We create all the conditions for cyclamen: why the plant does not bloom and how to fix it? Why cyclamen does not bloom: the main causes and methods of resuscitation Cyclamen stopped blooming what to do.

A very beautiful flower! I tried to grow it, but my first experience was unsuccessful - cyclamen disappeared. How difficult is home care? Is it possible to make it bloom all year round? One of my good friends is fond of cyclamens. I love being at her house. All window sills are lined with these flowers. And they bloom almost all year round. Some stop blooming, others start. By the way, this flower has another name - cyclomenia.

Cyclamen (cyclomenia) on the windowsill

Among its neighbors on the windowsill, this plant stands out for its bright beauty and abundant flowering.
to grow cyclamen, how to transplant it, what is the care for it at home - let's look at it in detail. This representative is notable for the fact that it blooms in autumn and winter. If you are interested in the process of growing cyclamen yourself, you can buy seeds. It is also quite possible to get new plants by dividing the root. It should be borne in mind that the process of growing this flower from seeds is quite long, until it grows a tuber and blooms, it can take a long time.

Cyclamen (cyclomenia), photo:

The flowering process of a houseplant begins around November and ends by March. The five-petal cyclomenia flowers on a graceful thin stem are very beautiful - of an unusual shape with bent petals. The leaves are also very decorative - they are somewhat similar to a heart, an openwork white (or silver) pattern adorns the dark green "canvas". Thanks to the efforts of breeders, hybrids of this flower are periodically born, which differ in shades and patterns on the leaves.

Photo of cyclamen flowers:

Features of cyclamen, varieties

The most remarkable quality of hybrids is the possibility of year-round flowering. Individual varieties can be planted in open ground, used as garden flowers. There are approximately 20 varieties of this plant, however, for home cultivation, the Persian, European, Neapolitan (ivy) variety is most often used.

The most common, popular representative is the Persian cyclamen. The flowers of this species can be of various shades: white, pink, dark red, lilac. The plant usually reaches 30 cm in height, has a large tuber with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The Persian variety can be grown both at home and in garden plots. If you want to plant it in your country house, then choose a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight, for example, near trees or shrubs.

Persian cyclamen, photo:

The purple variety has a characteristic feature that distinguishes it from its counterparts - the bottom color of the leaf has a purple hue. Also, in this species, the tuber does not protrude above the soil; upon closer examination, the entire tuber is covered with roots. Purple cyclamen retains its leaves all year round (there is no dormant period). The color of the flowers varies from white to all shades of red, the leaves have notches along the edges. The plant gives color mainly in summer (June / early October), its other name is European cyclamen. The flowers of this variety have a very pleasant aroma.

European cyclamen (purple):

Cyclamen Neapolitan (Ivy):

Among the varieties of cyclamen, you can even find those that grow on mossy tree trunks. In this case, the tree does not suffer, since the root system of the plant does not go deep under the bark. In summer, wild cyclamen blooms and smells (the aroma is somewhat reminiscent of lilies of the valley), and with the onset of autumn it “falls asleep”. The height of wild representatives does not exceed 10 cm, they reproduce by seeds, and insects help them. Caucasian cyclamen grows wild, can be grown at home, propagated by seeds, dividing tubers. It can also be planted in a summer cottage.

Wild cyclamen, photo:

We decided to buy cyclamen - what to look for in the store

It is difficult to resist the charm of cyclamen and not buy a blooming specimen! Even if it does not bloom, the head of leaves with gray-blue spots looks very decorative.

The question arises: where and when is it better to buy this plant? I would like to note that the most common type of cyclamen - Persian - they begin to sell in late autumn.

When choosing, I advise you to pay attention to those plants that have more unblown buds - the more of these, the better. Naturally, your new flower should not have damaged leaves. They should be located low relative to the peduncles. It is also not superfluous to pay attention to the tuber. A properly positioned tuber should peek halfway out of the ground. This is important, since it will depend on how your cyclamen will develop further.

When buying, pay attention to the soil. Usually plants from a flower shop are sold in a poor peat substrate, unsuitable for normal cultivation for a long period. Such plants should be transplanted immediately, but only after the end of the flowering period.

For this:

  • carefully remove the plant from the pot, holding it close to the root by the leaves;
  • shake off the peat from the roots of the flower;
  • we check what condition they are in - if we see rotten ones - we boldly cut them to a healthy tissue;
  • soak the roots for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this procedure will disinfect the root system of cyclamen;
  • after disinfection, sprinkle the places of root cuts with activated carbon powder;
  • before planting, be sure to pour a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom of a clean pot;
  • as a substrate, any universal soil for indoor or flowering plants is suitable.

An experienced friend always tells me that cyclamen (cyclomenia) is an unpretentious flower, but you need to know some secrets.

  • Firstly, cyclamens do not like large containers. They like the corms to be cramped rather than spacious. That is, the distance between the nodules and the walls of the pot should be no more than 2-3 cm.
  • Secondly, cyclamen refers to plants that periodically "hibernate", that is, they need a dormant period that lasts about three months. At this time, the pot with the dormant cyclamen is placed in a cool place. It can be, for example, some kind of pantry, a toilet room, even the lower shelf of the refrigerator is suitable if the temperature there does not rise above 11 ° C. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not watered, except perhaps only when the soil in the pot is completely dry. One tablespoon of water per week will be more than enough.
  • Thirdly, this is perhaps one of the few plants that does not like bright sunlight. Be sure to shade the cyclamen pot, or better yet, keep it in a north window.

How to grow cyclamen at home, care for him

In order for this bright flower to delight you with lush flowering, you must adhere to certain rules. The plant should feel comfortable: acceptable air temperature, absence of drafts, proper lighting, timely watering - all these requirements must be observed.

How to care for cyclamen at home:

  1. The ambient temperature should not be higher than +12..15°C, if the mercury column rises above +20°C or falls below +10°C, the plant will not like it. There should be no drafts where the flower pot will be located. The presence of a heating radiator (or battery) near the flowers is also highly undesirable.

  2. This flower needs diffused light, light shade, since direct sunlight on the leaves is fraught with burns. The plant needs bright light only when it blooms, the flower reacts to excessive lighting by wilting the leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them.
  3. How to water cyclamen? This plant needs to be watered only through the pan! It is impossible to pour water from above, it should not fall on the tuber, flowers, foliage and other parts. The tray or saucer on which the pot stands is recommended to be filled with drainage expanded clay (thin layer).
  4. This plant prefers moist air. Here, again, expanded clay or small pebbles poured into the pan will help you. You can not irrigate the flower with water from a spray bottle. With the onset of a dormant period, it needs to be watered, but not as often as during active growth and flowering. If you notice that the leaves of the plant are turning yellow, this may also be an indicator of excessive dryness of the air.
  5. The soil for the flower should consist of equal parts of rotted foliage (leaf humus), peat, soddy soil, coarse sand, vermiculite and clay. You can also buy ready-made substrate for cyclamen (the cactus option is also suitable).

Cyclamen - how to transplant

It is best to transplant in the summer. In late spring, the plant ceases to bloom, a dormant period sets in, at which time it is no longer watered, and the pot itself is laid on its side. Around July, slowly, in small doses, watering begins again, when the first leaves appear, you can begin to transplant the flower.

It has already been said that the feature of cyclamen is a minimum of land in a pot! But it would not be superfluous to repeat that the tuber should be a little crowded, it should be buried only partially - about a third of the tuber should rise above the soil level in the pot. After transplanting cyclamen, do not pour abundant water on the flower, the earth should only be slightly moistened. Only when the plant comes to life, actively leafing out, adapting to a new place, you can proceed to normal watering, fertilizing.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds

If buying a ready-made potted flower does not appeal to you, you are interested in going through this whole process yourself, then try to purchase quality seeds. Of course, you can select planting material from existing flowers, but you will have to first carry out the pollination process (with a brush or cotton swab). Pollination must be done repeatedly, from flower to flower, while the presence of different varieties is only welcome. When the plant has faded and the seed pods are ripe, pick them off without waiting for cracking. Wrap the boxes in a clean cloth or paper, when dry they will open on their own - this way the seeds will be preserved.

Seed box, photo:

For sowing seeds, you should choose a suitable soil. Substrates that are sold in flower shops are also suitable. Such soil most often contains peat, leaf soil, vermiculite. If you want to make such a substrate yourself, then you only have to mix equal proportional parts of these components. Do not forget about drainage (large foam balls or small gravel), there must be holes at the bottom of the tank.

The most commonly used two methods of sowing seeds:

  1. The seed is pre-soaked in cold water (for two or three days), to which a couple of drops of dish detergent should be added every day. This water should be changed daily, its temperature should be quite low.
  2. The second option is more familiar to flower growers and gardeners - pre-treatment (soaking) with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or Epin (2 drops per 200 ml of water). For seeds, 15 hours of such a “bath” is enough; after such treatment, even the old seed gets a “shake” and sprouts.

You can try these two methods at the same time, subsequently choose the one that is more effective and convenient for you.

Next, to grow cyclamen from seeds, prepare a container with holes at the bottom, lay a layer of drainage, pour soil on top. Make grooves on the soil, lay the seeds there, or moisten the soil, spread the seed on top, sprinkle 2-3 cm on top with a layer of earth. Please note that there should be about 3 cm of free space between the seeds.

Further care for the crops is to cover the containers with plastic wrap, place them in a cool place. As mentioned above, the air temperature should not exceed +20°C.

Compliance with the temperature regime is extremely important for cyclamen, since when the degree rises, the transition to a dormant period is triggered, and when lowered, the seed may simply rot.

Every day, you should lift the film for a short time - air the seedlings, if you follow these simple rules, you can see shoots approximately - it depends on the variety. After the appearance of pinkish sprouts, the temperature should be reduced to + 8..15 ° C. From the moment of germination, the growth of young livestock seems to slow down, this is due to the fact that the plants are actively growing roots. After about 4 months, they can begin to be planted in separate containers, by this time each seedling should have 2 or 3 leaves.

The subsequent transplantation of cyclamen to a permanent place of residence is carried out by transshipment along with a clod of earth. A pot with drainage holes, drainage material, appropriate soil - everything must be in order. Young tubers need to be completely buried, adult representatives, as mentioned above, should rise above the ground by half or a third.

You can start feeding after 6 months, complex compositions for flowering houseplants are optimally suited for this. Do not forget about high-quality regular watering of cyclamen.

Reproduction of cyclamen

The most convenient and uncomplicated method of reproduction is the division of tubers during transplantation. Well, if your flower has already grown a child tuber by this time. With the onset of a dormant period, you can independently cut such a tuber into pieces, the main thing is that roots + a kidney are present on each fragment. The cut surfaces must be treated with brilliant green or powdered well with crushed activated carbon. The tuber division method really works, try it and see. Another method of plant propagation by seeds is described above.

If you notice that your cyclamen is starting to fade, the leaves are turning yellow, what should I do? Most likely, the reason is excessive lighting. Move the container with the flower to a shady place or hang thick curtains on the window. Heat, dry air can also cause yellowing of the foliage.

A lack of iron can also affect the well-being of the plant: the leaves turn yellow in the same way, begin to fall down. This phenomenon is called chlorosis, however, adding the drug "Mikrovit K-1" (iron chelate) to the water for irrigation helps to cope with the problem.

Sometimes yellowing of the foliage may be due to the appearance of a spider mite - it is recommended to irrigate the flower with an insecticide. Make sure that the soil is moderately moist, too dry or too wet earth also leads to yellowing of the leaves of the plant.

Cyclamen has faded - what to do next?

With the onset of the dormant phase, the foliage of the plant fades and dries. The remains of leaves and flowers should be cut or cut off by hand, while making sure that the tuber is not damaged. By this time, as mentioned above, watering should be minimized, but the earthen ball near the tuber should not be too dry. If you have the opportunity to take the flower to fresh air, do it. The plant should always be in a cool, shady place, if you notice the pecking of new leaves, this will mean that the dormant period is over.

The beginning of the dormant period, photo:

Sometimes a flower, together with a pot, is added dropwise in a shady place on the site, transplantation is carried out when the plant “wakes up” from hibernation. At the same time, the soil and earthen clod are completely replaced, the tuber is inspected, spoiled fragments are removed, a month after transplantation, top dressing is introduced during irrigation. You can buy ready-made earthen mix for cyclamen.

Another option for preserving tubers is described above - laying the pot on its side, transplanting in July or August.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? On the relevant forums, you can sometimes see a similar question. The answer to it is proper care, compliance with the rules when sowing seeds, transplanting, dividing tubers. It is very important to provide the plant with the required temperature and acceptable humidity. Proper watering of cyclamen, timely fertilization - these are the basic needs of the plant, the key to its future lush flowering.

Separately, mention should be made of diseases and pests that threaten the plant and can affect its flowering. Timely treatment with insecticides and supportive drugs is very important. Regularly inspect the flower from all sides, take action at the slightest suspicion of the presence of intruders or a deterioration in appearance.

Cyclamen drops

It is worth mentioning one interesting and healing feature of this decorative flower - it is a medicinal plant, whose anti-inflammatory effect was already known to Hippocrates. Today, with its help, sinusitis is successfully treated, drops, ointments, tinctures are made. As with any other herbal gifts of nature, cyclamen should be treated with caution, not too zealous with doses and frequency of treatment.

The root of cyclamen, also known as a tuber, contains biologically active cyclamine (a substance of the saponide group), which provokes an increase in the secretion of mucous membranes and thereby helps the natural cleansing of inflamed ("clogged") sinuses. To prepare medicinal homemade drops based on the root of the plant, you need to take part of the tuber, grate it on a fine grater (or squeeze it with a manual garlic press). The resulting pulp should be filtered through a layer of clean cloth, and the resulting juice should be diluted with boiled (or distilled) water 1:4. Thus, you will receive a natural remedy for sinusitis and runny nose, instill it daily, 2 drops in each nostril for 7-10 days.

You can also grind 2 g of the root, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it, insist for about 1 hour, then dilute one teaspoon of the infusion with a liter of boiled water, drip into the nose.

An oil extract based on the root helps very well with overdried nasal mucosa. The squeezed juice of the tuber is mixed with the same amount of olive or sunflower oil, insisted for about a day, after which 3 drops are dripped into the nose for 7 days.

With all the information in mind, you will now know how to care for cyclamen, how to grow flowers from seeds, how to transplant the plant and propagate it by dividing the roots.

Its flowers resemble bright summer butterflies perched on a thin stalk, but the most amazing and valuable thing is that we can enjoy this splendor during winter snowstorms and cold weather.

In order for cyclamen to bloom in winter, home care for it should include quality summer rest. The root should not waste energy and nutrients on growing foliage. Despite the fact that this flower requires the same approach as most indoor plants, it is considered capricious, but the result fully justifies the investment of time and effort.


Content rules for favorable flowering

In garden shops, cyclamen is mainly sold in the fall, when the buds have already formed and have begun to bloom. Therefore, when choosing a flower, pay attention to a plant that is already ready to bloom or has enough unopened buds.

Naturally, the selected flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy, low-lying. The main criterion for further successful flowering is the planting of a cyclamen tuber. In no case should it be completely immersed in the ground, at least 1/3 of the part should be visible on the surface.

Cyclamens are very fond of diffused light and react painfully to direct sunlight. If you keep the plant on the windowsill, be sure to shade it from the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight is southwest windows.

For good health and regular flowering, cyclamen requires a cool air temperature. In summer, it is best + 18 ° C, but not more than 23-25. If possible, bury the plant in the garden in the shade. In winter, at the height of flowering, the air temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is the low temperature that affects the formation of buds and long flowering.

During the growing season, regular but moderate watering is required. Water frequently, but not heavily. Overdrying or, conversely, excessive waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. Make sure that water does not stagnate on the tuber and leaves - this can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water into the edge of the pot. Water is best used settled, soft, at room temperature. Excess liquid must be drained from the saucer so that the roots do not accidentally rot.

Cyclamen is also partial to humidity. Before flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower with a spray bottle, but be careful that water does not accumulate on the leaves. It will be optimal to spray not the leaves, but the air around the flower. To increase humidity, it is also recommended to place the pot on a special tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss. At the same time, remember: the roots of the plant should not come into contact with water.

Depending on the species, under favorable conditions, the flowering period lasts from October to March. In the spring, as all the flowers fall off, watering the cyclamen is gradually reduced. And by the summer, watering the plant in general is very rare. There comes the so-called dormant period, during which the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Bare tubers remain. At this time, it is advisable to lay the pots with tubers on their side and place them in a cool, shaded place. Closer to autumn, the pot is placed straight and begin to gradually moisten the soil.

Cyclamen transplant

In autumn, a new flowering period begins, which is marked by the growth of small leaves. At this time, it is necessary to do a plant transplant. A small pot is needed for transplantation: for a small one and a half year old tuber, a pot with diameters of no more than 8 cm is selected; for bulbs 2-3 years old, a 15 cm pot is suitable. Another option for choosing the right pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber itself should be from 3 to 4 cm. If cyclamen rots more often in a large pot, then premature and short flowering is possible in a small one. The result of an optimally chosen pot will be lush flowering and a healthy root.

The old soil is completely replaced. New soil mix can be purchased at a garden store ready-made, marked "for cyclamen". When preparing the soil yourself, use leafy soil, humus, river sand, turf or peat. Be sure to have drainage and a vent at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be calcined or steamed, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen is very easily attacked by pests. It is necessary to transplant a flower carefully, without damaging the root ball.

Pay special attention: in order for your cyclamen to bloom, when transplanting a Persian variety, the bulb cannot be completely buried in the soil, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber on the surface. When transplanting other species, deep planting is allowed, but when transplanting the “Neapolitan” variety, it is imperative to completely immerse the tubers in the ground.

We emphasize once again: improper planting of the bulb is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, cyclamens do not bloom.

After transplanting, cyclamen is placed in a cool, bright place and they begin to gradually increase watering. At the stage of intensive leaf growth before flowering, it is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers. It is best to use organic compounds. Avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Diseases and pests that inhibit flowering

Often, some cyclamen diseases lead to the rapid fall of flowers and the delay in the flowering period itself. Let's take a look at the most common types.

Fusarium - damage to plant tissues by fungi that release toxic substances into the vessels of the leaves. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops, mainly on one side of the plant. Gradually, the entire flower becomes infected, including the tuber, which sooner or later leads to death.

Wet rot is a bacterial and very dangerous disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp wilting and the smell of rot from the tuber. The root system is also exposed to infection. There are no methods to combat rot, the plant must be destroyed.

Gray rot is a fungal disease, manifested by the growth of gray mold on the leaves, as a result of which the plant turns yellow and dies.

Aphids are small annoying insects that are grey, green or black in color. It is dangerous because it sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant. You can find it by folding the leaves, while the buds do not open, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. The situation is aggravated by the defeat of sticky leaves by soot fungus. The fungus, in turn, impairs gas exchange.

The cyclamen mite is a very small insect, mostly yellow in color. At the initial stage, the tick settles on the inside of the leaf. Affected leaves curl up, buds wither and fall off.

Thrips is an oval-shaped pest up to 2 mm in height. With the help of wings, they fly from a diseased plant to a healthy one. It leaves a silvery trail behind, affects mainly the leaves, while the flowers become stained and gradually fade.

Pest control methods allow the use of chemical and biological agents. But the best treatment, as always, is prevention, which consists in the regular inspection of cyclamen, the periodic treatment of the leaves with special solutions and the correct maintenance of the plant.

On average, cyclamen lives 15-20 years, and up to 70 flowers can be obtained in one period. Gradually fading buds must be removed along with the pedicel. Pluck off yellowing leaves at the tuber itself. By the way, cut flowers of cyclamen stand beautifully in water. Split ends and regular water changes in the vase extend the shelf life up to 2-3 weeks.

You will be interested to learn about another feature of cyclamen tubers - they contain a poisonous substance that causes inflammation of the skin. Whereas traditional medicine uses this flower in the treatment of sinusitis, rheumatism, and homeopaths use cyclamen to treat female genital organs and diseases of the central nervous system.

In ancient books, cyclamen is called pig bread because these animals willingly feed on cyclamen roots. But to us, lovers and connoisseurs of indoor plants, cyclamen is close to flowers that “flutter” like butterflies. By following all the above recommendations, you will give yourself joy and a sunny mood in the long winter months, admiring the magnificent flowers.


How and when does flowering occur

Cyclamen, whose homeland is called the Middle East and the Mediterranean, is very popular among flower growers. The main advantage of this decorative culture is graceful flowers, their shape resembling small exotic butterflies of white, various shades of lilac, pink, purple and burgundy. Despite the fact that cyclamen has gained a reputation as a capricious and demanding decorative flower for care and growing conditions, many flower growers dream of having this plant in their home greenhouse.

Many novice flower growers, interested in a beautiful elegant flower, are trying to find out when cyclamen blooms. In winter, when most indoor plants are at rest and rest, the first buds appear on cyclamen. The dullness and grayness that reign on the windowsill disappear thanks to this unique flower.

Some flower growers argue that when an appropriate atmosphere is created (we are talking about air temperature and humidity, irrigation features and fertilizer application), the plant can bloom not only in winter, but also in summer. However, as experienced experts note, untimely flowering is not the norm, but refers to isolated cases. With the creation of favorable conditions and proper care, most varieties of cyclamen bloom from October to March. After the buds crumble, the leaves gradually begin to turn yellow.
Yellowing foliage is considered the first sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It is recommended to remove yellowed leaves, move the flower pot to a dark place and reduce the amount of watering. All these actions are necessary so that the flower has the opportunity to have a good rest and prepare for the next growing season.

Video "The subtleties of growing cyclamen"

In this video you will hear useful tips for caring for cyclamen.

Why the plant does not bloom

However, due to some circumstances, cyclamen often refuses to bloom, and the plant does not necessarily look drooping or painful. Let's look at the main reasons why cyclamen does not bloom.

Wrong fit

Most indoor flowers, including cyclamen, come to our homes from specialized nurseries and stores. Almost all ornamental crops must be transplanted immediately after purchase. The main criterion for abundant and prolonged flowering is considered to be a competent planting of a tuber, a third of which should be above the soil level. With the full deepening of the tuber, cyclamen does not receive the proper amount of useful trace elements and does not bloom.

In addition to a properly organized landing, attention must be paid to the choice of location. The best option for placing a flower pot with cyclamen is the southwest side of the house, where diffused sunlight predominates. Cyclamen loves sunlight, but reacts painfully to direct ultraviolet rays, which burn not only the leaves, but also the upper part of the root.

Violation of the temperature regime

Unlike most exotic plants, cyclamen loves coolness.

The flower feels best in a room where the average daily air temperature is 15–18 ° C. A lower temperature regime is detrimental to this crop. In summer, when cyclamen is at a stage of rest and rest, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the plant. High air temperature can cause not only the lack of bud formation, but also lead to wilting.

over watering

It is not difficult to grow an indoor flower if you know the features of caring for a particular decorative culture. Cyclamen does not like excessive watering. Excess moisture promises major troubles, in particular the lack of flowering, frequent diseases, yellowing and untimely fall of foliage, as well as rotting of the root system, which can lead to the death of the plant.
During the period when buds begin to form and buds open, it is recommended to water the flower no more than once every 7-10 days. If the soil is still wet, the moistening procedure can be postponed for a few days. In the summer, the number of waterings is significantly reduced, it is enough to moisten the substrate once a month.

Diseases and pests

To answer the question of whether cyclamen will bloom, you need to make sure that there are no signs of any diseases or the presence of harmful insects on the flower. With illiterate care, this ornamental culture can suffer from fusarium, gray rot, wet rot and other fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Often cyclamen becomes the object of attacks by thrips, aphids and cyclamen mites.


We have already found out when and how cyclamen blooms, and also identified the main mistakes of flower growers that affect budding and flowering. Now you need to understand whether the above problems can be eliminated, and how to make cyclamen bloom. One of the most effective ways to make this exotic plant bloom is when the flower does not enter the dormant stage, but continues to actively grow and develop throughout the year.

The formation of kidneys in cyclamen occurs cyclically. If you do not give the houseplant a rest in due time, then the natural cycle goes astray. As a result, the flower buds of a capricious decorative culture will form much earlier than the period familiar to flower growers.

This method also has some disadvantages. So, in the absence of rest, the indoor flower loses its cyclical rhythm. For this reason, it is recommended to transplant the plant immediately after the completion of the flowering stage. Have you noticed that after transplanting, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off? Such "behavior" is considered normal, after a certain period, young leaves will appear.
Please note that the above forced flowering method is only used for adult indoor flowers with large and well-developed tubers. Compared to annual ornamental crops, adult cyclamens bloom more profusely and for a longer time. Young bulbs are characterized by an insufficient amount of useful trace elements. If you apply the forced flowering method on a young cyclamen, then the plant is quickly depleted, as a result of which it may even die.


Bud formation

Cyclamen begins to bloom after its dormant period ends (from the very beginning of June to September), and this happens gradually. From September to November, the plant “wakes up”: new green leaves begin to appear on it. And in December, when it returned to the state in which it was before hibernation, the plant finally begins to bloom: bright and variegated flowers grow on the peduncle, which do not fall until the beginning of May.


During the flowering period, this plant spends all its energy accumulated over the summer on the appearance of new flowers. At this stage, there is an active growth of leaves and peduncle, the restoration of the ability to resist all kinds of diseases and pests that inhibit the development of cyclamen.

The necessary conditions

Primarily, active and regular flowering directly depends on how it spent the dormant period. When caring for cyclamen during the dormant period, you need to follow some simple conditions:

  • The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, and the most optimal will be 12 - 13 degrees. The plant itself should be in a dark place where direct sunlight will not fall on it.
  • Watering is done 1 time in 2 weeks, but at the same time you need to monitor the soil moisture and do not flood it. Otherwise, rotting of the bulb and subsequent death of the flower may occur.
  • During this period, it is better not to feed the plant at all, at this stage, top dressing will only harm the cyclamen.

Already after a period of rest and awakening of cyclamen you need to provide the conditions that are necessary for its flowering:

  • The flower should not have any damage in the form of cracks, otherwise, instead of blooming, it will begin to rot and die.
  • After hibernation, the plant is transplanted into a new nutrient soil, and at the same time, placing the bulb in the ground, it is necessary that 1/3 of it be above the ground. This is necessary in order for flowering to begin at all.
  • It is best to place cyclamen on a south or west window, because there is no bright direct sunlight that causes great damage to the leaves of the plant. If it is not possible to keep it on the windowsill, you can put it anywhere where there is no direct sunlight.
  • Maintaining a comfortable temperature for cyclamen: during the flowering period, it should not rise above 15-18 degrees. At this time, he prefers coolness, as well as at rest.
  • Watering is recommended to be increased up to 1 time per week, while it is important to monitor whether the top layer of the substrate dries up and whether water stagnates at the bottom of the pot where the bulb is located. You can make holes in the bottom of the pot and put a tray down where excess water will drain.
  • Before the cyclamen begins to bloom, i.e. during his awakening, you need to spray his leaves, and best of all - the air around him. Such spraying can be done once a week.
  • Top dressing occurs 1 time in 2 weeks with complex fertilizers, which are suitable for absolutely any plants.

Such care for cyclamen should be done until its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off along with the flowers, i.e. until the beginning of the dormant period.


The most important and common reason why cyclamen refuses to bloom:

If, however, he did everything that was required of the grower, and the plant still does not begin to bloom, you need to take into account whether cyclamen was purchased in a specialized store or propagated at home.

In the first case, everything is somewhat more complicated: in order for cyclamens to always have a marketable appearance, they are fertilized with chemicals that make them constantly (or most of the year) bloom. As a result of such top dressing, the life cycle of the plant goes astray, and you just need to wait until it returns to normal. It is for the same reason that cyclamen may not hibernate.

In most cases cyclamens begin to bloom only at 2-3 years of their "life", so there is no need to wait for a plant that has just been transplanted into its first individual pot to begin to bloom actively.

It is possible that cyclamen rhizomes rot as a result of improper watering or damage to the bulb during transplantation. In this case, you need to transplant the flower again, while saving it from the damaged parts. Or he was attacked by pests, which must be disposed of immediately.

top dressing

Top dressing, as mentioned above, is done 1 time in 2 weeks with standard fertilizers suitable for any other plant.

In order for cyclamen not to be exposed to various diseases and pests, flower growers recommend steaming the soil for transplantation and treating it with a solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate can be bought or prepared by yourself. You can buy regular or special soil for cyclamen.

If desired, you can do it yourself: add 1 part of perlite or sand to 2 parts of the purchased soil.

You can also add leaf ground:

  • 1 part of the finished soil;
  • 1 piece of land;
  • 1 part perlite or sand.

Pruning and transplant

As soon as the leaves of cyclamen begin to turn yellow, they are disposed of, i.e. cut off.

Transplantation is performed immediately after the cyclamen ends its dormant period., in pre-prepared soil (substrate preparation options are indicated above).

  1. First you need to choose a pot of a suitable size: a plant that is too small will not bloom, and the bulb may rot in a large one, so the optimal size is the same height as the previous one, but the diameter should be slightly larger.
  2. After separating the rotten parts from the rhizome, if any, and checking it for cracks or breaks, you can transfer the rhizome into a new pot, after placing the ground so that 13 bulbs peek out of the ground.
  3. If desired, ash or dolomite can be added to the soil as a fertilizer for more active growth.

How to get buds to release at home?

How to make bloom at home? What needs to be done for regular flowering of cyclamen? Follow all the requirements for this: temperature, humidity, proper watering, top dressing. These are fairly simple and standard steps for growing almost any plant, so there is nothing complicated about getting your cyclamen to bloom.

If the plant still does not bloom, then perhaps it was attacked by some pests. that you haven't noticed yet.


Why doesn't purchased cyclamen bloom?

After purchase, cyclamen may drop inflorescences or blunt development. The reason for this may be microclimate change. Give the cyclamen time to adapt, introduce moderate care, the basic principles of which are further, and then strengthen them to force the flower stalks.

Cyclamen does not bloom during its dormant period, which falls either at the beginning of spring or in autumn. At this time, it will not work to make cyclamen bloom at home. Do not try to flood, overfeed or, conversely, dry the plant, as this will aggravate the condition of the flower.

How to make cyclamen bloom at home:

  • Maintain the air temperature at around 18 ° C;
  • Humidity in the room is increased;
  • Watering is moderate and regular;
  • Feed from mid-spring with mineral fertilizers;

Before implementing the basic procedures, we find a suitable place for cyclamen. Suitable eastern window sills without direct sunlight, areas where drafts are oppressed. The air temperature gradually rises from 14° С up to 18° C. Jumps will not force the inflorescences to come out, but, on the contrary, will lead to disturbances in the development of the plant. If the heating is turned on in the room, move the cyclamen to a cooler place - extreme heat and dry air at the same time can kill cyclamen altogether.

Making cyclamen bloom at home with a short dormant period, until the leaves grow and the buds are laid, then we gradually increase the volume of moisture, apply mineral fertilizers, and increase the air temperature. Feeding frequency is once every 2 weeks in spring and once every 3 weeks in autumn. Most varieties of cyclamen produce inflorescences in winter, so we wait for the right period. We do not put the flower next to batteries and other heating devices, we protect it from drafts. We remove the yellowed leaves so that they do not take away strength from new buds. Check tuber and leaves for damage or rot. To resume the flowering of cyclamen, which has been at home for a long time, transplant.

↓ Write in the comments how you could make cyclamen bloom at home? What combination of procedures worked for you?



general characteristics

There are more than twenty types of cyclamen. The flower belongs to the tuberous. It must be borne in mind that the plant has strong and long roots. Unlike most crops, leaves and buds appear in the fall, when the rest of the plants are preparing for a dormant period.

Cyclamen flowers have 5 petals, usually directed upwards. The color of the inflorescences can be white, pink, purple or black colors and shades. After withering, a fruit is formed in the form of a seed box, from which the seeds are scattered.

Cyclamens are very delicate plants. The flower does not like severe frosts. When grown outdoors in temperate climates, it can overwinter on site. The most common types of culture are "Persian" and "European". Special dwarf varieties have also been bred, the size of which is only 15 cm in height.

The leaves are very compact with a heart-shaped pattern. The plant is very attractive and without flowers. The main leaves are green with silver markings, the secondary leaves are gray marbled around most of the leaves. The center is dominated by green. Beautiful inflorescences appear on the strongest and longest stems. After withering, cyclamens are often thrown away, as from annuals. With proper care, you can save the plant for flowering next season.

How to care for cyclamen in a container


Cool air within + 10 - +18 °C is ideal for cultivation. It is advisable to choose a room without heating. In this way, the flowering period can be extended. If the room is hot, you should place the flowerpot on a cool windowsill.


For violent flowering, it is desirable for cyclamens to provide a sufficient amount of sunlight. It is necessary to avoid a place under direct scorching rays.

Watering: features and rules

Moisten the soil should be as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. A good method for watering is to place the pot in warm water so that the soil absorbs as much liquid as possible. Then you need to give the plant time to drain the pan. When immersed in water, avoid getting water on the roots. Otherwise, you can damage the root system.

Features of proper watering can be found in the video:

The soil

Cyclamens prefer loose soil that retains moisture well. Particular attention should be paid to the acidity of the soil and the content of mineral components. The perfect combination for a plant:

  • leaf humus;
  • soddy soil;
  • peat briquettes in crushed form;
  • small straw;
  • shavings.

When choosing a substrate, you should pay attention to the size of the components - large wood plates can ruin the tubers. Therefore, before planting, the soil mixture should be sifted.
Preference should be given to a fresh and moderately moist composition, without pronounced viscosity.

The connection can be thermally processed, for example, in an oven. To do this, you need a wide metal sheet with curved edges. The procedure should be carried out at a temperature of about + 85 degrees for no more than ten minutes.

Air humidity

A sufficient level of humidity can be ensured by placing the flowerpot in a tray with pebbles or by artificially increasing the vapor content of the air - a humidifier.

Cyclamen transplant

A cyclamen plant should be transplanted after the end of the flowering season and wilting of the leaves no more than once every 2-3 years. You need to do the procedure as the soil is depleted. In the process of transplantation, you must:

  • take a larger container;
  • prepare a new soil mixture;
  • moisten the soil;
  • remove all dead parts of the plant, including roots;
  • carefully place the cyclamen in a new pot;
  • slightly level the ground;
  • sprinkle with mulch or peat on top.


Dry, yellowed and dead leaves must be removed at the first sign of wilting. You need to cut close - at the very base of the plant. The fallen parts of the culture should be cleaned regularly so as not to expose the cyclamen to various diseases.

As soon as the culture has faded, the stems with the base of the inflorescence can be removed for further bud production. It is enough to gently hold the plant at the base and gently scroll to separate the stems from the rhizome. Cyclamen needs rest during its dormant period. Therefore, in order to accumulate energy for the next year, the plant must be saved from the expenditure of energy on the withering of the stems.

Alpine violet in open field

You can grow alpine violet in partial or full shade. Cyclamen does not compete with the root systems of other plants. Trees and shrubs provide cyclamen with protection in cold winter weather. Their roots absorb excess moisture and improve drainage. Therefore, the plant goes well with various green spaces.

Hardy varieties of cyclamen are "Ivy", "Kossky" and "Purple". They withstand prolonged temperature drops (-6° C). Novice gardeners should pay attention to resistant varieties. In terms of ease of cultivation, they rank first.

Cyclamen can be successfully grown at very low temperatures if there are auxiliary factors:

  • protection of trees and bushes;
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • location of buildings near the landing site;
  • access to sunlight.

There are varieties that can survive in severe frosts, but in the future they will not be able to open buds. Such dryakva must be dug up for the winter.

Cyclamen "Purple" is ideal for growing in shaded rockeries or in partial shade of green spaces. It pairs well with ferns and hardy perennials. A mixture of different cyclamens planted in one area forms a colony of amazing colors.

The plant harmonizes well with paving slabs, open areas and alpine slides. Alpine violet can be planted in garden vases and planters.

Basics of growing on a windowsill

How to choose a flower container

You should pay attention to various parameters:

  1. A plastic pot is ideal for cyclamen. You need to check the quality of the material. Too thin a flowerpot can be fragile.
  2. Ceramic containers often cause liquid stagnation, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, when planting, it is necessary to provide drainage with expanded clay and sand.
  3. Overgrown cyclamen should be planted in a container with a large diameter and height.
  4. The container must contain a drain for water. If the factory specifications do not provide for such a function, you can make several holes yourself.

Before use, wash the pot thoroughly with soapy water. Clay containers need to be heat treated. Thus, the occurrence of characteristic diseases for the plant can be avoided.

Top dressing - the main nuances

It is necessary to fertilize the plant during the period of development and flowering twice a month. Mineral components are ideal for stimulating growth.

Feeding features:

  1. Caring for cyclamen at home requires additional activation. Excessive application of nitrogen stops bud development.
  2. Mineral compounds can kill young cyclamen sprouts.
  3. For the development of leaves and seeds, microfertilizers will be needed.
  4. Do not fertilize dry soil.
  5. Fertilizer is applied only for a healthy crop.
  6. When using a special mixture during planting, further chemical exposure is not required.

Classic problems

Yellowing leaves

After flowering, the foliage and root system will deteriorate. If the rhizome looks good on the outside, the plant may be too hot. Yellow spots appear when exposed to direct sunlight, dry air or excessive watering.

Short flowering period

Causes, as a rule, a combination of dry and warm air or lack of water. Provided that the plant bloomed profusely at the time of purchase.

Leaves are sluggish and drooping

The plant dies due to excessive watering. The soil needs to be changed immediately.

Pests of cyclamen

The plant is affected by thrips, mites and aphids. You can fight insects with the help of insecticides "Verticillin", "Bikol" and "Boverin". From folk remedies, a soap solution is used. Affected leaves and flowers must be removed.

Characteristic diseases

Bacterial Soft Rot and Fusarium

The yellowed plant withers and quickly dies. Corms become moist and soft. To prevent cyclamen disease, corms must be purchased from reputable sources and planted in a clean environment. If reusing the pot, clean it thoroughly with a household disinfectant or a mild bleach solution before planting.


Dark spots appear on the leaves. The flower petals look watery at first, and then a gray fungus appears. You can save cyclamen at an early stage. It is necessary to improve air circulation - regularly ventilate the room. The disease is contagious, so you should carefully monitor the plants that are located nearby and, if possible, isolate other flowerpots.


Causes the plant to wilt. Roots become black and shriveled. You can try to save the plant with chemicals. During treatment, cyclamen should be placed in a separate room.

Viruses cause a range of symptoms, including misshapen leaves and flowers, abnormal growths on buds, stripes and ring spots.

An infected alpine violet should be discarded, otherwise all the plants in the room may die.

Features of flowering

Despite the high decorative value and elegant appearance, the plant can cause severe allergic manifestations. Upon contact with flowering cyclamen, sometimes there are severe swelling of the upper respiratory tract, a burn of the mucous membrane.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction by tubers

The most popular and effective way. Corms can be transplanted during flowering. It is easier to do this while the plant is dormant.

Successful propagation involves the location of the upper part of the tuber above the soil surface. The procedure is quite easy:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the soil mixture for container plantings. Cyclamens prefer well-drained, nutrient-rich, sandy loamy soil. Sand or gravel can be added to the soil. Alpine Violet works well with a combination of organic mulch, leaves, and pine bark.
  2. It is necessary to dig up tubers with a garden shovel or spatula.
  3. The tubers can be divided provided that each part contains a growing point and part of the growth area of ​​the tuber.
  4. Cut with a sharp, clean knife.
  5. Cover the tubers with 3 cm of nutrient-rich soil.
  6. It is not advisable to plant tubers too deep. Plants will not bloom.
  7. The correct location is always with the uneven side up.

    In some tubers, it can be difficult to tell the top from the bottom. The upper part of the tuber is usually bumpy or has nodules where the stems and leaves germinate. The bottom is round and very smooth. Studying these features will help determine which end to place on top.

  8. The distance between planting material should be at least 20 cm.
  9. Water the soil thoroughly after planting to encourage growth.

Seed cyclamen

It takes a lot of patience to grow dryakva from seeds. Most species will germinate in four to ten weeks. The growing procedure includes:

  1. Seeds must be soaked for 24 hours in a glass of warm water using a stimulant.
  2. Planting material should be moist and cool. It is necessary to maintain the temperature from +10 to +18 degrees.
  3. You can use a flat tray, or a pot with drainage holes.
  4. Mix a small amount of bone meal with the prepared seed starter mixture.
  5. You need to fill the container.
  6. The soil mixture should be thoroughly moistened.
  7. Seeds can be pressed to the surface at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other.
  8. Cover the seeds with a layer of no more than 1 cm of clean sand, perlite (medium grain size).
  9. As the sand dries, water should be added.
  10. The resulting tubers must be kept in a layer of sand, gravel, perlite and leaves for the entire first year.
  11. Alpine violet can be planted no earlier than two years.
  12. Young representatives winter well in a cool greenhouse, greenhouse or room with artificial lighting.
  13. On average, most of the formed tubers will bloom only after three years.

Planting seeds in open ground

Outdoors with mild winter conditions, the plant can be sown in late summer or early fall. In more severe conditions, the flower should be sown in the spring. It is necessary to choose a place in partial shade with good drainage. It is necessary to prepare a hole for planting with compost or peat. Sow the seeds at a distance of 8 cm from each other, lightly covering them with a layer of sand. The soil should be kept moist before and after germination.

Seeds germinate slowly and usually release one leaf before the onset of winter. Sowing seeds in a cold greenhouse is a good alternative to outdoors and a great way to grow outdoors. After a few years, you can transplant the culture to a permanent place.

What to do if cyclamen does not bloom

The culture does not bloom, as a rule, due to a long dormant period. But the lack of new inflorescences can be caused by an overabundance of fertilizers, excessive watering or lack of lighting for some subspecies. It is necessary to carefully review the care of the plant.

How to choose planting material

You can buy a plant in the form of:

  • adult representative;
  • seeds;
  • tubers at rest.

The price of a plant varies depending on the condition of the crop, variety, container and type of root system. For example, the grown cyclamen "Purple" can be purchased for 369 rubles in a plastic pot. Seeds in a "Mix" package (3 pieces) are sold at a price of 34 rubles.

tsvetydoma.ru Cyclamen home care

Cyclamen is a houseplant that conquers flower growers with its delicate sunny flowers. Flower petals are rich in their color palette: white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple and other possible options. And the whole value and beauty of this flower is that the flowering period falls on the meanest time of the year - in the winter. Yes, yes, just when basically all the plants have already dropped their flowers, and there is so little sun outside the window, cyclamen pleases and inspires us with its blooming appearance.

This perennial plant got its name from the Greek word "cyclos", which means "circle" in translation. This form has the main vital organ of the flower - the bulb. The most common among indoor species are European cyclamen, also known as Alpine violet, and Persian.

Many lovers are afraid to start cyclamen, arguing their decision with complex content and frequent plant diseases. Why? Caring for a flower is not particularly difficult if you know the basic rules for the favorable maintenance of cyclamen. And the flower is sick no more often than other plants. But yes, unfortunately, mistakes in improper care adversely affect the state of the flower: the leaves dry, the roots rot, and as a result, cyclamens do not bloom.

Content rules for favorable flowering

In garden shops, cyclamen is mainly sold in the fall, when the buds have already formed and have begun to bloom. Therefore, when choosing a flower, pay attention to a plant that is already ready to bloom or has enough unopened buds.

Naturally, the selected flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy, low-lying. The main criterion for further successful flowering is the planting of a cyclamen tuber. In no case should it be completely immersed in the ground, at least 1/3 of the part should be visible on the surface.

Cyclamens are very fond of diffused light and react painfully to direct sunlight. If you keep the plant on the windowsill, be sure to shade it from the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight is southwest windows.

For good health and regular flowering, cyclamen requires a cool air temperature. In summer, it is best + 18 ° C, but not more than 23-25. If possible, bury the plant in the garden in the shade. In winter, at the height of flowering, the air temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is the low temperature that affects the formation of buds and long flowering.

During the growing season, regular but moderate watering is required. Water frequently, but not heavily. Overdrying or, conversely, excessive waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. Make sure that water does not stagnate on the tuber and leaves - this can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water into the edge of the pot. Water is best used settled, soft, at room temperature. Excess liquid must be drained from the saucer so that the roots do not accidentally rot.

Cyclamen is also partial to humidity. Before flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower with a spray bottle, but be careful that water does not accumulate on the leaves. It will be optimal to spray not the leaves, but the air around the flower. To increase humidity, it is also recommended to place the pot on a special tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss. At the same time, remember: the roots of the plant should not come into contact with water.

Depending on the species, under favorable conditions, the flowering period lasts from October to March. In the spring, as all the flowers fall off, watering the cyclamen is gradually reduced. And by the summer, watering the plant in general is very rare. There comes the so-called dormant period, during which the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Bare tubers remain. At this time, it is advisable to lay the pots with tubers on their side and place them in a cool, shaded place. Closer to autumn, the pot is placed straight and begin to gradually moisten the soil.

Cyclamen transplant

In autumn, a new flowering period begins, which is marked by the growth of small leaves. At this time, it is necessary to do a plant transplant. A small pot is needed for transplantation: for a small one and a half year old tuber, a pot with diameters of no more than 8 cm is selected; for bulbs 2-3 years old, a 15 cm pot is suitable. Another option for choosing the right pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber itself should be from 3 to 4 cm. If cyclamen rots more often in a large pot, then premature and short flowering is possible in a small one. The result of an optimally chosen pot will be lush flowering and a healthy root.

The old soil is completely replaced. New soil mix can be purchased at a garden store ready-made, marked "for cyclamen". When preparing the soil yourself, use leafy soil, humus, river sand, turf or peat. Be sure to have drainage and a vent at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be calcined or steamed, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen is very easily attacked by pests. It is necessary to transplant a flower carefully, without damaging the root ball.

Pay special attention: in order for your cyclamen to bloom, when transplanting a Persian variety, the bulb cannot be completely buried in the soil, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber on the surface. When transplanting other species, deep planting is allowed, but when transplanting the “Neapolitan” variety, it is imperative to completely immerse the tubers in the ground.

We emphasize once again: improper planting of the bulb is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, cyclamens do not bloom.

After transplanting, cyclamen is placed in a cool, bright place and they begin to gradually increase watering. At the stage of intensive leaf growth before flowering, it is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers. It is best to use organic compounds. Avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Diseases and pests that inhibit flowering

Often, some cyclamen diseases lead to the rapid fall of flowers and the delay in the flowering period itself. Let's take a look at the most common types.

Fusarium - damage to plant tissues by fungi that release toxic substances into the vessels of the leaves. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops, mainly on one side of the plant. Gradually, the entire flower becomes infected, including the tuber, which sooner or later leads to death.

Wet rot is a bacterial and very dangerous disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp wilting and the smell of rot from the tuber. The root system is also exposed to infection. There are no methods to combat rot, the plant must be destroyed.

Gray rot is a fungal disease, manifested by the growth of gray mold on the leaves, as a result of which the plant turns yellow and dies.

Aphids are small annoying insects that are grey, green or black in color. It is dangerous because it sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant. You can find it by folding the leaves, while the buds do not open, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. The situation is aggravated by the defeat of sticky leaves by soot fungus. The fungus, in turn, impairs gas exchange.

The cyclamen mite is a very small insect, mostly yellow in color. At the initial stage, the tick settles on the inside of the leaf. Affected leaves curl up, buds wither and fall off.

Thrips is an oval-shaped pest up to 2 mm in height. With the help of wings, they fly from a diseased plant to a healthy one. It leaves a silvery trail behind, affects mainly the leaves, while the flowers become stained and gradually fade.

Pest control methods allow the use of chemical and biological agents. But the best treatment, as always, is prevention, which consists in the regular inspection of cyclamen, the periodic treatment of the leaves with special solutions and the correct maintenance of the plant.

On average, cyclamen lives 15-20 years, and up to 70 flowers can be obtained in one period. Gradually fading buds must be removed along with the pedicel. Pluck off yellowing leaves at the tuber itself. By the way, cut flowers of cyclamen stand beautifully in water. Split ends and regular water changes in the vase extend the shelf life up to 2-3 weeks.

You will be interested to learn about another feature of cyclamen tubers - they contain a poisonous substance that causes inflammation of the skin. Whereas traditional medicine uses this flower in the treatment of sinusitis, rheumatism, and homeopaths use cyclamen to treat female genital organs and diseases of the central nervous system.

In ancient books, cyclamen is called pig bread because these animals willingly feed on cyclamen roots. But to us, lovers and connoisseurs of indoor plants, cyclamen is close to flowers that “flutter” like butterflies. By following all the above recommendations, you will give yourself joy and a sunny mood in the long winter months, admiring the magnificent flowers.

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"Winter moths", as some flower growers call this amazing plant, delighting its owners with lush flowering in the cold season. Let's take a closer look at how to make cyclamen bloom and how to care for it during the dormant period, which lasts no less than 7-8 months a year. The article also presents a video on how to properly plant and grow cyclamen so that it will please its owner with a lush color for the next 15-20 years.

Description of the flower and its types

Some novice flower growers are perplexed why cyclamen does not bloom, because they bought it for the sake of beautiful buds - “moths”, as if fluttering over lush green foliage. As a rule, the lack of experience and elementary ignorance of how to care for the plant leads to the fact that it produces juicy greens, but the buds no longer bloom.

Before figuring out why cyclamen does not bloom at home, consider the plant itself. If initially there were only a few species of this flower: European, Persian and Neapolitan, then thanks to restless breeders today there are many of them: from modest ones with delicate flowers in pastel colors to terry bright beauties.

This exotic flower cannot help but fall in love with itself when bright flowers bloom on short stems above juicy foliage, resembling butterflies with slightly open wings in their shape.

Despite their beauty and compactness, as well as unpretentiousness, there are stubborn rumors among the people that cyclamen does not bloom at home. For some reason, lovers of tropical plants are in no hurry to buy them, and beginners generally bypass them. In fact, it is enough to remember the simple rules for caring for a flower and choose the best place for it in the apartment, as it will bloom its buds to the surprise of everyone and delight them with an incredible aroma.

The most popular types of cyclamen are European and Persian. Some varieties of the latter can even be grown outdoors.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

First, consider the reasons why the plant does not bloom every year. Among the most popular are the following:

  • Wrong flower selected. It happens that an initially diseased plant is acquired, which needs not just care, but a real ambulance. When buying, you should make sure that the cyclamen foliage is free of damage, yellowness or spots.
  • A common question about why cyclamen does not bloom, but the leaves grow, may be due to the fact that the plant, bought in the midst of bud formation, was transplanted into a new pot. Under no circumstances should this be done. You need to wait until the cyclamen blooms or comes out of dormancy, and only then move it to a new place.
  • Why isn't cyclamen blooming? An improperly planted tuber can also cause a lack of buds. The name of the flower is determined by the shape of its bulb, which in Greek sounds like "cyclos", that is, "circle". Indeed, completely round, it should not be completely underground, which is mistakenly done by inexperienced flower growers when transplanting a plant for the first time. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary that the lower part of the bulb goes under the soil by 2/3, while the side of the container should rise no more than 2-3 cm above it.

  • In order not to wonder why cyclamen does not bloom, you should immediately correctly determine its place in the room. The fact is that during the formation of buds, he needs a lot of light, but, as a tropical plant, direct sunlight is contraindicated. Therefore, the best option would be a southwestern window with an abundance of diffused light.
  • The flower does not tolerate heat. The optimum temperature during the dormant period is + 20-23 ˚С, while during flowering it should not exceed + 15 ˚С. Since most varieties bloom from October to March, you need to monitor the heating of the air by radiators, which, as a rule, are located under the windowsill.
  • Improper watering can also be the reason why cyclamen does not bloom. Do not allow water to enter the tuber or leaf growth zone. The best option is to pour soft settled water into the pan and lightly spray the plant by spraying moisture over it in the air.

These are the most common reasons why the plant stops flowering. Now consider the basic rules for growing and caring for it.

Choosing the right soil

To avoid problems associated with the development of the plant, it is necessary to choose the right soil before planting it. Cyclamen is a rather capricious flower, so only the right substrate will contribute to its violent growth and flowering.

In specialized flower shops today you can find any ready-made soil. Most amateur flower growers prefer ready-made soils, since it is easier to choose the right one for cyclamen among a large assortment of substrates in the store. But if you wish, you can cook it yourself from the following components:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sod land.

All components for the soil are used in a ratio of 1:1:1:3.

Planting a flower

It is best to plant a cyclamen bulb in a small pot so that the distance between it and the wall of the container does not exceed 3 cm. If the bulb is young, up to 1.5 years, then a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm is suitable. For a 3-year-old, it is better to use a container up to 15 cm in diameter.

In order for the tuber to develop and bloom better, it is necessary to leave about 1/3 of the bulb above the soil surface when planting it. Only European cyclamen tubers should be fully deepened.

You can also grow cyclamen with seeds, but this is a very laborious and lengthy process, so it is almost never used by amateur flower growers.

Immediately after planting a cyclamen, a lot of questions arise before flower growers on how to care for it, what should be the conditions for its maintenance. And here questions about the location and its coverage come first.

Cyclamen, as a tropical plant, prefers a lot of light, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, in summer it is preferable for him to be on a window facing east or west, and in winter it is better to place him on the windowsill of a window facing south. And then the question of why cyclamen stopped blooming at home will disappear by itself.

Watering and feeding

Like any other plant, cyclamen, in order to grow and bloom wildly at home, needs watering and timely feeding. At the same time, it is necessary to know that both a lack and an excess of watering can adversely affect the condition of the flower.

It is better not to water cyclamen directly, but to moisten the soil through the pan. This will help avoid direct water on the bulb, which will prevent it from rotting. If cyclamen belongs to the European variety, then it should be constantly watered as the top layer of soil dries up. The Persian variety of the flower should be watered more when it is in bloom to keep the soil slightly moist at all times.

Once every two weeks, from the moment the leaves begin to bloom until the end of the flowering period, the plant must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Failure to follow the simple rules of watering and feeding this crop is the reason why cyclamen stops blooming.

While the flower is sleeping

Depending on which species cyclamen belongs to, its dormant period falls on summer or winter. For example, the Persian cyclamen "rests" in the summer. And the dormant period of the European, or purple cyclamen, falls on the winter.

During the summer dormant period, this exotic plant is best moved to a balcony or loggia, where it will be protected from direct sunlight. During this period, it is recommended to clean the flower from dried and yellowed leaves, reduce watering and stop feeding.

The hibernation period can last up to 3 months. At the end of it, it is necessary to start gradually feeding the plant, increase the frequency of watering, and also replace the soil with fresh one.

Care depending on the variety

Recently, the so-called mini-cyclamen with a bush height of no more than 15 cm has become very popular with flower growers. These flowers belong to the same species as the plants familiar to all of us, but are significantly inferior to them in size. Now such mini-varieties as "Mix", "Snow Hill", "Bridget" and some others have appeared on sale.

Cyclamen "Snow Hill" differs from other varieties primarily in the duration of the flowering period, as well as the abundance of flowers on the bush. This period lasts six months - from November to the end of April. During flowering, water the plant in such a way as to prevent the soil from losing moisture. At other times, between waterings, the topsoil should be allowed to dry out a little and become covered with a crust.

Neapolitan cyclamen blooms in autumn. In order not to harm the root system of the flower, a drainage layer is used, since even the slightest excess of moisture leads to its decay. The unusualness of this variety is that its leaves begin to bloom later than the flowers form. This cyclamen thrives in slightly alkaline or neutral soil. It grows best where it will be protected from direct sunlight.

What do you need for lush flowering?

In order for the plant to develop properly and bloom luxuriantly, it should not have any damage. When buying it, you need to pay special attention to how the tuber is planted so that 1/3 of its part necessarily protrudes above the soil surface. In addition, you need to choose cyclamen, in which most of the buds are still closed.

Flower growers, fans of this culture, often face such problems as the death of a plant for no apparent reason, cyclamen's refusal to bloom after transplantation, and unexpected wilting of leaves. It happens that even flowering cyclamen leaves turn yellow in summer. Why this is happening, let's try to figure it out. There can be many reasons for this:

  • insufficient watering of the plant;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • being in direct sunlight;
  • too high room temperature;
  • dry air, etc.

You can get rid of the yellowing of the foliage if you create the appropriate conditions for the flower to keep it.

Cyclamen outdoors

Cyclamen of a variety such as Persian can be grown not only in a pot, but also in your garden plot. To plant it in open ground, you need to choose the right place. This culture does not like direct sunlight. The light should be bright but diffused.

The soil must also be carefully prepared, creating a sufficient drainage layer there to protect the plant from excess moisture. Unlike planting a flower in a pot, the bulb in the open field should not protrude above its surface. This will keep it from freezing.

Few florist can remain indifferent, looking at the blooming cyclamen. Opening buds from winter to spring, it stands out from other indoor plants with the freshness of foliage and the brightness of flowers. However, this exotic plant does not always please the household with abundant flowering. Why this happens, and what to do about it, we will consider further.

Possible reasons

The main factor explaining the absence of flowers or their scarcity is improper care or its complete disregard. Cyclamen flowering occurs during the period of its active growth and development. If he does not pick up buds and does not bloom, this may be due to such reasons as:

  • wrong choice of planting material;
  • unsuitable soil composition;
  • incorrect planting of the tuber;
  • violation of the transplant regime;
  • unsuitable place for growth and development;
  • violation of the temperature regime;
  • ignorance of the rules of watering;
  • ignoring timely top dressing.

We create the right conditions

The plant is considered demanding care and responds to any change in the conditions of its maintenance. In order to make it bloom, you will have to initially create conditions for it in which it can grow and develop normally. We note the main points, based on the reasons for the lack of colors.

planting material

Only healthy material without any damage is suitable for planting. Never from a diseased, diseased tuber will a strong and beautiful plant grow: it will not have the strength to bloom. If you buy cyclamen from a store, make sure the leaves are free of damage, yellowing, and spots. The tuber should be firm, without spots, but not dry.

If you bury it completely in the ground, it will not be able to absorb the required amount of useful trace elements.


In order not to doubt the soil, you can buy a ready-made substrate in a flower shop that is designed for cyclamen. If possible, prepare the soil mixture yourself. It consists of sand, peat, humus and soddy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3. Its acidity level should be 5.5-6.5 pH. The soil should pass air well, be nutritious, but light.

To make the soil loose, you can add perlite, sand or needles to it.


The tuber must be planted correctly, it cannot be completely buried in the ground, as inexperienced flower growers do. The lower part of the bulb should go into the soil by only two-thirds. In this case, the edge of the pot should not be too high. It is enough that it is only 2-3 cm higher than the bulb.


It is believed that all plants purchased in the store should be immediately transplanted into a new container. However, it is well known that a plant cannot be transplanted during its active growth during the formation of buds. You can not pull it at this time, because the flower reacts to any touch and considers it stressful.

Transplantation should be done only after the rest period of cyclamen ends, that is, at the very beginning of active growth.


As a tropical plant, cyclamen needs plenty of sun. But its light must be diffused. If it grows in a dark room, the windows of which face the north side, you may never see flowers. By placing it on the windowsill of the south side, not exposing it to direct sunlight, you can be sure that the plant will have enough strength to form not only shoots and foliage, but also beautiful buds.

Temperature and humidity

Cyclamen is considered a delicate plant, it cannot stand heat and dry weather, sometimes it even reacts to heat from radiators. Ideally, a temperature of + 15-18 degrees is enough for him. For some varieties, this temperature regime is not suitable, and therefore they bloom at a lower temperature (for example, it can be a little over +10 degrees). In addition, the plant does not have enough strength to form buds and bloom if the air in the room is too dry. Cyclamen immediately begins to fade, even if he had previously gained buds. However, the cold is also detrimental to the plant, and therefore it does not bloom and may die.

To solve this problem, you can purchase a special humidifier or spray it near the plant. Dropped leaves are the first sign that the plant is uncomfortable.


One of the reasons for the lack of flowers are bulb diseases, which are caused by improper watering. Do not pour water directly on the tuber and leaves. Water for irrigation must be defended or filtered, it must be soft, free from salts of heavy metals and other harmful impurities. You can pour it into the pan so that the roots can independently gain moisture from the soil.

Cyclamen does not bloom also because it lacks moisture. During the period of ovary buds and flowering, it is important to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. However, waterlogging of the land should not be allowed. The soil should be moist, but not wet.

It is important that the containers in which the flowers grow have good drainage or holes in the bottom of the pots.

top dressing

Fertilizers can be applied during the period of active growth and vegetation. For this, fertilizing of the mineral and organic type is suitable. However, it is only possible to saturate the earth with nutrients if it is not waterlogged, as this can harm the roots. Do not fertilize during dormancy (summer). The multiplicity should not exceed more than 1 time per month.

Considering that cyclamen does not like salt, mineral supplements are applied in a dosed volume. After rooting and during the period when shoots and leaves are growing, substances with a high phosphorus content should be used. You can feed the plant with calcium nitrate.

When active growth ends, nitrogen fertilizing should be avoided. If there is too much nitrogen, cyclamen will not bloom.


Like most plants, cyclamen needs rest in order to gain strength for new growth and flowering. It begins to fade in the spring, signaling to the grower that it is time to reduce the frequency, volume of watering and stop fertilizing. You can not cut off the foliage: it must fall off by itself, giving nutrients to the roots. In summer, when cyclamen needs to rest, it should be placed in a cool and shady place.

During the summer season, he will rest and in the fall will give new shoots. This will mean that he is ready for a period of active growth. No need to force it to bloom along with all the flowers at a time when the biological clock requires rest. In no case should you knock down the cyclical rhythm of the plant, otherwise it will not be able to gain juices and nutrients.

It is impossible to force cyclamen to bloom: young bulbs do not have enough nutrition, and therefore coercion will lead to exhaustion and death.

Why isn't it blooming yet?

The plant does not bloom when it is sick or suffering from small pests. For example, if it is overwatered, its leaves drop and its roots rot. In the absence of forces to restore cyclamen, it is affected by a fungal disease and dies. In addition, it is difficult for him to bloom without strength if he stands in the same ground for a long time. The soil is exuded over time, and this cannot be saved even by regular top dressing.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the plants purchased in the store are treated with chemicals for a better presentation, thanks to which they can bloom for a very long time (almost most of the year), forming a lot of ovaries.

As a result, the life cycle of the plant goes astray, and therefore it is necessary to wait for some time for it to recover. A young plant that does not have a cyclical rhythm does not bloom either. In this case, you will have to wait for the next season (active flowering begins in the second or third year).

Reasons why cyclamen does not bloom. REMINDER. Cyclamen is a houseplant that conquers flower growers with its delicate sunny flowers. Flower petals are rich in their color palette: white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple and other possible options. And the whole value and beauty of this flower is that the flowering period falls on the meanest time of the year - in the winter. Yes, yes, just when basically all the plants have already dropped their flowers, and there is so little sun outside the window, cyclamen pleases and inspires us with its blooming appearance. This perennial plant got its name from the Greek word "cyclos", which means "circle" in translation. This form has the main vital organ of the flower - the bulb. The most common among indoor species are European cyclamen, also known as Alpine violet, and Persian. Many lovers are afraid to start cyclamen, arguing their decision with complex content and frequent plant diseases. Why? Caring for a flower is not particularly difficult if you know the basic rules for the favorable maintenance of cyclamen. And the flower is sick no more often than other plants. But yes, unfortunately, mistakes in improper care adversely affect the state of the flower: the leaves dry, the roots rot, and as a result, cyclamens do not bloom. Maintenance rules for favorable flowering. In garden shops, cyclamen is mainly sold in the fall, when the buds have already formed and have begun to bloom. Therefore, when choosing a flower, pay attention to a plant that is already ready to bloom or has enough unopened buds. Naturally, the selected flower should not have any external damage, the leaves should be juicy, low-lying. The main criterion for further successful flowering is the planting of a cyclamen tuber. In no case should it be completely immersed in the ground, at least 1/3 of the part should be visible on the surface. Cyclamens are very fond of diffused light and react painfully to direct sunlight. If you keep the plant on the windowsill, be sure to shade it from the bright sun. The best option for the necessary sunlight is southwest windows. For good health and regular flowering, cyclamen requires a cool air temperature. In summer, it is best + 18 ° C, but not more than 23-25. If possible, bury the plant (for the summer) in the garden in the shade. In winter, at the height of flowering, the air temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is the low temperature that affects the formation of buds and long flowering. During the growing season, regular but moderate watering is required. Water frequently, but not heavily. Overdrying or, conversely, excessive waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. Make sure that water does not stagnate on the tuber and leaves - this can lead to rotting of the flower. To do this, pour water into the edge of the pot, avoiding getting it on the plant tuber. Water is best used settled, soft, at room temperature. Excess liquid must be drained from the saucer. Cyclamen is also partial to humidity. Before flowering, you can occasionally spray the flower with a spray bottle, but be careful that water does not accumulate on the leaves. It will be optimal to spray not the leaves, but the air around the flower. At a low temperature of maintenance, it is better not to spray the plant. To increase humidity, it is also recommended to place the pot on a special tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss. At the same time, remember: the roots of the plant should not come into contact with water. Depending on the species, under favorable conditions, the flowering period lasts from October to March. In the spring, as all the flowers fall off, watering the cyclamen is gradually reduced. And by the summer, watering the plant in general is very rare. There comes the so-called dormant period, during which the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Bare tubers remain. At this time, it is advisable to lay the pots with tubers on their side and place them in a cool shaded place. Forcibly cyclamen do not put to sleep. Closer to autumn, the pot is placed straight and begin to gradually moisten the soil. Cyclamen transplant. In autumn, a new flowering period begins, which is marked by the growth of small leaves. At this time, it is necessary to do a plant transplant. A small pot is needed for transplantation: for a small one and a half year old tuber, a pot with diameters of no more than 8 cm is selected; for bulbs 2-3 years old, a 15 cm pot is suitable. Another option for choosing the right pot is as follows: the distance between the edge of the pot and the tuber itself should be from 3 to 4 cm. If cyclamen rots more often in a large pot, then premature and short flowering is possible in a small one. The result of an optimally selected pot will be lush flowering and a healthy tuber. The old soil is completely replaced. New soil mix can be purchased at a garden store ready-made, marked "for cyclamen". When preparing the soil yourself, use leafy soil, humus, river sand, turf or peat. Be sure to have drainage and a vent at the bottom of the pot. The prepared soil mixture is recommended to be calcined or steamed, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, because cyclamen is very easily attacked by pests. It is necessary to transplant a flower carefully, without damaging the root ball. Pay special attention: in order for your cyclamen to bloom, when transplanting a Persian variety, the bulb cannot be completely buried in the soil, be sure to leave 1/3 of the tuber on the surface. When transplanting other species, deep planting is allowed, but when transplanting the “Neapolitan” variety, it is imperative to completely immerse the tubers in the ground. We emphasize once again: improper planting of the bulb is a common mistake, and the main reason why, in fact, cyclamens do not bloom. After transplanting, cyclamen is placed in a cool, bright place and they begin to gradually increase watering. At the stage of intensive leaf growth before flowering, it is necessary to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers. Avoid high nitrogen content - this can lead to rotting of the plant tuber. Diseases and pests that inhibit flowering. Often, some cyclamen diseases lead to the rapid fall of flowers and the delay in the flowering period itself. Let's take a look at the most common types. Fusarium - damage to plant tissues by fungi that release toxic substances into the vessels of the leaves. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves from the tops, mainly on one side of the plant. Gradually, the entire flower becomes infected, including the tuber, which sooner or later leads to death. Wet rot is a bacterial and very dangerous disease. The initial stage is accompanied by a sharp wilting and the smell of rot from the tuber. The root system is also exposed to infection. There are no methods to combat rot, the plant must be destroyed. Gray rot is a fungal disease, manifested by the growth of gray mold on the leaves, as a result of which the plant turns yellow and dies. Aphids are small annoying insects that are grey, green or black in color. It is dangerous because it sucks the juice from the leaves of the plant. You can find it by folding the leaves, while the buds do not open, and the flowers are covered with sticky secretions. Further growth of the plant slows down. The situation is aggravated by the defeat of sticky leaves by soot fungus. The fungus, in turn, impairs gas exchange. The cyclamen mite is a very small insect, mostly yellow in color. At the initial stage, the tick settles on the inside of the leaf. Affected leaves curl up, buds wither and fall off. Thrips is an oval-shaped pest up to 2 mm in height. With the help of wings, they fly from a diseased plant to a healthy one. It leaves a silvery trail behind, affects mainly the leaves, while the flowers become stained and gradually fade. Pest control methods allow the use of chemical and biological agents. But the best treatment, as always, is prevention, which consists in the regular inspection of cyclamen, the periodic treatment of the leaves with special solutions and the correct maintenance of the plant. On average, cyclamen lives 15-20 years, and up to 70 flowers can be obtained in one period. Gradually fading buds must be removed along with the pedicel. Pluck off yellowing leaves at the tuber itself. By the way, cut flowers of cyclamen stand beautifully in water. Split ends and regular water changes in the vase extend the shelf life up to 2-3 weeks.

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