The vice speaker of the Nizhny Novgorod parliament was placed under arrest. “I asked to cut off my leg”

It would seem that God knows what event, especially against the backdrop of the sentence of the former federal minister for a bribe of 2 times more. But Sorokin is not just a provincial deputy - he is the former mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, in fact the owner of the city, whose wife in 2013, with an income of 1.5 billion rubles. officially became the richest among the wives of Russian officials.

Business was booming

In 1987, Oleg Sorokin, after serving in the army, joined co-operators: he made souvenirs and “cooked” jeans. For a long time he was engaged, in his words, in “buying and selling.” And in 1998, he took ownership of the Start defense plant, on the site of which there is now a shopping center. This marked the beginning of Sorokin’s business empire. In 2003, he founded the Stolitsa Nizhny group of companies, the largest development holding in the region. After 2 years, he became a deputy of the City Duma and headed the commission for city development, construction and architecture. That is, the chief urban planner was given the opportunity to seek the allocation of tasty plots of land for development. In 2010, he again became a deputy, but now he was elected head of Nizhny Novgorod. At the same time, Sorokin the mayor served as chairman of the city duma. In 2016, the mayor’s term of office expired, and Sorokin was satisfied with the position of vice-speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly. According to unofficial data, in order to secure at least half of his supporters in parliament, the ex-mayor spent 2 billion rubles on the election campaign.

At the same time, he actually continued to control the market for the purchase and sale of land in the city, the construction of shopping and entertainment centers and housing. Because, after Sorokin took the mayor’s chair, management of the giant business passed to his wife Elada Nagornaya. By the way, in addition to a bunch of beautiful positions in family business structures, she also received the title of Honorary Consul of Hungary in Nizhny.

In 2013, information appeared in the media that the mayor’s wife owns two luxury villas on the Cote d’Azur in France, as well as 7 land plots in Nizhny Novgorod. Expensive cars, a yacht, and a plane are supposedly also available, not to mention luxury apartments and mansions. In 2015, the Russia-1 channel showed a documentary in which Sorokin was reminded of the demolition of historical buildings, rising housing prices, preferences for his construction business, etc. But then he got away with all this.

This November, Sorokin celebrated his 50th birthday on a grand scale. Not only the entire city elite hastened to pay their respects - there were also capital stars. The party was attended by the former children's ombudsman, lawyer Pavel Astakhov (he is the godfather of Sorokin's youngest daughter Lisa), TV presenters Dmitry Dibrov and Arina Sharapova, singers Nadezhda Babkina and Natalya Podolskaya, musician Vladimir Presnyakov. They say that the former governor of the region, Valery Shantsev, also came to the celebration and “spoke heartfelt words” to the hero of the day.

Super!!! Elada Nagornaya, her husband Oleg Sorokin and Nadezhda Babkina.

— Petr Nikolaevich (@petrogurcov) December 21, 2016

4.5 million square meters are at stake. m

What did such a sincere person do wrong, since he was detained on the night of December 19? According to his lawyer Sergei Lebedev, nothing. “Feeling guilty, Sorokin would not have returned from his recent trip to Cannes, but would have lived there and sent greetings to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee,” the defense lawyer believes. But during a search in Sorokin’s house (on the territory there are two saunas, a hammam, a gym, a cinema, a separate room for a dog), 1.5 billion rubles were found. in cash.

The plot of the case against the ex-mayor concerns the events of 2012-2013, when the Ingradstroy company, as the only participant in the auction, received 14 plots with a total area of ​​4.5 million square meters at the auction of the Ministry of Property. m. Now the residential complex “Novaya Kuznechikha” is being built on these lands and apartments are already being sold. To participate in the auction, Ingradstroy received loans from the Stolitsa Nizhny company (60% of the authorized capital belongs to Sorokin’s wife). The results of the auction were disputed by the Moscow-based Vektron CJSC in the FAS and arbitration courts. In 2013, Sorokin’s friend, businessman Mansur Sadekov, was arrested for asking his relative to deposit over 30 million rubles in a safe deposit box. to bribe Vectron management. When Sadekov found himself in Matrosskaya Tishina, he sent an open letter to V. Putin, saying that he acted on Sorokin’s instructions, and the disputed land was sold at a price reduced by at least 10 times. In 2014, Sadekov was sentenced to a fine of 307 million rubles, but Sorokin himself was not affected by this story. Now the Investigative Committee has decided that the ex-mayor is still involved in it.

"Threatened with an axe"

By the way, Sorokin is already a defendant in another criminal case initiated in August 2017 - “kidnapping of a person by a group of persons by prior conspiracy” and “exceeding official authority with the use of violence.” Another remarkable detail: in 2003, an attempt was made on his life. The result was three bullet wounds and several operations.

Another detective story that happened in 2004 may also come back to haunt him. Then, a resident of Nizhny, Alexander Novoselov, was kidnapped by unknown persons in the city center and taken to the forest, where he was severely beaten. During the execution, the man, whom the victim recognized as Sorokin, “asked to get an ax from the trunk to cut off his leg.” Then he forced the victim to say the prepared text on camera. Allegedly, Novoselov knew that the then vice-speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly, Mikhail Dikin, together with his brother, police lieutenant colonel Alexander Dikin, organized an attempt on Sorokin’s life. Novoselov then contacted the prosecutor’s office, but they refused to initiate a case. The scene in the forest was called an “investigative experiment,” and the man who threatened him with an ax was called “an employee made up to look like O. V. Sorokin.”

Charges were based on Novoselov’s testimony, and the Dikin brothers received 15 and 16 years in prison. In 2016, they were released on parole. And Novoselov appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, which confirmed that torture had taken place and awarded him compensation from the state - 7.5 thousand euros. A case has been opened in which two former police officers are currently accused. And during the last pre-investigation check, an FSB expert indicated that in the video recording that Novoselov’s kidnappers made in the forest, a voice belonging to Oleg Sorokin could be heard.

By the way

Verdict in the case of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region. Alexandra Khoroshavin will be announced on January 22, 2018. According to the investigation, the former official, together with his accomplices, received bribes amounting to more than 522 million rubles over 6 years. He himself does not admit guilt. The prosecutor demanded 13 years in a maximum security colony for Khoroshavin with a fine of 500 million rubles.

And on December 19, the consideration of the case of the former head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer began. He is accused of leading a criminal community, whose members were current officials and representatives of the regional business elite. The damage from their activities is estimated at 1 billion rubles. A total of 467 volumes of the case have been collected, the indictment alone occupies 21 volumes. Lawyer Vyacheslav Leontyev believes that the court will look into this complicated case for at least a year.

Stories of famous people are inspiring. Sometimes they allow you to look at a specific life situation from a different angle, and sometimes they simply allow you to understand some common truths. Everyone finds something for themselves in such a story.

Who are we talking about?

In the article we will talk about Oleg Sorokin, a famous deputy and businessman who is an important person in Russia. We will look at biographical information from the man’s life, learn about his family, and also try to understand the most notorious scandals associated with his name. Where to begin? Perhaps from a brief acquaintance.


The hero of our article was born in 1967, on November 15. He grew up in an ordinary family, but was never an ordinary child. In appearance, the boy hardly stood out, but he carried big plans within himself, which he was going to achieve at any cost. He began putting them into operation immediately after school, when he entered the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute. Need I say that he later graduated with honors? At the moment, the man is not only a businessman, but also a deputy. In parallel with this, he runs a company called Stolitsa Nizhny. He is distinguished by his active life position, direct participation in the life of the city and big plans for the future.

Own company

In 2003, Oleg Valentinovich Sorokin created the Stolitsa Nizhny company. This is his brainchild, which he has been planning for many years. The company's specialization is the construction of residential buildings and large shopping centers. The man opens his own TV channel, on which, of course, he actively promotes the services of the above-mentioned company.

At the same time, active construction began in the city, on the site of the canteen, which belonged to the Start plant. It turned out that it was Oleg Sorokin’s company that was building a huge shopping center called “Etazhi”, which would meet all modern European standards. A little later, a large office building “Capital Nizhny” was erected. In 2005, the Respublika shopping center was built between the Moskovsky railway station in Nizhny Novgorod and the Central department store, that is, on Revolution Square.

In 2006, a man started a huge project that had never happened in the history of the city. He decided to build a large residential complex and began to bring this idea to life that same year. The residential complex was called “Seventh Heaven”. It is interesting that it consisted of 18 high-rise buildings, which were surrounded by Meshchersky Lake and the embankment of the Volga River. Successful placement, which combines not only everyday issues (transportation and proximity to the center), but also the issue of aesthetics. This made the residential complex incredibly popular, and very quickly all the apartments in it were sold out. The project was global, so even with the active pace of construction and improvement it took time. As a result, in 2012 people were able to move into their new apartments.

You must understand that Oleg Sorokin is not one of those people who completely devote themselves to just one project. During the development of the Seventh Heaven residential complex, he was already thinking about a new idea. In 2007, he decided to build a shopping complex called “Fantastica”. A little later, a huge Real hypermarket opened in the city. However, this hypermarket, by mutual agreement, was subsequently purchased from Oleg Sorokin by the Auchan company.

Elada Lvovna Nagornaya, the wife of the hero of the article, began to manage her husband’s business after he was elected to the post of city mayor. People knew who they were voting for and wanted the city to be ruled by a man who had already done so much for it and clearly had no intention of stopping. So, Oleg Sorokin is the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, and his wife Elada is the head of the family business.

In 2012, the man is thinking about the largest project, namely the creation of the “Flowers” ​​residential complex, which would become the largest not only in the city, but also in the region. Construction began in the fall of 2012. I would like to say that according to the plan it consisted of 26 houses. At the same time, special attention was paid to the creation and development of underground infrastructure.

When the beginning was made, Oleg Valentinovich Sorokin decided to build a supermarket near the Seventh Heaven residential complex and quickly made this desire come true. By 2015, the businessman was able to introduce the townspeople to the new shopping center “Firebird”, which was located on Sovetskaya Square. In the spring of 2016, construction began on a residential complex called “Aquamarine” (Leninsky district of the city).


Oleg Sorokin loves Nizhny Novgorod very much, because it is his hometown. Residents also support the man in all his endeavors and are glad that there is such a capable person who is ready to take care of the interests of everyone. However, not everyone wants to share Oleg’s joy. Let’s not hide the fact that he developed his activities very actively, so he immediately became a competitor for someone. Of course, we all do not wish harm to people in principle, but in some situations, profit and the desire to win overshadow human impulses. This happened to those whom Oleg annoyed.

In the winter of 2003, there was an attempt on his life. It happened on the Nizhny Novgorod - Kasimov highway. Oleg Sorokin, whose biography we reviewed, was driving in his car on business. Suddenly, shooting began at the car. Not expecting such a sudden attack, Oleg was shocked. As a result, he received three bullets in the body, and then he had to undergo many operations until he was able to get back on his feet.

Later, the court recognized that the attackers were police lieutenant colonel A. Dikin and vice-speaker of the legislative assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region M. Dikin (two brothers).

Oleg Sorokin: personal life

The man is married to the daughter of the director of the Central Department Store, Elada. The woman’s father is also a director in the advertising and marketing department at the Stolitsa Nizhny company and the honorary consul of Hungary in the city.

According to calculations for 2013, Elada Lvovna took the top spot in the ranking of the richest wives of officials. In one year she earned 1.5 billion rubles. It is known that in 2015, a woman became the owner of a controlling stake in OJSC Semenovskaya Khokhloma Painting.

The children of Oleg Sorokin are a separate issue. The couple had 2 boys and a girl: Danil, Nikita and Elizaveta. The girl was baptized by Pavel Astakhov and Yulia Anufrieva (a famous lawyer). The baptism took place in 2016, on June 4. Son Nikita, who was born in 1992, became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2016.


Oleg Sorokin was elected head of the city in October 2010 at one of the meetings of the City Duma. The man replaced V. Bulavinov in the new post. Of the 42 votes, 28 were for Sorokin's candidacy.


The conflict occurred in 2015, when Oleg’s tenure in office was coming to an end. Naturally, the question of who to elect next became acute. Valery Shantsev, who at that time was the governor of the region, actively promoted the candidacy of his close friend D. Svatkovsky. There was no particular purpose in this, but Shantsev would have received certain benefits if a person familiar with the regional government had been in the city post. The conflict between the governor and Sorokin was that the latter categorically did not support Svatkovsky. As a result, I. Karnilin was elected to the post of head of the city. This small conflict episode was described in the local newspaper Stolitsa Nizhny.


In the fall of 2015, in the “News of the Week” program, hosted by Dmitry Kiselev, on the Russia-1 channel, a short video dedicated to Sorokin was shown. In November of the same year, a documentary film directed by A. Mamontov called “The Golden Calf” was released on the same channel. It showed a story about how Oleg Sorokin worked as mayor. They talked about global construction, which brought many problems to the city. The point is that communications in residential complexes were built not at the expense of the company, but at the expense of the money of city residents. It should be noted that after the start of construction, housing prices immediately jumped.

Video footage was shown that was filmed secretly in Cannes, France. In it, Oleg pays the taxi driver while waiting to board at the airport.


In 2013, one of the State Duma deputies D. Gudkov decided to send a request to the Prosecutor General so that he would pay attention to the actions of the prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which hid some facts. He believed that some of the companies to which Sorokin gave land were associated with his business structures. A little later, after an investigation carried out by the regional prosecutor's office, this was indeed proven. There were facts, but there was no action on the part of the prosecutor's office.

In the summer of 2013, some deputies who were members of the City Duma came up with petitions for Sorokin to be removed from the post of mayor. The reason was the active usurpation of power, as well as the adoption of a number of decisions that were only harmful to Nizhny Novgorod and its residents. The impetus for action was the fact that Sorokin, beloved by many, decided to turn Kulibin Park into a transport infrastructure zone. And all because the new construction, which was carried out by Oleg Valentinovich’s company, did not have enough territory for parking.

In the summer of 2013, a rally “Sorokin resign” was held in the city. The reason for the meeting was the beginning of active development of the city territory with residential complexes and shopping centers, which is constantly increasing in momentum. At the same time, the territory of ordinary residents was often confiscated under various pretexts. Most often they bought it and paid money, but it was impossible to completely refuse to sell their plot.

In the winter of 2015, a new petition appeared, which still demanded the resignation of Oleg Valentinovich. It was also necessary to demolish its buildings in order to restore historical values ​​and cultural appearance. The petition focused on the need to remove all souvenir shops and sales tents from the Kremlin.


Charity is not alien to the hero of our article. It is known that in the winter of 2015, a man donated money from his own funds to purchase approximately 8 tons of food, which were later sent to the south-eastern part of Ukraine as humanitarian cargo. This was a kind of help to people from Donbass who found themselves in a difficult situation.

Labor dynasties are a comprehensive concept, as we understand it. But the times have passed when it was a special pride to become a third-generation riveter - today every accomplished middle-aged individual is trying to guide his children along a more profitable path. This is somehow easier for daughters, but the sons of the powerful, as a rule, have little choice: here’s a business for you - go for it! Arguments like “Dad, I want to be a tram driver!” Usually they are not audible at all... perhaps because we don’t have private trams.

As a result, it is not at all uncommon to see good businessmen who have built their own modern, sometimes even high-tech business on the obscure capital of their father, originally from the 90s. But I have not yet seen a politician who surpassed his parent in the same field. And how many examples of such dynasties are there?

Until recently, there were almost none of them - but today it is the Nizhny Novgorod region that is preparing to present the Russian political system with several similar examples.

Only two Beetles – but that’s it for now...

In the legislative branch of the whole of Russia, until quite recently, only one dynastic father-son pair was relatively known - Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Igor Lebedev. The latter, although through incredible efforts he has grown to become “man No. 2” in the LDPR, is practically unknown to people for his personal achievements. Even Wikipedia has not yet been generous with a photo on his personal page! Let us at least post a typical family photo of the Zhirinovskys.

But since 2015, the Nizhny Novgorod region has had its own “deputy dynasty.” Deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Vadim Zhuk was joined at the city level by his son Maxim. This succeeded only on the second attempt - in 2010, despite active efforts, no one from Zhuk Sr.’s immediate family and work environment got into the City Duma.

But in 2015, Maxim Zhuk won quite confidently (60% of the votes), although he officially spent three times less money than five years before. Since then, in the City Duma, Zhuk Jr. has taken the post of deputy head of one of the committees and... perhaps that’s all - there are no high-profile cases against him yet.

Nikolai Ivanovich, son of Ivan Nikolaevich

It is this year, 2016, that risks going down in history as the year the next generation of representatives of the city’s power elite appeared in Nizhny Novgorod politics. This may happen thanks to the upcoming elections to the Legislative Assembly of the region in September. But more on that a little later.

In June, news feeds reported another example of nepotism: Nikolai Karnilin, the 33-year-old son of an old-timer of the City Duma, and now the head of the city, Ivan Karnilin, was appointed to the post of director of the municipal government institution “Department for organizing the work of small retail chain facilities in Nizhny Novgorod”.

For Ivan Nikolaevich, as commentators are right, this appointment is an additional responsibility. And yet, let’s not exaggerate – on the contrary, we note that Nikolai Karnilin, a holder of linguistic and legal education, began working “in front of his father” only at the age of 29, heading the city department for consumer market control. Before that, Nikolai Ivanovich was involved in tax audit and the banking sector, so, one might say, he made himself... well, or tried to do it before he finally got into the municipal service. No matter how the rope twists...

Ivan and Nikolai Karnilin - clearly not filmed yesterday!

Nikolai Karnilin could theoretically remain in the position of “stall chief” for many years, being even less noticeable than Zhuk Jr. But the exact opposite option is also possible. So let's keep this dynasty in the spotlight!

And then the heavy artillery arrived...

June and early July are a busy time for all parties declaring their interest in the elections of deputies to the State Duma and the regional Legislative Assembly. From the flow of news on this topic, the eye automatically picks out painfully familiar surnames, but with different names.

So, even at the stage of preliminary voting of the United Russia party before the elections to the Legislative Assembly in regional group No. 6, Leonid Goikhman, the son of City Duma deputy Alexei Goikhman, received the most electoral votes. This, of course, does not guarantee him a place in the Legislative Assembly, but of course, Leonid will rank quite high on the single regional list. Tomorrow United Russia intends to “announce the entire list.”

By the way, in the same 6th Kanavinsky district, the primaries for the Legislative Assembly were won by the former head of the city Oleg Sorokin, representing, of course, United Russia. And last weekend it became known that Oleg Valentinovich will not be alone in the election fight: his eldest son, 24-year-old Nikita, also intends to be elected to the regional parliament on the list of... LDPR! In Vladimir Volfovich’s party, Nikita holds the position of “deputy coordinator of the regional department for youth policy.” This immediately guaranteed the young lover of jet skis and mountain slopes third place on the party list - right behind Zhirinovsky and local LDPR coordinator Atmakhov. Amazingly fast political career! – even with dad it was more ornate, with distractions for all sorts of business.

The march of the “Immortal Regiment” is an ideal place to catch the dynasties assembled. Oleg Sorokin with his sons, Nikita on the far left.

Our business...

So, the Beetles turned out to be just flowers, the Carnilines were also more of a warm-up. On the way are father-son Goykhmana and father-son Sorokina. The younger representatives of these worthy families were brought up in modern times, when the adjective “workers” was no longer added to the word “dynasty.” But it was precisely at this time that the Italian translation of the word “family” and the Sicilian equivalent of the Russian words “our business” appeared in Russian everyday life. This is how we live – according to written and not very good laws. But riveters, tram drivers and other collective farmers are still in short supply.


The Investigative Committee has completed an investigation into the former mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, accused of taking a bribe and kidnapping. The statute of limitations for these cases expires in April 2019.

The Investigative Committee has completed an investigation into the criminal case against the former head of Nizhny Novgorod and vice-speaker of the legislative assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region Oleg Sorokin. The politician is accused of receiving a bribe related to the city's largest land auction on 453 hectares of land for housing development, and kidnapping a person in 2004. Experts believe that Oleg Sorokin and his seven lawyers will not rush to familiarize themselves with the case materials, since the statute of limitations on the particularly serious charge of kidnapping expires in April 2019.

The preliminary investigation into the criminal case against the former vice-speaker of the Nizhny Novgorod parliament Oleg Sorokin, arrested in December 2017, was completed in early May. He is accused of receiving a bribe “in the form of illegal provision of services of a property nature.” According to investigators, in 2013, on behalf of Oleg Sorokin, his former friend Mansur Sadekov was supposed to transfer $1 million to the Vektron company so that it would not interfere with the Ingradstroy company (controlled by Oleg Sorokin’s wife Elada Nagornaya and his business partners) to win a competition for lease of 453 hectares of land for residential development. The second episode of the accusation concerns the participation of Oleg Sorokin in the so-called operational experiment of police officers of the regional police department. In December 2003, an attempt was made on businessman Oleg Sorokin. Investigating it, criminal investigation officers in Oleg Sorokin’s car forcibly took Alexander Novoselov, the security guard of the then vice-speaker of the Nizhny Novgorod Legislative Assembly, Mikhail Dikin, into the forest. Alexander Novoselov claimed that Oleg Sorokin himself was in the forest, who took an ax from the trunk and threatened to “cut off his leg,” and the police beat him and suffocated him with a bag. Frightened Alexander Novoselov testified against his boss, who was sentenced to 16 years.

Yesterday, in court to extend the period of detention, Oleg Sorokin and four of his lawyers tried to refute the investigator’s interpretation of the events of 2004 and 2013 as serious crimes. In the case of Alexander Novoselov, prisoner Sorokin said that the testimony of the security guard, previously “convicted of perjury and telephone terrorism,” cannot be taken as the truth. He said he provided police with his Mercedes at an official request as part of an investigation into an attempt on his life, not knowing what his car would be used for. He noted that the European Court of Human Rights, which awarded compensation to Alexander Novoselov, “did not question” the legality of the operational experiment. His defense attorney Sergei Lebedev recalled that for 14 years, Nizhny Novgorod law enforcement agencies and courts did not see any crime in “moving Novoselov from point A to point B.” Defense lawyer Lebedev called the investigators' arguments procedural cheating.

In the case of the competition for 453 hectares of land, the lawyer believes, the investigation changed the concepts, “turning commercial bribery into a bribe.” The lawyers cited a transcript of a hidden audio recording of negotiations between Vectron representatives and Oleg Sorokin in Cannes, from which it followed that he suggested that the company’s representatives officially go to auction and invest in Nizhny Novgorod.

Also, the defense and Oleg Sorokin criticized the formal reasons for the arrest a lot. They were especially outraged by the investigation’s refusal to confiscate his passport with an open visa. “Should I burn this passport in public in the hall, or what?” - the accused complained, trying to convince the court that if a person under investigation decides to flee the country, he is unlikely to cross the border legally. Oleg Sorokin’s voluntary resignation from his parliamentary powers also did not help. ICR investigator Evgeny Lagunov argued that the “former” deputy chairman of the legislative assembly is still a significant person in the city and can influence the course of the investigation, and his wife used a car with diplomatic license plates (Elada Nagornaya is the honorary consul of Hungary in Nizhny Novgorod). As a result, the court extended Oleg Sorokin’s arrest until August 1, considering that the accused politician, who used the business jet, could flee abroad to his wife and children or interfere with the investigation.

According to the lawyers following this criminal case, given that the statute of limitations on the serious kidnapping charge expires in April 2019, it is unlikely that the accused Sorokin and two former operatives Evgeniy Voronin and Roman Markeev will rush to familiarize themselves with the case.

She emigrated from Russia, it became known after his son, Nikita Sorokin, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, stopped attending plenary sessions. Regional media suggest that the entire family of the disgraced mayor is now in one of the European countries. The archives of the Ruspres agency mention real estate that the official’s relatives purchased in France. The future of the business associated with her remains in question.

In 2017, Nikita Sorokin never attended committees or plenary meetings, and voter registration in his reception area stopped. Speaker of the regional parliament Evgeny Lebedev throws up his hands: it is impossible to deprive a truant deputy of his mandate, especially since he sent an official letter saying that he is absent due to health problems. Shareholders who bought apartments in future microdistricts are increasingly expressing fear that their housing will become a long-term construction project. Representatives of the developer, meanwhile, assure that they will fulfill their obligations efficiently and on time.

Nikita Sorokin is the most unusual deputy of the Legislative Assembly. In his early twenties, he joined the LDPR and immediately entered the regional parliament on the party list, ahead of his older party comrades who had been working as political missionaries for more than five years. On the other hand, with a dad like Oleg Sorokin, you can easily run for either the State Duma or PACE.

After his father’s arrest, the young deputy abruptly goes into the shadows, and since January he completely stops attending the OZS. The reception of citizens is also frozen: a sign hangs on the door, but there is no person and, it seems, is not expected in the near future. “There are no appointments available for either February or March. Why, I don’t know anything, it’s not for me,” the head of his reception, Irina Chernigina, answered the journalists over the phone.

Deputies also do not know whether their colleague will return. Although - not for the microphone - they express understanding and do not condemn absenteeism: disgrace can happen to anyone, especially if you are rich, influential and have several procedural episodes.

“Both according to federal laws and the laws of our region, a deputy is accountable only to his voters. As for attendance at committees and meetings of the Legislative Assembly, a deputy is supposed to do this, although this is not obligatory. Therefore, make any claims against him and, even more so, deprive him of “We cannot give a mandate,” said today the speaker of the OZS of the Nizhny Novgorod region Evgeny Lebedev... “In this situation, we are just waiting for events to develop and hope that he will attend the meetings.”

The Chairman of the Parliament confirmed that on the eve of the February plenum he received a letter from Nikita Sorokin, where he said that he could not take part in the work of the OZS due to illness. This form of notification is a generally accepted practice and fits the definition of “good cause.” Even if the reason given is not true.

“Even if he is abroad today, I can only reproach him for the fact that he wrote about illness, and not about absence from the country, but the presence of a deputy abroad is also not a crime, it is his decision. What can I show him? Say: “You are misleading me. Come and be present with us"? And he will tell me: “I can’t.” In general, this is a sensitive issue, and I would like deputies to be required to attend meetings,” noted Evgeny Lebedev.

According to Pravda Volga Federal District, Oleg Sorokin’s wife Elada Nagornaya also went to Europe with her second son. The businesswoman’s mother, Elena Nagornaya, is also abroad. At the last court hearing, where the issue of extending the arrest period for her son-in-law was considered, she applied in absentia for a bail of 50 million rubles to mitigate the preventive measure. The court did not cooperate and extended Oleg Sorokin’s stay in the pre-trial detention center until May 18.

The once prosperous business empire was virtually abandoned by its owners, not counting, of course, the other shareholders of this company. The shareholders who made an advance payment and took out a mortgage, of course, became nervous. After all, we are talking about the construction of two gigantic residential areas, and if construction is stopped, the problem could affect, according to various estimates, about 3 thousand families. However, Stolitsa Nizhny, which actually includes subsidiaries of the development companies, reassures that the situation is under control and Nizhny Novgorod residents have no reason to worry.

“We would like to remind you that Start-Stroy LLC is one of the few Nizhny Novgorod companies that did not suspend their activities and continued construction even during the serious financial crisis of 2008,” representatives of the developer recalled. - One of the founders of Start-Stroy LLC is indeed Elada Nagornaya, but she is not the only founder. In addition, she is not the head of the company, therefore, by law, she is not authorized to make decisions on the operational management of the company. The absence of one of the founders of the company or his family members in the city cannot in any way affect the progress of construction of the residential complex, since the financing of the construction does not depend on the founder. They cannot “abandon the construction”, since construction is not the responsibility of individuals, but of legal entities whose activities are controlled by supervisory authorities.”

Stolitsa Nizhny emphasized that the construction of the facilities is being carried out in full accordance with the schedule. Moreover, in accordance with the form established by law, the developer promptly submits reports to the regional Ministry of Construction. “The company guarantees that all houses will be delivered on time as stated in the project declarations,” the publication’s interlocutor summed up.

As the Ruspres agency previously reported, Oleg Sorokin was detained on December 19, 2017, and he is charged with receiving a bribe (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The criminal case is related to the 2012 auction for the right to comprehensively develop 453 hectares in the Sovetsky district of Nizhny Novgorod for housing construction. This right was received by Ingradstroy LLC, which currently belongs to Start-Stroy LLC, controlled by Sorokin’s wife Elada Nagornaya. Elada Nagornaya is also known for the fact that in 2012 she declared the largest income among the wives of Russian officials.

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