Creates soil. How to form a fertile layer of soil in an area located on inaccessible areas

Natalia Gerasimova
Summary of OD in the preparatory group “Soil is a living earth. Who creates the soil?

Completed: teacher of MADOU TsRR d/s No. 110, Kaliningrad Gerasimova N. E.


Introducing children to the concept of " soil"based on experiments, its composition and value for all inhabitants of the flora and fauna Earth.


1) Cognitive and research, to develop the skill of experimental activities;

2) Communication; teach children to think, formulate and summarize the results of experiments, and interact with each other;

3) Speech and games: teach to communicate in the process of ecological play, encourage the development of imagination, develop the ability to express one’s thoughts; instill a caring attitude towards nature in the process of basic work activity;

4) Motor: provide the opportunity to actively move through alternating types activities: conversation, experiments, physical exercises, working with a model" soil- relationship with others, role-playing games, work activities;

5) Perception of folklore: proverb about earth.


PC and presentation "Composition soil", "poster diagram composition soil", For experiments: samples soil, glasses of water, magnifying glasses, leaf samples, proverbs, for games: leaves, cups with earth(according to the number of children, headbands with a picture of a tree - 2 pcs., and with a picture of an earthworm - 2 pcs., a hoop - 4 pcs., 8 watering cans.

Progress of the lesson:

Caregiver: - Nature has an amazing pantry, you put a handful of grain in it in the spring, and by autumn you will take a whole bag. A bucket of potatoes in this pantry turns into ten buckets. A handful of seeds becomes a scattering of cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets, bunches of radishes and dill. - What do you guys think, what is this? (answer Earth, soil) .

Today we will talk to you about soil, we will find out what it consists of, who lives in it, and how we can preserve it.

What is it soil?

What do you think children? (children's answer)

Teacher: - You know guys, but it turns out Earth exists for millions of years. Once upon a time, long ago on there was no such soil on earth, as now, there were no plants. Seas and oceans arose, mountains and volcanoes appeared and then collapsed under the influence of heat, water and cold, and as a result clay, sand and other minerals appeared, and then

plants and animals appeared. And now tens of millions of years later the planet The earth took on this form, to which you and I are accustomed and now we see such soil.


Of course you're right soil is earth. We are used to calling it that by the name of our planet. Earth. We all walk on earth. In dry weather we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather we grumble that it is too dirty. But dust and dirt are not just Earth. Under our feet soil- this is the correct name. She waters and feeds the plants in the warm season, when all nature blooms, and then the flowers turn into fruits (spring, summer, but this warm period is replaced by the cool season, which brings us gifts - autumn, and the moment comes when the trees begin to shed leaves, preparing for winter, they cover their nurse - land(or as it is correctly called soil) a thick blanket of dry leaves: yellow, red, orange, and we can also see fruits that have fallen on land: acorns, nuts, apples, pears, many of them are already covered with brown spots of rot. And they have one road, as the people say proverb: "From lands have come, V they will leave the earth".

What does this mean? (children's answers).

The point is that there is only soil there where plants grow and vice versa, plants themselves are a source of material for the structure soil.

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and eyelids rot, and various underground inhabitants invisible to our eyes also participate in this. - Who remembers what animals are involved in creating humus? (children's answers).

What do you think it consists of? soil? (children's answers).

That's right kids the soil is made of sand, clay, humus, in there is water in the soil, air. Now we will test this with experiments.

EXPERIENCE No. 1. IN there is air in the soil. Many animals from the underground world breathe it. Take a glass of water and throw a lump into it soil. - What conclusion can be drawn based on the results of the experiment. Conclusion: we see bubbles rising to the top. And this means that in there is air in the soil.

EXPERIENCE No. 2. Compound soil. We post soil in a glass of water. After a while we will see that sand has settled at the bottom of the glass, the water on top has become cloudy due to clay, and debris is floating on the surface, plant roots - this is humus. Conclusion: soil It contains humus, sand, and clay.

EXPERIENCE No. 3. We also said that in there is water in the soil That's why plants grow. -Where does it come from? soil? (children's answers).

That's right kids. Water enters soil when it rains or during watering. It penetrates deep and remains in the free spaces between particles soil.

Let's take a spirit lamp and heat it up land, covering the form with glass, and look at the glass. Conclusion: on the glass we see droplets of water that have evaporated as a result of calcination soil, which means you can live there.

Please tell me which ones soil do you know the inhabitants? (children's answers).

Who lives under earth?

Soil provides shelter to many plants and animals. So good they get along together. Look how they live and help each other. Plants grow in soil, take nutrients from her. And the time comes - autumn, when plants: trees, bushes, herbs, flowers fall, losing leaves and fruits, and then the amazing work of the invisible world of animals begins, hidden under a layer of leaves and in earth(story about processing leaves, so humus is created, which provides plants with many nutrients.

Today it’s cloudy, but a cheerful song about the sun invites you and me to relax a little.


Well done, what do you think? soil Is it only needed by plants? (children's answers). Let's go to the poster and see why it's important soil and for whom? Conversation at the poster.

Well, it's time to play the game. Now we will see how the leaves turn into soil.


Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team has its own “worm” and soya “tree”. At one end of the room, place two hoops on the floor on the same line, but at a distance. These will be the “holes” of the worms. Each team selects a child to play the role of an earthworm. He stands in a circle, and here, in the circle on the floor, there are cups with earth. At the opposite end of the room, place two more hoops for children, which will act as trees. These children also stand in a circle, holding leaves in their hands. The children have appropriate headbands on their heads. The remaining participants stand one after another. At the command of the presenter "Autumn" - the tree children give the leaf to their participant, who runs to the worm and exchanges it for a glass of earth. Then he returns with it to the tree and gives it back. Team members repeat their actions until the last participant brings earth for your tree.

Today in class you were introduced to the concept soil. Please remember what this is? What does it consist of, who lives in it? (children's answers).

How can we save soil for these creatures?

What can we do?

What useful things have we learned today? (children's answers)

Do you know guys, we weren’t in the Winter Garden for 2 days, and the soil has dried out these days, because there are such big plants growing here, they drank all the water, I suggest you do a good deed - water soil, and she will water the plants. What do you think they would tell us? soil and the plants of the Winter Garden, if they could talk? After all, we care about them?

What proverbs about earth you know?

Without a master the earth is an orphan.

IN you can’t lay down the earth and you can’t take it from the earth.

Where not land, there is no grass.

The earth is the nurse.

And now, I suggest you sketch one of the “underground inhabitants” that you liked the most. You can draw a garden or a field producing crops. Your imagination has no limits. You are so great, you worked very well today.

To put spokes in the wheels, to tie hands and feet, to put up obstacles, to confuse the cards, to confuse plans, to put up obstacles, to knock the ground out from under one's feet, to put spokes in the wheels, to block oxygen, to prevent, to spoil the whole mass, to interfere, to get confused,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

Prepare the ground- for whom, for what. TO PREPARE THE SOIL for whom, for what. Book Create conditions for someone or something. We passed through an area where the ground had already been prepared for partisan affairs, by underground organizations and seething among the people... ...

Prepare the ground- PREPARING THE SOIL for whom, for what. TO PREPARE THE SOIL for whom, for what. Book Create conditions for someone or something. We passed through an area where the ground had already been prepared for partisan affairs by underground organizations and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

For whom, for what. Book Create conditions for the implementation of something. by whom l. F 2, 56 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

NOURISH, nourish, nourish, imperfect. (book). 1. who what. To feed, to provide food, to introduce food into someone's body. Feed the patient four times a day. || Deliver food and livelihood. Literary work feeds me. 2. what. Serving... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Abdel Kerim Qassem عبد الكريم قاسم ... Wikipedia

- عبد الكريم قاسم ... Wikipedia


  • , Heath Chip. About the book A book about the key components of moments that are remembered for a lifetime or radically change it. And how to create such moments. How can a teacher teach a lesson that will...
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MBDOU d/s No. 8 ___________________________________________________________________

Summary of open gcd in the senior group

on the topic: “Soil is a living earth. Who creates the soil?

Prepared by: teacher

Vurdikhanova Tatyana Ramazanovna.

Makhachkala 2017

LESSON TOPIC: Soil is living earth. Who creates the soil?

TARGET : introducing children to the concept of “soil” based on experiments, its composition and value for all inhabitants of the flora and fauna of the Earth;


1) educational and research

To form in children an idea of ​​the importance of soil in nature; introduce the composition of the soil and some of its properties.

Exercise your ability to analyze;

To form cognitive activity, interest in objects of living and inanimate nature;

2) speech

Activate your vocabulary using the words: fertile, breathable, water-permeable, humus, impurities;


Develop communication skills, cultivate a sense of empathy, and a desire to help.

4) motor:

provide the opportunity to actively move through alternating types of activities: conversation, experiments, physical exercises, work with the “soil-interconnection with the environment” model,

5) perception of folklore: proverbs about the earth.

Preliminary work:reading and viewing illustrations for E. N. Uspersky’s story “Uncle Fyodor the Cat and the Dog.” View the presentation "Soil".

Equipment and materials:diagram-poster “soil composition”; diagram-poster “soil-relationship with the environment”; for experiments: soil samples (sandy, clay, fertile, black soil), glasses of water, magnifying glasses, spoons, napkins; proverbs, surprise- apples from a magic tree.

Methodical techniques:

questions for children;



use of physical education minutes

Preliminary work:

observing the soil while walking;


Organizational moment:

(The teacher invites the children into the circle.)

Guys, where does a good mood begin? (With a smile, with good deeds, with wonderful surprises.)

Invented by someone simply and wisely:

When meeting, say hello: “good morning!”

good morning to the sun and stars

good morning to smiling faces.

and everyone becomes kind and smiling.

let good morning last until evening.

Motivational and orientation stage:

Guys, a letter has arrived at our group's address.(The teacher opens the envelope and reads the letter).Guys, this is a letter from Prostokvashino from Uncle Fyodor. He writes that they have problems. Matroskin and Sharik planted vegetables, but the harvest did not grow well everywhere. Uncle Fedor asks us to figure out why this happened. Do you want to help him?

Search stage: how can we help him? Let's think about it.

where vegetables grow (children's answers).

What is land?

What do you think children? (children's answers).

Of course, you are right, the word earth has many meanings - it is also the name of our planet on which we live, the fertile layer on our planet. You and I will talk about the earth on which everything grows, about the earth - our mother and nurse. this is a capacious word! the earth is the nurse, the earth is the water-drinker, the mother is the earth. This is how we respectfully and affectionately call our native land. We all walk on earth. In dry weather we grumble that there is a lot of dust, and in rainy weather we grumble that it is too dirty. But dust and dirt are not just earth. There is soil under our feet - this is its correct name -

She waters and feeds the plants, and they give her their dry leaves.

Why, you ask?

The fact is that soil exists only where plants grow and, conversely, plants themselves create soil.

How does this happen? Let's remember with you.

How many of you have seen how leaves fall from trees in autumn?

Where do they go then? (children's answers)

The secret is that all these fallen leaves and branches rot, and various earthly inhabitants invisible to our eyes also participate in this. Who remembers which animals are involved in creating humus? Worms, slugs and snails, wood lice and millipedes, tiny earth mites the size of a grain of sand, microscopic fungi and bacteria, and as a result of their activity, humus is formed - a nutritious soil layer.

What do you think soil is made of? (children's answers)

The soil consists of: sand, clay, humus, the soil contains water, air

Now we will test this experimentally.

Guys, in order to make a description of the soil, you need to conduct experiments. To do this, I suggest you become research scientists.

Who knows what scientists do?(Explore, observe, conduct experiments.)To conduct experiments, scientists need a laboratory. Let's go into the laboratory and sit down at the tables. Scientists often consult with each other, discuss their research, so you and I will also agree on what to do and help each other.

(Children approach the tables. On the tables there are bowls with earth, cups of water, spoons, napkins, magnifying glasses, funnels, cotton pads, cups,

Practical stage:

There are items for research on your tables. List what exactly.(Children's answers).

children look atsoil appearanceand give a description. What do you need to do to describe the appearance of soil?(Smell, examine, touch).


we need to know if there is air in the soil? How can we do this?It is located between lumps and lumps of soil in free places. And to prove this to you, we’ll do an experiment.: Let's take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it. If there is air in it, then we will see bubbles that will rise to the top.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the result of the experiment? (there is air in the soilnecessary for plant life.)Many animals of the underground world breathe it.

EXPERIMENT 2. Soil composition

Mix the soil in a glass of water. After a while we will see that sand has settled at the bottom of the glass, the water on top has become cloudy due to clay, and debris and plant roots are floating on the surface - this is humus.

Conclusion: The soil contains: humus, sand, clay.

EXPERIENCE 3. We also said that there is water in the soil, that’s why plants grow.

Where does it come from in the soil? (children's answers)

That's right, children. Water enters the soil when it rains or during irrigation. It penetrates deep and is stored in free spaces between soil particles.

Let's take some soil into a test tube and heat it, covering the form with glass, and look at the glass.

Conclusion : On the glass we see droplets of water that have evaporated as a result of calcination of the soil, which means that there is water in the soil..

We learned that there is water and air in the soil, which means we can live there.

Please tell me what soil inhabitants do you know?

Who lives underground? (children's answers)

The soil provides shelter for many plants and animals.MOLE,EARTHWORM , ANTS, FIELDS MOUSE (VOLE), MOCKER .

Today it’s cloudy, but a cheerful song about the sun invites you and me to relax a little!

PHYSICAL MINUTE: “Radiant sun.”

Well done!

Children are invited to take their seats. Do you think only plants need soil? (children's answers) Let's go to the poster and see why soil is important and for whom?

Conversation at the poster.

What soil do plants grow best in? Why?

Children's answers.

Chernozem contains many useful nutrients. Plants grow and develop best on it.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

Guys, what kind of soil should you grow crops on? What will we write to Uncle Fyodor?

Children's answers.

Today in class you were introduced to the concept of “soil”, please remind me what it is? What does it consist of, who lives in it? (children’s answers)

How can we preserve the soil for these creatures? What can we do?

(do not pollute the soil, water with clean water, do not light fires, do not trample down plants, protect the “underground inhabitants” - because the soil needs them.

Reflective-evaluative stage:

After the experiments, an analysis of the soil survey is carried out and the results are summarized using the sequence table.

1- “soil”,

2-how can you describe the soil?(fertile, free-flowing.

3-What it does is pass and hold, nourish.)

4-Where there is no earth, there is no grass.

5- soil is life.

Dear guys, you worked hard, helped Uncle Fyodor, found out what our land consists of, that it is fertile and it gives you a surprise - a whole basket of fragrant, ripe, rosy apples, because you take care of it, and it loves you.

What is the soil like in your garden? After all, the quality of fruits and vegetables depends on the composition and structure of the soil. It turns out that the earth also requires nutrition, timely preparation for its assimilation, and improvement of air and water conditions.

What is the soil like in your garden? After all, the quality of fruits and vegetables depends on the composition and structure of the soil. It turns out that the earth also requires nutrition, timely preparation for its assimilation, and improvement of air and water conditions.

What heals the soil and makes it fertile? The entire top layer of soil (up to 3 cm) is inhabited by microorganisms, bacteria, and beneficial mold. When we dig too deep and move the top layer down, we disrupt the life of these microorganisms and strip the roots cultivated plantsaccessible form of various elements. So, let’s learn the rule: don’t plow deeply, don’t dig, don’t deepen the top layer. In order for the living world in the soil not to disappear, it is necessary to “feed” it with organic matter. In the fall, manure, humus, and compost are scattered and tucked into the soil to a depth of 15 cm or shallower.

And if there is no manure, then simple straw, grass, or rather, dry hay, so that the soil does not become too sour. In the inter-rows, near the berry bushes, in the trunk circles, dig grooves, grooves, holes up to 12 cm deep, put chopped straw, hay dust, crushed tree bark, sawdust, shavings in them, water with mash (1 kg of half-rotted straw manure, compost for 1 bucket water). You can sprinkle with vermicompost. Vermicompost will help improve the health of the soil in the garden and vegetable garden, providing it withbiological fertilizer, which contains the richest flora of bacteria and microorganisms.

Beginning gardeners do not pay attention to the living world in the soil at all; in many, especially new plots, there are not even earthworms in the ground. This work cannot be put off until the fall. A small amount of humus, vermicompost and, according to a strict norm, mineral fertilizers must be laid and shallowly filled now, after the ground has thawed.

This invisible, very complex and fertile world in the soil is created and lives when the earth is loose and permeated with air and oxygen. In the spring, meltwater compacts the poor layers of the earth, devoid of organic matter, then it becomes covered with a dense crust, and life in such soil freezes. Timely loosening will help enrich the soil with oxygen and the microcosm will work for the benefit of plants.In order not to turn the soil into a dead substrate, often bring earthworms into the site along with humus, mulch the beds with various organic matter, do not burn fires directly on the ground, do not remove all healthy plant debris from the site, but tuck it shallowly into the ground.

The growth rate and shape of a tree can be influenced by the structure of the soil; for example, on heavy clay soil, the crown of trees droops and develops more slowly. In such soil, the roots lack oxygen. It is useful to sow peas, buckwheat, beans, lupine and other herbs between the rows and even in the trunk circle. Their roots improve air permeability to the roots of fruit trees. In spring, it will be easier for trees to tolerate melt water.

What else to read