Topic my day in Chinese. About Russia in Chinese

Greetings to blog readers.

Useful application for reading Chinese texts

Before we start reading them, I strongly advise you to install one useful application for the Google Chome browser, which will greatly help us in reading Chinese texts - Zhongwen: A Chinese-English Popup Dictionary (you can install it in Chrome.

So, how can this application help us?

  • Firstly, it combines hieroglyphs by meaning - it’s incredibly convenient!
  • Secondly, it provides instant online translation.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this program is that it only provides translation from Chinese into English.

Where can I get reading texts?

I think it's best for beginners to start with simple texts. Dialogues on social networks, such as Facebook, are best suited for this purpose.


The main advantage of reading such texts is that you get the “living” Chinese language, in which native Chinese speakers communicate in real life.

For example, I quite often read posts and dialogues of my Taiwanese Facebook friends, for example:


What do you think is written here? I added the photo as a hint. Don't forget to use the installed Zhongwen program!

Or here is another text that is associated with a past birthday:

謝謝大家的生日祝福,覺得很開心能收到大家的祝福,也看到好多好久不見的朋友,很多曾經的美好經歷也浮上心頭,雖然過生日的感覺已從以前的oh YA? NO...的你!:)

Lyrics from songs

Songs are also a great source of new words from expressions, so they should also be used to the maximum. On my own behalf I would like to recommend this site. It's in English, but it has a huge collection of Chinese songs with lyrics.

Also, it is possible to select a Chinese song according to the character difficulty rating, ranging from 1 (lowest difficulty) to 10 points.

News – reading for “advanced”

If the methods suggested above seem too easy to you or your level of Chinese already allows you to read fluently, then you can try reading the news. For example, you can go here - this is Taiwan news.

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Topic: China

It has many characteristics, which single it out from the other countries. First this is the most populated country and because of this reason there is a big number of the Chinese, who move to other countries and settle there. China also belongs to a small number of states governed by the Communists. Its area is more than nine million square kilometers and it is the fourth largest country on our planet. The territory of this state is regarded as the cradle of our civilization, which appeared on the shores of the third-longest Yellow River located in Asia. Another superior characteristic of China is its most complex and largest economy, and it will not be a surprise for someone that this is the world’s greatest exporter of goods. One more superlative form will be used to describe the army of the state, as being a nuclear weapon country, there is the largest standing army and the defense budget is rated number two in the whole world. Is not it interesting to know more about China?

China is a very unique country, famous all over the world. It has many characteristics that make it stand out from other countries. Firstly, it is the most populated country in the world and for this reason there are a large number of Chinese who move to other countries and settle there. China is also one of a small number of communist-led states. Its area exceeds 9 million square kilometers and it is the fourth largest country on the planet. The territory of the state is considered the cradle of our civilization, which arose on the banks of the third longest river, the Yellow River, which is located in Asia. Another excellent characteristic of China is that it has the most sophisticated and largest economy, and it is not surprising that it is the world's largest exporter of goods. Another superlative form would be used to describe the army of a state, since it is a nuclear-armed Syrian, has the largest standing army, and has the second largest defense budget in the entire world. Isn't it interesting to learn more about China?

China has got an official name and is called the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the capital of it is Beijing. The state is located in East Asia, is divided into 22 provinces, 2 special self-governing administrative regions and 4 direct-controlled municipalities. and has diplomatic relations with more than 170 states. The biggest Chinese cities are Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and others. China is a socialist communist state with numerous restrictions. The power and authority over the state belong to the General Secretary of the CPC, who is the President of China as well. Due to the decentralization of the political system provinces have a good amount of autonomy. Though there is a great disadvantage in the country with one of the lowest indexes of press freedom. The other fascinating indexes are a rather low unemployment rate, the speed with which almost 50 percent of its population was pulled out of poverty, a strict policy of family planning etc.

China is officially called the People's Republic of China (PRC) and its capital is Beijing. The state is located in East Asia and is divided into 22 provinces, 2 special self-governing administrative regions and 4 cities of central subordination. The country borders 14 countries and has diplomatic relations with more than 170 states. The largest Chinese cities are Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and others. China is a socialist and communist state with many restrictions. The power and authority over the state lies in the hands of the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, who is also the president of the country. Thanks to the decentralization of the political system, the provinces gained explicit autonomy. Although the country has a big drawback - one of the lowest rates of press freedom. Other staggering indicators are the fairly low unemployment rate, the speed at which almost 50% of the population has been lifted out of poverty, strict family planning policies, etc.

The location of China is very pleasant due to a variety of landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. The climate of China differs greatly because of complex topography, but in general it can be characterized as cold and dry in winter and warm and wet in summer. The coastal areas of the East China Sea as well as the Yellow Sea are covered with plains. The north of the country is predominantly covered with grassland. Southern and western territories are mountainous with the tallest Mount Everest, which is located on the border. As a result China is home to the enormous number of different species of animals and plants. But clear-cutting and expanding desserts shrink the habitats of the animals, so the Chinese government has founded more than 1200 reserves in order to protect the species under threat.

The location of the country is very favorable due to the diversity of landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. The climate in China varies considerably due to its complex topography, but in general it can be described as cold and dry in winter and warm and humid in summer. The coastal area of ​​the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea is covered with plains. The north of the country is predominantly covered with pastures. The southern and western territories are mountainous, with the world's tallest Mount Everest located on the country's border. As a result, it is home to a huge number of different species of animals and plants. But deforestation and the expansion of deserts have reduced the animals' habitat, so the Chinese government has created more than 1,200 nature reserves to protect endangered species.

The infrastructure of this country is quite developed. More than two thirds of the population is cellphone users, and the Internet users number is also quite large. The transportation of the country is also developing very quickly. New highways, expressways, bridges and tunnels appear annually. Cars, trains and bicycles are the most popular means of transport. The urban mass transit system is the busiest and longest on Earth. The number of the airports is not that big for such a country, but the speed of the construction of the new ones is impressive.

The state's infrastructure is quite developed. More than two-thirds of the population are mobile phone users, and the number of Internet users is also quite large. Transport in the country is also developing very quickly. New highways, expressways, bridges and tunnels appear every year. Cars, trains and bicycles are the most popular means of transportation. City public transport is the busiest and longest on Earth. The number of airports is not very large for such a country, but the speed of construction of new ones is impressive.

The culture of China is influenced by the history of the country, especially by Confucianism. Local art, architecture, literature, music, fashion are incomparably unique and sparkle interest of the tourists from different countries. The republic is also the third most visited state by people from abroad and has a developed domestic tourism. The Chinese have their own musical instruments, all faces of arts including fine art, folk and performance art. It is impossible to omit martial arts as Kung Fu is well-known all over the world. Another aspect that attracts thousands of visitors is Chinese cuisine. It units 8 major cuisines and has its special features: unusual ingredients, herbs, cooking methods. And leaving the country each person tries to buy some legendary Chinese tea, as some examples of it can not only surprise with its taste, but also with its view.

China's culture is influenced by the country's history, especially Confucianism. Local art, architecture, literature, music, fashion are incomparably unique and attract the interest of tourists from all over the world. China is the third most visited country by tourists from abroad and has developed domestic tourism. The Chinese have their own musical instruments, all facets of art including Fine Art, Folk Art and Performance Art. It is impossible to omit martial arts as Kung Fu is famous all over the world. Another aspect that attracts thousands of visitors is Chinese cuisine. It unites 8 main cuisines and has its own characteristics: unusual ingredients, herbs, cooking methods. When leaving the country, every person tries to buy the legendary Chinese tea, since some examples of it can surprise not only with their taste, but also with their appearance.

China is much more often called a country with a superpower status and many researches consider it to have the prominent global role. But not everyone definitely knows what a rich country it is, as the population of it is not rather wealthy. Mentioning the name of the country different people will associate it with various things: some of them can remember the abundance of Chinese manufactures, the others will definitely mention Chinese wall, a dragon, Jackie Chan or people with narrow eyes. It completely differs from the developed countries of our world and can be a great example to follow for the developing countries – but what is the core of its success? The unambiguous answer to this question could be interesting for many people, but there are too many options…

China is much more often referred to as a country with superpower status and many researchers believe that it plays a significant role on the world stage. But not everyone knows for sure that in such a rich country the population is not quite wealthy. Mentioning the name of a country, different people will associate it with a variety of things: some may remember the abundance of Chinese manufacturing, others will definitely mention the Chinese Wall, the dragon, Jackie Chan or people with narrow eyes. It is completely different from the developed countries of our world and can be a great role model for developing countries - but what is the essence of its success? A clear answer to this question may be of interest to many people, but there are too many options.

An introductory article about Russia will help tourists who are planning a trip to Russia. A story about the sights of Russia in Chinese, video and photo gallery.

Russia is the largest country in the world. Its territory extends for 10 thousand kilometers from the westernmost point in the Kaliningrad region to Chukotka in the East. Traveling from South to North, from the border with Azerbaijan to Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula, will require covering 4 thousand kilometers.

Russia is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans and has access to the Baltic, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, as well as the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The length of the Russian coastline is almost 40 thousand kilometers, which also puts Russia in first place in the world in this indicator.

The Russian Federation borders on 18 countries. One of the longest border areas is the border with China. Its length is more than 4000 kilometers.

Russia's population is approaching 150 million people. This is the first place in Europe and ninth place in the world. At the same time, almost 80 percent of Russians live in the European part of Russia, which makes up only 25 percent of the entire territory. Almost three-quarters of Russia's residents live in cities. 15 Russian cities have a population of over 1 million people.

The history of Russia is impressive! Russian historical and cultural heritage dates back at least one thousand years. It is generally accepted that Russia’s contribution to the development of world civilization is enormous. The whole world knows the works of Russian writers, composers and artists, the creations of architects, the achievements of scientists, discoverers and inventors. Tourists visiting Russia have the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with authentic works of art, unique architectural masterpieces and other heritage of Russians of global importance.

Tourism in Russia for foreigners has almost limitless possibilities. Ancient cities, numerous museums and exhibition halls, unique natural and architectural attractions, traditional holidays and festivals, Russian cuisine, which has absorbed the culinary traditions of many nations, seaside and health resorts attract more than 25 million tourists from different countries every year.

The state especially notes the tourism industry as actively developing. Currently in Russia there is a program for financing tourism development, into which considerable funds are being invested. In many regions of Russia, special tourist economic zones have already been created and are being created, infrastructure is being improved, roads, hotels, train stations and sea and river ports are being built.

26 sites in Russia are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This, of course, is Red Square.

Church of the Ascension in the Kolomenskoye estate in Moscow.

Novodevichy Convent in the capital.

The architectural ensemble of the Trotse-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region.

Historical center of St. Petersburg.

Monuments of Novgorod and surrounding areas

Sights of Vladimir and Suzdal

Cultural and historical ensemble "Solovetsky Islands" in the Arkhangelsk region

Kizhi in Karelia

Lake Baikal in Buryatia and Irkutsk region.

And also the Kazan Kremlin and the Bulgar Architectural and Historical Complex in Tatarstan, the Curonian Spit in Kaliningrad, the Derbent fortresses in Dagestan, the Altai Mountains, the Usunur Basin in the Tyva Republic, the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the Ferapontov Monastery in the Volgograd region, the Caucasus Mountains in the Republic of Adygea, the historical center of Yaroslavl, the Lena Pillars in the Sakha Republic, the virgin forests of the Komi Republic and Wrangel Island in Chukotka, part of the famous Struve Arc and the Putorana Plateau in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Of course, in Russia there are many places not yet marked by UNESCO that should be seen, perhaps even more than once. Since the times of the Soviet Union, there have been routes that are usually offered to tourists. Most of them come to Moscow and most often have one week or even less time at their disposal. This means that you can have time to see the capital of Russia itself, St. Petersburg, which is traditionally called the second capital, and, if everything is organized well, one or two more cities near Moscow. Such, for example, as Sergiev Posad.

If tourists have more time, accordingly, great prospects open up for them. The route along the so-called “Golden Ring” of Russia is considered traditional. Ancient cities located around Moscow. It includes:

Sergiev Posad


Rostov Veliky




Of course, there are still many interesting places in Russia accessible to travelers who have a lot of time and (or) travel around the Eastern part of Russia. Historically, the vast territorial spaces of Russia were developed thanks to the gradual advancement of the country's inhabitants from West to East. Of course, the cities of Siberia and the Far East are younger than the cities of the European part of Russia, but they certainly also deserve the attention of tourists. In addition, Russia is famous for its beautiful natural attractions, of which, of course, there are many in the less developed parts of the country.

China is the one of the largest countries in the world. The total area of ​​the country is over a million square kilometers. As for population, China is the first country in the world. Over one billion people live there. It means that one out of every five people in the whole world is Chinese. China is a great country, only it has a man-made object which is visible from outer space - The Great Wall.

China has a recorded history of nearly four thousand years. It was a monarchy till 1949 when Mao Tse Tung became a head of the state. Since that year China has been a Socialist Republic. In 1976 China started the Cultural Revolution. It finished when Mao died.

Doors are now open to the rest of the world. And you can even come to China to study there. Some words about China"s education system. First of all, all foreign students will have to share a room with one Chinese student, which is very common. Days start very early, so they"ll have to get up at about six o" clock. There are morning exercises in the open air, and they will be invited to join. The breakfast is at about six thirty. The classes will probably be in English and Chinese, they begin at seven thirty. Lunch is at twelve, and then more until classes six. After school day students usually go to the cinema. In fact it is very difficult to get tickets. People also like to go for a walk, to play cards or just to sit outside talking. The air in the streets is not polluted, because there are few cars but literally millions of bicycles.

Chinese food is legendary that is why you can find it in most cities in the world, and people like it very much. If you want to visit China you will have to get a visa. There are in fact many cities that you can visit with just the ordinary visa, and others that you need to get a visa from the local police station to go to. Now there is a very good train service and also an internal air service, but I think that it will be better if you travel by trains because you will see so much more of the country. And I also think that China is worth seeing. You will never forget it if you visit it.


China is one of the largest countries in the world. The total area of ​​the country is more than a million square kilometers. In terms of population, China is the first country in the world. More than one billion people live there. This means that one out of every five people around the world is Chinese. China is a great country, only it has a man-made object that is visible from space - the Great Wall of China.

The history of China goes back almost four thousand years. It was a monarchy until 1949, when Mao Zedong became head of state. From this year, China became a Socialist Republic. In 1976, China began the Cultural Revolution. It ended when Mao died.

The country's doors are now open to the rest of the world. And you can even come to China to study. A few words about the Chinese education system. First of all, all international students will have to share a room with a Chinese student, which is very common. The days start very early, so they will have to get up at six o'clock. Morning exercise is done outdoors and they will be invited to join in. Breakfast at six thirty. Classes will probably be in English and Chinese and start at seven thirty. Lunch at twelve, and then more classes until six. After the school day, students usually go to the cinema. It's actually very difficult to get tickets. People also like to go for a walk, play cards or just sit outside talking. The air in the streets is not polluted because there are few cars, but there are literally millions of bicycles.

Chinese cuisine is legendary, which is why it can be found in most cities in the world, and people love it. If you want to visit China you must obtain a visa. There are actually many cities that can only be visited with a regular visa, but there are others for which you need to obtain a visa from your local police station. Nowadays there is very good service on trains and also domestic aviation, but I think it will be better if you travel by train because you will see so much more. And I also think China is worth watching. You will never forget China if you visit this country.

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