An essay on the topic “What is required in order to be useful to society and the state? Why be honest Essay to be needed by people.

I believe that living without people, in detachment, is impossible, or at least it will not lead to anything good. Man is a biosocial being, that is, society is as integral a part for him as the biological component.

Loneliness is a certain necessity. This is a place where a person takes a break from the outside world, from unnecessary thoughts, returns to normal and, so to speak, is restored. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov bequeathed that true happiness is impossible without loneliness. And one cannot but agree with him, because before going out “to the people,” and even more so putting yourself before them as an individual, agitating for your own opinion, you should be convinced with yourself of the need and desire of the people to perceive it.

However, without the same “people”, no activity will bring the necessary fruits or even moral satisfaction. Seeing competition, we strive to become better than we are at the moment, and by paying attention to other people, we draw conclusions regarding our future life, actions in it and mistakes made or not made.

Since ancient times, it was considered a shameful punishment - expulsion from society, from the family, from the caste. People were sure that a person could not survive alone, even if he had all the necessary resources. Banal human communication, or even society, is placed both then and now in one of the first places. It is easier for people to experience all the troubles and cataclysms together and, in a sense, calmer.

Remember, everyone in childhood wanted to have a friend with whom some topics would become common topics, and in the future, interests, who would accept you for who you are and support you at any moment of your life, even the most difficult one, when it seems that there is no way out. not at all anymore. Shared secrets bring friends closer together; shared experiences within the family circle make these same experiences less significant. Yes, just a random acquaintance who will say that everything will be fine, will make your day, perhaps your life, better, your thoughts brighter and give you hope, maybe everything will really still be fine.

Yes, loneliness is good, it helps you not to lash out at the people you care about after a long day of work and a tiring week. But after relaxing alone with yourself, you definitely want to ask your family how your day went, ask for advice and just sit in the company of someone in order to understand that you are not alone, you are not alone and someone cares about your feelings and thoughts.

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The words “honesty” and “honor” are very similar to the word “purity”. Is not it? It is no coincidence that someone who has not “sullied” himself with lies, pretense, or cowardice is called an honest person.

An honest person is always truthful and courageous. He values ​​friendship, loves and respects his family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

An honest person tries not to commit actions that he would have to be ashamed of, that he would have to hide from his parents and friends. This would be pretense, but it teaches a person to lie and be a coward, to be afraid of being exposed. Therefore, a truly honest person always tries to act in everything so that he later has nothing to regret, nothing to repent of, nothing to reproach himself for. And if we want to grow up to be honest people, we must do things that we can always tell our friends about in order to please them.

An honest person respects and appreciates the work of parents and teachers, because he himself knows how to work. After all, it’s fair when everyone who lives in it puts things in order in the house, and it’s more fun and faster to cook dinner, go to the store, do repairs or decorate the Christmas tree together. No wonder they say “he is an honest worker”, “he earns his bread honestly”. This means that an honest person must work. Therefore, every boy and every girl, if they want to grow up to be honest people, must have their own responsibilities in the house, for example, cleaning the children's room, watering the flowers. It's good if someone has obligatory household chores, but if not, it's okay. An honest person is also a good helper. You can help your mother with the housework, you can help the younger ones do their homework, you can help your grandmother find glasses, but who knows what? Any help provided on time, willingly and at your own request is good.

See also:

Of course, we are not yet entrusted with the most important and responsible tasks, but we must try to do every job well and honestly.

An honest person commands respect because he never lies or deceives. Most often, cowardly and poorly educated people lie and pretend. Of course, it happens that suddenly, for no apparent reason, you really want to come up with all sorts of things to amuse your friends, to laugh. Such fiction is not a lie, not a lie, it sometimes makes for very funny and funny stories. Such an invention is called the beautiful word “fantasy,” but that’s a completely different story.

An honest person also commands respect because he does not blame others. If you accidentally break a cup, drop a hammer, or knock it over and spill jam, be honest. Don't put the blame on a kitten or baby who can't stand up for themselves. Admit everything yourself and apologize for your accidental action. Maybe you will be scolded a little, but you yourself and those around you will treat you with respect.

An honest person always keeps his promises. For example, if you promise to come to visit your comrades, then try to come exactly at the appointed time. It's not nice to be late. If you borrow a book from a friend to read, return it on time and try not to tear it or get it dirty. And if you cannot do what is asked of you, it is better to immediately apologize and honestly refuse, so that you do not have to blush and make excuses later.

It is always difficult to cultivate positive qualities in yourself, but real people cultivate themselves throughout their lives. A person who is always honest with others and with himself will, over time, develop a strong will and a firm, courageous character. They respect him, they trust him, they can always count on him. It is very important to be respected as an honest person who keeps his word, who can be trusted, and who can be relied upon in difficult times.

When I think about the meaning of life, I am always happy because I exist, that the people closest to me are nearby, that I have been given the opportunity to admire the beauty of the world around me and discover this world for myself.

At the same time, there comes a feeling of great responsibility for this world and pride from the realization that you are a human being. But everyone puts their own meaning into the very concept of “being human.” And, to a greater extent, it is this meaning that influences actions and actions, and sometimes even the course of life itself.

In my understanding, being human means cultivating high moral qualities.

Having traced the historical path of mankind, you understand that at the heart of every society there has always been a certain morality that guided people. The Ten Commandments of Christ are also morality, humane morality. But there were so many inhumane ways in the world that it was terrifying.

But I am convinced that every person has his own morals. And it depends on it what kind of person a person will be.

I've been lucky to have good people in my life. My kindergarten teachers, my teachers, and, above all, my parents are the people from whom I take my example. All of them influenced my education and erudition; in fact, they influenced my character and taught me to be sensitive to other people. But it is not enough to be polite and friendly for everyone around you to consider you a person with a capital P. Of course, not everyone is destined to become outstanding and world-famous people. But everyone can become a person who is respected.

I think that a real person is a good friend, able to come to the rescue, free you from trouble and not envy the happiness of other people. This is a good son or daughter, capable of providing their parents with a calm old woman.

A good person will create a good family and be an example for his children.

And, of course, such bad habits as alcohol and drug addiction never get along with the concept of a good person. And I believe that to be human means to be a good person. You cannot follow the example of those who are good only to their family, only to their friends, but despise other people. A person under any circumstances must remain a person: both in relation to other people (neighbors, employees, just passers-by), and in relation to nature, and in relation to his city, his state, his people.

I respect sincere people, whose thoughts and actions inspire respect. But in life it happens the other way around: at work - an advanced production worker, and at home - a despot who terrorizes the whole family; at school he is a conscientious student, but at home he is a lazy person who does not wash his spoon after himself.

And another trait that I do not excuse people is cheating. This trait disgusts me in both big and small ways. Cheating is incompatible with the concept of “being human.”

I constantly try to make sure that I don’t have to be ashamed of my thoughts and my actions. I am inspired by the statement of A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.”

At a literary reading lesson after studying the story of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. "An Ordinary Man" in 4th grade, children are asked to write an essay - an argument "What does it mean to be human?"

Let's give sample texts for short essays which can also be used as essay on the topic "what does it mean to be human"

What does it mean to be human? We very often hear:

"Man - that sounds proud"

"A man with a capital letter".

And what does it mean? For me, the word "man" is manifested in his actions. After all, a real person should always come to the aid of those who need it, without thinking about himself or his life. And there are a lot of such people in our country.

These are ordinary passers-by who were not at a loss and saved a drowning man and Heroes who save people’s lives every day, children who carry their brothers and sisters out of the fire. I really want there to be more people like this, so that every person has responsibility not only for themselves, but also for other people.

Be kind to each other. And you will rightfully be called a “man with a capital M!”

A real person is a person who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of another. This is a person who has a heart and soul. Even if someone makes mistakes in life, a real person will definitely understand them and correct them. To be human means to be ready to help anyone.

To be human means to be kind, sympathetic, and help people. Be calm and not greedy, attentive and honest.

For example, a real person will never pass by a grandmother whose bag was torn and food spilled out of it. Everyone should be ready to help even a stranger, because each of us wants only good people to be around.

To be human means to do humane things. Think not only about yourself, but also about the world that surrounds you. Even if you are in trouble, you should not think that everyone should run to your aid, only selfish people do this. But an egoist is not a person. People, be kind to the world around you, think not only about yourself, help others, and then they will definitely help you too!

Everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “being human.” This is what influences actions and actions.

In my understanding, “being human” means, first of all, being an individual with your own opinion, your own interests, your own meaning in life. Personality becomes in the process of learning, education, in the process of communicating with other people. It is not enough for a person to be smart and well-mannered; he must be hardworking, honest, compassionate, and ready to help. He must treat all living things with respect. A person must love his country and take care of it.

Only everyone can decide for themselves to be a person or to be a creature similar to him.

A person is not a position or a profession. To be human is to deserve to exist in this world. Do good to people and never deceive them. Be polite and kind. A real person is a friend who can come to the rescue, free you from trouble and not envy. A good person will be an example for children. A person should help not only his family, but also take care of other people.

To be human means to be educated, responsible, decent. Each person has his own rules, principles and norms of behavior. But a real person knows how to keep his promise, which means he is responsible. To be educated means to know how to behave in society, to know what can be done and what cannot be done. That is, to be decent. Many people consider themselves responsible, well-mannered and decent, but in reality this is not the case. A person must have knowledge about these qualities, which means he must also be smart.

The concept of “person” has a deep meaning. Being human is not only about eating, sleeping, walking, lying down. I think that a real person is a good friend who can always come to the rescue.

A real person should treat not only himself well, but also other people. I really like the statement of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: “You are born a human, but you must become a Human.” Becoming a real human is not easy, because we live in a difficult world where money and concern for one’s well-being make people cruel and indifferent.

I think. that to be human is to fight evil, to be hardworking, to be responsible for everything, to be able to love and forgive.

Essay "What does it mean to be human"

Man belongs to the order of mammals, but unlike animals he has a conscience, he is smart, kind, sympathetic, and respects his ancestors.

To be a human means to be sad, to be happy, to study and work, to be kind, sympathetic, to get tired, and then to rest, to walk and run, to raise and take care of children, to build houses, to plant trees to make life better.

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