Didactic games. Types of didactic games

The development of children is one of the top priorities of parents. At the same time, the most suitable form of cognition for preschoolers is naturally based, games. It is with the help of didactic entertaining classes that it is easiest for parents to “reach out” to the child, to find contact with him, which allows stimulating the development and knowledge of the world around him.

The concept of didactic games for preschoolers, their difference from other types of entertainment activities

Didactic games usually mean the educational process organized in an informal, fun way. Such classes differ from games in the classical sense by focusing on learning, and from lessons by creating a game atmosphere, dressing educational procedures in an informal form.

In the course of such classes, with the help of pedagogical techniques, the studied systems, phenomena and processes are modeled.

Achievable goals

For children of different ages, different didactic classes are used. At the same time, the goals pursued by them do not depend too much on the age group. Such entertaining training is aimed at the following blocks of development:

  • mental;
  • moral;
  • labor;
  • aesthetic;
  • physical.

Differences in games designed for children of different ages will be, first of all, in complexity.

Considering that most people perceive visual information best, a way of getting to know the world around you based on pictures is quite effective.

So, for mental development, games are used that teach children knowledge about the world, systematize and expand this knowledge. With regard to preschoolers of younger groups, it is advisable to use educational and entertaining activities aimed at developing sensory education, since the tactile experience of perceiving the world around us is an obligatory basis on the basis of which older preschoolers can be offered a more complex game that systematizes and deepens the primary knowledge gained through tactile experience .

During games aimed at labor education, first of all, an understanding of the need to work, respect for other people's work and an understanding of the principles of cause-and-effect relationships between the preparatory and final stages of the labor process should be developed.

Such images are cut out, mixed, and the kids themselves lay them out in the correct order.

As for games aimed at moral education, the goals for children of different ages will differ significantly:

  • it is important for preschoolers of younger groups to instill cultural and hygienic skills;
  • older kindergarteners need to be introduced to moral feelings and attitudes.

What is the role of didactic games in the work of kindergartens?

Various preschool educational institutions have different attitudes towards conducting educational and entertaining classes. In one form or another, such entertainment education is presented in almost every such institution, but the quality of its preparation and delivery can vary significantly.

Saturated colors with a predominance of positive yellow make the learning game even more interesting.

The most advanced institutions involved in preschool education today integrate such classes as tightly as possible into the learning process, reinforcing the basic theoretical skills of preschoolers with them.

Experts consider the morning and the hours following the afternoon nap to be the best time to play, since due to children's interest, these activities significantly increase the mental and physical activity of children after waking up.

Classification of didactic entertainment activities

It is possible to analyze educational and entertaining activities according to various criteria. For example, if we take the purpose of such a lesson as a criterion, then the classification will be presented in the following form:

  • games for mental education - “name in one word”, “name three objects” (aimed at the ability to build relationships, look for synonyms and antonyms);
  • entertaining classes for moral education;
  • games for labor development - “who built this house” (children get acquainted with the need to draw up drawings for the construction of a building);
  • entertaining classes for aesthetic education;
  • games for physical development.

A physical game with learning elements, in which children need to stay in a certain color area, develops not only the mind, but also the body of a preschooler

Another classification will be based directly on the process of the game, and not on its purpose:

  • playing with objects - the advantage of this type of informal activity is that natural material is used as attributes, for example, leaves, stones, cones, flowers. Based on the use of these attributes by the child, the process itself is built ("describe the object", "what is it?", "what first?");
  • board game - a very diverse type of training activities, including those aimed at developing speech skills, logic, attention, the ability to model and make decisions ("lotto", "dominoes", "paired pictures");
  • verbal entertaining activity - aimed at developing independence, thinking and speech of children, teaches to describe objects, highlight dominant features, guess words according to their verbal description.

Types of educational games for preschoolers of younger, middle and older groups

For the little ones, games related to tactile perception of the world around are best suited. For example, "collect the basket." Due to such an entertaining process, the ability to learn about life around and to separate the objects and phenomena present in it occurs. This is the basis for further knowledge.

Video: didactic game "Collect a basket"

For older children, more complex games are suitable.. For example, “Who eats what”: in its process, preschoolers match pictures of animals to foods that they can eat and connect them with clothespins.

Video: Didactic game "Who eats what"

For the oldest group, it is advisable to use verbal informal learning, using not specific objects or animals, but more abstract concepts, such as a square or a circle.

Video: math game in the senior group of kindergarten

Card files of educational and entertaining activities for different age groups

For different age groups, there are different didactic games aimed at developing different abilities of children. Among the games presented in the table below, “Looks like - does not look like”, “what is superfluous” and “grocery store” are recommended for older children, but one way or another, all such non-formal learning can be adapted for preschoolers of different ages.

Name of the game Description
"Where was Petya" The entertaining and educational process is based on the description of the premises familiar to children: rooms in a kindergarten.
"Similar - not similar" 2 objects, 2 types of animals are guessed, kids describe their similarities and differences, which teaches them to compare.
"Wonderful bag" It is based on a comparison of the shape and materials of various objects, which helps to determine these features.
"Who hears what?" Develops auditory perception, teaches to compare sounds with their description.
"Grocery store" Shopping simulation.
"Paired Pictures" Teaching the ability to group objects according to several criteria.
"What's extra" Develops the ability to classify and systematize.

How to make do-it-yourself didactic games for children

When preparing an educational and entertaining lesson for preschoolers on their own, it is important to observe a number of principles. So, in accordance with them, such classes should be:

  • systemic - to teach children to build cause-and-effect relationships;
  • becoming more complex - for the progressive intellectual development of the child;
  • have the property of repetition - since not every preschooler will remember and learn the rules of the game the first time;
  • voluntary - such entertainment should be selected taking into account the interest and desires of children;
  • have an element of mystery - the didactic task itself achieved must be masked by the game process;
  • updated - each next game should be supplemented with new elements so that the child is not bored.

Given the abundance of children's magazines and books with bright pictures, as well as additional resources such as colored cardboard or toys, it is not difficult to make materials for such activities on your own.

Video: do-it-yourself didactic sensory games

The most popular and suitable for self-training for children should be called games like "Lotto" and "Lacing".

"Lotto" is easy to adapt to specific needs. For example, it is very important for preschoolers aged 3-5 to instill cultural and hygienic skills. According to its rules, children are given lined playing fields with an image in the center and a set of pictures, some of which are related to the one placed in the center of the field, the other part is not. Children should fill in the fields around this main picture with the appropriate meaning. So, if you make, for example, the drawing “Moidodyr” with it, then the child will need to “surround” it with images of soap, toothbrushes, etc. When adding pictures to the fields, the children need to explain why they decided that this particular image fits the meaning central drawing.

Video: board game for children "Lotto"

Another game, Lacing, is aimed at developing fine motor skills. Suitable attributes can be any details of a suitable size, not too large, but not too small, that need to be sewn to clothes: buttons, overlays, etc. This entertaining training can be supplemented and modified: for example, take laces of different colors and set them in as a rule, different parts should be sewn on with threads of suitable colors. So the child will develop knowledge about the color scheme.

Video: educational game "Tree-lacing"

Thus, in the form of a didactic game, there is a huge potential for the development of children of different ages. It is important to follow a systematic approach to the choice of these entertaining and educational activities, paying attention to all aspects of child development. At the same time, it is important to observe the age limit in order to increase the effectiveness of this useful entertainment. “Work is what a person is obliged to do, and the Game is what he is not obliged to do,” as Mark Twain said, and it is important to skillfully issue one after another. It should be remembered that children's involvement and interest are key factors that determine the benefits of the game and the active absorption of new knowledge and skills by preschoolers through this informal process.

  • - mathematical (to consolidate ideas about time, spatial arrangement, number of objects);
  • - sensory (to consolidate ideas about color, size, shape);
  • - speech (for familiarization with the word and sentence, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the education of the sound culture of speech, the enrichment of the dictionary);
  • - musical (for the development of pitch, timbre hearing, a sense of rhythm);
  • - natural history (for acquaintance with objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature);
  • --to get acquainted with the environment (with the objects and materials from which they are made, with the professions of people, etc.)

Depending on the use of didactic material, didactic games are traditionally divided into three groups:

  • - games with objects and toys, including story didactic games and dramatization games;
  • - desktop-printed games, arranged according to the type of split pictures, folding dice, lotto, dominoes;
  • --verbal.

Object games are games with folk didactic toys, mosaics, spillikins, various natural materials (leaves, seeds). Folk didactic toys include: wooden cones made of one-color and multi-colored rings, barrels, balls, nesting dolls, mushrooms, etc. The main game actions with them: stringing, inserting, rolling, picking up a whole from parts, etc. These games develop in children perception of color, size, shape.

Board games are aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing thought processes and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc.).

Board games can be divided into several types:

  • 1. Paired pictures. The task of the game is to match pictures by similarity.
  • 2. Lotto. They are also built on the principle of pairing: identical images on small cards are matched to pictures on a large card. Lotto topics are the most diverse: "Toys", "Dishes", "Clothes", "Plants", "Wild and Domestic Animals", etc. Lotto games clarify children's knowledge, enrich the vocabulary.
  • 3. Dominoes. The principle of pairing in this game is implemented through the selection of picture cards at the next move. The theme of dominoes is as diverse as lotto. The game develops intelligence, memory, the ability to anticipate the partner's move, etc.
  • 4. Split pictures and folding cubes, on which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts. Games are aimed at developing attention, concentration, clarifying ideas, the relationship between the whole and the part.
  • 5. Games like "Labyrinth" are intended for children of senior preschool age. They develop spatial orientation, the ability to foresee the result of an action.

Word games. This group includes a large number of folk games such as "Paints", "Silence", "Black and White", etc. Games develop attention, quick wit, quick reaction, coherent speech.

Depending on the nature of game actions The following types of didactic games are distinguished:

  • -- travel games;
  • --guess games;
  • - games-assignments;
  • - riddle games;
  • --games-conversations.

The classification of didactic games proposed by N.I. Bumazhenko, the cognitive interest of children . In this regard, the following types of games are distinguished:

  • - intellectual (puzzle games, word games, guessing games, riddle games, rebuses, charades, checkers, chess, logic games);
  • --emotional (games with a folk toy, entertainment games, story games of educational content, verbal-moving games, conversation games);
  • --regulatory (games with hiding and searching, desktop-printing, task games, competition games, speech correction games);
  • - creative (tricks games, burime, musical and choral, labor games, theatrical, forfeit games);
  • - social (games with objects, role-playing games of didactic content, games-excursions, games-travels).

Natalia Komardina
The essence of the didactic game

The essence of didactic games as a means of learning

To teach knowledge is to teach in advance the unnecessary. Modernity strives for an individual approach to learning, and classes are based on the frontal method.

The secret to failure is simple. It is believed that the old should be replaced by the new. But after all, the new is the well-forgotten old, and, therefore, to replace "lesson" something even more ancient and more eternal must come to the kind of occupation. Maybe it's a GAME?

One of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of preschoolers is didactic game.

And the game can be called the eighth wonder of the world, as it contains huge educational, educational and developmental opportunities. In the process of games, children acquire a wide variety of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the world around them. The game develops children's observation and the ability to determine the properties of objects, to identify their essential features.

Didactic games- this is a kind of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in the preschool period and at primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

Game activity as a leader in preschool childhood has not yet lost its significance. (not coincidentally why many children bring toys to school). Reliance on play activities, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way to include children in educational work.

The mastering of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it is slow (many children do not know at all what "to study".

There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention, predominantly involuntary development of memory, and the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic games just contributes to the development of mental processes in children.

Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation

Didactic the game contributes greatly to overcoming these difficulties

However didactic games- it is also a game form of education, which, as you know, is quite actively used at the initial stages of education, i.e., in senior preschool and primary school age.

Kinds didactic games.

Didactic games vary:

for educational content

cognitive activity of children,

game actions and rules,

organization and relationships of children,

in the role of an educator.

The listed signs are inherent in all games, however, in some games, some signs are more distinct, in others - others.

There is no clear classification, grouping of games by type yet.

Often games correlate with content learning: games sensory perception, verbal games, games familiarization with nature and others.

Sometimes games relate to material:

Games with objects(toys, natural materials, etc.) the most accessible to children, since they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child's desire to act with things and thus get to know them.

Desktop-printed games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle of visibility, but in these games, children are given not the object itself, but its image.

verbal games are the hardest. They are not related to the direct perception of the subject. In them, children must operate with representations.

Can be grouped games and so: A. I. Sorokina distinguishes the following types didactic games:

travel games - games- travel is designed to enhance the impression, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby.

They sharpen observation, denounce overcoming difficulties. task games - games-Assignments are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions.

guessing games - guessing games("what would be."). A task is set before the children and a situation is created that requires reflection on the subsequent action. At the same time, the mental activity of children is activated, they learn to listen to each other.

puzzle games - puzzle games. They are based on a test of knowledge, resourcefulness. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

conversation games - conversation games. They are based on communication. The main is the immediacy of experiences, interest, goodwill. Such a game makes demands on the activation of emotional and thought processes. It brings up the ability to listen to questions and answers, focus on the content, supplement what has been said, and make judgments.

It is important to clearly distinguish between didactic games and game techniques used in teaching children. Unfortunately, some educators perceive didactic the game only as an entertaining and organizing moment of the lesson, which allows you to relieve mental stress.

Such a view is fundamentally wrong. In this case, the game does not organically enter the lesson, it is located near the learning process. We can therefore agree that "not being able to build a real didactic game, which would awaken the thought of preschoolers, some educators put training exercises into a game form of learning.

Structure didactic game.

Didactic the game has a certain structure.

Structure - these are the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components are distinguished didactic game:

didactic task - Didactic the task is determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity. game task - The game task is carried out by children. Didactic task in didactic game is realized through a game task. It determines the play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. Most the main thing: didactic the task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (tasks).

game actions - game actions - the basis games. The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. This, for example, can be role-playing, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc.

They are connected with the game plan and come from it.

regulations games- The rules contain moral requirements for the relationship of children, for their compliance with the norms of behavior.

AT didactic the rules of the game are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children.

result (summarizing)- Summarizing (result) carried out immediately after completion games. It could be scoring; identifying children who performed the game task better; determination of the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging children.

Games in the classroom they allow some to learn the material at the level of substantive actions, others at the level of knowledge, and others at the level of logical conclusions. But in general, the understanding of the material is 100%.

Therefore, it is necessary to revive and diversify the life of pupils, to use non-traditional and active teaching methods.

In modern didactics the whole variety of teaching methods is summarized in three main groups:

Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity.

Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

Methods of control and self-control.

What is needed for didactic game? To maintain or create interest in a subject, to stimulate activity (motivation), to develop cognitive processes (imagination, memory, observation, perception, quick wits, speed of thinking, etc. Any game has rules that help overcome difficulties, social affirmation through obedience to rules, development of volitional behavior.

Every game is a test of the will.

In the game every minute there is a refusal of the child from fleeting desires in favor of fulfilling the role he has taken on. Voluntary behavior develops.

intellectual games may be helpful for children who have difficulty doctrine: in understanding and comprehending new material, assimilation and generalization, establishing links between concepts, expressing one's own thoughts and speech.

These games can help:

intensify educational work in the classroom, increase the activity and initiative of preschoolers;

give a sense of freedom and looseness, especially to nervous, weak and insecure children;

improve the relationship between teachers and students;

strengthen friendly relations in the team.

The game simultaneously chases three goals:


The game has a huge positive effect on the learning activities of intellectually passive children, on children who experience learning difficulties. Such children in the game are able to perform such a volume of work that they will never do in a regular classroom.

Our children need to play, to develop a culture of games of various types and types.

After all, the game is the best way to develop abilities, prepare for life, for communication with people.

It is possible to propose a certain conditional classification of games used on classes:

educational - the most simple and traditional games helping to consolidate the educational material and acquire a stable skill in applying knowledge;

combinatorial - games, which require you to quickly and efficiently calculate options, select combinations;

analytical - developing analytical thinking, helping to acquire the skill of free, uninhibited, but at the same time correct logical analysis, to see patterns, commonality and difference, cause and effect;

associative - based on the appeal to associative thinking, the search for comparison, guessing the hint;

contextual - drawing attention to complex semantic relationships, developing the ability to interpret, understand what is not directly expressed and vice versa - to convey information in a variety of ways;

and some others.

Success games also depends on the atmosphere, on the mood at the moment in the group. If the state of the guys does not match the mood games, it is better to save it for another occasion. Thus, we can say that one of the duties of teachers is to constantly support and develop the curiosity and activity of the children and through games too.

Basic requirements for the organization didactic games are:

1. The game is a form of student activity, in which the world around is realized, space is opened for personal activity and creativity.

2. The game must be built on interest, participants must enjoy games.

3. Mandatory element of competition between participants games.

The requirements for the selection of games are as follows.

1. Games must comply with certain educational tasks, program requirements for knowledge, skills, and standard requirements.

2. Games should correspond to the material being studied and be built taking into account the readiness of students and their psychological characteristics.

3. Games should be based on certain didactic material and methods of its application.

The game is the oldest form of knowledge transfer. Playing in "daughters-mothers" we are learning about family relationships; laying out the cubes, we become builders; by placing soldiers, we educate commanders in ourselves.

It can be argued that the game is a universal form didactic interaction with the student. And so she transcends lesson:

1. Play is not driven by specific learning skills (attention, discipline, ability to listen).

2. The game knows no age limits.

3. The game is multi-ethnic and can even overcome the language barrier.

4. The game is a more active form of work with preschoolers. It allows the players to feel like the subjects of the process.

5. The game connects all channels of information perception (both logic, emotions, and actions, and does not rely on mere memory and reproduction.

6. The game is a combination of theory and practice, which means it is a more objective reflection of reality.

7. Finally, the game is a more reliable way of learning.

Agree, all mastered by us in childhood games Unlike mastered knowledge, we remember all our lives.

Didactic games can be used both in the process of organized learning in the classroom, and outside of them - on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the types didactic games used in preschool pedagogy.

Games with objects.

Object games use toys and real objects. Playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of such games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their signs: color, size, shape, quality. In games, tasks are solved for comparison, classification, establishing a sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more complicated: the guys practice in determining the subject for any one quality, combine items on this basis

(color, shape, quality, purpose, etc., which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking.

Children of the younger group are given objects that differ sharply from each other in properties, since the kids cannot yet find subtle differences between objects.

In the middle group, such items are used in games in which the difference between them becomes less noticeable. In games with objects, children perform tasks that require

conscious memorization of the number and location of objects, finding the missing object. While playing, children acquire the ability to put together a whole from parts, to string objects (balls, beads,

lay out patterns from a variety of shapes

In playing with dolls, children develop cultural and hygienic skills and moral qualities, for example, a caring attitude towards a partner in the game - a doll, which is then transferred to their peers, older children.

AT didactic results are widely used a variety of toys. They are clearly expressed in color, shape, purpose, size, material from which they are made.

Games, which teach to group objects by color, creating a given image.

Games which help the educator to exercise children in solving certain didactic tasks, for example, to select all toys made of wood (metal, plastic, ceramics, or toys necessary for various creative games: for family games, in builders, in the hospital, etc.

Didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie the child's knowledge of the environment. Familiarization of preschoolers with the color, shape, size of the object made it possible to create a system didactic games and exercises on sensory education aimed at improving the child's perception of the characteristic features of objects.

Games with natural material (plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) the educator uses when conducting such didactic games, as "What tree is the leaf from?", “Who is more likely to lay out a pattern from different leaves?”, "Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves", "Spread the leaves in descending order".

Games with items can have many functional appointments: "Who quickly?"- develops arm muscles, perseverance.

A game "Octopus"- multifunctional: "What sound do you hear" "Which color?", "Rain" etc.

(Slide 41)

A game "Sun"- show all features games - educator(Slide 42).

desktop printed games.

desktop printed games- an interesting activity for children. They are varied in types: paired pictures, loto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.

Pairs of pictures.

The simplest task in such a game is to find two completely different pictures among different pictures. identical: two hats, the same in color, style, or two dolls, outwardly no different. Then the task gets more complicated: the child combines pictures not only by external signs, but also by meaning.

A selection of images based on a common feature. (classification)

Here some generalization is required, the establishment of a connection between objects. For example, in the game "What grows in the forest (in the garden, vegetable garden?"), Children select pictures with the corresponding images of plants, correlate them with their place of growth, combine pictures according to this feature. Or a game "Who's eating this?"

or game "What happened next?": children select illustrations for a fairy tale, taking into account the sequence of development of plot actions.

Memorizing the composition, number and location of pictures.

The games are the same like with items. For example, in the game "Guess which picture is hidden" children must memorize the content of the pictures, and then determine which one was turned upside down by the picture. This game is aimed at developing memory, memorization and recall.

the ability to talk coherently about the changes that have occurred with the pictures, about their content.

Compilation of cut pictures and cubes.

The task of this type of game is to teach children logical thinking, to develop their ability to compose a whole object from separate parts. The complication in these games can be an increase in the number of parts, as well as the complication of the content, the plot is picturesque. If in the younger groups the pictures are cut into 2-4 parts

then in the middle and senior groups the whole is divided into 8-10 parts. At the same time, for games in the younger group, the picture shows one thing: a toy, a plant, items of clothing, etc. For older children, the picture already depicts a plot from fairy tales familiar to children, works of art. The main requirement is that the objects in the pictures are familiar to children. The presence of the whole picture makes it easier to solve the problem. Therefore, for younger groups, it is necessary to give the children a whole picture to look at before the task is given - to add up the whole picture from its parts.

Very interesting game "Clock and Time"- a card with the image of what time is on the electronic clock is superimposed on the card with the clock face.

slide 55-57)

Description, story about the picture showing actions, movements.

In such games, the educator puts a teaching task: to develop not only children's speech, but also imagination, creativity. For example, in the game "Guess who it is?" the child, who took the card from the driver, carefully examines it, then depicts the sound and movements (cats, dogs, frogs, etc.).in older groups, children portray actions: putting out a fire, building a house, treating a patient.

In these games, such valuable qualities of the child's personality as the ability to reincarnate, to creative search in creating the necessary image are formed.


verbal games built on the words and actions of others. In such games, they learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen knowledge about them, because in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental tasks; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess by description; find similarities and differences.

In junior and middle groups games are aimed mainly at the development of speech, the education of the correct sound pronunciation, the clarification, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, the development of the correct orientation in space.

At the senior preschool age, when logical thinking begins to actively form in children, verbal games more often used to form mental activity, independence in solving problems. These didactic games are carried out in all age groups, but they are especially important in the upbringing and education of children of older preschool age, because they help prepare children for school: develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, quickly find the right answer to the question posed, accurately and clearly formulate their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

(Slide 59)

“What a child is at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game. A.S. Makarenko.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region State Budgetary Educational Institution

secondary vocational education

Vladimir region

"Murom Pedagogical College"

Home test

According to MDK: Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing play activities for children of early and preschool age

Subject: Didactic games


Student group ZD-42V

Naumova Ludmila Petrovna

2014-2015 academic year


Introduction 3

1. The concept of "didactic game", the functions of the didactic game,

their characteristic 4

2. Types of didactic game 8

3. Name the researchers on the problem

use of didactic games in the pedagogical process,

guiding them. Uncover their main ideas 14

4. Methodology for organizing didactic games

in different age groups of preschool educational

institutions. Give a comparative analysis 16

Practice 22

Conclusion 26

References 27


Preschool childhood is a period of play. At this age, the child seeks to learn everything through the game. The game is a reflection of the adult, real world by children. It is fraught with great opportunities for teaching children in a preschool. In a didactic game, cognitive tasks are combined with gaming ones. Through the game, in particular didactic games, the child learns while playing.

In the course of the game, the knowledge and ideas of children are refined and deepened. In order to perform this or that role in the game, the child must translate his idea into play actions. The game not only reinforces the knowledge and ideas that children already have, but is also a kind of active cognitive activity, during which, under the guidance of an educator, they acquire new knowledge, and serves as a good means of preparing children for school.

Didactic games are diverse in content, form of organization, type of learning tasks. In pedagogy, there are different views on the classification of didactic games. And, of course, an important point is the guidance of didactic games used in working with preschool children by the teacher.

All the main points regarding the use of didactic games in preschool age, I will try to reflect in this work.

1. The concept of "didactic game", the functions of the didactic game, their characteristics

Didactic games are a kind of games with rules.Games with rules have ready-made content and a predetermined sequence of actions; the main thing in them is the solution of the task, the observance of the rules.

Didactic game is one of the means of teaching preschool children. It makes it possible to carry out the tasks of education and training through an accessible and attractive form of activity for children.

It has two functions in the learning process (A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova).

The first function is improvement and consolidation of knowledge. At the same time, the child does not simply reproduce knowledge in the form in which it was learned, but transforms, transforms it, learns to operate with it depending on the game situation.

Essencesecond function didactic game is that children learn new knowledge and skills of different content.

The main features of didactic games:

    Didactic games are educational games. They are created by adults for the purpose of educating and educating children.

    For children taking part in the game, the educational and educational value of the didactic game does not appear openly, it is realized through the game task, game actions, rules.

    The cognitive content of the didactic game is determined by the program content and is always combined with the game form.

    Didactic games have a peculiar structure.

A didactic game is a complex phenomenon, but it clearly reveals a structure, that is, the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. (5)

Most researchers of teachers and psychologists distinguish the following structural components in the didactic game:

    didactic task (goal), consisting of a game and training;

    game rules;

    game actions;

    the end of the game, summing up.

Didactic (teaching) task - this is the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate. For children, the learning task is formulated as a game. It is determined by the goals of education and upbringing of children. The selection of cognitive tasks for games is carried out in accordance with the sections of the "Praleska" program, taking into account the age characteristics of children.The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of its content on the development of children's cognitive activity.

In contrast to the direct formulation of the task in the classroom in the didactic game, it also arises as a game task of the child himself, itarouses desire and need to solve it, activates game actions.The game task can be laid down in the very name of the game, for example, “What form”, “Continue the sentence”, “Who lives in what house”, etc.“The didactic task is realized throughout the game through the implementation of the game task, game actions, and the result of its solution is found in the final. Only under this condition can a didactic game fulfill the function of learning and, at the same time, will develop as a game activity.

Game content can be the most diverse, the basis of the didactic game can be the whole surrounding reality. For example, the games “Fly does not fly”, “Edible - inedible”, “Name the time of the year”, “Who screams how”, “Live words”, “Wonderful bag”, “What is missing?”, “Say in Belarusian " etc.

Game actions - this is the basis of the game, a way of manifesting the child's activity for game purposes;Without them, the game itself is impossible. They are like a picture of the plot of the game.The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for the child and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. Game actions should cause children joy, a sense of satisfaction, they make learning emotional and entertaining.Children need to be taught how to play. Only under this condition the game acquires an educational character and becomes meaningful.

Teaching game actions is carried out through a trial move in the game, showing the action itself, revealing the image, etc. Game actions are not always visible. These are also mental actions expressed in the processes of purposeful perception, observation, comparison, sometimes recalling previously learned, thinking. In their complexity, they are different and are determined by the level of cognitive content and the game task, the age characteristics of children.In different games, game actions are different and are realized through different forms.

Game actions are not always practical external actions when you need to carefully consider, compare, analyze something, etc. These are also complex mental actions expressed in the processes of purposeful perception, observation, comparison, recall of previously learned - mental actions expressed in thinking processes.

In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. In games in which all children participate and perform the same roles, game actions are the same for everyone. When dividing the children in the game into groups, the game actions are different.

Rules of the game ensure the implementation of game content, as well as make the game democratic. Their content and orientation are determined by cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. In a didactic game, the rules are given. They help the teacher manage the game. The rules also influence the solution of a didactic task - imperceptibly limit the actions of children, directing their attention to the performance of a specific task, i.e. they determine what and how the child needs to do in the game and show the way to achieve the didactic task.The rules of the game perform the following functions:

    Educational, which lies in the fact that the rules help to reveal to children what and how to do; correlate with game actions, reinforce their role, clarify the method of execution.The rules organize the cognitive activity of children: consider something, think, compare, find a way to solve the problem set by the game.

    Organizing, it determines the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game.

    Disciplining. The rules stipulate what exactly to do, what and why not to do. Some games have rules that prohibit any action and provide penalties for non-performance (for example, skipping a turn)

    Compliance with the rules during the game necessitates the manifestation of efforts, mastering the ways of communication in the game and outside the game and the formation of not only knowledge, but also various feelings, the accumulation of good emotions and the assimilation of traditions.

Summarizing takes place immediately after the end of the game. The form can be varied: scoring, praise, determining the best child, the winner, the overall result for the implementation of the task. If a didactic game is organized outside the lesson, the game can be ended simply by summing up, or you can use other types of activities: visual, speech development, etc., but the theme should correspond to the content of the game.

Didactic games are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of children. Being an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson (to consolidate and systematize the material), and at a younger preschool age - the main form of organizing the educational process (for example, the game "Katya's doll goes for a walk").

Didactic games can be used in all sections of the program. Educational games can be planned for a walk, in the morning and evening hours, during classes, before and after classes, it all depends on the didactic task of the games. Didactic games are held everywhere, up to 20-30 games can be scheduled per month. Didactic games occupy a special place at the end of the year and during the summer recreational period, when there is a repetition and consolidation of the knowledge acquired by children during the school year. The main condition for the use of didactic games in the lives of children and in the classroom is the observance of the principles of education.

The teacher must remember that didactic games have their own classification, this will allow the use of various types of games in the educational process and make the learning of children much more interesting and varied. Let us dwell on the classification of didactic games in more detail.

2. Types of didactic game

Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the educator. The listed signs are inherent in all games, but in some, some are more distinct, in others - others.

In different collections, many didactic games are indicated, but there is still no clear classification, grouping of games by type.

Didactic games:

1) Classic

2) Educational

3) Logical and mathematical

4) Role-playing

Game system mathematical mathematical didactic for the development of entertainment:



5) Educational

There are mathematical games for educating and teaching preschoolers elementary mathematical concepts. These games do not require any special knowledge from adults and children. Such logical and mathematical constructions are modeled in them, and in the process of the game such tasks are solved that contribute to the acceleration of the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical representations in preschoolers.

Logical and mathematical games allow you to develop thought processes, memory. They contribute to the development of such operations as classification, grouping objects according to their properties, abstracting properties from an object, etc.

Educational games - games activate the hidden intellectual abilities of children, develop them. These games are designed to form certain logical structures or to prepare for the assimilation of a certain mathematical idea. It can be noted that some of the most complex of the tasks solved by children in the process of play activity sometimes make adults think too. A large variability of conditions, rules, tasks solved in the process of gaming activity is a clearly prominent feature of educational games, so they must be combined with other teaching methods, while remaining the leading method.

An educational game, which is an active and meaningful activity for the child (he voluntarily and willingly joins the game). New experience acquired in the game becomes his personal property. Developing games teach to act "in the mind", develop imagination, creative abilities, form such qualities as self-control, organization, discipline.

Educational games are games of a new type that simulate the creative process itself, creating its own microclimate that helps the development of intelligence. In developing games, it was possible to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of activity. These games can give impetus to the development of creativity from an early age. Tasks of developing games create conditions that are ahead of the development of abilities.

Didactic games:

1) Travel games - 2) Order games - 3) Assumption games

4) Puzzle games 5) Conversation games (dialog games)

Travel games. This is a targeted movement somewhere, for some reason. It can also be a journey to the intended place, overcoming space and time, performing practical actions. But it can also be a journey "on the spot" - a journey of thought, imagination.

These games are similar to a fairy tale, its development, miracles. The game-journey reflects real facts or events, but reveals the ordinary through the unusual, the simple through the mysterious, the difficult through the surmountable, the necessary through the interesting. All this happens in the game, in game actions, becomes close to the child, pleases him. The purpose of the game-journey is to enhance the impression, to give the cognitive content a slightly fabulous unusualness, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby, but not noticed by them. Games sharpen attention, observation, comprehension of game tasks, facilitate overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The role of the teacher in the game is complex, it requires knowledge, readiness to answer the questions of children, playing with them, to lead the learning process unnoticed.

Mission games have the same structural elements as travel games, but they are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions.

Suggestion games "What would be ...?" or "What would I do...", "Who would you like to be and why?". These games require the ability to correlate knowledge with circumstances, the establishment of causal relationships. Games in which the sprouts of the future are ripening are useful. Their pedagogical value is that children begin to think, learn to listen to each other.

Puzzle games. The emergence of mysteries goes back to the distant past. Riddles were created by the people themselves and reflect the wisdom of the people. They were used to test knowledge, resourcefulness. This is the obvious pedagogical focus and popularity of riddles as smart entertainment.

At present, riddle, guessing and guessing are considered as a kind of educational game.

The main feature of riddles is a logical task. The ways of constructing logical tasks are different, but all of them activate the mental activity of the child. Older children love puzzle games. The need to compare, recall, think, guess gives them the joy of mental labor. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions, conclusions.

Conversation games (dialogues). The game-conversation is based on the communication of the educator with the children, the children with the educator and the children with each other. This communication has a special character of playing learning and playing activities of children.

Children need to make a discovery or learn something new as a result, and this at the same time activates emotional and thought processes. The game-conversation brings up the ability to listen and hear the questions of the teacher, children, brings up to be concentrated, to supplement what has been said, to express judgments.

Educational games:

1) Perception

2) Speech and

3) Attention

4) Memory


shape colors



Games that develop the perception of color. Conscious, purposeful perception of color is not an innate quality.

Games that develop the perception of form. The perception of the shape of objects is the sensory basis of any practical activity. The child needs to be taught the perception and selection of form, starting with the younger group of kindergarten. While playing, the baby masters rational techniques for examining the shape with his hands and eyes. In the process of these games, preschoolers master geometric shapes.

Games that develop the perception of the qualities of magnitude. Children need to develop the ability to perceive the size of objects by comparing the length, width, height. Acquaintance is carried out in the classroom using common gaming techniques. In addition to these techniques, you can use games to develop the perception of magnitude and its signs with the help of toys, stencils, and various cards. In games, the child masters rational methods of comparative assessment of magnitude (imposing and applying objects).

Games that form targeted attention. A necessary condition for any game, educational, cognitive activity is attention. Without sustained attention, neither the independent activity of the child nor the fulfillment of the tasks of the educator is possible, so children need to be helped in a timely manner to learn how to manage their attention.

Games that develop speech and thinking. Speech and thinking are two mental processes that are inextricably linked with each other. Assimilation of the meaning of the main prepositions and adverbs denoting the spatial relations of objects occurs with the help of exciting games. Children compare objects according to a set of features. The game teaches to reason and draw conclusions.

Games that develop memory. Children are not born with a ready memory, it develops gradually with the development of the child, and if children have a weak memory, this means that adults did not pay proper attention to the child. The main condition for the development of memory is memorization, and then recalling something by a child. With the help of games, children need to deliberately memorize and rational methods of meaningful memorization and recall of the means of mastering their memory are transmitted.

In all games, the leading and guiding role belongs to an adult.

Intellectual didactic games are aimed primarily at the development of elementary mental operations, the formation of general intellectual looseness and the development of means that ensure the overall organization of the thought process. Didactic games form the ability to find as many properties in an object as possible and use them to search for objects with opposite properties.

Classification of didactic games.

Didactic games (depending on the material)

1) Games with objects

2) Desktop printed

3) Word games

3. Name the names of researchers on the problem of using didactic games in the pedagogical process, their management. Uncover their main ideas

The game is one of those activities that is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of educational, labor, and communicative activities will depend. This is due to the fact that the game at preschool age is the leading activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaparozhets, A.N. Leontiev, E.O. Smirnova, D.B. Elkonin) and the main means of educating and educating children . Among the variety of games for preschoolers, a special place belongs to the didactic game, as one of the most acceptable forms of education and training.

The problem of play in teaching preschool children has been and is being dealt with by many scientists, educators and psychologists. At the origins of the study of didactic play, as the basis for teaching children, was F. Fröbel, M. Montessori. Much attention was paid to the didactic game by K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Lesgaft, L.N. Tolstoy, E.I. Tikheeva, L.A., Wenger, A.P., Usova, V.N. Avanesova and others.

Also, many scientists emphasized the important role of educational games, which allow the teacher to expand the practical experience of children, consolidate their knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of activity. (A.S. Makarenko, U.P. Usova, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, E.I. Tikheeva)

Many scientists note the important role of educational games that allow the teacher to expand the practical experience of children, consolidate their knowledge about the world around them (A.S. Makarenko, U.P. Usova, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, E.I. Tikheeva

The use of didactic games for the purpose of educating and educating children was reflected in the works of scientists and in the practical activities of many teachers. In essence, in every pedagogical system of preschool education, didactic games have occupied and continue to occupy a special place. F. Frebel developed a system of didactic games, which was the basis of educational work in kindergarten. He emphasized that the task of primary education is not teaching in the ordinary sense of the word, but the organization of the game. For the first time in the history of pedagogy, he singled out the game as a special tool necessary for the development of preschool children.

M. Montessori also attached great importance to the game. She argued that the game should be educational, otherwise it is an "empty game" that does not affect the development of the child. The author of one of the first domestic pedagogical systems of preschool education E.I. Tiheeva announced a new approach to didactic games. In her opinion, they are only one of the components of educational work with children. But the effectiveness of didactic games in the upbringing and education of children, the teacher made dependent on how they are consonant with the interests of the child, bring him joy, allow him to show his activity, independence.

Much attention was paid to the use of didactic games in kindergarten by the following teachers: L.A. Wenger, A.P. Usova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko, A.A. Smolentsova, E.I. Udaltsova and others.

4. Methods of organizing didactic games in different age groups of a preschool educational institution. Give a comparative analysis

Didactic games are organized according to plan during class hours. In addition, during the hours allotted for games, children are given a variety of material with which they can play as they wish individually, in small groups, and sometimes with the whole team.

The plan provides for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan of pedagogical work.

Observations of children's independent games make it possible to reveal their knowledge, their level of mental development, and behavioral characteristics. This tells the educator what games are useful for the child, what he is strong in, what he lags behind.

In didactic games, as well as in the classroom, different teaching methods are used: visual, verbal, practical. But the methodology of didactic games is peculiar. It is important to keep the child's passion for the game task throughout the game. To do this, the educator must become, as it were, a participant in the game, motivating his demands and comments with its tasks and rules. The strict discipline necessary in the game is easily established if the children themselves are interested in following the rules and follow this.

In the game, requirements that are not related to its task and rules are inappropriate. For example, in the game "On the contrary" it is not at all necessary that the children give a complete answer, raise their hand, as is done in the classroom. But this game has its own strict rules: only the one who is asked answers, answers quickly, in one word; cannot be suggested; if wrong, ask another. The role of the driver is usually performed by the educator, it is difficult for children.

Didactic games are short-term (10-20 minutes), and it is important that all this time the mental activity of the players does not decrease, and interest in the task at hand does not fall.

It is especially important to follow this in collective games. It is impossible to allow one child to be busy solving a problem, while others are inactive.

The management of didactic games in different age groups has some features. In the younger groups, the teacher himself plays with the children; explaining to them the rules of the game, he himself is the first to recognize the object by touch, describes the picture. In games for children of primary preschool age, the game actions are simple: roll multi-colored balls into the gate of the same color, disassemble and assemble nesting dolls, turrets, lay colored eggs; guess by voice who called the "bear"; to get objects out of the “wonderful bag”, etc. A young child is not yet interested in the result of the game, he is still fascinated by the play action itself with objects: roll, collect, fold.

For middle-aged and older children, the game action should establish more complex relationships between the participants in the game. The child acts in the way that the depicted image should act in his childish imagination, experiences successes and failures associated with this image.

In older groups, children must understand its task and rules before starting the game. When performing a game task, they are required to be completely independent.

Group "Kids"

At this age, didactic games help children to get to know the surrounding objects better, to distinguish and name their color, shape and possible actions with them. They contribute to the coordination of movements, the development of the eye, mastery of spatial orientation. They teach children to hear the word and correlate it with a specific toy, object, action

Features of the guidance of didactic games for children of the "Kids" group:

    In children of younger preschool age, excitation prevails over inhibition, visualization is stronger than the word, therefore it is more expedient to combine the explanation of the rules with the demonstration of the game action. The educator fully and in detail explains the rules of the game and shows them during the game itself, taking the leading role in the game. The teacher plays with the children.

    A surprise moment should come first in the organization of games, it is necessary, first of all, to arouse children's interest in didactic material, to teach them to play with it. Games must be carried out in such a way that they create a cheerful, joyful mood in children, teach children to play without interfering with each other, gradually lead to the ability to play in small groups and realize that it is more interesting to play together.

    In conducting didactic games with children of primary preschool age, the activity of the educator in teaching children the techniques of game actions is needed. To teach children in the game to properly lay out objects (take in the right hand and put it from left to right).

    During the game, the teacher uses questions, gives advice and suggestions, encourages children, controls the actions of children.

Group "Why"

At this age, it is necessary to pay attention to didactic games aimed at consolidating, generalizing the existing knowledge in children, the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Features of the guidance of didactic games for children of the "Why" group:

    Children of middle preschool age have some experience of joint games, but even here the teacher takes part in didactic games. She is a teacher and a participant in the game, teaches children and plays with them, strives to involve all children, gradually leads them to the ability to follow the actions and words of their comrades, that is, she is interested in the process of the whole game. Gradually, as the children gain experience, the teacher begins to play a secondary role in the game, i.e. play the role of a leader, but if there are any problems in the game, it is included in it again.

    The rules of the game are explained by the teacher before the game and are shown with the help of a “trial move”. By example, the educator warns the wrong actions of children. During the game, the teacher carefully monitors the implementation of the rules.

    During the game, the teacher also asks children questions of a suggestive or problematic nature, makes remarks, gives advice, encourages. At this age stage, the teacher gradually, focusing on the individual characteristics of children, can evaluate game actions, games.

Group "Dreamers"

Children of senior preschool age have significant gaming experience and so developed thinking that they easily perceive purely verbal explanations of the game. Only in some cases a visual demonstration is required. With children of this age, didactic games are held with the whole group, with small groups. They, as a rule, develop collective relationships on the basis of joint games. Therefore, elements of the competition can already be used in the game with the "Dreamers" groups.

In the didactic games of older preschool children, life phenomena that are more complex in their content (life and work of people, technology in the city and countryside) are reflected. Children classify objects according to material, purpose (for example, the game "Where is what is hidden").

Word games are widely used at this age, requiring great mental stress. Children of this age in didactic games show more voluntary attention, independence in solving the task, in fulfilling the rules. The leadership should be such that the game contributes to mental and moral education and at the same time remains a game. It is also necessary at this age to preserve the emotional mood of children, the experience of joy from the progress of the game and satisfaction from the result, that is, the solution of a problem.

Features of the guidance of didactic games for children of the "Dreamers" group:

    At this age, the explanation of the rules is carried out before the game, as a rule, without showing their implementation. Most often this is a verbal explanation, but if the game is difficult or new, then you can offer the guys a “trial move”.

    The teacher does not take part in the games, but monitors the implementation of the rules of the game, the progress of the game,

    In didactic games, educators put the child in such conditions (games) when he is forced to remember what he was told in practice, during excursions, and this is very important when preparing the child for school.

    Knowing the individual characteristics of children, the educator advises them to distribute roles among themselves in the game in such a way as to put a child who has not formed moral norms of behavior in such game conditions when, while performing a role, he will have to show attention, benevolence, care for a friend, then transferring these qualities into everyday life.

Finishing the game, the teacher should remind the children the name of the game, separate game rules, support the interest of children in the further continuation of the game. Gives an assessment of the actions of children, but it should be remembered that not every game requires assessment, since the assessment may be concluded as a result of the game or disturb the children's good mood.

Thus, we can say that the management of didactic games requires great knowledge from the teacher, a high level of pedagogical skill and tact.

Practical task:

Make a long-term plan for organizing didactic games for one month.

A promising plan for conducting didactic games and verbal exercises to form the grammatical standing of children's speech in the second younger groupMBDOU kindergarten No. 11 "Birch" Nizhny Novgorod region, Kulebaki


1 Week

2 weeks

3 - 4 weeks



"Vegetables fruits"

Enrich children's vocabulary. Learn to use the prepositions "in" and "on"; make complex sentences with the adversative union "a".

Enrich vocabulary. Learn to use the prepositions "on", "in", "under", "near"; make complex sentences with the adversative union "a". Promote sensory development.

Learn to differentiate the generalizing concepts of "vegetables - fruits." Fix speech material on the topic. Learn to make sentences with the prepositions "in" and "near".

Vegetables, basket

Fruits or pictures - an image, chalk or pencils, a sheet of paper, a plate.

Fruits, vegetables, pictures with their image, basket, vase.

"Name the vegetables"

There are 5 vegetables on the table in front of the children (carrot, tomato, potato, onion, beetroot). The teacher reports that they can all be called one word "vegetables".

Children repeat the name of vegetables.

The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: How many vegetables are on the table?

Where do vegetables grow? What color is a tomato? Etc.

"Where are the vegetables?"

The teacher puts one vegetable on the table, the other in a basket and asks the children to tell where the vegetables are.

Children say: “The tomato is in the basket, the onion is on the table,” etc.

"Name the fruits"

There are 5 fruits on the table: apple, pear, orange, banana, lemon.

These are fruits.

How many fruits are on the table? Where do fruits grow? What colour? Is the lemon sweet or sour? Etc.

"Fruit Under the Tree"

On the board is the silhouette of a tree.

The fruits grow on the tree, and when ripe they fall to the ground.

An apple lies under ... (tree)

Pear…, orange…, etc.

Develop a summary of the didactic game

Synopsis of the didactic game "First Grader" in the preparatory school group MBDOU No. 11

Kind of activity: didactic game "First grader".

Didactic task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school; educate composure, accuracy, desire to study at school.

Game task: to help Dunno get acquainted with school supplies; collect school supplies in briefcases as quickly and accurately as possible.

Game rules: name objects after raising your hand, name school supplies without shouting, without interrupting each other, collect supplies on a signal, carefully.

Game actions: call school supplies and their purpose, analyze, classify items according to their purpose, collect accessories in a portfolio.

Principles of education and training:

1. Availability;

2. Consciousness and activity;

3. Problematization;

4. Creation of a positive emotional background;

5. Dialogizations.

Education methods:

1. Conversation;

2. Explanation;

3. Demonstration;

4. Creating a situation of success;

5. Competition.

Equipment: Dunno toy, two briefcases, school supplies: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, pencil cases, Primers, notebooks, albums, etc., in addition: toys, toothbrushes, combs, etc.


1. Org. moment;

2. Motivational-target;

3. Game planning;

4. Implementation of the game plan;

5. Summing up.

Game progress

Stage Activities of the educator Activities of children

1. Org. moment

Guys, I have a little surprise for you, come to me. fit

2. Motivational - target

Today Dunno came to visit us.

Guys, soon you will go to school, and Dunno is going to school.

But he doesn't know what to take with him. Guys look

Dunno has already tried to collect a portfolio for school, let's see if he did it right.

(I take things out of my bag)

Guys, let's help Dunno figure out what subjects are needed at school and why? listen

3. Game planning

Now I will show the subject, you will raise your hands, come out to me and tell me in full sentences what kind of subject it is, whether it is needed at school and what it is for. listen

4. Implementation of the game plan

I show school supplies and other items. If necessary, I correct the answers of the children.

On behalf of Dunno, I praise the children.

And now, together with Dunno, we will learn how to quickly, correctly and accurately collect school supplies in briefcases. For this I need one boy and one girl.

(I choose two children).

Now the guys and I will count, and you will begin to collect items in briefcases.

(One, two, three, start collecting a portfolio)

(the game is played 3 times)

After each game, we analyze the actions performed (whether the items were chosen correctly, whether they were carefully placed). If necessary, correct the actions of children. On behalf of

Dunno praise the children. Raise their hands, come out and talk about objects

Start collecting portfolios

5. Summing up

Guys, Dunno is very glad that he came to visit you. Now he knows what school supplies are and what they are for.

Knows what to bring to school and what not to.

He says thank you, goodbye, see you at school! say goodbye


A didactic game is a valuable means of educating the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, arouses a keen interest in the process of cognition among preschoolers. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills, and prepare for school.

The didactic game is one of the means of teaching preschool children, has its own characteristics and functions, stands out from a large number of games with its structure.

Educational games are classified in a variety of ways. The classification of didactic games helps the teacher to make teaching children with their help more interesting and exciting, to prevent duplication in working with children.

Didactic games are very difficult to manage. Each age group of a preschool institution has its own leadership characteristics.


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    Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten - Moscow, 2007

    Tumakova G.A. Familiarization of the preschooler with the sounding word P / ed. Sokhina F.A. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

    Udaltsova E.I. , Minsk, 2006

Didactic games have their own classification. The classification of didactic games is different. In preschool pedagogy, a traditional division of didactic games into games with objects, board-printed games, and word games has developed. (3, p. 337) This division of games can be attributed to the classification according to the use of material.

Didactic games also differ in the educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children in the game, and the role of the educator. (5)





natural history

To get to know the environment

for fine arts

Math Games aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. They allow the teacher to make the process of teaching children to count (didactic games “What is the number?”, “One is a lot”, “What is more?”, “Name the number”, etc.), solving arithmetic problems (games “Entertaining tasks”, “ How much will it be? ”, etc.), mastering values, the simplest dependencies and measuring activities (these are the games “Who is higher?”, “Ladder”, “Ribbons”), children's perception of spatial and temporal relationships and orientations (didactic games “What time is it” , "Journey", "When does it happen?", etc.) more exciting and interesting.

Sensory games aimed at teaching children the examination of objects, the formation of ideas about sensory standards. Many of them are connected with the examination of the object, with the distinction of signs, they require a verbal designation of these signs (“Wonderful bag”, “What are similar and different”, “Colorful paths”, “Where, whose bow?”, etc.). In some games, the child learns to group objects according to one quality or another (“Buttons for dolls”, “Service”, etc.). Children compare objects that have similar and different features, identify the most significant of them. Thus, children are led to master sensory standards with the help of didactic games.

speech games contribute to the development of speech in children. The content of such games is also varied and depends on the goals for which the teacher uses them. “Travel around the room”, “Who is doing what?”, “Name it in one word”, “Say it differently”, “Finish the sentence”, “Daily routine”, “Who treats?”, “Zoo”, “Compare objects "," We talk on the phone, "" What happens .... What happens ... ”,“ What first, what then ”,“ Guess who it is? ”,“ Living words ”, etc.

Music games aimed at solving the problems of musical education in accordance with program requirements. In working with preschoolers, games such as “Who is louder?”, “What instrument sounds?”, “Repeat after me”, “What song sounds”, “What do I play”, “Sun and rain”, “Who sings like ?”, “Funny notes” and others.

Games natural history help children develop a love for nature. Through the game, in particular didactic games, the child, while playing, learns to understand the patterns that occur in nature, the interconnection of everything in the world, learns a lot about natural communities and phenomena, the role of man in nature, and more (games “When it happens”, “What first, then what”, “Describe the seasons”, “Find out by description”, “Migratory birds - non-migratory”, “Who lives where?”, “Paired pictures”, “Make up a story”, “What is the weather?”, "Find the artist's mistake" and many others).

To get to know the environment various didactic games are also used - “Who is doing what?”, “What first, what then?”, “Who needs what for work?”, “Daily routine”, “Riddles”, “What is in the picture?”, “Tea drinking”, “On a walk”, “In the theater”, “Shop”, etc.

Didactic games for fine arts were introduced into the educational process of preschool institutions relatively recently, but their importance is very great for the development of preschoolers, the formation of their knowledge, skills and abilities in fine arts, arts and crafts. “Paint according to the model”, “What is drawn”, “Draw”, “Collect the flower”, “Draw it differently”, “What does the leaf look like”, “What has changed?”, “What is missing?”, “What picture?”, “Whose ornament?” - this is a small part of didactic games that can be used in working with preschool children.

All of the listed types of didactic games are organized by the teacher in accordance with the program requirements.

Based on didactic material educational games are divided into:


desktop printed

With objects and toys

with pictures

Computer didactic games

word games differ in that the process of solving the learning task is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of representations and without relying on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of middle and predominantly older preschool age. Among these games there are many folk ones, associated with nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, shifters, some of which are also available to kids due to the imagery of speech design, built on dialogue, closeness in content to children's experience. In addition to speech development, the formation of auditory attention with the help of verbal games, an emotional mood is created, mental operations are improved, reaction speed and the ability to understand humor are developed. The basis of word games is the accumulated experience of children, their observations. The task of these games is to systematize and generalize. They are used at the stage of consolidating and repeating the knowledge of children (“Flies - does not fly”, “Third is superfluous”, “Name it in one word”, “Who needs what?”, etc.).

Didactic games with objects and toys very diverse in terms of game materials, content, and organization of the event. Toys, real objects, objects of nature, etc. can be used as didactic materials. They are more often used at a younger preschool age, since visual-figurative thinking prevails in children of this age. Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational tasks: to expand and clarify children's knowledge, develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, distinction, generalization, classification), improve speech (the ability to name objects, actions with them, their qualities, purpose ; describe objects, compose and guess riddles about them; correctly pronounce the sounds of speech), cultivate the arbitrariness of behavior, memory, attention (3, p. 336). Among games with objects, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and staging games. In story-didactic games, children perform certain roles.

Picture Games used in all age groups. For games, a variety of pictures, series of pictures can be used, in accordance with program requirements.

Board games are also diverse in content, teaching tasks, and design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, develop thought processes, help expand the horizons of children, develop intelligence, attention to the actions of a friend, orientation in changing game conditions, and the ability to foresee the results of their move. Participation in the game requires endurance, strict adherence to the rules and gives children a lot of joy. Board games include a variety of games:

· aids, such as pictures, object lotto, dominoes, thematic games (“Where does it grow?”, “When does it happen?”, “Who needs it”, etc.);

Games that require physical activity, skill (Flying caps, Goose, Hit the target, etc.);

jigsaw puzzle games

table-motor games ("Billiards", "Hockey");

· intellectual -- checkers, chess, puzzle games.

All of these games differ from toy games in that they are usually played at tables and require 2-4 partners.

In the lotto, the child must match the picture on the large card with identical images on small cards. The theme of the lotto is diverse: “Zoological loto”, “Flowers bloom”, “We count”, “Fairy tales”, etc.

In dominoes, the principle of pairing is implemented through the selection of cards in the order of the move. The theme of dominoes covers different areas of reality: "Toys", "Geometric shapes", "Berries", "Cartoon characters", etc.

In labyrinth-type games intended for children of senior preschool age, a playing field, chips, and a counting cube are used. Each game is dedicated to a theme, sometimes fabulous ("Aibolit", "Exploits of Perseus", "Golden Key"). Children "travel" around the playing field, throwing the dice in turn and moving their chips. These games develop spatial orientation, the ability to foresee the result of actions.

Board-printed games are widespread, arranged according to the principle of split pictures, folding cubes, puzzles, in which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts. These games contribute to the development of logical thinking, concentration, attention. (3)

Computer didactic games are a means of laying the foundations of computer literacy in children, familiarization with programming languages. Computer games are used as a didactic tool in teaching in a wide variety of areas of the educational process. There are many such games, the task of the teacher is to choose the necessary one, in accordance with the task, the age of the child and program requirements. There are even whole programs consisting of didactic games, systematized according to certain program tasks, directions of the educational process.

Sorokina proposed a classification of didactic games according to the nature of the game actions:

traveling games

guessing games

guessing games

mission games

puzzle games

conversation games

mobile and didactic games

Target travel games- enhance the impression, give the cognitive content a slightly fabulous unusualness, draw the attention of children to what is nearby, but not noticed by them. The game-journey reflects real facts or events, but reveals the ordinary through the unusual, the simple through the mysterious, the difficult through the surmountable, the necessary through the interesting. All this happens in the game, in game actions, becomes close to the child, pleases him. The game-journey uses many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve it, sometimes developing travel routes, step-by-step solution of tasks, the joy of solving it, meaningful rest. The composition of the game-travel can include songs, riddles, gifts and much more. These include such games as "Journey to the Fairy Forest", "Our train goes to a distant land", "Visiting the baker", etc.

Mission games have the same structural elements as travel games, but are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions. The game task and game actions in them are based on a proposal to do something: “Collect all red objects (or toys) in a basket”, “Spread the rings according to their size”, “Take out round objects from the bag”.

Guessing Games“What would it be ..?”, “What would I do ...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Whom would I choose as a friend?” etc. The didactic content of the game lies in the fact that the children are given a task and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. The game task is inherent in the name itself, and the game actions are determined by the task and require from the children an expedient intended action in accordance with or with the conditions set by the created circumstances.

These games require the ability to correlate knowledge with circumstances, to establish causal relationships. They also contain a competitive element, for example, the game “Who will figure it out faster?” (Sorokina)

Puzzle games- these games are based on the principle of guessing and guessing riddles, games can be very diverse in content and organization. As you know, the content of riddles is the surrounding reality: social and natural phenomena, objects of work and life, flora and fauna, they reflect the achievements of science, technology, culture. The main feature of riddles is a logical task. The ways of constructing logical tasks are different, but all of them activate the mental activity of the child. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions, conclusions. (“Guess the riddle - show the answer”, “Find where it is hidden”, “Journey”, “Chest with a secret” and others).

Conversation Games(dialogues) ? The basis of games is the communication of a teacher with children, children with a teacher and children with each other. This communication has a special character of playing learning and playing activities of children. Its distinctive features are the immediacy of feelings, interest, goodwill, faith in the "truth of the game", the joy of the game. In a game-conversation, the educator often comes not from himself, but from a character close to the children, and thereby not only preserves the game communication, but also enhances his joy, the desire to repeat the game. The educational and educational value lies in the content of the plot - the theme of the game, the cognitive content of the game does not lie "on the surface": you need to find it, get it - make a discovery and, as a result, learn something. The value of the game-conversation is that it makes demands on the activation of emotional and thought processes: the unity of words, actions, thoughts and imagination of children, brings up the ability to listen and hear the questions of the educator, questions and answers of children, the ability to focus on the content of the conversation, to supplement what has been said , express judgment, develops the ability to participate in a conversation. This includes such games as “Let's sit side by side and talk in a friendly way”, “We have Dunno as our guest”, “Tell us about yourself”, “What happened to us ..”, “How did you spend your weekend”, “Where have you been that seen", etc.

Mobile and didactic games contain three types of tasks: teaching, playing, the task of physical education. In the course of such games, the tasks of developing physical qualities and skills in children are solved, as well as consolidating the material obtained in other classes - “Run to the named tree”, “Secret”, “Journey”, “Guess the riddle - show the riddle” and other.

Didactic games can also be classified by number of participants in them:




Collective games are organized with the whole group, group games with a subgroup of children, and individual games with 1-3 children.

We examined the main types of didactic games, now we will focus on the teacher's guidance with didactic games in different age groups, since only competent guidance from an adult will help to fulfill the tasks set by the game.

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