Fire barrel RSK 50 a. Fire nozzles manual combined

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Hello, and again with you, dear readers, online magazine about. In this article we would like to describe the main hand fire nozzles, which are used by emergency services units involved in firefighting. Hand-held fire nozzles are practically the main element when extinguishing a fire, of course after the fire extinguishing agent (water, powder, etc.). The type of fire nozzle (foam fire nozzle or water, powder) will depend on the type of fire extinguishing agent chosen.


Basically all fire trunks can be classified as follows:

  • manual - trunks that, due to their characteristics, can be carried and used by one firefighter;
  • portable - trunks that, due to their characteristics, can be carried and used by two or more firefighters;
  • stationary - the trunks are mounted on a stationary support, which ensures rotation of the trunk in the horizontal and vertical plane.

More than 90% of fires occur in the residential sector, especially in the autumn-winter period, so hand-held fire nozzles are most often used when extinguishing fires.

The use of manual fire nozzles allows the fireman to quickly change his position on the fire, if necessary, change the geometric parameters of the water jet (from compact to sprayed) or completely shut off the water supply.

Main types

Today, emergency departments (in the CIS) use two types of manual fire nozzles: a closed trunk “B” and a non-closable trunk “A”.

Let's now look at each of these trunks separately...

Shut-off barrel “B” or, according to the factory marking, barrel RSK-50 - is designed to supply a compact and sprayed stream of water in a fire, as well as to block the flow of water.

Most often, this trunk is used in basements and other rooms that are characterized by a small area (especially the height of the room) and a complex geometric shape (with a large number of partitions).

Of course, not only the RSK-50 barrel can be classified as a shut-off barrel; today, manufacturing plants offer a fairly wide range of similar fire barrels, such as RSKZ-70, RSP-70(50), SRK-50 and others.

One of the main features of the RSK-50 barrel, in comparison with “A” barrels, is the ability to change the angle of water spray as much as possible. Of course, we do not take into account the manual overlapping barrels of the new model, which we will consider below.

Performance characteristics of the RSK-50 barrel (barrel B)

Non-overlapping barrel “A” or RS-70, RS-50 – designed to form and direct a compact jet of water to the source of fire.

In essence, the RS-70 barrel is an improved version of the 19th century fire barrel. Due to the plastic lining and nozzle of replaceable diameter, it is convenient to use when extinguishing large production workshops, cinema halls and theaters, tank farms and warehouses for storing solid flammable substances. Due to the high water consumption, which is about 7.4 l/s (with a 19 mm nozzle) - 13.6 l/s (without nozzle) and the supply range, it is very convenient and effective to use on the objects listed above.

Performance characteristics of the RS-70 barrel (barrel A)

Despite the widespread and effective use of trunks “A” and “B” in fire extinguishing practice, they have a number of disadvantages that negatively affect the convenience and efficiency of the units’ work.

The main disadvantage of the RS-70(50), RSK-50, etc. barrels. is lack of a handle to hold the fire barrel, which has a very negative effect on the operator’s maneuverability and the “accuracy” of the jet hitting the fire;

Also on the negative side, one can note the impossibility of shutting off the water when necessary at the “A” trunks and the rather poor quality of the formation of a spray jet at the “B” trunks.

All these shortcomings are completely eliminated in modern fire nozzle models. Modern fire trunks combine all the characteristics of RS and RSK trunks and are significantly superior to them in a number of parameters.

One of these barrels may be the Protek fire barrel (TFT, Handline, Rosenbauer projet), which, due to its tactical and technical characteristics and design, is almost identical to other world and domestic analogues. A distinctive feature of these barrels is the ability to very easily (with one movement of the hand) change the required water flow from 2.5 l/s to 13-15 l/s, while the jet supply range remains about 20-30 m.

Performance characteristics of the Select Flow and Pro Jet barrels

Also, the designs of such barrels provide the ability to supply a sprayed stream of water (with the ability to adjust the diameter of the droplets) at different inclination angles from 30 0 to 180 0 and even simultaneously with the supply of a compact jet of water.

Various modifications and configurations of modern barrels (presented above) can be equipped with a variety of interchangeable heads for supplying both low and medium expansion foam, as well as foam using CAFS technology.

The main disadvantage of these fire nozzles is the difficulty in maintenance and repair, since the barrel consists of a large number of small parts that, if damaged, only need to be replaced... Accordingly, the price of these devices, depending on the manufacturer and configuration, ranges from $200 to $500 or more , which of course, in comparison with RS and RSK, is very, very expensive.

But, despite the price, anyone who at least once tries a Protek manual fire nozzle or a similar one will instantly feel all the delights and advantages of these products.

Manual fire nozzles (video)

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Carrying out tests of PTV.

Fire trunk, fire columns, branches, adapters, water collectors - once a year, pressure 1.5 times the working pressure

Three-legged ladder - at an angle of 75 degrees (2.8 meters from the wall to the ladder shoes)
100kg for 2 minutes on each knee;
Rope-----200kg(no deformation)

Attack ladder - at the level of the 2nd step from the bottom, 80 kg for each side, for 2 minutes.

Stair ladder - 75 degrees, in the middle 120 kg for 2 minutes.

Ladder truck - 1 time every 3 years

Rescue rope --- 1 time every 6 months 350 kg for 5 minutes (extension no more than 5% of the original length),
External inspection once every 10 days (ten-day inspection)

Dynamic check - through a block and a lock on a carbine, a load of 150 kg is suspended and dropped from the basement of the 3rd floor.

After testing, the CB should not grow more than 30cm

Firefighting belts, carbines - once a year, load 350 kg for 5 minutes.

Sleeve delays - 1 time per year, 200 kg for 5 minutes.

Barrel consumption

Barrel “A” or RS-70 7.4 diameter 19 mm
extinguishing depth 7 meters

Barrel “B” - 3.5 l/s, diameter 13 mm
extinguishing depth 5 meters

Barrel "laf" - diameter 28 - 21 l/s,
extinguishing depth 12 meters

GPS-600 - water consumption - 5.64 l/s
foam consumption - 0.36 l/s
extinguishing depth 5 meters:
LVZh-75 m2
GZh-120 m2

GPS-2000 - water consumption - 18.8 l/s
foam consumption - 1.2 l/s

SVP 4--4 m3/min

G 600 - working water flow rate is 550 l/min.


Pump flow - 2400 l/min

Tank capacity - 2350 liters

Foam - 165 liters

Operating time - 1st barrel "B" - 11.1 min
two barrels “B” - 5.5 min
one barrel “A” - 5.5 min

Operating time - SVP-4 - 8.3 min

Operating time - GPS-600 - 7.6 min


51--40 liters
66--70 liters
77--90 liters

To obtain 1m3 of foam
0.6 liters PO
8.4 liters of water

Required consumption of fire extinguishing agents Q tr t=F n xI tr
Q tr t-required consumption of fire extinguishing agents
Fn-fire area
I tr-required intensity of fire extinguishing agent supply

Fire classification (6 pieces)

1) fires of solid flammable substances and materials (A);
2) fires of flammable liquids or melting solids and materials (B);
3) gas fires (C);
4) metal fires (D);
5) fires of flammable substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage (E);
6) fires of nuclear materials, radioactive waste and radioactive substances (F).

Briefings(5 pieces)

- primary at the workplace;
- unscheduled;

TO (5 pieces)

a) for everyday use equipment:
control inspection (before leaving the point of permanent deployment of a Federal Guard Service unit, when personnel go on duty with the assistance of equipment, at stops);
daily maintenance (hereinafter referred to as ETO);
technical maintenance of equipment during a fire, during emergency rescue and other urgent work (exercises);
numbered types of maintenance (hereinafter referred to as TO-1, TO-2, etc.);
seasonal maintenance (hereinafter referred to as MT);

b) for equipment kept in storage:
monthly maintenance;
semi-annual maintenance;
annual maintenance;
routine work.

The operating time of the PA engine when checking the condition of domestically produced equipment when changing guards (duty shifts, crews) should not exceed:
for basic general purpose fire engines with a carburetor engine - 3 minutes;
for main fire-fighting vehicles for intended use, fire-fighting vehicles with a diesel engine and fire-fighting vehicles equipped with a multi-circuit pneumatic brake system - 5 minutes;
for special fire trucks - 7 minutes;
for fire truck ladders and articulated lifts - 10 minutes;
for gas-powered tools and motor pumps in the calculation - 0.5 minutes.

Entries about maintenance are made in the log (immediately after it is carried out):
- first vehicle maintenance and fire-technical equipment maintenance - at least once a month;
- second technical maintenance - at least once a year;
- seasonal maintenance - 2 times a year;
- checking the level and density of the electrolyte - once every 10 days;
- about the condition of tires, tire pressure and tightening of wheel nuts - once every 10 days;
- on checking the functionality, cleaning and adjusting the foam mixer and gas-jet vacuum apparatus - once a month.

Actual water consumption

Qf = Nodiv x x q
Node - number of people in the department - number of trunks that can be supplied to the unit q - productivity of trunks

Pressure loss in the hose line 1 atm per floor
1 atm for every 100 m.

GDZS reserve in case of fire is 50% of those working

Water recovery SG pipeline:
d 150 = 70 l/s ring
d 100 = 14 l/s ring
d 150 = 35 l/s dead end
d 100 = 7 l/s dead-end

Hydraulic elevator:
from a depth of 20 m;
horizontally up to 100 m.

The VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has developed hand-held fire nozzles RSP-50, RSK-50, RSP-70, RSKZ-70, which are devoid of these shortcomings.

They form continuous and atomized jets with a variable spray angle (RSK-50) and a protective water curtain (RSKZ-70), and have a ball-type shut-off device.

Designed for a working pressure of 0.4-0.6 MPa, they provide:

water consumption with continuous stream:

  • 2.7 l/s (RSP-50, RSK-50),
  • 7.4 l/s (RSP-70, RSKZ-70),

water consumption with a spray jet:

  • 2.0 l/s (RSP-50, RSK-50),
  • 7.0 l/s (RSP-70, RSKZ-70) and protective curtain 2.3 l/s.

Sometimes, when extinguishing a fire, stationary equipment cannot cope with those tasks that need to be solved as quickly as possible. This is largely due to the main disadvantage of such systems – the complete lack of mobility. This is why hand-held fire nozzles are the latest firefighting equipment on the market today.

In this article we will look at the most popular models of manual fire nozzles, their functional features and principles of operation.


The structural component of universal hand-held barrels makes it possible to use both a continuous stream of fire extinguishing material and a spray one.

The RSK-50 hand barrel includes the following elements:

  • frame;
  • plug valve;
  • barrel attachment;
  • connecting (integrated) head.

Elements of the RSK-50 barrel design

The handle of a plug valve is the main tool that controls the stream issued under pressure. By changing the position of the handle relative to the barrel itself, you can change the type of jet coming out of the barrel hole. The main types of water or foam mixture at the outlet:

  • continuous flow;
  • spray flow;
  • protective "curtain".

Depending on the case, you can change the type of fire extinguishing material supplied without affecting the functionality of the entire device.

The plug tap handles on the other two above-mentioned models also have exactly the same functions.

When the handle 4 of the plug valve 3 is positioned along the axis of the body 5, the liquid flow passes through the central hole and then exits the nozzle 12 in the form of a compact jet. When the handle is turned 90 0, the central hole is closed and the flow of liquid from cavity 8 of the hollow plug of the valve through holes 7 and 10 enters channels 1, 2 and 9. Through tangential channels 11, the liquid enters the central sprayer and leaves it in a swirling flow, which is under Under the action of centrifugal forces, when leaving the nozzle, it is sprayed, forming a torch with an opening angle of 60 0 . A similar operating principle is inherent in the design of universal barrels RSP-50 And RSP-70. Trunk RSKZ-70 In addition, it allows you to additionally form a protective water curtain.

Maximum spray range

continuous jet:

  • 30 m (RSP-50, RSK-50),
  • 32 m (RSP-70, RSKZ-70);

spray jet:

  • 11 m (RSP-50, RSK-50),
  • 15 m (RSP-70, RSKZ-70);

effective range of the spray jet:

  • 5 m (RSP-50, RSK-50)
  • 10 m (RSP-70, RSKZ-70), average irrigation intensity 0.14 and 0.2 l/m2, respectively.

Barrel weight: 1.5 kg (RSP-50), 1.9 kg (RSK-50, RSP-70) and 2.4 kg (RSKZ-70).

Fire tests of barrels in conditions close to those of a real fire were carried out in Perm and Samara at special testing grounds.

Extinguishing diesel fuel, flammable combustible liquids with a flash point below 0 degrees, as well as a trap product, which is oil waste with a specific gravity of 0.8 t/m 3 and a flash point of +28 degrees, with sprayed water jets, showed higher efficiency of new manual fire trunks compared to existing ones.

The proposed trunks are recommended for use when completing mobile fire fighting equipment, as well as (trunks RSP-50, RSP-70) internal fire hydrants in residential, public, administrative, industrial buildings and structures.

To complete mobile fire fighting equipment and equipment equipped with hoses d 38 mm, a manual fire nozzle RSP-38 has also been developed, which has the following main parameters:

  • working pressure – 0.4-0.6 MPa;

water consumption:

  • continuous jet – 1.8 l/s; sprayed - 1.5 l/s.

jet range:

  • continuous – 25 m; sprayed – 11 m.


Indicators Universal hand fire nozzles With protective curtain
RSK-50 RSP-50 RSP-70 RSKZ-70
Water consumption at a pressure of 0.4 MPa, l/s:
continuous jet 2,7 2,7 7,4 7,4
spray jet 2,7 2,0 7,0 7,0
protective jet - - - 2,3
Jet range at a pressure of 0.4 MPa, m:
continuous jet 30 30 32 32
spray jet 12 11 15 15
Torch angle of the protective curtain, degrees - - - 120 0
Diameter of the protective curtain torch, m - - - 6
Connecting fittings GM-50 GM-70
Barrel weight, kg 2,2 1,6 2,8 3,0

Manual fire nozzles RSK-50 are designed to extinguish fires with a compact or sprayed jet of water with a varying angle of the torch. They are used to complete mobile equipment, and can also be used to complete fire hydrants and motor pumps.

The trunks can be used in areas with temperate, tropical climates, placement category 1 according to GOST 15150-69.


The main technical characteristics are given in table. 1, information about non-ferrous metals is in table. 2.

The connection size of RSK-50 barrels with a hose line is 50 mm.

Table 1

Name of parameters Standards for standard sizes
1. Working pressure, MPa 0,4 – 0,6
2. Water consumption, l s -1, not less than *:
- continuous stream 2,7
- spray jet 2,0 **
3. Range of water jet (maximum at the outermost drops), m., not less *:
- continuous stream; 30
- spray jet. 11 **
4. Angle of spray jet, rad (deg) *:
- minimal; 0,70 (40)
— maximum. 1,22 (70)
5. Outlet diameter (nozzle), mm 11Н11 (+0.11)
6. Overall dimensions (Fig. 1, 2), mm, no more:
- height ( H); 150
- length ( L); 365
- width ( B). 155
Weight, kg, no more 1,41

* Value by p.p. 2-4 are given at operating pressure (0.4 +0.05) MPa.

**Value at minimum flame angle.

table 2

Name of the product, unit, part, assembly unit Mass of non-ferrous metal or alloy in a product, unit or assembly unit, kg Note
RSK-50 barrel 1,28
Connecting head 0,28
Frame 0,49
Nozzles 0,23
Lever 0,13
Cap nozzle 0,13
Outer axle shaft 0,02

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design that do not affect the quality of the product.

Product composition and completeness

1.1. The barrels (Fig. 1) consist of a body 1, a connecting head 2, a closing device with a handle 3 and a nozzle 4 (an adjustable nozzle for the RSK-50 barrel). At the customer's request, the barrels can be additionally equipped with a shoulder strap.

1.2. A batch of barrels delivered to one address is completed with a passport, combined technical description and operating instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601-2006.

Rice. 1. Design of the RSK-50 manual fire nozzle

Design and principle of operation

1.1. The design of the barrel allows the formation of a compact or sprayed jet at the outlet, thereby increasing the efficiency of extinguishing fires and using the water supply more efficiently.

Position of the handle 3 (Fig. 1) of the shut-off device for shutting off and forming a compact or sprayed stream of water:

I position – the jet is blocked (closed);

II position – compact jet;

III position – spray jet.

1.2. The RSK-50 barrel is additionally equipped with a device that allows you to change the angle of the spray jet depending on the position of the adjustable nozzle nut 4 (Fig. 1 b);

IV position – minimum flame angle (min);

V position – maximum torch angle (max).

Indication of safety measures

1.1. It is prohibited to use barrels near open power lines located within the radius of action of a continuous jet.

1.2. It is prohibited to wear a shoulder strap (if present) on the barrel attached to the hose line when lifting and working at height.

1.3. By the time the water is released, the barrel must be reliably kept working.

Preparing the product for use and operating procedures

1.1. When preparing for work, the barrel should be securely connected to the hose line. Set the handle 3 (Fig. 1) of the barrel to the position necessary to form a certain type of jet and direct it to the source of the fire. Give a signal of readiness for work.


1.1. After finishing work:

1.1.1. Rinse the barrel with clean water, dry the shoulder strap (if present in the design);

1.1.2. Check the tightness of the threaded connections and, if necessary, tighten them until they stop.

1.2. Check the technical condition of all parts every shift (no cracks, dents, nicks, etc.).

1.3. Once a year, check the presence of lubricant on moving parts with threaded connections, rotating parts and rubber rings and, if necessary, treat with Litol-24 lubricant, GOST 21150-87.

1.4. Store in a warehouse under conditions excluding exposure to precipitation and direct sunlight.

1.5. Before short-term or long-term storage, steel parts of the barrel must be subjected to anti-corrosion protection with conservation oil K-17 GOST 10877-76. Protection options VZ-1 GOST 9.014-78. The product protection period is up to 1 year. When putting the barrel into operation after storage, re-preservation is not performed.

1.6. The barrels are packaged in containers that protect the products during storage and transportation. By agreement with the consumer, the supply of barrels can be carried out without packaging in containers, when transporting them in universal containers and in the bodies of motor vehicles, protecting the products from mechanical damage.


The manufacturer guarantees that the barrels comply with the requirements of TU 4854-003-95431139-2014, subject to the operating, transportation and storage conditions set out in the “Technical Conditions”.

The warranty period is 12 months from the date of putting the barrels into operation.


Manual fire nozzles RSK-50 are designed to block, form and direct a stream of water or an aqueous solution of a foam wetting agent: a continuous or sprayed stream with a variable spray angle.

RSK-50 barrels are used to complete mobile fire fighting equipment, and can also be used to complete fire hydrants, motor pumps and fire fighting vehicles.

The barrels are designed to work on water (except sea water), an aqueous solution of a foam wetting agent in areas with temperate and cold climates, placement category 1 according to GOST 15150.

Basic technical data

RSK-50 barrels are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications TU 4854-001-10661317-94 with amendment 7.

Parameter name Parameter value
1. Working pressure, MPa 0,4-0,6
2. Water consumption, l/s, not less than
- continuous stream,
- spray jet,
— to form a protective water curtain
2,0 *,
3. Range of water jet,
(maximum at the extreme drops), m, not less,
- continuous stream,
- spray jet
4. Effective jet range, m, not less than
- continuous stream,
- spray jet
5 *
5. Medium intensity, irrigation,
spray jet, l/m2s, not less
0,14 *
6. Angle of spray jet, radius (degree),
- minimal,
— maximum
0,7 (40),
1,22 (70)
7. Angle of water protective torch, curtain,
radius (degree), not less
8. Diameter of the water torch, protective curtain, m,
no less
9. Nozzle outlet diameter, mm 11N11
10. Overall dimensions, mm, no more,
- length,
- height
11. Weight, kg, no more 1,85

The values ​​are given at the minimum angle of the spray jet and the protective water curtain is turned off.

P.P. indicator values 3, 4, 5 are shown with the shaft located at a height of 1 m from the level of the test site and the angle of inclination to the horizon is 30 degrees.

Safety requirements

1. It is prohibited to use guns near open power lines located within the radius of the jet.

2. Do not wear the shoulder strap of the barrel connected to the hose line when lifting or working at height.

3. By the time the water is released, the barrel must be closed and reliably kept working.

Preparation and work procedure

1. When preparing for work, the barrel should be securely connected to the hose line.

2. Turn the handle to the “jet closed” position and signal that it is ready for work.

3. After supplying water, move the handle to the position necessary to form a certain type of jet and point the barrel at the source of the fire.


1. Specially trained people, instructed on precautions and safe work rules, are allowed to service the barrels.

2. For rational use of trunks it is necessary:

2.1. After finishing work, rinse the barrel with clean water, dry the belt, check the tightness of the threaded connections and, if necessary, tighten them until they stop.

2.2. Check the technical condition of all parts monthly (no cracks, dents, nicks, etc.).

2.3. Once a year, check the presence of lubricant on moving parts with threaded connections, rotating parts and rubber rings and, if necessary, lubricate the threaded connections with grease according to GOST 4366, and the rubber rings with CIATIM-201 GOST 6267 grease.

3. Store the barrel in conditions that exclude exposure to precipitation

4. Before short-term or long-term storage, steel parts (screw, washers, spring) of the barrel must be treated with anti-corrosion protection oil K-17 GOST 10877.

Preservation oil should be applied to the surfaces of parts with a brush or swab. The oil can be applied preheated to a temperature of 313 K (40? C) or without heating at a temperature not lower than 288 K (15? C). Heating K-17 preservation oil above 313 K (40? C) is not allowed. The conservation period is up to 1 year. When putting the trunk into operation after storage, re-preservation is not performed.


1. If the consumer complies with the operating and storage conditions, the manufacturer guarantees that the barrels comply with the requirements of TU 4854-001-10661317-94, as amended. 7 within 24 months from the date of receipt of the barrel by the consumer.

2. The established service life is 10 years.

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