Social studies tests for university applicants. Entrance test program in social studies

Social science - Entrance tickets with answers - 2004.

This file contains material necessary and sufficient to pass the entrance test in social studies to the humanities faculties of universities.

1.1. Society as a complex dynamic system:
1.2. Sciences that study society:
1.3. Development of views on society:
1.4. Society and nature:
1.6. Spheres of social life and their interrelation:
1.7. Development of society, its sources and driving forces:
1.8. Formation:
1.9. Civilization:
1.10. Traditional Society:
1.11. Industrial society:
1.12. Information society:
1.13. Scientific and technological revolution and its social consequences:
1.14. Global problems (addition to the report)

2. Human:
2.1. Human:
2.2. Natural and social factors about human development:
2.3. Personality and socialization of the individual:
2.4. Human existence:
2.5. Creation:
2.6. The purpose and meaning of human life:
2.7. Personality, its socialization and education:
2.8. Self-knowledge, behavior, freedom and responsibility of the individual:
2.9. Human inner world. Conscious and unconscious:
2.10. Knowledge of the world: sensual and rational, true and false:
2.11. The variety of forms of human knowledge. Scientific knowledge:
2.12. Sciences that study man

3. Economic sphere:
3.1. The economic sphere of society, the relationship of its main elements:
3.2. Metrics of economic activity:
3.3. Factors of production:
3.4. Impact of scientific and technological revolution on the economy:
3.5. Economic systems:
3.6. The essence of the market, types of markets and the relationship between them:
3.7. Law of demand. Law of supply:
3.8. Money:
3.9. Inflation:
3.10. Competition:
3.11. Market infrastructure:
3.12. Entrepreneurship:
3.13. Profit:
3.14. Company:
3.14. Labor Relations:
3.15. Formation and distribution of income of various population groups:
3.16. Living wage. Family budget:
3.17. Open economy:
3.18. Closed economy:
3.19. Market mechanism and government regulation:
3.20. The state budget:
3.21. Tax policy:
3.21. Money-credit policy:
3.22. World economy:
3.23. Economic reforms in Russia. Main directions of economic policy of the Russian government

4. Political sphere:
4.1. Power, its origin and types:
4.2. Policy. Politic system:
4.3. State (signs, functions, forms):
4.4. The structure of the government apparatus in accordance with the branches of government in democratic countries:
4.5. Legislature:
4.6. Executive power and its functions:
4.7. Judicial authorities:
4.8. State forms:
4.9. Forms of national government:
4.10. Electoral systems:
4.11. Political ideology:
4.12. Political regimes:
4.13. Political Party:
4.14. Social movements:
4.15. Main features of civil society:
4.16. Political pluralism:
4.17. Local government:
4.18. Constitutional state:
4.19. Political life of modern Russia:
4.20. Political culture

5. Legal area:
5.1. Law in the system of social norms:
5.2. Law and Morality:
5.3. Law, legal acts and sources of law:
5.4. Constitutional state:
5.5. Legal system, main branches, institutions, relations:
5.6. Public and private law:
5.7. Offenses:
5.8. Legal liability and its types

6. Basic concepts and rules of law:
6.1. Constitutional (state) law:
6.2. Administrative law:
6.3. Civil law:
6.4. Labor law:
6.5. Criminal law:
6.6. Human rights. International human rights documents:
6.7. Legal culture

7. Social sphere:
7.1. Social relationships and interactions:
7.2. Social structure and its main elements:
7.3. Diversity of social groups:
7.4 Social mobility
7.5 Social norms, deviant behavior
7.6 Social conflicts
7.7. Family as a social institution and social group
7.8 Youth as a social group
7.9 Ethnic communities. Interethnic relations
7.10. Social status of the individual and social group:
7.11. Main directions of state social policy

8. Spiritual and moral sphere:
8.1. Culture and spiritual life:
8.2. Forms and varieties of culture:
8.3. Religion as a cultural phenomenon:
8.4. World religions:
8.5 Freedom of conscience:
8.6 Science. Its role in the development of society. The main features of modern science:
8.7 Education:
8.8 Self-education:
8.9. Art:
8.10 Morality, its basic norms and values:
8.11 Trends in the spiritual life of modern Russia:
8.12 Main directions of state policy in the field of culture

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1. Mobility

a) Decrease (fall) in the purchasing power of money

2. Social institution

B) The desire, intention of buyers, consumers to purchase a given product, supported by monetary opportunity.

3. Inflation

c) influence based on law or tradition, i.e. non-physical influence exerted on other people within the limits of law or custom

4. Demand

d) The totality of social movements of people, i.e. changes in their status.

5. Power

e) A historically established, stable form of organizing joint activities, regulated by norms, traditions, customs and aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society.

2. Society in the broad sense of the word is:

a) human habitation area

b) human history

c) a set of forms of association of people

d) productive forces

3. Social studies is

a) science

b) academic discipline

c) a complex of sciences about society and man

d) sphere of natural science knowledge

e) sphere of humanitarian knowledge

4. Man differs from animals in the presence

a) language

b) mind

c) consciousness

d) work activity

e) thinking

5. Identity is possible (Identify the wrong answer)

a) no morals

b) stateless

c) without responsibility

d) without a higher education diploma

6. Man and society

7. Morality in religion is based

a) on the mind

b) on faith

c) in debt

d) at large

8. The goal of a developed religion is to achieve

c) salvation of the soul

d) knowledge of the world

e) control of the forces of nature

9. Monotheistic religions include
a) Hinduism
b) Islam
c) Buddhism
d) paganism

a) good
b) justice
c) conscience
d) benefit
d) love

11. Morality comes from following.
a) interests of the authorities
b) public opinion
c) animism
d) horoscope
d) the inner “I” of a person

12. Polytheistic religions include
a) Christianity
b) Hinduism
c) Islam
d) Judaism

13. Morality is inconsistent
a) with religion
b) with philosophy
c) with science
d) with laws
d) apolitical

14. Denial of the existence of all kinds of supernatural forces, rejection of religious beliefs is called _________

15. An integral part of rational knowledge is:

a) perception;

b) inference;

c) presentation;

d) sensation.

16. There is:
a) five senses;
b) seven senses;
c) four senses;
d) nine senses.

17. Inference is:
a) a form of thinking that reflects objects in their essential features;
b) a form of thinking in which a person expresses a thing in its connections and relationships;
c) a form of thinking through which from one or more judgments
a new judgment is derived;
d) reflection of individual properties and qualities of an object in the surrounding world, which directly affect the senses.

18. Boundaries between spheres of public life:
a) are strictly defined once and for all;
b) completely conditional;
c) mobile;
d) can be installed arbitrarily.

19. Morality to relate to norms:
a) economic;
b) political;
c) cultural;
d) legal.

20. Religion is:

a) belief in the supernatural;

b) faith in the good Absolute;

c) the desire in life for unlimited improvement, purification and salvation;

d) a special type of spiritual knowledge;

e) the desire to understand the world in its cause and effect relationships.

Identify the wrong answer.

Option 2

1. Sociology

A) a set of forms of association of people

2. Individuality

b) a complex of sciences about society and man

3. Society

c) the science of society, interaction of social groups, social structure

4. Taboo

5. Social studies

e) prohibitions that existed during the period of primitive society and were supported by the fear of religious retribution.

2. One of the main spheres of social life is:

b ) spiritual culture of society

c) public relations

d) commodity-money relations

3. Social studies studies:

a) external civilizations

b) humanity in its essence and integrity

c) various societies (Russian, American, etc.)

d) small groups and communities of people (by interests, profession, etc.)

4. The predecessor of man is:

a) monkey

b ) humanoid creature

c) spiritual substance

d) representatives of extraterrestrial civilization

5. Spiritual knowledge is:

a) self-knowledge

b) natural knowledge of the world

c) mysticism

d) search for the meaning of existence

6. Personality is formed:

a) as a result of the birth of a person

b) in the process of education and socialization

c) as a result of spiritual development

d) in the process of self-knowledge

7. Superstitions can be mixed with:

A) scientific worldview

b) religious worldview

c) philosophical worldview

d) establishing cause and effect relationships.

8. Morality arose:

A) along with the emergence of society

b) along with the emergence of political and legal thought

c) with the emergence of the rule of law and a democratic regime

d) together with philosophy and developed religion.

9. The national religion is

a) Buddhism

b) Christianity

c) Islam

d) Judaism

10. Conscience can be interpreted as:

a) a set of universal human values

b) values ​​and ideals internalized by individuals

V) the ability to navigate moral principles and act in accordance with them.

d) the individual’s awareness of his rights and freedoms.

11. Culture in its most general form is understood

a) the level of education of a person

b) all transformative human activities

c) production and use of tools

d) adaptation of developed living organisms to the surrounding reality.

12. The world religion is

a) Buddhism

b) Hinduism

c) Shintoism

d) Judaism

13. Moral personality is inevitably formed as a result

a) socialization
b) education

c) introduction to religion
G) inner spiritual development
e) knowledge of society and nature

14. Totemism in ancient society was determined by the need:
a) names of the world
b) ensuring the unity of the tribe or clan

V) earning a living
d) intimidating the performances of other tribes.

15. Experiment, experience, practice are ways of knowing
a) sensual;
b) rational;
c) scientific

16. The main sources of information are:

A) vision
b) hearing
c) taste

d) touch

17. Presentation is:
a) a holistic reflection of objects and phenomena when exposed to the senses;
b) a thought reflecting the essential, general properties, characteristics of an object or phenomenon;

c) a thought that affirms or denies something through the connection of concepts;
d) this is a conclusion from several logical related judgments

18. Morality is:
a) the need to act accordingly due to external circumstances;
b) execution of laws

c) following the traditions accepted in society;
d) following the behests of ancestors;
e) internal self-regulation of human behavior.

19. Basic science for society is:

a) philosophy;
b) sociology;
c) history;
d) cultural studies.

20. Art satisfies needs:

a) material;

b) cognitive;

c) intellectual;

d) aesthetic.

Option 3

1 . Match the concept and definition.

1. Sociology

A) the science of the everyday and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world.

2. Ethnography

b) science that studies the past of mankind.

3. Psychology

c) a science that studies relations of dominance and subordination.

4. History

d) science that studies the behavior of animals and humans.

5. Political science

e) the science of society, the interaction of social groups, social structure.

2. The relationship between nature and society is characterized by:

a) the subordination of nature to society

b) mutual independence of nature and society

IN) mutual influence of nature and society

D) complete subordination of society to nature

3. Society appears for the first time:

A) in the animal world

b) together with the person

c) with civilization

d) culture

e) existed before the emergence of culture and civilization

4. Individuality is:

a) only a developed personality

b) an individual in society

c) a developed individual who has demonstrated his characteristics, inclinations and talents

G) specific manifestation of human social, spiritual and psychological


e) biological characteristics of a person

5. Spiritual knowledge answers the question

And what?

b) why?

c) why?

d) how?

d) for what?

6. Religion arose:

A ) together with man and society

b) with the formation of civilization

c) in the “axial time” (VIII – II centuries BC)

d) the beginnings of religion also exist in the animal world.

a) good

b) justice

c) conscience

d) benefit

d) love

8. Man and society:

a) a person is primary in relation to society

b) society is primary in relation to man

c) man and society are mutually conditioned

d) society and people develop independently of each other

9. Orthodoxy became the state religion of the Old Russian state in

a) 882g

b) 988g

c) 1058g

d) 1380g

10. A form of religion associated with faith, the possibility of influencing objects through a spell, is:

a) witchcraft

b) animism

c) totemism

d) magic

11. The goal of a developed religion is to achieve:

a) material well-being

b) social status and importance

c) salvation of the soul

d) knowledge of the world

e) control of the forces of nature.

12. Conscience can be defined as:

a) the values ​​and ideals of society, acquired by the individual in the process of socialization.

c) the ability of an individual to distinguish between good and evil and make a choice in favor of good.

G) subjective awareness by an individual of his rights and freedoms.

13. In the Russian Federation the state religion is:

a) Christianity

b) Islam

c) Buddhism

G) none of the religions

14. In Buddhism, the state of perfect peace and unity with the cosmos is called ______

15. The subject of knowledge of society is

a) planet;
b) flora;
c) person.

16.Perception is:

A) reflection of individual properties and qualities of objects in the surrounding world, which directly affect the senses.
b) reflection of objects and their properties that directly affect the organs
feelings in the form of a holistic image;
c) sensory reflection in the form of an image of objects or phenomena that persists
in consciousness after the end of direct impact on the senses;
d) a form of thinking that reflects objects in their essential features.

17. The methods of scientific knowledge are (Determine the incorrect answer):

a) observation;

b) induction;
c) deduction;
d) guess.

18. Man is the object of study:

a) natural sciences;
b) exact sciences;

V) humanities;
d) technical sciences

19. State symbols include (identify the wrong answer):
a) language;
b) coat of arms
c) flag
d) anthem

a) Julius Caesar

b) Alexander the Great;

c) Napoleon;

d) Socrates.

Option 4

1. Establish correspondence between concepts and definitions.

1. Society

A) a complex of sciences about society and man

2. Individuality

b) A historically established, stable form of organizing joint activities, regulated by norms, traditions, customs and aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society.

The science of everyday and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world.

3. Social institution

c) the science of the everyday and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world.

4. Social studies

d) a specific manifestation of human social, spiritual and psychological characteristics.

5. Ethnography

e) a set of forms of association of people

2. Spiritual knowledge is:

a) mysticism

b) search for the meaning of existence

c) self-knowledge

d) natural knowledge of the world.

3. Christianity split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism in:

a) 554 c) 1254

b) 1054 d) 1554

4. Toward the media not applicable:

a) newspaper

b) radio

c) book

d) television

5. The need for knowledge about yourself, about the world around you, about the meaning and purpose of your life is:

a) cognition

b) intelligence

c) belief

d) worldview

6. The army, police, intelligence services, courts, penal systems are signs of... a power resource

a) economic

b) power

c) social

d) informational

7. The most common method of collecting empirical information in sociology is:

a) observation

b) interview

c) experiment

d) survey

8. The process of cognition in which a person makes himself the subject of study is called:

a) self-education

b) self-knowledge

c) self-realization

d) self-control.

9. Types of material culture include... culture

a) economic

b) moral

c) aesthetic

d) political

10. Polytheistic religions include:

a) Hinduism

b) Islam

c) Buddhism

d) paganism

11. One of the main areas of social life is:

a) the productive forces of society

b ) economic sphere

c) public relations

d) commodity-money relations

12. Readiness for necessity, the obligation to give someone an account of one’s actions is:

a) worldview

b) belief

c) responsibility

d) initiative.

13. World religion is:

a) Shintoism

b) Adventism

c) Islam

d) Protestantism

14. Activity is always (determine the wrong answer):

a) purposeful;

b) biologically specified;

c) goal-setting;

d) conscious

15. Identify the type of cognition that has the following features:

a) striving for objectivity;

b) the special significance of the experiment;

c) following the theory;

d) the predominance of logical and mathematical research methods.

16. The society is:

a) the sum of people;

b) the totality of social relations;

c) a way of organizing human life;

d) association of living beings.

17. The basic science for social studies is:

a) philosophy;

b) sociology;

c) history;

d) cultural studies.

18. Man, according to modern ideas, is a creature:

a) biological;

b) social;

c) spiritual;

d) biosocial.

19. Art is necessary to achieve the following goals (determine the wrong answer):

a) have a nice time;

b) knowledge;

c) spiritual development;

d) realization of human creative needs and capabilities.

20. Scientific knowledge uses (determine the wrong answer):

a) induction;

b) deduction;

c) imagination;

d) analysis.

Option 5

1. Establish correspondence between public institutions and spheres of public life

1. State

A) social

2. Family

b) spiritual

3. Banking system

c) political

4. Education

d) economic

2. What sphere of society does religion, science, education represent?

a) economic

b) social

c) political

d) spiritual

3. What is the hallmark of science?

a) appeal to supernatural forces;

b) the desire to achieve objective truth;

c) impact on people’s emotions;

4. The social essence of a person determines his need for

a) breathing

b) nutrition

c) self-preservation

d) self-realization

5. Society in the narrow sense means:
a) the whole world around a person
b) all forms of human interaction
c) morality
d) sports club

6. What concept is used to characterize a person as an individual representative of the entire human race?
a) individuality
b) citizen
c) individual
d) personality

7. What example characterizes a person as a person?
a) Lena has dark hair and brown eyes.
b) Igor runs fast.
c) Tatyana has difficulty seeing the notes on the board from the last desk.
d) Julia follows a diet and does gymnastics every day to lose weight.

8. Which of the following features is characteristic only of human activity?
a) creative character
b) cooperative nature
c) instinctive character
d) instrumental character

9. The structure of society is represented by social communities and groups in the diversity of their connections. Which social group is identified based on professional characteristics?

a) passengers

b) men

c) townspeople

d) engineers

10. A human need that is not related to his nature as a biological being

a) in food

b) in motion

c) in preserving the species

d) in knowledge

11. What science studies the origin and content of moral norms?

a) ethics

b) linguistics

c) literary criticism

d) aesthetics

12. The spiritual sphere of society’s life directly relates to:

a) adoption of a labor code;

b) introduction of rules to facilitate the opening of small businesses;

c) holding a poetry competition;

d) urban population growth

13. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted:

14. Which of the concepts does not belong to the concept of “spiritual culture”?

a) values

b) creativity

c) factory

d) art

15. The growth of the educational level of the country’s population reflects the development of:

a) the economic sphere of society;

b) the social sphere of society;

c) political and legal sphere of society;

d) spiritual and moral sphere of society.

16. A person as a participant in social relations, as well as conscious activity, is called:

a) personality

b) an individual;

c) individuality;

17. A person’s manifestation of activity that is not stimulated from the outside is:

a) worldview

b) belief

c) responsibility

d) initiative

18. Concept is

a) a form of thinking that reflects objects in their essential features;

b) a form of thinking in which a person expresses a thing in its connections and relationships;

c) a form of thinking through which a new judgment is derived from one or more judgments;

d) reflection of individual properties and qualities of objects in the surrounding world that directly affect the senses

19. Object –

a) the one who carries out the activity;

b) what the activity is aimed at;

c) stable views on the world, ideals and principles;

d) the image that appears in consciousness and is expected as a result of a certain way of directed activity

20. Art, unlike other forms of culture:

a) based on belief in the supernatural,

b) performs the function of social management,

c) reflects reality in figurative and symbolic form,

d) comprehensively describes and explains events and phenomena.

Option 6

1. Establish correspondence between social relations and their definitions

1. production

a) arising in the process of managing society and the struggle for power

2. political

b) personal relationships associated with the birth and upbringing of children

3. marriage and family

c) develop in the process of production and distribution of material goods

4. international

d) between different groups

5. social

e) between representatives of different nations

2. Which of the following signs is NOT characteristic of a traditional society?

a) intensive methods of economics

b) close connection between society and the natural environment

c) the key role of customs and rituals as a regulator of social life

d) the interests of the collective are higher than the interests of the individual

3. Individuality is:

a) a single person

b) socially and spiritually developed person

c) a set of unique human qualities (memory, temperament, character, emotionality)

4. Physiological needs of a person do NOT include:

a) need for sleep

b) need for communication

c) need for shelter

d) need for food

5. Human material activities include:

a) creation of artistic values

b) making a scientific discovery

c) improvement of production technologies

6. Which science is superfluous in the list of sciences that have as their immediate subject the problem of man?

a) philosophical anthropology

b) economics

c) sociology

d) social psychology

7. Does not apply to manifestations reflecting everyday knowledge

a) edification

b) personal experience

c) tradition

d) experiment

8. What definition is missing in the following phrase: “Only human activity is characterized by ... character”?

a) instinctive

b) gun

c) joint

d) transformative

9. Perception is:

a) a form of rational knowledge,

b) a mental property inherent only to humans,

c) a form of sensory knowledge,

d) a way to explain the world

10. Which term “falls out” from these concepts characterizing art?

a) imagery,

b) emotionality,

c) fantasy

d) validity

11. Directed development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect, is...

a) regression;

b) fatalism;

c) progress;

d) mercantilism

12. A type of worldview, the distinctive feature of which is the development of a theoretically and factually substantiated picture of the world:

a) ordinary;

b) scientific;

c) religious;

d) humanistic

13. The subsystems of society as a system include:

a) economics;

b) trade union;

c) the class of entrepreneurs;

d) church.

14. Sensory knowledge of the world includes:

a) abstraction;

b) perception;

c) generalization;

d) comparison.

15. A sign of human activity that distinguishes it from the behavior of animals is:

a) manifestation of activity;

b) goal setting;

c) adaptation to the surrounding world;

d) interaction with nature

16. The set of norms that determine human behavior in society and are based on public opinion is called:

a) morality;

b) right;

c) cult;

d) dogma.

17. Everything that is created by man is collectively called:

a) society;

b) culture;

c) art;

d) society

18. Of the listed sciences, the knowledge of society as an integral dynamic system is concerned with:

a) psychology;

b) sociology;

c) political science;

d) cultural studies

19. Both humans and animals are capable of:

a) use natural objects;

b) make tools using tools;

c) transfer labor skills to the next generation;

d) be aware of your own needs

20. What relationships are primarily associated with the political sphere of society?

a) producers and consumers;

b) parties and the state;

c) parents and children;

d) writers and readers.


I option.

1 . 1 g; 2d; 3a; 4b; 5th century 2. V. 3 b, c. 4. a, b, c, d, e. 5. d. 6. c. 7. b. 8 . V. 9. b, c. 10. d. 11. d. 12. b. 13. d. 14. atheism. 15. b. 16. a. 17th century 18 . 19th century 20. d

Option II.

1. 1c; 2g; 3a; 4d; 5 B. 2. b. 3.b. 4. b. 5. a. 6. b. 7. a, b. 8. a. 9. g. 10. c. 11. b. 12. a. 13. d. 14. b.

15th century 16. a. 17. b. 18. d. 19. b. 20 . G.

III option.

1. 1d; 2a; 3g; 4b; 5th century 2. c. 3. b. 4. d. 5. d. 6 . A . 7. g. 8. c. 9. b. 10. year 11. century 12. year 13. year 14. nirvana.

15th century 16. b. .17. 18th century 19. a. 20. g.

IV option.

1. 1d, 2d, 3b, 4a, 5c. 2. c. 3. b. 4. c. 5. a. 6. b. 7. a. 8. b. 9. a. 10. a, d. 11. b. 12th century 13th century 14. b.

15. rational. 16. b, c. 17. b. 18. g. 19. a. 20. century

V option

1. 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b. 2. g. .3. b.4. G.5. G.6. V.7. G.8. A.9. G.10. G.11. A.12. V.13. G.14. V.15. G.16. A.17. G.18. A.19. b.20. V.

VI option.

1. 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5d.2. A.3. V.4. b. 5. V.6. b.7. G.8. G.9. V.10. G.11. V.12. b.13.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Yakut State University named after M.K. Ammosov

SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE TESTS (tests for applicants)

Yakutsk 2001 Approved

Scientific and Methodological Council of the University

Compiled by, teachers of the Faculty of YSU:

S.V.Ivanova, N.I.Burnasheva, A.A.Ivanova

© Yakut State University, 2001 Dear applicants!

The tests offered to you in this manual are based on the sample program for the entrance exam in social studies, developed by the Russian Ministry of Education.

According to the sample program, during the entrance examination in social studies, applicants must demonstrate knowledge of the main issues studied in the school social studies course and demonstrate the following abilities:

define basic concepts, pointing out the distinctive essential features of the objects displayed in this concept;

correctly use social science terms in oral or written speech;

name (list) the studied social phenomena and objects or their essential properties;

compare studied social objects;

explain (interpret) the studied social phenomena and processes, i.e. reveal their stable significant connections, both internal and external;

characterize the studied social objects and processes, indicate their characteristic features that are significant in any respect;

give your own examples, explain the studied theoretical and social norms using relevant facts;

evaluate the studied social objects and processes, express a judgment about their value, level or significance.

IN Currently, there is a huge amount of varied educational literature, methodological developments for applicants taking the exam in the subject of “social studies”. Among them are:

Firstly, textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education for preparation for the “Social Studies” course:

1. Introduction to social studies: Textbook for grades 8-9/ed.

L.N. Bogolyubova. - M.: Education, 1996, 1997.

2. Sokolov Ya.V. Civics: Textbooks for grades 5, 6, 7, 8. M.: Bustard, 1998. 3. Mushinsky V.O. Citizen's ABC: Textbook for grades 8-9. M., 1997.

4. Bogolyubov L.N. Human and society. 10-11 grades M.: Education, 1996, 1997.

Secondly, teaching aids and methodological recommendations for applicants:

1. Grechko P.K. Social studies for university applicants. M.: Unicum-

Center, 1999. This manual is recommended by the Expert Council of the Interregional Association of Pre-University Education and is intended for students in grades 10-11 of secondary school and those entering universities (in preparation for entrance exams in social studies).

- we need to understand the real problems that social science faces;

- you need to be aware, have information about the main approaches to a particular problem: when, who and how it was solved, what the rationale was, what arguments he proposed or put forward;

- be able to explain the advantages of that position, the decision that you have chosen, having become acquainted with the relevant literature, and consider “yours.” It’s even better to offer and really explain your point of view;

- it is important to learn to draw conclusions that have non-trivial significance for you personally or for solving related, generally different problems.

2. Klimenko A.V., Romanina V.V. Social studies in questions and answers. M.: Scientific and Technical Center “University”, 1998.

The manual represents detailed answers to 25 questions of the regional exam offered in the 1997-1998 academic year. 11th grade students of all Moscow schools. Exam questions and answers are compiled taking into account the content of textbooks on social science “Man and Society”, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova and A.Yu. Lazebnikova and “Modern World”, ed. V.I. Kuptsov, which are recommended for mastering the school curriculum.

3. Educational and methodological In 2000, the Center for Pre-University Education of Moscow State University published an educational and methodological manual for those entering universities "Social science". Authors: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Bryzgalina E.V., Kiselev V.N., Shleitere S.V. Book from the series “We act without a tutor.”

The methodological recommendations provide basic concepts, definitions and problems of social science, discuss issues of studying social disciplines and formulate recommendations for preparing for exams and testing in this field of knowledge.

4. In the “Home Tutor” series, a manual by the authors was published in 1999

A. Klimenko and V. Romanina “Social studies exam. Answer notes.” The manual quite compactly sets out the main problems of the social studies course: society, economics, social sphere, politics, law, the spiritual sphere of society. The content is closely tied to the program of entrance exams in social studies developed by the Russian Ministry of Education. The authors, as noted in the preface to the publication, sought not to duplicate the text of textbooks, although they followed their logic of presentation.

5. In the “Tests” series (Drofa publishing house), also in 1999, a teaching aid for schoolchildren was published “Law and Politics”, author A.F.Niki tin.

The social studies exam in 2000 was taken only by applicants to the history department of the Yakut State University. Applicants were asked questions with five possible answers. From them it was necessary to choose the correct one or exclude the incorrect one in response to the proposed question.

The form of this exam is new. Therefore, we feel it necessary to provide some tips on preparing for these tests.

The test tasks were compiled on the basis of the school social studies curriculum and corresponded to the scope of the school curriculum. The tests consisted of 30 questions. One astronomical hour (60 minutes) was allotted for solving the tests.

Answers were scored on a 9-point system (from 2 to 10 points). When testing for the entrance exams in 2000, the following criteria were established:


correct answers

Some tips on how to answer test questions correctly

1. First you need to read the entire text of the test. Pay attention to the chronology (century, years), and I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the order of questions, as a rule, corresponds to the historical tape.

2. Divide the questions for yourself according to difficulty. Notice to yourself which questions you can answer without thinking. These should be answered first.

Test questions can be divided into the following types:

factual - knowledge of specific facts, dates, events;

conceptual - knowledge of basic historical concepts, definitions of historical phenomena.

There are real ways to improve your test score.

The first way is intensive study of the subject in which

to be tested:

reading educational material;

discussing it with experienced mentors;

performing independent work. The second way to improve your test score:

Thorough familiarity with the testing process. If you are familiar with the oral exam procedure and have practiced writing an essay or proving a theorem, then your exam results will certainly improve as a result of this preparation. Testists have repeatedly found that people who are familiar with the testing procedure consistently perform better than inexperienced subjects. Correct, calculated to the smallest detail, many months of preparation and training in performing tests, as scientific and experimental studies show, allows you to increase your test score.

We wish you success in passing the entrance exams!

Option 1

1. A person is distinguished from an animal:

a) ability to navigate in space; b) ability to self-defense; c) instinct of self-preservation; d) self-awareness; d) caring for children.

2. The patronizing muse of history in antiquity was:

a) Themis; b) Melpomene; c) Urania; d) Clio; d) Calliope.

3. Totem is:

a) an animal or plant considered the ancestor and patron of a person (genus);

b) a spirit personifying one or another natural phenomenon; c) an object capable of protecting its owner from dangers and troubles and

bring good luck; d) a stone that protects a person from evil spirits;

d) ancestral tomb.

4. Power in the broad sense of the word is:

a) use of force within the framework of the law of force; b) the right to do something on behalf of the state; c) the art of living together;

d) influence based on experience, outstanding achievements or other superiority;

e) the ability of an individual or group of individuals to control, manipulate or influence other people.

5. Personal prestige is:

a) the property status of the individual; b) a certain position of a person in the system of public relations;

c) the totality of legal rights and obligations of a person; d) the importance of an individual for a particular social group,

society as a whole; e) the generally recognized influence of a person.

6. The Caucasian race includes aborigines (indigenous people) (delete the superfluous):

a) Europe; b) North Africa;

c) North America; d) Indian subcontinent; e) Middle East.

7. What feature of classes does Marxism highlight:

a) the nature of entertainment and leisure; b) attitude towards the means of production;

c) the nature and degree of education; d) cultural needs and interests; e) prestige of professions.

8. The first major division of labor occurred during the era:

a) Middle Paleolithic; b) Upper Paleolithic; c) Mesolithic; d) Neolithic;

e) Bronze Age.

9. The main criteria for social stratification in a democratic society are (delete the superfluous):

a) religion; b) prestige of the profession; c) income level;

d) education – volume and level; d) degree of power.

10. The main characteristics of a nation include (exclude unnecessary ones):

a) common territory; b) unity of origin; c) common citizenship;

d) general culture (symbols, values, traditions); e) ethnohistorical identification (identifying oneself with one’s people).

11. A monopoly on the legal use of force is:

a) the principle of origin of the state; b) a characteristic feature of a political party; c) the function of civil society; d) sign of the state; e) a feature of political power.

12. The administrative-territorial structure of the state, revealing the nature of the relationship between its components, between central and local government bodies, is:

a) the form of government; b) form of government; c) type of state; d) branch of political power;

e) type of political regime.

13. One of the sources of power is:

a) tolerance; b) apathy; c) wealth;

d) pragmatism; d) indifference.

14. Branch of government that establishes the legal principles of state and public life:

a) social; b) democratic;

15. Not a function of a political party:

a) struggle for power; b) identifying and justifying the interests of large social groups;

c) political education of society; d) protection of law and order, security;

e) activation and integration of large social groups.

16. The process of political formation of an individual, a person’s entry into politics, his preparation and inclusion in power relations is:

a) political culture; b) political socialization; c) political behavior; d) political consciousness; e) political participation.

17. The subject of the federation is not:

a) state; b) Moscow; c) ulus;

d) national district; d) region.

18. The generalized name of three important documents of a constitutional nature that define the foundations of the federal structure of Russia:

a) Federative Treaty; b) The Constitution of the Russian Federation; c) Declaration of Independence;

d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights; e) Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia.

19. What issue cannot be resolved through a referendum?

a) the issue of adopting a constitution; b) the question of declaring war;

c) the issue of revising current legislation; d) the issue of self-determination of the population of the national region; e) the question of changing the constitution.

20. One of the functions of law in society is:

a) integration of social groups; b) struggle for power in society;

c) identifying and formulating the interests of social groups; d) instilling in people a sense of justice; e) formation of political consciousness.

21. The main postulates of the civilizational approach to studying

the stories are (exclude unnecessary ones):

a) the unique identity of societies; b) the decisive role of material production; c) the uniqueness of traditions; d) originality of spiritual values;

e) the uniqueness of social life.

22. G. Hegel recognized the criterion of progress:

a) the state of public morality; b) the degree of consciousness of freedom; c) development of productive forces;

d) progress in the production sector; e) development of social relations.

Entrance test in Social Studies

You are given ------------ hours (-------- minutes) to complete the social studies work. The work consists of 60 multiple choice tasks. For each task there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!

A1 The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized by:

A6 One of the differences between commercial production and natural production is:

A7 The subject of ownership is:

A9 Are the following judgments about the dependence of demand on the price of a product true?

A. The quantity demanded of a good decreases if the unit price of the good increases.

B. The quantity demanded of a good increases if the unit price of the good decreases.

A10 A social group whose members have rights and obligations that are inherited is:


A12 Are the following judgments about social stratification correct?

A. One of the criteria for social stratification is education.

B. The basis of social stratification is the identification of classes.

A13 The leader of the opposition party spoke at a meeting in front of his supporters outlining the party program. Which function of a political party in society does this example illustrate?

A14 Electoral systems include:


A16 Are the judgments about civil society correct?

A. Civil society is a prerequisite for the creation of a rule of law state.

B. Civil society is not part of the state system.

A17 What type of liability applies only in civil torts?

A18 The participant in the civil process who makes the demands is called:

A19 The Ivanovs have been married for 20 years. They are the parents of three minor daughters. In case of mutual desire to dissolve the marriage, they should contact:


A. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation controls the activities of the Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

A21 Nature is for society:

A22 Which of the following characterizes art as opposed to science?

A23 What concept is described in the following statement about a person: “Character with all its active and passive abilities and aversions, its genius, talent and stupidity, virtues and vices”?

A24 Are the following judgments about forms of culture true?

A. Works created within the framework of elite culture can eventually be classified as mass culture.

B. Works created within the framework of folk culture may, over time, be classified as elite culture.

A25 The main problem of the economy is:

A26 Market competition can make it unprofitable:

A27 One of the most effective mechanisms for replenishing the state budget in industrialized countries is sales on the world market.

A28 Analyze diagrams showing the volume of production by type of ownership at the end of the twentieth century. What conclusions can be drawn from these diagrams?

A29 Are the judgments about the market economy correct?

A) One of the disadvantages of a market economy is income inequality.

B) A market economy, in contrast to a centralized one, more successfully solves the problem of incentives for economic activity.

A30 Completing homework on time is an example:

A31 In country N, a survey was conducted in which respondents were asked to answer the question: “Do you agree with the statement about social justice: social justice means that all people have enough income to live comfortably?”

The survey results are presented in the table (in%):

What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the table?

A32 Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. Ethnicity – in a broad sense, a nationality or a nation.

B. Ethnicity combines both biological and social properties.

A33 The concepts of “sovereignty” and “public power” characterize:

A34 Civil society provides:

A35 In State N, the head of state is elected by popular vote, he is the supreme commander in chief, and has the right of suspensive veto when passing laws. What form of government is characterized by such an organization of power?

A36 Are the following judgments about the operation of electoral law in the Russian Federation correct?

A. A citizen who has reached the age of 18 and has passive voting rights can be elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

B. A foreign citizen permanently residing on the territory of a municipality can participate in elections to local government bodies.

A37 At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, control over the compliance of the subject’s regulatory documents with the norms of the Constitution is carried out by:

A39 In which of the following cases is it necessary to obtain a power of attorney for the right to use?

A40 Are the following statements about the rights of citizens correct?

A. Law arises simultaneously with the emergence of the state

B. Law can be contained in the minds of people

A41 Global problem of our time

A42 Are the judgments correct?

Religion differs from scientific knowledge

A. logical thinking.

B. trust in everyday experience.

A43 Which example illustrates innovation in cultural development?

A44 Are the following statements about society true?

A. False knowledge can be perceived as true because a person often establishes non-existent relationships.

B. False knowledge can be perceived as true because a person often does not have complete and accurate information about the subject of interest.

A45 An important condition for the functioning of a market economic system is

A46 In a market economy, unlike a command-administrative economy

A47 Which of the following applies to state budget revenues?

A48 Employees strive to reduce production costs, as they receive part of the enterprise's income by participating in management. What additional information will allow us to conclude that this is a joint-stock company?

A49 Are the following judgments about the role of the state in a market economy correct?

A. The state should create advantages for large firms

in competition.

B. The government must set prices for monopolists' products.

A50 The criterion for economic stratification is

A51 An employee of a Moscow company was transferred to its branch in another city. That's an example

A52 Are the following judgments about social processes in modern Russia correct?

In modern Russia, a middle class is being formed.

In modern Russia there is a problem of marginalization of society.

A53 The communicative component of the political system includes

A54 Direct democracy in Russia was embodied in

A55- multinational. All nationalities have equal rights, education in their native language is being developed. What additional information will allow us to conclude that the state of V. is federal?

A56 Are the following statements about parliamentary and presidential republics correct?

A. In a parliamentary republic, the president is usually elected by the legislature.

B. In a presidential republic, parliament is appointed by the president.

A57 The parliament of the country D. is formed from representatives of the main political parties that were able to overcome the seven percent electoral threshold. Select one more feature from the following that is characteristic of the electoral system of country D.

A58 Are the judgments correct?

Human rights and freedoms in a rule of law state

A. limit the will of the majority.

B. are carried out only by court decision.

A60 Are the following judgments about the Constitution of the Russian Federation correct?

A. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the government of the Russian Federation controls the activities of the Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

B. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights.

At the entrance test in social studies, the applicant must demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:

  1. have developed knowledge about the social properties of a person, his place in the system of social relations;
  2. have formed knowledge about society as an integral developing system in the unity and interaction of its main spheres and institutions;
  3. have formed ideas about the features of various social sciences and methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes;
  4. be able to identify cause-and-effect, functional, hierarchical and other connections of social objects and processes;
  5. be able to analyze the main trends and possible prospects for the development of the world community in a global world;
  6. be able to systematize and interpret social information, demonstrating knowledge of the history of social science and modern concepts of society;
  7. be able to argue one’s opinion in order to explain and evaluate various phenomena and processes of social development, their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system;
  8. be able to reveal, using examples, the most important theoretical principles and concepts of socio-economic and human sciences;
  9. master the basic conceptual apparatus of social sciences.

I. Specifics of social science and the main stages of its development

Social sciences and natural sciences: their similarities and differences. The formation of scientific social science.

Mythological consciousness of ancient man. Social scientific problems in the history of ancient and medieval thought. Theology. Renaissance humanism.

Views on society in the modern era. Social contract theories. Faith in reason and the progress of the Enlightenment. The formation of social sciences in the 19th century. The largest thinkers in social science of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

The main directions of modern social thought. Features of the development of Russian social thought.

II. Society and man


Society as the joint life of people. Society and nature. The influence of geographical factors on the development of society. Society and culture. Social Sciences. Structure of society. Society as a complex dynamic system. The relationship between the economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of society. Social institutions. Society as a system. Typology of societies. Types of development of societies. The concept of progress and regression. Revolution, reforms and evolution of society. Formational and civilizational approaches to the development of society. Theory of civilizations. Stratification and social mobility.

Human and society

Human nature. Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution. The purpose and meaning of human life. Human Sciences. Man as a spiritual being. Spiritual life of a person. Worldview. Personal value guidelines. Patriotism and citizenship. Activity as a way of human existence. Activity and its motivation. Variety of activities. Consciousness and activity. A person in a system of social connections. Personality, factors influencing its formation. Socialization. Needs and interests. Self-awareness and self-realization. Social behavior. The unity of freedom and responsibility of the individual. Cognition and knowledge. Knowledge of the world: sensual and rational, true and false. Truth and its criteria. The variety of forms of human knowledge. Social and humanitarian knowledge.

III. Main spheres of public life

Spiritual culture

Spiritual life of society. Culture and spiritual life. Forms and varieties of culture: folk, mass and elite. Dialogue of cultures. Mass media. Science and education. Science, its role in the modern world. Ethics of a scientist. Continuous education and self-education. Morality, its categories. Religion, its role in the life of society. Moral culture. Art and spiritual life. Art, its forms, main directions. Aesthetic culture. Trends in the spiritual life of modern Russia.

Economic sphere

Economics as a science, economics as an economy. Methods of economic theory. Factors of production. Theory of consumer behavior. Own. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand. Market equilibrium. The company and its goals. Small business and its development in Russia. Large and medium-sized businesses, their features. Production costs. Types of costs. Profit of the company. Costs, types, classification. Monopolies, types. Competition, monopolistic competition. Labor market. Unemployment. Inflation. The state in a market economy. The state budget. Taxes and fiscal policy of the state. Money and the basics of monetary policy. Banks, banking system. State monetary policy. Inflation and unemployment. The economic growth. Financial market and stock exchange Securities. Economic cycle. Phases of the economic cycle. Taxes and taxpayers. Modern international economics. Macroeconomic indicators. Globalization of the world economic space. Entrepreneurship, its type. Consumer. Russia's place in the modern world economy.

Social sphere

Social structure. Diversity of social groups. Inequality and social stratification. Social interests. Social mobility. Social interactions. Social relationships and interactions. Social conflict. Social norms, their diversity. Deviant behavior. Deviant behavior, its causes and prevention. Social control and self-control. National relations. Ethnic communities. Interethnic cooperation and interethnic conflicts. National policy. Culture of interethnic relations. Family as a social institution. Family in modern society. Youth in modern society. Youth as a social group. Development of social roles in adolescence. Youth subculture.

Political sphere

Politics and power. Politics and society. Political institutions and relations. Power, its origin and types. Power resources. Politic system. Political process. Structure and functions of the political system. The state in the political system. Political regimes. Political life of modern Russia. Civil society and the rule of law. Main features of civil society. Political parties, their typology. Party systems. Political leaders. Rule of law, its features. Mass media, their role in the political life of society. Democratic elections and political parties. Electoral systems. Multi-party system. Political ideology. Citizen participation in political life. Political process. Political participation. Political culture. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them.

IV. Right

Law as a special system of norms

Law, signs and functions. Source of law, their types. System of law: norms, institutions, structure. Legal facts. Offences, its signs and types. Composition of the offence. Legal liability, grounds and conditions for its occurrence, types. Public and private law. Constitution. Fundamentals of the Constitutional system of the Russian Federation. The president. Prosecutor's office and courts. Fundamentals of administrative law. Administrative responsibility. Criminal law, concept and essence. Crime, types. Criminal liability and punishment. Family law. Legal norms of the institution of marriage. Parents and children: legal foundations of interaction. Labor law in people's lives. Interaction between workers and employers. Working time and rest time. Legal regulation of labor of minors. Environmental law. Civil law. Participants in civil legal relations. Contract, types of contracts. Property rights and the procedure for protecting property rights. Civil liability. Legal forms of entrepreneurial activity. Consumer rights. International law as the basis for relations between states. International protection of human rights. International humanitarian law.

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