Exercise at home for beginners. Fighting laziness: how to start exercising at home and not quit

A beautiful figure is impossible without sports. Surely each of us at one time or another tried to start doing it, but not everyone succeeded, or if it did, it didn’t last long. In fact, the most difficult thing is to start, both from scratch and after a break, and then a person gets involved and continues to study. How to start playing sports? You need to work on yourself, including psychological work, and understand exactly why you need this.

Regular physical activity is a great way to improve not only your figure, but also your health. Therefore, before you start exercising at home from scratch, you need to talk a little about the benefits of exercise.

Physical activity helps us lose weight and maintain proper weight, muscle mass, and reduces the risk of numerous diseases. In addition, it has been proven that exercise improves mood, activates brain activity, and has a beneficial effect on sleep and libido. They also help maintain proper energy levels. Thus, they help us improve our lives on all fronts, improve both our figure and our health.

Types of exercises

Physical activity comes in a huge number of different types. Here are the most common:

  • Aerobics. Typically, such exercises are the basis of any fitness program and include periods of continuous movement. This is, for example, running, swimming or dancing.
  • Power. Increases muscle strength and endurance. These are, for example, lifting weights, sprinting, plyometrics.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Involves basic body movements performed at an average aerobic pace without equipment. These are, for example, squats, lunges, pull-ups, push-ups.
  • High Intensity Interval Training. It involves alternating high-intensity exercises first, and then low-intensity exercises or rest.
  • Exercises to develop resilience. Help strengthen muscles and improve coordination of movements. These include, for example, Pilates and general strengthening exercises.
  • Exercises to develop flexibility. Helps restore muscles, improve coordination of movements and prevent injuries. These include yoga and various individual stretching exercises.

These groups of exercises can be performed both together and separately.

Sport should bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, so try to choose the type that you like. The modern sports industry offers a lot of different programs, from which everyone can choose something that suits them.

Where to start?

It is important to start playing sports correctly - a lot depends on the start. Before you start training, keep these things in mind:

Need a health check

Starting to play sports is an important stage, and initially you need to understand that it will not harm you, but for this you need exclude the presence of contraindications, consult a specialist and undergo examination.

This condition is especially important for those who have never played sports before, have certain health conditions or are advanced in age. A specialist will help you choose the optimal load option that will only bring benefits.

Making a plan and setting goals

“I want to start playing sports - where to start?” - quite a popular question. Initially, it is important to create a plan that will include your goals and how to achieve them. The activities should be as simple as possible at first, and as your fitness improves, you will increase their complexity.

For example, if your goal is to run 5 kilometers, then first you can add several shorter distances to your plan. When you cope with them, add a certain number of meters until you have completed all the coveted 5 km. Starting with realistic, small, and achievable goals will increase your chances of success and keep you from giving up. If you immediately set an impossible bar, it may discourage you from playing sports at all.

Sports should become your habit

Another important point about how to start playing sports from scratch is to make training a part of your life on an ongoing basis. They should become your habit - this way you can instill responsibility and discipline in yourself.

Choose the time you will devote to sports - the morning, for example, or the evening after work. Now get it into your head that this is the time you are training - without excuses and laziness.

How much do you need to study

A competent program is where to start playing sports. It is important not to immediately burden yourself with trying to set records. According to experts, 150 moderate aerobic exercises per week is enough for a person. You can distribute this time over the days of the week yourself, as is more convenient for you. For example, you can exercise five times a week for 30 minutes or 35-40 minutes every other day.

At first, training should be moderate. Increase their intensity gradually as your training improves. It is also important to know that the body needs rest, and recovery time is no less important than the training itself.

Weekly training program

To start playing sports at home, you need to decide what your program will include. Let's give a simple example of a weekly training program that will not require additional equipment and will be designed for 30-45 minutes a day. She will give you a rough idea of ​​how to start classes and help you create an individual program for yourself. Programs can be changed, complicated, varied. The lesson can begin with exercises of any kind.

  • Monday. 40 minutes of moderate jogging or brisk walking.
  • Tuesday. Rest.
  • Wednesday. Active walking for ten minutes, then perform a set of the following exercises (perform them with a break of a minute between sets, then stretch):

Three sets of ten lunges on two legs, ten push-ups, ten sit-ups.

Three sets of ten chair push-ups, ten air squats and ten stretches.

  • Thursday. Rest.
  • Friday. Half an hour cycling or jogging at a fast pace.
  • Saturday. Rest.
  • Sunday. Run or long walk for 40 minutes.

This is just an approximate simple program on how to start playing sports at home, which can be used at home. Much depends on what type of activity you choose and what your level of training is.

How to start eating right and exercising: useful tips

To achieve your goals, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This is important for maintaining normal water balance in the body. When you exercise, the body actively loses fluid, and this balance needs to be replenished. You can drink water before, after and during training.
  • Optimize your nutrition. Whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle, nutrition matters a lot. It should contain enough proteins, energy-providing complex carbohydrates, and plant components. Try to give up harmful products - look for healthy alternatives.
  • You should always warm up before training. It will help significantly reduce the risk of injury during exercise, prepare the muscles, help improve results, and also prevent pain after training. As a warm-up, you can use fast walking, light jogging, swings, lunges, bends, and so on.
  • Hitch. After training, a cool-down is also important - it helps the body return to normal, restores pulse and breathing, and relaxes muscles. This is just a short pause, but it is also very important. The specifics of the cool-down will depend on the workout itself: after running it can be light walking, after resistance exercises it can be stretching.
  • Listen to your body. In the initial stages, it is especially important to be able to listen to your body and give it reasonable stress. If you feel pain or discomfort during exercise, stop and give yourself a rest. There is no need to train through pain - this can cause injury. Remember that training more and faster does not mean better.

A little about motivation

Motivation is incredibly important when playing sports. She is the one who will help you not to give up. Initially, it is important to approach training with a positive attitude and ease, and enjoy it. This will help get rid of the anxious thoughts that often plague beginning athletes. Any program can be changed and customized depending on your desires and preferences.

Those who love communication and find it difficult to exercise at home can train in the gym, in groups for yoga, Pilates or any other sport. You can also practice with someone close to you.

As for motivation itself, here you need to understand what you are doing, why and for what purpose. A beautiful figure, improved health, elastic muscles - keep in mind the ultimate goal for which you started exercising. Remember it as soon as you feel that it is difficult for you to overcome laziness and start playing sports.

To start studying at home, for a girl or guy you can make your workouts more comfortable, while listening to your favorite music or watching an interesting program. If you don’t know how to start playing sports after a long break, remember what benefits sports gave you before and sincerely want to get it all back and improve your results.

There is probably no person who does not realize the benefits of playing sports for the body. However, it is common knowledge that not everyone can do systematic sports. Any of us can find among acquaintances, friends or relatives more than one or two examples when a person started jogging or doing exercises in the morning with the most sincere intentions of making them a permanent basis.

But 3-5 days passed, or at most a week, and good intentions evaporated somewhere. And there are several reasons for this: weak motivation (or lack thereof), inflated goals, excess goals, and low self-discipline. Let's try to figure out how you can make sports activities a need of the body, how to motivate yourself to play sports with pleasure and do it systematically.

Sports lifestyle. By maintaining the strength of the body, we form the strength of the spirit.

So, the day has come when you firmly decided to change your life. From now on, sport should become a life priority for you. So where to start? It seems that for most the first thing is put your physical body in order, develop it. The development of the body is integral to the normalization of health, therefore, as a result, well-being and mood will improve, and there will be a surge of energy. In a word, the quality of life will improve, and this is already motivation for playing sports. A well-developed physical body and good health allow you to:

  • be able to do everything everywhere and without feeling tired;
  • become more attractive in appearance;
  • be in harmony with the outside world, with others;
  • increase self-esteem.

Inattention to your body in youth may not be particularly noticeable, but with age this results in health problems and a significant deterioration in the quality of life in general. What is necessary for the physical development of the body? Here we need to solve a twofold problem:

  1. Start to control your diet - do not overeat, eat only healthy foods.
  2. Start playing sports in any form - exercise, jogging, cycling, race walking, swimming - but be sure to systematically, at least half an hour a day.

The system will create a habit, a habit will create a necessity, and the body itself will begin to regulate your lifestyle.

Assessing your health status

Everyone knows the fundamental principle of medicine - “do no harm.” The requirement for sports activities is similar. It would be quite paradoxical to see the outcome of physical education classes, designed, generally speaking, to improve health, when instead we end up with health problems, and even more so, disability. Therefore, before starting sports activities, not trusting our subjective feelings - they are often wrong - we go to the local therapist, this is where you need to start playing sports. The doctor, understanding his share of responsibility for your health, will prescribe the necessary examination, and based on its results, he will make his verdict regarding the loads that are permissible for you specifically. Having received a doctor’s conclusion, you can begin training without fear. However, not quite... We still need equipment.

Choosing sportswear and shoes

This stage of preparation for classes is quite important, although it is not without its pleasure. Everything is important here: the lightness of the clothes, their suitability for the season, and the quality of the fabric from which the clothes are made. It must be sufficient:

  • thermally conductive;
  • breathable;
  • hygroscopic;
  • elastic;
  • highly durable.

The sports uniform should be cut so as not to restrict movement, allow blood to circulate freely, and breathe easily. At the same time, a sports suit should protect from the piercing wind and cold and prevent overheating during outdoor exercise.

When choosing sports equipment, you should pay attention to the neatness of the seams, the quality of fasteners and lacing, which can cause a lot of inconvenience if the workmanship is poor.

Shoes should also be light, comfortable, made from environmentally friendly materials and strictly match your foot size.

If you find motivation, everything will work out!

Motivation for sports activities is half the success. The very first classes should be carried out under the influence of motivation. A person should be able to give himself an answer to the question: “Why am I doing this?”, formulating his expectations: “To be healthy,” or “To be beautiful and to be liked by others,” or “To be noticed by someone in particular.” "and so on. This is the lever that will start the mechanism and make the whole sports training machine move. So, motivate yourself, set a goal and start forward movement.

"I don't have time for sports." Problem or excuse?

You often hear from many friends and acquaintances that they do not have time for sports activities. However, if you observe more closely, you come to the conclusion that this is just an excuse designed to justify a person’s laziness and lack of willpower. It’s funny to talk about a lack of time to someone who spends hours on the phone discussing a new boss or the next television series with a colleague.

Although here you can help yourself, along the way, obtaining excellent motivation for sports activities: unite in a pair or group. This will create new common interests with your friend and add new topics for discussion. In general, having a stable partner for sports activities adds chances to the success of the whole business.

What are the results

The results of constant methodical training will not keep you waiting, and very soon you will feel:

  • joy of perception of life;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • external attractiveness and increased intelligence;
  • strengthening willpower, gaining determination through overcoming oneself;
  • self-improvement and growth of self-esteem.

Sport is an activity for successful people. A long road begins with the first step. So take this step towards personal achievements, among which sports can play a decisive role. And soon you will appear as a role model and an object that provides motivation, so you did it and you did it!

Every year the number of people who prefer a healthy lifestyle is increasing. In addition to proper nutrition, it is important to exercise regularly. Often there is not enough time to go to the gym, so people prefer training at home. It is important to know how to play sports from scratch at home in order to minimize the number of mistakes and get results from your training. First of all, it is important, because without it you can abandon the idea after several workouts, for example, it could be a new dress or the desire to find a soul mate.

How to start playing sports at home from scratch?

First, you should choose the most comfortable time for training, you should focus on your own busyness and feelings. Make room for the exercise, as nothing should get in the way while doing the exercises. Go to a sports store for equipment. Buy a jump rope, dumbbells and a mat; this minimum is enough.

How to start playing sports from scratch:

  1. It is impossible to achieve results if the load is not regular, so you should train three times a week. The duration of the lesson should be at least 40 minutes.
  2. Work through the complex in advance, including various exercises, including aerobic ones. This will allow you to simultaneously get rid of excess fat and work out muscles.
  3. Exercising at home from scratch should begin with a program aimed at warming up the muscles and joints. Otherwise there is a high risk of injury. It is enough to spend 7-10 minutes warming up. You should end your workout with stretching, which will relieve tension and minimize soreness.
  4. Include exercises aimed at working different muscle groups. First you should stretch the large muscles, and then move on to the small ones. Include leg exercises in the complex, then work your back, chest and arms.
  5. Now about the load, since many people try to immediately train to the point of exhaustion. This is a mistake and the body must get used to the load. First, you can exercise without additional weight, and then use dumbbells. Progress should also be observed in the number of repetitions. You need to start with a minimum and gradually approach three approaches of 15-25 times.
  6. Be sure to drink water during your workout if desired. This is important for maintaining water balance.

You can build a toned and seductive body at home, without spending money on gym memberships. To choose a set of effective exercises, you need to know the characteristics of your own body, and understand which areas need to be corrected and which areas need to be kept in good shape.

It's time

To achieve visible results, it is not enough to wave your arms once a week during breaks between TV series. Training should be regular, lasting 30–40 minutes. It is necessary to set aside time in the evening or in the morning when you can be alone with exercise, and not check every 5 minutes whether the soup has boiled in the kitchen, and whether it’s time to load a new portion of laundry into the washing machine.

Important: You need to fully devote yourself to your studies so that they do not seem tedious or tiring, and bring results. Train at least 4 times a week, ideally daily.

Makeshift gym

It’s better to practice in a spacious room where you don’t have to bump into furniture or try not to touch the chandelier with your hands. If the house is filled with bedside tables and chairs, you can move light objects to the side and return them to their original position after training.

The equipment does not have to be expensive. A small rubber mat is enough if the floor is parquet or laminate. If there is a huge carpet under your feet, you can put a rug or thin blanket on top.

It’s good if there are a couple of dumbbells in the house, but don’t despair when the apartment is empty and there’s no money to go to a sporting goods store. Ordinary plastic bottles are used as weighting agents: they are filled with water or sand. The alternative is ordinary land.

Over time, you can replenish your arsenal with fitballs and ordinary jump ropes.

Important: There are a lot of exercises that do not require additional accessories. Your own weight and the desire to improve your body are enough.


When working out at home, you don't have to look stylish or stunning. The main and only requirement for sportswear is convenience and practicality. Elastic trousers or shorts that stretch well are suitable, plus a loose T-shirt or T-shirt that does not restrict movement.

If it is convenient to work out without clothes, and this appearance does not shock your husband, or there is no one at home, you can get rid of everything unnecessary. But you should still leave on socks that will protect your feet from cold and blisters.

Important: If you need to get rid of belly fat, you should wrap the problem area with a woolen scarf or scarf. Thanks to the fabric, sweating increases, and subcutaneous fat gradually melts.

Preliminary studies

People who find it difficult to work on their body at home are advised to keep a special diary.

It is worth writing in it:

  • The maximum number of push-ups that could be done on the first day.
  • Initial weight.
  • Waist or buttock measurements (depending on which part of the body is to be corrected).

After 2 weeks of classes, make a comparison, and if your performance has improved, praise yourself for your efforts with cosmetics or a beautiful thing.

On the verge of possibilities

Training must be intense, otherwise the effect will be zero or minimal, but beginners who last did push-ups in the tenth grade are recommended to start with light exercises.

For the first 2-3 days, limit yourself to morning exercises or evening warm-ups, gradually introduce squats and push-ups. 3 sets of 2–4 repetitions with short breaks are enough. It is recommended to monitor your pulse. The maximum frequency of strokes can be calculated by subtracting the current age from 220.

Example: A 30-year-old person should not exceed 180–190 beats/sec. When performing cardio training, stay at the level of 100–130 beats.

Important: Do not overload the body on an empty or full stomach. The optimal time for exercise is 1–1.5 hours after a light snack.

Complex 1: Tabata Technique

You will have to spend 4 minutes a day, which is equivalent to 2 hours of training in the gym. You need to give preference to one thing: squats, abdominal loads, push-ups or a regular plank.


  • Be sure to do a 5-minute warm-up to warm up your body.
  • Time yourself to do 20 seconds of quick push-ups or squats.
  • Stop for 10 seconds to catch your breath and relax a bit.
  • At least 8 repetitions with short breaks.

Loyal option for beginners:
During the first 2 weeks, you need to perform the exercise for 3 minutes, and allocate 2 minutes for rest. At least 3 repetitions. Give only 80% so that the body adapts to new loads.

Complex 2: Fitball

Balancing on the ball develops the muscles of the hips, back, arms and abs. Exercises are useful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

  1. Saddle up the equipment with your feet on the floor. Your knees should be bent at right angles. Straighten your back and tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Sit in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Minimum 6 repetitions.
  2. Stand with your legs wide apart. With outstretched arms, grab the ball and hold it in front of you. Slowly lower yourself down, squeezing the equipment, and lifting it up. Returning to the starting position, lower your hands with sports equipment. The minimum number of repetitions is 10.
  3. Take the starting position on your back, straightening your legs and stretching your arms above your head. Squeeze the ball with your upper limbs. Simultaneously raise and lower your arms and legs without lifting your lower back from the floor. Sports equipment must be transferred from the upper limbs to the lower ones, and vice versa.
  4. Place your ankles on the exercise ball so that your knees are bent at a 90º angle. Clasp your hands and hide them under the back of your head. Tighten your abs and lift your head and shoulders off the floor. The lower back lies on the ground. Freeze for 2-3 seconds and lie down slowly.

Complex 3: Works the whole body

You will have to spend 40–50 minutes training. Start with a light warm-up, and then do exercises for all muscle groups.

Buttocks and thighs:

  • classic squats and plies;
  • swing your legs back and forth and to the sides;
  • raising the lower limbs while lying on the stomach.


  • twisting, the lower back should not be lifted off the floor;
  • bending to the sides with your hands behind your head;
  • raising legs in a supine position.

Arms and chest:

  • Mandatory push-ups from the floor and wall;
  • armed with dumbbells, spread your upper limbs to the sides, standing straight or leaning forward;
  • a plank that engages your arms, chest and back, and abdominal muscles.

Nuances of home training

  1. It will be more fun and easier to study if you choose energetic music. To keep your body in good shape, you can dance every day instead of exercise.
  2. Yoga is a godsend for lazy housewives who want to lose a couple of kilograms and develop flexibility.
  3. In order not to give up on training at an early stage, it is useful to make friends on social networks with like-minded people to whom you can brag about your successes and ask for advice.

Modeling an ideal body at home is no more difficult than in the gym. It’s enough to set a goal, choose a set of ideal exercises, and supplement everything with proper nutrition. And in order not to break down and quit classes at the initial stage, you can introduce a reward system for small and large achievements.

Video: fitness club at home

We have all heard about the benefits of physical exercise. They not only make the body slim and fit, but also help to avoid a whole bunch of diseases and strengthen the immune system. In fact, the benefits of exercise are much greater. But despite the comprehensive benefits of physical activity, few of us regularly pay enough attention to it. The reasons may be different: from lack of time to visit the gym to lack of money for a subscription. There is a solution: sports activities at home! But how to start playing sports at home from scratch?

Pros and cons of exercising at home

If we talk about the benefits of physical activity at home, there are many more of them than the disadvantages. So, let's list all the pros:

  • Save time. Judge for yourself: on average, it takes 1-2 hours to travel from home to the gym, and exercising at home helps save valuable time;
  • Saving money. Often, for exercises at home, you need one or two dumbbells, a hoop and a jump rope, which won’t break the bank, while paying for a monthly subscription can cost you a pretty penny;
  • Lack of strangers. Nowadays, fitness centers are overcrowded with people wanting to pump themselves up, this can be confusing for a newcomer to the world of sports. And at home you won’t be embarrassed by anyone, so classes will be easier.

Now let's look at the cons:

  • Inability to play any sport. Agree, it is not possible to move basketball or hockey training to your home. However, if you are interested in fitness or Pilates, you can easily acquire the necessary equipment yourself;
  • Lack of a coach. For beginners, support and correct advice regarding performing exercises are especially important. But tutorials and the Internet can serve you well when starting out;
  • Lots of distractions. At home there are constant distractions: the phone rings, the milk boils over, the son asks for help. In such a situation, the right motivation helps: if you have it, nothing will lead you astray.

As we can see, even the disadvantages of exercising at home can easily be turned into advantages. If you still decide to bring your idea to life, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.

Taking the first steps to achieve a positive result

Almost all beginners have a question: “How to start playing sports at home from scratch?” Start a new life with the following steps:

  • Set yourself a goal. Proper motivation is the key to success in any business. Do you want to get rid of excess weight? Or is your goal to make your body attractive and sexy? Remember why you started playing sports when you once again become too lazy to do the exercises.
  • Based on your goal, choose the appropriate sport. If you want to lose weight, then active fitness is suitable for you, but if your main desire is to relieve stress and tension after a working day, yoga will come in handy.
  • When you choose the right sport, go to the store to buy the necessary equipment. Find the information you need on the Internet, but store consultants are unlikely to help you choose the right equipment for playing a particular sport.

No matter what sport you choose, you will always need a hoop and a jump rope to warm up before the main part of your workout. If you don’t have these devices at home, be sure to purchase them!

  • Make a training plan and strictly follow it. Determine the regularity of your classes. If you just want to keep yourself in shape, three days a week for a few hours will be enough. If your goal is broader in scope, you will have to devote more time to training.

Easy exercises for beginner athletes: we train all muscle groups

If you have not yet decided which sport you prefer to engage in, and are ready to start right now, we offer you a simple, but nevertheless effective set of exercises for all muscle groups.

  • Always start with a warm-up. Jump rope for a couple of minutes, after which you can twist the hoop first to the left, then to the right (3 minutes on each side). Stretch your neck using circular movements to the left and right. After your body muscles have warmed up, begin the main part of the workout.
  • Start your workout with leg exercises. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms on your sides. Squat at a slow pace, but do not complete the squat. Perform 15-20 times in 2 approaches.
  • Next are the most problematic abdominal muscles. In addition to training your regular abs, you must not forget about the oblique abs muscles. Take a small ball in your hands, sit on the floor, bend your knees slightly. Move the ball from side to side, try to place it behind your back. Movements should be performed as quickly as possible.
  • It would be useful to train the muscles of the shoulders, back and arms. Regular push-ups from the knees are suitable for this. First, try to do at least 5 full push-ups; with regular exercise, you can do 15-20 of them. For additional stress on your back, use weights (even a heavy book will do).

Now that you know all the basic nuances of playing sports at home, all you have to do is gather all your willpower and start regular training. Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed!


A small set of exercises for home.

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