Narrow bathroom fan. Silent bathroom fan with check valve: selection and installation

Good ventilation is extremely important for bathrooms and toilets. It ensures clean and fresh indoor air. Natural ventilation does not always save the situation. Sometimes it is advisable to purchase exhaust fans for the bathroom and toilet.

Exhaust hatches installed in old buildings many years ago no longer effectively cope with their functions. In addition, some apartment owners make repairs, remodel the bathroom and even block the ventilation holes in order to isolate themselves from their neighbors. Air purification is also often hampered by clogged hoods. Over time, all ventilation channels become clogged with dirt and soot.

Fan on the wall of the bathroom

However, we should not forget that even a not very old system can cope poorly with the task, since the mechanism of operation of such ventilation is based on the temperature difference in the house and outside.

During the hot season, the ventilation system works at half capacity. Therefore, even in new buildings with relatively good air exchange systems, many residents still think about how to choose an exhaust fan for the bathroom.

Standard bathrooms in ordinary multi-story buildings are small in size. Filling the bathtub with hot water, each time we notice that the tiny room literally turns into a steam room, condensation appears on the floor, mirrors and walls. If the ventilation system is not debugged, constant high humidity leads to the fact that the tile cladding loses its attractive appearance, the tile seams turn black, and mold can settle on the walls.

Darkening of tile joints in the bathroom due to dampness

The absence of a natural light opening in the bathroom requires the mandatory installation of a ventilation hole. Such a system will become the only source of air penetration.

Ventilation is provided for in every house design, but its operation does not always fully ensure proper air exchange. That's why many people, when starting renovations, wonder how to choose a fan for the bathroom.

What to consider when purchasing a product

If you're not yet sure which fan to install on your bathtub, there are a few factors to consider. The choice of model may be influenced by the number of people living in the apartment and the size of the bathroom. If you use the bathroom mainly in the morning and evening hours, and the apartment is empty during the working day, it makes sense to think about saving energy and install a blower with the functions of turning off the device and adjusting the power.

Today there are products with a timer on sale.

Bathroom fan with timer

This is a very functional device, since its operation can be set for a strictly defined period of time. For example, an exhaust fan in a bathroom with such a mechanism works exactly half an hour after you have used the bathroom. In this case, you set the time that is convenient for you.

Types of bathroom fans

When choosing a particular model, you need to take into account its functionality. There are standard and automatic hoods. The standard air exchanger is a traditional axial system equipped with a check valve. It prevents exhaust air from penetrating back into the room. This design is well suited for bathrooms in which the ventilation system is combined with the kitchen. Air is drawn out of the bathroom or toilet area, but does not enter the kitchen.

Appearance of a standard axial fan

The operating principle of such a supercharger is very simple and is directly related to turning off the lights. The hood starts working as soon as the light in the bathroom turns on, and when turned off, the fan itself stops. This is convenient for using a bathroom, but is not very effective at very high levels of humidity in the room. In order for all the moist air to escape, you need to leave the ventilation system on for a long time.

A more expensive ventilation option is to purchase an automatic device with a timer and humidity sensor. Such a device allows you to turn it on for a certain period of time. For example, a hood with an automatic shut-off function will only run for about 25 minutes after you leave the bathroom. The humidity level sensor sends a signal to the system that the permissible limit has been exceeded, and the fan begins to function. After a period of time you set, it turns itself off.

Exhaust system with humidity sensor

To install a hood with a common system for several apartments, products with a check valve are usually used. This device prevents air from flowing back into the room from the ventilation. The valve protects the apartment space from dust, clogging with small particles and poplar fluff.

In addition to the above functions, such a fan reliably protects the bathroom from foreign odors that come from neighboring apartments, for example, tobacco smoke.

When choosing a particular model, pay attention to the device’s performance, type of design, noise level and reliability.

Hood performance parameters

The main indicator of a fan's performance is its performance. The higher it is, the better unpleasant odors are eliminated in the bathroom and steam comes out. Typically, standard systems have an output of fifty m3 per hour. Sometimes such a hood is not enough, and apartment owners additionally install a fan.

Fan in the bathroom interior

To calculate productivity, use the following formula: the volume of the room must be multiplied by the multiple. If the number of people living in the house is 1 or 3, the multiplicity is 6. If more than three people use the bathroom, the multiplicity is 8.

Let us give an example of such calculations. There are 3 people in the family. The length of the bathroom is 3 meters, width – 2 and a half meters, height – 3 m. We calculate the fan capacity as follows: 3*2.5*3*6. We get the number 135 m3/h. Thus, it is recommended to purchase a fan with this performance.

Reliability and safety of use

One of the main criteria for the quality of a device is its protection from moisture. In the bathroom, drops of water can fall on the fan, so the equipment must have special markings confirming protection from moisture to avoid short circuits.

As a rule, fans are marked IPX4. This indicates that the device is safe and has good protection against water.

Fan noise level

The fan should not cause discomfort to the apartment owners during operation. It is desirable that the noise emitted by the device does not exceed 40 dB.

Low noise fan

Structure and types of ventilation equipment

Today there is a very large selection of products for bathrooms and toilets on sale. Before making a choice, you should study the range well and understand the types of structures.

According to the installation location, for example, wall-mounted models are the most popular. They also produce ceiling fans for the bathroom; you can learn how to choose a quality product from our article.

Ceiling ventilation unit

Some devices are mounted behind a suspended ceiling. Fans can also be configured as axial, radial, duct, centrifugal and centrifugal-axial.

Axial models are the most common. They are quite powerful and easy to install. Such equipment provides air circulation of up to one hundred cubic meters per hour.

Axial exhaust fan

However, they are advised to be installed when the horizontal section of the ventilation duct is less than three meters.

Centrifugal-axial devices are characterized by even greater power. They are also suitable for installation in a part of the duct that exceeds 3 meters.

Appearance of a centrifugal axial fan

The centrifugal fan works very efficiently. This is a good option for installation in a bathroom, but such models make a lot of noise.

Additional properties and uses

Modern manufacturers produce fans with many functions for ease of use. Thus, devices with humidity and motion sensors are very popular among buyers. Such fans turn on automatically in cases where ventilation of the bathroom is required.

Ventilation system with motion sensor


Installation does not require special skills. It is only necessary to observe safety precautions, as when working with other electrical devices.

It is advisable to install the fan immediately during a major overhaul. Then it will be convenient to supply electricity to the place where the device is mounted. The next step is to install the switch. They differ somewhat in structure. One switch is designed to illuminate the ventilation device. The other, consisting of two buttons, is used separately - for light and for ventilation. Sometimes you also need to configure the remote control.

For products with built-in humidity sensors, a switch is not required.

After laying the cables and installing the switch, you can proceed directly to installing the fan itself.

Exhaust fan installation

To do this, you need to remove the cover and coat with glue the part of the device that will be attached to the bathroom wall. Then the blower should be inserted into the hole in the wall and wait for the glue to dry. After this, you can connect the device to the power supply. Finally, the protective grille and mosquito net are fixed to the device using self-tapping screws.

Thus, ventilation devices for a bathroom or toilet can be easily installed with your own hands. This mechanism is necessary in the bathroom; its operation significantly improves the service life of the bathroom, since it effectively eliminates dampness and excess moisture. Thanks to the large range of products, you can choose a fairly budget option. It is not at all necessary to choose the most expensive fan.

Today, a toilet exhaust fan with a fan is considered a necessity, and not a whim of residents. With its help, unpleasant odors are removed and the room remains fresh. But in order for the system to work effectively, first of all you need to correctly select the required power, and also install it taking into account all the requirements.

Features of choice

When choosing a device, it is necessary to pay special attention to both safety during operation and operational efficiency. Both parameters are key.

If the installation is carried out on your own, then you need to thoroughly learn the design features of the fan for the toilet and bathroom. This will allow you to choose the ideal option for a specific room and needs.

It is important to exclude advice from hardware store salespeople for several reasons. This is due to their narrow knowledge in the field of installation and installation of ventilation, which is limited to the store’s assortment. In addition, they often want to sell stale goods on the shelves, so they do not intend to give good advice.

Installation of an exhaust fan. How to do it.

In this regard, you need to choose a fan yourself. To make the right choice, you first need to know what types of such devices there are. There are 2 main types:

Installation methods

It is important to remember that the installation of a fan in the bathroom must be carried out during renovation work, otherwise the finish will be damaged. In addition, you need to decide Which option will be more convenient for installation - duct or overhead.

Both the first and the second have their pros and cons:

A common problem is the spread of unpleasant odors from the lower floors of the house. To prevent this situation, it is recommended to use a hood with a toilet valve. It works on a simple principle. If the fan is not turned on, it is closed by a thin flap (valve). When the blades begin to spin, the air flow bends the damper and draws air out of the room. When you stop again, the valve closes again and prevents excess odors from entering the room.


When the type of design is chosen, you can go shopping to a specialized equipment store. It is important to choose a high-quality and reliable model.

One of the necessary technical characteristics when choosing is the diameter of the device. These details must be known prior to purchase. If the model is slightly smaller than the required cavity width, then there is nothing to worry about. And if, on the contrary, it is more, then you will have to do additional work to prepare the place for installation.

The performance should be sufficient for the full operation of the ventilation system. To be more specific, then in 1 hour the device should pump up to 8-9 volumes of the room. Due to the fact that the square footage of a bathroom is usually small, there is no point in buying fans with too much power.

Manufacturing material - plastic. Household fans for bathrooms and toilets are made from polymers. This is due to the low cost of production. But do not think that equipment made of plastic will not have sufficient strength. Modern production is at a fairly high level technically. The only thing worth paying attention to is quality. Good products will not have uneven seams, surfaces, flaws, etc.

The operating volume also needs to be taken into account. It should be no more than 35 dB. Although today it is very rare to find such models. As a rule, most products from good manufacturers make virtually no noise.

The fan mount can be chosen from two possible options - on bearings or bushings. The option with bearings is better, since the device will work much longer.

Increased humidity in the bathroom has not been a secret for a long time. To ensure clean and fresh air in the room, you need to ensure good ventilation. People try to combat high humidity in a variety of ways. However, the time has passed when you need to open the doors to the room after taking a shower and remove the water from the floor. It's time to move on to drastic measures - buying a fan for the bathroom.

The importance of bathroom ventilation

Ventilation in the bathroom is important for human health. Typical bathrooms have a small area. Therefore, when taking a bath or shower, the room quickly fills with steam. Dampness settles on the ceiling and walls of the room, causing the bathroom finish to deteriorate. Now think about whether you need a fan in the bathroom?

Splashes of water, condensation and fumes can lead to the unwanted formation of mold and mildew, which results in unpleasant odors, harmful small insects and their noxious secretions. Removing odors and moist air is essential for your comfort and reducing the risks of allergies and respiratory diseases.

As a rule, there is no window in the bathroom. And the only way to get fresh air into the bathroom are ventilation systems. When building a house, builders must plan natural ventilation channels. The effectiveness of the ventilation system depends on the direction and location of the air flow.

Often, natural ventilation systems do not cope with their task. To check whether the natural ventilation system in the bathroom is working effectively, it is enough to carry out a small, simple test. Take a piece of paper and place it on the grill. It will stick to the grille if the system is working properly - it will be held by the air flow.

If the ventilation does not work well, the leaf will not be held. However, it should be remembered that even a normally operating system demonstrates low performance, since the principle of its operation is based on the difference in temperature in the bathroom and outside. In the summer, when it is hot outside, the ventilation hardly works.

Also, ventilation ducts become clogged over time, and the entire system loses efficiency. Remember, if in your home condensation accumulates on the surface of the walls, plumbing fixtures and furniture in the bathroom, the mirrors in the bathroom fog up and there is a constant unpleasant smell in the toilet, you should install an exhaust fan in the bathroom.

Types of exhaust fans

When purchasing a fan for a bathroom, it is worth reading that such devices are structurally divided into duct and axial, radiator and roof, which is determined by the features of their application.

Axial fans

Axial bathroom exhaust fans are a wheel with cantilever blades located in a cylindrical housing. The impeller is usually mounted on the axis of the electric motor. When the wheel rotates, air is captured by the blades and moves in the axial direction. There is practically no movement of the air mass in the radial direction.

A manifold is installed at the entrance to the bathroom hood to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the fan. Axial models show a fairly high operating efficiency compared to other devices - productivity is more than 100 cubic meters per hour, but their pressure characteristics are low. They can be installed directly into the wall.

This type of bathroom exhaust fans is quite common due to its ease of installation. Mount wall fans into the ventilation shaft openings. In principle, such installation is a violation, because air circulation may be disrupted in general ventilation. The disadvantages of wall-mounted axial fans include a higher noise level, which often reaches 30-50 dB.

Radial fans

Fans of this type consist of a blade wheel located in a spiral casing. When the wheel rotates, air enters the holes between the blades, follows to the periphery of the blade wheel in the radial direction, is compressed and thrown under the influence of centrifugal force into a special spiral casing and then enters the discharge hole.

The working hollow cylinder has blades along the side surface, which are located parallel to the axis of rotation at an equal distance. In air cooling and ventilation systems, the quietest radial bathroom fans are used, with single or double suction, with blades curved forward or backward.

The use of radial fans, the blades of which are directed backwards, allows saving 20% ​​of energy. Another important advantage is that they can easily withstand air flow overloads.

Bathroom exhaust fans with forward-curved blades can provide similar pressure and flow characteristics as units with backward-facing blades, with a smaller impeller diameter and low rotation speed, helping to achieve good results while creating less noise and taking up less space.

Centrifugal fans

Centrifugal duct-type fans appeared quite recently (70s), but gained great popularity due to their convenient use and considerable simplicity. Duct fans for the bathroom are used when the room area is more than 15 square meters.

The devices themselves are quite powerful, but the noise level is rated as low. Silent duct-type bathroom exhaust fans are designed to be placed in the flow part of the ventilation system. They come with a rectangular or round cross-section. Typically, a duct fan is installed under the ceiling and hidden behind plasterboard panels.

It is advisable to choose semi-rigid or rigid air ducts, because their design is considered more reliable than flexible ones - this ensures a longer service life. The centrifugal fan can be mounted in the middle of the duct or in front of the air intake opening.

Although the latter option is not very convenient, since it requires the installation of an anemostat, which prevents condensate from entering the ventilation system. However, in the first situation there are also disadvantages - due to the aerodynamic resistance of the air ducts, you need to install a more powerful fan.

Roof fans

Roof hoods are installed on the roofs of residential buildings. Roof-mounted fan units consist of a fan, an electric motor, vibration-isolating pads, as well as automatic control devices, all contained in one housing. These devices use axial multi-blade or radial devices with single or double suction blades.

Choosing a bathroom hood

When choosing a fan for the bathroom, you need to remember some parameters and technical characteristics, such as air exchange and performance, noise level and safety in a moisture-saturated environment, as well as the functionality of the devices and the price-quality ratio.


To calculate the required fan performance for your bathroom, you will need the following information: the volume of the room and the air exchange rate - the number of air changes per hour. The product of these two indicators will be the fan performance.

You can calculate the fan power using the following calculations. Calculate the volume of the room by multiplying the length of the room by its width and height, and rounding up. To obtain productivity, multiply the volume of the room by a number that shows how many times the air should be changed to fresh air in one hour.

The air exchange rate always depends on the type of room and is specified in building codes.
This number for a bathroom according to building codes is 6-8. Take 6 if 1 - 3 people use the bathroom in your house, if more than 3 - substitute or 8. The air exchange rate for the toilet will be 6-10.

After the calculations have been made and the performance obtained, you can choose the best fan for the bathroom according to the parameters of various manufacturers that produce exhaust fans. Practice shows that it is necessary to take a fan that has technical indicators slightly higher than the calculated parameters. Typically, the performance of bathroom fans is 95 - 100 m3 / hour.

Noise level

Each bathroom fan is driven by an electric motor, the operation of which is always accompanied by two types of noise - mechanical and aerodynamic. The first noise can penetrate into the premises, spreading through the air duct, and the second one arises as a result of vibration of structural elements - the walls of the exhaust fan protective casing and the air ducts themselves.

Noise that is more than 35 dB has an irritating effect on the human psyche. Therefore, noise control is an urgent task when choosing and installing exhaust fans for the bathroom. Thus, the noise produced by the device should not exceed 30 dB. If you are thinking about how to buy a bathroom fan to turn on the device at night, then remember that the noise level in this case should not exceed 25 dB. Noise indicators are indicated in the passport data.

The noise level can also be reduced by installing a silencer behind the fan and lining the inner surface of the air duct with sound-absorbing material. Silencers have two main designs - tubular and plate. In any case, the diameter of the air ducts should not be too small so that air “plugs” do not form due to turbulence of air flows, but it should not be excessively large, which increases the material costs of a large bathroom fan.

Security issue

Another important requirement for a bathroom hood is its protection from moisture entering the appliance. An exhaust fan is an electrical appliance, and the bathroom is always humid. Contact with unprotected parts of the device or switch (and any electrical device has them) can cause a short circuit and significant consequences for the electrical wiring - such as a fire. This should be taken into account every time the question arises of how to choose a bathroom fan.

To avoid this, look in stores for fans that are designed specifically for the bathroom. They are marked accordingly. These are ordinary hoods, which are additionally protected against water penetration. For complete safety, bathroom exhaust fans use predominantly a voltage of 24 V. If a short circuit occurs in the wiring, such a low voltage will save the bather’s life.

Hood functionality

If you still haven’t decided which fan is best for the bathroom, you should also focus on such an important point as functionality. There are two types of bathroom hoods - automatic and standard. Standard exhaust fans are ordinary axial systems with a check valve that blocks the flow of exhaust air back into the room.

Such fans work very simply: when the light is turned on, the air exhaust starts working at the same time, when turned off, the fan stops. This is convenient, but not always practical, especially when the moisture level is very high, because such a fan will not be able to remove all the humid air from the bathroom in a short period of time.

Automatic bathroom exhaust fans are naturally more advanced, but also more expensive. They are equipped with special timers to set the device for a certain operating time. Exhaust fans with a sleep timer run for approximately 25 minutes after you leave and then turn off automatically. A fan with a humidity sensor and timer will turn on when the humidity increases above the specified limit and turn off after a time period specified by you.

How to choose a fan for the bathroom if the bathroom ventilation system is connected to the kitchen ventilation system? Bathroom hoods with a check valve are also available on the market. These devices will be a real boon if the bathroom and kitchen ventilation systems are a single whole. This type of fan draws air out of the room, preventing it from entering the kitchen.

Price-quality fan

Next, pay attention to the quality of the bathroom fan, because high technical characteristics do not always guarantee long-term operation of the device. It is better to look at the offers of famous manufacturers of bathroom fans. Positive characteristics and consumer reviews will signal that your choice has fallen on a worthy device.

Confirmation of quality is the exhaust fan’s compliance with quality standards and the presence of certificates from special commissions, warranty documents and markings, which indicate the protection class (start from the lowest value - IP 34). Remember that a bulky hood will not always be of high quality.

Today, the size of bathroom fans is in most cases compact, but the devices are quite powerful. Also on the market are built-in appliances that forcefully remove moist air from the bathroom into ventilation shafts.

A good quality bathroom fan doesn't always have to be expensive. Even the most inexpensive and simple domestic device will efficiently cope with its tasks for 3-5 years. And you can always buy a more expensive device, especially if you are interested in the high functionality of the fan.

The bathroom is one of the most humidified places in an apartment or private house. Without a doubt, the answer to the question “How to choose a fan for the bathroom?” you already know. Let us make a reservation once again that compact, but at the same time powerful models of splash-proof hoods are designed for wet rooms, the design of which prevents water from entering the air duct, minimizing the risk of a short circuit. Basically, we have listed all the criteria for choosing bathroom exhaust fans. Now all that remains is to consider installing a hood in the bathroom yourself.

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What are the criteria for choosing a hood for a bathroom? How practical is a bathroom fan with a timer? How to install it correctly in a room with a suspended ceiling? What should the connection of the device to the power supply look like? In this article I will try to answer these and many other questions.

Forced and natural

  1. When is forced ventilation necessary?

Here are the signs that it's time for you to go to the store for a range hood:

  • In the bathroom between visits the water on the walls does not have time to dry;
  • Appeared on the ceiling or in tile seams fungus;

It may also be a consequence of periodic flooding by neighbors above or faulty plumbing equipment. Leaks of risers in the ceiling are especially insidious: there are no visible defects, but the ceiling of the lower apartment is constantly damp.

  • The air is constantly humid and musty;
  • Towels and laundry items smell musty.

A couple of simple tests will help you find out how effective natural ventilation is:

  • Hold a piece of paper near the ventilation duct grille. During normal ventilation operation, it should be pressed against it by the air flow;

  • If this does not happen, repeat the experiment with a match or lighter. If the flame brought to the ventilation duct does not deviate in its direction, the duct must be cleaned before installing forced ventilation.

Ventilators are on staff of service organizations; All cleaning work is free for residents. The exception is the case when the channel is clogged due to their fault (for example, construction debris during repairs).


Now let’s talk about how to choose a fan.


  1. What should the hood output be?

If it serves only a bathroom or a combined bathroom, productivity is selected at the rate of 7 - 9 cubic meters per hour per square meter of area. So, for a bathroom with a typical Khrushchev area of ​​2.5 square meters, the required minimum is 2.5 * 7 = 17.5 m3/hour.

In practice, the performance of fans with an impeller diameter of 100 mm usually starts from 50 - 80 m3/hour. This allows you, if necessary, to regulate the speed by dimming the device while maintaining acceptable ventilation quality. However, I will touch on the topic of connection in a separate section.

In Soviet-built houses, a more typical ventilation scheme is in which all air exchange in the apartment is carried out only through ventilation ducts in the bathroom and kitchen. The air flow is ensured by gaps in the wooden frames.

  • Supply plastic windows supply valves;

  • Provide forced air exchange taking into account the area of ​​residential premises. For rooms, the air exchange rate is 3 cubic meters per hour per square meter. The required performance can be distributed across all ventilation ducts - in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.

Installation method

  1. Which fan should I install - overhead or duct?

The invoice is practical in the following situations:

  • It is installed instead of the ventilation duct grille directly on the wall;
  • It is placed in a suspended ceiling, the design of which prevents air from escaping through the cracks(for example, plasterboard).

If the ceiling is made of panels or slats, a duct fan installed directly into the ventilation duct or air exhaust pipe is preferable. A hatch is installed in the suspended ceiling for its maintenance and replacement.

The photo shows a hatch for access to a duct fan in the suspended ceiling of my attic.

Basic functions

  1. What should you pay special attention to when purchasing?

To noise level. Silent operation is ensured by:

  • Plain bearing. Unlike rolling bearings (roller or ball), it does not rattle when the impeller rotates;

The bearing bushing must be bronze. Play will quickly appear on the steel bushing, which will lead to an increase in noise level.

  • Rounded blades. Square or pointed blades are noisy at high speeds;
  • Small angle of attack of the blades;
  • Closed impeller. Air is sucked in through a hole opposite its center or through a gap on the sides.

Additional features

  1. What additional functions can hoods be equipped with?

Here is a short list of possible options:

  • Autonomous power supply. The fan can operate on batteries or from a built-in rechargeable battery that is charged from the mains. Autonomy will be very useful in case of frequent power outages or in country houses;
  • A bathroom fan with a humidity sensor turns on when the humidity threshold is exceeded. It will work for some time after taking a shower and turn off on its own, without creating unnecessary noise and saving energy;

  • The timer will allow the hood to turn off some time after the bathroom light is turned off. Of course, it will only work if the fan and light are powered through a common switch;
  • The check valve will prevent the occurrence of reverse draft in windy weather. It ensures that your bathroom will not be saturated with aromas from neighboring apartments;

  • A low-voltage hood, powered by 12 volts, will be very useful in bathrooms with LED lights. Both it and the fan are powered through a common power supply, outside the bathroom. This circuit guarantees your safety: even in the event of a short circuit, you will not receive an electric shock.

Captain Obvious reminds us: choosing a fan with an abundance of additional functions is not always justified. The more complex the device, the higher its price and the lower its reliability.

Let's start installation

into the wall

  1. How to install an overhead fan in a horizontal ventilation duct?

Installation is carried out using galvanized self-tapping screws with a length of at least 60 mm. They are screwed into plastic dowels inserted into holes drilled in the wall around the ventilation duct. The grooves for fastening can be seen on the hood body, under the removable front panel.

Elongated grooves are more practical because they allow the fan to be leveled after the holes have been drilled in the wall.

After attaching the fan the gaps between its front panel and the wall are sealed acrylic putty. It will prevent exhaust air from entering the room. The elasticity of acrylic will allow the seam to withstand the inevitable vibration during fan operation.

To the ceiling

  1. How is installation carried out in the case of a suspended ceiling?

The hood body is attached to Molly dowels through holes pre-drilled in plasterboard or other material. When tightening the fastener, its shell creates a reliable stop with a large area on the back side of the ceiling.

  1. How to fix a ceiling fan in case of a suspended ceiling?

The socket of a rigidly fixed ventilation pipe is brought to the ceiling level. Opposite the socket, a cutout is marked in the stretch ceiling; then a reinforcing ring is glued onto it, after which the fabric inside the ring is cut out. The overhead hood is inserted into the socket using silicone sealant.

A nuance: it is much more reasonable to equip the ventilation duct with a duct fan, and the canvas with a ventilation grille. Ideally, the space above a suspended or suspended ceiling should be ventilated. Otherwise, high humidity will quickly lead to the appearance of fungus on the ceiling and walls.

  1. How to install it yourself in the case of a duct fan and a plastic ventilation duct?

The fan is placed in the pipe socket, after which it is fixed in it with a second tightly inserted pipe. For a duct 100 mm fan, I used a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and a compensating pipe.

The hood is placed in a compensator on silicone and fixed in it with a pipe. The power cable is routed through a hole drilled in the compensator with a diameter of 6 millimeters.

Private house

  1. How to bring a ventilation duct to the street in a private house?

I did this through the load-bearing wall on the first floor and through the gable under the eaves on the attic. The ventilation outlet is equipped with a corner and an umbrella-deflector. The deflector prevents water from entering the ventilation system in rain and oblique winds, and also further enhances traction in windy weather.


  1. What could be the simplest connection diagram for a hood?

The simplest option is to connect through a switch common to the fan and bathroom lighting. The wire is thrown directly from the light bulb socket. The main disadvantage of this scheme is that the hood is idle for most of the day, while the bathroom needs ventilation constantly.

  1. How to connect a bathroom fan to a switch, ensuring its operation independent of lighting?

Very simple: using a two-key switch. Neutral wire - common for light and ventilation; the phase is hung on different buttons. In my opinion, this scheme is the most practical.

The most sensible solution is to connect ventilation to a separate switch key.

  1. Is it possible to regulate ventilation performance?

Yes. I used a regular incandescent dimmer for this purpose. The statements that I periodically encounter on thematic forums that fans require some special dimmers are pure fairy tales: a lighting dimmer works great with any hood.

Dimming allows you to flexibly regulate fan speed, choosing between the maximum volume of pumped air and silence.

If the mirrors and walls in the bathroom constantly fog up, the air is musty, and mold appears in the corners every now and then, this means that natural ventilation is not doing its job. The solution to this problem is simple - you need to install an exhaust fan. The choice of modern exhaust devices is very wide - from the simplest to silent models with timers and sensors. To ensure the most efficient air exchange in a room, you need to know what criteria you should use to choose fans and how to install them correctly.

The design of an exhaust fan is quite simple: a housing, a motor, an impeller with blades. There are models equipped with a non-return valve, which does not allow foreign odors from other apartments to enter the room, which is very important for high-rise buildings.

The air duct of the exhaust device is connected to the general ventilation system or ducted separately through the wall to the outside. According to the mounting method, all exhaust fans are divided into ceiling and wall, as well as built-in and overhead.

Ceiling ones are less in demand, although they are characterized by high performance and easy installation. This fan is capable of actively circulating a large volume of air, so it is perfect for spacious bathrooms. But most consumers still choose wall-mounted models, both built-in and surface-mounted. They are easy to install, convenient to use, easy to clean and replace. Thanks to their compact size and modern body design, they look quite aesthetically pleasing, fitting perfectly into any interior.

Depending on the internal device, fans are divided into:

  • electric– simple models with built-in or external switch. That is, apartment residents need to independently turn on and off the device as needed. A very common option is when such a fan is connected to a general switch in the bathroom, and then the hood is turned on simultaneously with the lamps. True, in this case the moisture does not always have time to completely escape into the ventilation, but energy consumption is reduced;
  • automatic– exhaust devices equipped with special sensors. Models with humidity sensors turn on automatically as soon as the moisture level exceeds the norm, and turn off when the condensation has completely evaporated. Models with motion sensors turn on when a person appears and turn off when the room is empty. There are also automatic fans with timers that only run for a set amount of time.

Exhaust fans are also classified by design type. In the domestic sphere, the most popular are axial and channel devices, which are suitable for multi-storey and private houses.

In axial fans, air movement occurs along the axis of rotation of the blades, which explains the name. The design is very simple: a housing (usually cylindrical), an impeller with blades, and an electric motor. Many models have a manifold installed at the front, which improves aerodynamic properties. The structure of the blades reduces resistance to air flow, making the fan highly efficient. Depending on the type of installation, such devices can be wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted.

Most modern axial fans are characterized by low power consumption and reduced noise levels, unlike models of the previous generation. They can work for a long time without stopping, are easy to clean, and have an attractive design. For these devices to be effective, the length of the air duct should not exceed 4 m. The same applies to the area of ​​the bathroom - the smaller the room, the more effective the hood.

axial exhaust fan

Duct fans

For large bathrooms, duct or centrifugal fans are optimal. Their design is noticeably different from axial devices: inside a cylindrical body there is a drum with many narrow curved blades. With the help of the centrifugal force generated by the blades during rotation, air is drawn in and directed into the ventilation duct.

Such fans work effectively with air ducts over 4 meters in length and are installed both on the ceiling and on the wall (depending on the modification). The hood can be continuous, but usually the device is connected to a bathroom switch or to a hygrostat. This allows for more economical energy consumption and extends the service life of the fan. Many models are designed for concealed installation and are relatively quiet, making them virtually unnoticeable in the bathroom.

duct exhaust fan

Advantages and Disadvantages

If you still doubt the advisability of installing such fans in the bathroom, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the advantages of exhaust devices:

  • condensation will stop accumulating on walls and other surfaces, and dampness will leave the room;
  • installation will not require much effort and time, even a beginner can cope with it;
  • modern fan models are very compact, so they are suitable even for the tiniest bathrooms;
  • Thanks to the modern design and discreet design, exhaust fans will harmoniously fit into any interior style;
  • most models are equipped with a protective mesh, which prevents insects and small objects from getting inside the case, which means you will have to clean the device less often;
  • The front panel can be easily removed for fan maintenance – cleaning the blades and lubricating the motor.

As for the shortcomings, there are very few of them:

  • fans cannot operate completely silently, and some consumers may find their humming annoying;
  • electricity consumption increases, although only slightly;
  • The device requires regular cleaning and lubrication to function properly.

Also, a lot depends on the correct installation: if the fan is positioned incorrectly, air circulation is disrupted, and there is nothing to say about high-quality hood.

Rules for choosing an exhaust fan

So, if the decision to buy a fan has been made, you need to choose the right model so as not to be disappointed later. You need to choose based on several parameters at once - performance, safety, noise level and, of course, the quality-price ratio.


This criterion is the main one, because the efficiency of air exchange depends on it. Here it is important to correctly select the power of the device relative to the area, since the same fan gives different results in a small and large bathroom. According to building codes, the air exchange rate for a bathroom is 6-8 units, that is, in an hour the entire volume of air in the room should change from 6 to 8 times. As a rule, if no more than three people use the bathroom, choose a multiplicity of 6, if more than three, choose a multiplicity of 8. The calculations are not difficult: you need to find the volume of the room and multiply it by the air exchange rate.

For example: there is a bathroom measuring 1.9 x 1.7 m and a height of 2.65 m, 3 people use it. We calculate the volume of the room - 1.9x1.7x2.65 = 8.56 m. Round to 9 and multiply by the multiple - 9x6 = 54 m3.

It turns out that for such a bathroom the optimal choice would be a device with a productivity of 54 m3/hour. Of course, it is not always possible to find a model that best matches the design parameters, so you can choose a fan with a small performance reserve.


For bathrooms and restrooms, fans are available with additional protection of electrical contacts from moisture, which must be indicated in the instructions and on the packaging. If you install a regular model and water gets into it, it can cause a short circuit and even a fire, so you should never take risks.

Nowadays you can find low-voltage exhaust units specifically designed for bathrooms and saunas. They have moisture and thermal protection, and can work effectively at 100% humidity and high temperatures. True, the cost of such fans is higher, and they cannot be connected to a regular electrical network, which entails additional costs, but the safety of the residents is worth it.

Noise level

The noise produced by the fan should not exceed 30 dB, otherwise it will be annoying to household members. If you plan to turn on the fan at night, choose a model with a noise level of up to 25 dB. The lower this indicator, the more comfortable you will be in the bathroom when the hood is on. This is especially true for those whose fan runs continuously.

As for the quality of fans, it is better to focus on well-known brands whose products have already been tested by time. For example, household fans of the brand Soler & Palau (Spain), VENTS (Ukraine), Electrolux (Sweden) have a lot of positive reviews.

These companies value their reputation, so their products are distinguished by high build quality and durability. The main thing is to buy fans in specialized stores, where they can present the appropriate certificate for the product and issue a warranty card. This way you will avoid the risk of purchasing a cheap fake rather than branded equipment.

Additional fan functions

PhotoName of additional functions
Hydrostat, or bathroom fan with humidity sensor
Motion sensor
Constant ventilation
Clock on the front panel of the fan
Check valve

How to install an exhaust fan yourself

Exhaust fans - photo

The process of installing the fan itself takes a minimum of time, but before that you need to prepare everything correctly, think over the connection method, and, if necessary, lay a cable for the power supply. All wiring should be located in grooves and hidden under the cladding to eliminate the slightest risk of contact with water. If the fan is a ceiling fan, and the ceiling itself is suspended, then there is no need for grooves: the wiring is attached directly to the ceiling, secured with special clamps. Of course, all wires must be corrugated.

To connect the fan, a three-core VVG cable is usually used - it allows you to supply zero, ground and phase from the switch to the device.

Moreover, the switch can be either one-key or two-key. The second option is preferable: you can turn the fan on and off regardless of the light.

If you do not have experience with electrical wiring, it is worth inviting a professional electrician to do this, because any mistake or negligence can lead to serious consequences. After the cable has been laid, you can begin installing the fan.

To work you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with drills for tiles and concrete;
  • pencil;
  • connection terminals;
  • regular and indicator screwdrivers.

Step 1. Unpack the fan, check its integrity and contents. Usually fasteners are included in the kit, but if they are missing, you should buy screws and plastic dowels in advance.

Step 2. Prepare the ventilation hole. If it was covered with cladding, you need to attach the fan housing to the tile and carefully trace it with a pencil. After this, a cutout is made along the contour using a grinder. If the hole was open, you need to clean it of dust and construction debris, make sure that the fan fits well and does not cling to the edges.

Step 3. Remove the front panel and the inner fan cover from the device and set them aside. Now you need to mark the fasteners. To do this, the fan is inserted into the hole until it stops, leveled, guided by the seams of the tiles or the building level, and points are marked with a pencil through the holes in the housing.

If the fan has a rope switch, you need to remove it

Step 4. A drill with a Pobedit tip is inserted into the drill and carefully, at low speeds, drill through the tiles at the marked points. Then they change the drill and use the hammer drill mode to go deeper into the concrete. The finished holes are cleaned of dust and plastic dowels are inserted into them.

Step 5. Once again try the fan on the hole and determine where the cable will go. At this point, use a grinder to cut out a semicircular groove corresponding in size to the cross-section of the wire. A hole for the wire is also drilled on the device body.

Step 6. The fan is brought to the wall, an electrical wire is threaded through the hole in the housing, then it is inserted into the groove and the fan is inserted. Fix it to the wall with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver or screwdriver.

Fan fixing screw

Advice. To avoid drilling into the wall, you can secure the fan using silicone sealant. The device weighs little and is partially supported by the wall, so this type of mounting is quite sufficient. The main thing is that the sealant is of high quality and waterproof.

Wiring sealing

Step 8 Close the fan with a cover, which is screwed in the center with one screw, and then turn on the power and check the operation of the device. Now all that remains is to insert the protective mesh and secure the front panel. Many craftsmen prefer to do without a mesh, since it quickly becomes dirty and stops allowing air to pass through. To avoid this, you have to regularly remove it and wash it with water.

Fixing the decorative cover with a bolt

At this point, the fan installation is considered complete. During use, you will have to periodically clean the ventilation grille and blades from accumulated dust. If after cleaning the hood works poorly, this indicates that the exhaust duct is clogged. In apartment buildings, you cannot fix this problem yourself and you need to call a specialist. But in a private home, it is much easier to clean the ventilation system, so many homeowners do it on their own.

Video - Exhaust fan for the bathroom

Video - Installing an exhaust fan

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