How to use the lunar calendar. How to make your own lunar landing calendar How to make your own lunar calendar

Lunar calendar gardener was compiled in antiquity, through long-term observations of the influence of the moon on all living things, including garden plants.

First of all, the different phases of the moon have different effects on the growth and development of plants. It has long been noticed that the days of new moons and full moons are not suitable for landing and transfer work. On the full moon, most of the juices are in the upper part of the plant, in the stem and fruits, and on the new moon, on the contrary, in its underground part - tubers and roots. Seeds that fall into the ground during the waxing Moon are programmed to grow more actively upwards and develop above the ground, and those that were planted during the waning Moon have the opposite tendency to develop downward underground. Therefore, plants whose fruits are above the ground, gardeners and gardeners need to sow and plant with the growing moon. And all root crops - with a waning moon.

With this in mind, the Lunar calendar of the gardener has been compiled, which will help you grow a wonderful crop. Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener 2019 will allow you to always be aware of what the phase of the moon is now, and what phase of the moon will be without the need for visual observation.

In addition, when working in the garden and garden, it is important to consider which sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in, since all signs are divided into fertile, signs of average fertility and barren signs.

Fertile zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

Barren zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aquarius.

Observations show that the yield will be higher if the phase of the Moon and its location in the fertile sign of the Zodiac are taken into account when sowing.

We bring to your attention Lunar sowing calendar gardener-gardener 2019 with the indication of the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as with recommendations for gardeners and gardeners, which you can download and print.

The gardener's lunar calendar 2019 (table) will help you take into account the phases and position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac when working in the garden. Given the influence of the moon on plants, you will be able to properly plan your agricultural work.

Introducing 2019 for every day. Daily lunar calendar for gardeners, florists and gardeners. The lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a detailed description of gardening work for every day. The calendar recommends favorable days for sowing, planting, caring for plants and a lot of necessary work in the flower garden, garden and vegetable garden, depending on the influence of the moon and taking into account the agrarian terms of Central Russia. The lunar calendar gives the dates for sowing and planting a large number of fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental plants.

The calendar includes a calendar for 2019. The exact time of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and the Moon, the time of the entry of the Moon into the sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon, the new moon, the transition from the growing to the waning Moon, the time of the change of the lunar phases, the longitude of the day are indicated in Moscow time for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2019 published for 10 days and updated weekly.

Experienced gardeners are invited to use the short lunar calendar in pictures, and you can open the general lunar sowing calendar in the form of a table published for three months at the picture link below:

July 26, 2019. Friday

Skydiver Day. Day of the system administrator.

The waning moon is in the sign of Taurus. Phase 4

24th lunar day. Sunset 14:50.

Sunrise 4:23. Sunset 20:48.

The length of the day is 16:25.

Vegetable, ornamental crops are sown and planted; winter root crops, bulbous; perennial, thermophilic plants. Winter radishes and carrots are sown.

Today, the plants are watered and fed with organic fertilizers. Mulch the soil to seal in moisture. You can do the necessary pruning of trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 27, 2019. Saturday

The waning moon from 9:28 in the sign of Gemini. Phase 4

25th lunar day. Sunrise 0:16. Sunset 16:07.

Sunrise 4:25. Sunset 20:46.

The length of the day is 16:21.

Do not plant or sow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 28, 2019. Sunday

Day of the Navy of the Russian Federation. Day of the Baptism of Russia in 988. Day of the PR-specialist. Trade Workers Day.

After the first fog - gather for mushrooms.

The waning moon is in the sign of Gemini. Phase 4

26th lunar day. Sunrise 0:41. Sunset 17:24.

Sunrise 4:26. Sunset 20:44.

The length of the day is 16:18.

Do not plant or sow.

On this day weed from weeds. Control pests and plant diseases. Remove diseased branches. Make the necessary pruning of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Clean trapping belts from insects. Plants are watered when dry.

Cut flowers into bouquets. Harvest for long-term storage. Grain harvesting. Summer varieties of apples, early varieties of plums, cucumbers, and tomatoes are harvested.

Mow the lawn to slow its growth. Cut out shoots in the garden. Trim the whiskers of strawberries, strawberries. Dig bulbs, tubers.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 29, 2019. Monday

Cloudy, pale moon - wait for the rain; clear, bright moon - to warm weather.

The waning moon from 14:30 in the sign of Cancer. Phase 4

27th lunar day. Sunrise 1:16. Sunset 18:37.

Sunrise 4:28. Sunset 20:42.

The length of the day is 16:14.

Bulbs are planted for distillation: hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, daffodils, snowdrop, scilla, tulips. Crocus bulbs, hellebore rhizomes, snowdrop rhizomes are planted.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 30, 2019. Tuesday

International day of friendship.

The reddish ring around the moon soon disappeared - to warm weather.

The waning moon is in the sign of Cancer. Phase 4

28th lunar day. Sunrise 2:03. Sunset 19:40.

Sunrise 4:30. Sunset 20:41.

The length of the day is 16:11.

Bulbs are planted for distillation: hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, daffodils, snowdrop, scilla, tulips. Crocus bulbs, hellebore rhizomes, snowdrop rhizomes are planted.

Fruit and ornamental plants are watered, organic fertilizers are applied. Loosening is only superficial. Mulch the soil. You can do the necessary pruning of trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 31, 2019. Wednesday

The waning moon from 16:17 in the sign of Leo. Phase 4

29th lunar day. Sunrise 3:06. Sunset 20:29.

Sunrise 4:32. Sunset 20:39.

Day length 16:07.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 1, 2019. Thursday

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Day of the collector.

New moon. Waxing Moon in Leo. Phase 1 from 6:12.

30th and 1st lunar days. Sunrise 4:24. Sunset 21:07.

Sunrise 4:34. Sunset 20:37.

The longitude of the day is 16:03.

Do not plant or sow. They do pinching and pinching. In a tomato (tomato), brushes with unblown flowers and yellowed leaves and stepchildren are removed, the apical buds are pinched.

Auspicious day for weeding and cutting overgrowth. Weeding winter shoots. Plants are watered when dry. Control pests and plant diseases. In the garden, dried and diseased branches are removed. Clean trapping belts from insects. Check supports for fruit trees and, if necessary, install additional supports.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 2, 2019. Friday

Day of the Airborne Troops of the Russian Federation.

The growing moon from 16:19 in the sign of Virgo. Phase 1

2nd lunar day. Sunrise 5:52. Sunset 21:35.

Sunrise 4:36. Sunset 20:35.

Day length 15:59.

Do not plant or sow. They do pinching and pinching. In a tomato (tomato), brushes with unblown flowers and yellowed leaves and stepchildren are removed, the apical buds are pinched.

Auspicious day for weeding and cutting overgrowth. Weeding winter shoots. Plants are watered when dry. Control pests and plant diseases. In the garden, dried and diseased branches are removed. Clean trapping belts from insects. Check supports for fruit trees and, if necessary, install additional supports.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 3, 2019. Saturday

If in the summer the rays from the sun go down in bunches - to the rain.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Virgo. Phase 1

3rd lunar day. Sunrise 7:23. Sunset 21:58.

Sunrise 4:37. Sunset 20:33.

Day length 15:56.

Sow and plant ornamental plants. Overgrown bushes of perennials are divided and planted: aquilegia, gelenium, bathing suit, lupine, peretrum, phlox.

Plants are watered abundantly, mineral fertilizers are applied, foliar top dressing is done. They loosen, mulch the soil to close the moisture, dig up the beds, spud the plants. Thin out seedlings. Control pests and plant diseases. On this day, fruit and vegetable crops are budded. Clean trapping belts from insects.

Sowing lawn grass. Mow the lawn to enhance its growth.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 4, 2019. Sunday

Railroad Day.

Dry summer - crop failure of nuts.

The growing moon from 16:29 in the sign of Libra. Phase 1

4th lunar day. Sunrise 8:53. Sunset 22:16.

Sunrise 4:39. Sunset 20:31.

The length of the day is 15:52.

A favorable sign for sowing and planting ornamental plants. Vegetable, berry, fruit crops are sown and planted. Winter grain sowing begins. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, strawberries are planted.

In the flower garden, perennial bushes are divided and planted: aquilegia, aruncus, delphinium, doronicum, gelenium, bathing suit, lupine, peretrum; and biennials: campanula, daisies.

Plants are watered abundantly, mineral fertilizers are applied, foliar top dressing is done. They dig up the beds, loosen, mulch the soil to close the moisture, spud the plants. Thin out winter crops. Sow and plant crops for long-term storage and for seeds.

In the garden, you can prune to form a lush crown. Sowing lawn grass. Mow the lawn to enhance its growth.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

A few words about the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year.

About the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year

The daily lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a list of work for every day in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. The lunar calendar is compiled for those who are passionate about gardening, floriculture, and horticulture. In the calendar, the days of sowing and planting of various crops are recommended based on the lunar phases and the passage of the zodiac constellation by the Moon, as well as agricultural terms.

The lunar calendar gives recommendations on what seeds to sow favorably, what plants to plant, how best to care for plants under the influence of the moon. The fertile zodiac signs Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio favor sowing, planting, and a bountiful harvest. On the days of the infertile signs Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, you can sow and plant certain types of plants, mostly decorative. Under a favorable sign of the zodiac, root crops are planted and sown on the waning Moon, and other vegetable crops, berry and fruit, ornamental plants are planted and sown on the growing Moon. On the full moon and new moon, the lunar calendar does not recommend sowing and planting, these days they are struggling with plant diseases and pests.

Also in the lunar calendar, for each day, the necessary daily work in the garden and garden is listed, the result of which the Moon does not affect, these works are determined by the agrarian terms of the area and the weather. In the lunar sowing calendar for these works, we recommend days free from sowing and planting work.

The lunar calendar shows the dates of sowing and planting of many plants. These are fruit and ornamental trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, annual and perennial flower and berry crops. Our lunar calendar tells about the favorable sowing and planting dates for almost all vegetable crops bred in the Middle lane, with different growing methods: planting, forcing, sowing, through seedlings, including in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and in open ground.

The lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day contains astronomical information indicating the exact time of the moon's entry into each sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon and new moon, the time of sunrise and sunset, the time of sunrise and sunset and the length of the daylight hours. If the Moon enters some sign of the zodiac during the day, then in the lunar calendar in the column of recommendations for sowing and planting, a note is given before the specified hour sowing, planting and caring for plants according to the recommendations of the previous day of the lunar calendar.

In addition, in the lunar calendar of sowing and planting, for each day, folk signs are given on the moon and signs for the harvest from the folk agricultural calendar.

Astronomical information about the Sun in our calendar

If you observe the position of the Sun long enough, for example, during the year, you will notice that its height above the horizon on different days will not be the same - the largest is on June 21-22, and the smallest is on December 21-22. In different years, these events fall on different days. These days are called the summer and winter solstices. Twice a year, March 20-21 and September 22-23, the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. These days it is under and above the horizon at the same time (that is, the day is equal to the night), and therefore they are called the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. Between March 21 and September 22, the Sun rises north of the east point and, conversely, between September 23 and March 21, south of it.

Traditionally, March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22 are considered the beginning of the seasons in the northern hemisphere of the Earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We publish information on which days the listed astronomical events fall this year in the daily lunar calendar, which is given above.

How to grow plants in the rhythm of the moon phases

The very topic of the influence on the growth and development of plants of the position of the planets in the zodiac circle, in particular the closest satellite of our planet - the Moon, the interaction of the phases of the Moon and growth, plant development, and the activity of microbiological processes in the soil is interesting.

The influence of the Moon on earthly affairs has been known since ancient times. It is with this planet that the tidal and ebb phenomena of oceanic and sea waters are associated, as well as fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that affect the weather. It is believed that during the full moon, the above-ground parts of plants are filled with juice to a greater extent, and at the new moon, it seems to tend to recede to the roots. In the first case, there is a stronger hydration of the tissues, in the second - some dryness. From here, studies of the influence of the moon on plants take place, and on the basis of the knowledge gained, a lunar calendar is compiled for each day of the current year.

Plants are influenced not only by the phases of the moon, but also by its position in the signs of the zodiac. It is better to plant when our companion is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Fight weeds when she is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius. The presence of the Moon in the constellation Aries encourages the collection of fruits - they are better stored. Moving to the constellation of Libra is favorable for watering and vaccinations, to the constellation of Leo - for mowing and weeding, Sagittarius - for digging up root crops, Aquarius - for destroying pests.

According to the experience of astrological observations, the zodiac signs are divided into productive (fertile): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and unproductive (infertile): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Planting and sowing fruit and ornamental plants according to the lunar calendar is best done when the Moon is in a productive zodiac sign.

How is the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day

From the angle of practical consideration, the recommendations of the lunar calendar will be consistent if they correspond to the local calendar dates for sowing and planting crops. Due to the dissimilarity of climatic conditions, landscape, soil in different areas, it is impossible to develop a single lunar calendar. If we calculate the timing of sowing crops in another specific area, then we will get significant dissimilarity. In one case, these will be belated dates, in the other - too early (compare the south of Russia and the Urals). Agricultural work, as well as care and cleaning work, are also associated with the length of daylight hours.

The local folk calendar, traditional experience, accumulated knowledge are the main support in the practical activities of a gardener, florist and gardener. For neighboring regions, any lunar calendar needs to be amended regarding the deadlines for sowing and planting, taking into account the conditions of a particular area. Data on the exact time of the Moon's entry into the zodiac constellation can be obtained from the calendar (tear-off calendar) for gardeners and gardeners or the astrological calendar.

The weather also does not fall year on year - there are early and late springs, which is also taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar.

The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon do not coincide by year. In almost a month, the Moon passes through 12 constellations, called the signs of the Zodiac. The following year, the lunar calendar is shifted by 10 days. The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon are repeated after 19 years. Every year, the daily sowing and planting calendar is amended for the specific shape of the season and for the lunar phase.

Our Earth is only a part of the universe, which is subject to this most complex organism and its systemic cosmobiological rhythms. Stars and planets influence each other, and the stronger, the smaller the distance between space bodies. The eternal satellite of our native planet, the Moon, due to its location, has an explicit and implicit, but rather strong influence on all earthly existence. Every 12.5 hours, under its influence, the gravitational field shifts, causing a tidal effect - an increase and decrease in the water level in large reservoirs (seas and oceans).

The movement of juices and other processes in plants are also subject to the influence of the moon. It occurs through light and electromagnetic impulses, as well as other planetary interactions perceived by plants. Therefore, the gardener's actions in accordance with these processes or contrary to them can both significantly increase the return of planted crops, and nullify their own efforts.

The sowing lunar calendar for 2018 was compiled taking into account all the nuances and provides an opportunity to optimally carry out agrotechnical work on the site without the need to conduct your own calculations and look at the moon in the sky.

Below is the complete sowing calendar for 2018. Click on the image to enlarge the table.

Luminous phases of the moon

In addition to the influence of the passing signs of the Zodiac, the phase of illumination in which our satellite is currently located is of great importance for plants. A full lunar month is different from the earth month, its average duration is 29.53 days. The duration of these days can also be different, especially in this regard, the 1st and 30th days differ. the difference between them can be as little as one minute, or almost a whole day - the 30th day in some lunar months may be absent altogether.

Depending on the illumination, the following lunar phases are distinguished.

New moon

The satellite itself is not visible in the sky, the disk is not illuminated. In this dark night comes the time of complete rest. The concentration of plant juices is observed in the roots, so damage to the root system during this period can be fatal.

What can not be done?

It is necessary a day before the new moon and a day after it to exclude all work with the soil around already planted crops (loosening, hilling, digging, transplanting, etc.). This is a very important rule of the lunar calendar of any year.

What can be done?

To trim the crown, pinch, pinch, remove diseased and dried branches, fight pests and diseases. Weeding, if necessary, can be done, but with great care and only among well-rooted seedlings. The period is good for planting seeds, especially with the favorable influence of the zodiac constellation.

Growing (arriving) Moon

A sickle appears on the right side, by the end of the first quarter, the entire right side of the disk is illuminated. In the second quarter, it gradually fills up completely. At this stage, the juices rush up, growth increases. It is recommended to plant crops that bear fruit in the ground part. From 3 to 8 days is the best time for planting all types of cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, melons and cereals. In the following 5 days, there comes a time favorable for planting tomatoes, legumes, garlic, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, peppers, pumpkins. Root top dressing gives a good result. During this period, it is best to fight snails and slugs, look for water on the site, drill wells, dig wells, lay and compact compost, and mow the lawn.

Just before the full moon, fruit vaccinations give the best result.

It is undesirable at this time to lay fruits for storage, to preserve vegetables, if it is possible to postpone it.

Full moon

The circle is fully lit. By this time, the nutrients are maximally concentrated in the fruits, the flowers have a rich color and a condensed aroma. It is possible to carry out hilling, loosening, cultivation and other work with the soil, the risk of damage to the root system is minimal. But pruning, pinching, grafting and other work with green mass and the crown of garden shrubs and trees is not recommended.

The full moon is the time of the most intense action against pests, as they become the most active, and the plants are most difficult to tolerate their attacks and often die. On the growing moon, it is recommended to start destroying the pests of the aerial parts, and on the waning moon - in the root system.

Waning moon

Sap flow during the waning (aging) Moon (the disk darkens on the right side) is directed towards the roots, at this stage the nutrients are concentrated in the roots and root crops. In the first days of the aging moon, the planting of cuttings, seedlings of bushes and trees, perennial flower crops, and strawberries is favorable. The next 5 days are good for radical pruning, chasing grapes. Next comes the turn of planting potatoes, as well as other root crops, rhizomes and legumes laid for storage. A favorable period for winter planting.

If the waning satellite passes Pisces or Virgo, it is not recommended to engage in salting, canning.

It is best to carry out anti-aging pruning in the 1st quarter, shaping - in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the Moon

Table of the passage of the Moon in the Zodiac 2018

February March April May June July August
Aries 19-20 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9 5-7 2-3; 29-30
Taurus 21-22 20-21 16-18 14-15 10-11 8-9 4-5; 31
Twins 23-24 22-23 19-20 16-17 12-13 10-11 6-7
Cancer 25-26 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9
a lion 27-28 27-28 23-24 20-21 16-17 14-15 10-11
Virgo 1-3 1-2; 29-30 25-26 22-23 18-20 16-17 12-13
scales 4-5 3-5; 31 1; 27-28 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15
Scorpion 6-8 6-7 2-3; 29-30 1; 27-28 23-24 20-22 16-18
Sagittarius 9-10 8-10 4-6 2-3; 29-31 25-27 23-24 19-20
Capricorn 11-13 11-12 7-8 4-6 1-2; 28-29 25-27 21-23
Aquarius 14-15 13-15 9-11 7-8 3-5; 30 1-2; 28-29 24-25
Fishes 16-18 16-17 12-13 9-11 6-7 3-4; 30-31 1; 26-28

Moon in the Zodiac

In addition to the significant influence of the lunar phases on crop production, its passage through the zodiac circle is also of great importance. Thousand-year astrological observations make it possible to divide the zodiac constellations into favorable and negative ones affecting fertility, depending on which of them the Earth and its constant satellite are currently passing through. Therefore, in compiling the sowing calendar for 2018, a comprehensive comparison of these factors was made.

  • The most prolific water signs are Cancer and Pisces.
  • Slightly less favorable are water Scorpio and air Taurus, Capricorn and Libra.
  • It is customary to attribute the earthly Virgo and the fiery Sagittarius to the unproductive signs of the Zodiac.
  • Fiery (hot) Leo and Aries, along with airy (drying) Gemini and Aquarius, are barren, unfavorable in gardening and horticulture.

The gardener's golden rule, focused on the lunar phases: it is preferable to plant everything that gives above-ground fruits (“tops”) with a growing moon, and root crops and all other “roots” - on a waning one.


Airy, fiery, hot, and therefore barren, the sign from which the cycle begins.


Favorable sign for crop production. The seed material planted during this period shows excellent germination, forms a strong root system, and in the future, plants are more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

What can What is not allowed
Soak, germinate and plant vegetable and fruit seeds for long-term storageTransplant
WateringLoosen in the root zone
Mow the grassPlant what is intended for seeds (low germination and poor storage)
Pinch, graft
Harvest the roots
cut flowers
Dig up bulbous
Apply fertilizer
Canning, salting, drying, harvesting juices and wines


Dry, withering and barren sign. Planted has a weak stem, but a more developed root system. Planted and harvested fruits do not lie well and do not have a pronounced taste and aroma.

What can What is not allowed
Plant climbing, ground cover, ampelous plants and what has a mustache (strawberries, peas, asparagus beans, etc.)Make a transplant
Plant cabbage, radish, peppers, gourds, herbs, shrubsPlanting what should have strong stems
Pest Control
Remove root growth
Perform sanitary pruning, pinching
Thin out, spud
dig potatoes
Harvest herbs
Harvest cereals


Fertile, watery, one of the most favorable.

a lion

Barren period, unfavorable for horticultural work.


What can What is not allowed
Clean up the area"Touch" fruit-bearing plants, except for pruning trees
remove weedsLoosen the soil near the plants to prevent root rot
Deal with uninvited "guests"Engage in soil improvement
Plant something that will be stored for a long time (on the descending - root crops, on the arriving - tops)plant vegetables
Apply fertilizerEngage in transplanting, grafting, cuttings
Harvest cerealsCanning and harvesting everything except root crops will be covered with mold
Caring for flowers and other ornamental plants
Harvest root crops
Spray for diseases (3rd quarter)
Weed (4th quarter)
Touch "everything that grows, but does not yield


A period of medium fertility, when actions have little effect on yields, but, depending on the phase, can affect the growth and health of crops.

What can What is not allowed
Plant flowers (they will be especially fragrant), shrubsSpray
Spud, weedWater (minimize)
HarvestUnnecessarily transplant everything that does not have seeds in fruits and is not intended for seeds
Destroy pests
Take care of stone fruit and leguminous plants and those from which it is planned to obtain seeds
Harvest berries, fruits, herbs
form a crown
Produce cuttings
Plant zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, legumes


Time for effective measures to increase productivity, incl. and weeds, so it is also not recommended to touch them on such days.

What can What is not allowed
Wateringdig potatoes
Apply fertilizer (foliar feeding)weed
Plant something that does not involve storage (flowers, lawns, greens for food, etc.)Work with the earth (the roots will rot)
Trimming (carefully, taking into account the phase)Harvest for storage (will not be saved)
instillPest Control
CuttingMarinate and salt
Cut the lawnTransplant and otherwise hurt the roots
Plant thorny plants or do something with them

The period is good for planting medicinal, ornamental plants, flowers (with the exception of tuberous), spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers (not for pickling and canning), any greenery, especially parsley and lettuce.

The Full Moon on Scorpio is a dangerous period, because the Moon is very strong and this force can be directed not only in a peaceful direction. Therefore, on this day it is better not to take risks and do nothing, especially in a bad mood.


An unproductive sign, work under which does not benefit the harvest. This is the turning point between the forces that were rising up and started to come down. Bulb time.


The period is good for everything that propagates by roots. Gives everything growing a healthy root system and good strong stems.


A fruitless time for garden work, when human intervention can even reduce yields. Stone fruits and what is grown for seeds remain responsive.


A very favorable period, the work is beneficial. Weeds are best left untouched, as they are just as responsive to manipulation.

What can What is not allowed
Apply top dressingFight harmful insects, rodents, diseases
Water under the rootTouch the roots, dig, hill, weed, replant, work with the earth in general
Plant what is not intended for long-term storageCollect what will be stored for a long time
Formative cutting - depending on the phaseSalt, pickle, marinate
CuttingDigging potatoes (will not lie).
Cut the lawnPlant and work with thorny plants.
The best time for planting radishes, flowers, ornamental plants with the exception of bulbous and tuberous.

Watering on the growing moon is preferably done by sprinkling, and on the aging moon - under the root.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2018 for gardeners and gardeners. People have been watching the moon for a long time and have identified certain patterns associated with the phases of the night star. Many earthly processes are influenced by the natural satellite of the Earth, and the development of plants is no exception.

The movement of juices and other life processes of any crop crops are in strong interaction with the position of the moon. In order to correctly calculate the time of sowing various crops, grow strong seedlings and end up with a good harvest in the fall, many people use the lunar sowing calendar for 2018, compiled by astrologers, taking into account the movement of the moon in the night sky.

There are four periods (phases) in a lunar month: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Each of these periods is favorable for certain work on the plot. The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 will help determine the dates for sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and many other crops.

Using the lunar calendar for gardeners and summer residents for 2018, you can find favorable dates for applying organic and mineral fertilizers, preparing the soil on the site, working with fruit trees and shrubs.

The most unfavorable period for sowing seeds and any manipulations with plants is the full moon. The moon in the growing phase is suitable for planting those plants that bear fruit above the ground. On the waning moon, root growth intensifies. It is better to sow seedlings during the new moon period, which will give the seeds strength for further germination and the development of a healthy seedling.

Disputes around lunar calendars are not uncommon: some summer residents say that they do all garden work only according to such a calendar, others argue that there is no use for them: what grows will grow anyway, without such wisdom. I myself have always been one of those who sow and plant when there is time, and not when it is “supposed” :) But at the same time, I have long been interested in what underlies the lunar calendar, why and how does it work? Let's try to figure it out together.

On the influence of the moon

The moon affects many processes occurring in wildlife on Earth. And there is no mysticism in this - pure science))

They probably still remember about the tides in the seas and oceans from the school bench: the sea level periodically fluctuates under the influence of the forces of attraction of the Moon and the Sun, and the influence of the Moon is decisive. Scientists have also identified the influence of the Moon on changes in the Earth's magnetic field (and this despite the fact that the Moon's own electromagnetic field is rather weak).

And since everything is interconnected in nature, under the influence of our satellite, certain cyclic processes occur in all living organisms (this should be especially well understood by women, whose body is naturally oriented more towards the movement of the Moon than the Sun). The movement of juices in plants, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which are reflected in a person too, are all manifestations of lunar influence.

The moon itself, as we also all know, passes sequentially multiple phases:

  • new moon
  • Waxing Crescent
  • full moon
  • waning moon.
This whole cycle moon month) lasts 29.5 days, that is, the lunar month is shorter than the calendar month we are used to.

The countdown starts from the new moon lunar days; it should be taken into account: the lunar day is also different from the solar day. They are measured by the time it takes for the moon to make a complete revolution around the earth; The length of a lunar day is 24 hours 50 minutes.

Depending on the phases of the moon, the metabolism and other processes occurring in living organisms change. People began to observe this relationship in ancient times, and many of the conclusions of our distant ancestors later found scientific confirmation and justification.

In addition, in its movement across the sky, the Moon successively passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac(we say: “Moon in Aries” or “Moon in Libra”), and each of them also “interfere” in earthly processes in a certain, characteristic way.

So, the influence of the moon on plants and our activities is determined by two main factors:

  • moon phase
  • the passage of the moon through one of the 12 zodiac constellations.
Now about each of them a little more.

The influence of the phases of the moon

In a nutshell: the waxing moon causes active growth of everything above the ground (stems, leaves, flowers, fruits), and the waning moon - of what is underground (roots, tubers, bulbs). New moon and full moon are periods of high vulnerability of living organisms.

On the growing moon it is possible and necessary to replant plants, cultivate, loosen the soil: this is the time when life processes in the roots are slowed down, and therefore the risk of damage to them is less. And vice versa: pruning and grafting are not recommended, since any injury to the aerial part these days can cause disease and even death of the plant.

On the growing Moon, it is advised to sow and plant everything that is valuable above the ground: flowers, leafy vegetables and spicy greens, fruit plants, lawn grasses, and so on.

On the waning moon the main life processes are concentrated in the roots, in the underground part of plants. Accordingly, one should not engage in transplanting, picking, it is undesirable to cultivate (dig up and loosen deeply) the soil around the plantings. But it's time to pull out the weeds and thin out the thickened seedlings))

Even at this time, you can painlessly prune plants, vaccinate, cut flowers. It is also good to plant potatoes, root crops, onions on a turnip. The days of the waning moon are recommended for planting berry bushes and fruit trees, since their fruit harvest largely depends on a strong and healthy root system.

On New Moon and Full Moon Days it is advisable to refrain from any action with plants, whether planting, transplanting or pruning, sowing or loosening the soil. Full moon and the first days after it are favorable for picking fruits and berries. New moon, the day before it and the day after it is a good time for pest control, removal of damaged and diseased plants, wild growth.

Influence of the Zodiac Constellations

To begin with, let us recall that all the zodiac constellations are traditionally distributed according to the four elements:
  • water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • earth signs(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn);
  • signs of fire(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and
  • air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

Elemental Influence

Watermarks associated with leaves. When the Moon is in one of these signs, it is good to sow and plant, dive and hill up leafy crops: all types of cabbage, spicy and aromatic herbs, salads, onions of any kind grown on greens; ornamental herbaceous plants, lawn grasses and so on. But the harvest should not be harvested, especially if it is intended for storage.

earth signs stimulate the growth of roots, root crops and bulbs. On the days when the Moon passes through the signs of the Earth, one should sow, plant, dive and spud potatoes, root crops, garlic, horseradish, turnip onions, Jerusalem artichoke and so on. This is also a good time for harvesting.

fire signs affect the fruits and seeds, which at this time intensively ripen and develop. If the Moon is in one of these signs, plant, feed, process any cucurbits, tomatoes, peppers, legumes, berry bushes and fruit trees, cereals, and so on. It is only important to be careful not to damage the plants, as any injuries inflicted during this period can lead to plant diseases.

air signs stimulate flowering and fruit set. Sow and plant flowers, ornamental climbing crops, as well as artichoke, lavender, ornamental onions, and other flowering plants. At this time, it is good to cut flowers for bouquets - they will remain fresh for a long time.

We will talk with you in detail about the influence of each sign separately - this is a very extensive topic. In the meantime, a few more important remarks.

How to use the lunar calendar

We have found out: the influence of the moon on plants is not a myth. This means that the lunar calendar can be a very useful tool for a gardener and gardener, you just need to use it correctly.

The first nuance that summer residents often do not take into account when buying a lunar calendar is the time factor. Everyone knows about time zones. So, ideally, the lunar calendar should be compiled for a specific area, because, taking into account the time difference, the time of the Moon's entry into the zodiac constellations will also differ. If the ideal is unattainable, do not forget to make the appropriate correction (after specifying in advance for which time zone the data is indicated).

The second essential point: by whom and how the calendar was compiled. I don’t know about you, but I have been surprised when comparing different calendars: sometimes they give conflicting information. And what are the recommendations then to use? Answer: reliable, from reputable sources. It will be otherwise, as with magazine horoscopes, which many read for entertainment, but they are devoid of practical meaning, because such “predictions” are written without any serious calculations and observations.

You have already understood, I think: a complete picture will be obtained only if all factors of influence are taken into account, in a complex. On the other hand, if there is no lunar calendar at hand, you can find your bearings in general terms by looking at the usual flip or tear-off calendar - the phases of the moon and the zodiac sign in which it is located are usually indicated there. Although this option does not differ in accuracy, it can save you from big mistakes in choosing the time for certain gardening work))

Do you use the lunar calendar?

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