The toilet is clogged. How to clean it? How to unclog a toilet: comparison of the best methods and equipment How to open a clog in a toilet

Clogged drains in an apartment are an unpleasant problem, but when the toilet becomes clogged, it is doubly inconvenient, since the problem requires an immediate solution. Often the cause of difficulty draining water in the toilet is the deposition of salts in the pipes. This happens due to hard water, urea or other types of sediment that settle on the walls of the pipes and narrow their internal diameter.

Salt deposits in the pipe. The “aesthetics of the frame” is accompanied by a corresponding smell

Advice! To find out the location of the blockage, open the taps in the bathroom and kitchen (water sources for the common drain). If water goes down the drain here freely, then the reason is in the toilet. If its drainage is slowed down everywhere, then the problem is in the common pipe. In this case, call a plumber - it will be difficult to deal with the problem yourself.

Attention! If you find a blockage in the toilet, do not drain the water from the tank, since its minimum volume is 3 liters. To be safe, you can turn off the water supply tap so that it does not flow onto the floor if the drain is clogged. Use a bucket and pour no more than 1 liter of liquid into the toilet to check.

Cleaning drains, especially in old houses, is a job for professionals

Important. Prevention of salt formations allows you to avoid wasting further effort on cleaning pipes. It is enough to fill all the drains in the apartment with a special cleaning liquid once every 3 months at night.

However, the main cause of blockages in toilets is the residents themselves, who use the plumbing fixture as a garbage disposal. And if a meat bone that accidentally gets into the toilet is not difficult to remove, then a rag or paper clog will require some effort.

Tips for clearing clogs:

  • When replacing sewer pipes, install new ones of the same diameter, no less.
  • When making repairs in the toilet room, close the toilet so that construction debris does not fall into it.
  • Do not be lazy to throw away garbage (pads, newspapers, cat litter, etc.) in the designated areas. This way you will save your time, and you will not blush in front of the plumber.

How to clear a clogged toilet yourself

There are several ways to clear toilet clogs. Their effectiveness depends on the complexity of the plug: material, volume, period of occurrence.

Advice! Before you begin unclogging the clog, remove the water from the toilet to the flush level. A rag, sponge or rubber bulb (enema) is suitable for this.

Mechanical methods for clearing a clogged toilet

Important. The diameter of the plunger tip should be larger than the diameter of the toilet flush. This is the only way to create conditions for water hammer to occur.

This simple plumbing tool will help remove a small clog in the toilet.

If the apartment does not have a plunger, you can use plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off and the lid is screwed tightly:

  • the resulting device is gradually inserted into the toilet hole until the air in the bottle begins to push it back out;
  • With a sharp movement, the bottle is pressed all the way into the drain and immediately pulled out.

The pressure created is powerful enough to break through the garbage plug with two or three manipulations.

Plastic bottle + laws of hydraulics = homemade plunger

If the above methods do not help eliminate the problem, then you can use household chemicals.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Attention! If the connecting corrugation between the toilet and the pipe is made of thin plastic, then under the influence of boiling water it may burst. In this case, you need to use warm water.

Attention! Before you decide to act radically by pouring a solution of formic, hydrochloric or sulfuric acid into the toilet, think about whether the product will also corrode the old pipes.

Professional plumbing cable

This is a special plumbing tool, which is a cable with a handle at one end and a nozzle at the other. There are many types of cables (cable, spring, rigging, tension, etc.) with a diameter of 6 to 16 mm and a length of up to 60 meters.

For residential needs, a five-meter Ø9 mm cable is sufficient. The nozzle at its end can be in the form of a weight (for breaking through) or a spiral (for removing blockages)

Anyone can face the unexpected problem of a stagnant toilet. There is no point in putting off fixing plumbing problems. Let's look at the signs and causes of a clog in the toilet and learn how to remove a clog in the toilet with your own hands.

You can understand that the toilet is faulty by the following signs:

  • dirty water does not leave the toilet completely after flushing;
  • unpleasant odors appeared in the toilet;
  • when flushing, the water fills the toilet bowl approximately halfway;
  • The water goes down the drain very slowly.

If at least one of the listed signs is present in your toilet, we can confidently state that it is clogged and the drain needs to be cleaned.

Causes of a clogged toilet

  • Foreign objects got into the toilet. For example, a large amount of toilet paper was flushed at the same time or the toilet became clogged with cat litter.
  • Incorrect installation of plumbing equipment.
  • Manufacturer's mistakes in the manufacture of the toilet. Poor design of the sewer system.
  • The toilet does not have the necessary valves or drain pipe.

What to do first

If your toilet is clogged, you need to call emergency services and call a plumber to use professional equipment to clean the plumbing fixtures and drainage system.

Or try to remove the blockage in the toilet yourself with your own hands.

Clearing a clogged toilet using a plunger

Removing a blockage using a plunger is a mechanical method and is suitable for removing a blockage. If you suspect that a foreign object (child's toy, rag) has gotten into the toilet, it is better to remove it before you start working with the plunger.

You can remove objects by wearing rubber gloves. Otherwise, there is a risk of pushing debris further down the pipe and blocking the sewer system. A plunger is an effective remedy for clogged toilets.

  • Before starting work, close all drains (bathtub, sinks).
  • Place the plunger into the toilet drain hole. Pour five to six liters of water on top so that the rubber part of the plunger is completely covered.
  • Pump the plunger at least ten times up and down. Movements should be sharp, but uniform. If the water goes away, then everything is done correctly.

Clearing a toilet blockage with a plastic bottle

You can quickly get rid of a clog in the toilet using improvised means. For example, using a regular plastic bottle with the bottom cut off and the cap tightly screwed on.

  • The device must be carefully and slowly inserted into the drain.
  • As soon as you feel the air pushing the bottle back, push it sharply to the very end of the drain hole. After this, remove the bottle from the drain with a sharp movement.

The water will go away and the congestion will be eliminated if the procedure is repeated two or three times.

Clean the toilet with a solution of baking soda and vinegar

Vinegar and baking soda will help break through simple clogs in the toilet. You should not use this cleaning method if the corrugation (connection of the toilet bowl and pipe) is made of plastic. Hot water with baking soda and vinegar can ruin thin plastic.

Using vinegar and soda, you can quickly and effectively clean the toilet from contaminants such as grease plugs and food waste.

  • Take half a packet of baking soda and pour it into the drain hole.
  • Prepare one glass of vinegar and pour it into the toilet bowl.
  • Wait half an hour and pour 3-5 liters of boiling water into the drain.

Night cleaning of the toilet with baking soda

Baking soda can clean toilets and sewer systems.

  • In the evening, pour a packet of baking soda into the toilet.
  • Fill the contents of the toilet with boiling water.
  • Plug the drain using a stopper or a wet rag.
  • In the morning, rinse the drain with hot water.

How to break through a blockage with a cable

Using a special sewer cable will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of the blockage. It is better to do the work together.

Prepare unnecessary rags, oilcloth, a bucket or basin with water and dishwashing detergent.

  • Roll out the oilcloth on the floor and cover the walls.
  • Place the end of the cable into the drain hole and slowly move it down using a rotating motion.
  • Once the cable has stopped and won’t go any further, move it back and forth.
  • Remove the cable by lowering it onto the oilcloth. Clean with a cloth soaked in dishwashing liquid to remove unpleasant odors.

What to do if the toilet is clogged with paper or cat litter

It is better to remove the plug from the contents of cat litter or compacted toilet paper using a plunger. Before cleaning the toilet, it is recommended to remove the debris with gloved hands and pour five to ten liters of boiling water into the toilet bowl. The hot liquid will partially dissolve the dirt.

Removing congestion with a sandbag

Using a thick bag filled with sand, you can break through the blockage that has formed in the drain.

  • Tie the sandbag securely and tie a strong rope to it.
  • Lower the bag into the drain, draining all the water from the tank. At the same time, release the tied rope so that the water carries the bag into the drain hole.
  • With a sharp movement, pull the bag out of the toilet hole.
  • Once the tank is full again, repeat the procedure.

We use chemicals

If it is not possible to remove the blockage in the toilet using gentle methods, you will have to use chemicals.

When using a particular product to clean the toilet, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Depending on the type of pipes in the toilet (plastic or metal), choose the appropriate product.

If the above folk methods do not help eliminate stagnation in the toilet bowl, immediately contact a specialist!

  • Do not throw foreign objects, household waste or leftover food into the drain.
  • It is not recommended to throw used paper down the toilet.
  • Do not drain water with construction debris floating in it.
  • Use preventive measures to prevent congestion.
  • Replace old rusted pipes in a timely manner.

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Effective ways to help clear a clogged toilet

A clogged toilet is a rather unpleasant event that occurs, although rarely, but always at the wrong time. And if such a nuisance does occur in the toilet, then you can try to clear a minor blockage with the well-known plunger. How to break through a toilet if it is thoroughly clogged? In this case, you can use one of the tips below.

To properly unclog a toilet, you need to know its structure, as well as the method of installation to the sewerage system.

Sewage system in the toilet

Sooner or later, any sewer system can fail in its well-functioning operation. This applies to both apartments located in multi-storey buildings and private mansions. A clogged toilet always causes unpleasant emotions, because in this case the owners have to put aside all their business and look for options for cleaning the plumbing. At the same time, it is important to know and remember that any blockage of this plumbing device can lead to the formation of the same problem in other places of the sewer pipeline throughout the house. But for such a situation, there are several ways to clean a plumbing product.

For any clogged sewer system, experts recommend that you first find out the cause that led to the occurrence of this problem.

After all, with proper operation of the plumbing product, the occurrence of such unpleasant situations is impossible. Accordingly, this blockage indicates the appearance of a foreign object in the toilet, and quite a large one at that.

Most often these are rags, bags, paper and even children's toys. Removing this item from the sewer system is the solution to the entire problem. This situation is especially typical for apartments in multi-storey buildings, and first of all it concerns residents of the lower floors.

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Mechanical methods for cleaning a toilet

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Cleaning with a plunger

The plunger is relatively effective in loosening and cleaning small clogs of sanitary ware at the very initial stage. Therefore, it is recommended to have this item in every apartment or residential building, so that at the slightest suspicion of a blockage, the problem can be easily eliminated at the initial stage.

  1. At the beginning of cleaning work, the toilet drain hole should be filled as much as possible with water.
  2. The plunger is installed on the drain hole of the sanitary ware, and several successive downward presses are made using a wooden handle.
  3. Then the plunger is sharply removed from the drain hole. If necessary, you will need to repeat everything again.

With such simple and consistent movements, the clogged area is loosened. If the blockage is not very large, then soon the water will begin to flow freely into the sewer. And you will need to drain the water from the tank down for better cleaning. Otherwise, it will be necessary to apply other drastic measures.

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Cleaning with a bag filled with sand

  1. In this situation, you need to take a thick rag bag, fill it with sand, tie it tightly and tie a rope to it.
  2. Place the sandbag into the drain hole and drain the water from the tank. At the same time, relax the rope so that the flow of water carries the bag along with it into the funnel.

This sandbag is considered quite heavy to break through the clog in the sewer drain. When the water in the tank is filled again, you can repeat everything from the beginning. The sandbag should be removed from the drain with extreme care so as not to accidentally get dirty.

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Cleaning with a flexible cable

The flexible cable is specially designed for clearing such blockages in the sewer pipe system. In fact, it is a rigid hollow axis equipped with a rotating handle. At the end of the axle there is a long extension of thick wire in the form of a spiral, which is connected to the cable using a flexible tube. Thanks to this flexible tube, the cable becomes more functional and effectively protects the entire internal surface of the plumbing product from possible mechanical damage.

The spiral end of the cable is lowered into the toilet drain hole until it stops.

  1. The cable handle should be rotated clockwise, while at the same time it should be slowly pushed further into the water seal.
  2. When the cable reaches the very neck of the product, you should pull out this plumbing fixture using reverse movements. That is, the cable handle must be turned counterclockwise.

Using this method, you can break through almost any clog in the toilet. And it is best to complete it by flushing the entire sewer system with hot water. To do this, you can specially boil 5 liters of water and pour it into the drain and immediately flush the water from the tank.

A modern home, be it a country house, a dacha or an apartment in a high-rise building, must have a properly functioning, uninterrupted sewage collection system to achieve the maximum level of comfort. Such a system consists of several devices and, like any complex systems, malfunctions can occur. And the question immediately arises, to? In order to independently cope with emergency situations in the sewer system, it is enough to know a few simple techniques, for example, how to clear a clog in the toilet.

Sewage system design

In general, the private water collection and drainage system consists of two large parts: internal and external. The internal design system is common to all types of housing, be it a high-rise apartment or an elite country mansion. It consists of plumbing equipment designed for the use of hot or cold water supply systems. Such equipment may include sinks, dishwashers, bathtubs, shower cabins and shower trays and various automatic devices, for example, automatic washing machines or dishwashers, as well as hygiene equipment: toilets and bidets.

In equipment for direct water use (sinks or bathtubs), water, after passing through the drain hole, enters a siphon, which retains some of the contaminants and creates a water seal that prevents the penetration of air (and therefore odors) and sewerage pipelines into the premises. In a toilet, the water seal is usually built into the structure itself and located inside the equipment. After passing through the water seal, the wastewater enters the individual receiving sewer pipe. For sinks and bathrooms, a pipe with a diameter of 5 centimeters is suitable, but when connecting a toilet, a pipe with a larger cross-section of 10 centimeters is usually used. Subsequently, individual sewer pipes are connected to pipes of larger diameter and, as a result, all drains end up in a single large-diameter sewer outlet pipe or to a riser in an apartment building.

Toilet diagram

Repair and maintenance, cleaning of such an internal part of the sewer system is also the responsibility of the apartment owner in an apartment building.

Sewage scheme

Next comes the outer part of the sewer system, which consists of sewer pipes and/or wastewater treatment equipment. When living in a private house, repairs or maintenance of this part of the system are carried out by the owner of the house.

Causes of blockages in the toilet

The main cause of blockages in the toilet is a violation of the rules of its operation. Remember that the toilet is not designed to dispose of large and water-insoluble objects. In this case, it is better to use a regular household trash can. If polyethylene bags, rags, or other insoluble objects get into the toilet drain hole, there is a high probability that they will not pass through the bends of the toilet drain or will get stuck in the sewer outlet pipe. Remember this and do not clog the toilet and pipes.

The second main cause of blockages is the buildup and sediment that accumulates on the inside surface of sewer lines. A well-designed and constructed sewer system operating on the principle of “gravity” should have a self-cleaning effect. At the same time, new portions of wastewater wash away and transfer to the main collector the solid particles that have settled on the surface of the pipe, remaining from previous drains. However, in some cases, if the system is not properly constructed or used, such accumulations and particles may not be washed away, but rather get caught on rough surfaces of the pipes, especially at joints or bends.

A common cause of clog buildup is hair or pet hair, which can form a “grid” of sorts. Also, deposits in sewer pipes can arise from animal fats or from chemicals or building mixtures dissolved in water.

Prices for plumbing cable

Plumbing cable

Preventing blockages in the sewer system

In order to avoid emergency blockages in plumbing equipment, including the toilet, you must follow the rules of its operation and use them strictly for their intended purpose. To prevent blockages, sewer lines can be cleaned regularly. This is especially important for houses with older types of sewer systems formed from cast iron pipes. The inner surface of the cast iron pipe has a fairly rough surface, on which various particles suspended in the effluent are intensively deposited. From time to time, such sewers need to be cleaned prophylactically. The inner surface of the toilet drain and the inner surface of the pipe can be cleaned mechanically or chemically.

  • When using the mechanical method, washing pumps are used, the flexible long hose of which is equipped with a special nozzle. Water enters the hose under pressure and moves through the sewer system, destroying and washing away the deposits that have formed.
  • When using the mechanical method, special chemical solutions are poured into the sewer system to dissolve the resulting accumulations.

Mechanical and chemical cleaning methods can be combined. In this case, the inner surface is cleaned using a nozzle and a pump, but not ordinary water, but a cleaning solution enters the hose under pressure.

Flushing the toilet

Clearing a clogged toilet

If preventative work does not help and a blockage has formed in your toilet, then it can also be done using chemical or mechanical methods. Such methods can be used sequentially, as signs of difficulty in drainage from the toilet appear. "Z You can read in our article."

Cleaning a clogged toilet using chemicals

The easiest way to remove buildup on the inner surface of the toilet drain is to use ordinary boiling water. Hot water is a good solvent and in some cases it can help. However, please note that earthenware plumbing fixtures are sensitive to large and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, hot water should be poured into the toilet gradually, similar to pouring hot tea into a glass glass.

Pipe cleaners

Heat to dissolve frozen and accumulated waste can be supplied in another way. To do this, you can use a hair dryer, which heats up a place with difficult drainage passage. Just like when using boiling water, when using a hair dryer, try not to damage the equipment. For example, silicone-based seals and lubricants may deteriorate when exposed to high temperatures.

A concentrated solution of soda can also help in eliminating the obstructed passage of drains. Mix half a pack into a bucket of water and pour it into the toilet. The resulting alkaline solution can destroy previously formed accumulations.

You can also use ready-made chemical solutions. Household goods stores offer a wide selection of household chemicals, including those for cleaning sewer pipes. Such a solution can eliminate difficulties during the passage of wastewater. But when purchasing household chemicals, carefully read the composition of the product and the procedure for its use. It can be overly aggressive and destroy some areas of the drain.

Table. Clearing clogs with dishwashing detergent.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Take liquid dish soap and squeeze a few squirts of it into the clogged toilet. The product can dissolve grease - just like in the kitchen. Although you can use regular soap (in the form of shavings) or shampoo instead. They are less effective, but can also work.

Pour one liter of boiling water into the toilet to activate the product.

Then you need to wait for a while - twenty minutes is enough.

Restore the water supply and flush the toilet. The method will help if initially the plumbing fixture is not too full - this way the product will work more effectively.

We use mechanical cleaning of the toilet bowl

If it has come to the point that water does not flow through your toilet at all, then you cannot do it only with a chemical method, but will have to use full-fledged mechanical cleaning. Using plumbing unclogging equipment will allow you to either break up a clog that has formed from several fragments that have become stuck together, or push or pull out a large object stuck in a plumbing fixture or sewer pipe.

The most common way to mechanically clear a clog in a toilet is to use a household plunger. This item can be purchased at any hardware store; it consists of a rubber or plastic hemisphere and a handle made of various materials attached to it. The essence of the toilet action is to transfer pressure from the drain hole to the object that caused the blockage. The plunger is used as follows:

Cleaning the toilet with a plunger

Cleaning a clogged toilet with a plunger

Often, a high-quality plunger is enough to clear a blockage; in more serious cases, a plumbing cable may be required (we’ll talk about this in more detail a little later).

Step 1. Avoid allowing water to overflow from the toilet. If it does not go away well after rinsing, it is not recommended to rinse it again - it is better to remove the lid from the drain tank and then close the damper. After this, water will not flow into the toilet from the tank.

Step 2. Start preparing the room. Place paper towels or old newspapers around the toilet (this is in case a leak occurs). You can also turn on the fan - this will help reduce unpleasant odors. It is also advisable to wear rubber gloves (preferably up to the elbows) and old unnecessary clothes. Just in case.

Step 3. Try to inspect the clog that has formed. If you notice any particular item, you can try to remove it from the plumbing fixture. If this object is visible, but you can’t remove it with your hands, then you don’t have to use a plunger - proceed to one of the more “serious” methods.

Step 4. Give preference to a high-quality plunger - preferably in the shape of a ball or with a special side at the bottom (to ensure better tightness). It is better not to use a cheap suction plunger, as it has almost no benefit.

Note! If necessary - if the plunger does not provide a tight seal - it can be wrapped with an unnecessary rag. In addition, before use, it is recommended to keep the plunger in hot water for some time in order to soften the rubber.

Step 5. Place the plunger in the toilet, completely blocking the drain. It is important that the tool is located below the water level. Perform back-and-forth movements - press in the plunger and pull sharply towards you. Continue until the water begins to recede. In the absence of solid objects, the clog will most likely be cleared.

Step 6. Drain the cistern to check the drainage. If the blockage still prevents the free flow of water, repeat all steps. It is possible that this will require a lot of time.

If large objects get into the toilet drain or a solid blockage forms, you can use a plumbing cable. At one end there is a handle that gives the cable rotation. And at the other end, in addition to a sharp nozzle that can destroy accumulated deposits, nozzles in the form of a spiral can also be attached. It can act like a fishhook, removing an object that has fallen into the toilet drain against the natural direction of wastewater flow. In order to deliver the spiral nozzle to the place of blockage, the tip must be lowered into the drain and rotating the cable - guide it along the bend of the toilet and through the sewer pipeline.

Cleaning the toilet with a cable

We use a plumbing cable

Step 1. Such a cable, popularly known as a “hedgehog”, is essentially a flexible wire that can penetrate long pipe bends. It is better to give preference to a screw cable, so as not to stain or scratch the toilet.

Step 2. Place one end of this cable into the drain hole. Push it, continue feeding until the end of the cable hits an obstacle.

Step 3. Twist the cable and push it through the blockage. The latter needs to be crushed so that it passes into the pipe. As a rule, this takes no more than a few minutes. After the water has gone, drain the water from the tank. At the same time, make sure that it comes out at the same speed.

Step 4. Clean in the opposite direction. In some cases, in order to let the “hedgehog” pass in the other direction, the toilet has to be removed. But if you know that there is an object stuck in a plumbing fixture, but the toilets have never been removed before, it is better to call a plumber.

Master Class. Cleaning the toilet with a wire hanger

Step 1. Take a wire hanger and cut it using tin snips. Straighten the wire as much as possible. It is advisable that the hanger have a plastic coating, since bare wire can easily scratch a plumbing fixture.

Step 2. Wear quality rubber gloves.

Step 3. Place the end of the wire deep into the drain.

Step 4. Treat the clog by moving the tool in different directions. This will break through the clog so it can be washed away.

Step 5. Remove the hanger and restore water supply. Finally, flush the toilet.

If constant blockages occur directly in the toilet, you will most likely have to reconsider the procedure for its use, carrying out explanatory work with household members, or replace a toilet that differs from the old one in design. Also, a possible constant cause of blockages in the toilet may be improper supply of the sewer pipe to the equipment. The pipe may be installed with an incorrect calculation of its slope, or equipment of the wrong cross-section may be used. In this case, partial repair of the sewer system can eliminate the blockages.

Video - How to unclog a toilet

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