The war in Chechnya, intelligence documentary film. A documentary story about a group of scouts under Captain Ulman, pursued by the Chechens and their lackeys

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Taras Zikov, “Soldier of Fortune” No. 4 / 1996
photo by Viktor Khabarov

The beginning of my business trip to Chechnya was intriguing and promising. At the departure airfield we were given brand new bulletproof vests in untouched factory packaging, but for some reason several plates were missing from each of them. It became even more interesting when they handed over the BTR-80 to us, and the infantry drivers, who passionately wanted to go with us, were sent back to the unit. We were left alone with these magnificent, but completely unfamiliar machines.
I note that the peculiarity of army special forces is that they do not have any equipment in their arsenal, and there is a corresponding gap in the training of officers. Even the war in Afghanistan, where armored groups played a large role in the successful operations of special forces, did not force the supply of at least several training armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles to each unit. So I had to pick up the “primer” - the operating instructions - and study it.
Because of this, there were some adventures. A day after arriving in Mozdok, my group was sent to carry out a task as part of a special forces detachment. We had not yet gotten to the bottom of the details of the design of the vehicle and the 14.5-mm KPVT machine gun; we had not had time to conduct training fires and were in full confidence that everything was ready for battle. Luckily, we didn’t have to open fire that time, and we returned safely. And at the very first training shooting, it turned out that every 4 shots the machine gun “caught a wedge” due to the lack of a tray in the empty belt removal system and, as a consequence, the inability of the tape to pass unhindered into the outlet link. It gathered at the edge of the branch link and did not move further. And so it is for all armored personnel carriers.
So, due to the lack of these parts at the field repair base, the gunners had to urgently learn to pull the trigger with one hand and pull the tape with the other. What would have happened to us if we had come under fire on our first mission? Of course, we learned to fight not only from our own sad experience, but also from examples of the use of other special forces units in this war. We, newcomers, learned about them from more experienced friends who had already undergone baptism of fire and managed to assess the enemy. The militants, like no one else, knew how to use all the advantages of defense in the city, obtained from their good knowledge of the battlefield and the use of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles by the attackers in the narrow streets, which became “Mass graves of the infantry.”
It is not surprising that a large amount of equipment was burned on the streets of Grozny, because shooting was carried out, as a rule, from 30...40 meters with concentrated fire from several RPGs at each slowly moving armored target in turn.
Knowing about the fighters’ ability to fight, I was not surprised that in the vast majority of basements of houses on the streets, the width of which was more or less suitable for the movement of equipment, stocks of RPG-7 rounds were concentrated. The tactic of leaving “stashes” of ammunition is used by militants around the world. However, although the experience of local conflicts is sometimes generalized by our military specialists, it still does not reach the “growing” commanders. There are no training courses or manuals on conducting counter-guerrilla warfare in the ground forces. So we have to learn in every new local conflict “from scratch” from our own bloody experience.

The militants also used ambushes, set up by large forces at crossroads. At the same time, fire was carried out simultaneously from 5-20 grenade launchers, a large number of machine guns and sniper rifles. It was precisely this kind of ambush that on January 2, 1995, that a column of Russian troops consisting of 16 combat and 30 wheeled vehicles, heading towards the railway station, fell into.
The task of transporting the seriously wounded formation commander from the station to the rear was assigned to a combined arms unit, which was assigned a reconnaissance group from a special-purpose battalion. The scouts were positioned as follows: four on the first infantry fighting vehicle and two each on the second and third. 100 meters from its destination, the head of the column was fired on from three sides by massive fire from anti-tank weapons and small arms. The first infantry fighting vehicle immediately caught fire. Soon her ammunition detonated. However, the special forces managed to get out of the car and took on an unequal battle, which became their last.
The head of the convoy, who was in the second BMP, ordered his driver to drive the car along an adjacent street and thus left the convoy without control. The two special forces soldiers sitting in the troop compartment of this vehicle, due to the limited visibility from the loopholes, did not see that their comrades were in trouble and could not help them. After 3-4 blocks, the column leader’s infantry fighting vehicle was hit. And again the scouts took the fight, but, being alone and surrounded and having laid down a mountain of “spirits,” they died. The only survivors were the shell-shocked driver and the head of the convoy, whom local residents dragged into the basement of the house and hid for 3 weeks.
The third vehicle, due to lack of control of the convoy and the battle, also left the ambush site, but got lost and fell into the Sunzha River. All those who were in it, including special forces radova-contractor Soginov and private conscript Kuznetsov, were saved. Only the infantry medic major could not get out and shot himself.
The special forces entered the battle formations of our troops and fought on the front line for another ten days (commanding six infantry soldiers, they captured and held the library building).
About 40 Russian servicemen were killed in this ambush alone. This, unfortunately, is not the only example of the effective actions of “spirits”. Our command’s tactic of “planting the banner at key facilities” led to such results.

The task of preserving the lives of personnel was solved by commanders of all levels. True, sometimes this was done in a very strange way. Some commanders, caring for the lives of their subordinates, and some fearing for their “backside,” went so far as to try to send other people’s soldiers to the most dangerous area and thereby save their own. Examples could be cases where special-purpose units perform tasks that are not specific to them, such as storming buildings, holding them, or using combined arms columns as marching guards instead of conducting reconnaissance in the interests of a group of troops.
These are dangerous tasks, and individual infantry commanders who were assigned special forces units used foreign fighters to carry them out.
And sometimes special forces had to perform generally mythical tasks. So, on January 18, 1995, a reconnaissance detachment of 19 people in 2 armored personnel carriers was sent to the rear command post, located near the village of Tolstoy Yurt. The detachment’s task was to detect and capture the militant agent “Rocket”, who was constantly transmitting by radio about the movements of our troops on the Chervlenaya-Grozny road section. It was ordered to act from the command post as a base.
I note that when it was necessary to find a senior commander at the command post, they acted very simply - they found a warm toilet among 200 control and communication vehicles. Made from freshly planed boards, it towered above the camouflaged cars. And 15 steps away from him stood a car with a senior commander’s kung. This is such an ostrich disguise.
In the 10 days following their arrival, the detachment went out onto the road in the hope of spotting a spy. The intended capture could not be called anything other than an accident, because the special forces had no connection with local informants, no electronic intelligence equipment, and in general this was the work of other services. Having sipped unsalted, they returned to Mozdok. But they avoided participating in the offensive through the city streets as motorized infantry in armored personnel carriers.
The following example demonstrates the high efficiency of the use of special-purpose units when used correctly. On December 31, 1994, a special forces detachment of 4 officers, 17 warrant officers and contract soldiers was transferred by helicopter at 10 o’clock in the morning to the foothills of the North Caucasus in the area of ​​​​the village of Serzhen-Yurt. Then, having completed a 26-hour march on foot with full equipment (up to 20-30 kg of weapons, ammunition and mine explosives) through the mountains in snowfall conditions, by 12 noon the detachment reached the area where the commander ordered to set up a base.
After thoroughly preparing weapons for battle, and mine-explosive means for detonation, the detachment split up. Two officers and 8 contract soldiers took up all-round defense at the base, and the rest, leaving some of their equipment, moved to the road that ran along the bottom of a shallow mountain gorge. The width of the gorge at the bottom was from 200 to 300 m, and, in addition to the road, there were several former pioneer camps in it.
According to intelligence information previously received by the federal troops from intelligence sources and thanks to aerial photography, a school for Chechen saboteurs was located in one of these camps. The road was heavily patrolled by armored vehicles, and personnel and cargo were transported along it.
At 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, a support subgroup consisting of a deputy detachment commander and three contract soldiers occupied combat positions in the middle of the slope of the gorge, and a fire and mining subgroup consisting of officer L. and six contract soldiers was located just below. They planted landmines controlled by wires: one under the road surface, and the second under an electrical transformer station located 100 meters away.
At about 8 o'clock, an infantry fighting vehicle with armored militants appeared on the road near the ambush site. The explosion of a guided landmine and the fire of the fire and mining subgroup ended the enemy in a matter of seconds. Then the transformer station was blown up. Before the shots had time to subside and the dust from the explosions had settled, another infantry fighting vehicle appeared on the road. They managed to drive her away with shots from an RPG-22.
As a result of the ambush, a combat vehicle and 7 militants were destroyed, a huge crater was formed on the road, which subsequently led to the accumulation of enemy equipment in this place, and the saboteurs' base was cut off.
The scouts planted a directional mine at the ambush site and retreated (first the fire-miners, then the support subgroup). While still on the ridge above the ambush site, that is, 500 m from it, the commandos heard the explosion of their mine - this was when new forces came to the aid of the militants who were ambushed.
A multi-hour “race for survival” began. The next MONK was left at the location of their base, with a demolitionist's bag behind it, which was sure to attract the attention of the militants. This mine went off 40 minutes later when the detachment deployed a radio station to call helicopters for evacuation. The commander decided to temporarily postpone the communication session, since the distance from the former base was no more than 1 km (the scouts only managed to cross another gorge in 40 minutes).
The third mine was left at the site of the failed communication session. It worked within an hour. To the evacuation site, which was located 5 km from the ambush area, we had to walk along a path laid the day before, because the snow cover was shallow, the snow was wet and there were black traces of the special forces on it.
After 3 hours of accelerated march through the mountains, people who had not slept for the third day began to “pass out.” Everyone was given 2 tablets of sidnocarb, which brought the scouts to their senses and they were able to move on.
By this time, 6 people had already received 2nd degree frostbite on their legs. It was still possible to push through the communication session, and the helicopters, despite the completely unflyable weather, arrived in the evacuation area on time. Three Mi-24s arrived - fire support helicopters, two Mi-8s for personnel and one Mi-8 with an evacuation support subgroup led by the chief of staff of the special forces battalion.
As the pilots later said, the detachment was pursued by about 40 people in camouflage uniforms - militants from the saboteur training center, about 20 of whom were blown up by the fourth mine installed on the escape route. And behind the nearest ridge, a KamAZ truck with militants was coming to encircle the detachment.
The helicopters fired several NURS salvos at the pursuers. The detachment took up a perimeter defense at the evacuation site and entered the battle. They captured scouts under heavy enemy fire, but there were no casualties among us. And the commander of one of the detachment groups was even able to jump back out of the helicopter and pick up his comrade’s fur pants, which had become untied from the RD-54. When he was later asked why take such a risk, he replied: so as not to be deducted for lost non-write-off property.
In total, the detachment destroyed about 60 militants from the reconnaissance school, a combat vehicle, and an electrical transformer station. In the next 2 days, aircraft carried out about 40 sorties, as a result of which up to 14 more pieces of equipment accumulated near the crater on the road, and the saboteur training base itself, were destroyed. There were no losses on our side.
This is what can be achieved with the correct use of high professional training for its intended purpose in combination with the high morale of special forces.

Original taken from alexandr3 in A documentary story about a group of scouts under Captain Ulman, pursued by the Chechens and their lackeys


“Whatever those who imagine themselves to be the arbiters of destinies think, I am a combat officer. Was, is and will be... not for a second to give in to the system, which seeks to convince you with all its manifestations that you are a cattle without rights.” Captain Eduard Ullman.

Volodya's military service was coming to an end. It cannot be said that she was a complete nightmare, as for most of the frail soldiers, muzzled by the “grandfathers” and Caucasians. Still, his position as an instructor in hand-to-hand combat and a master of sports in boxing gave considerable advantages. Even special forces officers came to train with him with pleasure. But it would be better to demobilize as soon as possible, especially since the army became increasingly bogged down in the Chechen war,from which so far God has had mercy on him.

Having finished his daily independent training on the horizontal bar (another privilege he had earned as a coach), Volodya headed to the barracks.

On a bench, near the wall of the dining room, he saw a fellow Muscovite, and Volodya did not like his appearance. The soldier was bent over pathetically, holding his ribs, blood was oozing from his broken lip, it seemed a little more and he would burst into tears like a child.

- What's happened? - Volodya asked. - Come on, let’s lay it out, I’ll find out later anyway.

- Volodya, don’t, don’t get involved. There's a whole pack of them, keeping the whole company in fear. Akhmad took away the money sent by his parents, scolded him for not enough, beat him, and today after lights out he ordered the toilet to be cleaned as punishment.

- Let's go figure it out! - Volodya pulled the soldier tightly by the hand. - Show me this Akhmat.

In the kitchen section of the dining room, a hefty, naked to the waist Caucasian man with an Internal Troops (Internal Troops) tattoo on his shoulder sat picturesquely on a stool. He was the only one who didn’t work - the cooks and the Russian soldiers helping them were peeling potatoes, tinkering with pots and boilers. You didn’t even have to ask who Akhmad was here.

Seeing Volodya and the soldier, the Caucasian immediately understood everything; in one movement he pulled out a belt from the waistband of his trousers and began to wrap it around his hand, so that the heavy buckle, apparently covered in lead, hung like a lash to the ground. But he did not have time to finish his lesson.

In one jump, finding himself one step away from the Caucasian who did not have time to react, Volodya hit him under the knee with his front leg from the side. Mavashi giri is a terrible karate blow when the thigh is moved forward and to the side in a circular motion, parallel to the ground, the leg straightens like a whip and hits the opponent with great force with the lift of the foot. Akhmad was unlucky - the blow of Volodin's boot literally took out his knee joint. As soon as Volodya’s foot returned to the ground, he again hit the falling Akhmad, this time with the toe of his boot in the solar plexus.

From his breathlessness, Akhmad could not even howl, his mouth open like a fish, he only drooled and whined, rolling on the floor, convulsively squeezing his injured knee with his hands.

- Next time I'll leave him impotent! - Volodya promised. - And tell your jackals, if they are greyhounds, I’ll bring the whole sports company to sort it out. Come on, get better, and be careful - don’t twist your leg again...

Considering his good relationship with the officers, Volodya was not particularly afraid of the consequences. But sometimes life presents interesting surprises.

The next day, at the sports ground, Volodya was called out by an unfamiliar special forces warrant officer.

Hey, long one! Our captain calls you for a few words.

Noticing Volodya’s indecisiveness, the ensign added: “Don’t be afraid, we ourselves are at war with blackness, the conversation will not be about yesterday...

A group of officers greeted Volodya at the heavy truck. He knew one of them - Eduard Ulman, captain of the GRU special forces, from the Siberian Germans.

- Well hello, hero! - Ullman greeted. -I wanted to ask you to train my guys.

- No problem, I'll train! - Volodya promised, smiling widely.

He kept his promise.

Ulman's fighters were training like crazy. Shooting from various types of weapons, forced marches, paintball, tactical training, mine warfare. Now, to all this, training in hand-to-hand combat and with knives has been added. The readiness of Edward and his men to run and shoot at any time of the day or night was the talk of the town among the officers and caused respectful bewilderment. It was rumored that only a German could give his all and push his subordinates for a captain's salary. The fact that no one in Ulman’s group died in previous business trips to Chechnya was usually hushed up.

Volodya liked the conversation with Captain Ulman, which took place a couple of months later, much less.

- Volodya, the guys benefit from your training. Everyone is eager to join you for hand-to-hand combat, not to mention forced marches or even shooting. The guys' physical shape has improved, they will run faster in the mountains, two of them have quit smoking - Ullman paused. - Only you yourself said - the quick, superficial effect of training is noticeable after the first month, but real knowledge of techniques against a knife, karate comes only after a couple of years of regular training. My guys need this knowledge. Otherwise you will have to pay in blood. Only you can give them, we have no other good trainers... But we are being sent to Chechnya next week. I know that you will be discharged soon. I don’t want to force an order through my superiors so that you are sent against your will along with our group. I can promise that no one will demand that you go on combat missions or reconnaissance missions or stand guard. But I ask that you volunteer to come with us and continue to train the guys...

Smiling ironically, Volodya looked at the captain as if he were crazy. Exchange a quick return to Moscow, a meeting with parents, girls, friends, a real gym, the disorder and dirt of military life, dry food from cans, the whistle of Chechen bullets and the tyranny of the authorities (not everyone is like Ulman)? And for what? So that the Moscow thief, driving Mercedes, Porsches and Ferraris, watches on TV news programs as a loser?

As if reading his thoughts, Ullman responded. - After military school in 1994, I myself volunteered for the GRU special forces. Surely it was possible to find a quieter job. And then I wrote six reports for transfer to Chechnya. If an officer has not been to war, then what kind of professional is he? And then, you yourself said - after sparring fights in training, a glass of milk or even plain water is much tastier than wine or vodka, which everyone here drinks out of melancholy and boredom. Same thing after a real fight. We never get bored. We bring down enemies who cannot but be brought down, and excuse the loud words - we serve not this vile system, and not even the government, but the Motherland.

- No, captain! - Volodya said firmly. - You’re a great guy, the whole group is great guys, but I can’t voluntarily go to Chechnya for company and risk my life. At least because of the parents. If something happens to me, no one will help them, and I wouldn’t wish my enemy to survive on retirement in Moscow. And don't try to convince me - it's useless.

- Well, fine. Do as you please. But keep in mind - if something happens to anyone in my group, even if he is just injured, I will send you a photo of him. By registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt - to ensure that you receive it. Because you will be guilty for not preparing him. If anyone does not return from the mission, I will send a photo every year, on the anniversary of his death. This will be not only my fault, the commander, but also your fault. And live with it as you know...

Exactly a week later, together with Ulman’s group, Volodya flew on board a military transport plane to Mozdok airport for transfer to Grozny.

Having settled in, we began to prepare for reconnaissance missions. Volodya especially remembers the briefing given to the group near a high-mountainous Chechen village.

Ullman specially brought them to look at a Chechen ambulance that had just been shot at by a Russian checkpoint. The killed driver leaned his face on the steering wheel, a female doctor in a white coat threw her head back deathly on the headrest of the seat. Inside the body, strewn with spent cartridges, and next to the car, covered from head to toe with weapons, lay five dead militants in blood-stained white doctor's coats over camouflage. They fired back to the last... Fortunately, on the Russian side there were only wounded in the battle...

The Chechens captured the soldier Yevgeny Rodionov and everyone who stood guard with him, and they also drove up in an ambulance,” Ulman noted. - You've probably heard about him? Then they cut off his head for refusing to take off the cross he had worn since childhood.... Remember - “the gullible in war are the first to die. How many cases have there been when people who believed the Chechens returned home without their heads? We were standing in Achkhoi when the colonel was invited to a wedding, but was brought without his head. Or in Shalyakh, this year, two riot policemen stood on the highway, the shift arrived - and they were without heads. In 2000 we stood near Bamut. Signalmen from a neighboring regiment went to Achkhoy to the market. Both of them were shot in the back of the head with a silent gun... And the story when the two pilots were shot down? When the evacuation group approached them, who blocked the road? Women! They organized an anti-war rally, the commander waited for them to disperse, and in the meantime the pilots' heads were cut off. Grandma went to the weighers and gave them milk. As the grandmother passed, so did the mortar attack. The Chechens fed the soldiers, and in the end they poisoned them with hydrocyanic acid... And it turns out that the law is this: those who trust the Chechens risk not returning.” 1

“I don’t know what the Chechens will come up with next time and who they will bribe, I don’t know what new dirty trick the armies from above will plant,” Ullman continued. - We will not waste time discussing what does not depend on us. - But if you shoot a tenth of a second faster than the enemy, you turn out to be more accurate, cunning, you will run through the mountains easier than the Chechens - they will be buried, not us. It’s better for us to overdo it now than for our family and friends to cry their eyes out over us later. I will not allow either the Chechens or anyone else to harm the group. That's why we will continue to train. And we will fight not at random, but in a smart way.

The last months of compulsory service, and then six months of extended service, flew by. And Volodya couldn’t sit out at the base all the time when the group went on combat missions - in general, medals of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II he and Eduard Ullman received degrees with swords together.

But it was not always possible to fight smartly, and not through the fault of Captain Ullman. On that day - January 11, 2002, everything was going wrong for both the army command and the intelligence officers. Intelligence information was received that the most brutal field commander Khattab was hiding in the village of Dai with a guard of 15 Arabs. The same Khattab who organized the explosions of high-rise buildings in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk, which killed hundreds of civilians, led the attack of 2,500 Chechen militants on 6 Rotupsky paratroopers. Hero of Russia, Colonel General Troshev (later, very conveniently for the Chechens and his own government, died in a plane crash) wrote about Khattab: “Khattab simply loves, like some of his cronies, demonstrative executions, especially of non-believers. Slowly cut off the prisoners' ears, noses, scalps... And so that everything is recorded on videotape. He then shows these “film documents” to influential foreign Muslim “ultras.”

Of course, it was necessary to take Khattab. But the way the operation was planned to be organized gave rise to well-founded concerns among the thorough Captain Ullmann, who loved order and organization. Subsequently, he told MK correspondent Rechkalov: “then it suddenly becomes clear that we are going to the mountains. We don’t know exactly where, but to the mountains... All our well-established training rules have been violated... No map of the area, no aerial photographs, no minefields, no location of our troops, nothing. How did I usually work? I received a map, thought about it for two days, built layouts of the area, and drove the group through different options. For example, we are walking along this slope, you see the map, let’s work it out. Where can they attack us here? From here... Here you have a fork, here is a gorge, you can run through it secretly... We approach from here. If we spot someone, we either shoot or leave.” 2

However, “On January 11, 2002, the GRU special forces group N 513, consisting of 12 people under the command of Eduard Ulman, landed 3 kilometers southeast of Dai, near the village of Tsingdoy and organized an ambush.“ 3

Soon, on the road leading from the village of Dai, the first car appeared - a Gazel full of Chechens. Sighing heavily, expecting a shot and any kind of meanness at any moment, Captain Ulman himself, alone, went out onto the road and waved his hand to the car to stop. The remaining soldiers covered their commander from an ambush.

- He is alone, crush the giaura! - the youngest, hottest passenger of the Gazelle, who was sitting next to the driver, yelled - Magomet Musaev and forcefully shoved the driver in the shoulder. Out of surprise, he turned the steering wheel and squeezed the gas - the Gazelle accelerated and swerved right at Ullman. That's when the quick reaction developed by continuous training came in handy - Eduard abruptly jumped off the side of the road. Spitting clods of earth from under the wheels, as if going mad, the car lurched past. Ullman raised his machine gun and fired a warning shot into the air. Without stopping, the Gazelle returned to the road and accelerated even harder, hoping to get away. Then Edward and the fighters of his group opened fire to kill.

Having rolled several tens of meters by inertia, the car froze on the side of the road. One passenger was killed and two, including the driver, were injured. The scouts did not find any weapons in the car; the incident was reported to the command.

The operation was led by Colonel Plotnikov from the Airborne Forces, and Major Perelevsky was in touch with the group. Very soon they gave Ullman the order to destroy the remaining passengers of the car.

Ullman couldn't believe his ears. Even if the Chechens in the Gazelle were testing the way for Khattab, even if at all costs it was necessary to keep the secret of the location of the reconnaissance group, there was no point in the order for destruction - there were Russian troops ten kilometers away, two fighters could well hand over the detainees to them . Ullman asked to repeat the order for destruction in the presence of the group’s fighters. “You don’t have one, you have six “two hundredths”, get out of everyone!” - it sounded on the air.

The command calculated correctly: “He won’t resist. You know how efficient he is. One word - German” 4. Subsequently, Ullman said: “For me at that moment, it was ethical to carry out the order... If these people are ordered to be destroyed, then who are they? How important are they then for the Chechen resistance if they are treated so cruelly?... Will these people be beaten back now? Khattab is not a fool. One of the methods of camouflage is masquerading as civilians. It was logical to assume that this was a reconnaissance group to check the route. And now the bulk will go for a breakthrough.” 1

Did the scouts willingly carry out such an order? All, except one, whose relatives were cut in Grozny, trudged to the place of execution as if to hard labor. But it’s human nature to come up with self-justifications - before pulling the trigger, everyone’s thoughts flashed to the friends killed and maimed in the Chechen war, newspaper photographs of the ruins of high-rise buildings blown up in Russian cities, subway cars crumpled by explosions, bloodied passengers, bearded, smug faces of thugs-militants, Chechen teip tribal system - probably relatives of one of the Gazelle passengers. In addition, the GRU special forces are not Christian preachers (and Chechens do not believe in Christ), the special forces are a destructive and sabotage group intended primarily to DESTROY THE ENEMY. Soon, they believed, they would have a meeting with Khattab’s militants, for the sake of such a meeting it was worth making any sacrifices, both among their own and among others. Before pulling the trigger, Volodya repeated the words he heard during a briefing near an ambulance full of militants: “those who trust the Chechens risk not returning.”

The corpses of the executed Chechens were thrown into the Gazelle, and the car was set on fire. Ullman's group continued to block the road. But everything turned out to be in vain - Khattab’s militants (if they were there) left Daya along inconspicuous mountain paths.

Meanwhile, in the rear of the Russian army there was a life of its own, which had special laws and concepts of what is good and what is bad, very different from the ideas of Ulman’s intelligence group.

- Come on in, sit down! - The overweight major, without rising from his chair, shook hands with the army senior lieutenant with a grin. - Come on, tell me, what trouble happened?

- Vitaly Yakovlevich, it’s awkward to contact you, but could you help me out again? My salary is being delayed again, the military hasn’t been paid for last year, and I have to feed my family...

- Eh, Nikola, Nikola! Salary, combat... The major, with two thick sausage fingers, pulled a pack of blue thousand rubles out of his pocket and casually threw it on the table. - Count how many there are?

- Forty-two thousand, Vitaly Yakovlevich!

- Take it and give it back when you can. And think hard... Here we are almost the same age, and you are still a lieutenant. And by the way, I am the military commandant of the Shatoi region. You keep going on combat missions, exposing your chest to bullets - do you hope to make a career like this? We don’t live in the nineteenth century, not in the time of generals Erlomov and Baryatinsky, but in the twenty-first, that is, in our modern hellhole. Here you need to have a head on your shoulders. Warrior-heroes Generals Shamanov and Troshev - did they make a great career? In Moscow today it is not those who fight with the Chechens in honor, but those who are friends with the Kadyrov clan. Go, alert your company - near the village of Dai a burned Chechen car with corpses was found, I'm going to investigate, you will provide security.

- Yes, Comrade Major!

But having arrived at the landing site in the mountains of Ulman’s group, the commandant of the Shatoi region did not investigate anything - he immediately called prosecutors from Shatoi, and not because of the desire to quickly get out of a dangerous place - the escort company and armored personnel carriers provided good cover. Whoever informed the Chechens about Ulman’s group remained shrouded in darkness. The mindlessly cruel machine of the military investigation began to spin - for carrying out a “criminal” order, Captain Ulman and the soldiers of his group were arrested.

Chechen “human rights activists” reveled in triumph. But too early - the trial took place, and on May 29, 2004, the jury completely acquitted Captain Eduard Ulman and his military friends on all counts, considering that they were simply following the orders of the command. Ulman was reinstated in the army and married. Despite the fact that his parents had by that time left to live in the land of their ancestors - in Germany, and after such treatment by the Russian state with their son did not have the slightest desire to return, Edward wanted to continue to serve Russia as a special forces officer.

But like a pack of wolves surrounding a horse that had escaped from them at first, the “peaceful” Chechens and their hirelings clung to Ulman’s group. The jury's acquittal was protested by the relatives of the dead Chechens and overturned by the military collegium of the Supreme Court of Russia (a rare case in world legal practice, very similar to flagrant lawlessness, in which the jury's verdict is considered the ultimate truth). Chechen “human rights activists” have begun preparing for a new trial. In Russia's legal system, which formally operates according to the law, if there is money, persistence, given the low salaries of the majority and general corruption, malicious forces can do a lot of trouble.

12 jurors are selected from 60 candidates; for money, “torpedoes” - hired people who torpedo the accused - can be pushed into the jury panel. You can try to intimidate or bribe the jury, ten to twenty thousand dollars is a huge amount for a pensioner, what does it mean in the budget of the Caucasian War, amounting to billions?

But only a few “torpedoes” were launched among the 60 candidates, and thanks to the vigilance of the lawyers, their candidacies were rejected, the elected jurors turned out to be honest and intelligent people - they again, this time unanimously found Captain Ullman and his fighters innocent.

But the military collegium of the Supreme Court of Russia, with the tenacity of a bloodthirsty maniac, overturned this acquittal. And he decided that the case of Ulman and his intelligence officers would be considered by three professional judges.

It’s nice to sit with friends on a warm April day in the gazebo of an ancient Rostov park. The sun's rays merrily penetrate the branches that have not had time to be covered with thick foliage, the young grass is turning green, the girls walking along the paths are lightly and seductively dressed in spring.

But it was not because of the beauty of nature that Ulman’s soldiers gathered here - in the officers’ dorm and barracks they were quite rightly afraid of wiretapping.

- What to expect? -The judges' decision is predetermined. They didn’t cancel two acquittals just to let us go now! - the young special forces lieutenant remarked bitterly. - These wolves will arrange for us to rot in prison to please the Chechens. The President of Chechnya Alkhanov himself and Kadyrov are fussing about in high offices to our hearts. And the statistics are against us - if a case is tried without a jury, judges make 99% of guilty verdicts. More than the Cheka in the civil war or in '37. Our chances of avoiding prison are zero.

- Hide? - Volodya asked thoughtfully. - What about your parents, Moscow?

- Well, you will always have time to return to Moscow - in Butyrka and on Matroska they are waiting, they can’t wait! - the lieutenant remarked sadly.

- Stop panicking - Ulman firmly ordered. “We are together, we are free, and we ourselves will not surrender.” If we don't survive, at least we'll hang out!

- I believe that those who organized a trial against us in Chechnya will not be friends with Moscow for long. They NO LONGER feel Russian power; if they continue to be stroked by the wolf’s fur, the entire Caucasus will go up in flames. Then we too will be able to legalize. But I personally prefer to wait for this in freedom, in nature, and not in prison or a camp.

- And if you’re in trouble - Volodya, now emboldened, again intervened in the conversation - the border with Ukraine and Kazakhstan is practically transparent, and then - the whole world is in your pocket! As a last resort, you can go to the French Foreign Legion - THEY NEVER EXTRADIATE THEM. And they have a good rule, a boxer I know who served there told me that if something goes wrong with the native population - 24 hours of guard duty for a monkey!

- Just be careful not to get too excited! - Volodya Ulman cut off. - I went on combat missions seven times - and already the Foreign Legion, the whole world in my pocket...

Well, fighters - who is with me, living illegally, and who is in the “most humane court in the world”? I cannot order you, let everyone decide for themselves, but know that by appearing for the sentencing, you are walking into a Chechen trap. And for the first time, I, your commander, don’t know how to get you out later.

- Everything is with you, commander, you are the only one we trust! - Volodya answered for everyone. - And let them try to catch you, if they are not afraid...

“On April 13, 2007, after Ulman, Voevodin and Kagalansky failed to appear in court twice, they were put on the federal wanted list. July 14. Eduard Ulman (in absentia) was sentenced to 14 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony. Lieutenant Alexander Kagalinsky was sentenced to 11 years (in absentia), and reserve warrant officer Vladimir Voevodin was sentenced to 12 years (in absentia).“ 3

Major Alexey Perelevsky, who gave the combat order to Ullman’s group, was sentenced to 9 years and arrested in the courtroom (despite warnings, as if hoping for a miracle, Perelevsky appeared at the sentencing).

So far, neither the Chechens nor the detectives of their hirelings in Moscow have been able to catch Ulman’s group. They weren’t particularly looking for them - the GRU special forces are not Bin Laden and the Mujahideen, and they won’t miss the attackers when trying to detain them.

In order for Ulman's intelligence officers, lieutenants Arakcheev and Khudyakov, other Russian people innocently convicted to please bandits, as well as those kidnapped and turned into slaves in Chechnya and Ingushetia, to return to normal life, there is only one way - it is necessary to establish Russian power in Russia.

Instead of an afterword. Ruban Petr Alekseevich, director of Krasnozersk secondary school N 2, which Ullman graduated from: “Eduard Ullman was an example of responsibility and discipline, kindness and decency... he remains among those graduates... (who) evoke a sense of pride in the staff of our school.”

1. “Captain Ulman’s War” Vadim Rechkalov MK, Part 3, 21.11. 2005 and subsequent days.

2. “Captain Ulman’s War” Vadim Rechkalov MK, Part 1.

3. Wikipedia, Ulman Eduard Anatolyevich.

4. “Captain Ulman’s War” Vadim Rechkalov MK, Part 4.

GRU special forces brigades in the wars in Chechnya

The most acute phase of operations in the North Caucasus and Chechnya in particular has already passed. But only for those who have never been closely involved with these events. Every GRU special forces soldier in Chechnya, videos of which can be found in large quantities in this article, is unlikely to ever forget every day spent in the Chechen Republic. This article is long overdue, and it’s not even that it’s approaching, there are simply topics that cannot be ignored.

Let's talk about the participation of special forces in the campaign against the militants of the Chechen field commanders. Or, more simply, about the GRU special forces in Chechnya. The video materials presented in the article will also arouse interest. It is also worth remembering the heroes of this war, or the counter-terrorist operation - as you prefer to call them. The essence will not change from this. Just as there is no way to return those guys from the GRU special forces brigades in Chechnya who remained forever looking at the mountains. Not through the sight of a machine gun, but from the sky.

Those who don’t know history are forced to go through the science all over again. And it would be wrong to forget about the high sacrifices of special forces in this terrible southern meat grinder. You can safely watch GRU special forces on television, stumble upon them in the news or in films, but not know their glorious history. Yes, this often happens. Therefore, it would not be out of place to talk about the nice tough guys from the GRU special forces brigades who honestly fulfilled their duty. And here you can watch a video of GRU special forces in Chechnya in good quality.

Chechen syndrome

What can I say, Russia has a long history, and all sorts of things have happened in it. Different people, different nations live on our vast territory, and even now there are people who secretly dream of independence. What can we say about the collapse of the USSR and the creation of new independent states. Many countries had independent sentiments, but only 15 Soviet socialist republics stood out. The aspirations of SA General Dzhokhar Dudayev did not come true.

The Ichkeria conflict is, of course, not only the battles of Dudayev against the GRU special forces in Chechnya. It just so happened that they were the most combat-ready units in the newly formed Russian army, which had lost in numbers, combat effectiveness, equipment and material base. But it was pleasant to look at the GRU special forces - trained people, most of whom had gone through the crucible of fighting spooks in unfriendly Afghanistan.

The tough guys from the special forces brigades of the Main Intelligence Directorate became everyone in the units that served in Chechnya. Often, poorly trained recruits were thrown into the war, who were afraid even to shoot at the Wahhabis, who were well trained, radically minded, and well armed, with a machine gun. That is why the losses were extremely high. But with the special forces, everything was different - the elite, whatever one may say, are fighters who are prepared to destroy the enemy. If you watch various videos of GRU special forces in Chechnya, you can see how they perform often impossible tasks. But in the GRU special forces brigades there are no random people. This is a fact.

And everyone is a hero

I don’t know if you’ve heard about Senior Lieutenant Dolonin, who served in military intelligence e, V . Now this unit, unfortunately, no longer exists; it was disbanded as a result of the notorious reforms of the Russian army in 2009. But that's not the point. You are unlikely to find a mention of his feat in the collections of videos of the GRU special forces in Chechnya. Yes, and with films on this topic - extremely suitable, I note - it’s a bit difficult, frankly speaking. But the man showed incredible resilience: being seriously wounded, he covered the retreat of his practically surrounded comrades with machine gun fire for a long time. Senior Lieutenant Dolonin died, but his comrades from the 12th GRU Special Operations Brigade were saved from imminent death at the hands of Chechen militants.

People like Senior Lieutenant Dolonin are the quintessence of the entire essence of the role of special forces in the bloody war with the rebels. It was not at all embarrassing to look at the GRU special forces. They were proud of them, respected by their own and openly feared by their enemies. For the murder of a special forces soldier there was a separate, very large bonus plus promotion up the military ladder. But the soldiers of the GRU special forces brigades destroyed enemies and carried out combat missions rather than fall into the bloody clutches of the enemy and the cold hands of the goddesses of death.

No, of course, special forces soldiers died. It cannot be that the warring parties did not lose anyone - this is the prerogative of myths, cheap action films and all sorts of computer toys. The GRU special forces in Chechnya suffered very heavy losses, amounting to tens and hundreds of people. There were losses due to command errors and encirclement by enemies, from ambushes, during the performance of various tasks, including those that were and are considered impossible. But we are talking about the elite, the very best. Yes, there were losses, but if it weren’t for these soldiers, they would have had to send the best of the worst, and the losses would have been much greater. We must look at the GRU special forces as the force through which many young soldiers went through this school of survival and returned home alive.


I repeat once again: I am convinced and believe that the role of the GRU special forces in Chechnya is practically invaluable. Military intelligence units were the most combat-ready of all units in the Russian army, in principle, as they are now. That's how it should have been. And in wartime, their power, experience and hardening were very necessary to turn the tide of the war in their favor, so that the arriving guys felt more confident under the wing of strong defenders. A war without experienced people develops into a banal throwing of meat.

It is not for nothing that the collections of videos of the GRU special forces in Chechnya are quite large - often the tough guys from the special forces were on the front line, performing a variety of functions and tasks. The broad masses of the population often do not know the names and surnames of ordinary workers of the GRU special forces brigades, but if you wish, you can always get acquainted with the list of at least those who did not live to see the end of the war.

Military Intelligence Day is a very important holiday in the army calendar, perhaps not as famous as Airborne Special Forces Day, but many know about it. I would, of course, like to make this holiday more famous, but not everything depends on the Voenpro online store. We can (and do) write more often about GRU special forces brigades, we can help people buy - we have a wide range of goods for special forces - and we will continue to do this, because we consider it our duty to talk about deserving people.

To make the memory of your service in the military intelligence and special forces unit of the GRU brighter, you can decorate your brigade, detachment, even the personalized flag of your platoon.

And in the fall and winter, in addition to the very symbolism of the formation and type of troops, excellent

The battalion tactical group (BTG) of the Siberian military district arrived at the location of the Yurga brigade in the Vedeno region of Chechnya.
Mozdok greeted IL-76 with personnel on a sunny morning. Transfer to the “cow” - MI-26 helicopter. We stopped near the village of Dargo. The oldest village, which has been mentioned since the wars of General Ermolov. The population is pure mountaineers, they are not lowland Chechens. In the old days they fought on the side of Shamil against the Russians. We immediately began familiarizing ourselves with the area of ​​responsibility. The intelligence chief of the Yurga brigade, a former classmate with whom we shared cadet training days at the Novosibirsk Military Institute, introduced us to the course of events.
Vedeno district is a mountainous and wooded area. Almost in no way inferior to the Siberian taiga, only without fir trees. Almost impenetrable thickets of hazel. Beech and hornbeam trees are 30 - 40 meters high. Very rugged terrain with gorges, mountain streams and beautiful “alpine” meadows. The territory of the zone of responsibility ran along the border of Dagestan towards Georgia, towards the Itum-Kalinsky district of Chechnya. In the language of the separatists, this territory was called the South-Eastern Front, which was then commanded by Khattab himself. At that time, there were between 2,500 and 3,000 fighters under the command of this Arab mercenary. About 300 armed separatists operated directly against the BTG. They carried out reconnaissance and sabotage operations in small groups of 15-20 people.
The militants identified themselves with landmines
The sunny days in Chechnya were deceptive. The peaceful singing of birds suddenly explodes with the roar of an explosion of a radio-controlled landmine planted in the slope of the road. The presence of militants became apparent immediately in the first days, when they were just beginning to get acquainted with the territory. On the fourth day of arrival, they moved as part of a column. An infantry fighting vehicle with a white bat emblem went first. A landmine (several artillery shells) exploded under the second car (a favorite tactic of militants). The explosion created a crater more than 2.5 meters deep. The BMP turret, along with the gunner operator, was torn off and thrown almost 20 meters. But, despite everything, the gunner remained alive. The BMP itself was thrown up 7 meters. The group of militants was small - 3 or 4 people. They shot with sniper rifles and machine guns and disappeared.
The attempt to blow up the “bat” infantry fighting vehicle failed; God preserved the scouts and their commander, Senior Lieutenant Arkady Kharkin. A shrapnel that could have cut him in half hit the BMP turret - ten centimeters below where he was sitting. That explosion should have swept away all the scouts sitting on it with shrapnel from the “armor,” but, thank God, the bandit sappers miscalculated.
Psychological barrier
The reconnaissance group at the time of arrival consisted of 30 people. After the first fire contacts, 12 people submitted reports for dismissal. Everything was attributed to the psychological factor. For many, it was an insurmountable barrier, for example, the sight of a wounded man being pulled out of an infantry fighting vehicle with the bones of his arm turned outward... A cry of pain! ... Even 4 injections of promedol could not relieve the pain shock! It is one thing to imagine war in thoughts and delicate descriptions of heroism, and another thing to see all the naked pain without embellishment. Exposed white bones, bloody meat, the screaming mouth of a man mad with pain. Psychological withdrawal occurred immediately. Many, to hide it, were going to improve their financial situation... and here someone, after what they saw... for no money! There are 15 people left for the entire area of ​​responsibility. The work was exhausting, since it was not possible to divide the reconnaissance unit into at least two groups so that they could work in turns.
Everywhere the scout will slip...
Scouts often explored their territory on foot. They constantly felt that their movements were being watched. They intercepted radio communications in which enemy observers reported movements. One of the favorite positions of enemy observers was on Mount Bai-Sultan, in front of the entrance to the Vedenskoye Gorge. The village of Zhani-Vedeno is nearby. This area is notorious for the fact that six months before us, the Perm riot police were ambushed here. Their column fell into a bag of fire, from which it was impossible to escape; then about 50 Russian policemen died.
The militants did not make much noise or fuss, but stubbornly waged a mine war. The roads leading to the villages of Tazin-Kala, Belgotoy, and Tsentoroi Gorny were constantly mined. Sappers constantly discovered and neutralized bandit mines. But it was not always possible to neutralize them in time. At the beginning of June, when our mechanized armored group entered Tsentoroi, a high-explosive charge was still detonated.
During the July planned reconnaissance activities in a forest area near the village of Tazin-Kala, they came face to face with 10 Chechen militants who were trying to take out one of their caches in a GAZ-66. A short clash... the battlefield was left to our scouts, several militants were captured.
Helicopter attacks
By the end of June, the situation became more complicated due to the fact that aviation almost stopped flying over the mountainous part of Chechnya. The commandant of the Vedeno district, Colonel ... (last name is not given, since it is still too early - author's note), was kidnapped by militants. When approaching the village of Vedeno, an MI-26 helicopter, which was supposed to provide replacement for units of the internal troops, was fired at from the Strela MANPADS anti-aircraft missile system. They shot at the helicopter from a forest area located near the village. Fortunately, this helicopter has good survivability, so, despite the hits received, the pilots were able to land the car safely. There were no casualties.
The separatist bandits didn’t really know what or who they were shooting at. They fired at the MI-8 helicopter, which was taking two wounded from Vedeno. A group of scouts under the command of Senior Lieutenant Arkady Kharkin was located near the village of Ersenoy, near Vedeno. The scouts noticed a heavy machine gun firing from the gorge. The machine gun tracks mercilessly stung our winged vehicle. From these fatal bites, one of our soldiers who was on board killed an ensign and wounded a conscript soldier. But the helicopter pilots still managed to escape the fire and reach their destination.
Also in June, in the area of ​​the village of Engenoy, where the 104th Pskov Airborne Division was stationed, an MI-26 was also fired upon, but again there were no casualties. While approaching the village of Dargo, an MI-8 was fired upon.
Contact with the FSB and GRU special group
The intelligence officers carried out special special operations together with the FSB near and in the village of Tsentoroi, since many residents of this village participated in illegal armed groups.
Intelligence work is varied and unexpected in its encounters. Professionalism determines a lot here. The moment came when senior lieutenant Kharkin was included in the GRU special group from a unit where the youngest rank was captain and the group commander was colonel. Living legends of reconnaissance and experienced saboteurs needed an experienced guide who knew the area well. By that time, Senior Lieutenant Kharkin had managed to thoroughly study the territory of his area of ​​responsibility. The purpose of the special operation was to intercept financier couriers supplying money to the militants. The GRU special group was able to capture Khattab himself, but human intelligence provided inaccurate information about his movements.
August was marked by the liquidation in the area of ​​the village of Benoy-Vedeno of the bandit clan of the field commander Chitigov, who shortly before this participated in a meeting held by Khattab with all the field commanders of the Southern direction.
Liquidation of Khalid's detachment
An armed group led by a certain Khalid acted against the BTG of the Siberian district. Scouts sometimes found their frequency and entered into radio exchanges with various “courtesy” messages. We discovered their base between the villages of Ersenoy and Baz-Gardali. Moreover, the base was not far from the village, literally 200 meters away, but in such a dense hazel forest... In the ranks of the “freedom fighters of Ichkeria” in Khalid’s detachment there were then mercenaries from Arab countries, even a Kazakh somehow got lost. This gang was then almost completely destroyed by aviation and artillery.
Until the rainy season arrived, significantly complicating movement in the mountainous areas, reconnaissance operated continuously, exploring the most remote places: pastures and barn buildings standing there. The long-distance search brought constant results - about 30 members of illegal armed groups were identified, disarmed and detained. All of them were taken to Chernokozovo, a pre-trial detention center under the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic. At that time there was a military prosecutor's office there. Not all militants preferred capture. Some offered armed resistance. Then we had to destroy them. During such clashes, 3 so-called “emirs” - Khattab’s liaison officers - were destroyed.
Intelligence against cunning politicians
At one of the farms near the village of Lenkorts, the efficiency of the reconnaissance unit was once again demonstrated - secrecy and speed of movement at night. Three militants were detained. Everything went well, but in the group’s retreat instructions, the chief of staff indicated the route along the river bed. But this mountain river meandered so much! Despite the fact that we had been moving all night, we were only a few kilometers away from the village. As a result, local residents gathered in the place where the reconnaissance group was supposed to be met by armored vehicles. This is another tactic of the separatists - to incite residents to literally throw themselves under the tracks of the infantry fighting vehicles. We had to use military stratagem, hide the prisoners, imitate the departure of the scouts from the zone, and then, after the crowd of villagers was forced to disperse, with a swift rush of equipment, return for the hidden prisoners and take them to where they deserved.
Autumn did not live up to hopes that separatist militants would begin to lie down somewhere on the plain for their winter quarters. Clashes continued until November, when snow fell. Apparently, the presence of the Siberian BTG was precisely what prevented the militants from digging in and hibernating in this area. This is supported by the facts that 4 very well prepared bases were discovered. They were equipped for long-term living in the hidden conditions of forests near the village of Baz-Gardali. These were dugouts equipped with stoves, adapted for living in winter. One such base could provide accommodation for 80 - 100 militants. A large amount of Wahhabi literature, products, weapons. The bases were blown up by an engineering company.
The weapons that were found in the militants' caches were the most modern. For example, tandem and fragmentation rounds for RPGs, something that you don’t really see in our troops.
Sergey Kuzmin
according to the stories of reconnaissance battalion tactical groups

Series of messages " ":
special forces intelligence
Part 1 - Everyday life of intelligence in Chechnya
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -

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