We calculate the ideal heel height using the formula. How to choose comfortable shoes with heels so that you can do more than just sit in them How to choose the right shoes with heels

How to choose a heel?

Shoes with heels visually make your figure slimmer, help straighten your back and tighten your stomach, give you self-confidence and turn an ordinary gait into a sexy one. But only if you know how to choose and wear such shoes correctly.

What types of heels are there?:

Viennese heel.

A small (1.5-2 cm) heel that increases the longitudinal arch of the foot. One of the most comfortable and beneficial for the foot.

Brick heel.

A small (2-4 cm) stable heel, shaped like a square. Ideal for girls 180 cm and above.

Wedge heel. Wide and high heel. Its back is much longer than its front. This form suits absolutely everyone. Because the contrast of the leg with such a heel makes it look slimmer.


Heel with a bevel at the back. Looks tilted, but very comfortable. Shoes with such a heel look slightly rough, making your feet look more elegant in them.

The heel is cone-shaped at the base and strongly tapered at the bottom.

Height can vary from 5 to 12 cm.


Wide at the base and narrowed at the bottom, like the stem of a glass. This heel is not too high (no more than 7 cm), but also not very stable.


A fairly wide straight heel (from 5 cm and above). It is very stable, so it gives confidence to your gait.

Wedge heel.

Chopines (stumps), or walking footstools. Japanese geta, Greek buskins, Venetian zoccolo - perhaps the most ancient type of heel. Shoes with solid soles made of wood or cork, sometimes without instep, from 4 to 30 cm (or more). Very stable, but inconvenient for driving a car.

Stiletto heels.

A high (8-12 cm) thin heel, which is based on a metal rod (a model where the rod is not covered with anything is called a stiletto). The sexiest heel option.


  • Keep in mind, every two centimeters of heel height increases the pressure on your toes by 25%
  • First, try on your shoes while sitting, and then stand up and walk around. Because when you sit, the length of your foot decreases by 0.5-1 cm.
  • If you buy shoes without a heel, but with a heel, choose models with straps or ties and a tight-fitting front part, otherwise your foot may roll.
  • Place the model you like on a flat surface (without putting it on); if the toe lifts up too much, the shoes will be uncomfortable to wear.
  • For every day, choose shoes with heels up to 6 cm.
  • Check how the heel is attached; if you can move it a little with your hand or loosen it, then you should not buy such a model - its heel or instep support may break.
  • The heel should be nailed, not glued, and the arch support should be made of metal.
  • The difference between the height of the heel and the height of the supporting part should be at least 0.5 cm.

Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes (above 5.5 cm) is harmful. This impairs blood circulation and deforms the calf muscles. The optimal heel height is 1/4 of the length of the foot. And it’s better to do fashion shows with stiletto heels 2-3 times a week. Shoes without heels are also unsafe: they don’t have arch support, and this makes the ligaments that support the arch of the foot very tired. In platform shoes it’s easy to twist your foot, so for long walks and uneven It's not suitable for roads.

Any heel will be uncomfortable if you walk incorrectly. Learn to distribute your body weight evenly across your feet. To do this, you need to keep your back straight, but not tense, and be sure to straighten your knees when walking. Try not to put pressure on your heels, but don't try to walk on your toes, otherwise your feet will quickly get tired and hurt. It is better to choose lower heels, but walk beautifully.

Greetings to dear readers of my site “Note to the Family!” Yes, yes, precisely female readers, since today’s article of mine is dedicated specifically to female representatives, and specifically to the heel height of women’s shoes. Do you know what the correct heel height should be, both from the point of view of proportionality and from a medical point of view, so as not to harm your health? Let's talk about this a little.

It is believed that a woman looks more attractive if her feet are wearing high-heeled shoes, especially stiletto heels. Such legs attract the eyes of the opposite sex.

And women themselves often wear high-heeled shoes in order to increase their self-esteem.

At the same time, recently you can very often see women, and especially young girls, wearing flat-soled shoes without any heels at all.

How are things going from the point of view of the theory of proportionality, comfort and health safety? What do orthopedists advise? What is the ideal heel height?

Let's start with the theory of proportionality. According to it, the ideal heel height that suits you is calculated using a special formula:

Ideal. heel height = (R: D - 1.61) x 10

P is your height in centimeters;

D - leg length in cm;

1.61 is the coefficient of the ideal ratio of height and leg length;

The resulting figure will mean the most correct and harmonious heel height in centimeters for you in terms of proportionality.

For example, my height is 170 cm.

Leg length - 93 cm.

1) 170: 93 = 1,828

2) 1,828 - 1,61 = 0, 218

3) 0.218 x 10 = 2.18 cm

Thus, for me the most correct heel height would be 2 cm18 mm.

An important point in this formula is calculating the length of the legs.

Get someone to help you and have a measuring tape ready.

Stand straight on the floor barefoot. The length of the leg is measured from the protruding tubercle of the femur, which is located opposite the hip joint, to the floor.

Just in case, measure the length of both legs. Sometimes they differ slightly. Moreover, you may not even notice a difference of 1-2 cm.

Surely you will want to compare the results you obtained with those considered ideal. Just in case, I’ll give you a sign:

As you can see, the ideal physique is considered when the length of the legs is slightly more than half the height. The figures given are relevant for women. For men, the correct proportions are slightly different.

So, we have decided on proportionality. Now let's see what doctors say about this.

When we talk about the correct heel height, we, of course, mean shoes for everyday wear. So, Doctors believe that the most correct heel height is 2-4 cm.

Over time, higher heels can lead to various diseases of the joints, veins and spine. High heels provoke swelling, bumps, and calluses.

Flat soles are no less harmful. Recently, it has become very popular, and doctors noticed that more patients began to seek medical help with foot problems, and they preferred to wear shoes without heels. In such shoes, the foot constantly slides to the inside, the tendons are stretched, and pain appears in the fingers and toes. Therefore, a small heel is necessary!

The platform is also harmful, even if its height is normal. Constantly wearing platform shoes leads to flat feet, since in such shoes the muscles of the feet practically stop working.

Until recently, a heel height of 5 cm was considered safe all over the world, and American scientists, after conducting research, came to the conclusion that such a heel height does not contribute to maintaining health, and the correct heel should be 2 times lower, namely 2.5 cm.

Orthopedists also came up with their own formula for the most useful heel:

Correct Heel Height = Foot Length: 7

For example, my foot length is 24 cm.

24:7 = 3.4 cm

From the point of view of orthopedists, the most convenient, comfortable and safe for me would be a 3.4 cm heel. Shoes with such a heel height will protect my legs from fatigue and help my feet when walking.

Once again, I want to emphasize that all these calculations apply to everyday shoes. On special occasions, you can wear high-heeled shoes, but it is advisable not to wear them for more than 4 hours at a time.

And it is generally better not to purchase shoes with a heel height of more than 11 cm. In addition, not everyone knows how to walk beautifully in such heels.

I will say about myself that I am really very comfortable and comfortable in shoes with a heel height of 2.5 - 3.5 cm, which confirms all the above formulas. In such shoes my feet do not get tired even after very long walking. I can also wear shoes with heels up to 6.5 cm quite comfortably, but after some time my legs still begin to get tired, so if I know that I will have to walk a lot, I prefer not to wear such shoes.

What heel do you think is ideal for you? How well did the above formulas work for you? I will be glad to hear your opinion in the comments.

Useful tips about the correct heel height were given to you by the author of the site, Ksenia Druzhkova.

If you have white shoes, they require special care. You can read and watch useful tips on maintaining the appearance of white shoes.

● What not to eat on an empty stomach

Hello, dear readers of the site “Note to the Family”! Of course, you all know the phrase: “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” Whether to listen to this advice or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But in any case...

There are different theories about how to choose the optimal heel height depending on the characteristics of the foot. On medical and specialized shoe forums there is advice that the ideal parameter is from 2 to 4 cm. This standard is indeed the most convenient, even if it is the thinnest sharp “stiletto heel”.

But such a modest value does not suit all fashionistas. Plus, it’s worth taking into account height: if the girl is short, but prefers tall models, then when walking the center of gravity will shift, which will be extremely inconvenient. All girls who are below average height are advised to choose the optimal length of no more than 8 cm, regardless of the anatomy of the limbs.

Features of the foot and heel height

There are simple recommendations that will help you choose the appropriate option. You need to sit down, stretch one leg in front of you, but do not pull your toes too far, let the limb be relaxed. After this, you need to measure the distance between the ball and the heel, this will be the optimal height, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of a particular person. Other nuances of choice:

  • If the heel is more than 5 cm, then it is recommended to take shoes half or one size larger, since the raised heel increases the load on the toes, especially the big one. Under the pressure of the heel, it moves forward more intensely, so you should not allow it to rest against the toe of the shoe, this is uncomfortable for the fingers. But if the height is up to 5 cm, then you can take shoes strictly according to size.
  • Some girls and women have a steep instep, the so-called “ballet” instep. Walking on flat soles or with a slight instep will not be very comfortable, so experts recommend choosing a medium heel, which, however, does not exceed 8-9 centimeters.
  • If, on the contrary, the arch is low, close to flat, then you should give preference to low (flat) or medium options and preferably not “studs”, but with a wider and more stable base.
  • It is worth choosing natural materials (leather) or artificial, but elastic ones, which adapt to the individual shape of each person’s foot.

Regardless of the characteristics of the limbs, for going out and for special occasions, you can choose oversized models with heels up to 12 cm high, but let such shoes be truly exclusive, for special celebrations. With any arch of the foot, a height above 9-10 cm creates an unnatural load on the knee joint, stretches the calf muscles, and if worn regularly leads to arthritis, so regardless of the anatomical features, you should not wear high heels every day. And if you really want to visually increase your height, you can choose shoes with a combination of heels and platforms.

Greetings, my dears! I think everyone knows how shoes can dramatically change an outfit. Ordinary jeans and a T-shirt become a chic and stylish set if you wear them with bright and original shoes. And for short girls, heels are our everything. However, these are the most uncomfortable shoes, especially if you walk in them all day. In this article I will tell you how to choose a comfortable heel: the appropriate height so that the shoes are as comfortable as possible. And finally, I’ll tell you what to combine with shoes with different heel heights to look stylish and interesting!

Of course, trying to find the same pair that will be convenient and comfortable like house slippers is completely useless. But pain after wearing shoes also appears for a reason. It indicates that the height is chosen incorrectly. And flat shoes can be no less harmful than high heels. I suppose many people have noticed that in some shoes you can run all day, but in others your feet fall off after half an hour?

Why are some heels more comfortable than others?

The thing is that our feet have a natural instep angle, and according to it, each girl has her own ideal heel height. You can define it yourself. Walk around the house without shoes and stand on tiptoes. Which is more comfortable for you: walking straight on your toes or on the balls of your feet? This is the size that will be comfortable for you.

Also affected is the mobility of your ankles, which depends on the size of the cavity between your ankle and heel (sinus tarsi). In this place there is an interosseous ligament. Therefore, those who have these ligaments less mobile feel better in shoes with flat soles, and accordingly, those who have them more mobile can easily walk in stiletto heels.

How to determine heel height?

So, here are simple instructions on how to choose the right heel. Let me tell you right away that you will need an assistant. So quickly invite your girlfriends, sisters, mother, especially since they will also need it (a reason for a bachelorette party!).

The position of the foot in which the leg needs to relax will help you determine.

  1. Take off your shoes and sit upright in a chair. The seat should be level and your feet should be on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. Back straight. You should be comfortable.
  2. Extend one leg in front of you in a straight line, while the other remains in its original position.
  3. Now relax your foot and ankle on your extended leg. You will see how the foot goes back a little, that is, this height is comfortable for you. Or perhaps your entire foot will straighten out, meaning flat shoes will be more comfortable for you.
  4. Take a measuring tape and carefully measure the distance from the edge of your heel to the tip of your big toe (hold the tape parallel to the floor). Then draw a mental line perpendicularly from the ball of your foot to the tape. The number of centimeters on the tape will ultimately be your ideal height.

Little secrets

To avoid various deformities and problems with the feet, such as bowing, bunions, calluses and others, knowing the ideal height is not enough. It is important that the toe part of the shoe is free enough, it should not press or squeeze. Often this part is very narrow, which leads to the development of various foot diseases.

In addition, you should not lose your balance or feel uncomfortable. There should be no tension in your legs so as not to fall. The heel should be positioned towards the front of the foot to support the ankle.

A narrow instep of your shoes will help relieve tension and stress from your toes. Thus, they will support the arch of the foot, preventing it from sliding down and causing pain.

Summarizing all of the above, when choosing shoes, consider:

  1. Choose a well-constructed pair that will support your arch.
  2. There should be enough room for your toes in the toe box, so choosing the right size of heeled shoes is very important.
  3. You shouldn't lose your balance in the pair of shoes you choose.
  4. So it turns out that good shoes cannot be cheap. After all, remember that, unlike shoes, you only have feet and cannot be replaced or thrown away. So take care of your feet.

which heel to choose?

  • Heel 2- 4 cm

This height is comfortable for the largest number of people. It lifts a little, the leg is comfortable, there is support for the foot, but there are no problems with maintaining balance. In addition, “kitten heels” look very cute and feminine, especially when combined with retro-style looks. Some low heels look great with different ankle decorations.

  • Heel 5-6 cm

In this case, you have both stability and height. It looks more flirtatious than low ones, but at the same time chaste. Mid-height shoes look great with an open toe, tapered heel, and ankle and heel straps. Such shoes would be appropriate in the office and at an informal party.

  • Heel 7-9 cm

Suitable for almost any occasion: from the office to the red carpet. If this is your ideal height, then you are lucky. It is suitable for light and relaxed wedges and elegant pumps.

If it’s a little too high for you, then wear these shoes for a short time and to events where you will mostly be sitting.

  • Heel 10-11 cm

This height is both chic and absurd at the same time due to the unnatural bend of the foot. In such shoes it is easy to create the image of a fatal seductress, just make sure there is enough space for your toes in the toe box or choose models with an open toe. But you should avoid mules and other models that do not support the arch of your feet, otherwise you risk breaking not only your legs, but also your neck.

  • Heel 12 cm and above

These types of shoes should be avoided altogether. It places your legs in an unnatural position, and there is no balance or stability. These heels look simply absurd, crazy and ridiculous. They will not add either femininity or elegance, but you are guaranteed a whole bunch of foot injuries and diseases. Take care of your feet.

  • Platform

If you can’t live without extremely high shoes, then the best solution would be a platform. On a 3.4 cm platform, a 12 cm heel will feel like an 8-9 cm one, and this is more comfortable and stable.

On the other hand, the wrong platform can make you unsteady and your legs will twist. So it's just trial and error. You need to try on shoes until you find a pair in which you can easily maintain balance and your legs will not give way.

Another pitfall

The fact is that in heels the gait is much slower, so in the long term the knees and ligaments in these places begin to be injured. So if you don't wear heels every day and alternate them with flats, you'll be fine. But if you have any problems with your knee joints, be careful.

By the way, if you haven’t read it yet, then look at my articles “” and “”. There's a lot of useful information there!

With this I will conclude my post. Determine your ideal height and wear only comfortable shoes. Your legs should be beautiful. Don't forget to subscribe to updates, share links and discuss with friends on social networks.

1. Don’t really trust the indicated size, especially if you buy shoes abroad. Both in clothes and shoes, the size scale can vary depending on the country of origin, the manufacturer, and even from model to model. Feel free to try on several pairs to find the one you feel most comfortable in.

And most importantly, do not try with all your might to squeeze into shoes with the number 37 on them if those with the number 38 suit you better. Yes, I understand that you are a size 37... But size is a relative concept.

2. When choosing shoes, also take into account completeness. For example, American-made shoes are usually narrower (less full) than European-made shoes of the same size.

3. The pair you try on should be comfortable when you try them on. Not tomorrow, not “one fine day,” but today, now! Don't expect your feet to lose weight or your shoes to stretch. If your shoes are already tight when you try them on in the store, imagine for a moment what awaits you after an eight-hour working day. You won't believe it, but I know a huge number of women who stubbornly buy shoes a size smaller. Then they suffer, complain about calluses and discomfort, and in addition to everything, they damage their shoes by stretching them at home. (Sorry, it's boiling...)

A little “entertaining physics”.

4. The foot has the shape of an arch and performs a shock-absorbing function. With each step, it “springs”, softening the load. When the foot rests on the ground, the arch “opens” slightly under our weight, while the foot seems to “flatten” and lengthen slightly. Knowing this feature, remember that there should be at least 5-7 mm of free space between the toes and the toe of the shoe. During the fitting process, be sure to get up and walk around the store. Take a few steps and listen to the sensations. If the shoes fit close to you, then when you walk, your toes will forcefully press against the toe, causing discomfort, pain, and subsequently serious deformation of the foot.

5. Toes in shoes should not be tied or pinched. It is necessary that you can move them slightly, otherwise the blood circulation in the legs will be impaired. Models with narrow toes and high heels are especially dangerous. In such shoes, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly - almost all the weight falls on the forefoot. As a result, deformation of this zone occurs, transverse flatfoot develops and the risk of hallux valgus (Hallux Valgus) increases. It manifests itself as a curvature of the first toe and the formation of a “bump” at the base of the big toe.

6. Keep in mind that wearing shoes one size too big can also have unpleasant consequences. If, for example, high-heeled shoes are a little too big, then when walking the foot and the center of gravity will shift towards the toe, and the heel will press not on the heel, but on the instep. As a result, the instep support will break or the heel will begin to “bounce” back, and then simply fall off. You should also avoid wearing shoes that are too wide or loose. Such shoes also lead to scuffs and calluses.

Fortunately, in recent years the range of models offered is so wide that any of us can choose the appropriate option without becoming a victim of fashion.

Remember, that:

* Suede shoes are usually the softest and stretch very well to mold to the shape of the foot.

* Shoes with genuine leather uppers also fit well on your feet. Moreover, the thinner the skin, the better it stretches. The material of the lining must also be taken into account. Leather shoes lined with artificial leather (and this happens) will stretch much worse than shoes lined with genuine leather.

* Patent leather is usually thicker and denser, so it has virtually no stretch. Another reason is the artificial film on the surface of the leather, which gives patent leather a characteristic shine.

* Shoes made of artificial leather should be chosen, paying special attention to comfort and fit. Mistakes will be very difficult to correct (it’s easier to return the shoes). If you want to stretch them, you will have to take special measures. Perhaps special sprays and folk remedies will help, or you will have to go to a workshop. In any case, it is unlikely that you will be able to stretch the artificial leather too much. I wouldn't experiment.

* Be careful with shoes made of textile materials. Correctly selected size and fullness are also important here. How the shoes will stretch depends on the lining material.

Fabric shoes lined with leatherette are usually the stiffest and have virtually no stretch, so they really “kill” your feet. No, no and NO.

If the lining is made of genuine leather, then everything is a little different. If the shoes suit you in size and fit, then most likely there will be no problems. If the shoes are tight, then attempts to increase the size will lead to a significant deterioration in appearance. They stretch well, but at the same time the structure of the fabric is disrupted: the threads “move apart”, and with strong tension they can tear. All this does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing...

If you have chosen textile shoes without lining or lined with fabric, then you should carefully choose the size here. If the shoes are too tight, then as they stretch, they will first take the shape of the foot down to the smallest detail (deforming in the most sophisticated way), and subsequently they may become like house slippers. Not sexy at all!

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