St. Petersburg State University Oil and Gas Engineering passing grade. Oil and gas business is the wealth of the country

Benefits of Education

  • The program is aimed at training specialists in the field of oil and gas business, capable of successfully solving problems from searching for hydrocarbon deposits to monitoring their development. Particular attention in preparing students is paid to the study of fundamental oil and gas geology, search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits.
  • A special feature of the program is the combination of fundamental and special tasks, such as exploration and development of unconventional and hard-to-recover natural hydrocarbon reserves.
  • The program provides for the study of management, marketing and energy policy issues, as well as the solution of special geological, geophysical and technological problems, which will allow graduates to successfully work in public and private oil companies in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
  • The program is developed taking into account professional standards and the opinions of employers and is interdisciplinary in nature.
  • Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern demonstration equipment and specialized laboratories.

Leading specialists from oil companies, research and development organizations are invited to participate in the implementation of the program:

  • LLC "Gazpromneft STC"
  • FSBI "VNIIOkeangeology named after I. S. Gramberg"
  • OJSC "Sevmorgeo"
  • FGUNPP "Geologorazvedka" and others.
During training, students:
  • participate in scientific work carried out by specialists from St. Petersburg State University
  • conduct independent research in resource centers of St. Petersburg State University
  • participate in scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, competitions, olympiads

Famous teachers

  • S. B. Shishlov - Professor of the Department of Sedimentary Geology, specialist in the field of oil and gas lithology, author of numerous publications on structural and genetic analysis in lithology
  • I. V. Shpurov - Associate Professor of the Department of Geology of Mineral Deposits, General Director of the State Commission for Mineral Reserves, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Commission for the Development of Rosnedra
  • S. E. Sutormin - senior lecturer at the Department of Geology of Mineral Deposits, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg branch of the State Commission for Mineral Reserves, Head of the North-Western Oil and Gas Section of the Rosnedra Center for Hydrocarbons

International connections

Students can participate in student exchange programs within the framework of international agreements of St. Petersburg State University, as well as international academic mobility programs - Campus Europae, Eranet-Mundus, Finnish-Russian Cross-Border University (CBU), Finnish-Russian Student Exchange Program (FIRST), international scholarships and grants (Posco Russia Fellowship, Fulbright, etc.).

Fruitful partnerships have developed with universities and scientific organizations in Germany, Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Great Britain, Canada, Japan, Korea and other countries.

Practice and future career

Training practices take place at permanent bases and training grounds:
  • first year - geological and geodetic (Leningrad region)
  • second course - on geological mapping (Crimea, Norway, France)
  • third year - industrial practice (Tyumen, Schlumberger Training Center)
Places of practical training
  • PJSC NK Rosneft
  • PJSC "Surgutneftegas"
  • LLC "Gazpromneft STC"
  • Schlumberger
  • LLC "KogalymNIPIneft"
  • Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC
  • PJSOC Bashneft
  • LLC "BashNIPIneft"
  • FSUE "VNIIOkeangeology"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Geologorazvedka"
  • FBU "State Commission for Mineral Reserves"
  • OJSC "Sevmorgeo"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution Institute of Problems of Industrial Ecology of the North, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Group of companies "North-Western Cadastral Center"
  • JSC "Bashneftegeofizika"
  • Russian Geoecological Center branch of the Federal State Unitary Geological Enterprise "Urangeologorazvedka"
  • Branch of the Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL-Engineering" "PermNIPIneft"
  • LLC "Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center"
  • OJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin

The program is aimed at training specialists to solve complex problems in the field of exploration and development of natural hydrocarbon deposits, including those with unconventional and hard-to-recover reserves. Graduates are prepared to participate in work in production related to hydrocarbon production, in scientific laboratories, in computer centers when conducting research and production work.

List of key professions
  • Oil production specialist
  • Field geologist
  • Specialist in calculation and management of hydrocarbon reserves
Organizations where graduates work
  • PJSC NK Rosneft
  • PJSC Lukoil
  • PJSC Gazprom
  • PJSC Gazprom Neft
  • Schlumberger
  • FBU "GKZ"
  • FSUE "VNIIOkeangeology"
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Geologorazvedka"
  • OJSC "Sevmorgeo"
  • LLC "Gazpromneft STC"
  • LLC "Gazpromneft-development"

The field of gas and oil production in Russia is especially popular. It is not surprising that a large number of people want to work in this field. What is the oil and gas business? What kind of profession can be carried out here? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

General characteristics

For a long time, no one has denied the fact that the most profitable and relevant area on the territory of the Russian Federation is the oil and gas business. What profession stands out here? Despite the wide variety of different specialties, qualifications and categories, almost any employee working in the oil and gas industry is called a petroleum technologist.

I must say that this profession is incredibly popular among applicants. High quality career prospects are also attractive. Don’t forget about constant scientific developments that allow you to regularly improve your professional level.

What kind of profession?

Oil and gas business: what is this area? The specialty of a petroleum technologist has many subtypes and categories. Accordingly, work responsibilities in different places may not be the same. But in most cases, this is usually installation, repair or adjustment, maintenance of oil or gas wells, etc.

It’s worth noting right away that an oil worker’s work life is not associated with a comfortable office and a large amount of documentation. Not only is it carried out in remote places of the country, but also all the work is carried out in not the best conditions. But there are also exceptions. As already mentioned, the oil and gas industry is considered a very broad area. What kind of profession can be allocated here for girls or representatives of bureaucratic production? Despite the remaining note in the work book about the specialty of a technologist, some work can be carried out “onshore”. Thus, specialists can work in the field of organizing teams, monitoring labor safety, etc. There are a lot of types of professional activities here, and therefore everyone can find the most suitable job.

Professional Features

What is oil and gas business? What kind of profession and its description - all this information will be best compiled by considering the main functions of workers involved in the gas and oil industry.

If we talk about the most general competencies that are characteristic of almost all oil and gas specialists, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • ensuring efficient and reliable operation of all existing equipment;
  • control over automated and technological processes;
  • carrying out the necessary calculations and drawing up technological plans;
  • carrying out work on drilling, preparation, production, transportation and storage of products;
  • carrying out diagnostic and maintenance work;
  • equipment repair;
  • research work.

Thus, the professional sphere in question is incredibly voluminous and broad. Each employee is required to perform a fairly large number of job functions. A timely increase in qualification level will only increase the workload.


You can only master it at a higher educational institution. Thus, to obtain a specialty, you must complete 11 grades of schooling, and then pass the Unified State Exam. Most universities accept applicants who have passed disciplines such as specialized mathematics, Russian language, as well as computer science and physics. In order to have an excellent chance of entering a university to major in oil and gas engineering, you must pass exams with 80-86 points.

Many Moscow universities are capable of preparing future technologists. But there are also some regional institutions where it is possible to obtain the desired specialty. Here is just a small list of educational institutions:

  • MSMU (Moscow Mechanical Engineering);
  • RGGRU named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI);
  • Far Eastern Transport University;
  • Moscow Institute of Transport - "Oil and Gas Business".

Professions are very popular today. That’s why getting into some universities can be very difficult. You need to work and study a lot - this is the only way you will have the opportunity to master your profession well.

Academic disciplines

As a rule, the duration of study at the university in the specialty in question is 4 years. Thus, just four courses of study will help a citizen obtain a bachelor's degree. However, it can also be received within five years; We are talking about students studying part-time, evening or mixed forms of education.

What disciplines are included in the training course? Almost any university that provides the opportunity to receive education in the oil and gas industry has a curriculum with the following disciplines:

  • hydraulics and oil and gas hydromechanics;
  • basics of qualimetry, standardization and metrology;
  • automation;
  • chemistry of oil and gas;
  • fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer;
  • computer graphics;
  • and some other training programs.

Required Skills

The learning process should develop in the future petroleum technologist a number of useful skills and abilities for work. What exactly are we talking about? In short, young people must have a number of important abilities, without which working in the field in question would be simply impossible.

Professional technologists must design various types of schemes and plans with high quality. Any specialist involved in the oil and gas industry is required to take part in the development of various projects using modern computer technology. That is why it is worth highlighting here the most important and useful skill for any technologist: the ability to competently use software and computer technology. Without this, such an important area as the oil and gas business would not have been able to develop.

What is a profession without a number of important skills such as hard work, teamwork, patience, etc.? Any petroleum technologist must have all these properties and character traits.

Professional prospects

What prospects might workers have in the oil and gas industry? What kind of profession might stand out here, and what features of career growth might there be? As a rule, all graduates of oil and gas universities go to work in their specialty. Any relevant enterprise is ready to hire people who have graduated from an educational institution. And yet competition for vacant positions remains quite high.

Young people can expect to get a job as a foreman, laboratory assistant, engineer or technician. Don’t forget about the research direction, for which, however, you need to complete a master’s degree.

The career ladder is open to every diligent and hardworking employee. A representative of any specialty is able to promptly improve the level of his professional qualifications.


Many citizens are interested in the income of workers involved in the oil and gas industry. What kind of profession? Salaries vary greatly here, and how much are they? All these questions are asked by applicants before entering the university. It’s worth giving an answer right away: the minimum income of workers involved in the professional field in question is 40-50 thousand rubles. Timely advanced training and obtaining new categories will help “raise” this figure to 70-100 thousand rubles.

A process engineer can earn about 60-80 thousand rubles, and a chief engineer can earn about 100 thousand rubles.

Master's degree

What do those who choose the specialty “oil and gas engineering” study in the master’s program? What kind of profession can be obtained here?

The entire process of studying in a master's program is a high-quality research activity. What prospects can await graduates of the master's program? As a rule, this is work in oil service companies, as well as scientific laboratories - public or private.

Today, almost every Russian university with an oil and gas specialty provides master's degree programs. Master's students are able to qualitatively master such scientific disciplines as geology, chemistry, geophysics, geodesy, etc.

St. Petersburg State University is developing unique educational programs that reflect the country's economic development strategy. For example, in February the university opens a series of public lectures for high school students and applicants, “The Many Faces of Geology.” Everyone will be able to learn more about the riches hidden in the depths of our country, get acquainted with the work of geologists who search for and develop these riches.

Professor Sergei Vitalievich Aplonov, head of the Department of Geophysics of the Geological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, advisor to the Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg State University in the areas of “Geology” and “Management” will tell you more about the “Oil and Gas Engineering” program.

New direction

A special federal law granted a special status to the two “main” classical universities of the country, St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University. Among other things, it gives us the right to independently develop educational standards and programs, create unique curricula and open new directions.

This year, the Faculty of Geology of St. Petersburg State University will accept applicants for three major directions: two traditional for us - “Geology” and “Ecology and Rational Environmental Management”, and one new one - “Oil and Gas Engineering”.

This is a new thing for St. Petersburg State University. Until now, oil and gas specialties existed mainly in universities with a “technical” orientation: Moscow State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, our St. Petersburg Mining Institute, where an entire oil and gas faculty has been opened.

The main emphasis there was on exploration, production, and their technical aspects. Of course, this is a necessary part of the oil business, because for a petroleum geologist, a well is a criterion for success. It’s not for nothing that oil workers say: “Oil is at the tip of the bit.”

But in general, the oil and gas business consists of many, and not only technical aspects. Everyone knows that oil and gas are a significant part of both the budget and GDP (gross domestic product) of our country. This will probably remain so in the near future, since Russia is a raw materials country. And there is nothing wrong with this, there is no need to be ashamed or complex about it.

Recently, we have been persistently told that there is almost a “raw materials curse” hanging over our country, that we need to choose: either oil and gas, or modernization of the economy. But few people know that the oil and gas industry is one of the most knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy. After all, only a poorly educated amateur believes that if you make a “hole” in the ground, oil or gas will flow out of it. Each oil and gas field is a high-tech enterprise. When searching, exploring and producing hydrocarbons, the latest achievements of technology and human thought are used. There is no alternative between a resource-based economy and an innovative economy; on the contrary, a resource-based economy should be as innovative as possible. Moreover, the oil and gas sector contributes to the development of a number of related areas, and this means hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Another thing is how effective is the Russian oil and gas sector today? And how do we manage our oil and gas wealth? This is a topic for a separate conversation, and it is these problems that we put at the forefront of our educational program “Oil and Gas Business”.

The task is to reproduce the mineral resource base

    There is a long way from oil lying in the depths of the Earth to gasoline in the tank of a car. Therefore, in the oil and gas business, as in any other, there are several stages:
  1. Search: we need to find exactly where and at what depth oil and gas lie.
  2. Exploration: when we find oil, we need to determine how much of it is contained in a given area of ​​the earth's interior.
  3. Extraction: oil and gas must be extracted from the subsoil, preferably with minimal losses.

The first, search stage is the most responsible and at the same time the most knowledge-intensive. The success of the entire oil and gas industry, and the well-being of our country’s economy as a whole, depends on how effective it is. If you engage, even very successfully, only in the development of deposits, only in extracting oil and gas, then sooner or later they will end. And then the question will arise: where to extract new hydrocarbons?

Therefore, the main task of geologists and the ultimate goal of geological exploration for oil and gas is the reproduction of the country’s mineral resource base. In a unit of time, it is necessary to find and explore at least as much (preferably more) oil and gas as they are extracted from the subsoil during the same time. If this is not done, then after a very short period (5-10 years) the country will be left without energy resources, and for any country this is a disaster.

At the same time, the consumption of hydrocarbons around the world is growing. No matter what they tell us about alternative energy sources, about energy-saving technologies (which, in itself, of course, is very important!), this trend seems to continue in the foreseeable future. This means that oil and gas companies need to steadily and systematically increase oil and gas reserves. For example, our largest gas company Gazprom plans to reach a production level of 600 billion cubic meters of gas per year in the near future. A very ambitious and understandable goal: energy consumption in the world is growing, everyone needs gas. But this means that by the time Gazprom reaches such a level of gas production, it will have to increase every year, that is, find in the depths, at least 600 billion cubic meters of gas, and better - 700-800.

This is where the problems begin that will have to be solved by those who are just going to receive an education in the Oil and Gas Engineering program today.

Two ways to increase reserves

Unfortunately, hydrocarbon resources, like other minerals, are not renewable. The mineral resources tend to become depleted. There are simply no large and geologically simple oil and gas deposits left on land. There are, of course, successful projects today, for example, the shelf of Sakhalin Island, where a number of fairly large fields have been discovered in recent years. But compared to the deposits in Western Siberia (which were discovered in the 1970s and still remain the basis of our energy well-being), these are tears. Oil and gas workers need to understand that the time of “simple giants” is over. This means that there are two ways to increase the resource base.

The first way is to search for and develop relatively small deposits of oil and gas in traditional oil and gas producing regions: Western Siberia, the Komi Republic, Tatarstan and Bashkiria. There are processing plants there, roads, transport and logistics systems. But the deposits are getting smaller, they are getting deeper, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find them. This means that we need to improve production at existing deposits, and at the same time look for small deposits around and bring them closer to the developed infrastructure.

It must be said that our fuel and energy complex has already achieved enormous success along this path over the past 20 years. Many fields are being developed very efficiently, and companies have learned to operate at the highest world standards.

But for our country, of course, this is not enough. We need a second way: we need to go to poorly explored territories, where we can still find large oil and gas deposits. However, there is only one such territory left - our Arctic shelf. Its hydrocarbon resources are valued very highly, but everyone understands that these resources are very expensive. Working in the Arctic is extremely difficult, and the cost of a mistake here is very high. To understand this, it is enough to know: the cost of just one (!) exploratory well, even on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (not the Arctic), reaches 150-200 million dollars, and for the search and exploration of just one field, dozens of such wells are needed.

The efficiency of geological exploration with which we are currently searching for deposits on land is completely insufficient for working on the Arctic shelf. And the point here is not only and not so much in technology, but in ideology: for effective work on the shelf, a much higher level of analysis of geological information is required than what is used now. And we again return to where we started - to the geological formation, without which there is nothing to do on the shelf. You can repeat mantras as much as you like that the shelf is our future, but if we come to the shelf unprepared, we will simply soon lose this future.

St. Petersburg State University will close the “gap” in geology

Whatever may be said about the remarkable Soviet geological education, today there are almost no specialists left in the country who can professionally search for oil and gas. The reason is that today's geologists of oil and gas enterprises, as a rule, graduated from universities 20-30 years ago, and during this time geology as a science has changed dramatically. And also that over the past 20 years neither the state nor private companies have worked for the long term (resource assessment, preparation of hydrocarbon reserves). This is the gap we will try to close with our Oil and Gas Business program.

This program will have a powerful geological block, because... in the search it is important to have a lot of general geological fundamental knowledge. Time has shown that a true oil professional must combine the talents of a scientist and a manager, so the university program “Oil and Gas Engineering” will strengthen the managerial, economic and legal blocks.

We are now actively working to ensure that large oil and gas businesses participate in the training of our professionals; we are negotiating with companies on this topic.

Another distinctive feature is inclusive education. This is a common practice, but not yet common in geology. Students' practical training will take place, among other things, abroad. There is a lot to learn there, especially in organizational and technical terms, and full-fledged language training will not be superfluous (the qualification of a Soviet engineer “reading and translating with a dictionary” is completely insufficient for a modern specialist).

In a word, the educational program of St. Petersburg State University “Oil and Gas Engineering” aims to prepare a hitherto unprecedented hybrid of scientist and businessman, successful and creative, capable of effectively solving various problems of the fuel and energy complex.

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