, collected in large fluffy hats. Their spicy-tart aroma can be felt from afar.

In summer, rowan berries gain strength, at first light green peas slowly turn yellow, then turn light orange.

No one indifferently passes by the beauty. Children make beads from crimson berries. The housewives make delicious jams. Birds in cold winters are saved from hunger by nutritious fruits.

Since ancient times, people have admired her beauty, called her curly, dedicated poems to her and sang in songs. The mountain ash has earned love and respect!

Rowan's composition in autumn, summer and winter

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