Hiding places from thieves in the apartment. The best hiding places for money or where to hide money at home

There is very little gold, diamonds or original Renoir in the world. But there are a lot of people. This dissonance leads to the need to safely hide valuables.

According to sociologists, about 40% of our compatriots prefer to keep money at home. The tradition of not trusting money to banking institutions goes back many years, and is widely covered in popular works of Russian culture.

In the ventilation, if you remember, the chairman of the housing association at building 302 bis on Sadovaya Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” hid the money he received from the joker Koroviev.

Under the upholstery of chairs made by the master Gambs, the mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov from the beloved novel “12 Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov hid family jewelry.

The heroes of these works were ultimately unable to protect their treasures. Is it possible to hide money securely, so that no one will find it? The most ingenious and reliable hiding places, as well as places where money should not be hidden under any circumstances - all this is in our article.

Where you don't need to hide money

Most often, savings are hidden in such popular places as closets, wardrobes, chests of drawers, mattresses, naively believing that it is very difficult for thieves to find savings in endless stacks of bed linen. Rest assured, professional robbers will spend no more than 10–15 minutes on this.

The second most popular place not to keep money is books. How quickly your savings are found often depends on the number of books in your apartment. If these are a dozen books by your favorite writers and poets standing alone on a shelf, the probability of finding a stash is close to 100%. An experienced burglar can leaf through an entire stack of books in a few minutes.

Ventilation and cistern
Uninvited guests will climb into the ventilation for your stash immediately after they turn over your cabinets and library. If the criminals do not find the treasured envelope there, rest assured, the next place where they will look for your hard-earned money will be the cistern - a place for storing valuables known even to amateurs.

Where to hide money

In a tennis ball
But this is a great idea if we are talking about a small wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The cut should be large enough so that the pack can be easily inserted and removed just as easily. Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

In the birdhouse
A birdhouse with a double bottom, inside which you can safely hide spare house keys, is a great idea for summer residents. Such a cache will fit perfectly into the countryside landscape without attracting unnecessary attention, and can be a great help in an emergency situation.

On the coffee table
A small coffee table with a spacious drawer for storing various valuables. It is worth noting that the drawer does not have any handles; it opens by pressing the side board of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

On the windowsill
Quite a spacious hiding place, you can hide whatever you want in this one!

In a socket
It is most logical to hide valuables in places where you yourself are afraid to put your hands under fear of death or injury. Turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the plastic cover from the socket. Underneath there will probably be a hole in the wall with threatening wires. It is quite possible to hide something among them. Just keep in mind that the objects you hide in the outlet should not conduct current!

In a chair
The old idea of ​​hiding jewelry in chairs is still alive and well. Yes, this is not a chair from a palace, but with a little modification it will serve as an excellent hiding place.

In the gear shift lever
Recently, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. A gear lever with a small hiding place will help protect small valuables from car thieves.

In a detergent can
If you want to hide money under the sink, use a regular empty detergent can. However, do not forget that in addition to this jar, there should be another one with a cleaning agent that you will need in case of cleaning.

In the wall clock
Hiding money in a wall clock is a great idea. You need frequent and convenient access to money - use an ordinary wall clock as a safe.
If you hang your watch high, you may need a ladder to get money out of the safe. This means that an uninvited guest will need a lot of effort to get to the money.

In shoes
A hiding place under the insole of your shoes will help you hide your stash from your significant other or protect yourself from street thieves.

In the globe
In an ordinary globe you can hide valuables while you’re away or create a stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables should be placed in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball using tape.

Under the table
Such a hiding place can be installed under almost any table.

In the washing machine
The washing machine's rubber band is another place where you can hide money and jewelry while you're away. To do this, pack valuables in small bags with zippers and hide them under an elastic band, after wiping it from moisture. The main thing is, when you return home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

In the keyboard
Disk drives, pockets for hard drives, various computer peripherals - all of these can be equipped with home hiding places.

In the kitchen cabinet

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Some people hide money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs at the front door, while others invent more complex hiding places. If you ever need to hide something, here are 12 of the most secret places where no one would think to look for anything... not even you!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to leave it in plain sight. Even the smartest thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you're hiding a piece of jewelry; put it in a small bag or container and then bury the small container in the popcorn kernels! It would hardly occur to anyone that a full can of popcorn contains anything other than popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

If you have an old record collection, why not turn it into a great hiding place? Buy a few old or damaged records whose cases you can use for storage.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in their house has a shelf with old cassette tapes! Take the tape out of the unwanted cassette, put the things you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Perfect!

5. Old paint can

Give an old paint can a good clean before you make a hiding place out of it! Keep the jar in the garage or basement among other similar jars. Want to confuse robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them into another empty jar and put it in the general pile.

6. Greasy mayonnaise jar

Don't worry: it's not real mayonnaise, it's just paint that imitates it. Works great - no one wants to open a jar of mayonnaise.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under your kitchen sink cabinet to create the ultimate secret hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before you put them there!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great solution when you need to hide something and at the same time make your home more attractive. You can hide the keys behind the picture just like that - or put a built-in safe behind it for valuables.

9. Fake tile

To make a fake tile, remove one tile from your bathroom wall and then make a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don’t forget which tile your treasures are stored behind!

10. Keyboard

This fully functioning keyboard makes a great hiding place and is available in stores. In addition, it is a little thicker than usual. You can hide valuables in most regular keyboards!

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

It is important to properly preserve valuables and money and reliably protect them from theft. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to purchase ready-made hiding places and safes, mounted into the wall and stylized as a painting, for example. But the fact is that it is precisely such items that are immediately at risk. Therefore, we offer you some clever and simple ideas on how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands. To do this, we will use ordinary everyday things that will certainly not arouse the suspicion of robbers.

Hiding places for houses and apartments.

First of all, you should understand where you should not store valuables, documents and money.

Important! The main rule is not to store all funds, papers and expensive items in one place.

Avoid using classic hiding places: mattresses, mirrors, paintings - they will be the first to be examined in the event of a robbery. Also, traditional hiding places in which most thieves find valuables are: drawers of chests of drawers, bedside tables and cabinets, including those with double bottoms, mezzanines, kitchen jars, books, musical instruments, such as pianos. Do not make hiding places in household appliances, especially video and audio devices, as there is a high probability that they will also be taken away during a robbery.

In the photo below you can see some fascinating statistics about where people usually prefer to hide things:

Popular hiding places in the house.

The hiding place should not be obvious and most often it is placed in a visible place. But the main thing is that this object does not catch the eye and its appearance does not stand out from the overall picture. Then no one will think of checking your homemade safe!

Cache ideas

There are many unexpected and therefore reliable places in the apartment where you can hide money. Below we will look at several original hiding places, which are very simple to make.


Hanger with a secret.

To make a hiding place you will need a regular hanger, a small piece of fabric, braid, thread and needle, zipper, paper and pencil.

How to make a cache step by step:

  1. Trace the hanger on paper and cut it out - this will be a pattern.
  2. Fold the fabric in half with the right sides facing in and trace the pattern. Indent 0.5 cm into the seam allowance and cut.
  3. Sew a zipper along the bottom edge. Sew the sides. The central part under the hook should remain unstitched with a hole.
  4. Finish the center hole with braid. Turn the product inside out, ready!

Step-by-step manufacturing process.

This is what a hanger with a secret looks like in a closet with clothes:

Hanger cover.

Flower pot

It is also quite rare for robbers to inspect pots and flowerpots. We suggest making your own flowerpot with a double bottom. And so that using the hiding place is not traumatic for the plant, we will use an artificial flower.

Flowerpot with double bottom.

So, for manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • a small artificial plant, preferably very similar to the real one;
  • pot;
  • an empty round plastic container (for example, the bottom of a yogurt container);
  • heat gun and hot glue;
  • priming;
  • breadboard knife

Necessary materials.

Step-by-step production of a flowerpot with a double bottom:

  1. Try on a plastic container and flowerpot. The container should only fit 2-3 cm into the pot so that there is room at the bottom for valuables. Try to choose a proportionate flowerpot and plastic container.
  2. Cut off the top of the plastic container.
  3. Make a snowflake-shaped cut in the center and insert the base of the artificial flower. Secure the two elements with hot glue.
  4. Place valuables at the bottom and place a container with a flower glued on top.
  5. To camouflage jewelry, sprinkle the top of the container with soil along its top line.

The advantage of such a hiding place is that you can choose a flowerpot of any size and, if necessary, hide bulky items: watches, jewelry, jewelry, spare keys, and not just banknotes.

Step-by-step production.

Card deck

Hiding places in the form of books or boxes are very banal and unreliable places of storage. But it’s unlikely that robbers decide to look for money in a deck of cards! Of course, you won’t be able to store a lot of things here, but a deck of cards is quite suitable as a small storage for banknotes.

Hiding place in a card deck.

This type of hiding place is very easy to make at home - you only need a deck of cards, tape, scissors, and a clip.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Set aside 10-12 cards - they will serve as a cover for the cache.
  2. From the remaining cards you need to cut out the middle. It is convenient if the cards have a narrow border - you need to cut it straight along it. The centers can be thrown away, and from the resulting frames we will make a container. Leave a couple of cards for the bottom.
  3. Collect all the card frames into an even stack; for ease of work, secure it on the sides with clamps. Cover the inner surface with tape. For greater strength, you can cover everything with high-quality glue.
  4. Attach the bottom using glue. Ready!

Idea! In such an unpretentious and simple storage, you can safely hide SD memory cards and USB drives.

Making a cache.

Chair with a secret

And in such a cache there will be enough space to hide documents, securities or a fairly large number of banknotes.

Chair with secret compartment.

To make a chair with a secret compartment, you need a regular old chair with a soft seat, metal hinges and corners, and a sheet of plywood.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Unscrew the seat from the base. Then attach it using loops from the front of the seat.
  2. For the bottom of the cache, use a sheet of plywood. Take clear measurements of the opening and cut the appropriate strip.
  3. Attach the plywood bottom to the chair frame using metal angles and screws.

Making a chair.

Fun options

Overall, hiding places are limited only by your imagination and creativity. You can make storage from any item or place in the house. Let's look at a few original ideas for creating a cache:

False socket with a hiding place.

Sometimes there may be real key safes under such connectors.

Safe hidden under the sockets.

Now you know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands.

Video: 7 hiding places for the home.

Hello, dear readers! To store small amounts of money, many people build hiding places at home, but we will look at exactly what types of hiding places exist in this review. So, the topic of today’s article is “Where to hide money at home.”

Great hiding places for money.

1. Cabbage in the refrigerator.

If you need to hide money for a short period of time, then you can use a head of cabbage. To do this, cut the head of cabbage in half, remove the core with a knife, put the money in a bag and hide it inside one of the halves of the cabbage, and simply cover the lower part with the other half. Hide the finished cache in the refrigerator.

2. In the freezer.

You pack the money in a bag and put it in a pack with dumplings, and hide everything together in the freezer section of the refrigerator.

3. Aquarium.

Roll up the money into a tube and place the package in a balloon, tie the balloon so that no water gets into it. Place the stash in the aquarium, not forgetting to weigh it down with something on top, for example, a decorative stone, and camouflage it with algae.

4. Niche behind the picture.

For this purpose, during the renovation period, a niche is specially constructed in the wall, which is then hidden behind a three-dimensional picture. In this niche you can store your money and other important items.

5. Old keyboard.

Remove all the insides from the keyboard, leaving the wire sticking out, put the money inside, and carefully close it with the top. The keyboard can be casually left in a drawer with other computer gadgets.

6. Hidden place behind tiles.

During the renovation period, you can make a wonderful hiding place in the bathroom, which is a box, disguised in front with tiles; when you press the tile, the hiding place will open. Such hiding places at home can also be present in the kitchen in the wall near the kitchen unit and in the toilet.

7. Stash for money in a book.

You take a thick book, cut out the inside with a stationery knife, having first flipped through about thirty pages from the beginning, and hide bills or other valuables inside. This publication can be placed on a shelf with other books or casually placed in a box with other literary creations.

8. Flashlight.

You remove the insides from the flashlight, put the money rolled up in a tube inside, screw on the lid and put your improvised hiding place in the toolbox.

9. Canopies on furniture doors.

Roll the bill into a tube, form a ring, and place it in the rounded part on furniture canopies.

10. Flower pot.

You hide the money in a bag, carefully remove the flower from the pot, put the stash at the bottom, and return the flower to the pot. This hiding place is temporary, since the plant needs to be watered periodically, and the bag will not save the bill from moisture, unless you try to hide the money in a balloon. Also, the plant can be artificial, then the hiding place may well be permanent.

11. In CD-Rome.

Money can be placed in the CD-rom compartment of the laptop, see photo below.

12. In an old phone.

Take the battery out of the phone, place the bill, the battery on top, and close the lid. The phone can be left in a box with other accessories, such as office supplies and computer equipment.

13. In the lamp.

You roll the bill into a tube, unscrew the lamp from the lamp, place the money in the socket around the circumference, and screw the lamp back in.

14. Wall clock.

You remove the insides of the clock, hide the money inside, and hang the clock on the wall. True, a clock that is not running can attract attention.

15. Phone charger.

Carefully open the charger, remove all the insides, put money inside, and close the lid on top.

16. In a round comb.

Round combs are often hollow inside, carefully remove the end cap, place the money inside, and put the lid back on.

17. Hidden place at the top of the door.

It is necessary to drill a large hole in the top of the door, place money in this cavity, and cover the top with a lid of a suitable size.

18. In a socket.

Now on sale you can find ready-made hiding places for money in the form of sockets, but as a last resort, you can simply remove the insides from the hole with the socket, hide the bills inside, and cover the top with a rosette panel.

19. Under a stone in the garden.

Use a stick to create a hole in the soil, place a jar of money in it, lightly sprinkle earth on top, and place a large cobblestone.

20. In the curtains.

Sew a pocket on the curtains, preferably on top under the lambrequins, and put the bills in it.

21. In the shower curtain rod.

Disconnect the hollow tube of the curtain rod from the wall, place the rolled up money inside the tube, and install the curtain rod in place.

Today we have shown you great hiding places for money, take a couple of ideas and hide your money or valuables wisely.

No matter how many valuables - money, jewelry, securities and documents - you have at home, you never want to lose them. And since intrusion by thieves is not uncommon today, you need to take care of their safety. Of course, you can hope that no trouble will happen to you, but it still wouldn’t hurt to play it safe and hide your most valuable things in a secret storage room.

Where to hide money is not worth it

Often, thieves already know all the “cunning” places where owners usually hide their treasures, so you should think a hundred times whether your hiding place will be the place where the scammer will go first.

You should not hide valuables in vases and flower pots.

Under no circumstances should you hide money and valuables in kitchen drawers and cabinets, in the refrigerator, in the oven and tray, in the microwave, or in the underground of kitchen furniture. Thieves will certainly look for money behind wall clocks, carpets and paintings, behind mirrors, under rugs and rugs, in bedside tables and chests of drawers. As a rule, all cabinets and their contents are carefully inspected: boxes of shoes, household appliances and CDs, boxes and drawers, bags, suitcases and even sets. The pockets of hanging clothes are carefully checked, and laundry from the shelves is dumped onto the floor and shaken up.

Burglars never ignore sofas, inspect pillows, the contents of the pallet and bedding, and rip up the interior upholstery. They usually also thoroughly inspect bookcases, especially those where there is no dust on the books. No matter how big the library may seem, a thief can look through it in a few minutes. You should not hide valuables in vases and flower pots. In the bathroom, burglars must check the drain barrel, the space under the bathtub and sink, various cabinets, and ventilation passages.

Where should you keep your money?

How then can you hide your hard-earned money if all the secluded places are already known to the attackers? The answer is simple: come up with new, original and non-obvious ones, disguise them as best as possible and make access to them as difficult as possible.

The most important precaution is not to store all your savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stashes and hide them in different places in the apartment. It is best to select bills of different denominations and currencies in each of them, so that a thief, having found one of the caches, might think that these are all the savings available. For the same purpose, you can leave a small wad of money in a more accessible place so that the criminal is satisfied with it and stops looking further.

The most important precaution is not to store all your savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stashes and hide them in different places in the apartment.

Try to store your valuables in places that require time and special tools to access. Burglars, as a rule, do not have much time and do everything hastily. But be prepared for the fact that you will also need some effort and additional preparation to create a reliable hiding place. The degree of complexity of the hiding place depends on its purpose: for money intended for daily expenses, you need to choose a design that can be easily opened every day, and for valuables “for a rainy day,” you should find a more inaccessible place.

Whatever type of hiding place you choose for your valuables, try to make it as unusual as possible and at the same time look natural and not arouse suspicion.

Quick access caches

A simple and inconspicuous hiding place can be made in jars of cucumbers or jam. To do this, take a large bolt, wrap it around the bills, wrap them in several plastic bags, secure with tape and put them in a jar. Similar storage can be made in a plastic bottle or tin can.

Bottle safe

Hiding places can be built into walls and pieces of furniture. For example, create a fake electrical outlet with your valuables instead of wires, or in the bathroom by attaching one of the tiles with magnets.

The hiding place can be installed in fake plastic heating pipes, in a door leaf, in a table drawer with a double bottom, in the legs of a wooden table, in the pipes of a curtain rod, in a thick candle. The video shows other ways to create a hiding place in your home.

If you will be storing your valuables for several years, you may want to take care of the more difficult to reach areas. The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

Hide your valuables inside household appliances by unscrewing the lid and screwing it back: a burglar will not have so much time and patience to methodically open all the appliances. But do not use small and expensive equipment for this, which can be carried away along with the contents.

A more complex option is to arrange storage under the parquet. To do this, you need to remove several boards, use a chisel with a hammer or a hammer drill to make a recess in the floor, place your valuables packed in polyethylene in it, fill the remaining space with shavings or sand so that it is not revealed when tapped, and place the removed boards back on the glue. A similar hiding place can be arranged under the outermost board of the laminate, which is protected from opening by a plinth screwed to the wall. Such storage will be almost impossible to detect if medium-sized furniture stands in its place.

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