Description of Eugene Onegin briefly with quotes. Quotation of Eugene Onegin (by chapters)

Tooth inflammation is a serious problem that not only causes pain to a person, but also causes a loss of integrity of the row. The condition is dangerous because it leads to damage to neighboring elements and the spread of infection throughout the oral cavity.

The reasons

The most common disease associated with inflammation of the dental tissue is periodontitis. In pathology, the areas responsible for attaching teeth to the jaw bones are damaged. If the root of the tooth is inflamed, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, since home treatment will not bring results. Self-medication with periodontitis often leads to complications.

Inflammatory processes in the periodontium are usually associated with neglected dental diseases - deep caries, pulpitis. After the defeat of the dentin in the soft tissues of the tooth, purulent masses gradually accumulate. Taking painkillers will bring only temporary relief of well-being, but will not save a person from the problem.

Why does a tooth hurt? Among the additional factors of inflammation of the dental tissue are:

  • Illiterately performed dental treatment of a diseased element. Complications often occur due to poor-quality canal cleaning or incomplete removal of the damaged dental nerve.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics by the doctor during the performance of work.
  • Late visit to the doctor.
  • Inflammation of the gums, which leads to the formation of pockets between the soft tissues and the tooth. Remains of food penetrate these areas, contributing to the active reproduction of bacteria.
  • Violation of the fixation of dental crowns and other orthodontic structures. Because of this, the pathogenic flora penetrates into areas of the oral cavity that are difficult to clean at home.


There are several forms of periodontitis - chronic and acute. Symptoms of the disease directly depend on this factor. The acute stage is characterized by aching pain, which does not change its intensity in the morning and evening. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by the consumption of food or mechanical pressure on the problematic element. If purulent exudate accumulates at the top of the root, then the person feels pain of a pulsating nature. The intensity of the symptom increases under the influence of chemical and thermal stimuli.

Acute forms of the disease lead to a general deterioration in the patient's well-being, a rise in temperature and an increase in submandibular lymph nodes. During the examination of the oral cavity, the dentist often reveals a large carious cavity under the installed filling.

Chronic forms of periodontitis do not have a vivid clinical picture. The main symptoms of the problem are periodic pain when you press the element, bad breath (halitosis). With frequent exacerbations of chronic periodontitis, a fistula forms in the oral region.


An x-ray is used to determine the degree of damage to the element. The study also helps determine the cause of inflammation of the tooth roots. Also, using a picture, the doctor can determine the degree of spread of the pathological process to neighboring areas (bone tissue).

To determine the depth of pulp damage, the dentist prescribes electroodontodiagnostics for patients. The study allows you to determine the degree of sensitivity of the tooth to external stimuli. A slight decrease in the electrical excitability of the pulp indicates a reversible disease. In this case, periodontitis therapy is carried out without removing the roots.

If, as a result of electroodontodiagnostics, a significant deviation of electrical excitability (over 100 mCA) was revealed, then we are talking about the complete death of the pulp in the entire root canal.

Instead of electroodontodiagnostics, doctors use a test for the sensitivity of the unit to thermal stimuli. With the complete death of the root, the tooth ceases to fully feel heat and cold. With partial death of the pulp, a reaction to a temperature of less than -10 degrees and more than 18 degrees is revealed.

After a complete diagnosis and examination of the patient's oral cavity, the dentist can prescribe a competent treatment regimen. A person should not agree to the removal of the root of the element in the absence of checking the tooth for external stimuli.

Treatment in dentistry

In dentistry, there are 2 ways to treat inflammation of the tooth: removal of the problem unit and its sanitation. In the first case, the doctor also removes necrotic masses, and then prescribes antibiotic therapy.

Treatment takes place in several stages:

  • Anesthesia. Painkillers are injected into the patient's gums, which eliminate discomfort during the intervention.
  • Opening of a purulent capsule located next to the root.
  • Installation of drainage in the surgical field for the speedy outflow of purulent masses.
  • Treatment of the surgical field with antiseptic preparations to prevent the secondary development of infection.
  • Canal cleaning and temporary filling.
  • After a while, a permanent composite is installed.

Due to this, the development of bite anomalies is prevented. Treatment requires several visits to the dentist. At the first stage, the abscess and all necrotic masses are cleaned, and at the second stage, the element is directly sealed.

The result of treatment largely depends on how well the dentist cleans and seals all the canals.

What is the best way to relieve pain after the intervention? The dentist advises the patient on this issue. Depending on the complexity of the situation, the patient is recommended to take painkillers for up to 5 days.

Use of antibiotics

When does the problem require antibiotic treatment? The main cause of tooth inflammation is carious process. The condition causes an increased reaction of the element to taste stimuli. In this case, the symptoms of pathology are associated with internal destruction of the dentin. Antibiotics for caries will be useless. Instead, they use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (Ketorol, Ibuprofen). The disease requires treatment by a dentist: removal of affected tooth tissues and canal filling.

Another cause of tooth inflammation is infection with disease-causing agents. The unit does not respond to thermal and taste stimuli, but gives a person discomfort. Microbes multiply in the smallest cracks of the element or in its poorly sealed channel. As a result, a purulent abscess or flux develops on the root of the tooth. In the latter case, there is a threat to the health and life of the patient. The doctor opens the abscess and drains it, and then prescribes antibiotics to the patient.

Tooth inflammation is treated with:

  • Lincomycin in tablets and in the form of injections for intramuscular administration. The drug is effective only against gram-positive microorganisms, so its use is not justified in all cases.
  • doxycillin. It is prescribed for severe inflammation of the gums.
  • Ciprofloxane or Amoxiclav. It is recommended in case of damage to the root of the element under the crown.
  • Erythromycin and Azithromycin are one of the most effective drugs in the fight against periodontitis.

Folk remedies

If it is not possible to contact a dentist in the near future, and a toothache interferes with your usual life, then you can resort to treatment at home. To relieve pain and eliminate other signs of periodontitis, use the following safe recipes:

  • Salt and iodine solution. The tool is especially effective in isolating purulent masses from the gums. In a glass of warm water, dilute ½ tsp. salt and a few drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth with the solution every 2 hours, trying not to swallow the product.
  • Potassium permanganate solution: potassium permanganate is diluted in water so that the color of the liquid is pale pink. If you overdo it with the dosage, you can get a burn of the mucous membranes. The medicine for toothache is used no more than 4 times a day.
  • Onion compress. Juice is squeezed out of one bulb and a cotton pad is moistened in it. The compress is applied to the sore spot for 5 minutes. It makes no sense to keep onion juice on the affected area longer, as it causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Folk remedies are also used after the treatment performed by the dentist for a speedy recovery and prevention of relapse.

The success of therapy depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on the patient's ability to follow all the recommendations. If 5 days after the intervention, a person feels pain when brushing his teeth or chewing on the element, then he needs to visit the doctor again. Relapses are often observed with crooked tooth roots.

The need for removal

When is it necessary to remove the inflamed unit? There are the following indications for extraction of teeth:

  • destruction of the crown by more than 60%;
  • development of a purulent abscess between the roots (more than 6 mm in diameter);
  • high probability of recurrence of the disease;
  • defeat by the carious process of the alveolar processes;
  • the presence in the dental canals of foreign particles that cannot be removed using medical instruments;
  • significant unsteadiness of the unit;
  • lack of positive dynamics after conservative treatment of periodontitis and mouthwash;
  • the rapid spread of the pathological process throughout the oral cavity.

So, we learned what to do if a tooth is inflamed. The main reason for this condition is untreated dental diseases. For this reason, disease prevention should include regular visits to the dentist and careful dental care in order to remove plaque from the enamel in time. Every day, the teeth are cleaned with a brush and paste for at least 3 minutes 2 times a day. Hygiene is mandatory after the consumption of sweets, as these products provoke the destruction of enamel.

Diet plays an important role in the prevention of periodontitis. To prevent tooth decay, include more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in vitamin C, in your diet.

One of the most famous works of A. S. Pushkin both in Russia and abroad is his novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", written in the period from 1823 to 1830 of the 19th century. In many ways, the enduring popularity of the novel is due to its status as an integral part of the compulsory school curriculum. To write a high-quality essay on a work, we advise you to read the novel, perhaps at first not in one gulp, excerpts, but use quotes from Eugene Onegin to show that you really know the material.

Eugene Onegin. Explanation with Tatyana in the village

The story is told on behalf of a friend of the protagonist of the novel, who is Eugene Onegin, a native of St. Petersburg, 26 years old:

“... Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva ...”

"... having lived without a goal, without labor, until the age of twenty-six ..."

Onegin was born into a noble family, which gradually went bankrupt due to the fault of the head of the family, who strove to live beyond his means, but provided his son with a decent upbringing, by the standards of that time:

“... His father lived in debt, gave three balls annually, and finally squandered”

“... first Madame followed him, then Monsieur replaced her”

"... having fun and luxury a child ..."

The result of Eugene's upbringing and education was his knowledge of languages ​​(French, Latin, Greek), history, the basics of philosophy and economics, good manners, the ability to dance:

“He was perfectly able to speak and write in French, he danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease”

"... a philosopher at eighteen..."

“He knew enough Latin to parse epigraphs, talk about Juvenal, put vale at the end of the letter, but he remembered, though not without sin, two verses from the Aeneid”

“... days of the past, anecdotes from Romulus to the present day he kept in his memory”

"... read Adam Smith and was a deep economy ..."

Eugene does not like and does not understand poetry; on occasion, he can easily compose an epigram on the topic of the day:

“... He could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea, no matter how hard we fought, to distinguish. Scolded Homer, Theocritus ... "

"... He had a happy talent ... to excite the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams."

Onegin is distinguished by restlessness, in principle he cannot do anything for a long time:

"... hard work was sickening to him ..."

"... cut in the latest fashion, like a London dandy dressed ..."

“... There was a pedant in his clothes, and what we called a dandy. He spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors ... "

All these qualities of the character become the key to a favorable attitude towards him in the world:

“Onegin was in the opinion of many ... a small scientist, but a pedant ...”

"The light decided that he was smart and very nice"

A life full of entertainment quickly bores the main character, for some time the only passion of Eugene is love adventures, but they gradually bother him:

“But in what he was a true genius, what he knew more firmly than all sciences, what was for him from childhood and labor, and torment, and joy, what occupied his yearning laziness all day, was the science of tender passion ... "

“... The beauties were not for long the subject of his usual thoughts, they managed to tire the betrayals ...”

“... He no longer fell in love with beauties, but dragged himself somehow ...”

“Similar to the English spleen, in short: the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little ...”

Despite the fact that society as a whole is bored with the protagonist, he takes into account his rules, which ultimately cost Lensky his life, because even realizing the senselessness and uselessness of the duel, Onegin cannot refuse it:

"...but wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame..."

“... but the whisper, the laughter of fools ... And here is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol!

At the time of the story, the young man is the last heir to the family, to which he and his uncle belong:

"... Heir to all his relatives ..."

Despite the father’s squandered fortune, the material values ​​​​remaining in the family are apparently enough to provide the protagonist with a comfortable existence without the need to serve, lead a secular lifestyle:

“Lagging in the inactivity of leisure, without service, without a wife, without work, he did not know how to do anything ...”

"... three houses are calling for the evening ..."

"... an honorary citizen backstage ..."

Onegin is rather prudent. Upon learning of the imminent death of his uncle, Onegin does not feel sympathy for him, but he is quite ready to pretend to be such in order to receive an inheritance:

“Having read the sad message, Yevgeny immediately galloped headlong to the rendezvous by mail and already yawned in advance, getting ready, for the sake of money, for sighs, boredom and deceit.”

His behavior in society becomes more and more distant and impolite:

“... when he wanted to destroy his rivals, as he sarcastically slandered ...”

"... to his caustic dispute, and to the joke, with bile in half, and the anger of gloomy epigrams ..."

“... he pouted and, indignantly, swore Lensky to infuriate and take revenge in order ...”

Gradually, the opinion of society about Onegin is transformed:

"... cold and lazy souls ..."

"...this cloudy eccentric..."

"... an eccentric sad and dangerous ..."

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy; he is a pharmacist…”

“He doesn’t fit the ladies’ hand…”

He perceives himself as a gloomy and indifferent person, even trying to exaggerate, speaking about his own person:

“... always frowning, silent, angry and coldly jealous! That's me"

“... Start crying: your tears will not touch my heart, but will only infuriate it ...”

“... No matter how much I love you, once I get used to it, I will immediately stop loving you ...”

However, in this image there is a lot of ostentation, panache. Onegin knows how to understand people and appreciate them:

“... although he, of course, knew people, and generally despised them, but (there are no rules without exceptions) he distinguished others very much and respected the feelings of others ...”

“... my Eugene, not respecting the heart in him, loved both the spirit of his judgments and a common sense about this and that”

“I would choose another when I was like you, a poet ...”

Even his “rebuke” to young Tatyana is caused by his unwillingness to cause her even more suffering than the pain of refusal:

“... but he did not want to deceive the gullibility of an innocent soul ...”

He tries to be delicate with her and tries to warn the girl against careless impulses in the future, although there is still a share of panache and narcissism in his words:

“Learn to rule yourself; not everyone will understand you like me; inexperience leads to trouble ... "

In fact, he is quite capable of experiencing compassion and tenderness:

"... her embarrassment, fatigue in his soul gave birth to pity"

“... the gaze of his eyes was wonderfully gentle ...”

In relations with Lensky, realizing that they are too different for true friendship, Onegin for the time being spares the feelings of the poet and does not try to ridicule his enthusiastic ideas about life:

“... He tried to keep a cooling word in his mouth ...”

In his character there is both nobility and self-esteem, and those around him recognize this:

"... I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor"

“How can your heart and mind be the feelings of a petty slave?”

“... in that terrible hour you acted nobly ...”

“... not for the first time he showed his soul direct nobility here ...”

In the course of the work, it becomes obvious that Eugene knows how to love and suffer:

"... Eugene is in love with Tatyana like a child ..."

“... Onegin dries up - and almost suffers from consumption”

“... He drives up every day; he follows her like a shadow…”

“... but he is stubborn, does not want to lag behind, still hopes, is busy ...”

Onegin can be really strict with himself:

“…alone with his soul, he was dissatisfied with himself…”

“... in a strict analysis, calling himself to a secret court, he accused himself of many things ...”

"In the anguish of heart remorse ..."

Able to admit his mistakes:

"... how wrong I was, how punished"

Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina. Explanation with Onegin in St. Petersburg

A girl from a noble family living in the provinces:

" the wilderness of a forgotten village..."

The family is poor:

“… we don’t shine with anything…”

"...a simple, Russian family..."

“…oh, my father, the income is not enough…”

“Neither the beauty of her sister, nor the freshness of her ruddy face, would she have attracted the eyes”

In childhood, she was very different from her peers and behavior:

“Dika, sad, silent, like a forest doe is timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family”

“She didn’t know how to caress ...”

“Child herself, in a crowd of children she didn’t want to play and jump ...”

“But even in these years Tatyana did not take dolls in her hands ...”

“And there were childish pranks alien to her ...”

In her youth she is dreamy and thoughtful:

"Reverence, her friend ... adorned the flow of rural leisure with dreams"

“... terrible stories in winter in the darkness of nights captivated her heart more ...”

“She liked novels early…”

“She loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony ...”

She keenly feels her otherness:

"Imagine: I'm alone here, no one understands me..."

The girl is quite smart, though wayward:

"... With the mind and will of the living ..."

"... And a wayward head..."

Tatyana has a very developed intuition, to the point that she has prophetic dreams:

“... suddenly Eugene grabs a long knife, and Lensky is instantly defeated ...”

Romantic and enthusiastic, she fell in love with Onegin at first sight only because:

"The time has come, she fell in love"

"The soul was waiting ... for someone"

Her letter to Eugene is written in French, in a very exalted tone, with grandiloquent "book" turns:

“I know you were sent to me by God, until the grave you are my keeper…”

“That in the highest council is destined ... That is the will of heaven: I am yours ...”

“Your wonderful look tormented me…”

“Who are you, my guardian angel, or an insidious tempter…”

In fact, she writes not to a living person, but to an invented image, and in the depths of her soul she herself understands this:

“Perhaps this is all empty, a deception of an inexperienced soul!”

"But your honor is my guarantee..."

However, credit must be given to her courage. She writes, despite the fact that she is infinitely afraid:

“I’m dying of shame and fear…”

Over time, it turns out that the love that Tatyana feels for Eugene is not an easy, quickly passing love:

"... Tatyana loves not jokingly ..."

She not only cherishes unhappy love in her soul, but tries to understand Onegin's character, comes to his abandoned village house, reads his books:

"Can't you see the manor's house?"

“Then I took up books”

“... the choice of them seemed strange to her”

“And little by little my Tatyana begins to understand ... the one for whom she is condemned to sigh by the fate of the imperious”

They marry her, but all suitors are refused:

“Buyanov got married: refusal. Ivan Petushkov - too. Hussar Pykhtin visited us ... "

At the family council, it was decided to go to Moscow, to the "fair fair of brides", but Tatyana remains indifferent to social life there:

“... Tanya, just like in a dream, she hears their speeches without participation ...”

“... Tatyana looks and does not see, the excitement of the world hates; she's stuffy here...

Far from everyone, and she herself seems an attractive bride:

“... they find her something strange, provincial and cutesy, and something pale and thin, but, by the way, very good-looking ...”

“Archival young men in a crowd look at Tanya stiffly and speak unfavorably about her among themselves”

The girl does not at all strive for general attention, but she is noticed:

“One sad jester finds her perfect…”

“... somehow Vyazemsky sat down with her ...”

“... an old man inquires about her, straightening his wig”

“Meanwhile, some important general keeps his eyes on her”

She marries at the insistence of the family, without love, for a man whom she does not like very much:

"Who? is this general fat?

From the time of marriage, the secular manners of the already closed Tatiana take on a shade of even friendliness towards everyone, beyond which it is impossible to look:

“... She was leisurely, not cold, not talkative…”

"... sweet careless charm ..."

Not participating in any intrigues, not competing with anyone, Tatyana commands the respect of society, her husband is very proud of her:

“Ladies moved closer to her; the old women smiled at her; the men bowed lower…”

“... and all above and nose and shoulders were raised by the general who entered with her ...”

During the time that has passed since the first meeting with Onegin, Tatyana learned, on his advice, to control herself:

“And whatever confused her soul, no matter how much she was surprised, amazed, nothing changed her: the same tone was preserved in her, her bow was just as quiet”

"... she sits calm and free"

Her true feelings will appear only in the final scene, when she, suffering, will tell Onegin what is sore, reproaching him for the past and pointing out to him the real motives of his current feelings for her:

“The princess in front of him, alone, sits, not cleaned, pale, reads some letter and quietly pours tears like a river”

“Why do you have me in mind? Is it not because I must now appear in the highest society; that I am rich and noble? ... Is it not because my shame would now be noticed by everyone, and could bring you seductive honor in society?

Now she shows nobility of character. Recognizing that she continues to love Onegin, Tatyana reminds both him and herself that she must remain faithful to her husband:

“I love you (why dissemble?), But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever"

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky

Young nobleman 18 years old, attractive appearance, rich:

“... At almost eighteen years old ...”

"...Handsome, in full bloom of years..."

"... And black curls to the shoulders ..."

"... rich, good-looking ..."

Parents died:

“... and there, with an inscription of a sad father and mother, in tears, he honored the patriarchal ashes ...”

Philosopher and Poet:

"... an admirer of Kant and a poet ..."

Enthusiastic nature, up to exaltation, not fully formed:

"... and the mind, still in unsteady judgments, and eternally inspired gaze ..."

“... free-spirited dreams, an ardent and rather strange spirit, always enthusiastic speech ...”

He came from Germany immediately to the village, because he does not accept the rules according to which the high society exists:

"... he brought fruits of learning from foggy Germany ..."

“... I hate your fashionable light, dearer to me is the home circle ...”

Trusting and Ingenuous:

“... he innocently exposed his trusting conscience ...”

Believes in friendship and devotion:

“... he believed that his friends were ready to accept his chains for honor ...”

“... there are sacred friends chosen by the fate of people ...”

Rural society is perceived as an enviable groom:

“... Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom ...”

However, from childhood, Vladimir was engaged to the youngest daughter of the neighbors Larins, Olga, and at the time of the story he was in love with her and was going to marry her:

“And friends-neighbors, their fathers predicted crowns for the children…”

"... Holguin's adorer has arrived..."

“Ah, he loved, as in our summer they no longer love ...”

“... he believed that his soul should unite with him, that, languishing despondently, she was waiting for him every day ...”

"... in two weeks a happy date was appointed"

His love is platonic.

"... he had a sweet heart, an ignoramus ..."

“... in the confusion of tender shame, he only dares sometimes, encouraged by Olga’s smile, to play with a developed curl or kiss the edge of clothes ...”

“... and meanwhile, two, three pages ... he skips, blushing ...”

After being challenged to a duel, seeing Olga and realizing that she does not even understand what happened, Lensky forgives her and no longer takes revenge on Onegin, but only wants to protect the bride from the corrupting influence:

“... I will be her savior. I will not tolerate a corrupter tempting a young heart with fire and sighs and praises ... "

Olga Larina

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

Tatiana's younger sister:

"Are you in love with a smaller one?"

Charming chubby ruddy blonde doll appearance:

"... full of innocent charms ..."

"... linen curls ..."

"... Eyes like the sky are blue ..."

"Round, red-faced, she ..."

“Ah, dear, how prettier Olga’s shoulders are, what a chest!”

According to Onegin, she is beautiful, but absolutely uninteresting:

“Olga has no life in features. Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madonna "

The mind of the younger Larina is not particularly developed, she is simple-minded, to the point of stupidity:

"... how the life of a poet is simple-minded ..."

“Before this clarity of sight, before this tender simplicity, before this frisky soul!”

Because of this, the girl cannot appreciate the nature of Lensky and his attitude towards her:

“Vladimir would have written odes, but Olga did not read them”

Olga is the bride of Vladimir Lensky, willingly spends time with him and encourages his courtship, but is hardly capable of a strong feeling, which she speaks quite directly

“In her rest, they sit in the dark, two ...”

“They are in the garden, hand in hand, walking in the morning time ...”

“… Encouraged by Olga’s smile…”

“He was loved… or so he thought…”

Windy, does not know how to behave in society, compromises both himself and his fiancé, flirting with another:

"... and a blush brighter blazed in her proud face"

"Flirty, windy child!"

“She already knows the trick, she’s already taught to change!”

Sincerely does not understand the problems of the situation:

“Olenka jumped from the porch to meet the poor singer, like a windy hope, frisky, carefree, cheerful, well, exactly the same as she was”

“Why did the evening disappear so early?” Was the first Olenkin question "

In the parting scene before the duel, Olga, looking into the face of Lensky, whose heart is breaking with longing, only asks, “What is the matter with you?” and having received the answer "So", without further questions, he lets him go.

After the death of the groom in a duel, the girl quickly falls in love with another and marries him:

"She didn't cry for long..."

Eugene Onegin is portrayed by Pushkin as a "young rake". As a boy, Eugene grows up carefree and careless, because his teacher, a Frenchman by birth, teaches him everything "jokingly" so that "the child is not exhausted." Therefore, Eugene did not receive a proper education. Having become a young man, he quickly becomes a regular at social events, because he was able to easily fit into the circles of high society, thanks to his knowledge of French and the ability to dance.

In dealing with lovely ladies, Onegin quickly masters the “science of tender passion”, deftly winning the hearts of beauties:

How early could he be hypocritical,
Hold hope, be jealous
disbelieve, make believe
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent.

Onegin, thanks to his ability to charm women, constantly received invitations to various receptions in society, receiving several notes daily in which he was invited to attend some social event.

Onegin is a well-groomed and fashionable young man who carefully monitors his appearance and his clothes, he spent a lot of time at the mirror, in his arsenal of cosmetics were:

Perfume in cut crystal;
Combs, steel files,
Straight scissors, curved
And brushes of thirty kinds
For both nails and teeth.

Going to the next entertainment event, he preened himself in front of the mirror for a very long time and “like a windy Venus came out of the restroom ...”

Onegin was spoiled by female attention, he was used to a free and free way of life, when he easily got all the best. He was not used to responsibility, to obligations, all his connections with women were fleeting and frivolous. The constant carelessness, repeated daily, eventually disgusted Onegin, ceased to bring him satisfaction:

No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was tired of the light noise;
The beauties didn't last long
The subject of his habitual thoughts;
Treason managed to tire;
Friends and friendship are tired.

It was in this state, when he was tired of entertainment, betrayal and intrigue, that Onegin went to the village, where he met Tatyana. And although Onegin was a “rake” and “dandy”, a narcissistic and spoiled by female attention man, who knew how to perfectly “play” on the strings of the female soul, he could skillfully pretend and be hypocritical, he was able to treat Tatyana with respect and understanding. After her declaration of love for him, Onegin did not laugh at her, did not spread rumors, he tried to speak frankly with her, wishing her to fall in love with a more worthy man.

Onegin also shows his kind and understanding character in relation to his friend, Vladimir. He condescendingly and patiently listens to his romantic reasoning, without inserting his "cooling word", assuming that with age Lensky's "bliss" will pass anyway:

And without me the time will come;
Let him live for now
Let the world believe in perfection;
Forgive the fever of youth
And youthful fever and youthful delirium.

Before the duel with Lensky took place, Onegin feels guilty, he is tormented by the conscience that he could not cool the poet's ardor. He realizes that his friend is too young, too hot. Onegin is aware that in vain he played such a cruel joke with his friend, laughing at his "tender and timid love." But still, he is too proud to ask for forgiveness from Lensky and prevent the duel, besides, he does not want to hear "the laughter of fools", because refusing to duel can be taken by society as cowardice.

Onegin, after all, is a very ambiguous personality. Tatyana herself, thinking about him, says:

A sad and dangerous eccentric,
Creation of hell or heaven
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it an imitation
An insignificant ghost, or else
Muscovite in Harold's cloak,
Alien whims interpretation,
Words fashion full lexicon?
Isn't he a parody?

Such reasoning arose from Tatyana after studying the books she found in Onegin’s house, these were works “in which the age was reflected and modern man is depicted quite correctly ...”
Tatyana leafed through the pages and saw on many of them Onegin's marks, where his soul "involuntarily expresses itself."

All this suggests that Eugene Onegin was still a thinking person, with a living and feeling soul, not completely corrupted by secular society.

In the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, the feelings and behavior of the characters are largely determined by the way of life of the society in which they apply. The central character of the novel is the young nobleman Eugene Onegin, whose character is revealed in the opposition of theatrical life in the first chapter and real human feelings at the end of the novel.

Onegin has a complex, contradictory character. He cherishes self-esteem and independence, but makes concessions to the norms of society, afraid of being rejected, although he believes

that there is no point in it, that the role he plays is "low cunning."

From childhood, Onegin's upbringing was superficial: “... Monsieur l'Abbe, a poor Frenchman ... taught him everything in jest. He didn’t bother with strict morality, he scolded a little for pranks and took him for a walk to the Summer Garden. Eugene's youth passed outwardly easily and carefree, but everything familiar quickly bothered him, causing discontent and irritation. Onegin lives a diverse secular life, without giving preference to a certain way of it. Obeying the requirements of society, he does everything “in fashion”: he dresses fashionably and behaves “fashionably”, that is, in the way that everyone considers right at the moment. Fearing "jealous condemnations", he becomes a dandy. Eugene is extremely important opinion of others, his life depends on society. Superficial attitude to everything, unquestioning adherence to fashion deprive Onegin of the opportunity to be himself.

However, society accepted him, because he “could absolutely speak and write in French, easily danced the manzurka and bowed naturally; what do you want more? The Light thought he was smart and very nice.” After all, the world wants to see Onegin exactly like this: a young man obedient to social traditions. Thanks to his wit and charm, he easily won the hearts of women and made friends with men, without feeling affection for anyone:

How early could he disturb
Hearts of note coquettes!
When did you want to destroy
Him his rivals,
How vehemently he cursed!
What nets he prepared for them!

Just as easily Onegin rejects people. There are no authorities for him - neither books, nor theater, nor philosophy leave a deep imprint on his soul. Eugene is accepted everywhere, spends time in the cycle of entertainment, colorful and monotonous, as he says

He is a hypocrite who knows how to make the right impression, but is not aware of why he needs it:

How could he be new?
Joking innocence to amaze
To frighten with despair ready,
To amuse with pleasant flattery ...

We see Onegin as if only external, from his real experiences - only boredom and indifference. He was not happy in this outwardly easy life of his: “no: early the feelings in him cooled down; he was bored with the noise of light, ”as then the measured rural life will quickly get bored.

Onegin, “a fickle admirer of charming actresses,” at the beginning of the novel does not allow himself a true feeling of love. Yes, and not to anyone. All the young girls of the world also play their part in his life-spectacle. He understands that he saw a rush of Tatyana's real feelings, her sincerity in the letter touched him. But Evgeny, “considered an invalid in love,” is sure that he is not able to connect his life with his family: “If I were captivated by the family picture for at least a single moment, ... except for you alone, I would not look for another bride, and I would be happy ... as much as I could ".

Onegin did not particularly respect people in general, however, his arrogance was not blind pride. Having got acquainted with Lensky, he highly appreciated him as a person, recognizing his nobility and strong character traits:

Eugene was more tolerable than many;
Although he certainly knew people
And in general he despised them, -
But (there are no rules without exceptions)
He was very different from others.
And he respected the feeling of others.

There is no place for friendship in Onegin's life. Communication with Lensky for him comes down to entertainment:

... And soon they became inseparable.
So people (I repent first)
Nothing to do friends.

He does not value people, and this leads him to kill Lensky, who was his friend, in a duel, because of complete nonsense.

It is precisely the fact that Eugene himself is insincere throughout his life that does not allow him to truly enjoy life. Only when he sees the contrast between the old Tatyana and the new one - a cold, secular lady, Onegin realizes that it is sincerity, genuineness - what enlivens the heart:

When I accidentally met you,
I notice a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her.
Habit sweet did not give way;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose...

From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore off my heart;
Alien to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished!

And he, with all his passion and thoughtlessness, strives back to that Tatyana, her liveliness. Onegin is full of feelings and passion, his soul is full of love, now inappropriate. Tatyana has already tied the knot and decides to be faithful to her unloved husband, even if her feelings for Onegin have not passed.

Now Onegin is immersed in his love with his head. He loves "like a child," directly and unthinkingly. Now he understands Tatyana's feelings, now he is experiencing the same thing. He can't get distracted by anything. It took him a long way of hypocrisy, coldness, indifference, promiscuity to find real value in life:

So what? His eyes read
But thoughts were far away;
Dreams, desires, sorrows
Crowded deep into the soul.
He is between the printed lines
Read with spiritual eyes
Other lines.

However, Tatyana can no longer share her fate with him.

Other works on this topic:

  1. The hero of Pushkin's novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, appears before us at different periods of his Life. The entire first chapter is devoted to describing his youth. Onegin's Youth "Young...
  2. Description of Eugene Onegin The protagonist of the novel is the young landowner Eugene Onegin, a man with a complex, contradictory character. The upbringing that Onegin received was disastrous. He grew up...
  3. The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” was created by A. S. Pushkin for almost 8 years. The poet put his whole soul, thoughts, feelings into his work. And not for nothing great ...
  4. The theme of confrontation between the opinions of “society” and the personal conscience of a person seemed to me especially modern in the text of the novel. A person can surpass the environment, but depend on his opinions and ...
  5. Onegin. The hero of the novel appears before the reader as an ordinary person (similar to many others), and extraordinary, simple and complex. This complexity and even inconsistency was a reflection of...

For the first time, Onegin's characterization is given in the first chapter of the novel, where Pushkin not only introduces us to his hero, but also reveals an important stage in his evolution. And how did he appear?

We note the honesty and directness of Onegin: he does not try to inspire himself with kindred feelings or pity for the rich old uncle. With his characteristic caustic wit, Onegin mocks the hypocrisy of relatives who show ostentatious care for the patient: "What low deceit ..."

But Eugene is also ironic about himself: after all, he is going to the dying man,

Getting ready for the money
To sighs, boredom and deceit...

Onegin's directness is a characteristic that hardly excuses his cynicism, the swagger with which the "young rake" speaks of a dying old man.

So in just one stanza, in one statement of the hero, a complex, contradictory character is revealed: Onegin is caustic, smart, does not take into account some social conventions and prejudices, is capable of self-exposing, angry and cynical. The words of the hero are caustic, full of gloomy irony. But such was Onegin's speech at the first entry into the world.

He's completely French
I could speak and write...

Young Onegin speaks elegantly, easily, more often in French than in Russian, knows how to conduct a casual conversation on any topic. Without a doubt, the content of Onegin's statements testifies to some of his free-thinking, but at the same time it is clear that this free-thinking is shallow, superficial.

In the story of Yevgeny's upbringing and social successes, several mocking verses depict him from head to toe and make him guess about his origin, lifestyle, and environment. For example: "Served excellently, nobly."

The words "excellent-noble" - a common term used in service records and other official documents - help to imagine a brilliant and possibly brave retired officer. But it is impossible not to feel the ironic connotation of these words, especially when you read the next verse - "lived by debts." Living in debt is a subtle art, which many of the then aristocrats mastered superbly, but it does not fit well with nobility. Onegin's father is one of many like him: a carefree, sociable and hospitable playboy.

Onegin's teacher is also depicted in an epigrammatic style. The image of the teacher and his pedagogical activity helps us to understand Onegin's character, to understand why he was able to "touch everything lightly", "but hard work was sickening to him."

The author also makes Onegin himself the target of friendly but merciless ridicule during the period of his secular successes. By themselves, the qualities acquired by Onegin by the time he entered the world are not funny, not ironic. The funny thing is that this baggage is still enough for Eugene himself, and quite enough for the world: “What do you need more?” - the author asks ironically, revealing the range of interests of both the hero and the environment.

Consider the most important vital interest of the young Onegin - a love game. Why "science of tender passion"? Why not say "love"? Is it possible to combine the words "science" and "passion"? After all, passion presupposes an uncontrollable feeling, which sometimes the mind cannot control. The fact is that there is no such feeling here, but there is a skillful fake, a complex "science" that replaces true suffering and happiness. And further: “How early he could be hypocritical”, “Appear gloomy, languish”, “How he knew how to appear new”, etc. Every word speaks of the false, ostentatious nature of feelings, that Onegin perfectly mastered the entire arsenal of love science, but his heart was silent at the same time.

Is it his fault that he, “having fun and luxury as a child”, did not find a serious business in life? The whole course of the story makes us understand that a nice young man, "a philosopher at eighteen" lived as it was customary, as was customary in his circle.

Pushkin also recalls his stay in the world in the same tone as about Onegin's youth. The son of his time and circle, the poet could not avoid communion with the light. Digressions help us to feel more fully the atmosphere of cheerful, frivolous emptiness and vulgarity that surrounded Onegin, to see a typical picture of the mores of secular society.

The poet conveys the impetuous, unstoppable pace of Yevgeny's monotonous and motley life: "Where will my prankster jump?", "Onegin flew to the theater." Eugene is still full of life, he is still greedily chasing her joys. But the closer the story comes to the moment of the hero's disappointment, the more the feeling of sadness, bitterness, and anxiety grows.

Often Onegin's disappointment is explained by satiety. But, of course, this is not the only thing. After all, most of the youth of his circle did not experience satiety and walked along the beaten path. The appearance of disappointed young people was due to a certain historical situation that gave rise to the Decembrist movement. But in order to be disappointed in life, one had to have a remarkable nature, to have deeper inquiries than those who felt great in the secular whirlpool. Such is the characteristic of Onegin.

However, Eugene's sullenness - the result of his disgust for secular society - does not yet indicate an active protest. One of the means of depicting the “young rake” in Chapter I is the description of the everyday background. For example, describing what adorned his office, Pushkin does not directly express his condemnation, but, on the contrary, rather justifies Yevgeny.

Onegin is characterized not only by everyday details that are directly related to him, but also by the image of life, which is far from him - the life of petty Petersburg people. This everyday background, contrasted with the pictures of Onegin's life, indirectly throws light on the hero of the novel.

In the stanzas depicting Onegin's disappointment, the background itself also changes. This is still the same Petersburg, but not the halls and living rooms, not the theater, not everyday paintings, but the poetic Neva landscape, which is in harmony with the mood of the hero.

Lanterns are shining everywhere;
Still, vegetating, the horses are fighting ...

In the following stanzas of Chapter I, the theme of freedom grows louder and louder. In an atmosphere of longing for freedom, feeling like prisoners, convicts, the generation of progressive intelligentsia of the 1920s lived.

Acquaintance with Uncle Onegin in the second chapter of the novel helps us to better understand the evil sarcasm of the hero that sounded at the beginning of the novel. Only one stanza is devoted to the uncle, in which the poet reveals the essence of a person in several lines, makes it possible to imagine both the life path of the character and his environment. The way of life, character, peace of mind, the level of interests of the old landowner - everything is given in the last two lines of this quatrain.

Such is the environment into which Onegin fell. Apparently, most of the steppe landowners in spirit and way of life differed little from Uncle Evgeny. Their characterization of Onegin, as well as the judgments of secular judges, in many ways resembles the gossip of enemies. Here is what the neighbors say about Onegin: "Our neighbor is an ignoramus, crazy," etc.

Criticism of neighbors against the hero also concerns his manner of speaking. The landowners are outraged by the independent, free tone of Yevgeny, the absence of respectful intonations in his speech. It is clear that in such an environment Onegin's spleen could only get worse. And he could not appreciate other aspects of village life. In the further development of the image of Onegin, an important role is played by his comparison with other characters in the novel.

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