Japanese style kitchen decor. Japanese-style kitchen - sophistication and functionality in the interior of the kitchen (105 photos)

Japan is a country of traditions. Some of them have not changed for hundreds of years. Japanese interiors also belong to one of these "eternal" traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun. Initially dictated by the small size of Japanese houses, the need to save space as much as possible, combined with the Japanese desire for excellence, made it possible to create a unique style of home design that has not lost its relevance to this day. But if in Western countries the design of Japanese-style houses is mostly dictated by fashion or the desire to achieve harmony, then in our small-sized apartments, "Japanese simplicity" has a clear practical purpose. And what is the smallest room in our apartments? Of course, the kitchen! Therefore, it is here that the Japanese style of interior design will be most appropriate. And not only because of the small dimensions of our kitchens, but also because the Japanese approach to design allows us to transform the kitchen from a banal place for cooking into a zone of relaxation and harmony. So, we decorate the kitchen in Japanese style.

Style concept

Almost the entire lifestyle of the Japanese (and the interior in this case is no exception) is based on two concepts - Wabi and Sabi. Wabi implies wise restraint, simplicity and lack of excess, and Sabi tells to be modest, humble and submissive. Thus, the interior in the Japanese style should be as simple as possible, modest and devoid of any pretentiousness.

Simplicity and functionality are the main principles of Japanese-style interior design

In practice, this is achieved through the use of the principle of minimalism, monochrome colors, the use of natural materials and natural lighting. In the Japanese interior there are only necessary things, and most of them are not in sight, but are hidden behind the opaque doors of cabinets or shelves.

The Japanese believe that every thing should have its place, and if there is none, then, therefore, the thing is not particularly needed.

Color spectrum

Japanese cuisine uses only soft natural colors and shades.

As already mentioned, the Japanese style involves the use of monochrome colors. So you can forget about floral wallpaper or ceramic tiles with teapots and plates. The color scheme itself is represented by exceptionally soft natural shades, which are given by the picturesque Japanese nature. The white color of the Fujiyama snows and cherry blossoms, the blue and green azure of the sea wave, the beige color of the coastal sand and the dark brown shade of the sakura trunks are the main colors of the Japanese-style interior. The use of bright "acid" colors in the Japanese interior is considered unacceptable.

wall decoration

The walls in Japanese cuisine should be smooth, light and plain. As a finishing material, painted drywall or wallpaper for painting is perfect. It would also be appropriate to decorate the walls with natural materials such as bamboo, straw, natural cork.

As a "budget" option, you can suggest using wallpaper with a pattern that imitates one of these materials.

Speaking about the walls in the Japanese interior, it is impossible not to mention the light screens made of rice paper, which in many Japanese dwellings replace one or even several walls. If space permits, then the working area can be separated from the dining area, for example, with a screen.

Smooth light walls, a work apron made of tiles with "Japanese motifs" and an imitation of a rice paper screen

In extreme cases, one of the walls can be pasted over with white wallpaper with a Japanese pattern, and for greater resemblance to a real screen, a false frame made of wooden slats or bamboo poles can be fixed over them.

One of the best options for decorating walls in a Japanese interior is decorating them with bamboo. Today, this task has been greatly simplified thanks to the appearance of "bamboo" wallpapers.

Floor finish

The best materials for flooring in Japanese cuisine are natural wood or stone. In their absence, you can cover the floor with laminate or porcelain tiles. Moreover, the laminate should look like a “rough” floorboard, and the tile should not have patterns or ornaments.

Natural wood or laminate is a great flooring option for Japanese cuisine

When using linoleum, it is advisable to choose a material with a pattern in the form of a parquet board (preferably a little textured) or reed mats.

Carpets and "rugs" in Japanese cuisine will look out of place. Instead, it is better to use light mats made from natural materials or their imitation.

Ceiling decoration

The principle of maximum simplicity also applies to the decoration of the ceiling. It should be smooth and white. An excellent solution would be a ceiling with a "classic" lime whitewash (the surface of the ceiling will need to be carefully leveled). Single-level plasterboard structures or stretch ceilings are also quite possible for use in the Japanese style.

If we talk about stretch ceilings, then their mirror-like glossy surface will also visually expand the space, and this is one of the key principles of the Japanese-style interior.

Perpendicular dark wood beams are another typical Japanese-style ceiling design technique.

Windows and doors

Windows in a Japanese kitchen should be as large and open as possible. If there is no opportunity to expand the window, then at least you should not “overload” it with various draperies. The maximum that the Japanese style allows in this regard is light bamboo or fabric blinds or rice paper roller blinds.

Rice paper sliding screen door

To further save space, it is advisable to make the doors sliding, and for its visual increase - translucent.


The main rule of Japanese interior lighting is maximum natural light. If we talk about domestic kitchens, in which, as a rule, there is only one small window, then natural lighting should be replaced with soft diffused light.

For this purpose, ceiling and wall lamps with rice paper lampshades or hidden lighting from fluorescent lamps hidden behind plasterboard structures are perfect.

"Classic" Japanese lamp with rice paper lampshade


Not just a large, but a huge number of different household appliances is a feature of every Japanese cuisine. All kinds of devices and robots are used not only for cooking and washing dishes, but also to control the indoor climate, the expiration date of food and even the calorie content of food.

The principle of saving space involves the use of built-in household appliances

When choosing household appliances, it is advisable to give preference to products from Japanese manufacturers. Although, in truth, even the Japanese themselves are gradually allowing “enemy” appliances into the kitchens, so if you purchase a German hob or an Italian dishwasher, nothing “terrible” will happen.


The basic rule of choice is maximum simplicity and functionality. The traditional material for making furniture is unpainted wood, but today the "taboo" on the use of non-natural materials may not be so strictly observed. The main thing is that the materials are harmless and environmentally friendly.

Visitors to Japanese restaurants probably know that quite often the usual tables and chairs are replaced there with low platforms with mats and pillows laid out around them. This is a Japanese classic designed to save space as much as possible. But if you are not ready to eat on the floor, this rule can be neglected by placing a traditional table and chairs in the Japanese kitchen. The only condition is that they should be simple, light and devoid of any carvings or decorations.

Japanese kitchen furniture is as simple and functional as possible.

Wall cabinets and cabinets should be with smooth and necessarily opaque facades. The Japanese style of interior design means that a maximum of things should be hidden. So those who like to "flaunt" their favorite tea set or set of pots will be disappointed - this will not be possible in Japanese cuisine.

Decor and accessories

Since the basic principle of the Japanese interior is the principle of minimalism, there should be few accessories in the Japanese kitchen. Japanese-style wall engravings, simple earthenware or ceramic dishes or Japanese plants in the same clay pots are suitable for decorating the interior.

A miniature Bonsai tree will help create the most Japanese atmosphere in your kitchen.

Bonsai tree - the best decoration of the Japanese interior

Given that the Japanese style implies the maximum visual expansion of space, a must-have accessory in the kitchen, and in any other room, are mirrors. They should be large, in simple rectangular frames or without frames at all.

Designing a Japanese-style kitchen is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. True, and this case cannot be called quite simple either. Certain costs for equipment and natural materials will be required, and all finishing work must be performed at the highest level, with Japanese thoroughness and scrupulousness. But on the other hand, if you master this task, your kitchen will become not just a place for cooking and eating food, but a real “temple” of calm and harmony in which you can saturate not only your body, but also your soul. Good luck with your repair!

The Japanese style has become widespread, as the very style and lifestyle of the Japanese have also become fashionable - we eat sushi and rolls in restaurants, try to buy a Japanese car, use Japanese appliances, and the kitchen and living room of many families are decorated "in Japanese". Unless we walk in traditional clothes through the streets.

Perhaps the design of the kitchen in the Japanese style is justified. In this eastern country, like ours, there are small dwellings, and besides, regular earthquakes. Therefore, among its inhabitants, the traditional design of interiors, including kitchens, is widespread style. Remarkably, but for the same reasons, the Japanese know the secrets of the visual expansion of the room.

Buying Japanese curtains for the kitchen, a lamp with hieroglyphs, wallpaper with sakura branches, hanging photos with girls in kimonos does not mean fully decorating the kitchen in the Japanese style. To make your room truly Japanese, remember:

Small but important detail

The rice paper zoning screen is an ingenious invention for separating one place from another. For example, with its help, the living room is separated from the kitchen. The screen allows:

  • make the most of a small space;
  • change the interior design, refresh it by rearranging the screen;
  • get rid of the extra costs of building walls and partitions if you want the living room to be separated from the kitchen;
  • lighten the space
  • turning on the light in the kitchen, the living room will be saturated with a gentle glow through the rice paper, resulting in a soft, relaxing penumbra.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, be sure to use this element of traditional Japanese-style cuisine. Look at the photo, how the people of Japan use the screen.

The screen looks natural and harmonious

Japanese style furniture

Of course, it is unusual for Russian families to buy a low table and dine sitting on the floor - the back and legs will get tired, the neck will numb. Yes, and there is no need for this.

To make your furniture fit the Japanese style, when choosing a headset in a store or from a photo in catalogs, be guided by the following rules:

  1. It is better to use unpainted wood as a material, preferably light shades.
  2. The countertop should contrast with the facades.
  3. Lockers choose thin, light, non-massive, without monograms and threads. Handles should also be neat, small in size. It is desirable, of course, that there are no handles, but instead of them there are simple recesses along the edges.
  4. Try to choose flat backs (without sacrificing comfort), square seats, rectangular tables.
  5. At the stage of ordering, think about which household appliances to choose and where to hide them. Will sliding shelves be convenient for you (for example, for a double boiler or convection oven, so that the steam can escape freely), opening up (for a microwave, dishwasher, electric oven) or to the side (refrigerator).
  6. Take care of a spacious workplace that will not be crowded with cutting boards, knives in a stand, or a dish rack.

Colors for your kitchen

Japanese-style cuisine involves the use of natural, close to natural, colors. Look at the photos of oriental dwellings: for many Japanese, a living room combined with a kitchen is not only a workplace, but also a recreation area. The look should not stumble over contrasting and too bright ones.

  • Black color- special, it must be included in the design in the style of Japanese cuisine. It is used for drawing drawings, hieroglyphs on fabric, paper or wood. It can be on a screen, kitchen set, lamps, pillows.
  • Fits good beige-brown palette because it resembles wood shades. Do not overdo it with bright tones of this range - yellow and orange. They are allowed, but in limited quantities and diluted with calmer companion colors.
  • Red- the second color of the Japanese flag, the color of the sun. Pick up a few accessories with splashes (only splashes!) of red, for example, straw napkins for cutlery, lamps.
  • Green. A more natural color is hard to imagine. Use muted shades of green - olive, coniferous, green tea, pale green. Combine with brown, black.
  • Pink-lilac range. Sakura is the main Japanese tree, loved by the inhabitants of this eastern country and sung in many works. Therefore, delicate shades of pink combined with black are an excellent choice for a Japanese-style kitchen.

Accessories are still allowed

The Japanese-style kitchen (when viewing a selection of photos of traditional interiors, this will not escape your eyes) basically represents minimalism. But not asceticism, so the design suggests the presence of trinkets dear to the heart that make the kitchen alive - figurines, vases, paintings, flowers.

Flowers are quite consistent with the Japanese idea of ​​​​naturalness, so do not rush to look for a new place for your geranium or ficus. They will sit quite harmoniously on the windowsill, and if you want to stick to the Japanese style in everything, then buy a bonsai tree.

For a long, thin figurine or an elegant Japanese-style vase in the kitchen, try organizing a niche. It is not necessary to hammer the wall for this, you can simply leave one small cabinet without a door or close it with glass.

Mirrors visually expand the space, this is one of the secrets of the Japanese kitchen style. But do not overdo it - it is still not a living room or a bedroom that is made out. The mirror should not be in the working area, as you will either get tired of washing, or accidentally break it.

Elements with water. Water is sacred, its calm murmur calms the nerves and nourishes the body with energy. For an aquarium with fish, a living room or a children's room is more suitable, but for a kitchen a small sculpture with water, a picture with a seascape or a wave-like pattern on Japanese curtains in the kitchen will look more appropriate.

Despite the fact that Japan is a country with a strikingly different mentality, we can easily apply Japanese interior design rules in our kitchen: free space, minimum details, zoning, naturalness. This will be beneficial, so feel free to choose Japanese in your kitchen.

In any room, a Japanese-style kitchen can be decorated. This style does not require a lot of space, it is not affected by lighting.

Let's figure out how to create such an interior in our conditions.

A bit about Japanese style

To design the interior of a Japanese-style kitchen, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Natural materials should prevail. This applies not only to furniture, but also to decoration.
  • There are no bright accents in the color scheme. It is best to choose calm shades.
  • Be sure to adhere to minimalism and organization of space.
  • Lighting must be good.
  • When decorating, you need to use ethnic elements.


When creating a Japanese interior, special attention should be paid to the ceiling, floor and walls.

Usually the walls are painted in a light shade, decorated with decorative plaster or paneled with wood. The so-called shoji look interesting in the interior - these are sliding doors installed instead of swing doors or partitions.

The floor must be wooden. But you can use the budget option - white and brown tiles.

There are various design ideas for decorating a Japanese-style kitchen ceiling. For example, you can use wood paneling, special wallpaper for the ceiling, or photo printing. If there is no desire to mess around, then just a suspended ceiling will do.

Furniture and decor elements

The kitchen set is usually made of wood. Facades are used simple, without handles or with frosted glass inserts.

The frame of the table is made of wood, stone or metal. For a small kitchen, it is better to choose lightweight designs. The tabletop can be glass.

For lighting, it is better to choose spots - special spotlights with evenly diffused light. Bamboo, straw or paper lamps will perfectly fit into the interior.

The shape of the lampshade can be any. The main thing is to achieve good, but dim lighting.

As for the curtains, the design of the Japanese-style kitchen uses panel or roll made of bamboo. It is not forbidden to hang Roman blinds or wooden blinds. You can use ordinary curtains in such an interior, but with Japanese patterns. Their style should be strict, without additional decor.

The interior of a classic Japanese home involves minimal use of decor. Although he embodies the values ​​of families. The room has a tokonoma - a niche in the wall.

It contains a scroll with a quote from the sages, engravings and a vase with bonsai or ikebana. In a modern apartment, it is not necessary to use such a niche, but the main decor conditions should be preserved.

The Japanese interior can be decorated with numerous plants. Numerous bonsai, orchids will help not only transform the interior, but also purify the air.

Porcelain, ceramic or glass vases look beautiful, which are placed on the floor, on a table or shelves, if there is no tokonoma.

Paintings, photographs, scrolls depicting samurai, sakura branches or hieroglyphs are hung on the walls. The most important thing is to avoid piling up in the interior.

Kitchen utensils, which include cutting boards, coasters, dishes, should be made in the same style. Bamboo items are perfect.

If you look at a photo of a Japanese-style kitchen, you can see small cups and teapots, Japanese knives, sets for preparing and serving sushi and a roll. Kitchen sets may have Japanese-themed images. All this, as well as possible, will complement the interior and transform the kitchen.

If you follow the basic rules, you can easily achieve a design that is as close to Japanese as possible.

Japanese style kitchen design photo

The design of the Japanese-style kitchen is based on the philosophy of Zen, in which the truth is learned through the contemplation and perception of nature. In such a design, a special balance and equilibrium of all interior elements are observed, which differ in a certain semantic load.

Japanese style features

There are several basic design principles:

  • This style is concise, involves restraint and a minimum amount of decor.
  • The interior uses natural and natural materials in the form of wood, jute, bamboo or rice paper.
  • Items are as functional as possible and harmoniously combined with each other.
  • Japanese-style kitchens are distinguished by the presence of free space, which is formed by dismantling walls or using multi-level color transitions.
  • The decoration uses beige, black, brown, green or red tones.

The photo shows a minimalist Japanese-style kitchen design with natural wood trim.

Color design

The Japanese style assumes a natural palette of browns, beiges, greens, greys, blacks and cherry tones. The design is often diluted with amber, honey splashes or blue and blue tones, representing the water element.

The white gamma is considered not entirely acceptable for an oriental interior, so milk or cream colors are chosen instead.

For the design of the kitchen, only three colors are mainly used, preferably from the light spectrum.

The photo shows the interior of a spacious Japanese-style kitchen, designed in natural brown tones.

Black shades in Japan characterize nobility and wisdom. Dark tones can add expressiveness and elegance to any color. Since, in this style, contrasting black is not used in decoration, it can be found in the performance of the facades of a kitchen set or used to draw hieroglyphs.

Sometimes not bright, exclusively dark or muted red and green colors are chosen for the design of Japanese cuisine.

The photo shows red and orange accents in the interior of a white and brown Japanese-style kitchen.

What finish is right for you?

The unique and aesthetic Japanese style combines minimalism, natural motifs and original elements.

  • Ceiling. The easiest solution is to paint or whitewash the ceiling surface. In order for the situation to become as close as possible to the original Japanese style, the ceiling is divided into squares using wooden beams. The inside is painted or decorated with a stretch fabric with a matte or fabric texture.
  • Walls. The plane of the walls is finished with plaster or pasted over with plain wallpaper in neutral tones. To create an accent surface, it is appropriate to use photo wallpapers with thematic images, wooden or plastic, which can imitate bamboo.
  • Floor. The traditional cladding is wooden boards. Such floor material is more relevant for the interior of a kitchen in a private house; in an apartment it will be perfectly replaced by linoleum, laminate or parquet. Finishing in the form of porcelain stoneware with an imitation of stone or wood structure will perfectly complement the surrounding design.
  • Apron. The apron zone deserves special attention in the kitchen, which can be the main decorative element of the room. The apron is often laid out using mosaics, tiles with ethnic ornaments and artificial stone, or used to decorate skinali with photo printing of hieroglyphs or sakura branches.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with an apron area decorated with sakura skins.

In a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you can visually expand the space through the use of mirrors, as well as excellent daylight and diffused evening lighting.

For the kitchen-living room, it would be appropriate to use Japanese screens as a zoning element. Such designs, due to their mobility, provide the ability to change the configuration of the room at any time. An excellent option would be rice paper partitions that do not interfere with the penetration of light.

The photo shows natural wooden parquet on the floor in the interior of a Japanese-style island kitchen.

Selection of furniture and appliances

Japanese style does not accept massive furniture. The kitchen set is made of natural wood or other natural material and has a strict outline and at the same time a very elegant look. Due to this, the room is filled with air and light.

The refrigerator and other household appliances are built into the headset and hidden behind the facades. The dining group is mainly equipped with a table with a stone or wooden top and simple, not bulky stools or chairs are installed.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with a laconic set made of wood.

Lightweight and narrow designs with small handles are selected as lockers. Facades are decorated with frosted glass inserts and lattice.

The working area in the kitchen is located as close as possible to the walls. It takes up little space in the room and at the same time does not differ in constraint and discomfort.

The photo shows a furniture set in dark brown and red tones in the design of Japanese cuisine.

Lighting and decor

For Japanese interiors, appliances that will gently scatter light are appropriate. For example, an excellent solution would be internal ceiling lighting. In addition, the kitchen can be equipped with a central chandelier and spots located around the perimeter.

Lamps with wicker bamboo, straw shades or rice paper lampshades have a truly beautiful view.

Since the Japanese style welcomes the presence of regular geometric shapes, light sources are distinguished by square, rectangular or spherical outlines.

The photo shows suspended ceiling lamps and spotlights in the interior of the Japanese-style kitchen-living room.

The decor allows the kitchen to acquire a more expressive thematic design. For this, accessories are used in the form of wall scrolls, vases, ceramic or porcelain figurines that can be placed in niches. Authentic tableware will be a wonderful decoration. The table can be complemented with a tea set, a sushi set or a fruit and sweets platter. Also, a tatami mat will emphasize the work or dining area.

Plants traditional for Japanese culture, such as ikebana or a bonsai tree, will harmoniously fit into the interior.

The photo shows a dining area in a Japanese-style kitchen, decorated with a large geometric chandelier.

What curtains to use?

To complete the image of a Japanese-style kitchen, competent window decoration is required. Curtains are an almost obligatory part of the oriental interior. In the manufacture of curtains, light textiles and natural materials such as bamboo, rattan or rice paper are used.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with a window and a balcony door, decorated with bamboo roller blinds.

Basically, Japanese panels, blinds or roller blinds up to the window sill are chosen for decoration.

To further emphasize the stylistic decision of the kitchen, silk curtains are suitable, harmoniously combined with the upholstery in the room.

The photo shows translucent two-tone Roman curtains on the window in the interior of a Japanese-style kitchen.

Japanese Kitchen Design Ideas

The traditional design move is the installation of a low table, overlaid with pillows that replace chairs. This design not only has an unusual look, but also significantly saves space in the kitchen.

Sliding shoji structures can be installed instead of swing doors. They are decorated with translucent paper or frosted glass, which, in combination with wooden beams, forms a sophisticated checkered pattern.

The photo shows a Japanese kitchen design with a low wooden table lined with pillows.

In contemporary kitchen design, there is an unusual decor in the form of skillfully crafted samurai blades that shine with a perfectly polished surface. Stylized Japanese kitchen knives perform an applied function and enrich the surrounding interior.

The photo shows a spacious Japanese-style kitchen with shoji glass sliding partitions.

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A Japanese-style kitchen with an interior thought out to the smallest detail allows you to endow the atmosphere with an oriental spirit, give the room a unique elegance and create a harmonious environment in which all family members will be pleased.

Conciseness, minimalism and a kind of asceticism, characteristic of Japanese design, are the main thing that distinguishes this style from European trends. In the photo and in the real interior of the oriental kitchen, you will not see bulky furniture and many decorative details. But with the help of simple tricks, create a cozy space that radiates harmony and tranquility.

Japanese style is considered one of the most sought after in residential design in recent decades. It is suitable for any size kitchen. The direction is focused on the needs of the modern city dweller, so the interior is comfortable and functional. A considerable merit in this is the Europeans, who adapted the traditional oriental design to their own needs.

Another name for the style is refined. In the photo of such a kitchen you will not find anything superfluous. Other characteristic features of the Japanese direction are as follows:

  • a lot of free space;
  • correct geometric shapes;
  • symmetry and proportionality;
  • perfect order;
  • natural materials in decoration, furniture, decor. The kitchen uses wood, stone, bamboo, etc.;
  • functional furniture and household appliances;
  • good lighting - both natural and artificial;
  • ethnic decor;
  • natural color palette. Use white, pearl, beige, brown and black, as well as green and ocher colors to decorate the interior of the kitchen.

Advice. To visually expand the space of the kitchen, choose light colors, glossy facades.

Ideas for decorating walls, floors, ceilings

Japan is a progressive country with advanced technologies. But the Japanese rarely use modern materials to decorate their own homes, preferring natural textures. If it is an imitation of wood or stone, then it must be of high quality. Plastic and even metal are rarely found here. The exception is household appliances.

The laconic comfort of the Japanese style will be created by such ways of finishing the kitchen:

Attention! The ceiling should be matte, without a pattern.

Furniture in oriental design

The Japanese are guided by the principle: the less furniture, the better. Headsets should be made of natural materials and designed in the spirit of minimalism. Facades and surfaces - smooth, lacquered, glossy. The furniture is combined with the main colors of the kitchen and at the same time contrasts with them.

An interesting feature: most Japanese-style furniture has low legs. This is due to the geographical location of the country, because earthquakes happen here. However, the modern interpretation of the style allows you to choose a taller and more comfortable set for the kitchen. The table is solid, wooden or stone. In a small room, a light and elegant product with a glass top looks better. Chairs - wooden, with smooth lines.

Kitchen cabinets don't have to be massive. Choose models in which the fittings do not stand out or are completely masked. Shelves are preferably closed. They may have glass inserts. Carving is allowed on the facades.

Other interior details

To make the kitchen really stylish, consider the following nuances:

  • smooth lines, clarity of forms and strict geometry - the criteria are also relevant when choosing a sink, faucet, taps;
  • a large refrigerator is best built into a niche or cabinet. The same applies to the hood;
  • lighting - uniform, diffused. Hang a chandelier, equip furniture lighting;

  • forms of lamps - square, sphere, rectangle, material - bamboo, jute, rice paper, wood, straw;
  • curtains for the kitchen - traditional Japanese: panel or roll, made of bamboo. Alternative - Roman curtains, wooden blinds;
  • Decorate the interior with a china tea set, live orchids and bamboo, hieroglyphic engravings, but in moderation.

Clear your kitchen of everything that creates a sense of clutter. This will help to properly organize the space and create an atmosphere of oriental calm and tranquility in the interior.

Japanese interior design: video

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