Punished princess. Fairy tale: punished princess

The punished princess is a Russian folk tale about how Ivanushka taught and punished the princess for her cruelty and inability to keep her word. The Tale of the Punished Princess can be read online or downloaded in PDF and DOC formats.
Summary of the tale begins with how a princess lived in one kingdom, masterfully solving any riddles. But the catch was that for the solved riddles, the young men were cut off their heads, and for those whose riddles she did not guess, the princess promised to marry. A cruel princess killed many people, but there was no young man smarter and more cunning than her. Ivanushka heard that the princess was ruining people for nothing, and went to her kingdom. On the way, he came up with riddles, and asked them to the princess. She did not find an answer to any of the three, so she had to fulfill her given promise - to get married. But the princess did not want to marry a simple peasant lapotnik, and she came up with an insidious plan. She drugged Ivan with a sleeping potion and threw him into the swamp to certain death. But Ivan soon woke up, remembered how it had been, and wandered aimlessly. He walked for a long time, saw an apple tree, picked a bulk apple, ate it, and at the same moment huge heavy horns grew on him. Ivan grieved, but there was nothing to do, he went on. Again I saw an apple tree, and on it the apples were even rosier and sweeter. Eh! Come what may, Ivan thought, ate the apple, and at the same moment his horns disappeared, and he himself became handsomer than ever. It was here that the thought came to Ivan, to teach the princess a lesson, because she just ruins people. He picked up apples from two apple trees, dressed up as a merchant and went to the kingdom. The first apple was tasted by a maid, and she became such a beauty that the princess immediately ordered that the same fruits be brought to her. She chose the largest, ripest apple and immediately ate it. Only instead of beauty, she grew such large horns that her father, the king, did not recognize her. What kind of doctors they hired her, what kind of herbs they gave her to drink, nothing helped. Ivanushka pretended to be a doctor, came to the queen and asked: For what bad deeds did your horns grow? Did you offend anyone? didn't cheat? . Instead of repenting, the queen denied her guilt, and did not feel any remorse. For this, Ivanushka left her with horns for life, and he left, only they saw him.
Read the story The Punished Princess not only very interesting, but also instructive for children of all ages. She teaches that evil deeds and unjust decisions will always be punished according to their deserts, and the offender will be forgiven only if he sincerely regrets his actions and asks for forgiveness. Another fairy tale teaches that you should not put yourself above and smarter than others, there will always be someone who is a hundred times smarter than you. You also need to keep your promises and keep your word. After all, everything would be fine if the princess fulfilled her promise and married Ivan, who honestly fulfilled her conditions and won the bet.
The tale The punished princess is a good example of many folk proverbs: According to merit and honor, What you sow is what you reap, What is the hello, such is the answer, What is the garden, such are the apples, Promising is a human matter, and not fulfilling is a damn thing, Having made a promise, do not back down, A promise is appreciated by fulfillment, Who is smart , he is strong, Who is smarter, he will win sooner, The smart one sins, but in a hurry to correct, A smart person does not let his words go to the wind.

Russian folk tale "The Punished Princess" read the text online:

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She says to her father:

- Order, father, to call a cry: let the good fellows come to us from all sides. They will guess riddles, and I will guess. Whose riddles I guess, to chop off his head. Whose I can’t guess, I’ll marry him, even if I’ll be the last shepherd!

The king agreed. They called the call. Well done came from all sides, each with his own riddles. Which of them will begin to guess a riddle, but the princess does not listen to the end and shouts:

- I know I know!

And now he will tell you the answer. They will take the young man, cut off his head. They killed so many people that you can’t even count ...

And an old man lived in that kingdom-state. He had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. Here Ivanushka heard that the princess was ruining people for nothing, and said to her father:

- Let me go, father, I will go to the princess to guess a riddle. Maybe she won't guess mine!
"Where are you going, fool!" There are brothers and smarter than you, and even then they don’t go. It's better to stay at home: your head will be more whole!
- What are brothers to me! Ivanushka answers. They have their minds, I have mine. Bless on the road!

Nothing to do, the old man let Ivanushka go. Ivanushka sat on an old water horse and drove off. He sees that a rusty spear lies on the road. He picked up this spear and rode on. He rode, rode - he looks: the bull climbed into the oats, eats and tramples him. Ivanushka got off his horse, pulled out a bunch of oats, waved them like a whip, and drove the bull out of the oats. kicked out and says:

Here is the first riddle!

- There is another riddle!

How long, how short - he drove up to the river and thinks:

He let his horse go to graze on the grass, and he lay down in an old boat that was tied up near the shore, and fell asleep.

In the morning Ivanushka woke up. He sees that foam has gathered on the water. He removed the foam from the water, washed himself. He approached his horse and wiped himself with her mane instead of a towel.

“Here,” he says, “there is a third riddle!

He came to the royal palace and said:

Take me to your princess! I'll give her riddles!

They brought him. He guessed the first riddle:

- I was driving to you and I see - there is good near the road, and good roams in the good. I took the good and the good, the good out of the good and drove it out. What will be your guess?

The princess thought and thought - she couldn’t guess. She grabbed a thick book, began to look for an answer in it. There is no such answer in the book! The princess says to her father:

“Let him guess some other riddle for me - I’ll solve both at once!”

Ivanushka also made a second riddle:

- I was driving to you, I see - there is evil on the road. I took evil and evil evil and hit. Evil from evil accepted death. What will be your guess?

The princess picked up the book again. I searched and searched for an answer in it - I could not find it! She then went on a trick.

“Let him,” he says, “he guess the third one: I have to guess one, three!

Ivanushka also made a third riddle:

- I went further, and a dark night overtook me on the way. I stopped for the night. He went to bed not in heaven, not on earth, not in a hut, not on the street, not in a forest, not in a field. In the morning I woke up, washed myself not with dew, not with water; wiped off not woven, not knitted. What will be your guess?

The princess already does not grab her book: she knows that she cannot find answers in it. She says to the king:

- Oh, father! My little head hurts today, my thoughts are crazy ... I'll guess tomorrow.

The king ordered to postpone the guesswork until tomorrow. They took Ivanushka to a room for the night and told him not to go anywhere. He took out a piece of bread, sits and eats it.

But the princess does not find a place for herself.

“Really,” he thinks, “will he have to marry a peasant? How many riddles have been guessed, how many heads have been chopped off! The kings, the princes could not do anything, and here the bast-bast peasant wants to take over me! .. ”

The princess has chosen a faithful maid and sends her to Ivanushka.

“Go,” he says, “get riddles from him.” Promise him gold and silver, anything! Don't regret anything!

A maid came to Ivanushka. She began to inquire, find out, she herself promises him gold and silver. And Ivanushka says:

- What do I need your gold, silver? That's not why I came here. Let the princess guess my riddles! And tell her one more riddle: they threw a cockerel with peas until the sun, but he does not peck!

The maid returned to the princess with nothing.

- So and so, - he says, - he does not take gold, silver, he demands that you guess riddles.

The princess was angry, she did not know what to do. And he cannot guess riddles and does not want to marry a simple peasant. She thought and thought and thought up a bad deed.

In the morning, when everyone had gathered, the princess came out and said:

- I am the mistress of my word: I couldn’t guess riddles, I’ll marry Ivan. Get everything ready for the wedding!

Everyone rejoiced: finally, the valiant heads would stop chopping! ..

Tsarevna ordered Ivanushka to ask her to go to her room: she wants to talk with her fiancé, treat her with gingerbread and sweet wines. Ivanushka has arrived. The princess seated him at the table and began to regale him. And she herself imperceptibly poured sleeping potion into his glass. Ivanushka drank and fell fast asleep.

Then the princess called her faithful servant, gave her rich gifts and ordered Ivanushka to be taken away and thrown into a swampy swamp, so that he would no longer be heard or spirited!

They took Ivanushka and threw him into the swamp, into the very quagmire...

Ivanushka slept in the swamp for three days. He woke up, looked around and said:

How did I end up in such a bad place?

He remembered how the princess treated him, regaled him, poured wine with her own hands, and guessed who had thrown him into the quagmire to death.

Ivanushka began to get out of the swamp. Grabs for bumps, roots - barely got out. He went to the river, washed himself and wandered aimlessly.

He walked for a long time and wandered into a dense forest. He wandered, wandered through the forest, and he wanted to eat. He looks - an apple tree stands in a forest clearing, hung with ripe, ruddy apples.

Ivanushka plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment horns grew on his head - large and heavy, bowing their heads to the ground.

He looked into the lake, saw himself and was horrified.

“Here,” he thinks, “the trouble! If I go out into the field now, the cattle will be afraid of me, not only the people. Yes, and walking through the forest is dangerous: hunters will take the beast - they will kill it. What to do?.. We must go deeper into the forest!”

Ivanushka went through the forest, clinging to the trees with his horns.

How long, how little did he walk - he saw another apple tree. Unseen apples hang on it: you can see the seeds through the skin. He stopped near this apple tree and thinks:

“Hey, what will be, will be! Eat an apple!”

He plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment his horns disappeared, and he himself became young and handsome, better than before.

“Well,” Ivanushka thinks, “I will teach this princess a lesson! She will not want to destroy and deceive good people!”

He picked apples from both apple trees - both horned and medicinal - and went to the city. He entered the city and sees: an old woman is sitting by one house, shaking all over from old age. Ivanushka took pity on her. Came up and said:

- Hello, grandma! Come on, eat this apple!

The old woman ate a good apple and immediately looked younger - she became fat and ruddy.

“Ah,” he says, “my dear child! How can I thank you?
“Won’t you help me, grandmother, to get a tray and a jacket, which merchants go to?” I'll change clothes, I'll go sell these rejuvenating apples.

The old woman quickly got him a coat and a tray. Ivanushka dressed up in a merchant's undershirt, spread apples on a tray, put the tray on his head and became like a real merchant.

He went to the royal palace. Come and let's shout loudly:

- Apples are sweet! Apples are delicious! Blush apples! Who wants sweet apples! Who wants sweet apples!

The princess heard, sends her maid:

- Go and find out if he really sells sweet apples?

The maid ran and asked:

- Hey, well done merchant! Are your apples sour?
- If you please, madam, try! - Ivanushka answers and gives her an apple.

The maid ate this apple and became such a beauty that even the princess did not recognize her when she returned to the palace.

- Is that you? he asks. - You were dark-haired and pockmarked, but now you have become better than me! How did it happen?
- I am the! It has become so from an apple!

The princess gave the maid a hundred rubles and said:

“Go ahead and buy me those apples too.”

A maid ran away, bought apples and brought them to the princess. The princess chose the rosiest, largest apple and immediately ate it. And she just ate it - her horns grew to the ceiling, big and heavy ...

The maid looked at her, got frightened, and quickly ran to the king.

- Oh, - he shouts, - the princess has the devil! ..

The king came running, he sees - really the devil. Shaking with fear, he fell. And the princess says:

- Don't be afraid, dad, I'm your daughter!

And she cries and bursts out. And the king cries, and the queen:

- Shame, shame! What to do? How to appear before the eyes of foreign sovereigns? ..

Everyone ran here, groaned, but they couldn’t do anything. They laid the princess on the bed, and above the bed they ordered the carpenters to make shelves in order to put horns on them.

The princess lies on the bed, she groans, laments:

- Oh, now I don’t show myself to people, nor get married ...

The doctors were called. The healers began to soar and cut the horns - they can’t do anything.

Meanwhile, Ivanushka tied his beard, dressed up as a doctor, hung himself all over with vials and herbs, picked up three rods and went to the palace. Come and let's shout:

We are doctors, we are pharmacists -
We treat for glory
Though Thomas, even Savva!
We are floating in the bath
We fry in the bath:
In the bath - on the wood,
From the bath - on your feet.

Is there a job for a doctor? I heal from all kinds of ailments, I save from great diseases!

The princess heard this and said to her maids:

- Oh, call this doctor soon! Maybe he will save me from the horns!

The maids rushed after the doctor. They took him to the palace. The king himself met him. Ivanushka asks him:

- Who is sick here?
“You, apparently, are not of our kingdom,” says the king, “if you don’t know what happened with us! .. My daughter’s horns grew to the very ceiling. If you cure her, I will reward you and give you the princess in marriage, and when I grow old, I will put you in my royal place.

“Your Royal Majesty,” Ivanushka replies, “let me first examine the patient!”

They took him to the princess. Ivanushka looked at her and said:

- She has a chicken sickness: an evil wind blew! Order the bathhouse to be thoroughly heated and take the princess there, where I will treat her. I'll steam her horns.

The king says:

- What do you want to ask! I'll give you everything, I'll gold you!
- Then you will gold me. First you need to heal. I only demand one thing: let the music play louder near the bathhouse, let the drums beat, fire at the cannons, otherwise I won’t be able to heal.

The king says:

Whatever you say, we'll do it!
- Well, then bring the princess out!

They began to lead the princess out, but she could not get through the door: the horns were not allowed.

The king shouts:

- Dismantle the wall!

They dismantled the wall, brought the princess out, they wanted to seat her in the carriage. And the horses saw her - neighed, stamped their hooves with fear and rushed to run. And they broke the carriage and trampled a lot of people ...

The soldiers harnessed themselves to the carriage and took the princess.

Brought to the bath, taken out. Then the music began to play, the drums began to beat, the cannons were fired.

Ivanushka sent all the servants away, grabbed the princess by the horns and let's ask her:

- For what bad deeds did you grow these horns? Confess: didn’t you offend anyone, didn’t you deceive?
“Father doctor,” the princess answers, “I have never deceived anyone, never offended anyone ... I did only good deeds!”

Ivanushka took the rod, whipped the princess, and again asked:

- Confess: didn’t you offend, didn’t you deceive anyone?

The princess is still unrecognised.

Ivanushka tells her:

I won't let you go until you tell the truth!

The princess was frightened and said:

- I'm sorry, father doctor! I ordered one peasant to be thrown into a marshy swamp! But can this be considered a sin? It's just a simple man...

Ivanushka took off his beard and asked:

Look, am I the same guy?

The princess looked at him, and how she screamed.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She says to her father:

Order, father, to call a cry: let the good fellows come to us from all sides. They will guess riddles, and I will guess. Whose riddles I guess, to chop off his head. Whose I can’t guess, I’ll marry him, even if I’ll be the last shepherd!

The king agreed. They called the call. Well done came from all sides, each with his own riddles. Which of them will begin to guess a riddle, but the princess does not listen to the end and shouts:

I know I know!

And now he will tell you the answer.

They will take the young man, cut off his head. They killed so many people that you can’t even count ...

And an old man lived in that kingdom-state. He had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. Here Ivanushka heard that the princess was ruining people for nothing, and said to her father:

Let me go, father, I will go to the princess to guess a riddle. Maybe she won't guess mine!

Where are you, fool! There are brothers and smarter than you, and even then they don’t go. It's better to stay at home: your head will be more whole!

What are brothers to me! - answers Ivanushka. They have their minds, I have mine. Bless on the road!

Nothing to do, the old man let Ivanushka go.

Ivanushka sat on an old water horse and drove off. He sees - a rusty spear lies on the road. He picked up this spear and rode on.

He rode, rode - he looks: the bull climbed into the oats, eats and tramples him. Ivanushka got off his horse, pulled out a bunch of oats, waved them like a whip, and drove the bull out of the oats. kicked out and says:

Here is the first riddle!

Here is another riddle!

How long, how short - he drove up to the river and thinks:

He let his horse go to graze on the grass, and he lay down in an old boat that was tied up near the shore, and fell asleep.

In the morning Ivanushka woke up. He sees that foam has gathered on the water. He removed the foam from the water, washed himself. He approached his horse and wiped himself with her mane instead of a towel.

Here, - he says, - there is a third riddle!

He came to the royal palace and said:

Take me to your princess! I'll give her riddles!

They brought him. He guessed the first riddle:

I was driving to you and I see - there is good near the road, and good roams in good. I took the good and the good, the good out of the good and drove it out. What will be your guess?

The princess thought and thought - she couldn’t guess. She grabbed a thick book, began to look for an answer in it. There is no such answer in the book! The princess says to her father:

Let him guess some other riddle for me - I will solve both at once!

Ivanushka also made a second riddle:

I was driving to you, I see - there is evil on the road. I took evil and evil evil and hit. Evil from evil accepted death. What will be your guess?

The princess picked up the book again. I searched and searched for an answer in it - I could not find it! She then went on a trick.

Let, - he says, - he guesses the third one: I have to guess one, three!

Ivanushka also made a third riddle:

I went further, and a dark night overtook me on the way. I stopped for the night. He went to bed not in heaven, not on earth, not in a hut, not on the street, not in a forest, not in a field. In the morning I woke up, washed myself not with dew, not with water; wiped off not woven, not knitted. What will be your guess?

The princess already does not grab her book: she knows that she cannot find answers in it. She says to the king:

Oh, father! Today my little head hurts, my thoughts are crazy ... I'll guess tomorrow.

The king ordered to postpone the guesswork until tomorrow. They took Ivanushka to a room for the night and told him not to go anywhere. He took out a piece of bread, sits and eats it.

But the princess does not find a place for herself.

“Is it really,” he thinks, “will he have to marry a peasant? How many riddles have been guessed, how many heads have been cut off! Kings, princes could not do anything, and here a peasant bast-knitter wants to take over me! ..”

The princess has chosen a faithful maid and sends her to Ivanushka.

Go, - he says, - get riddles from him. Promise him gold and silver, anything! Don't regret anything!

A maid came to Ivanushka. She began to inquire, find out, she herself promises him gold and silver. And Ivanushka says:

What do I need your gold, silver for? That's not why I came here. Let the princess guess my riddles! And tell her one more riddle: they threw a cockerel with peas until the sun, but he does not peck!

The maid returned to the princess with nothing.

So and so, - he says, - he does not take gold, silver, he demands that you guess riddles.

The princess was angry, she did not know what to do. And he cannot guess riddles and does not want to marry a simple peasant. She thought and thought and thought up a bad deed.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She says to her father:
- Order, father, to call a cry: let the good fellows come to us from all sides. They will guess riddles, and I will guess. Whose riddles I guess, to chop off his head. Whose I can’t guess, I’ll marry him, even if I’ll be the last shepherd!
The king agreed. They called the call. Well done came from all sides, each with his own riddles. Which of them will begin to guess a riddle, but the princess does not listen to the end and shouts:
- I know I know!
And now he will tell you the answer.
They will take the young man, cut off his head. They killed so many people that you can’t even count ...
And an old man lived in that kingdom-state. He had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. Here Ivanushka heard that the princess was ruining people for nothing, and said to her father:
- Let me go, father, I will go to the princess to guess a riddle. Maybe she won't guess mine!
- Where are you, fool! There are brothers and smarter than you, and even then they don’t go. It's better to stay at home: your head will be more whole!
- What do I brothers! - answers Ivanushka. They have their minds, I have mine. Bless on the road!
Nothing to do, the old man let Ivanushka go.
Ivanushka sat on an old water horse and drove off. He sees - a rusty spear lies on the road. He picked up this spear and rode on.
He rode, rode - he looks: the bull climbed into the oats, eats and tramples him. Ivanushka got off his horse, pulled out a bunch of oats, waved them like a whip, and drove the bull out of the oats. kicked out and says:
- There is the first riddle!
He went further. He looks - a snake crawls towards him along the road. Ivanushka stabbed her with a spear and said:
- There is another riddle!
How long, how short - he drove up to the river and thinks:
"It's getting late, we can't go any further. We have to spend the night here."
He let his horse go to graze on the grass, and he lay down in an old boat that was tied up near the shore, and fell asleep.
In the morning Ivanushka woke up. He sees that foam has gathered on the water. He removed the foam from the water, washed himself. He approached his horse and wiped himself with her mane instead of a towel.
- Here, - he says, - there is a third riddle!
I got on my horse and rode on.
He came to the royal palace and said:
- Take me to your princess! I'll give her riddles!
They brought him. He guessed the first riddle:
- I was driving to you and I see - good is near the road, and good wanders in good. I took the good and the good, the good out of the good and drove it out. What will be your guess?
The princess thought and thought - she couldn’t guess. She grabbed a thick book, began to look for an answer in it. There is no such answer in the book! The princess says to her father:
- Let him guess some other riddle for me - I will solve both at once!
Ivanushka also made a second riddle:
- I was driving to you, I see - there is evil on the road. I took evil and evil evil and hit. Evil from evil accepted death. What will be your guess?
The princess picked up the book again. I searched and searched for an answer in it - I could not find it! She then went on a trick.
“Let him,” he says, “he guesses the third one: I have to guess one, three!
Ivanushka also made a third riddle:
- I went further, and a dark night overtook me on the way. I stopped for the night. He went to bed not in heaven, not on earth, not in a hut, not on the street, not in a forest, not in a field. In the morning I woke up, washed myself not with dew, not with water; wiped off not woven, not knitted. What will be your guess?
The princess already does not grab her book: she knows that she cannot find answers in it. She says to the king:
- Oh, father! My little head hurts today, my thoughts are crazy ... I'll guess tomorrow.
The king ordered to postpone the guesswork until tomorrow. They took Ivanushka to a room for the night and told him not to go anywhere. He took out a piece of bread, sits and eats it.
But the princess does not find a place for herself.
“Is it really,” he thinks, “will he have to marry a peasant? How many riddles have been guessed, how many heads have been cut off! Kings, princes could not do anything, and here a peasant bast-knitter wants to take over me! ..”
The princess has chosen a faithful maid and sends her to Ivanushka.
- Go, - he says, - get riddles from him. Promise him gold and silver, anything! Don't regret anything!
A maid came to Ivanushka. She began to inquire, find out, she herself promises him gold and silver. And Ivanushka says:
- What do I need your gold, silver? That's not why I came here. Let the princess guess my riddles! And tell her one more riddle: they threw a cockerel with peas until the sun, but he does not peck!
The maid returned to the princess with nothing.
- So and so, - he says, - he does not take gold, silver, he demands that you guess riddles.
The princess was angry, she did not know what to do. And he cannot guess riddles and does not want to marry a simple peasant. She thought and thought and thought up a bad deed.
In the morning, when everyone had gathered, the princess came out and said:
- I am a mistress to my word: I couldn’t guess riddles, I’ll marry Ivan. Get everything ready for the wedding!
Everyone rejoiced: finally, the valiant heads would stop chopping! ..
Tsarevna ordered Ivanushka to ask her to go to her room: she wants to talk with her fiancé, treat her with gingerbread and sweet wines. Ivanushka has arrived.

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Summary: Once upon a time in the world there lived a sweet, kind and brave fellow, named Ivan. Once he learned about the whims of a not kind, spoiled princess. The harmful mistress sent out such an announcement throughout her kingdom that she would remain alive and become the wife of that young man who could guess for her such a riddle that she could never guess. The girl was very smart and read a lot, and also knew a lot of information and all the answers to any question. A large number of unfortunate young men came to the princess with their riddles, but none of them could guess such a riddle for her that the princess could not answer. So Ivan decided to outwit and punish the villain, he did not have a great mind and was not as well-read as the princess, but the young man was smart, savvy and very cunning. So a certain test for an important and arrogant princess came into his brilliant head. The princess could not guess the riddle of Ivan, but she was not used to giving up and losing. With the help of deceit and all sorts of sweet words and fables, she ordered her servants to take him out to the swampy swamp and leave him there for certain death. What happens next in this fabulous story? Each reader will be able to read all the answers and the further story online or listen to the audio recording on our website, which is interesting for kids. The tale The Punished Princess can be read or listened to for free.

The text of the fairy tale The punished princess

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She once said to her father: “Order, father, to call a cry: let the good fellows come to us from all sides.” They will guess riddles, and I will guess. Whose riddles I guess, to chop off his head. Whose I can’t guess, I’ll marry him, even if I’ll be the last shepherd! The king agreed. They called the call. Well done came from all sides, each with his own riddles. Which one of them starts to guess a riddle, but the princess does not listen to the end and shouts: - I know, I know! And now he will tell you the answer. They will take the young man, cut off his head. They killed so many people that you can’t even count ... And an old man lived in that kingdom-state. He had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. Here Ivanushka heard that the princess was ruining people for nothing, and he said to his father: “Let me go, father, I will go to the princess to guess a riddle.” Maybe she won't guess mine! "Where are you going, fool!" There are brothers and smarter than you, and even then they don’t go. It's better to stay at home: your head will be more whole! “What are brothers to me! Ivanushka answers. They have their minds, I have mine. Bless on the road! Nothing to do, the old man let Ivanushka go. Ivanushka sat on an old water horse and drove off. He sees a rusty spear lying on the road. He picked up this spear and rode on. He rode, rode - he looks: the bull climbed into the oats, eats and tramples on it. Ivanushka got off his horse, pulled out a bunch of oats, waved them like a whip, and drove the bull out of the oats. Kicked out and says: - Here is the first riddle! He went further. He looks - a snake is crawling towards him along the road. Ivanushka stabbed her with a spear and said: - Here is another riddle! How long, how short - he drove up to the river and thinks: “The time is already late, you can’t go further. We must sleep here." He let his horse go to graze on the grass, and he lay down in an old boat that was tied up near the shore, and fell asleep. In the morning Ivanushka woke up. He sees that foam has gathered on the water. He removed the foam from the water, washed himself. He approached his horse and wiped himself with her mane instead of a towel. “Here,” he says, “there is a third riddle! I got on my horse and rode on. He came to the royal palace and said: - Take me to your princess! I'll give her riddles! They brought him. He guessed the first riddle: - I was driving to you and I see - good is near the road, and good roams in good. I took the good and the good, the good out of the good and drove it out. What will be your guess? The princess thought and thought, but she couldn't figure it out. She grabbed a thick book, began to look for an answer in it. There is no such answer in the book! The princess says to her father: “Let him guess another riddle for me - I will solve both at once!” Ivanushka also made a second riddle: - I was driving to you, I see - there is evil on the road. I took evil and evil evil and hit. Evil from evil accepted death. What will be your guess? The princess picked up the book again. I searched and searched for an answer in it - I could not find it! She then went on a trick. “Let him,” he says, “let him think of a third one: I have to guess one, three! Ivanushka also made a third riddle: - I went further, and a dark night overtook me on the way. I stopped for the night. He went to bed not in heaven, not on earth, not in a hut, not on the street, not in a forest, not in a field. In the morning I woke up, washed myself not with dew, not with water; wiped off not woven, not knitted. What will be your guess? The princess already does not grab her book: she knows that she cannot find answers in it. She says to the king: “Oh, father! My little head hurts today, my thoughts are crazy ... I'll guess tomorrow. The king ordered to postpone the guesswork until tomorrow. They took Ivanushka to a room for the night and told him not to go anywhere. He took out a piece of bread, sits and eats it. But the princess does not find a place for herself. “Really,” he thinks, “will he have to marry a peasant? How many riddles have been guessed, how many heads have been chopped off! Kings, princes could not do anything, and here the little peasant-bastard wants to take over me! .. ”The princess chose a faithful servant and sends her to Ivanushka. “Go,” he says, “get riddles from him.” Promise him gold and silver, anything! Don't regret anything! A maid came to Ivanushka. She began to inquire, find out, she herself promises him gold and silver. And Ivanushka says: - What do I need your gold, silver for? That's not why I came here. Let the princess guess my riddles! And tell her one more riddle: they threw a cockerel with peas until the sun, but he does not peck! The maid returned to the princess with nothing. “So and so,” he says, “he does not take gold, silver, he demands that you guess riddles. The princess was angry, she did not know what to do. And he cannot guess riddles and does not want to marry a simple peasant. She thought and thought and thought up a bad deed. In the morning, when everyone had gathered, the princess came out and said: “I am the mistress of my word: I couldn’t guess the riddles, I’ll marry Ivan.” Get everything ready for the wedding! Everyone was delighted: at last they would stop chopping off the brave heads! Ivanushka has arrived. The princess seated him at the table and began to regale him. And she herself imperceptibly poured sleeping potion into his glass. Ivanushka drank and fell fast asleep. Then the princess called her faithful servant, gave her rich gifts and ordered Ivanushka to be taken away and thrown into a swampy swamp, so that he would no longer be heard or spirited! They took Ivanushka and threw him into the swamp, into the very quagmire... Ivanushka slept in the swamp for three days. He woke up, looked around and said: - How did I get into such an unkind place? He remembered how the princess treated him, regaled him, poured wine with her own hands, and guessed who had thrown him into the quagmire to death. Ivanushka began to get out of the swamp. He clutches at the bumps, at the roots - he barely got out. He went to the river, washed himself and wandered aimlessly. He walked for a long time and wandered into a dense forest. He wandered, wandered through the forest, and he wanted to eat. He looks - an apple tree stands in a forest clearing, hung with ripe, ruddy apples. Ivanushka plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment horns grew on his head - large and heavy, bowing their heads to the ground. He looked into the lake, saw himself and was horrified. “Here,” he thinks, “is the trouble! If I go out into the field now, the cattle will be afraid of me, not only the people. Yes, and walking through the forest is dangerous: hunters will take the beast - they will kill it. What to do?.. We must go deeper into the forest!” Ivanushka went through the forest, clinging to the trees with his horns. How long, how little he walked - he saw another apple tree. Unseen apples hang on it: you can see the seeds through the skin. He stopped near this apple tree and thought: “Eh, what will be, will be! Eat an apple!” He plucked an apple, ate it, and at the same moment his horns disappeared, and he himself became young and handsome, better than before. “Well,” Ivanushka thinks, “I will teach this princess a lesson! She will not want to destroy and deceive good people!” He picked apples from both apple trees - both horned and medicinal - and went to the city. He entered the city and sees: an old woman is sitting by one house, shaking all over from old age. Ivanushka took pity on her. He came up and said: - Great, grandma! Come on, eat this apple! The old woman ate a good apple and immediately looked younger - she became fat and ruddy. “Ah,” he says, “my dear child! How can I thank you? “Won’t you help me, grandmother, to get a tray and undershirt, which merchants go to?” I'll change clothes, I'll go sell these rejuvenating apples. The old woman quickly got him a coat and a tray. Ivanushka dressed up in a merchant's undershirt, spread apples on a tray, put the tray on his head and became like a real merchant. He went to the royal palace. He came and let's shout loudly: - Apples are sweet! Apples are delicious! Blush apples! Who wants sweet apples! Who wants sweet apples! The princess heard and sent her maid: “Go and find out if he really sells sweet apples?” A maid ran and asked: - Hey, well done merchant! Are your apples sour? - If you please, madam, try! - Ivanushka answers and gives her an apple. The maid ate this apple and became such a beauty that even the princess did not recognize her when she returned to the palace. - Is that you? he asks. - You were dark-haired and pockmarked, but now you have become better than me! How did it happen? - I am the! It has become so from an apple! The princess gave the maid a hundred rubles and said: “Go quickly, buy me these apples too.” A maid ran away, bought apples and brought them to the princess. The princess chose the rosiest, largest apple and immediately ate it. And as soon as she ate it, her horns grew to the ceiling, large and heavy ... The maid looked at her, got frightened, and quickly ran to the king. - Oh, - he shouts, - the princess has a devil! .. The king came running, he sees - really a devil. Shaking with fear, he fell. And the princess says: “Don’t be afraid, dad, I’m your daughter!” And she cries and bursts out. And the king cries, and the queen: - Shame, shame! What to do? How to appear before the eyes of foreign sovereigns? .. Everyone ran here, groaned, but they could not do anything. They laid the princess on the bed, and above the bed they ordered the carpenters to make shelves in order to put horns on them. The princess lies on the bed, herself groans, laments: - Oh, now I don’t show myself to people, nor get married ... They called the doctors. The healers began to soar and saw the horns - they could not do anything. Meanwhile, Ivanushka tied his beard, dressed up as a doctor, hung himself all over with vials and herbs, picked up three rods and went to the palace. He came and let's shout: We are doctors, we are pharmacists - We treat to glory At least Thomas, at least Savva! We are soaring in the bathhouse, We are frying in the bathhouse: To the bathhouse - on firewood, From the bathhouse - on our feet. Is there a job for a doctor? I heal from all kinds of ailments, I save from great diseases! The princess heard this and said to her servants: - Oh, call this doctor soon! Maybe he will save me from the horns! The maids rushed after the doctor. They took him to the palace. The king himself met him. Ivanushka asks him: - Who is sick here? “You, apparently, are not of our kingdom,” says the king, “if you don’t know what happened with us! .. My daughter’s horns have grown to the very ceiling. If you cure her, I will reward you and give you the princess in marriage, and when I grow old, I will put you in my royal place. “Your Royal Majesty,” Ivanushka replies, “let me first examine the patient!” They took him to the princess. Ivanushka looked at her and said: - She has chicken sickness: an evil wind blew! Order the bathhouse to be thoroughly heated and take the princess there, where I will treat her. I'll steam her horns. The king says: “Ask whatever you want!” I'll give you everything, I'll gold you! - Then you will gold me. First you need to heal. I only demand one thing: let the music play louder near the bathhouse, let the drums beat, fire at the cannons, otherwise I won’t be able to heal. The king says: “What you order, we will do!” “Well then, bring the princess out!” They began to lead the princess out, but she could not get through the door: the horns were not allowed. The king shouts: - Take apart the wall! They dismantled the wall, brought the princess out, they wanted to seat her in the carriage. And the horses saw her - neighed, stamped their hooves with fear and rushed to run. And they broke the carriage and trampled a lot of people ... The soldiers harnessed themselves to the carriage and took the princess. Brought to the bath, taken out. Then the music began to play, the drums began to beat, the cannons were fired. Ivanushka sent all the servants away, grabbed the princess by the horns and let's ask her: - For what bad deeds have you grown these horns? Confess: didn’t you offend anyone, didn’t you deceive? “Father doctor,” the princess answers, “I have never deceived anyone, never offended anyone ... I did only good deeds!” Ivanushka took the rod, whipped the princess, and again asked: - Confess: didn’t you offend, didn’t you deceive anyone? The princess is still unrecognised. Ivanushka tells her: “I won’t let you go until you tell the truth!” The princess was frightened, she said: - It's my fault, father doctor! I ordered one peasant to be thrown into a marshy swamp! But can this be considered a sin? After all, this is a simple peasant ... Ivanushka took off his beard and asked: - Look, am I not that peasant? The princess looked at him, and how she screamed: - Servants! Soldiers! Guard! Grab it! Take me to jail! And the music is playing with might and main, the drums are beating, the cannons are firing. Can you hear her calling? The princess sees - they do not run to her aid. She spoke differently. “Oh,” he says, “have mercy on me, Ivanushka!” Deliver me from these horns! I will marry you! I will love! You will become king! “Well, no, I don’t need you,” Ivanushka replies. - For your deceit and villainy, you will always wear these horns! Said he left. Only they saw him.

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