What does inspiration mean. sources of inspiration

Greetings to all readers who were inspired to read this article. And you and I see that the topic of this article just has a title : "What is inspiration and how to inspire yourself." I don’t know how interesting this topic is for the readers of this site, but it’s still worth talking about it with you. Because the feeling of inspiration is an important feeling and it is very unusual. I think those people who experienced it (I hope that you too) know what a wonderful feeling it is. In this article, we will talk with you and find out what is inspiration and how to inspire yourself.

Why is this necessary?

If you have never experienced such a feeling, then you can safely ask this question. If you have lived for several years with a sense of inspiration, then you know how much this feeling helps to live. Dear readers, if you learn to experience this feeling and constantly evoke it in yourself, your life will partially or even completely change. By myself, I can definitely say this, since I lived with this feeling for about 8 months. Then it disappeared from me for six months. Then he returned again and I lived and have been living with him for almost a year now. Sometimes this feeling is very strong. Sometimes barely noticeable. But what conclusions can I draw? When there is a feeling of inspiration inside you, you become much happier!!! Even the attitude changes and everything looks like " in fairy tale". I realized that the feeling of inspiration is like one of the elements happiness, joy, harmony and the desire to create and do something. That is why I am writing this article in order to make you even happier than you are. By the way, I mentioned this unusual feeling in the book "Rainbow of Happiness" When I wrote it, the feeling of inspiration was next to me. I hope this book brings you happiness. At least some.

What is inspiration?

How do you think? In my opinion, inspiration- this is a special Inner state of a person that makes him happier and motivates him to do something and create. This feeling that gives faith, hope and energy to a person. Everything inside you is different. There are no those gray days. You simply do not notice them, because you begin to feel the world differently. Everything is real like in a fairy tale. You want to live and enjoy life. Do you want to bring your ideas to life? I want to jump and laugh. It all depends on how strong this feeling is - the feeling of inspiration.

As I said before, unpleasant things happen with the feeling of inspiration. It goes away from you. When this happened to me, life became somehow uncomfortable. The world again began to seem gray and muddy. I would say that the attitude has become much worse. Pessimism appears (read the article: "How to become an optimist. 8 unique tips"). The motivation to do something is also gone. After all, inspiration also acts as a motivation. In general, I realized that it was necessary to appreciate the time when I was inspired. Do you recognize yourself in this?

What happened next? At first I asked for this feeling to reappear and tried to evoke it in the same ways that I had evoked in the past. But it was all pointless. Maybe this feeling came, but it was no longer as strong and bright as before. So I forgot about it. And as soon as I did it, life became normal. Maybe not everything was so colorful, but still lived very well.

After 2-3 months I had a new inspiration, and it was much stronger than before. I definitely didn’t expect this ... such days began when everything was perfection. When such wonderful sensations "blazed" inside me, which cannot be expressed in words. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but it’s time for you to experience these feelings. I don’t know how strong they will be for you, but… it’s really wonderful!!! That is why I am writing this article. I wish everyone could experience something like this.

How to inspire yourself?

I found out that inspiration can be caused and there is one sure way for this!!! This find button that will give you that feeling! You should not be afraid that you will have to look for something in yourself or think that it is difficult. Of course not!!! All you have to do is find the button. How can I do that? To begin with, I will give an example, and then we will draw conclusions together with you. Good? Fine!!!

I heard a story like this when I took the course "Money Raising Technique"(in my opinion, the best course regarding the topic of money). So. There, one guy wanted to become rich (like most guys of our time). But sometimes he was too lazy to do anything. There was no strength, mood and ... a sense of inspiration. But he managed to find a button that motivated him and inspired him to start doing something. The button that inspired him!!! And this button was next - he really liked it when the most beautiful girls paid attention to him. And there are a lot of girls. And as soon as he thought about it, he immediately received energy and inspiration.

This may sound like motivation and nothing more. Everything depends on the inner world of a person. For example, I begin to imagine how I travel the world and visit the most interesting places. It inspires me a lot and my focus is constantly on it!!! Focus on where I am in sunny places. Some girl can inspire you (that's what inspired me before)!!! What a wish!!! All this is a button that makes you feel inspired. But there is one but

The same button - will not work for a long time. Especially when you reach it. It will have to be replaced " inspiration button ". But by doing so, you will be able to live an interesting and colorful life, even if it is a gray everyday life, life will still look better. Because next to you there will be another best friend, whose name is - inspiration.

Reading time: 4 min

Inspiration is the appearance of motivation, readiness for any action, the most important aspect of the individual's creative potential, marked by a high rise and concentration of internal forces. At the moment of inspiration, all mental processes are activated, new inner possibilities are revealed. Inspiration is required for every individual, regardless of his profession and type of activity. It’s worth taking on any business with a soul, whether it’s doing important scientific work or self-development, ordinary cooking or everyday house cleaning, as a result, the results often exceed even your own expectations.

What is inspiration

Inspiration is a special state of the human soul, a spontaneous outburst of inner possibilities, which is a prerequisite for the flow of creative processes. The human, listening to new information (through images, sounds, sensations), gives rise to new ideas and plans, which, of course, you want to realize and certainly bring to life. As a result of this process, outstanding original, objective and self-sufficient innovative products (technical inventions, scientific discoveries, artistic images, etc.) appear.

Often, barriers to future discoveries are: lack of concentration, disinterest in the work performed, negative thinking, emotional barriers, excessive, illness, bad habits, general dissatisfaction with life, and so on. Also, external stimuli, such as uncomfortable working conditions, various extraneous distractions, become obstacles to creative inspiration.

Creative inspiration stimulates the correct organization of conditions for performing various types of activities, expands one's own horizons, trains thinking, abilities, and forms an interest in actions. The monotony of actions significantly reduces interest in the work performed, makes it monotonous, routine.

Creative people are able to discard ordinary, stereotyped thinking and are ready to create something fresh, non-standard, special. Their surrounding reality is multi-valued and versatile, they are able to see in everyday things something unique, invisible to others. The ultimate need of the individual as a subject is the most productive way of his and creative activity.

A creative, creatively inspired person is more attractive in communication, charismatic, free, easy-going, she is constantly surrounded by people, she is interesting and drawn to her. Such an individual is open to new experience, he is ready to breathe in the unknown and conquer a new peak.

It was creative inspiration that repeatedly prompted the most outstanding personalities of mankind to create unsurpassed creations, masterpieces. Great people have written about inspiration:

“Inspiration is a guest who does not like to visit the lazy” - P. I. Tchaikovsky;

“Inspiration is the ability to bring yourself into working condition” - A.S. Pushkin.

A. Maslow's observations confirm that peak experiences, including inspiration, are closely related to the success of the individual, that is, achieving success in some activities inspires a person to achieve victories in other areas of life.

Being at the peak of inspiration, a person keenly feels the unity of the inner and outer world, the integrity of his own personality. Feelings of spontaneity, originality, lightness, inner fullness arise as if by themselves. At such times, there is no place for doubts inside the personality, but there is confidence, sincerity, truth in one's own thoughts, as well as actions. Moments of inspiration contribute to the integration of personality, its development.

However, the repository of human resources does not tolerate violence and coercion. A cold, enslaved, completely self-controlled person who experiences difficulties in love, in trusting people and the world as a whole is not able to feel inspiration and his own creative messages.

Every person needs inspiration and. Good luck accompanies those who are purposeful, who stubbornly strive for a creative solution to the problems that arise on the path of life. For a modern person, it is important to be able to balance internal and external control, to gain integrity, to achieve harmony. A person who has managed to overcome his own fears and negative feelings becomes capable of fruitful activity, creative work.

How to find inspiration

For many people, the sources of inspiration are individual. Some individuals find it insanely difficult to find something inspiring, while others draw inspiration from literally everything that surrounds them. But there are some things that most of us draw inspiration from. These things allow us to find the strength to create.

What can be a source of inspiration? Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether this or that activity can captivate and complexity arises until you try it, you do not feel it on your own experience. The field for searching for "inspiring springs" is quite wide. For some, it may be watching a favorite movie or show, listening to high-quality music, for others, a walk in nature, or maybe going to a museum or gym, an entertaining hobby, and so on. Also, new experiences can be a powerful generator of inspiration. Previously unexperienced experiences activate brain processes in the best way, a person begins to more clearly understand and perceive the environment, personal depth, more accurately realizes his inner ones. Being in a state of creative inspiration leads to the emergence, finding answers to exciting questions that have been tormenting for a long time.

The choice is solely up to the person, one has only to look around and see where the source of inspiration is, which will beckon and inspire. If the "muse" has left, then you should not passively wait for her return, it's time to act:

- spend leisure time in nature. Nature has a very beneficial effect, restores the lost inner balance, is able to awaken the dormant potential of the individual. Perfectly relaxes communication with animals, their openness and devotion can conquer even the most callous and gloomy personality;

- workout. Physical activity affects the biochemical processes of the body, changes metabolism and hormonal levels, which is why after training we feel pleasant fatigue, at the same time lightness, removal of emotional stress, then raising the mood and a surge of internal strength;

- start to be creative. Creative activity is aimed at the birth of something qualitatively new, beautiful, unique, it cannot but inspire, since it is the embodiment of inspiration itself;

– start traveling, nothing else is as impressive as new horizons;

- avoid communication with and. Communicate and interact more often with successful people, their example is always contagious;

- it is useful to fall in love with a person, with a job, with a hobby, with art. Love is able to revive and inspire;

- learn to perceive humor, which reduces an overly serious attitude to life's difficulties and trials;

– work in a friendly team where you can get support and exchange experiences. Cohesive work unites, captivates, increases competitiveness;

- , this will help activate internal reserves. , meditation practices, art classes, dance and body therapy can reveal the human personality from completely unexpected sides. Creative trainings contain methods that are aimed at awakening the creative energy of the individual. Having visited such an event, inspiration is guaranteed.

But it happens that the source of inspiration seems to have exhausted itself and what pleased and ignited earlier has lost its former strength and attractiveness. On the one hand, it causes sadness and regret about the loss, but on the other hand, it makes us look for and find new ways, see new perspectives. Therefore, one should open up to a new experience, get rid of the old things and thoughts that weigh on a person. No need to be afraid to take a step into the future towards previously unknown feelings and sensations. One should try to taste everything that life offers, to live with an open soul, with joy and understanding of what a person does in this world.

It is important to look for the positive in every day, in every situation. Positive emotions inspire much more than negative ones, which only reinforce the oppressed state. Being in a state of inspiration, all the forces of the personality effectively merge together, then a person acquires integrity, he is filled with expression and spontaneity, reveals his best sides, his actions are complete and most productive.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

"Inspiration -like a spice, you need very little, but it can change everything."

Pablo Picasso.

It is generally accepted that inspiration is inherent only in creative people and is necessary for artists, poets, and musicians. And in everyday life, you can do without it. It is also commonly believed that inspiration is something elusive and unpredictable, capricious and uncontrollable.

In fact, these are just stereotypes. In fact, inspiration can come from any activity. It is inspiration that turns what you do into a creative process. You can clean floors creatively, bake cakes with inspiration, and draw mediocre paintings with no enthusiasm at all.

There are at least 9 reasons why each of us needs inspiration in everyday life.

  1. Inspiration is the ability to be yourself.
  2. Inspiration is the ability to play.
  3. Inspiration is the experience of flow.
  4. Inspiration is a conscious choice and overcoming.
  5. Inspiration is a factor in personal success.
  6. Inspiration is connecting with other people.
  7. Inspiration is a leadership skill.
  8. Inspiration is math.
  9. Inspiration is a personal transformation.

    Inspiration is the ability to be yourself

Etymological meaning of the word inhale innovation - in one breath, in one breath.

Woo soul vision is a connection with your Soul, to feel the destiny and follow it.

And in fact, the ability to be in harmony with yourself, in harmony is very important.

After all, when we are at odds with ourselves, it affects all areas of life. More often there are conflicts with close people, less often there is a good mood and drive, everything falls out of hand at work, I don’t want to maintain contact with other people.

But when we experience inspiration, uplift, inspiration, it seems that everything is within our reach, the whole world is open at a glance, nothing is impossible. Ideas and solutions come, we radiate with the energy of happiness and become small centers of attraction for other people.

It is at such moments that we experience a sense of connection with the whole world. In this state, it is impossible to feel alone or depressed, despair and helplessness. When you are connected with everything living in the world, consciousness expands. Everything becomes available - any dream is feasible.

But what if inspiration doesn't come? If there is no favorite thing that turns on this inner light and turns work into pleasure? If creativity seems to be something far away?

Although it is strange at first glance, imitating what pleases and delights can lead us to ourselves, as happened with Yoji Yamamoto, the world famous fashion designer. By copying your favorite silhouettes and colors, immersing yourself in the history of your country, you can create a unique designer style in clothing.

You can imagine yourself as someone who inspires admiration in the professional field, infects with his inspiration. It is enough to imagine yourself as this person. Try to get used to his image, his style, his thoughts and feelings - as much as you can. And then you can act, make decisions, come up with ideas or do something, as if you were one ...

You can immerse yourself in your favorite area of ​​​​knowledge or activity and bring something from there for a new area. Looking at the swirling leaves in an autumn park, you can come up with a unique pattern for fabric or the shape of a candlestick. Just like touching the image of the chosen person, you can try to find new ideas, as if he were doing it.

  • Exercise 1.

Think what inspires you? The first snow in the light of lanterns? Walking on a sandy beach?

Think who inspires you? What do you know about this person? Imagine yourself to them.

Think about how what inspires you can be transformed into another area?

Think about what ideas the person you have chosen would come up with.

Remember: even imagining yourself as Pablo Picasso, you yourself will draw on canvas ...

Inspiration is the ability to play

It is well known that children are much more likely than adults to experience a flight of inspiration, joy, delight. In childhood, we often fantasize and dream. Imagination paints the world with wonderful colors. In childhood, we do not yet know that "this does not happen." Everything happens in childhood.

And yet "everything happens" with inventors, innovators, artists, writers and musicians. They also do not know the word impossible. That is why they see those sides of the world that are inaccessible to others. And they can embody in reality what did not exist before them.

Someone once came up with the first button, the first coffee maker, a steam locomotive, a telephone and stickers for the office. How do they succeed? The secret is simple. They retain the perception of a five-year-old child.

Curiosity + Play + Emotions + Openness to new things = Inspiration

At the age of five, a child explores the world with curiosity, gets to know it. He is open to everything new. For him, there is no rigid framework yet: "That's the only way". For him, the question is more relevant: How is it?".

At this age, children ask a lot of questions ... This interest in everything in the world allows them to deal with information in a completely different way. If in adults it is filtered by attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes - everything that does not pass censorship is simply not perceived or discarded, then in a child new information becomes part of a holistic view.

In childhood, everything becomes part of one big game. And at the same time, it is challenging. The child seeks to know the limits of his abilities - from tying shoelaces to building models of spaceships. "Can I do it?- this question creates personal personal progress.

And, of course, the child allows himself to experience the whole gamut of feelings. He still does not understand that feelings must be hidden, suppressed, that this is not accepted. He doesn't know how to wear a mask. But in adults, the mask sometimes grows so tightly to the face that people forget who they really are.

"Going from the tender years of youth to the cruel and embittered maturity, don't forget to take all human feelings with you! Don't leave them on the road, because you won't pick them up later!"

N. Gogol.

When we grow up, the child remains inside us. It is important for adults to sometimes give free rein to their Inner Child and look at the world through their eyes. Turn off the rational mind and turn on the heart, let yourself feel, come into contact with a living and warm pulsating life.

"To be in touch with yourself, you have to rejoice. Joy is the primary feeling.

Let your inner child be here and now."

Stephen Covey.

Adults who keep turning any work or activity into a game are always full of joy and inspiration. After all, the game is alive. She transforms. She is new every time. The game makes life unforgettable and bright. As in childhood.

inspiration is flow

They say that inspiration is a way to live outside the head. And this very accurately reflects the experience of flow. This is immersion in action, dissolving in it so much that the conscious Self, our eternal controller, our Ego, simply turns off. But this does not mean that we become less aware, less capable, or less intelligent. Against. We connect with our resource part, with our Wise Self. And solutions are found easily and quickly, new ideas come, insights visit.

"I feel energy flowing through me, and I just don't interfere with it."

Poet Richard Jones.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalya, a well-known researcher, psychologist, professor at the University of Chicago, who devoted his whole life to the study of happiness and creativity, identifies 7 conditions for the emergence of a flow state in any kind of activity.

  1. Clarity of purpose (what tasks need to be solved and in what sequence to perform them).
  2. Online feedback on how you are doing (it is important to know how well you are doing all the time).
  3. Balance between opportunities and abilities (it is important to understand that the task is feasible and challenging).
  4. Concentration of attention (... as if the boundaries between personality and activity are blurred ...).
  5. Here and now.
  6. Everything is under control (the ability to make events develop clearly in accordance with the intention).
  7. Loss of one's self (switching off rational consciousness and ego).

In a state of flow, the sense of time adjusts to what we are doing. Many people note that they lose their sense of time - it either stretches or contracts when hours fly by like minutes. Man is in the flow and becomes action himself. And all seven basic conditions are quite achievable in any kind of activity. This means that we are able to experience inspiration, both by climbing a hard-to-reach mountain range, and by personally re-gluing the wallpaper in the apartment.

Inspiration is a conscious choice and overcoming

Quite often, climbers, dancers, and musicians are cited as an example of unforgettable streaming experiences of happiness and inspiration. However, they all say that before inspiration and exciting happiness, they have to overcome themselves, make efforts and work hard. Inspiration comes from hard work, not the other way around.

“Yes, there is inspiration, but it should catch you at work. Don’t waste a lot of time waiting for the “right” moment. If inspiration descends, great, create! But don’t limit yourself to the duration of this magical component. Sometimes you need to force yourself to do work, not requiring special skills, and it is foolish to expect such support for this.

Pablo Picasso.

Reinhold Messner is an Italian climber and explorer. Currently, he is recognized as the most famous climber in world history. Messer became famous for his high-speed ascents of Everest and other world peaks without additional oxygen and route preparation (in the so-called Alpine style). He became the first climber to conquer all 14 peaks of 8000 meters or more. One of the first Messner climbed all 7 of the highest mountains in the world, and also crossed Antarctica on foot.

In the book "Crystal Horizon" he describes ascents. And quite often on the pages there is a theme of fear and overcoming - " I exist only as a transcendence of myself".

He writes that at the start there is always the first volitional effort, the first push to start. First - overcoming oneself, one's fears, limitations, one's "I can't". Then - action. And only then - inspiration, flow, pleasure.

Why do I choose inspiration?

Becauze I whant so!

  • Exercise "Inspired Day Setting".

You are what you think. Be your own inspiration!

Write how you feel at the beginning and at the end of the day - as usual.

Write how you want to feel at the beginning and at the end of the day?

As usual - inspiring

Now let's see what your simple actions can help you move from one state to another.

  • What can inspire you in the morning and cheer you up?
  • Who can be your inspiration?
  • What can you do to experience joy and uplift?
  • With whom can you discuss the details of your day or work so that you can be inspired by the discussion?
  • What results of the day in the evening will make you satisfied and proud?

Something else?

Inspiration is a factor in personal success

From school years, we were taught to overcome our weaknesses. And we've always focused on them for the most part and put a lot of effort into doing the hardest things. We did not become the best in this, efforts did not always bring the expected result. But it was accepted that way.

"When we look at each other through the prism of weaknesses, we make people's strengths useless and weaknesses obvious."

Stephen Covey.

Modern research shows that successful people do not strive to overcome their shortcomings at all - on the contrary, they make efforts to develop abilities. And it is precisely what they are talented at that brings the greatest success.

Talent is a way to express yourself through activity, to show the world what a person is predisposed to. As a rule, we achieve the greatest success in what we love, because we are able to do it as well as possible. Much better than others.

"In the life of every person there comes a moment when he needs to express himself to the end, reach the limit of his abilities. Who is born for painting, will not be himself until he takes up a brush and paint. Another always sees figures made of wood, stone or metal and the hands itch to create them. A third must sing at all costs, while others strive to enchant listeners with their speeches, to control their mood. Everyone has an inner attraction that must manifest itself. At the same time, a very high standard is gradually developed in a person - the most as high as possible for him, and he seeks to test himself with this highest test. He will not reach agreement either with himself or with the world around him if he does not rise to the height that seems to him the limit.

R. Messner.

  • Exercise "Success and pride."
  1. What success do you remember that makes you feel proud?
  2. What has helped you achieve success?
  3. What are your inner qualities and abilities that have helped you achieve success?

Agree that, remembering now about your success, you experience pleasure, maybe a slight euphoria. And on this wave of positive feelings, new inspiration is born.

This is how you can stimulate new success. After all, what works well, what we do with pleasure, brings the greatest joy.

Inspiration is connecting with other people

Inspiration connects us with other people. When we are passionate about something sincerely, from the heart, when we are in the flow, there is a lot of hot living energy inside us, and it infects everyone around us. Builders sometimes say that in order for a house to be strong and reliable, "... the main thing is not the stones, the main thing is the mortar ...".

Inspiration creates connections between people. It can become such a solution. After all, when we share joy - generously and disinterestedly, people are drawn to us. Then we become the center of attraction. And you yourself know such people in life. And they inspire you.

Joy, inspiration, willingness to help create integrity and connections between people. And there is another aspect of inspiration that connects people.

Albert Schweitzer, theologian, musician, Nobel Peace Prize winner wrote: " At some point in everyone's life, the inner fire goes out. And then when you meet another person, a flame breaks out. We should all be grateful to those people who rekindle the inner spirit."

Mathematics of inspiration

No matter how common it is to think that inspiration is a spontaneous flight of the imagination, it has its own formula, with which you can call inspiration at the right time.

  • Inspiration = Challenge + Interest + Focus.

Modern research shows that we are inspired when a job or activity challenges our abilities, arouses interest, and we are able to fully immerse ourselves in this activity with the utmost concentration of attention.

When all three components are present, inspiration will surely come. And in practice, with the help of this formula, you can learn to inspire even in the most routine and boring work.

Let the interest fill you completely. As it happens in childhood, when we were fond of some kind of game or could watch for hours how a ladybug crawls along the peeling plaster of an old house. Interest comes gradually, in the process of concentration. And it can increase and multiply when you are open, when you are curious, when you are watching.

There is such a thing as concentrated relaxation. In this state, we do our best. The body is relaxed, and most importantly, the mind is relaxed. This allows inspiration to turn on, creative therefore, to all conscious and unconscious parts of the Self. This allows you to become integral.

In addition, all four basic arithmetic operations can be associated with inspiration.

Subtraction: leave only the main thing, put everything else out of the brackets - this is the ultimate concentration of attention.

Addition: you need to sum up your abilities, talents, skills and qualities in order to meet the challenge and achieve the goal.

Multiplication: it is important to multiply your interest in what you are doing.

As a result, inspiration will come. And when the rational mind turns off, not only insights, ideas, excellent work will come, but also joy. A lot of positive energy that can be shared with the whole world - and with those people who are nearby.

For inspiration, there is a simple algorithm.

Define a goal, task, or project. What are you going to do.

Make a map of success - remember what qualities, abilities and skills you can rely on in a new business.

Sell ​​yourself a goal: find 4 values ​​and meanings in it that are important to you personally.

Challenge yourself: what do you want to achieve? Where is your limit? Are you capable of it?

When you reach the goal, what will change in the world next to you, to whom and what benefit will it bring?

Inspiration is not thinking. Inspiration is doing.


Inspiration allows you to discover the best in yourself, which means to go from dream to dream. And each new success becomes a point of growth. Inspiration starts the process of internal transformation, and we move in a spiral of development.

"Inspiration is the "fire" that makes any work hot and "alive".

Inspiration is like love. Everyone participates voluntarily in this!

Any inspiration is a wonderful inspiration. Anything can inspire a person to creativity, any object or phenomenon, provided that they have harmony, symmetry and measure.

About the beautiful

Here a sunbeam breaks through the foliage of a tree standing by the window and, entering the room, pierces a glass of hot tea and everything suddenly becomes magical: the steam from the tea, the glass of the glass and the ray of the sun refracted and painted a rainbow on the table. This is a simple, beautiful picture. But what could be more beautiful nature, natural, simple things?

It is necessary to switch thoughts more often from eternal thoughts about pressing matters and notice the beauty around! How the cobweb on a tree trembles and glows with gold, how a yellow leaf slowly falls from it, how green leaves still rustle - any little thing can give birth in the mind to what is called inspiration.

Also wonderful the creations of human hands, but not all, but those created for the benefit of people, that is, belonging to the category of art, craft and science. A plate, a child's toy, a perfume bottle, and also a painting, a novel, a musical opera, a discovery or a technical invention can be beautiful.

There are several factors that distinguish beauty from ugliness:

  • beautiful gives rise to a lot of positive emotions and a sense of pleasure,
  • it personifies the boundless scope and fullness of the creative abilities of man or nature,
  • embodies the idea of ​​perfection, ideal and good.

Beautiful is not only something beautiful, but also Kind. Therefore, despite the fact that the words "beauty" and "beautiful" have the same root, beautiful does not mean beautiful. The explosion of a nuclear bomb is impressive and looks beautiful, but it is not beautiful, but terrible.

- the highest aesthetic value and the main positive form of being, which has its own laws:

  • harmony,
  • symmetry,
  • measures.

What is beautiful is what is harmonious, correct, what is not too much and not too little, what is pleasing to the eye and heart.

However, the idea of ​​beauty may vary depending on:

  • conditions, image, lifestyle of a person, his aesthetic preferences;
  • features of national culture and the level of individual culture of the individual.

Inspiration- this is the rise of mental strength and mental energy, observed in the process of creative work. Not only representatives of creative professions (writers, artists, musicians, actors, singers and others) can do without it, but also a scientist, a simple worker, a housewife.

Why is everyone looking for inspiration? Why sometimes even exercising and cleaning cannot be done without inspiration? The thing is that it seems to energize and speed up the time to complete the task. The state of inspiration is somewhat similar to trance, hypnosis, it can be called an altered state of consciousness.

Inspiration is characterized:

  • full focus on the creative process;
  • consistently high concentration of attention;
  • brightness of images of memory and imagination;
  • increased interest, enthusiasm,
  • self-confidence and success,
  • activation of cognitive and creative abilities, skills, knowledge.
    Inspiration makes any work productive:
  • new plans, ideas, plans, goals are born;
  • there is a solution to problems or at least its essence is clarified;
  • there are common models, basic images, a “framework” for the forthcoming work;
  • new or absolutely unique products of creativity appear.

At what point or time frame in the creative process is inspiration born? Many geniuses did not hide from the public the fact that their discoveries were the result of a sudden insight. It was as if someone put words or pictures into their minds, which only remained to be done, what to write down on paper.

The mystery and incomprehensibility of insight was associated (and this point of view also takes place in our time) with the presence of a higher, divine source of inspiration until the American psychologist G. Wallace nor did he develop an outline of the creative process.

Wallace drew conclusions about creativity on the basis of an analysis of data obtained from self-observation diaries of famous geniuses and scientists.

So, according to Wallace, the creative process consists of four stages:

Thus, it becomes clear that inspiration and insight are not simple luck, but the result of work, trial and error, perseverance in solving a problem.

Inspiration does not come to those who do nothing, it loves active people. Sometimes, in order to be inspired by an activity, it is enough just to start doing it, to take the first step.

Where to look for beautiful inspiration

To be inspired by the beautiful, you need to be able to notice it, and sources a lot of beauty:

  1. Nature. Any manifestation of it is wonderful! Earthly landscapes and elements fascinate and inspire. A modern person has the opportunity to be inspired by the beauties of nature without even leaving home. Photographers around the world are capturing and posting photos and videos online of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, high waves, mountains, heavy snow, oceans, northern lights and more. Of course, direct contact with nature is also important: walking, relaxing, just watching it.
  2. Traveling and being on the road. Of course, while traveling, you can see and learn a lot of new and beautiful things, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel as often as they would like, but every person moves around the area where he lives during the day. If you look out the window of a tram not just like that, but with the aim of observing the world around you, you can see beauty in the usual.
  3. Children. All small children are open, sincere, spontaneous, active and, in the end, just very beautiful, sweet, pure. Looking at how a child enjoys life and listening to what he says, you can find a lot of ideas for creativity.
  4. Beautiful people. Man is also part of nature. Beautiful in soul and body, successful, wise, experienced or simply loving and beloved person is able to inspire to conquer any, even unreal peaks.
  5. Poetry. It has harmony, harmony of thoughts and melodiousness.
  6. Books. They not only inspire, but also motivate, stimulate imaginative thinking, develop intellect and imagination.
  7. Dancing. A way to find inspiration in the beauty of the body and its freedom, lightness, expressiveness, instinctiveness, which are as natural as any other natural phenomenon.
  8. Music and sounds. Music is able to change the mood, tune in the right way, “switch” to feelings and intuition.
  9. Movies. A good film can inspire no worse than a book, teach, suggest, direct, give self-confidence.
  10. Theatre. The effect that live actors have on the audience was well known even in Ancient Greece. The very word "catharsis", denoting the purifying, ennobling effect of a work of art, appeared in ancient Greece to denote the experience by the audience of the highest harmony of the theatrical tragedy.
  11. Painting. The brightness of colors and the play of the artist's imagination delight and make you look at the world differently.
  12. Humor. You can be inspired by someone else's positivity and the ability to take life lightly.
  13. Overcoming difficulties. Overcoming difficulties, you can discover the harmony, beauty and perfection of your own soul! Any victory, achievement, work on oneself inspire to develop further and become better. It is important to notice and celebrate your own achievements and how they improve life.
  14. Target. When there is something to strive for, meaning, motive, desire, love for what you need to achieve peaks in, inspiration will not keep you waiting.
  15. Love(in the broadest sense of the word). Perhaps the most inspiring beauty and the most inspiring beauty that can be found in the outer and one's own inner world! Love inspires and is itself a creative process.

Read more about where else you can find inspiration and how to keep it.

Not a single human accomplishment is complete without inspiration - obsession, muse, that which pushes us to grandiose deeds and steps. The sources of inspiration for each individual, some draw new ideas from communicating with people, while others - from reading books and visiting theaters. What is inspiration itself? This is a peak state that causes an influx of positive emotions, contributing to fruitful work, cardinal changes in life. A person feels a surge of strength, he wants to live and create. Many compare this phenomenon to a breath of clean air that changes the worldview.

Depending on the personal qualities of a person, his preferences, morals and values, as well as the field of activity, there are several sources of inspiration. Let's consider the most common.

Love (falling in love, lust, passion)

Emotions, overflowing energy - probably, everyone is familiar with the state when, for the sake of an object of adoration, you can "turn mountains." Love has always forced people to do things, sometimes thoughtless and illogical. Many great works of art, poetry and prose were created by authors under the influence of the euphoria of love and passion. For some, love is a source of life, inspiration, forcing them to create and go towards their goal. Happy mutual relationships lead to marriage, but still, in most cases, they provoke a flurry of activity only in the initial stages, when emotions are fresh and new.

For creative activity, unrequited love is more characteristic, since it is it that awakens the desire to conquer the beloved (beloved). Those feelings that a person, for some reason, is unable to express, fall on paper in the form of brush strokes, notes, beautiful lines about love, from which songs and poems, prose, as well as beautiful paintings are subsequently formed.

Nature (walks, animals, natural phenomena)

Sometimes one glance at the world around is enough to start moving forward. Since ancient times, nature has awakened indescribable emotions in people, inspiring them to create something new, unique. Natural sources of inspiration are what surrounds us in the everyday world. Even pets that are constantly next to you can become a kind of "generator" of new ideas and thoughts.

Heavy rain and bad weather outside the window, as well as a clear day after a storm, are real sources of creative inspiration. For example, the sound of raindrops, peals of thunder, dullness of colors cause an influx of slight sadness and hopelessness, and the rich shades of nature after bad weather, on the contrary, provoke a surge of positive emotions.

Doing what you love (hobby)

A job that brings not only income, but also moral, emotional satisfaction, which in itself is an incentive, is perhaps the dream of each of us. Sources of inspiration that allow you to realize your plans and ideas and at the same time do not require much return are a hobby. Do you want to get a charge of positive emotions? Start doing what you do best, what makes you smile and enjoy the work done.

Culture, art

Where else to find inspiration, if not in the works of the classics, their books, productions, at exhibitions of paintings? Works of art, the creation of which was once inspired by the authors, are sources of inspiration. One look at someone's painting, reading a book, listening to classical music, going to the theater or ballet is the easiest way to feel "wings behind your back", the desire to do something new.


Sources of inspiration that can make a person act without outside help are dreams, the realization of which requires all the strength and capabilities. The peculiarity of the innermost desire is that the inspiration for its implementation is drawn from the inner reserves of the human "I". This does not require reading additional literature, walking in the fresh air and unrequited love - everything is simple: there is a dream, which means that there are forces to bring it to life.


The constant change of various aspects of life, including the little things, allows you to get a huge charge of emotions that drive you to new achievements. Do you want to be inspired? Change your appearance, change the route from home to work - and you will see the world with different eyes. The best sources of inspiration are experiments, because by changing outwardly and changing our habits, daily actions, we change inside, both on an emotional and psychological level.

Self-development and travel

Learning something new, changing the place of residence, resting in exotic countries - all these are sources of inspiration for a person, helping not only to get new emotions, but also to get to know the world. Would you like to draw inspiration from outside? The best way is self-development. Visit oriental dance courses, relax on the sea, in extreme cases - go to the nearest body of water and just enjoy the beauty around you.

Being alone and in complete silence, meditation

Sometimes the hustle and bustle of everyday life makes you want to lock yourself in your own room and not go out for at least a day. Perform it - and you can easily breathe in, freeing yourself from the shackles that have been interfering up to this point. Such sources of inspiration, examples of which can be found in many books and films, allowed people to achieve certain heights. Everyone needs silence and harmony with the outside world, otherwise a person can simply lose himself in everyday worries and experiences. One hour is enough, devoted to internal conversations with yourself and understanding what is happening around, and you will see the world in different colors.

Questionable sources of inspiration

There is an opinion that the use of alcoholic and narcotic substances contributes to philosophical thinking and, as a result, to obtaining insight and inspiration. But this is far from true. Undoubtedly, some of the greats of this world were not just addicted to alcohol and drugs, but even abused them, but for an ordinary person with ordinary thinking and a weak will, hobbies of this kind can only bring negative consequences in the form of alcohol and drug addiction.

Remember! To be inspired, at the very least, you need to be open to new things, want change, be able to communicate, and improve.

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