Talc origin. Talc: composition, medicinal, magical properties, application, historical information

What is talc? Talc is a silicate that has a layered structure, is greasy to the touch and has a pronounced pearlescent luster. It has a white color with various shades, which are determined by the impurities included in the composition (nickel, manganese, chromium, iron and aluminum). The intensity of the color is determined by the degree of purification.

Depending on the structure and existing impurities, the following types of talc mineral are distinguished:

  1. Agalite. It has a needle-like structure. The crystal fibers are located almost parallel, in the same direction.
  2. Minnesotaite. The presence of iron (it replaces magnesium) gives it a brownish tint.
  3. Steatite. Characterized by a dense structure. It is also called wen.
  4. Willemseit. Due to the presence of nickel, it has a bluish or greenish tint.
  5. Noble talc. A translucent stone with high density. Well processed.
  6. Soapstone chlorite. Contains chloride.

According to the degree of grinding, talc powder, microtalc and coarse grinding are distinguished. It has a standard hardness of 1. That is, it is the softest mineral. It was first discovered and described by Michael Faraday while studying dielectrics. It is mined in America, Canada, China, France and other countries. In Russia, the largest deposits are located in the Urals and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Properties of the mineral

Not everyone knows what talc is and what its physical and chemical characteristics are. It is a chemically complex composition of hydrogenated magnesium silicate. The approximate chemical formula of talc looks like this: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. It may vary slightly due to the replacement of some impurities with others. We list the main properties of talc:

  1. Has no smell.
  2. Does not dissolve in water.
  3. It does not react chemically with acids and settles to the bottom of the container.
  4. It is a good adsorbent. Perfectly absorbs moisture and odors.
  5. Has poor thermal conductivity.
  6. Characterized by low hardness equal to 1.
  7. It has a low density (2.75 kg/m³). It has no jewelry value.
  8. Fireproof. When heated strongly (800-900°C), it turns into a very solid substance.
  9. Has good dispersibility. Finely ground powder forms a suspension with water.
  10. Is a dielectric.

It is also credited with magical properties. The powder was used for all kinds of potions designed to restore youth and beauty. These were mainly creams and poultices made with talcum powder. The stone has positive energy. It is very useful to keep solid talc products in the house.

This mineral has been used by mankind since ancient times. Ancient craftsmen used it quite widely because of its softness and easy workability. Even in Ancient Egypt, amulets and necklaces were made from it. Russian stone cutters made icons. In China, colored talc was passed off as valuable jade. The Sumerians carved seals.

Areas of use

What is talc and what is it used for? Let's look at the most famous areas:

  1. In medicine. As a powder for the treatment of bedsores and skin diseases. It is also used as a binder in tablets.
  2. In technology. Used as a solid lubricant and as an additive for motor oils.
  3. In the food industry. It is used to sprinkle chocolate products, and it is used to make molds for the production of liqueur candy shells. Food talc has a code - E553b.
  4. At home. Various rubber products (gloves, shoes, etc.) are sprinkled with it to prevent sticking.
  5. In construction. They are used for cladding bathrooms and saunas, and also as stones for stoves.
  6. In cosmetology. It is used to produce baby powder, liquid body talc and massage powder.

Let us analyze the use of talc in cosmetology and dermatology in more detail. It has been finding its consumers for more than 100 years and is still an indispensable component of many cosmetics. As the softest mineral, it is most often used in powder form. It is definitely included in powder and eye shadow. Scented talc is used as a deodorant and applied to areas of increased sweating. Using it during the depilation procedure prevents ingrown hairs. Liquid talc is very effective in caring for rough heels. It is added to shaving cream because it promotes easy glide. It is thanks to this quality that talc powder is used for massage.

What is talc? The first thing that comes to mind for many is baby powder. Good absorbency makes it suitable for children. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Used to treat and prevent heat rash in infants. Talc is the main component of powder. In addition, the composition includes extracts of medicinal plants, zinc oxide and starch.

Pure ground talc is sold in pharmacies. Release form: powder for external use. Available in jars and small bags.

When working with talc, you need to be careful and try not to inhale it. There is even an occupational disease - talcosis, which is usually detected in mining workers and medical personnel. Without constant contact with the powder, it is impossible to acquire this disease.

Talc is the most abundant material on Earth, and this soft mineral is used in cosmetology and many industries. It occupies one of the first “honorable” places on the Mohs scale, which clearly indicates its softness, although coarse-grained talc, which is commonly called steatite, is also found in nature. And it is he who takes on the function of an ornamental stone.

Description of the mineral

Talc has been known to people for a long time, and one of the first to use it was George Agricola, a great scientist of the Renaissance. It was he who gave the mineral the name that people use to this day. Talc is a crystalline substance that, due to its physicochemical properties, feels greasy to the touch. This feature is explained by the friability of the mineral, and if it gets wet, it will be simply impossible to hold a piece of talc in your hands, because it was not for nothing that in ancient times it was called a “soap” stone.

“Real” talc is pure white, but if it contains metal impurities, the color palette expands significantly. For example, the presence of iron, aluminum, chromium, manganese, nickel determines the shade of the mineral, and it can have a pinkish, yellow-golden, silver-gray, or brownish color. In thin layers, an almost transparent mineral is sometimes found, very similar in appearance to mica and highly resistant to alkalis and acids. At its core, it is a secondary mineral formed as a result of changes in the chemical composition of magnesium silicates.

Deposits and production

The stone belongs to the category of the most ancient, as clearly evidenced by the finds of archaeologists in the territory of modern Egypt, where amulets and jewelry were discovered during research. In those distant times, talc was also mined in the East, and hard greenish stones were considered one of the best imitations of jade. Now it is mined almost all over the planet, and its main deposits in the Russian Federation are concentrated in the Urals and Siberia. Real deposits were discovered in the Transbaikal and Krasnoyarsk regions.

High-quality mineral is mined in France, Poland and some other European countries. Brazil, the USA, Egypt, China are all territories with inexhaustible sources of talc. Some areas of Africa and South America are very rich in it, but no mining is carried out, since no state lacks this unique stone, and its reserves are practically inexhaustible. It is noteworthy that stone with a solid structure is valued most.


The appearance, structure and properties of the mineral are determined by impurities:
    1. Soapstone chlorite. The mineral contains chlorite and talc in a 1:1 ratio.
    2. Noble talc. This is the same ornamental stone that lends itself perfectly to processing and polishing. It has the appearance of white or translucent crystals, which are characterized by high density.
  1. Willemseit. This mineral contains nickel and magnesium, with the former dominating the latter, which gives this stone a bluish-green hue.
  2. Minnesotaite. Brown stone. What gives it this color? Iron dominant over magnesium.
  3. Agalite. It is often confused with asbestos, and the reason for this confusion lies in the similarity of structures.
  4. Soapstone. This is the same legendary “soap stone” or, as it is also called, “wen”. A distinctive feature is its massive, dense structure.

Physical and chemical properties

Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 is the chemical formula of talc, which is essentially a hydrous magnesium silicate. In some cases, silicon can be replaced by nature with aluminum or titanium, and magnesium with manganese or iron. The quantitative and qualitative composition of impurities directly depends on the deposit. Talc is formed by the transformation of certain minerals, and for the “process” to begin, it takes time, water and constant exposure to high temperature - about 400 degrees.

The stone can have the most bizarre shades: from white to brown, in addition, it can be translucent. It is characterized by low elasticity, however, some varieties of the mineral bend perfectly. The mineral has low electrical and thermal conductivity, it is non-toxic, and poorly soluble in acids and water. For medical and cosmetic purposes, talc is finely crushed and turned into a white powder that is greasy to the touch. If necessary, the powder can be sterilized at a temperature of 160 degrees, although this will take at least an hour.

Application in cosmetology

Women who use eye shadow every day have no idea that they contain talc. But it is this that allows decorative cosmetics not to fall off and adhere well to the skin. In addition, this powdery product is often included in creams and other cosmetics, including powder. What does this give? Talc protects the skin and keeps it soft, smooth and dry for a long time. The fact is that the mineral, crushed into dust, is an excellent adsorbent that literally collects sebum, sweat, chemicals, and bacteria on its surface. Thus, the epidermis is provided with additional protection.

According to some scientists, this unique powder prevents the appearance and proliferation of harmful microorganisms. This is probably why it is present in baby powders. In addition, it can also be found in face masks, dry deodorants and other products. Of course, special requirements are imposed on talc used in medicine and cosmetology: the particles must be of a certain size, free from impurities, foreign odors and pathogenic microflora.

Medicinal properties

Medical experts believe that talc takes on the function of an antiseptic and successfully performs it. This is clearly proven by the historical fact that before the invention of antibiotics in hospitals, wounds were filled with talcum powder, since there was simply no other alternative. And this really helped reduce the likelihood of gangrene. Yes, the powder has anti-inflammatory properties, but for it to “work”, its particles must have a certain size, since too small ones clog the pores of the skin, which, on the contrary, often causes inflammation.

Nowadays, people with delicate skin use talc powders, and in addition, they are simply irreplaceable for infants. By the way, some doctors recommend using this powder internally, which should not be done, since such experiments can negatively affect your health. Although, at the same time, talc is present in many medications, however, it is used as a filler, along with starch. If you manage to get hold of whole, uncrushed stones, they can be heated and used as a heating pad.

The benefits and harms of taklk

Talcum powder has more benefits than harm, but it still exists. This mineral is continuously subject to research, during which scientists have found that it can be dangerous.

If you inhale mineral dust or powder for a long time, you can become a victim of a very unpleasant disease called talcosis. This disease is inherent in people whose occupation deals with mineral dust every day. In addition, oncologists have put forward their own version: talc, in certain situations, can act as a carcinogen and provoke the onset of cancer. It is noteworthy that this theory has not been confirmed.

Magic properties

Almost all ancient and medieval sorcerers believed that talc, crushed to a powdery state, could restore lost youth and beauty. Their “clients” firmly believed in this, paying exorbitant sums for anti-aging ointments and creams. In part, such drugs contributed to giving the skin a more attractive appearance, but this is due not to magicians and witches, but to talc, which unwittingly became a source of enrichment for charlatans. It is noteworthy that this mineral is not used to make talismans and amulets, and in addition, it does not patronize any of the zodiac constellations.


There is probably no industry in which talc is not used: this includes the production of rubber products, paper production, the production of paints and varnishes, and even the food industry. Since soapstone is endowed with unique physical and chemical properties, its use is significantly expanding. For example, large-sized minerals are sawn into slabs, which are used as lining material for sinks, switchboards, laboratory benches and other products. Often this material plays the role of a dry lubricant.

Where else can you find talc, besides pharmacies, hospitals and industrial plants? For example, in offices. The fact is that to prepare especially important documents, so-called talkative paper is used, which perfectly absorbs ink. In addition, progressive ateliers and sewing workshops have long switched to talc chalk instead of the usual one (involved in cutting fabric). This is due to the fact that compressed talc is much easier to remove from the material, and this is very important. Talc powder can be found anywhere, for example, it is sprinkled on plastic and rubber products to prevent them from sticking, and even ordinary rubber household gloves are always powdered from the inside with this universal powder.

Probably everyone has used talc for one purpose or another at least once in their life. However, talc is a mineral or This stone has a number of specific properties. Thanks to this, it is used in cosmetology, and for the production of children's skin care products, and in industry (production of paints and varnishes, mechanical engineering, etc.)

Chemical composition of talc

Talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate. Its chemical formula is approximately: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. This composition may have variations, since part of the silicon is replaced in some cases by aluminum, titanium, magnesium - iron or manganese. It is worth noting that talc is a mineral that is almost insoluble in water and acids. The amount of impurities depends on the place of its extraction. It has long been mined in Egypt and the vicinity of China. The high-quality mineral is also found in Poland, the Czech Republic, and France. In Russia, the main deposits are located in the Urals, the Baikal region, and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This mineral is formed under conditions of metamorphism. The necessary conditions for the formation of talc are a temperature of about 400 ° C, a sufficient amount of water (after the transformation of minerals from rocks rich in iron and magnesium). Due to its characteristics, talc is a mineral of certain rocks. There are several types of talc.

Varieties of mineral

Depending on the structural features and the presence of certain impurities, the following types of talc are distinguished. Agalite has a parallel (or entangled) arrangement of crystal fibers. Minnesotaite is a mineral whose color is closer to brown (due to the presence of iron, which replaces magnesium). Soapstone has a dense structure. It is also called “wen”. The presence of nickel is characteristic of willemseite. The color of this stone is blue or greenish. Soapstone has chlorite as impurities. Noble talc is often found. This is a stone of high density, translucent (or slightly white). This mineral lends itself well to processing.

Basic physical characteristics of the mineral

This stone ranges in color from translucent to brown. In powder its color is white. Talc is the softest mineral, its hardness is one unit. The texture of the material resembles soap, it is slightly greasy to the touch. Elasticity is low, although it bends easily. Talc is a poor conductor of electricity and heat. The mineral adsorbs water well and is non-toxic. Can be sterilized at a temperature of 160 °C (at least one hour).

Talc in medicine

Talc is widely used in the manufacture of medicines. It can be found in many capsules and tablets. However, its concentration in this case should not exceed 30%. Talc is not recommended to be taken orally at elevated body temperatures. Also contraindications are diseases of internal organs such as the stomach and spleen. Pregnant and lactating women should take special precautions when using medications containing this mineral. Talc stones heated to a certain temperature are used to warm certain areas of the body. Talc powder is widely used as an external remedy. In this case, its concentration is allowed within 90-99%. Talc is a product that perfectly removes excess moisture, thus protecting the baby's delicate skin from irritation. However, it is worth considering this point: prolonged inhalation or consumption of the powder of this mineral can provoke problems with the respiratory system and changes in tissues.

Features of powder for children

Since talc is a powder that comes into direct contact with the baby’s skin, it must be sterilized. In addition to this mineral, the composition includes starch. Also, some manufacturers may use ingredients such as rice starch and corn flour. You should avoid powders that have a strong odor and a heterogeneous structure. The following types of cosmetic products are distinguished: powder and liquid talc. The powder has good deodorizing and antiseptic properties. However, during use, the child may inhale some of it. Liquid talc is convenient to use; when applied to the surface of the skin, it turns into powder and absorbs excess moisture. Due to its consistency, talc does not roll into lumps. However, its cost is slightly higher than that of regular powder. Experts recommend using talc as a powder from the second month of a child’s life. Do not apply it directly to the skin. It is best to first pour it onto a cotton pad or your own palm, and then apply it with light dusting movements between the folds of the baby’s skin.

The use of talc in cosmetology

Almost all eye shadows contain a substance such as talc. This is a natural adsorbent that allows makeup to stay on the skin longer. This powder is also added to face creams. Such cosmetics help the skin remain soft, smooth, and dry. Talc is capable of absorbing all kinds of chemicals and toxins from the surface of the epidermis. As a result, the skin receives additional protection from damage. Some studies suggest that this mineral can prevent the growth and reproduction of certain bacteria (for example, typhoid fever). Very often, talc is used in the production of dry deodorants. It is also a component of face masks. The powder has certain requirements. Firstly, it must be thoroughly cleaned of impurities and microorganisms and odorless. Secondly, there are restrictions regarding particle sizes. In some cases, they should not be too small so as not to clog the pores of the epidermis.

What kind of material is talc for modern industry?

In addition to medicine and cosmetology, talc is used in many industries. It is used to cover all kinds of rubber, plastic, and caoutchouc products to prevent them from sticking together. Talc is also used in the food industry (as a filler, additive). The paper industry also uses this material. Paper coated with talcum powder absorbs ink well. It is in demand in government agencies (for particularly important documents). Very often, chalk is replaced with compressed talc. It makes good marks and is easier to remove from fabrics. Due to its thermal and electrical insulating properties, the mineral is used in the ceramic industry (to increase resistance to high frequency radiation).

Mineral talc Mg 3 2, or 3MgO. SiO 2. H 2 O is a hydrous magnesium silicate. In the form of small impurities, talc contains A1 2 O 3, Fe 2 O 3, CaO, NiO, MnO, etc.

Pure talc is snow-white in color. Impurities color it in different colors: light green, gray-green, dark green, sometimes yellow and pink. When ground, talc is white or grayish-white in color.

With increasing fineness of grinding, its whiteness increases. Thin talc plates are translucent. The sheen of talc is greasy and pearlescent.

The hardness of talc ranges from 1 to 1.5, the specific gravity is 2.7–2.8 g/cm3.

Talc is chemically inert; it dissolves very poorly in acids and alkalis; poorly conducts heat and electricity.

When heated in the range of 380–499 °C, it releases part of the bound water without changing its physical properties. The rest of the bound water is released when heated to 800–900 °C. In this case, talc turns into clino-enstatite, a very hard substance with good electrical insulating properties and a high melting point, which makes it a valuable mineral for the production of ceramic electrical components. The melting point of talc is 1,530 °C.

As mentioned above, talc is characterized by fat content, softness, fire resistance, chemical resistance, electrical insulation, in addition, in ground form, talc is characterized by a fairly high dispersion, i.e. the ability to be well wetted by liquid and suspended in it in the form of tiny particles. Due to such valuable properties, ground talc is widely used in many industries: paper (10%), paint and varnish, ceramics, roofing (6–7%), rubber, agricultural (65%), foundry, perfumery, pharmaceutical.

In the paper industry, talc is used as a wood pulp filler, which gives paper density and the ability to better accept printing inks.

For colored and low grade paper, talc of low quality and low whiteness can be used. For high-grade paper, talc must have high whiteness and fine grinding.

The paint and varnish industry uses talc as a filler. To maintain the color of the paint, talc must have a sufficiently high whiteness and degree of grinding. Adding talc powder to paint makes it resistant to fire and weathering.

The ceramics industry uses talc in the manufacture of a wide range of ceramic products - from wall and floor tiles to thin radio components.

Electrical insulating ceramics and especially radio engineering require for their production the use of high-quality talc, which has a minimal iron content, since iron reduces its electrical insulating properties.

The roofing industry uses talc in tolerant production. The introduced talc makes roofing felt and roofing felt resistant to fire and weathering agents.

In the rubber industry, talc is used as a filler. Talc powder is also used for sprinkling rolls and rubber products to prevent them from sticking together.

The perfume industry uses talc to make tooth powder, powder and cosmetic ointments, and the pharmaceutical industry uses talc to make medicinal ointments and tablets.

In colloidal production, talc, due to its fat content, is used for the production of pastes and ointments, which find various applications in everyday life (from lubricants for the rubbing parts of metal mechanisms to various pastes and ointments in the tanning industry, veterinary medicine and other areas).

Talc is used in significant quantities in the agricultural industry in the manufacture of means for exterminating agricultural pests, since the poison that destroys them adheres well to talc particles.

Ground talc is also used in other industries (pencil, foundry, jute, food, etc.).

Talc crystals.

It is found in additives to motor oils to increase the service life and protect the internal combustion engine. Example SuProtec/NanoProtec, Hado.

Extraction and production

During the Soviet era, the Shabrovskoe talc-magnesite deposit in the Middle Urals and the Miass talcite deposits in the Southern Urals, the Onotskoe steatite talc deposit (Eastern Sayan), the Kiryabinskoe deposit, Uchaly, produced by Bashtalk Company LLC, were developed; geological exploration of the Western Baikal talconiferous province.

Large deposits of talc are located in Canada (Maydoc), USA (Gavernur), France (Luzenac).


There is a possibility that inhalation of talc dust can cause talcosis, a benign disease from the group of pneumoconiosis, however, special studies carried out by the concerned party, namely the European Talc Manufacturers Association, have shown that talc is harmless to health.

Meanwhile, American scientists have discovered that regular application of powders containing talc to the female genital area significantly increases the risk of developing uterine cancer. According to the researchers, this dependence may be due to the fact that tiny particles of talc penetrate into the internal genital organs and are fixed there for years, causing chronic inflammation. This long-lasting inflammation, in turn, creates favorable conditions for the malignant degeneration of endometrial cells and the rapid growth of a cancerous tumor.




  • Minerals in alphabetical order
  • Inorganic substances
  • Silicates (minerals)
  • Magnesium minerals
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Antifriction materials
  • Cosmetic substances

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