Hood for gas stove, umbrella. Methods for installing exhaust hoods from the EuroVentGroup company

A necessary element of any serious kitchen is an exhaust hood. Such a device is required to be installed in industrial enterprises, but it also has a worthy place in domestic kitchens.

This hood option is exceptionally effective at removing cooking-related contaminants from the air. Let's take a look together at the operating features of this exhaust hood and the points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hood for your kitchen.

A device of this type is a powerful hood designed to effectively ventilate air in a kitchen area. They are most often installed directly above cooking surfaces in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments.

Such a device can be installed not only over conventional kitchen stoves, but also over other similar equipment: grill, oven, etc.

The quality of dishes will only benefit from the presence of a good hood. Umbrellas trap water vapor, particles of oil and fat, and remove odors emanating from prepared dishes. All these contaminants rise upward under the influence of hot air and enter the working cavity of the ventilation hood. Here, the polluted air passes through a filtration system, where the purification process takes place.

An exhaust hood is a stylish and modern device that will provide effective air purification in a domestic or industrial kitchen.

Then the air masses, freed from unnecessary inclusions, are returned to the kitchen area or removed through the ventilation duct, depending on the type of device.

Fatty contaminants move through a separate channel and are collected in storage cups, from which they are periodically removed.

Grease traps are special aluminum elements that are installed inside exhaust hoods. They trap particles of fat and other relatively large contaminants

To facilitate the process of cleaning storage units from fat deposits, it is recommended to first pour a special detergent into the glasses that can effectively dissolve fat.

The advantages of umbrella-type exhaust structures include the following:

  • the ability to use remote control;
  • high degree of automation;
  • the ability to install a suitable model in almost any area of ​​the kitchen;
  • a wide selection of different models made from various materials with attractive designs;
  • high level of productivity.

Among the disadvantages of such equipment, first of all, increased noise generation caused by the operation of a powerful fan is noted. To ensure proper operation of the unit, it must be serviced regularly, i.e. purchase and promptly replace carbon filters.

These items cannot be cleaned or refurbished and may cost more to operate than expected. In addition, good equipment of this type is quite expensive in itself.

An island umbrella can be installed right in the middle of the kitchen if the size of the room allows it. In a small room, such a device can be placed above a stove installed near the window.

Exhaust hoods are always necessary in the kitchen. Particles of grease, hot steam, soot, drops and other contaminants may not be noticeable at first glance, but over time they form a layer of dirt on various surfaces that is not easy to remove.

In addition, gas residues that can enter the kitchen air and the smell of accidentally burnt food are also not good for the health of others.

The design of the ventilation hood is a steel dome-shaped housing, inside of which there is a fan and a set of filtration elements. A special aluminum grille is designed to collect relatively large particles, which protects the ventilation turbine.

In catering establishments, powerful exhaust hoods are required for use over cooking surfaces. Similar devices are used to remove harmful fumes in other industrial plants.

An acrylic filter is usually used to remove a significant portion of grease contaminants. In installations with recirculation, it is mandatory to use a carbon filter, which provides fine air purification. The spark-extinguishing mesh protects the elements from overheating and possible fire.

It is especially necessary if the umbrella is installed above a device with an open flame. All filter elements must be periodically cleaned or replaced. Carbon filters are replaced as soon as they become dirty; these elements cannot be restored.

Some types of acrylic filters can be washed and reinstalled, but this treatment quickly causes them to lose their shape, so the number of cleaning and recycling cycles is limited.

The exhaust hood must be large enough to cover the parameters of the hob being processed by at least 100 mm

A fan or ventilation turbine built into the umbrella ensures air circulation in the right direction with the required intensity. The performance of this element provides the total power of the hood, which should be correlated with the total volume of the room in which it will be installed.

Most umbrella hoods are equipped with lighting, which is very convenient. Such lamps can be used as additional lighting in the kitchen. Along with conventional incandescent lamps, halogen or diode lighting fixtures are built into hoods.

The latter provide a sufficient level of illumination with minimal electrical energy consumption and an increased service life.

In industrial catering establishments, exhaust hoods are installed over various types of devices: stoves, grills, ovens, etc.

If the umbrella is connected to the ventilation duct of the house, it must be equipped with special valves that prevent the air masses entering the device from returning to the kitchen area.

Types of structures and the problem of choice

Based on the type of design, there are wall-mounted and island-mounted exhaust hoods. The design can be exhaust or supply and exhaust. In the first case, the device only removes exhaust air from the room, in the second it also provides an additional influx of fresh air masses.

When choosing a suitable umbrella, you should take into account the required level of air exchange, the size of the cooking equipment, as well as the intended location for its placement. For an industrial kitchen, it is recommended to install a model whose dimensions are 100 mm larger than the dimensions of the hob.

For the manufacture of such devices, food grade stainless steel is used. The device is usually equipped not only with a grease trap, but also with a carbon filter. Backlighting may be a useful option. Supply and exhaust devices, as the name implies, provide not only the removal and purification of polluted kitchen air, but also the influx of fresh air masses from the street.

Such umbrellas are used extremely rarely at home; this is a technique for professional use. Some operations require a constant supply of fresh air. Umbrellas of this type allow you to create an exceptionally favorable microclimate in the workroom, adjust the humidity and air temperature to an acceptable level.

The power of the exhaust element usually exceeds the supply capacity in models of this type by about one third.

The advantage of using an exhaust hood is that it can be installed in almost any suitable place, you just need to choose the right model

Wall umbrellas are mounted not on the ceiling, but on the wall. Typically, such models are used to connect to an exhaust duct. To facilitate installation work, the hob is installed as close as possible to the ventilation duct.

In this case, it will not be too long, which facilitates the effective movement of exhaust air into the ventilation duct.

Wall-mounted hoods can be mounted on the wall. They are more convenient to connect to the building’s ventilation duct than island models

A short design usually does not require many turns when using rigid plastic ducts. There should be no more than three such elbows for one ventilation hood. The beveled type of island hood is very popular, which allows you to bring the hood closer to the maximum permissible distance to the hob.

An island-type umbrella, which is attached to the ceiling, is considered universal. As the name implies, it is used for installation above a kitchen island, specifically above a stove built into it. The peculiarity of the design is that when installing it there is no need to use a wall; the structure is attached to the ceiling.

Such devices are usually used in large kitchens, both industrial and domestic. In small areas, the use of a kitchen umbrella over the island is usually not used due to lack of free space. But such a design may be advisable even in a small kitchen if the hob is installed near a window.

The presence of two filters allows for air purification at a sufficiently high level so that it can be returned to the kitchen area. Of course, the necessary means should be used to ensure sufficient air exchange, but recirculation allows you to retain some of the thermal energy in the room that was spent on cooking.

To remove contaminated air using an exhaust hood, it must be connected to a ventilation duct. If this is not possible, use models with circulation and a carbon filter.

Recirculation is used in island hoods, since installing such a unit next to a ventilation hatch is usually quite difficult. Read about how recirculation hoods work. Some models of island umbrellas can be adjusted in height, which allows you to change the intensity of absorption of polluted vapors depending on the situation.

If the location for installing the hood is chosen in such a way that the filtered air cannot be discharged into the ventilation duct, then you will definitely have to give preference to a device with recirculation.

When choosing an exhaust hood for the kitchen, you should choose the right one. The most powerful option is suitable for kitchens up to 25 square meters. m.

However, you should not choose a model with too much power reserve, since the higher the performance, the more noise the hood makes during operation. For a small room this can be a real disaster.

There are exhaust and supply and exhaust hoods. The latter not only ensure the removal of polluted air, but also allow the influx of masses from the street to improve the atmosphere in the room

The noise level of the device is considered acceptable around 40 dB. It may be a little higher (up to 70 dB), but you should not choose an overly noisy model, since the sound of its operation can cause irritation. When choosing the type of control, you should take into account the installation height of the device. If the hood is installed high enough, the remote option can be very useful.

This equipment has a high price, so when choosing a brand, you should pay attention not only to the well-known name, but also to the warranty period, as well as the availability of service centers and warranty service conditions. Of course, the design of the device also plays an important role. Fortunately, the models of exhaust hoods are very diverse, you can always find a suitable option.

Features of installation and operation

Installing this type of exhaust equipment is relatively easy, but inexperienced craftsmen are still better off entrusting these operations to professionals. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, you should start with a detailed study of the manufacturer’s instructions.

Hoods are usually made from durable food grade aluminum steel. For industrial enterprises, such designs are often created to order

After this, you need to examine the installation site, take the necessary measurements, prepare tools, fasteners, materials, etc. An important point is the correct distance from the hob. It must be at least 60 cm for electric stoves and 70 cm for gas appliances, but not more than 85 cm.

If the umbrella needs to be hung higher, then you should choose a more powerful device to compensate for the difference in height. To install an exhaust ventilation hood, you will need tools that are usually in the arsenal of any experienced craftsman: a tape measure and a building level for marking, a screwdriver, a drill, a hammer, etc.

Depending on the type of device, you will need to either simply hang it above the stove, or connect it with an air duct to the ventilation duct. Either a metal corrugated hose or rigid plastic structures are used as an air duct.

The corrugation can be bent in a suitable way, and to make a plastic elbow, special adapters should be used to ensure a tight connection of individual sections of the air duct.

If the power cord is not long enough, you need to install an additional outlet near the device. You need to make sure that the electrical appliance has the necessary grounding.

Correct installation of the ventilation hood is only half the battle. For the device to work effectively, it is necessary to organize its operation. Detailed information on such issues is contained in the operating instructions supplied with each device.

Regular cleaning is of great importance. For example, aluminum grilles should be washed using special detergents. A good result is obtained by using products that can be found in any kitchen: acetic acid diluted by a third with water, a saturated solution of ordinary laundry soap, or a paste mixture of water and baking soda.

Aluminum grease traps for exhaust hoods must be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt in order for the device to work correctly and efficiently.

These recipes will be useful for those who suffer from chemical intolerance. Grates should be cleaned of accumulated grease and dirt at least once every three months.

Replacing carbon filters is usually done in the following order:

  • disconnecting the device from the power supply;
  • dismantling aluminum grilles;
  • removing the used filter;
  • installation of a new filter element;
  • installation of aluminum grilles;
  • connecting and checking the operation of the device.

When installing a new filter, you should hear a characteristic click. If, after replacing the filter, unusual sounds appear in the operation of the hood or it becomes noisier, the filter may be installed incorrectly and the work should be redone.

If cleaning and replacing the ventilation hood filters is not carried out in a timely manner, the performance of the device may significantly deteriorate.

Carbon filters are necessary in hoods with circulation; they provide fine air purification and need to be replaced regularly

Removable filters and glasses for collecting grease in umbrella models that are used in catering establishments should be cleaned daily in accordance with the instructions. It is also necessary to constantly clean the outer surface of the exhaust housing. It is recommended to remove some elements and soak them in special cleaning solutions.

Once cleaning is complete, rinse them thoroughly. Another element that needs periodic cleaning is the air duct. It is necessary to remove the connecting elements and remove deposits from the internal surface of the structure.

Corrugated elements require this cleaning more often than smooth plastic channels. Some industrial models of kitchen umbrellas are equipped with a built-in cleaning system, but such expensive units are usually not used in everyday life.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video shows the principle of operation of such structures:

An exhaust hood can ensure proper air exchange in both a conventional and industrial kitchen. Proper installation and regular maintenance will ensure long-term and uninterrupted operation of such a device.

The Bastion ventilation plant offers its customers high-quality products manufactured on time. The company is one of the market leaders not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia.

In this article we will talk about the use of exhaust hoods in various conditions.

Operating principle and varieties

In the kitchen of a modern housewife and in catering establishments, an exhaust ventilation hood or dome is installed. Its main task is to purify the room air from high humidity, odors, and various impurities, the occurrence of which is associated with the cooking process.

An exhaust hood is an integral part of a high-quality indoor ventilation system. Installation takes place above sources of high temperature, in particular, above stoves, cooking surfaces, and open fire. Using the dome, moist hot air, unpleasant odors, as well as soot, grease, soot, dust, and chemicals are removed.

Air purification from harmful impurities is also necessary in laboratories, chemical and industrial plants, etc., where the production process occurs with the release of harmful substances into the space, which can harm workers and the environment as a whole.

The umbrella is a dome-shaped structure, hence the second name - dome. Connected to the ventilation system by an air duct. There are central (island) and wall-mounted, depending on the installation location.

Wall-mounted units are installed directly on the wall. If the weight is large, additional brackets are used for fixation. Central appliances are installed directly above the work surface, without contact with the walls. Island umbrellas have a large capacity.

A modern dome is not only a complex device, but also a decorative element. Factory capacity allows us to produce umbrellas in accordance with the overall interior of the room.

There is no fundamental difference in structure between domestic ventilation domes used in private households and industrial ones; they are distinguished only by size and power characteristics. Umbrellas used indoors have a common structure:

  • Grease filter. It can be mesh (made of a mesh with small cells) and labyrinth (a plate with grooves through which condensed fat enters a special compartment). The first type of filter is inexpensive, is installed only in a horizontal position, can be additionally equipped with a spark-extinguishing mesh, but requires frequent cleaning. The labyrinth grease trap is installed only in an inclined position and does not require frequent washing.
  • Spark arresting mesh. A mandatory element when installing ventilation domes over sources of open fire, for example, over barbecues and grills.
  • Pendants. Part of a mounting system that allows you to mount an umbrella on a wall or ceiling, distributing the weight correctly.
  • Turbines. The equipment is designed to stimulate the movement of air masses from the room. During installation, the center of the work surface and the dome must be correctly determined to achieve maximum efficiency. The cross-section of the exhaust hood inlet must exceed the dimensions of the stove or other equipment over which it is suspended. The height of the suspension varies from 0.7 to 1.1 meters.

When choosing a manufacturer of an exhaust dome, give preference to domestic factories, so you can save your budget, and the quality of modern products from a reliable seller is confirmed by certificates and quality control.

Every kitchen has a problem with odors that arise during cooking. This smell can spread throughout the apartment, which is not always pleasant. Yes, and during cooking, drops of fat and oil may fly off from products and food. How to get rid of such problems? There is a way out of this situation, and it is quite simple - install a kitchen exhaust hood. It will get rid of both odors and volatile substances.

What is a range hood?

This is a device installed directly in the place where food is cooked, that is, next to the stove. With its help, hot steam and air, as well as odors and impurities, are removed from the kitchen. Exhaust hoods should match the size of the stove or be slightly larger, but not smaller. Such a device can be installed in the kitchen of an ordinary apartment and even in large catering dining rooms. In this case, it all depends on the size of the hood and its type.

Main types

Such an air purification device can be of 2 types: an exhaust hood and a supply and exhaust hood. The first option is used to filter grease and dust, as well as to remove air from the room. It does not allow fat particles to enter the general system; they accumulate in a special receiver with filters installed in it. That is why the device, or rather the receiver, needs regular manual cleaning.

The second type of hood performs the same functions - it removes air from the room and cleans it of various elements. But the main difference from the previous type is that exhaust hoods with a supply system perform another additional function - it pumps fresh air into the kitchen.

Material for making the hood

Both types of hoods are most often made of durable stainless steel. It allows the system to work for a long time without suffering from constant humidity. Caring for this material is easy and simple.

Exhaust hoods for the kitchen clean due to the filters installed in them, which are also often made of steel material. This simplifies the maintenance and cleaning of the equipment. The food-grade steel used in this case has the highest strength indicators, meeting all quality standards.

Some models use special types of stainless steel. They can easily withstand the effects of chemicals of various origins, including acids. But mostly systems made of such steel are installed in production. In addition to steel, another, less durable material, such as aluminum or glass, can be used to produce an exhaust hood. Although such models are a rare phenomenon.

Types of kitchen umbrellas

Kitchen hoods are divided not only by type, but also by variety depending on the placement method:

  1. Flat.
  2. Built-in.
  3. Dome.

Flat hood

A flat exhaust hood is the most economical. It has no outlet to the air duct and operates on a circular principle. This system, when compared with other analogues, is quite noisy. There is also a filter in the flat hood that needs to be changed or cleaned regularly.

Built-in exhaust hood

Unlike flat devices, built-in models of exhaust hoods are much quieter. A built-in hood is installed directly above the working surface of the hob. In addition to the circular mode, embedded devices provide operation in the tapping mode.

The last type is domed exhaust hoods. They are in greatest demand and popularity among housewives. They can be attached to the wall or ceiling using various methods. That is, they are divided into 2 subtypes: dome and wall. They operate in circular mode and in air exhaust mode, just like previous models of exhaust hoods. This type of kitchen umbrella has high power and degree of purification of the air of an apartment or house from odors and impurities.

At what height should the hood be mounted?

The quality of its work depends on the distance at which the kitchen exhaust hood is fixed from the hob. So, for example, if the kitchen has a gas stove, then the optimal height for installing the hood will be approximately 80 cm. If the stove is electric, then the hoods should be mounted at a height of about 60 cm. More detailed information on specific models can be found during their acquisition from consultants. It can also be found in the instructions included with the hood.

Filters for exhaust hoods

The main element necessary for the full operation of exhaust hoods is a filter. It is with its help that the air is purified. It can be single-layer or multi-layer, disposable or reusable. Basically, two types of filters are used to clean the air in the kitchen: grease filters and spark-extinguishing filters.

Grease labyrinth filters are designed to retain airborne grease elements. Spark-extinguishing mesh in filters is used if the kitchen exhaust hood is installed in close proximity to the fire source, directly above the stove. If the filter is reusable, then it can be cleaned when dirty with ordinary water, and after that the hood will be ready for use again.

Beneficial features

Any model of exhaust hood has a number of positive characteristics, including:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Resistant to all types of dirt.
  4. Easy to care for.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage.

This is primarily due to the fact that most models of exhaust hoods are made of stainless steel. It is easy to clean because it is not afraid of exposure to water and is highly durable. Filters are made from the same material.

But how to install exhaust hoods? It is best to invite a specialist to properly install the exhaust hood. But in some cases, the installation can be done independently. The main thing is to correctly determine the most suitable place for the hood, and the rest depends only on personal skills.

Hello Sergey. We answer your question about the legality of installing a kitchen hood in an apartment in an apartment building.

It should immediately be noted that partial use of mixed ventilation systems with natural and mechanical impulses is allowed. In other words, it is possible to install a kitchen exhaust hood (a forced ventilation device) into an individual exhaust duct in an apartment in an apartment building. Another thing is “in which case it is not possible” and “what power is possible” depends on the operating conditions and the design of the fan. systems, house series, air exchange standards and many other factors.

With a normally functioning home ventilation system, the influence of a kitchen hood (installed at your neighbors) on the ventilation of your apartment will be minimal. The thing is that, regardless of the power of your neighbors’ exhaust device, the volume of air removed cannot be greater than the capacity of the air duct, which, as a rule, has a diameter of 130-150 mm. The common shaft (to which your apartment is connected through an accelerating riser) has a larger diameter of 220 - 240 mm.

Problems may arise due to errors in the installation of the fan. home system and incorrect connection of the hood (kitchen hood) to the ventilation system. Ventilation specialists called by the management organization based on your written application can clarify the cause of the problems.

Causes of odors from ventilation

The main reason for the appearance of foreign odors from the ventilation system is the effect of draft overturning. The physics of the process is as follows: the higher the temperature of the atmospheric air and the lower the temperature in the room, the worse the natural draft. Under certain conditions, instead of removing air masses, through a vent. air begins to flow into the grate. In other words, if there is insufficient draft in the exhaust shaft and poorly organized air flow in the apartments, the air flow created by your neighbors’ kitchen umbrella can enter the rooms higher up the riser.

It’s easy to check for “reverse draft”: you need to hold a strip of paper to the ventilation grille.

The appearance of odors from your neighbors' exhaust ventilation may be due to the lack of plugs. For example, consider the ventilation system of one riser of a typical multi-storey building (series II-18, I 209A, etc.). It consists of a common shaft and two acceleration channels. The system works like this: the polluted air from the apartment must rise through the acceleration channel to a height of 2.5 - 2.7 m (depending on the project), “rest” against the plug (on the floor above) and exit through a special “window” into the common shaft. The problem is that in 90% of cases there are no such plugs! Without plugs, such a system, consisting of a common shaft with two channels (divided by plugs into booster sections), turns into three transit shafts.

What to do?

Most often, this problem is solved by installing a plug that will cut off the air flow from the lower floors and direct it through the standard window provided for this into the common shaft.

You can independently combat the flow of air from the ventilation into your apartment by installing a special grille equipped with a valve that will be open without interfering with the normal air exchange in your apartment. When air is forced from the shaft into the room, the valve will automatically close.

Anyway: to determine the possible cause of the problem and how to fix it(including as a basis for influencing neighbors) You must contact the management organization with a written application.

Important! For unauthorized changes to the configuration of the intra-house ventilation system, the violator is subject to various forms of administrative liability.

There are several traditional ways installation of wall and island ventilation hoods, which are designed to remove heat, smoke, moisture, odors from technological equipment installed in catering establishments, cafes, bars and restaurants.

The first method of installing an exhaust hood

The first method (the simplest) is installation of exhaust hoods to the wall using anchors. Depending on the length of the umbrella, two or three holes are drilled symmetrically in the rear vertical wall of the exhaust hood. Through enlarged washers with anchors, the exhaust hood is attracted and fixed to the wall. The wall in this case must be solid and level, at least brickwork. If the umbrella has a large reach (more than 1000 mm), it is recommended to additionally attach the umbrella to the ceiling.

Second installation method

The second method is installation wall or island exhaust hoods through studs and collets to the ceiling. In the upper horizontal plane, along the edges of the exhaust hood, four holes are drilled or special ears are welded for studs, which include four studs Ф8 - Ф10 mm, pre-fixed in the ceiling. The method is quite simple and effective. The only inconvenience of this method is that the ceiling height should not exceed 4350 mm, since the increased height will not allow the use of standard studs up to 2 meters long.

Installation of exhaust hoods on cables or chains

The third way is installation of exhaust hoods on cables or chains, through brackets and anchors to the ceiling. In the upper horizontal plane of the umbrella, four special fastening brackets are welded into which a cable or chain is fixed through a carbine, the other end of the chain is fixed to the ceiling. In this case, the height of the ceilings is not very important. The main possible problem when installing exhaust hoods using this method is related to the instability of the structure. It is quite difficult to tie air ducts around a rigidly unfixed structure.

Installation of an exhaust hood using special support frames

The fourth way is installation of exhaust hoods using special support frames. Depending on the overall dimensions of the lower section of the exhaust hood, a support frame is made, on which the exhaust hood is installed on top. It can be rectangular or square in shape on four legs, the height of which is selected individually for each object. The legs are rigidly attached to the floor through special support plates. Support frames are made from stainless steel profile 30x30 or 20x40 mm. Thanks to proven technology, the use of modern metalworking and metal-cutting tools, the specialists of the EuroVentGroup company achieve ideal geometry and a very presentable appearance of the exhaust hoods produced by the company and the supporting structures necessary for the installation of these exhaust hoods. In such cases, where the technological equipment is located far from the walls, the ceiling height is quite high, and the customer has increased aesthetic requirements for the arrangement of local exhaust ventilation, the use of exhaust hoods complete with support frames from the EuroVentGroup company remains the only correct solution.

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