Sayings about the beauty of golden autumn. Quotes about autumn mood

Not autumn is to blame for our sadness, but only in the soul the absence of spring ...

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Trees do not cry for fallen leaves... Spring will give them new leaves... Knowing not to regret is truly happiness... Do not cry about what is gone forever...

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For some, it's just autumn, but for some it's warm and eternity. Someone sees eight in the eight, but someone sees the sign of infinity.

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I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses...

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Someday I'll come back to you in the rain. Autumn rain, noisy in memory ... You will tell me: "It was all a dream!" And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

Autumn is the time of the year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be terrible...

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Even in the most mournful autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just have to wait a little...

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We forgot each other, abandoned ... I leave barefoot in the fall ...

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Such sadness is only at this time of the year… The Lord does not choose moments in vain. This is how nature dies in autumn, but how beautifully it dies ...

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I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands ...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My dream is to warm my feet near a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and slowly drink tea with you…

Cool statuses about autumn

Look at the rainy autumn weather through the eyes of your umbrella - after all, he really wants to go out and defile among his colorful relatives!

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A poem about autumn. Tragic. “How quickly, damn it, the leaves fell ...”.

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Rain, slush. The streets are empty. Well, where are you, lovers of rain, "In which you can hide your tears"? Why don't we walk?!?!

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If in the fall the roof of the house is smeared with condensed milk, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to suck icicles!

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Fall is the time to swap piles of light and dark socks.

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone but YOU

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Autumn-autumn! Give me an Audi A8!

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Indian summer is the last chance to decide with whom you will spend the winter!

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Neither coffee, nor a jacket, nor a plaid warms ... Summer is ending ... Well, Autumn, hello !!!

Sad statuses about autumn

Autumn is such a time of the year when you start to feel sad, miss someone for some reason, but with the first snow you realize again that life is beautiful.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

It's autumn outside. Sadness in the heart. I love you so much! Do not believe? It's a pity...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Rain in your face, slush under your feet, the rain speaks to you, he whispers: "There is no need to cry." You will answer: "It hurts." The rain will say: "Don't be sad, tell me what's wrong with you?". You turn your face to the rain, quietly say: "He's on the other side" ..

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves. I lie to myself that I don't. I lie to myself that I forget...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Doctor, I'm allergic to autumn. I cover myself with a blanket and sleep all the time.

With the first autumn chill, life will begin anew.

"Francis Scott Fitzgerald"

Autumn is the time when you need to let go of all the useless dramas and senseless tragedies in all four directions.

Autumn is the time to warm up with warm sweaters, hot tea and kindness.

This fall, my mood is to make a nest out of a blanket and never leave it.

The autumn day is slowly fading away.
November wind dries my lips.
There are no small feelings in the world.
Only souls are small.

Your words wanted to bring tears to my eyes, but the fall of the leaves stopped them and took them into autumn.

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

"Elchin Safarli"

Autumn always and everywhere complicates everything in life and in relationships.

My autumn depression is exhausting. Someone has study and a session, and I have bouts of irritation.

Here come the rains.
Wash away the dust from the soul
To then clean it with white snow.

I'm not sick, it's just that in October I feel like wild animals are eating my insides.

"Gabriel Garcia Marquez"

The old woman-autumn, the leaves crunch underfoot, reminding us of what happened between us.

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.

"BUT. P. Chekhov»

Autumn is not terrible if spring is in the soul.

I love autumn. Tension, the roar of a golden lion in the backyard of the year, stunning with a mane of foliage. Dangerous time - violent rage and deceptive calm; fireworks in his pockets and chestnuts in his fist.

Autumn is the perfect time to start fresh and forget the old.

It was November - the month of crimson sunsets, birds flying south, deep, sad anthems of the sea, passionate songs of the wind in the pines.

"Lucy Maud Montgomery"

Autumn… cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If she has him...

The dream of any person on cold autumn evenings is to warm their feet near a real fireplace, read an interesting book, slowly drink tea and have a loved one nearby.

If you add together the first letters of the autumn months, you will get exactly what will be missing throughout them.

There is no time better than autumn to start forgetting everything that torments and worries. You have to shake off your anxieties and worries, just as trees shake off their dry leaves...

"Paulo Coelho"

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all the colors are lit at the same time.

I love to listen to the whistle of the wind
Follow his devastation
Watch the yellow leaf tear
And listen to the sound of his fall.

I don't like autumn. I do not like to watch how the leaves full of life wither, having lost the battle with nature, a higher power that they cannot overcome.

"Cecilia Ahern"

Leave me the smell of coffee and go, let's not be crumpled cunning, the tormented summer is behind, a little more, and autumn will rule.

Autumn is a time to take stock and analyze what has come true. And after that, wash away all the failures with heavy rain and breathe in the fresh air of the future, in which the sky will be clear and cloudless, transparent and weightless, which happens only in autumn.

In autumn it is always easy to think, and eternity, forgetting time and space, loses the tension of thought, and something quiet and sad pours into the soul...

Autumn is a time of change. Like yellow leaves, old, long-forgotten friends are returning to us. They only come back for a moment...

One nature is unchanged, but even that has its own: spring, summer, winter and autumn; how do you want to give immutability to the forms of the human body?!

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything. I feel it stronger than you. Fall break the rules and everything becomes so invalid. And the man wants... What does he want? Love.

Not autumn is to blame for our sadness, but only in the soul the absence of spring ...

Autumn - when you want to capture every moment, every day of the gradual death of nature. Autumn... cold, vile, rainy, windy... But it becomes warm and cozy... if you are not alone in it... If it has him...

Trees do not cry for fallen leaves... Spring will give them new leaves... Knowing not to regret is truly happiness... Do not cry about what is gone forever...

I like autumn, when it certainly rains, there are wet naked statues, and black leaves certainly stick to them, and on the unpaved earth, ordinary, natural, already dark yellow leaves lie and cover the dirt.

We forgot each other, abandoned ... I leave barefoot in the fall ...

Autumn is the flowering of the beauty of nature in its withering.

I wander alone through October, I do not dare to use the leaves, I lie to myself that I do not love, I lie to myself that I forget.

Such sadness is only at this time of the year… The Lord does not choose moments in vain. This is how nature dies in autumn, but how beautifully it dies ...

Autumn... It always has something from eternity, simple and incomprehensible.

I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands ...

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.

November. Cold. Windy. Snow. Weather created for hot tea, chocolate, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Someday I'll come back to you in the rain. Autumn rain, noisy in memory ... You will tell me: "It was all a dream!" And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.

He buttoned up his shirt, tied his tie, put on a jacket and ... fell asleep to go for a walk where it's always good, where there is always favorite weather, favorite autumn and favorite ... you.

Autumn begins not when the first leaves begin to fall or the first frosts begin, but when you begin to wait for spring.

Autumn is the time of the year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be terrible...

I breathe in October, I breathe in autumn, I breathe in hatred, I breathe in the resin of pines.

Autumn is better than winter, spring is better than autumn, and summer is better than autumn, winter and spring combined.

Autumn depressingly covers the city with leaves, Corroding paint with a wet mood.

Such sadness is only at this time of the year... The Lord does not choose moments in vain. This is how nature dies in autumn, but how beautifully it dies...

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just have to wait a little...

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all the colors are lit at the same time.

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of this world split into parts...

For some, it's just autumn, but for some it's warm and eternity. Someone sees eight in the eight, but someone sees the sign of infinity.

Glorious autumn. Cold, uncomfortable - and at the same time mine, real. so kind, so good.

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses...

Autumn again... Again bright spots of leaves swirl in the wind. Again a small dreary rain.

My dream is to warm my feet near a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and slowly drink tea with you…

Autumn is coffee with cinnamon, maple leaves, multi-colored, as part of a child's drawing, warm, delicate buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke.

Spring this year lingered and imperceptibly passed into autumn.

Autumn. But not because it's October. It's just very cold... But not because it's autumn.

Autumn... it always smells of unfulfilled dreams...

Raw October breathes through my window, autumn let me go...

September 3, 2013, 15:55

Autumn- one of the most philosophical times of the year. In autumn, all life comes to a standstill in anticipation of a cold winter, people wrap themselves in warm blankets and sit in front of the fireplaces. Well, how can one not indulge in thoughts about the eternal?

Smells like autumn. And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Winter is an engraving, spring is a watercolor, summer is an oil painting, and autumn is a mosaic of all three.(Stanley Horowitz)

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.(William K. Bryant)

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.(Albert Camus)

The first breath of autumn is just happiness after a hot and sultry summer.(Charlene Harris)

I love autumn. I love her because of the smells you inhale; also because things die, things you don't have to take care of anymore...(Mark Van Doren)

Amazing autumn! My soul is married to her, and if I were a bird, I would fly around the Earth in search of next autumn.(George Eliot)

I trust Nature for her strong laws of beauty and practicality. Spring will sow and Autumn will gather until the end of time.(Robert Browning)

And every autumn I bloom again.(A.S. Pushkin)

Millions of women love autumn... Falling leaves and the sound of rainy streams... Carefully measured doses - Coffee... Chocolate... And a kiss... And a special smell of chrysanthemum, A slightly cool mint aroma, Which gives hope for change... Kisses... Coffee... Chocolate... author unknown

I love autumn flies, it's the loneliest thing in the world.(Sergey Efron)

Every year something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and the bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. Ernest Hemingway

The best time of the year is September if the weather is clear.(John Galsworthy)

“Now everything is going backwards. Like in a movie, when the film is played backwards, people jump out of the water onto the springboard. September comes, you close the window that you opened in June, take off the tennis shoes that you put on at the same time, and climb into the heavy shoes that you then abandoned. Now people quickly hide in the house, like cuckoos back into the clock, when they crow time. Just now the verandas were full of people and everyone was chirping like magpies. And immediately the doors slammed shut, no conversations could be heard, only the leaves from the trees were falling.”(Ray Bradbury)

No wonder Russians are the most reading nation in the world. What else to do in such weather? I want to curl up in an armchair under a warm blanket, slip away from this dull autumn into strange, bright worlds. Until the sun returned.(Gloria Mu)

Summer quietly died, and autumn, a courteous executor, was going to put life under a reliable lock - until spring comes for it.(Kurt Vonnegut)

Autumn is the beginning of hope for young people and scientific minds: the beginning of a new year, a more distinct and less wild beginning than what happens in the middle of winter. Birmingham, a quiet city with many trees (I write this for those who have never been there) may seem beautiful at this time of year, but if you only catch it by surprise: bronze and silver branches cut the hopeless blue sky, and dry foliage rustles against the walls of high-rise buildings and neat two-story houses. But this is not the right time and place to start a serious friendship with a member of the opposite sex.(Jonathan Coe)

Autumn leaves its softness, moving on to a prickly, rainy season. I don't remember when summer even had time to say goodbye.(David Mitchell)

No matter how the metropolis stinks, it cannot bury the fresh and clean aroma of autumn.(Dim Butcher)

I'm somehow not ready for the autumn dampness... I didn't cook mulled wine, I didn't buy cats. 18

The dream of any person on cold autumn evenings is to warm their feet near a real fireplace, read an interesting book, slowly drink tea and have a loved one nearby. 11

If you put together the first letters of the autumn months, you will get exactly what will be lacking throughout them. 22

Autumn... It always has something from eternity, simple and incomprehensible. 16

A warm cozy blanket, hot tea and your favorite music - all you need in the fall. 15

Summer can come late, but autumn is always extremely punctual. 16

Cold autumn time.. But you are next to me, you come from summer. And I'm not afraid of the cold. 11

The mood is cool - spring! I'm walking, not melting smiles. Today is Sunday for me! So what, that autumn and Thursday. 17

Autumn is a transitional state of nature and the same state for the soul. 14

Autumn, it's not on the calendar .. Autumn - it's in the soul. 19

Look for guys in the fall, so as not to freeze in the winter. 9

Folk omen. September has come, wait for October ... 10

Autumn is not terrible if spring is in the soul 26

Look at the rainy autumn weather through the eyes of your umbrella - after all, it is eager to go out and flirt among its relatives! 13

Fall in love and date, there's nothing else to do in autumn anyway. 12

There is a great spring weather - in the shower we ourselves choose the time of year. 6

Autumn smells of perfume... 11

No longer roller skates, but not yet skates. Autumn... 10

I'll take a nap here... And when autumn is over, wake me up, ok? 9

We wander through the fallen leaves - it's time to leave the warm days.
Now another season is coming - coughs, wheezing and snot. 16

Beautiful, golden, sunny, happy autumn! The soul sings and waits for the first snow. 10

In autumn, no matter what day it is. 20

Autumn. For tomorrow he promises showers, business, work, lateness. But in autumn it's so easy to be happy: Charlotte, tea, sweater... 20

Indian summer is the last chance to decide with whom you will spend the winter. 7

Here is autumn in the yard, the cabbage has faded, all feelings have dulled in the soul until spring. 13

A dreary time has come with yellow leaves and sad thoughts. 5

Such sadness only at this time of the year ... Fate does not choose moments in vain. This is how nature dies in autumn - but how beautifully it dies! 5

I cover myself with a blanket and want to sleep all the time. 7

Autumn always smells of unfulfilled dreams. 12

I hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands ... 11

Even in the most dreary autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue. You just need to wait a little. 9

Autumn-beauty, everything is in your power. I ask for one thing - give me happiness. 19

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses... 10

We have abandoned summer and joy ... I walk barefoot in the fall. 12

Autumn is not terrible for those who see infinity in the figure eight. 10

Neither coffee, nor a jacket, nor a plaid warms ... Summer is ending ... Well, Autumn, hello. 8

Autumn. In the evenings, tea and chocolate, and for dessert - memories of summer. 11

Autumn. Kissing the rain, hugging the wind... 6

A marathon of fallen leaves... a rainy season... a cocktail of smoke and thoughts. 9

Autumn is the time of the year when people should warm each other with words, feelings, with their lips... And then no cold will be terrible... 15

Autumn broke in with winds, rains, cold nights, yellow leaves, strange thoughts... 12

Everything is normal in autumn, the gills just need to be grown. 9

Autumn is such a time of the year when you start to feel sad, miss someone for some reason, it is not clear why and why. 7

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