Sell ​​goods without VAT from. VAT - for dummies

The whole reason lies in VAT. All organizations and individual entrepreneurs on the general taxation system are VAT payers. When selling their goods or services, they are required to add VAT to the price and then pay the tax to the state budget. For such companies, there is a tax deduction on OSNO, using which the VAT payable can be reduced. The tax amount can be reduced by the amount of “purchase” VAT, i.e. the one paid when purchasing goods or services.

For example: we purchased goods for resale for 10,000 rubles + paid VAT for 1,800 rubles, and transferred a total of 11,800 rubles to the supplier.

Then they sold the goods for 20,000 rubles + VAT 3,600 rubles, the buyers transferred 23,600 rubles to us.

Amount of VAT payable = 3600-1800 = 1800 rubles.

When a company buys a product from you without VAT, it does not have a tax deduction, and the state needs to transfer the VAT amount not 1800 rubles, but all 3600 rubles.

It turns out that it is really unprofitable for an OSNO company to work with you, and they often ask special regime officers to issue an invoice with VAT. But then you have an additional obligation to transfer tax to the budget and submit a VAT report, which since 2014 has been accepted only in electronic form. In addition, tax authorities insist that the entire amount including VAT be included in the income of the simplified tax system, and when paying VAT to the budget, you do not have the right to take it into account as expenses.

Sell ​​the product at a price minus VAT

It is actually not profitable for the VAT payer to work with you only if your price of the goods and the price of the goods from another seller, including VAT, are the same. If another seller who works with VAT has a similar product for 11,800 rubles, including VAT, then the optimal price for your buyer, at which he will not incur losses, will be a price of 10,000 rubles without VAT and below.

This can be easily traced using the example of calculating the buyer’s costs for OSNO:

Thus, despite the fact that when purchasing goods without VAT, the buyer on OSNO will pay more tax, the financial result of the transaction will be the same, because your price for the product or service will be reduced by this amount of VAT.

The company can make sales without VAT if it meets the criteria prescribed in Article 145. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or operations are performed that are not subject to taxation under Article 149. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Also, a company can operate without charging additional tax when under special regimes, that is, when applying a tax regime different from the general one.

Sale of goods without VAT

A company can sell goods without paying added tax on:

  • OSNO, if there is an exemption under articles of the tax code (145 or 149).

The work of such companies has some features that are sometimes not very convenient for their activities. First of all, the question arises of how to take into account the tax imposed by suppliers of these values, and difficulties often arise with those clients who work on a common system and want to be able to separate VAT from the cost of purchased goods to reimburse it.

“Input” VAT on goods

Upon receipt of goods, primary documentation is attached, which may include an invoice with a highlighted tax amount. Companies working with added tax can submit VAT for deduction by allocating it to a separate account 19, in which case the goods are accounted for at cost minus the allocated VAT.

If a company does not work with VAT due to the use of a special regime or when exempt from tax liability, then it does not have the opportunity to refund VAT. The tax imposed by suppliers will have to be included in the cost of the goods themselves, taking them into account at a cost that includes the added tax. This operation inflates the acquisition costs to a significant extent, so the company must carefully select suitable suppliers for itself.

If there is no tax in the supplier's documents (which may happen if he does not have such a tax obligation for the reasons stated above), no questions arise about what to do with the input tax. Goods are accepted for accounting at the actual cost stated in the accompanying documentation.

VAT on sales of goods

The second difficulty that arises when selling goods without charging added tax is resolving the issue of the absence of VAT in the documentation provided to customer buyers.

If the buyer also does not pay VAT, then this issue disappears by itself. If the client uses the traditional taxation system, and it is important for him to be able to reimburse the tax on purchased goods, then the company should resolve this issue in advance. The following solutions are possible:

No. Solution Explanations
1. Persuade the client to work without VAT refund, providing convincing arguments justifying such a needIt is not beneficial for clients - many companies on OSNO require s/f and the ability to deduct VAT.

If further resale is planned, then the buyer will have to add additional tax on the full purchase price and pay it to the budget, plus the final sale price of the valuables increases.

2. Offer lower prices compared to competitors working with VATIt is not beneficial for the seller - this can only be done in order to retain the client.

The client can find another supplier who will offer a similar product with VAT, the buyer will reimburse the tax, and accept the goods for accounting at cost minus the refunded tax, which will be much more profitable for him. To prevent this from happening, you can reduce the price in advance by the amount of added tax so that the final cost in the documents for the client is comparable to the cost offered by other suppliers, subject to VAT refund.

3. Accrue and pay VAT on the cost of goods sold and provide the client with s/fIt is not beneficial for the seller, since he will have to pay tax in the absence of such an obligation. The company will pay the tax without being able to reimburse VAT on it, that is, unnecessary expenses arise, as well as additional responsibilities for filling out the tax return and subsequently the VAT return.
4. Abandon the client.If the first case is not beneficial to the buyer, then the second and third are not beneficial to the company itself. There will be only one way out - to refuse such a client and find those for whom the presence of a dedicated VAT in the primary documentation is not important

On the one hand, the sale of goods with VAT is simpler and does not require the calculation and payment of tax, but on the other hand, several complex issues arise that will have to be resolved in a certain way.

Therefore, it is recommended to think in advance about who the company plans to work with, who its suppliers and buyers will be, whether they work with VAT, and whether they will need to issue invoices. Only after such an analysis can a decision be made on switching to special regimes or voluntarily using the existing right to VAT exemption.

Sale of services without VAT

For those companies that provide services to their clients, the same difficulties arise as described above for companies selling goods without VAT.

In particular, for various types of valuables purchased for the provision of services (materials, equipment, machinery, services, works), it will not be possible to reimburse input VAT if these valuables are used in services not subject to this type of tax.

If the supplier presents the price including VAT in the documents, then he will have to pay this tax, but will not be able to reimburse it. Valuables will have to be taken into account at actual cost, including added tax.

When a service is provided to a client, an invoice will not be generated, since there is no obligation to pay the added tax. If clients are satisfied with this, then no problems arise. However, a number of customers using the main tax regime, in most cases, require an invoice for tax reimbursement.

When working with such clients, again there is a need to additionally resolve the issue of the absence of VAT in the documents. Or the company will have to charge tax and provide an invoice in order to retain such a client.

Reflection of revenue from sales without VAT in accounting (entries)

Sales revenue is generated at the time of confirmation of the provision of services (signing of the acceptance certificate with the customer) or at the time of sale of goods (fact of shipment to the buyer). To reflect revenue, there are 2 accounts in accounting - 90 and 91.

Account 90 is used in cases of sale of goods, products, services, works, if this is the main activity of the company. 91 accounts are used for the sale of fixed assets, material assets, intangible assets, that is, when carrying out operations that do not constitute the main activity of the company, such operations are one-time in nature.

Revenue is subject to reflection on the credit of the specified accounts (subaccount 1) in correspondence with the account for accounting settlements with the client or customer (62). Corresponding wiring: D62 K90 (or 91).

If the sale is carried out without charging the added tax, then the amount of revenue will not include VAT and, accordingly, the above entry is reflected in the total selling price of the transaction without charging VAT.

Cost excluding VAT

Simultaneously with the posting to reflect revenue without VAT, there is a need to write off the cost of products sold, goods, services and other valuables.

The cost is reflected in the debit of accounts 90 or 91 (subaccount 2) in correspondence with accounts 41, 43, 44, 20, 01, 04, depending on the type of assets sold. This posting for writing off the cost of sales is always carried out without taking into account VAT, regardless of whether the seller works with added tax or not.

If VAT is not charged, that is, the company does not have such a tax obligation, then the final financial result is formed as the difference between revenue and cost. If there is an obligation to accrue and pay VAT, then it is reflected in subaccount 3 in the debit of accounts 90 or 91 in correspondence with the credit of account 68. In this case, the financial result is reduced by the amount of VAT accrued for payment.

An entry in the specified book is made only if there is a generated invoice. If such a form has not been issued, then there is no need to fill out the book.

A company can operate without VAT in three cases:

  1. a tax regime different from the traditional one is applied;
  2. the right to exempt all activities from paying this type of tax under Article 145 is used;
  3. the right to exemption of certain transactions under Article 149 is used.

The obligation to generate an invoice, and, therefore, to make a registration entry in the sales book arises only in the second case. At the same time, in the columns of the invoice to indicate the tax and its rate, the wording “excluding VAT” is written.

An entry in the sales book about the formation of such an invoice must be completed by filling out the last column 19 (cost of VAT-exempt sales).

In all other cases, there is no need to draw up an invoice and fill out a book, unless, of course, the company voluntarily adds VAT to the cost of sales for payment to the budget. This usually happens in order to retain an important or large client. Such VAT will have to be paid and the client will have the opportunity to recover it using the provided invoice.

Reflection in the book of sales of goods without VAT

An example of filling out the Sales Book (more about the book of sales and purchases) when registering an invoice without VAT when exempted under Article 145 is presented below. ⇓

Goods without VAT and including VAT at retail are accounted for in account 41. In this case, accounting is usually goods without VAT and with tax is carried out at the selling price, which must be fixed in the accounting policy of the trading company.

Features of accounting for goods in retail and wholesale

The procedure for accounting for goods in trade is carried out in accordance with the norms of PBU 5/01, which was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 06/09/2001 No. 44n. Goods purchased for sale are valued at actual cost. At the same time, in retail trade, goods can be valued at sales prices, that is, at the actual cost increased by a set markup. Records of applicants are kept goods without VAT, since “input” VAT, as a rule, is not included in the actual cost, except in cases where the tax is not refundable (clauses 6 and 13 of PBU 5/01).

As for accounting for goods sold to customers, they are accounted for using one of three methods: at unit cost, at average cost goods without VAT, using the FIFO method (first in, first out). In this case, the method of valuation of disposed goods chosen by the trading enterprise is necessarily recorded in its accounting policy.

Mainly accounting for both purchased goods without VAT and taking into account the tax and disposed goods, it is carried out in a quantitative-monetary version. But if a trading enterprise is not able to organize quantitative accounting of the receipt and disposal of all its goods (for example, if there is no proper level of accounting automation), then it can maintain a cost accounting scheme for goods. The cost scheme for accounting for goods involves maintaining accounting records of goods only in monetary terms, while quantitative accounting is carried out separately at the place of issue of goods.

In addition, when accepting goods for registration, it matters whether the trading company is a value added tax payer. So, if a company has chosen a simplified form of taxation with a rate of 6%, then for it the tax amount is not separately allocated from the amount of incoming goods with VAT, but is taken into account in the total price of the goods on account 41/2. And if the company calculates and pays VAT or has chosen the simplified tax system with a rate of 15% (uses the formula “income minus expenses”), then it has to goods without VAT to account 41/1, and the tax itself is “collected” on account 19.

Moreover, it is important that the VAT amount is highlighted on the source receipt documents as a separate line. If this has not been done, then the tax amount is not allocated and the goods are registered at full cost.

Reflection in accounting of goods at purchase price

The purchase price takes into account goods without VAT(Dt 41/1 Kt 60), and VAT is “collected” in a separate account (Dt 19 Kt 60). The financial result of trading activities is calculated at the end of the tax period. In this case, a posting is made Dt 62 Kt 90/1 for the amount of goods at the selling price, including VAT. The amount of VAT is reflected in Dt 90/3 Kt 68, and the posting Dt 90/2 Kt 41/1 records the write-off of goods at actual cost, while the actual cost of write-off is determined by the method that the organization has chosen and fixed in its accounting policy.

Reflection in accounting of goods at sales prices

The method of accounting for goods at sales price (i.e., taking into account the markup) is most often used in retail trade. In this case, the selling price is formed by adding to the actual cost goods without VAT trade margin (including VAT, if the trade enterprise is a payer of value added tax). VAT can be taken into account in the actual cost only if it is a non-refundable tax. For example, as with 6% simplified tax system.

When goods are accepted, a trade margin is immediately added to their cost, then they are displayed on account 41/2 (Dt 41/2 Kt 42). Accounting for revenue from sales (writing off goods) is carried out as goods are transferred to customers and payment documents (cash or sales receipt) are issued to them.

Any trading enterprise must provide in its accounting policies a method for forming the selling price. If the write-off of goods is recorded at the sales price, then it is necessary to fix in it the method of forming a trade margin, which is added upon acceptance of the goods to the purchase price to form the sales price.

Calculation of income taking into account trade margins

Profit from the sale of goods is calculated as the difference in the value of the trade margin related to the goods sold and costs (distribution costs that relate specifically to the goods sold). At the same time, the trade margin related to goods sold is determined for each product item under the quantitative-cost accounting scheme.

The trade margin related to goods sold in the cost scheme of accounting for goods can be determined in four ways, depending on which method of calculating the trade margin was taken as a basis. The chosen method is reflected in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

So, there are 4 methods of calculation:

  • by total revenue (turnover) from sales;
  • by assortment of trade turnover;
  • by assortment of inventory balances;
  • using the average calculated percentage method.

The calculation method for the entire volume of revenue (turnover) is used in cases when all capitalized goods without VAT(and with VAT) the same markup percentage is established:

THP = N / (100 + N)

TNR - estimated trade margin;

N - trade margin in %.

The formula for calculating the trade margin related to goods sold using this method is as follows:

B = P * THP / 100

P is the total estimated turnover (i.e., revenue from the sale of goods accounted for at sales prices).

B is the realized trade margin.

The method of calculating mark-ups by assortment of turnover is used when an enterprise sells goods with different mark-ups, but keeps records of revenue by groups of goods with identical mark-ups:

B = (P1 * THP1 + P2 * THP2 + ... + Pn * THPn) / 100,

P1, P2, ... Pn is turnover (revenue) for different groups of goods;

ТНР1, ТНР2, ... ТНРn - calculated trade margin for each group of goods.

The calculation method based on the assortment of inventory balances is used by trading enterprises when conducting an inventory of goods at the end of the reporting period:

B = TNRn + TNRp - TNRv - TNRk

ТНРн - initial balance on the account. 42;

TNRp - loan turnover under Art. 42;

TNRv - debit turnover under Art. 42;

TNRk - balance at the end of the reporting period at station. 42.

This indicator is calculated based on inventory data:

TNRk = (OT * N) / (100 + N)

OT - balance of goods at sales prices at the end of the reporting period;

N - trade margin as a percentage.

The average calculated percentage method is used in cases where goods are sold at different markup percentages. This method is the most common because of its simplicity. But its main disadvantage is the inaccuracy of calculations.

First, the average markup percentage (P) is calculated, it is equal to:

P = (Nn + Np - Nv) / (P + Ot) * 100%

Нн - markup at the beginning;

Нп - margin of receipt;

Нв - disposal margin;

P - total estimated turnover (i.e., revenue from the sale of goods accounted for at sales prices);

From - the balance of goods.

Determine gross income (B):

B = P * P / 100.


In wholesale trade, as well as at retail points of sale, where automated accounting is organized, goods are accounted for in quantitative and cost terms. If it is impossible to organize a quantitative and cost accounting scheme, the accounting department carries out cost accounting of goods, and in the places where they are issued, quantitative accounting is carried out.

In both wholesale and retail trade, accounting for goods purchased for resale is carried out at actual cost. In retail trade, when forming the selling price to the cost goods without VAT trade margin is added.

The chosen method of valuing purchased goods must be reflected in the accounting policy.

At the same time, accounting for “input” VAT and the tax included in the sales price of goods (trade margin) will be kept separately by taxpayers, with the exception of those who are on the simplified tax system (6%).

Trading enterprises choose the method of accounting for goods on disposal that suits them. In addition, when carrying out retail trade, they can choose a method for calculating trade margins if they decide to keep records at the sales price. The company must indicate all these points in its accounting policies. In this case, the selected method of valuing goods upon disposal must be applied throughout the entire reporting year.

The profit of trading organizations is calculated as the difference between the value of the trade margin and the overhead costs that the retail outlet incurs when selling goods.

In this case, the base will be calculated as the difference between the sales price, including indirect taxes (excise taxes, VAT), and the book value. The procedure for selling goods (property) purchased without VAT is applied in each specific case, further in the article.

The procedure for selling property at a cost including VAT

The procedure for determining the tax base when selling property at a cost including VAT is regulated by clause 3 of Art. 154 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the tax base is the difference between the sale price and the residual book value of the property. The residual value must be calculated according to accounting data (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/01/2016 No./44944, dated 03/26/2007 No./16, dated 10/09/2006 No./120).

This procedure has a number of restrictions.

  1. You cannot use the provisions of Art. 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for the sale of goods (property) acquired as part of activities subject to UTII, after the transition to the general taxation regime (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 11, 2009 No./296). For this case, a general procedure for applying tax deductions has been established.
  2. This procedure is not used when selling property purchased from a VAT defaulter (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 20, 2011 No./62).

In transactions involving the sale of property, taking into account VAT, a settlement rate of 18/118 or 10/110 is used for resale (clause 4 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

List of property taxed at the estimated tax rate:

  1. Property, including fixed assets, acquired through targeted financing from the budget, taking into account VAT, which is not deductible, but covered by financing (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 1, 2010 No./83).
  2. Property received free of charge and accounted for at full cost, taking into account the amount of tax paid by the transferring party.
  3. Property that will be used for tax-exempt transactions.
  4. Fixed assets recorded on the balance sheet at cost, including tax.

When registering sales with VAT of property purchased at a cost that includes tax, a special procedure for filling out invoices is provided. This procedure is determined by the Rules for filling out an invoice, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2011 No. 1137. Thus, according to the Rules for filling out an invoice, column 5 reflects the inter-price difference, taking into account tax, and column 8 - the amount of tax calculated at the estimated rate .

The procedure for selling a car purchased from the public for the purpose of resale

When purchasing property in the form of a car from the population, the tax base is formed as the difference between the market price from sale and the purchase price (clause 5.1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the sales price is the price at which the organization sells the property, including VAT, and it must correspond to the level of market prices for this property (Article 105.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

To determine market prices, it is necessary to apply the rules of Art. 105.3 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

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Purchase price – the price of purchasing property from the seller.

For the specified sale of a car, VAT must be calculated based on the calculated rate of 18/118 (clause 4 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

This procedure for determining the tax base is used by insurance companies when selling damaged cars, the owners of which have renounced their rights to this property in order to receive the full amount of insurance payment (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 No./22310, Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 27, 2015 No. GD-4 -3/8953@, dated 05/20/2015 No. GD-4-3/8429@).

However, this procedure for determining the tax base does not provide for the sale of a car received under an agreement on the provision of compensation (clause 5.1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A similar calculation of the tax base is applied only for transactions for the purpose of resale (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 8, 2011 No./34).

Procedure for filling out an invoice:

  • Column 5 is filled in with the value of the inter-price difference including tax;
  • column 8 reflects the amount of tax at the rate of 18/118;
  • columns 4 and 9 contain the full price and sales price including VAT.

StroyProektMontazh LLC purchased a truck worth rubles from citizen A.N. Petrov in October 2017. In November, the organization sold transport to LLC Sigma for the amount of rubles. In the issued invoice, column 5 reflects the amount in the amount of rubles. (–=), column 8 contains tax in the amount of rubles. (×18/118 = 9,000). In columns 4 and 9 there will be the amount of rubles.

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Upon receipt of an advance payment from the buyer for the future sale of the car, the seller is also obliged to issue an invoice (Clause 3 of Article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). When filling out such an invoice, you must be guided by clause 5.1 of Art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for filling out invoices, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137.

The procedure for selling agricultural products purchased from the population for the purpose of resale

The use of a special procedure for calculating the tax base is provided for operations on the resale of agricultural products purchased from the population. The tax base for calculating VAT is the difference between the sales price of the goods, calculated at the market value including VAT, and the purchase price of the product (clause 4 of article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The tax rate used is the calculated rate of 18/118 or 10/110 (clause 4 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

To apply a special procedure for calculating the tax base, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The products must be included in the List of agricultural products and their processed products, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2001 No. 383.
  2. A special procedure does not apply to excisable goods.
  3. Products must be purchased solely for resale purposes. If the purpose of the purchase does not meet this requirement, and the product was purchased for use in the production process of processing, then it is subject to the rules for calculating the tax base for VAT in the generally established manner. That is, the full selling price of the goods is taken as the base (clause 1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Judges share a similar opinion (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated October 8, 2008 No. A36-528/2008).

The special procedure for determining the tax base and calculating VAT is reflected when filling out the sales invoice.

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  1. Column 5 contains the difference between prices including tax.
  2. Column 8 is filled in with the amount of tax calculated using the calculation method (subparagraphs “e” and “h” of paragraph 2 of the Rules for filling out invoices approved by Resolution No. 1137).

In October 2017, Derevenskaya Eda LLC purchased potatoes worth RUB from the population. Without subjecting the products to any processing or processing, the organization sold the entire batch of vegetables to Vegetables and Fruits LLC at a price of rubles. Accounting for income and expenses is carried out using the accrual method.

Potatoes are listed in the List of Agricultural Products and their Processed Products, approved by Government Decree No. 383 dated May 16, 2001. Since the batch of vegetables was not subject to any changes, and the goods were purchased for resale, it is possible to apply a special procedure for calculating the tax base for VAT (p 4, Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax base for VAT: – = rub.

Tax rate 18/118 (clause 4 of article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount of VAT receivable is reflected in account 90, subaccount 90-3 “Value added tax”, on debit and 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” on credit (instructions for using the Chart of Accounts for accounting financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

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  1. Dt 41 Kt 60 (76) – potatoes purchased from the population were capitalized;
  2. Dt 60 (76) Kt 50 – paid for purchased products;
  3. Dt 62 Kt 90-1 – revenue from the sale of potatoes is recognized;
  4. Dt 90-3 Kt 68 – VAT charged ((–) × 18/118);
  5. Dt 90-2 Kt 41 – the actual cost of a batch of products sold was written off;
  6. Dt 51 Kt 62 – debt for sold potatoes was repaid.


When selling property at a cost that includes VAT, the tax is calculated as the product of the estimated tax rate and the difference between the sale price and the residual book value of the property.

The calculated rate does not apply to the inter-price difference in cases where the following is realized:

  • property acquired as part of the activities of UTII after the transition to the general taxation regime;
  • or property purchased from a VAT evader;
  • a car received under a compensation agreement;
  • agricultural products purchased from an individual that are not included in the list of agricultural products or have been processed.

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How to buy goods without VAT?

Those who are just starting to do business have questions about paying VAT. This tax contains the difference between the cost of goods that were sold and the cost of producing them. Thus, when purchasing a product, the buyer also pays VAT included in its price. The tax rate reaches 18%, so the question often arises of how to buy goods without VAT.

VAT payers include individual entrepreneurs, exporters and importers, and legal entities. At the same time, it is possible not to pay tax if an individual entrepreneur or organization’s revenue received as a result of the sale of goods for 3 months turned out to be less than 2 million rubles. True, this does not apply to excisable goods and import operations.

Who is exempt from paying VAT?

  • Individuals. In the case when they are not registered as individual entrepreneurs.
  • Individual entrepreneurs and organizations. Usually they work under a special tax regime (STS, UTII and Unified Agricultural Tax).
  • Buyers. Customers making purchases in tax-free stores (tax-free, duty-free).


You can buy goods without VAT only from a seller exempt from paying it. An invoice is generated upon purchase. It does not highlight VAT, and in the corresponding column the mark “without tax” is made.

When traveling abroad, it would be a good idea to pay attention to shops that sell tax-free. In this case, the buyer can receive VAT back when leaving the country. To do this, a special receipt must be issued in the store, on which a customs representative will put a stamp.

The receipt indicates the purchase amount, buyer details, and the amount of VAT. However, in some countries there is a minimum amount that a buyer must spend in order to receive a tax refund.

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You should apply for your money at tax refund points, which are usually located at international airports. In this case, it is necessary to provide unopened goods.

Kiosks and duty-free shops sell without VAT. Not only foreigners, but also citizens traveling outside the country can purchase goods.

It is now possible to order duty-free goods online. To do this, fill out a form on the website in which you must indicate the international flight number. You can pick up your purchase on board the airliner. It is necessary to take into account possible restrictions on the quantity of purchased goods. For items purchased over the limit, you will have to pay full price.

If enterprises exempt from VAT import goods from abroad, they are required to pay VAT. In addition, they are not exempt from paying tax if the tax amount is allocated on the invoice when the goods are sold. If the tax amount is allocated, it must be transferred to the budget. In this case, the company is also required to provide it in the tax return.

Before purchasing a product, choosing the presence or absence of VAT, it is recommended to calculate both options. This will allow you to see how profitable a particular deal will be.

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Question: If a company purchased goods without VAT, but trades with VAT, how should the goods be sold?

Answer: When selling, the company must first add the established markup and then calculate VAT on the total amount.

Question: The company operates without VAT. Should an invoice be issued to the buyer?

Answer: To simplify tax accounting, in such cases it is allowed not to issue an invoice.

Question: Is it more profitable for a single tax LLC to purchase goods with or without VAT?

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Answer: It depends on how the product will be sold. If VAT is included in its sale, then it is better to buy with it.

A very interesting system. Now at least it has become clear why many goods in duty free stores are much cheaper than, for example, in the city itself. It would also be cool if you could make an online order not only when you fly somewhere, but even while inside the country. I just took it somewhere and that’s it.

Sale of goods with VAT purchased without VAT

we sell with VAT for 200, but on these 200 we pay VAT

total dirty profit will be 6 = 64 rubles

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I sold it and charged VAT, but there was nothing to offset. PAY EVERYTHING TO BUDGET!

There is a problem and solve it.

SF is not a primary document.

Apart from the physical division into 2 different warehouses and the proposal to the manager to click through the warehouses with pens (hit 2 requests in parallel), no one was able to offer a working mechanism in a standard

but Torg-12 is not

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(11) You can, look at the Intercompany section, but is it necessary?

(12) Yes, but why, if there is an LLC for this.

(21) While this is not the question, should the client limit his business by prohibiting the LLC from selling goods to the individual entrepreneur?

I would like to propose making VPF invoices for payment and TORG-12 with VAT on top, and see how his clients will react to these VPF.

Even prepayment requires an approved specification/invoice - that is, determination of a very specific composition due to this VAT.

And the genie is talking about the FACT of transfer of goods, and not about the mythical specification (invoice), on the basis of which the advance is paid

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I don’t understand the logic of accountants, why do they need amounts with VAT (it is not yet known whether they will be accepted for offset), when you can immediately avoid paying VAT when purchasing goods?

That is, the LLC must first buy goods from the individual entrepreneur at some price, since the individual entrepreneur does not have VAT, the LLC will not be able to offset the VAT on this purchase.

Accordingly, VAT will be paid to the budget, but the LLC will not receive a profit, since it sells everything at cost.

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I bought the last laptop with almost cash

(though then it suddenly turns out that some boss doesn’t like a simple mouse, he should have had an ergonomic one with 30 buttons) 😉 ah wei. she was not in the zipper.

Then, what is invoiced depends little on the method of payment - if it is issued to a legal entity - a priori - it will be reflected in the seller’s financial statements.

If the admin comes to the manager and says - give me a mouse for 5 thousand rubles. - We’ll split the premium - what difference does it make - how the payment will be made.

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Therefore, if you don’t trust your employees, then organize competitions and auctions - it’s simple, usually there is another problem - if the administrator brings a description to the purchasing department and says that this and that are needed, then they often buy something completely wrong.

My bank pays me cashback, out of nowhere

If you buy some equipment for routine maintenance (mice, etc.), then there is no point in looking for discounts and markups where you bought this mouse.

Simple - there are two approaches:

The first is to buy everything that may be needed in advance, so that it is in stock and enter into contracts for the supply of what may be needed. Accordingly, purchase everything according to plan and ensure that the warehouse has the required minimum.

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The second is to entrust it to those who serve, and demand from them that it be there or appear quickly. It’s okay that someone will pay more for something than it’s worth - the main thing is that it appears when it’s needed.

You can even buy with a bank card for legal purposes

The main thing is to let the buyers, not the system administrators, handle the purchase of mice and other things.. 😉

Why do you need an intermediary represented by an individual entrepreneur? The LLC can also sell.

LLC will pay 18% of the markup (VAT), individual entrepreneur - 10% of the markup (STS)

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The client asks to set up the Intercompany scheme in such a way as to prohibit the sale of goods purchased by an individual entrepreneur without VAT to legal entities from an LLC (with VAT).

Instead, in such cases, suggesting that legal entities reissue invoices from LLCs (usually the invoice is issued by an individual entrepreneur) with VAT charged on top. It seems the price remained the same, but the total amount included VAT. In fact, the increased VAT should be included in the markup (if the price includes VAT). If the client refuses to pay such an invoice, then the sale does not take place. In my opinion, this is better than limiting your business in advance!?

There is, of course, a technical difficulty in how to determine such cases, whether the product was purchased with or without VAT. In classical batch accounting this is simple, but in UT11 with its RAUZ it was not necessary.

And you can immediately determine how the goods were purchased: with or without VAT?

I would like to use the “Separate accounting of goods for VAT taxation” mechanism, but it was one-sided: it gave an error when the sales document Sale is Subject to VAT includes a product with Sale is Not Taxed by VAT (or Sale is Taxed on UTII).

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But you can create a new thread and they will definitely answer you!

Every hour there are more than 2000 people on the Magic Forum.

Sale of goods/services without VAT. Reflection of sales revenue excluding VAT in accounting

The company can make sales without VAT if it meets the criteria prescribed in Article 145. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or operations are performed that are not subject to taxation under Article 149. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Also, a company can operate without charging additional tax when under special regimes, that is, when applying a tax regime different from the general one.

Sale of goods without VAT

A company can sell goods without paying added tax on:

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  • OSNO, if there is an exemption under articles of the tax code (145 or 149).

The work of such companies has some features that are sometimes not very convenient for their activities. First of all, the question arises of how to take into account the tax imposed by suppliers of these values, and difficulties often arise with those clients who work on a common system and want to be able to separate VAT from the cost of purchased goods to reimburse it.

“Input” VAT on goods

Upon receipt of goods, primary documentation is attached, which may include an invoice with a highlighted tax amount. Companies working with added tax can submit VAT for deduction by allocating it to a separate account 19, in which case the goods are accounted for at cost minus the allocated VAT.

If a company does not work with VAT due to the use of a special regime or when exempt from tax liability, then it does not have the opportunity to recover VAT. The tax imposed by suppliers will have to be included in the cost of the goods themselves, taking them into account at a cost that includes the added tax. This operation inflates the acquisition costs to a significant extent, so the company must carefully select suitable suppliers for itself.

If there is no tax in the supplier's documents (which may happen if he does not have such a tax obligation for the reasons stated above), no questions arise about what to do with the input tax. Goods are accepted for accounting at the actual cost stated in the accompanying documentation.

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VAT on sales of goods

The second difficulty that arises when selling goods without charging added tax is resolving the issue of the absence of VAT in the documentation provided to customer buyers.

If the buyer also does not pay VAT, then this issue disappears by itself. If the client uses the traditional taxation system, and it is important for him to be able to reimburse the tax on purchased goods, then the company should resolve this issue in advance. The following solutions are possible:

If further resale is planned, then the buyer will have to add additional tax on the full purchase price and pay it to the budget, plus the final sale price of the valuables increases.

The client can find another supplier who will offer a similar product with VAT, the buyer will reimburse the tax, and accept the goods for accounting at cost minus the refunded tax, which will be much more profitable for him. To prevent this from happening, you can reduce the price in advance by the amount of added tax so that the final cost in the documents for the client is comparable to the cost offered by other suppliers, subject to VAT refund.

On the one hand, the sale of goods with VAT is simpler and does not require the calculation and payment of tax, but on the other hand, several complex issues arise that will have to be resolved in a certain way.

Therefore, it is recommended to think in advance about who the company plans to work with, who its suppliers and customers will be, whether they work with VAT, and whether it will be necessary to issue invoices for them. Only after such an analysis can a decision be made on switching to special regimes or voluntarily using the existing right to VAT exemption.

Sale of services without VAT

For those companies that provide services to their clients, the same difficulties arise as described above for companies selling goods without VAT.

In particular, for various types of valuables purchased for the provision of services (materials, equipment, machinery, services, works), it will not be possible to reimburse input VAT if these valuables are used in services not subject to this type of tax.

If the supplier presents the price including VAT in the documents, then he will have to pay this tax, but will not be able to reimburse it. Valuables will have to be taken into account at actual cost, including added tax.

When providing services to a client, an invoice will not be generated, since there is no obligation to pay the added tax. If clients are satisfied with this, then no problems arise. However, a number of customers using the main tax regime, in most cases, require an invoice for tax reimbursement.

When working with such clients, again there is a need to additionally resolve the issue of the absence of VAT in the documents. Or the company will have to charge tax and provide an invoice in order to retain such a client.

Reflection of revenue from sales without VAT in accounting (entries)

Sales revenue is generated at the time of confirmation of the provision of services (signing of the acceptance certificate with the customer) or at the time of sale of goods (fact of shipment to the buyer). To reflect revenue, there are 2 accounts in accounting - 90 and 91.

Account 90 is used in cases of sale of goods, products, services, works, if this is the main activity of the company. 91 accounts are used for the sale of fixed assets, material assets, intangible assets, that is, when carrying out operations that do not constitute the main activity of the company, such operations are one-time in nature.

Revenue is subject to reflection on the credit of the specified accounts (subaccount 1) in correspondence with the account for accounting settlements with the client or customer (62). Corresponding wiring: D62 K90 (or 91).

If the sale is carried out without charging the added tax, then the amount of revenue will not include VAT and, accordingly, the above entry is reflected in the total selling price of the transaction without charging VAT.

Cost excluding VAT

Simultaneously with the posting to reflect revenue without VAT, there is a need to write off the cost of products sold, goods, services and other valuables.

The cost is reflected in the debit of accounts 90 or 91 (subaccount 2) in correspondence with accounts 41, 43, 44, 20, 01, 04, depending on the type of assets sold. This posting for writing off the cost of sales is always carried out without taking into account VAT, regardless of whether the seller works with added tax or not.

If VAT is not charged, that is, the company does not have such a tax obligation, then the final financial result is formed as the difference between revenue and cost. If there is an obligation to accrue and pay VAT, then it is reflected in subaccount 3 in the debit of accounts 90 or 91 in correspondence with the credit of account 68. In this case, the financial result is reduced by the amount of VAT accrued for payment.

An entry in the specified book is made only if there is a generated invoice. If such a form has not been issued, then there is no need to fill out the book.

A company can operate without VAT in three cases:

  1. a tax regime different from the traditional one is applied;
  2. the right to exempt all activities from paying this type of tax under Article 145 is used;
  3. the right to exemption of certain transactions under Article 149 is used.

The obligation to generate an invoice, and, therefore, to make a registration entry in the sales book arises only in the second case. At the same time, in the columns of the invoice to indicate the tax and its rate, the wording “excluding VAT” is written.

An entry in the sales book about the formation of such an invoice must be completed by filling out the last column 19 (cost of VAT-exempt sales).

In all other cases, there is no need to draw up an invoice and fill out a book, unless, of course, the company voluntarily adds VAT to the cost of sales for payment to the budget. This usually happens in order to retain an important or large client. Such VAT will have to be paid and the client will have the opportunity to recover it using the provided invoice.

Reflection in the book of sales of goods without VAT

An example of filling out the Sales Book (read more about the book of sales and purchases in this article) when registering an invoice without VAT when exempted under Article 145 is presented below. ⇓

Purchase of goods without VAT

If you bought without VAT from an individual entrepreneur under the simplified tax system, you do not have incoming VAT, but you do have outgoing VAT on sales.

We bought it for 100 rubles without VAT, sold it for 118 rubles with VAT, and paid 18 rubles in VAT to the budget.

Income 100r - Expenses 100r = Profit 0r.

This is also a fundamental difference in accounting in addition to VAT, when compared with the simplified tax system.

I also have a question, I can’t understand the decree about 10% VAT. semi-finished products such as dumplings, cutlets, steaks, manti and salted lard (not smoked) qualify for 10%

You can include both 10% and 18% in one invoice, and if you then buy something to work with VAT, i.e. you will have not only accrued VAT, but also deductions, then we also add up the accrued TOTAL 10% and 18% and incoming VAT TOTAL 10% and 18% - we pay the difference to the budget.

This is such a general rule. VAT is also charged on advances received, and on advances issued if there is an invoice and an indication of the advance in the Agreement, they can be deducted.

I think that many questions will be answered for you.

therefore, if you are an individual entrepreneur and are on the simplified tax system, and begin to carry out operations (types of activity) that do not fall under the simplified tax system, then they will go according to the basic tax system.

And if you are just on the simplified tax system, but want to sell something with VAT, for example, then the OSNO will not arise, you will simply have to pay VAT (and you will not even be able to deduct the input VAT).

In general, specify the question (describe the situation), then it will be clear what to answer)))

The brain injury was caused by something heavy and blunt. Presumably - a question.

If something confuses you about me, you don’t need to let me know, try to survive the shock yourself!

I realized that in any case I need to create a new individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Please tell me what is more profitable.

What will I do: I will buy meat from physicists without VAT, add 10% VAT and a 15% markup, and sell it (turnover 1 million per year)

and buy products from LLC with VAT 18%, increase 17% and sell (turnover 1.5 million per year)

Well, and accordingly, in the first case, pay all the VAT to the budget, and in the second, the difference.

Copyright ©, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Translation: zCarot

Interested in how to buy goods without VAT?

1) charge VAT for the sake of a profitable transaction, which leads to additional reporting and payment of excess tax;

2) miss a major client, i.e. refusal of such a transaction.

3) work as usual, but you really have to convince your client that by purchasing goods without VAT from your organization, he will not lose anything.

I will teach you about a possible third option and prove it with an example.

If you provide the calculation from my article for greater persuasiveness, for your client, he will have no doubts about purchasing the goods from you.

So, a company or individual entrepreneur refuses to work with you using the general taxation system. Why?

When selling your goods, your client is required to add VAT to the price, this leads to payment of tax to the state budget. But for such organizations, i.e. those who are on the general taxation regime, there is a tax deduction, that is, it is possible to reduce the amount of tax by the amount of “purchase” VAT (by the amount paid when purchasing goods).

We bought from you for the amount of 50 thousand rubles, including VAT of 9 thousand rubles. Rubles were transferred to the current account for the goods.

Sold goods worth 100 thousand rubles, including VAT of 18 thousand rubles. The buyers paid for the goods and transferred 118 thousand rubles to their bank account.

The amount of VAT payable to the budget is 9 thousand rubles.

18,000.00 (VAT on goods sold) – 9,000.00 (VAT on the purchase of goods) = 9,000.00 rubles.

From the calculation we see that the tax deduction amounted to 9 thousand rubles. Let me remind you that when a company buys goods from you without VAT, it cannot take advantage of this tax deduction. Consequently, the amount of VAT will have to be transferred to the budget; in this example, not 9 thousand rubles, but 18 thousand rubles. Of course, the difference is significant. Now you fully understand that it is not profitable for companies under the general taxation regime to cooperate with you, this is precisely the reason for the request to issue a VAT invoice. But here is the other side - it is not profitable for you, since you will have to pay the invoiced VAT to the state, and also submit additional reports. Let me remind you that since 2014, VAT reporting has been submitted only electronically.

One more point for the simplified when you have issued a VAT invoice:

1) Income from the simplified tax system includes the entire amount including VAT, i.e. in this example it will be 59 thousand rubles,

2) Having paid VAT, you do not have the right to take this amount into account as expenses (this amount is 9 thousand rubles).

If the buyer purchases goods from you without VAT, only then does he lose anything. This is the third option, when you continue to work as usual, but you really have to convince your client that by purchasing goods without VAT from your organization, he will not lose anything. If from another seller who works with VAT, a similar product costs 59 thousand rubles, including VAT, then the optimal price for your buyer, at which he will not incur losses, and for him it will also be an option to work with you (accordingly, you will not have to lose large client), the price will be 50 thousand rubles excluding VAT and lower.

Below is a comparison table that can easily be used to track

Using the provided calculation, you can see that when purchasing goods without VAT, your buyer will pay more tax under the general taxation system, but his financial result from the transaction will be the same, because Your price for the product will be reduced by this amount of VAT.

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VAT are three letters that each of us has definitely heard. Even if you have nothing to do with business niches, the abbreviation can be found on any receipt when you go to a store. But not everyone knows what it is and why it is everywhere you look. And even if you ask this question, then a simple decoding of the abbreviation - “value added tax” may not say anything at all, except perhaps that this is again some kind of tax. Meanwhile, you need to know this. After all, VAT applies to absolutely everyone, even if you are a simple sales manager or an employee of an enterprise.

The simplest thing you need to know from the start is that this tax is imposed on any product and any service that is sold by a company at a price even slightly higher than its cost. In this option, VAT will be calculated based on the difference between the cost of the product and its selling price.

Where does VAT come from?

Almost a hundred years ago (twenties of the twentieth century), the value added tax replaced the then existing sales tax. Before this, the tax was taken from all revenue. And it was difficult for entrepreneurs, because they had to make constant identical payments, which did not take into account possible income at all. They were based only on bare revenue, not profits. But on the territory of the Russian Federation, VAT was introduced only in 1992.

Today the tax rate in Russia is the well-known eighteen percent. It applies, with some exceptions, to most goods and services. But there are other options. Thus, a rate of 10 percent, for example, is levied on medicines, children's products and some food products. But the product for export (export) is not subject to this tax at all.

Who pays VAT

A scheme may be born in the mind of the average person, suggesting that this tax does not concern him at all. Well, the entrepreneur pays himself, and let him pay. But this is a mistaken opinion. Because in reality, the entire amount of this tax is ultimately paid by the buyer himself. To understand why this happens, let’s look at a simple example and see what stages the emerging value added tax goes through.

  • A certain company orders material from a third-party company to make its own product. This company, when it pays for the material, pays a sum of money to the company. And VAT will be imposed on this amount of money.
  • Next, the company produces a product from the material and sits down to think (figuratively) what the price of this product is. That is, how much money was spent on its production. VAT is not calculated here yet. We only know how much the costs cost. The tax amount is also calculated, but is recorded as a “tax credit”.
  • Next, the company needs to decide how much the product will cost the end customer. Here the cost of the goods is added up, excise taxes are calculated, the share that after the sale will go to profit is entered, and VAT is added. That is, it will already be included in the price of the product that the consumer will pay upon purchase.
  • When a product is sold in a certain quantity, the company sits down to calculate profits. From the money received, 18 percent of the tax that the buyer has already paid is calculated. And this money is spent on tax obligations to pay VAT.

Here is a simple diagram that shows that the price of a product in a store already includes value added tax. And if it were not taken into account, the product would cost less.

VAT calculation

To understand the whole process, let's look at an example again.

We opened a point where jeans will be sold. To sell something, you must first produce or buy it. In our case, we find a company that sells jeans wholesale. And we spend 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of a consignment of goods, where one pair of jeans costs 10 thousand rubles (the jeans turn out to be expensive, but for an example it will do). That is, we purchased 10 units of goods.

These 100 thousand rubles that were spent on goods already included 18 percent VAT. Since the sale of jeans to us was made by their supplier, who has already included this tax in the price, because he will have to pay it to the state for selling the goods above cost. Accordingly, we paid this interest for him.

We calculate this amount as an incoming contribution or deduction. And we will need to have evidence that we paid for the jeans with VAT already included. Therefore, it is important to have one of the supporting documents - this is either an invoice, or a check, or an invoice, where the tax amount is indicated separately. That is why on all such documents we can find a line with VAT.

Further, when we ourselves set the price at which we will sell our jeans at retail, we remove this amount of VAT from the price for the product. And the next VAT, which will be levied on our sale, will be calculated from the amount received. That is, we add up our costs for the goods (this will include not only the cost price, but also our other expenses that we incur during the organization of the sale) without VAT and add 18 percent to this amount.

VAT calculation formulas

Let us first note that the formulas for calculating taxes are not so simple, especially for a person who is not used to dealing with mathematical equations. Therefore, there is more than one calculator that will calculate VAT or the amount excluding VAT for you. You can find them on the Internet, on specialized sites. You don’t need to learn how to use it, everything is extremely simple - there are a couple of fields for entering the amount and that’s it. For those who want to understand the algorithm for calculating the tax percentage, let’s look at the formulas in more detail.

VAT calculation formula

Let’s take the amount we know and denote it by the letter “X”. To understand how much VAT will be, we use a simple formula:


That is, if our amount of goods is equal to 100 thousand rubles, then the VAT accrued on it will be equal, based on the formula, to 18,000 rubles. This is how much we paid when purchasing goods from a supplier in order to ensure that he paid his value added tax.

Once again, if we want to buy jeans worth 100,000 rubles, we will either pay 118,000 rubles, because we will also need to include VAT (this is done by the supplier), or we will pay 100,000 rubles with VAT already included, and in fact we will buy smaller quantity of goods. Because in fact the price will be 84,745 rubles, 76 kopecks, and another 15,254.24 kopecks. - this is the VAT price for this amount, which is already included in the invoice for us by the supplier. You can open any VAT calculator on the Internet and check the calculation, but for now we’ll move on to the formula that will show us why it turns out to be 118 thousand.

Formula for calculating the amount including VAT

Amount - X.

Amount with tax - Khn.

Xn = X+X*18/100


That is, from our amount of 100,000 rubles, the amount including VAT will be equal to 118,000 rubles. We have already described this above, that is, if we want to buy 10 pairs of jeans, we will actually have to pay 118 thousand, not 100, because the supplier will include VAT in the invoice.

Formula for calculating the amount excluding VAT

Amount including VAT = HN. You need to understand what the amount X will be equal to - the amount excluding VAT. To understand the formula, let’s remember the second formula, which calculated the amount including tax. And we enter the designation of the tax itself - it will be Y. Y, if the VAT is 18 percent = 18/100. Then the formulas will look like this:

Xn = X+Y*X

Xn = X*(1+Y)

From here we get that X = Xn/ (1+Y) = Xn / (1+0.18) = Xn / 1.18

We want to buy goods worth 100,000 rubles, but so that this figure already includes VAT, and at the same time understand how many rubles the true amount we pay for the goods, and not for the tax, will be. We use the calculation: Amount without VAT (X in this case) = 100,000 rubles (Xn) / 1.18 = 84,745 rubles with kopecks.

That is, if indeed one pair of jeans costs us 10 thousand rubles without VAT, then by paying only 100,000 rubles we will be able to purchase no more than 8 pairs from the supplier (there will be a little money left). Or, if we still spent 100,000 rubles and bought exactly 10 pairs, and VAT was already included in this amount, then a pair of jeans costs 10,000 rubles with VAT already included in it.

Tax credit and tax liability

We looked at the formulas, but how much should we pay to the budget for this tax, you ask. Let's finish off the topic with jeans and resolve this issue, and at the same time we will understand such components of the concepts of value added tax as credit and liability.

We still bought jeans for 118,000 rubles. Of which 18 thousand were paid as VAT for the supplier. We have an invoice from this supplier for our batch of jeans, where it is written in black and white that the price of the goods without VAT is 100,000 rubles, the amount of VAT is 18,000 rubles, and the total cost is 118,000 rubles.

Tax credit- this is the amount by which it will be possible to make a tax deduction from the tax liability at the end of the reporting period - that is, reduce the amount of tax we pay to the budget. And what we will have to pay to the budget is - tax liability.

In reality, we will subtract the VAT we have already paid from the amount of 118,000 rubles to form our price. That is, the amount will be the same 100 thousand rubles. Let's say, having included all other cost and expense factors, and adding the percentage of the desired profit, we got a price of 200,000 rubles. This is exactly how much our jeans will be sold for in our store to the end consumer. And it is from this amount that our tax liability will be deducted - that is, the tax that we must pay to the budget.

From 200 thousand rubles, according to the formula or calculator, it turns out that VAT is equal to 36,000 rubles. This is our tax liability. But! After all, we also have documents that confirm our tax credit of 18,000 rubles (that is, the fact that we have already paid 18 thousand in the form of value added tax). This means that we can subtract 18 thousand already paid from 36 thousand. In total, we will get 18 thousand rubles, which we will pay after selling all 10 pairs of jeans (let’s say this happened in one reporting period).

From 200 thousand rubles, 18,000 went to the budget in the form of tax. But we must not forget that our supplier also paid his 18 thousand into the budget, which he received from us when purchasing the jeans initially.

Types of VAT

As mentioned above, there are a number of goods and services that are not subject to this tax. Therefore, we can talk about the existence of a zero rate. These are exports of goods, products of the space business niche, gas and oil transportation niches and some other types of goods. Regulates the list of such positions of the Russian Federation.

There is also a list of trade names that are subject to a ten percent tax. These are mainly food products - meat, vegetables, dairy products. It also includes children's clothing, children's furniture and more. Again, the list is quite large; it is better to familiarize yourself with it in person in the tax code if this issue interests you.

Well, the rate of 18 percent is the most popular. You can meet her almost everywhere.

Transactions subject to VAT

  • Import of any product
  • Any work on the construction of buildings without concluding a contract
  • Transfer of services and goods for personal use, the costs of which are not taken into account when calculating tax.

Which processes are not subject to VAT?

  • The work of government bodies, which relates to its direct responsibilities.
  • The process of purchase and privatization of municipal and state-owned enterprises.
  • Investment.
  • Sale of land plots.
  • Transfer of money to enterprises operating on a non-profit basis.

VAT calculation methods

  1. Subtraction. In this option, the tax is imposed on the full amount of revenue, and from this amount the VAT payable for the purchase of materials for the product or service is calculated.
  2. Addition. In this case, VAT is imposed at a fixed rate according to the tax base. It is made up of the added value of each type of product sold.

So, while the second option is difficult to implement, because there are often very many such individual items, the first option is used much more often.

VAT reporting

It seems that it has become a little clearer what value added tax is, where it comes from, how it is calculated and who pays it. However, you still need to report to the FSN authorities for it. Let's figure out how this is done.

The first thing you need to know is that you need to report quarterly. Moreover, the deadline is until the 25th of the post-reporting month. Otherwise, ugly fines await.

Important! If you send a VAT report by mail, then take into account the filing date - this is the date that will be stamped on the letter.

Example: It took 10 days from the post office where you sent a registered letter with your declaration to the tax office itself. Sent on the 18th, arrived on the 28th. Will it be considered that you submitted the report late? The answer is no. After all, the 18th number will appear on the stamp of the letter.

Tax deductions

In the case of value added tax, deductions are considered to be the amount of tax that is presented for payment by the supplier of the goods. The tax that will go to the budget from you will be reduced by this figure.

But there are some nuances that you need to know and understand. This concerns the conditions for the tax authorities to accept these deductions. Three rules must be followed:

  1. The product itself, which you purchased for the purpose of subsequent sale, is subject to VAT.
  2. The company has all supporting documents, including a correctly executed invoice.
  3. The goods that were purchased went through the accounting procedure.

And only after these conditions are met, the company will be able to accept the entire amount of payments as a deduction at the end of the tax period. Naturally, if all procedures were taxable.


This document will reflect several amounts. Firstly, the cost of the goods without VAT. Secondly, the final amount includes VAT.

An invoice is provided for the goods sold to the client. This must be done within 5 days. All documentation is filed and noted in the sales book.

It happens that the audit makes a decision to cross out all calculated deductions and charge unpaid VAT. This can happen if there are errors on the invoice. And it’s not so difficult to allow them, because the invoice is issued by the counterparty, not the taxpayer.

Bottom line

Knowing what VAT is is important for anyone. Knowing how to calculate it is important for those who are directly involved in filling out documents and submitting reports to the tax department. Being unaccustomed to doing this using formulas is difficult and tedious. Therefore, to check yourself and your counterparties, there are many electronic resources where you can find a VAT calculator that will calculate it for you in two clicks. The main thing is to remember that attentiveness is an important component in the matter of VAT, and you cannot be late in submitting your reports to the tax office.

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