Scientists, educational psychologists. Famous Russian psychologists

We will gradually expand on this page the list of psychologists who have contributed to the development of psychology. (born 1923) - American psychologist, specialist in the field of psychology of motivation. In studies of 1948-53. showed that certain motivational states (for example, hunger) influence the content of imagination. To take into account individual differences in motives, he introduced achievement motivation, which consistently manifests itself in different situations, into the formula for the motive of real behavior in a current situation (the value of behavior x probability of success) as a factor. (1857 - 1927) Founder of reflexology. Supported Sechenov. There is not a single conscious or unconscious thought process that does not sooner or later express itself in objective manifestations. He studied the speed and form of reactions. Research into the therapeutic use of hypnosis, including for alcoholism. Works on sex education, early child behavior, social psychology. He studied personality based on a comprehensive study of the brain using physiological, anatomical and psychological methods. Founder of reflexology. (1908-1981) - domestic psychologist, student of L.S. Vygotsky, employee of the Kharkov activity school. She mainly dealt with the problems of child psychology: the development of the child’s personality and the formation of motivation, affective conflicts, self-esteem and the dynamics of development of the level of aspirations in childhood. He also worked in the field of linguistics. (1870-1915) - German psychologist, representative of the Austrian psychological school. Perception specialist. Tried to explain psychopathological phenomena by a decrease in the gestalt-forming activity of the subject. He proposed a systematization of aphasias. Studied with L.S. Vygotsky. Specialist in the field of defectology. Conducted experimental studies of the development of abnormal children, in which the conditions for their effective learning were identified. Considered the problem of factors in the learning and development of students, in particular the interaction of words and visualization in learning. (1876-1956) - American psychologist. Specialist in the field of animal behavior, particularly primates. (1890 - ?) - American psychologist. Specialist in child psychology, author of tests of intellectual development. (1874-1917) - Russian doctor and psychologist. He developed a doctrine about personality and character types based on the identification of two mental spheres: innate characteristics, which included temperament and character ("endopsyche"), and those that develop throughout life, primarily in the form of the individual's relationship to the world around him ("exopsyche"). He proposed a strategy for studying personality in the usual conditions of its activity. (1880-1933) - German psychologist and psychotechnician. Student of G. Ebbinghaus and V. Stern. A specialist in problems of general and special talent, he studied the features of practical intelligence. He proposed, as opposed to quantitative characteristics of a child’s intellectual development, qualitative ones. Made a significant contribution to the development of industrial psychology. Maier Heinrich - (1867-1933) - German philosopher and psychologist. Since 1900, professor at the University of Zurich, since 1901 - in Tübingen, since 1911 - in Göttingen, since 1918 - in Heidelberg, since 1920 - in Berlin. He proposed a classification of thinking. He was engaged in the experimental study of speech communications. - Doctoral dissertation in psychology at Harvard University. Professor at Elmory University in Atlanta, director of the Center for Cognitive Psychology. Conducted research on the process of formation of a “scheme” as the basis of cognitive processes. The “concrete” psychology that he developed was supposed to focus its attention on the meanings and real activities of the individual. (1786 - 1869) Made the first revolution in psychology as a transition to the study of objective psychology. His system was built on two fundamental principles: 1. Reflection, 2. Reality of action. He assigned an important role in structuring the human psyche to speech signs.

· Attention

· Sensitivity

Child psychology is a discipline that is distinguished by the fact that new discoveries and research constantly change the clinical picture. There are many famous doctors in the field of child psychology. In this publication you will learn about 10 of them.

  1. Known for his research and theories in the field of psycho-sexual development, Freud's work in the field of child psychology defines five stages of child development: oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital. He suggested that if a child experienced anxiety during the formation of any of these stages, then in adolescence this could turn into
  2. British child psychologist, best known for his work in attachment theory. Bowlby published a trilogy of works further developing this theory, which over time became the dominant approach in the study of child social development.
  3. Anna Freud - daughter of Sigmund Freud, founder of child psychology, and pioneer of the concept of defense mechanisms in the body.
  4. Anna Freud
  5. contributed extensively to research in the field of attachment theory; developed an assessment of “strange situations” during which children would be left alone in a room for a short time, then reunited with their mother. This research led her to the conclusion that children have three types of attachment. Ainsworth was a pioneer in understanding the phenomenon of child development.
  6. developed a theory of stages of psycho-social development, exploring events throughout life, from childhood to adulthood, to old age. Studied with Anna Freud, and also studied psychology
  7. innovator in the psychoanalysis of children and infants. She developed the theory that children are, as it were, programmed for relationships with each other in the future by the kind of relationship they have with their parents from birth.
  8. Piaget explored the same theory of stages of child development as Erikson. Piaget suggested that these were stages of children's intellectual abilities. This psychologist was one of the first to recognize that children think differently than adults.
  9. A developmental psychologist, Bijou was an advocate of behavioral therapy in treating psychological disorders in children such as autism and
  10. The first consultant child psychiatrist in the UK. He is often called the father of child psychology; Professor of Evolutionary Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.

We will return to each of the great researchers of child psychology and psychiatry. These people deserve to be known!

The world knew about psychology, or the science of the soul, back in ancient times. That's when it was born. Over the years, this science has been changed, developed, and supplemented.

They made a huge contribution to this psychologists who explored the inner world of man. They wrote many treatises, articles and books, on the pages of which they told the world something new, something that changed their view of many things.

In this material the site presents to your attention the names the most famous psychologists in the world, quotes from which are often found in books, magazines and newspapers. These are the people who became famous throughout the world for their discoveries and scientific views.

Sigmund Freud - the most famous psychologist in the world, who founded psychoanalysis

Many of you have probably heard about this great Austrian psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. It was his inquisitiveness in understanding human nature and his insightful mind that prompted him to the following idea: the cause of a nervous disorder lies in a whole complex of conscious and unconscious processes that closely interact with each other.

Therefore, the most influential psychologist in the world created psychoanalysis - a specific method of treatment mental disorders, which brought Freud worldwide recognition.

The essence of Freud's psychoanalysis is as follows: the patient ceases to control his thoughts and says the first thing that comes to his mind through associations, fantasies and dreams.

Based on all this, the analyst makes a conclusion about what unconscious conflicts led to the problem. The specialist then interprets it to the patient to find ways to solve the problem.

This innovative method of treating mental disorders had a huge impact on medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, literature, and art of the 20th century.

Despite the fact that it was and is still criticized in scientific circles, it is widely used in our time.

Abraham Harold Maslow - author of the pyramid of human needs

Abraham Harold Maslow is also one of the most influential psychologists in the world. The American psychologist founded humanistic psychology, according to which a person, from birth, strives for self-improvement, creativity and self-sufficiency.

In other words, a person is the creator of his own life, having the freedom to choose and develop a lifestyle, unless physical or social influences interfere.

Among the scientific works of the world famous thinker, “ Maslow's pyramid" It consists of special diagrams reflecting a person’s needs, which the psychologist has distributed in increasing order.

They are presented in the following picture:

The author explains this distribution by the fact that while a person experiences physiological needs, he cannot experience needs that are at the highest level. Maslow's pyramid is widely used in economics today.

Viktor Emil Frankl - founder of logotherapy

It is no coincidence that Viktor Emil Frankl is included in the list of the most famous psychologists in the world. After all, being also a psychiatrist and also a philosopher, he created the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy.

Among the most popular scientific works of the thinker, the work “Man in Search of Meaning” should be highlighted. It was this monograph that became the impetus for the development of logotherapy - a new method of psychotherapy.

According to it, a person’s desire to find and realize his meaning in life in the world is the primary motivating force.

The main task of logotherapy, which Frankl created, is to help a person make his past, present and future more meaningful, thus saving him from neurosis.

Frankl called the suppression of this need existential frustration. This psychological state often leads to mental and neurotic disorders.

Alois Alzheimer - psychiatrist who studied pathologies of the nervous system

The name of the German psychiatrist and neurologist is probably known to many of you. After all, it names a well-known mental disorder, accompanied by impaired memory, attention, performance and disorientation in space. Namely, Alzheimer's disease.

The neurologist devoted his entire life to the study of various pathologies of the nervous system. In his articles he covered the following topics: like schizophrenia, brain atrophy, alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy and much more.

The works of the German psychiatrist are still widely used throughout the world today. Thus, in order to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, the same diagnostic methods are used that a neurologist used back in 1906.

Dale Carnegie - the most famous psychologist in the world, guru of human relationships

American educational psychologist, Dale Carnegie wanted to become a teacher in order to stand out and achieve recognition, because in his youth he was ashamed of his appearance and poverty.

Therefore, he decided to try his hand at public speaking. Devoting himself entirely to training and practicing his speech, he achieves his goal and begins his activity by teaching performing arts and rhetoric.

He then creates his own Institute of Public Speaking and Human Relations, where he teaches everyone the communication skills that he created himself.

Dale Carnegie was not only a famous teacher, psychologist, motivational speaker and lecturer, but also a writer. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People was published in 1936 and became a worldwide bestseller. In it, the author, in clear language, based on real-life examples, explains to readers what needs to be done to gain respect, recognition and popularity.

Of course, there are many more influential world psychologists. But we did not focus on each of them. But they only singled out those individuals whose names everyone should know.

After all, their works are truly valuable, since they changed the lives of many people. They contain information that every person can use to solve a difficult situation, acquire valuable life skills, improve relationships with others, and also to fill their existence with meaning.

You may be interested in: Memory test.

Interest in the science of the soul, which is how the word “psychology” is translated, arose among humanity many centuries ago. And until now it has not faded away, but on the contrary, it is flaring up with renewed vigor. At the same time, over a long period of time, famous psychologists have repeatedly changed, developed and supplemented scientific thought about the inner world of man. Over many centuries, they have written a huge number of monographs, articles, and books on this topic. And of course, famous psychologists, exploring the nuances and subtleties of the science of the soul, made incredible discoveries in it, which are of great practical importance even today. Surnames such as Freud, Maslow, Vygotsky, Ovcharenko are known all over the world. These famous psychologists became true innovators in their field of study. For them, the science of the soul was an integral part of their life. Who are they and thanks to what scientific achievements did they become famous? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Sigmund Freud

For many, the most famous psychologist is him. His revolutionary theory is known to almost everyone.

Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in the Austro-Hungarian town of Freiberg. This man became a real expert in the field of neuroscience. His main merit is that he developed a doctrine that formed the basis of the psychoanalytic school. It was the famous psychologist Freud who put forward the idea that the cause of any pathology of the nervous system is a complex of conscious and unconscious processes that significantly influence each other. This was a real breakthrough in science.

Abraham Harold Maslow

The “Famous Psychologists” category, undoubtedly, cannot be imagined without this talented scientist. He was born in 1908 in New York, America. Abraham Maslow created the theory. In his monographs you can find such a concept as “Maslow’s Pyramid”. It is represented by special diagrams that embody basic human needs. In economic science, this pyramid has found the widest application.

Melanie Klein

In the “Famous Child Psychologist” category, her person ranks far from last. Melanie Klein was born in 1882 in the Austrian capital. She always recalled with nostalgia her childhood years, which were filled with happiness and joy. Melanie's interest in the science of the soul awoke after she experienced psychoanalysis twice.

Subsequently, Klein would write valuable scientific monographs on aspects of child psychoanalysis. And despite the fact that Melanie’s theory will run counter to the Freudian doctrine of child analysis, she will be able to prove that a simple child’s game can reveal many secrets of the child’s psyche.

Victor Emil Frankl

Famous psychologists of the world are also a scientist named Frankl. He was born in 1905 in the capital of Austria. He became famous for his unique discoveries in the field of not only psychology, but also philosophy. Thanks to Frank's efforts, the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy was launched. He is the author of the monograph “Man’s Search for Meaning.” And it was this scientific work that formed the basis for the transformation of the innovative method of psychotherapy, which is better known as logotherapy. What is its meaning? It's simple. Throughout his existence, man has been trying to solve the problem of finding the meaning of life.

Adler Alfred

This man also belongs to the scientific luminaries who left a deep mark on psychology. He was born in Penzing, Austria in 1870. It is noteworthy that Alfred did not become a follower of Freud. He deliberately lost his membership in the psychoanalytic society. The scientist rallied around himself his own team of like-minded people called the Association of Individual Psychology. In 1912 he published the monograph “On Nervous Character.”

Soon he initiates the creation of the Journal of Individual Psychology. When the Nazis seized power, he stopped his scientific activities. The Alfred Clinic was closed in 1938. One way or another, he was the only expert in the field of psychology who defended the idea that the main component of personal development is the desire to preserve and develop one’s own uniqueness and individuality.

The scientist believed that a person’s lifestyle directly affects the quality of experience that he will gain in old age. This experience is strongly interconnected with the feeling of collectivism, one of the three innate unconscious feelings included in the structure of the “I”. The design of a lifestyle is based on a sense of collectivism, but it is not always subject to development and may remain in its infancy. In the latter case, quarrels and conflict situations may arise. The scientist emphasized that if a person can find a common language with others, then he is not in danger of becoming a neurasthenic, and he rarely ventures into wild and

Bluma Vulfovna Zeigarnik

This is also a world-famous scientist. The famous female psychologist Bluma Vulfovna Zeigarnik was born in 1900 in the Lithuanian town of Preny. She studied with such eminent psychology specialists as E. Spranger, K. Goldstein. Zeigarnik shared the scientific views expressed in Gestalt psychology. Opponents of this theory repeatedly tried to dissuade Bluma Vulfovna from attending Levin’s classes, but she remained adamant. The woman became famous for identifying a unique pattern, which later became known as the “Zeigarnik effect.”

Its meaning is simple. A female psychologist performed a simple experiment. She gathered a certain number of people and asked them to solve a particular problem within a specific period of time. As a result of the experiments, Bluma Vulfovna came to the conclusion that a person remembers unfinished actions much better than completed ones.

Hakob Pogosovich Nazaretyan

The merits of this scientist in the field of psychology of mass behavior and in the field of cultural anthropology cannot be overestimated. Hakob Nazaretyan is a native of Baku. The scientist was born in 1948. Over the years of service to science, he wrote a huge number of monographs, where he explored the problems of the theory of social development.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky

He is deservedly called the Mozart of psychology, although in fairness it should be noted that he initially studied completely different areas of knowledge. He entered the medical faculty, then transferred to law. And he even showed a remarkable interest in literature. The scientist also left a major mark on the science of the soul. born in 1896 in the Belarusian town of Orsha. This scientist can safely be included in the list called “Famous Psychologists of Russia.” Why? Yes, first of all, because he is the author of cultural-historical theory in psychology. As early as 1924, Vygotsky was critical of reflexology in his work. In his mature years, he began to study in depth issues of speech and thinking and created a research paper on this topic. In it, Lev Semenovich proved that the processes of thinking and uttering thoughts are closely interrelated with each other. In the 1930s, the scientist was subjected to real persecution for his views: Soviet officials tried to expose him in perversions of an ideological nature.

Mozart of psychology left behind several fundamental works and a huge number of monographs included in his collected works.

In his works, he covered the problems of psychological development of the individual, issues of the influence of the team on the individual. Of course, Vygotsky made a great contribution to the science of the soul and related disciplines: linguistics, philosophy, defectology, pedagogy.

Victor Ivanovich Ovcharenko

This outstanding scientist was born in 1943 in the city of Melekess (Ulyanovsk region). His achievements in psychology are incredibly enormous. Thanks to his research, the science of the soul has significantly advanced in its development. Viktor Ivanovich wrote more than one work of fundamental importance. The scientist analyzed sociological psychologism and deeply studied issues of interpersonal relationships.

His monographs were published not only in Russian but also in foreign media.

In 1996, Ovcharenko came up with the idea of ​​rethinking the historical periods of domestic psychoanalysis before the scientific community. He initiated the release of publications in which he reflected the biographies of about 700 eminent people, including psychologists, philosophers, and cultural experts.

Head of scientific and methodological work, head of the rehabilitation program, head of the department of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, coordinator of somatosensory therapy, psychologist of the Center for Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities “Our Sunny World”. Assistant to the Rector of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University on issues of professional assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders. Senior researcher at the Institute of Inclusive Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

Member of the Board of the International Association “Autism Europe” (Autism Europe’s Council of Administration). Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on issues of comprehensive support for children with autism spectrum disorders. Expert of the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of guardianship in the social sphere. Member of the Coordination Council for Disabled Children and Other Persons with Disabilities at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Member of the interdepartmental working group on organizing a system of early assistance for children with disabilities and supporting their families and the interdepartmental working group on issues of comprehensive medical, social and psychological-pedagogical assistance to persons with autism spectrum disorders under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Member of the working group on inclusive education at the Moscow Department of Education. Member of the working group on the organization of medical care for young people with disabilities and disabled children at the Moscow Department of Health. Member of the public council for young disabled people at the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow. Member of the working group on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the cultural life of the city of Moscow under the Moscow Department of Culture.

Member of the Council for Disabled Children of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI). Member of the Council of the All-Russian organization of parents of disabled children and disabled people over 18 years of age with mental and other disabilities who need representation of their interests (VORDI). Board member of the National Federation of Therapeutic Riding and Equestrian Sports for the Disabled. Member of the Council of the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children. Head of the direction “Social rehabilitation and interaction with parental public organizations” of the Moscow Association of Early Help Service Specialists for the Prevention of Childhood Disability. Member of the “Social Justice” working group of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Popular Front. Member of the International Expert Council on Autism of the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency.

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