How much can an individual withdraw from a card? What to do with money if you are an individual entrepreneur

Bank transactions greatly simplify settlement activities of individual entrepreneurs. The funds in the bank account are reliably protected, but sooner or later there comes a time when you need to cash out the entire amount or part of it.

Distinguish two ways cashing out money.

From current account:

  1. A payment order or checkbook and a bank card are required. After presenting the documentation, the required amount is issued at the cash desk. The banking organization and the tax inspectorate keep records of completed transactions.
  2. The operation can be carried out via the Internet or by issuing a cash order.
  3. Before payment, the bank processes and verifies the request.
  4. There is a certain commission for each operation. If you do not want to pay it, you can issue a card to an individual.

The disadvantage of this method is the loss of time, because first the money goes to the individual entrepreneur’s account, and only on the second day - to the individual.

For what purposes can you use a current account:

Thus, it is necessary to explain to the bank what the funds will be used for, otherwise there is a high probability of an application to government agencies. To avoid consequences with the tax office, which may consider that you are hiding from taxes, you must save all receipts, invoices and other documentation.

Cashless payment when opening a bank account:

  1. There is no limit on the operation. But there is a bank limit on the amount of funds. If a large sum of money is expected, this is confirmed by the relevant document. It takes three days for the money to arrive in the counterparty’s account.
  2. With this method, the commission is charged less than when transferring between banking organizations.
  3. Cash control and reporting systems are simplified.

Cashing out funds for LLC

The main difference between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur is impossibility of withdrawing funds for personal purposes. Assets are managed by the company as a whole, and not by individual LLC participants. Therefore, we will consider all available methods of cashing out funds specifically for the purpose of transferring them to an individual for personal use.

Withdrawal of money for a limited liability company (LLC) implies the presence of:

  1. Checkbook. After completing all the procedures, the bank issues a checkbook to the company. Checks can be issued by the LLC's authorized representative handling financial transactions. Cash withdrawal takes place within three days by the bank, taking into account tax.
  2. Plastic card of the servicing banking organization. It is necessary to clarify what the limit on the card is and what interest rates when transferring money are established in other banking institutions. You do not need to wait several days to withdraw; it is possible at an ATM.

How it is done

The methods for receiving cash described below can help you withdraw the necessary amounts. It is worth cautioning about getting carried away with this business, since experienced LLCs do not need cash. They document their trips, purchase of equipment, payment for communications, etc., as company expenses.

Employee benefits

A very easy way, but costly. Personal income tax is 13%, which means that a third goes to the state. However, there are expenses that are not subject to taxation. These payments are legal cash withdrawals:

  1. Severance pay upon dismissal - it is possible to issue funds in the amount of three salaries.
  2. Business travel expenses – maximum 700 rubles. per day per employee. Confirm with documents. A prerequisite is to return the unspent part back.
  3. Advanced training – confirmation and additional permission to the employment contract are also required.
  4. Material compensation – maximum 50 thousand rubles. at birth or at adoption per child.
  5. Compensation for trips to the sanatorium for employees and their close relatives.
  6. Costs of medical examinations provided to employees and their immediate family.
  7. Expenses for using official transport and more.

The founders of an LLC can receive income from activities depending on their share in the authorized capital. Personal income tax – 13% to the state. A decision on such payment is possible with the consent of the general meeting of the LLC, based only on net income. At the same time debt is not allowed on settlements with counterparties, wages and tax payments.

Withdrawal for expenses

If you need to pay cash to other organizations or purchase goods for work, then this is the most suitable way. The bank check indicates "current expenses". The negative point is that you pay a commission for this (from 0.5 to 2% of the withdrawal amount) and confirm it with documents. You are allowed to withdraw no more than 100,000 rubles. under one contract. The write-off standards are set out in Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Issuing a loan

An LLC can act as both a lender for a commercial loan and a borrower to pay off accounts payable. The company has the right to issue a loan to LLC participants and any individuals. This method is legal when preparing the appropriate documents with the act of transfer of funds. The possibility of such a loan with any term, but more profitable with interest.

Any loan will have to be repaid, so this method is feasible when withdrawing money urgently, which occurs not directly from a current account, but non-cash to a card account. However, the period for repaying the loan may be long, and there is no limit on the amount between legal entities and individuals, but not more than 100,000 rubles. between LLC and individual entrepreneur. The parties independently resolve all possible issues among themselves.

Illegal withdrawal of cash from LLC current account may result in account blocking, as well as bring you to criminal liability, as a result of which you will receive an administrative penalty and may lose your freedom. Therefore, you should only resort to legal options for cash withdrawal.

Features of withdrawal of funds are presented in this video.

First, you need to figure out who in Russia can be considered an individual entrepreneur. An individual entrepreneur is an individual who has the right to carry out activities for the purpose of making a profit, without being a legal entity.

A state or municipal employee cannot be an individual entrepreneur.

Is it profitable to open an individual entrepreneur?

Individual entrepreneurs have a number of advantages over large companies:

  • a small amount of state duty when registering an individual entrepreneur;
  • the package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur is minimal; a charter and accompanying documents are not required;
  • the profit is spent by the individual entrepreneur at his own discretion, he is not controlled by the tax authorities in this matter;
  • An individual entrepreneur should not pay compensation to employees in the event of the closure or liquidation of his company.

As can be seen from the list, the requirements for individual entrepreneurs are not high. The company is open, profit-making activities are running. What's next?

Where does the profit go?

An individual entrepreneur is his own director, marketer, accountant and analyst. Funds received as a result of the activities of an individual entrepreneur are his property, he can withdraw them for any purpose:

  • purchase of new goods and equipment;
  • employee salaries;
  • for personal use.

At first glance, everything is extremely clear. But situations often occur when an entrepreneur wants to withdraw funds from a current account for personal needs, but is unable to do so. Why is this happening?

How to withdraw money for personal use

In order to withdraw funds from a checking account, there is one requirement for all withdrawals: paying taxes.

By law, the owner has the right to dispose of funds for any purpose, if this does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. If tax authorities or other services have no complaints about the activities of a private entrepreneur, and the current account is not blocked, the funds can be spent for any purpose.

To do this, you need to issue a cash receipt order. All operations to replenish and withdraw funds to an individual entrepreneur’s current account must be carried out using incoming and outgoing orders in order to avoid conflicts with regulatory organizations.

Features of withdrawing funds from a current account

An entrepreneur can spend money for any purpose, including personal needs. But with uncontrolled withdrawal of funds, this can lead to bankruptcy and liquidation of the individual entrepreneur. In addition, the amount withdrawn for personal use is not included in the category of expenses, and therefore taxation will increase.

If funds are withdrawn for business development and not for personal needs, the tax, on the contrary, will be less. Everyone chooses a convenient way of doing things. In the second case, the business will develop much more successfully.

How to withdraw funds correctly

Withdrawals for any purpose must be officially confirmed (documented). To ensure that the level of equity capital does not decrease, it is useful to draw up an account of expenses and income, and withdraw funds that do not exceed the difference in the account.

If you don’t withdraw money at all, this may cause unhealthy interest from regulatory authorities. The question will arise: how does an entrepreneur live?

In order not to harm the development of your business and not be left with nothing, you need to invite a professional accountant from time to time, who will draw up the necessary documents and analyze the company’s activities.

Basic rights and responsibilities

Individual entrepreneurs have the option of not opening a current account. In this case, the question specified in the topic will not arise. Also, an individual entrepreneur can do without a seal. All property registered with an individual entrepreneur is his property. In case of bankruptcy, it will be sold for debts.

There are restrictions and prohibitions on the right to engage in individual entrepreneurial activity. Previously registered individual entrepreneurs cannot register again if the individual entrepreneur was declared bankrupt within a year or, by a court decision, the person was deprived of the right to operate as an entrepreneur.

The best way to withdraw funds for any purpose, including personal needs, is to open a physical account and a current account in the same bank that has Internet service. In this case, funds can be transferred from a current account to an individual’s debit card in a matter of seconds.

There are no restrictions on withdrawals. When transferring to a card, a limit may be set on the amount of daily transactions. Most banks charge a fee for transferring funds from a current account. Income tax is not charged on funds in the current account, as other tax contributions and pension contributions are paid.

You should choose a bank responsibly. In the event of bank bankruptcy, license revocation or frequent due diligence checks, funds may be frozen indefinitely. There are few chances to return them, and the procedure is quite lengthy: an entrepreneur can return the funds only after individuals, bank clients.

It is advisable to leave funds for current expenses: payment of utilities, Internet, taxes and duties. It is better to withdraw the remaining funds to physical accounts and distribute them.

If there are no movements in the current account, you still need to submit reports to the tax office. Otherwise, the fine will be at least one thousand rubles for each failed report. At the same time, contributions to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund must be made.

Approximate scheme for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2016-2017

Have you decided to start working for yourself, while honestly wanting to pay taxes and sleep peacefully? Then this small instruction may be useful to you. First you need to choose the system by which you will pay taxes. The most common scheme is “simplified” with payment of 6% tax on income plus mandatory contributions.

The second scheme: the same insurance premiums and 15% of the difference in the amount of income and expenses.

There are two more taxation options, but the “simplified” ones described above are popular among individual entrepreneurs.

You need to pay a state fee of eight hundred rubles for registering an individual entrepreneur. The receipt can be printed on the tax office website or taken during a personal visit to the tax office. There you should also consult the code of the company you are opening. Briefly: each type of activity has its own code, which is indicated in all documents. If the business does not correspond to the activity code specified in the documentation, everything will have to be filled out again. By the way, you will also have to pay.

A future individual entrepreneur can pay the receipt at any bank. After that, it is submitted to the tax office at your place of residence. There they will tell you the necessary list of documents that need to be submitted, and in three, maximum five days, another individual entrepreneur will appear in Russia.


If you choose your field of activity wisely, pay taxes and fees on time, and do not participate in dubious transactions and fraud, you can quickly grow your business.

An entrepreneur’s funds are his property, regardless of where they are located - in a current account or in his pocket.

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However, unlike transactions with your personal current account, there are some subtleties when depositing, transferring or withdrawing money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account. Let's consider several options for operations with such accounts.

Purpose of the transaction

Any operation with a money account is called a transaction (agreement, deal). Upon your written request or request via electronic media (for example, from a plastic card), as well as through Internet banking systems, the bank is asked to transfer, receive or move money from your account for you. If the bank sees no obstacles to carrying out these operations, it performs some actions for you (of course, for a certain small fee).

For personal needs

Withdrawing cash from a personal account account for your own needs, of course, is not a violation of the law. You regularly pay all the necessary taxes, and where you spend the rest of the money is your own business. No fictitious reasons for the transfer are required. In the purpose of payment, you can indicate: “Personal funds of an individual entrepreneur” or “withdrawal of profits of an individual entrepreneur.”

Some banks oblige you to mention “VAT exempt” in the purpose of such payments.

It is convenient if a card is attached to your personal current account, to which you can regularly transfer money.

The only condition is that the bank plastic card must be issued in your name. Otherwise, the tax service may consider the money received as the recipient’s income (payment for some services) and demand full payment of taxes on these amounts.

To make transactions

How can an individual entrepreneur make payments to suppliers and customers? The legislation does not establish any restrictions on actions with “cash”.

The only limit for cash payments within one agreement is up to 100 thousand rubles. (except for settlements with individuals).

There are no such restrictions for non-cash payments. An individual (which is an individual entrepreneur) may well carry out any non-cash banking transactions in respect of which the law does not establish a prohibition.

Of course, the bank has no right to interfere in the economic activities of an individual entrepreneur. But, based on the Law “On Combating Money Laundering”, which can be obtained by criminal means, the bank has every right to inquire about what the cash was spent on.

In fact, the bank is not at all interested in the purpose of your expenses. The bank’s task is to make sure that each of the business transactions is real and that your expenses exactly correspond to the income received. If you cannot present all the necessary documents (and their absence is a direct sign of “laundering”), suspicion, especially when withdrawing large amounts, will only intensify and the bank will transfer the information to the relevant competent authorities.

Please note that in addition to the tax authorities, there are, for example, the police, as well as Rospotrebnadzor, who may also be very interested in the origin of the goods.

Therefore, when purchasing it (and especially large quantities), it is advisable for you to receive:

  • for cash payments, cash registers (if there is a cash register) or sales receipts, receipts and other documents valid on the territory of the Russian Federation to confirm the receipt of funds;
  • cash receipt order;
  • consignment note TORG-12;
  • invoice (not necessary for those running a business under the simplified taxation system);
  • documents confirming the quality of the goods (for you are obliged to have them and present them upon request to both regulatory authorities and buyers);
  • when purchasing goods on the market, a purchase act drawn up in free form (with all the details established by law).

Conduct any mutual settlements with the conclusion of contracts. Unlike legal entities, individual entrepreneurs do not divide the funds they receive from business activities into their account. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion when transferring or withdrawing funds, be sure to indicate in detail the purpose of the payment, for example: “Payment under agreement No.... dated _ ___ 2019 to Ivanov S.S. for repair services."

Shadow business

For cash withdrawals, almost any bank charges a commission (up to 1%, and sometimes more significant). The bank usually limits the amount you can withdraw for a specific period of time. If you exceed the limit, you may be charged a significant commission (up to 10%). Most banks do not charge a fee for withdrawing money from a regular personal account. And when purchasing goods on the market, some sellers are very reluctant to agree to draw up a purchasing act.

Therefore, in practice the following situation becomes quite common. Entrepreneurs try to open different personal accounts in different banks, then withdrawing small amounts marked “Income of an individual entrepreneur. VAT is not assessed."

However, such actions will sooner or later interest the banking security services, because this is a direct deception that causes financial damage to the bank.

Naturally, concealment from taxes is also punishable (if such actions are detected, the first assumption will arise that you are trying to hide from them). At the first suspicion, your account may be blocked. In the future, there is a possibility that the bank may completely refuse further cooperation with you.

Watch the video on how an entrepreneur can cash out money from his current account

How can an individual entrepreneur withdraw money from his current account?

For each bank there are different tariffs for each of the operations, the lowest of which is for paying wages. If the bank suspects that you are trying to cheat and indicate the wrong purpose of the payment, you will face serious penalties. Therefore, always clearly state the reason why you are cashing out your money.


Using a previously issued checkbook, you can, without visiting the bank, write a check at any time for settlements. By writing it, you instruct the bank to make the required payment from your current account.

Naturally, to receive a checkbook, you will first need to open this account.

If you are absolutely sure that you can fill out a check correctly the very first time (you only need to fill it out with a ballpoint pen with blue or black ink) without a single blot or mistake, you can use it for any calculations. Moreover, many banks charge a relatively small percentage for such transactions. However, you will only need to receive money from it at the bank in which you opened the account.

Salary project

When cashing out a large amount, the bank commission will be quite significant. A small commission (or its complete absence) is possible only when withdrawing money to pay wages.

When withdrawing money, the bank will require you to provide the following documents:

  • orders for salary calculation;
  • copies of payment slips confirming payment of taxes;
  • staffing table, etc.

We remind you that if you order money in advance, the percentage for salary withdrawal will be significantly lower.

If you enter into an agreement with the bank on the monthly transfer of funds from your account to the payment cards of employees, you will need to provide the bank with documents to open accounts and personalize plastic cards.


  • copies of passports of each employee;
  • a complete list of persons to whom the payment will be transferred (according to the form established by the bank).

When you connect to the Internet banking service, you can transfer payments at any time yourself or using the “automatically” function. Let us remind you that an individual entrepreneur in the patent system can hire no more than five employees, and in the UNDV system - no more than 100, officially registered on the basis of applications and concluded agreements.

For myself

Many entrepreneurs very often use their personal accounts, for example, to receive money for transactions, pay individual entrepreneur taxes (transport, property taxes, etc.) or conduct some one-time non-cash transactions.

But in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 of Instructions No. 28-I dated September 19, 2006, the Bank of Russia directly states:

  • current accounts are intended only for transactions related to your business activities;
  • current accounts are opened by individuals only for personal needs

The legislation does not provide for a direct prohibition on using these accounts for business transactions.

But still, it is not advisable to make personal expenses (without transfer to a card or personal account) from an individual entrepreneur’s current account.

The reasons are very significant:

  • There is a significant risk that the tax authorities will consider other receipts to your personal account as income from business activities; in this case, you will have to prove for a very long time that the money received, for example, from the sale of inherited property, has nothing to do with running a business.
  • Each bank has its own (local) regulations, according to which personal accounts are prohibited from being used for business activities; Most often, banks directly indicate in the agreement that you do not have the right to use the current account to conduct business.
  • If you try to use a personal account for other purposes, the bank has the right to freeze this account (for at least 3 days) for violating the rules for using the account, and then completely refuse cooperation.
  • We advise you to carefully study the terms of the agreement concluded with the bank; It is quite possible that it provides for certain penalties for conducting dubious transactions with a current account.
  • Significant turnover on the account, solid revenue and the presence of regular business partners significantly increases the chances of receiving preferential benefits for doing business.

Transferring your money from a bank account to a card is essentially transferring money from one pocket to another. This is not a commercial transaction and does not generate income in any way. And yet, so that the tax authorities do not have a desire to charge you additional taxes, never confuse cash flows and immediately distinguish between your personal money and money intended for running a business.

For each operation, be sure to specify for what purpose you are withdrawing money.

It is quite possible to deposit money from a personal account to a current account. They are not considered income of individual entrepreneurs and, therefore, cannot be subject to any tax. As the basis for this payment, indicate: “Contribution of your own funds.”


Starting from June 2019, in accordance with the Central Bank Instructions No. 373-P and 3073-U, doing business for individual entrepreneurs has become significantly easier. When withdrawing money that you subsequently plan to put into commercial circulation, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014, you are no longer required to carry out each of the cash transactions at the cash desk. There is also no longer a need to fill out cash receipts and cash receipts.

Of course, if it is convenient for an entrepreneur to continue to use cash documents in his activities, he has the right to keep tax records in a similar way. But now they can no longer punish you for the lack of such documents.

However, you are still required to keep strict records of all business transactions, otherwise you may run into serious trouble during tax audits. In addition, be prepared for the fact that at any moment the bank in which you have an account account may become interested in your activities.

In conclusion, we would like to add that opening an account is your right, but not your obligation (this is only required for legal entities). From May 2, 2019, it is no longer necessary to inform the tax, pension and social security authorities about opening and closing an account. Without a bank account, you can easily pay taxes by simply issuing a receipt at Sberbank. If there is an account, no special reporting is carried out on it. However, in practice, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely do without a current account.

Not many banks agree to carry out non-cash transactions without opening current accounts.

In addition, according to Directive No. 3073-U of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, payments for rent, as well as any transactions on a loan or with securities, can only be carried out by bank transfer.

What if the partner demands cash, for example, when paying rent? This money must be received for these purposes only from a current account, with the obligatory indication of the purpose of the payment “Rent”. The only exception in this case is credit institutions, which can spend money from the cash register for any purpose.

Therefore, find a bank where you can conduct all financial transactions with the least loss of nerves and time, and live in peace. Naturally, when choosing a bank, it is important to clarify the service tariffs (especially since since 2019, the deposit insurance system applies to individual entrepreneurs). Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to enter into an agreement with the bank under which you pay a fixed tariff for monthly services. It is enough to choose a bank where you will pay a certain percentage only for processing one-time payment orders.

Good afternoon, dear entrepreneurs!

Quite often they ask the same question about whether it is possible to withdraw money from an individual entrepreneur’s bank account to a personal debit card. Let's look at this issue in a little more detail.

Looking ahead, I will say that yes, it is possible. But you need to know a few nuances, which I will talk about in this short article.

So, let a certain individual entrepreneur conduct vigorous activity and earn a certain amount, which is credited to the individual entrepreneur’s account in the bank. Here you need to immediately understand that we are talking about an account that was opened not for an individual, but for an individual entrepreneur.

That is, a special bank account into which money from business activities is received. Read about how and where you can open such an account in this article:

So here it is. Our individual entrepreneur can create a payment order for a transfer from the individual entrepreneur's bank account to a personal debit card account.

What you need to pay attention to:

1. The payment order must indicate the reason. For example:

Transfer of profits from business activities. Amount _____ rubles, not subject to VAT

2. Check with your bank, where the individual entrepreneur’s account is located, for the commission for withdrawal to a debit card. This is a very important point, since some banks increase the percentage of commission when withdrawing money when a certain threshold is exceeded per day (or per month). They can be understood, since this is how they fight against possible fraud.

3. Check with the bank where the individual entrepreneur’s account is located whether it is possible to open a debit card in the same bank for an individual (that is, for yourself). As a rule, the commission in such cases will be minimal.

4. In your activities there shouldn't be ANYTHING criminal. I hope there is no need to explain why.

5. Clarify the limits for depositing and withdrawing money from your personal debit card account. There may also be such restrictions, since these banks are also struggling with possible fraud.

6. And, of course, it must be YOUR debit card, issued specifically to you.

The question immediately arises: why should I accept money into an individual entrepreneur’s account? Is it possible to receive money from business activities directly to a personal card?

If you look for the answer to this question on the Internet, you will immediately come across huge discussions on forums, where some people furiously argue that yes, it is possible. And others, no less convincingly, say that it is absolutely impossible.

I belong to the second group and here's why:

  1. If you open an agreement for servicing a personal debit card, then with 100% probability you will find a clause where it says that such a card cannot be used for business purposes. Accordingly, it can be blocked at any time.
  2. Tax authorities can include ALL receipts on this card as income. For example, a transfer from a friend... Accordingly, you will pay more taxes. And frankly, let’s say that tax officials will immediately have a lot of questions with such a scheme for accepting money.
  3. Well, frankly speaking, accepting money from the activities of an individual entrepreneur on an individual’s debit card is simply not serious.

According to the law, all money in the current account is the property of the individual entrepreneur. He can buy food for the cats or pay office rent with them. We tell you how to legally cash out.

How can an entrepreneur withdraw money from a Sberbank account?

Individual entrepreneurs transfer money from a current account to a personal account, then withdraw it from the card. The transfer arrives on the card within four hours or within two days.

So that the tax office does not have questions about the transfer, individual entrepreneurs indicate in the comments that this is a transfer of the individual entrepreneur’s profit. This is necessary so that the tax authorities do not suspect the entrepreneur of cashing out and block the account.

It is better to transfer to your own card so that the first and last names match. If you transfer money to a card with someone else’s name, the tax office will think it’s a cashier and will close the account.

Ways to cash out your account

When there is money on the card, you can withdraw it in several ways:

  • fill out a checkbook and get cash from the bank;
  • write an application to withdraw money to replenish the cash register and receive it from the bank;
  • transfer to a bank card, be sure to your own;
  • transferred to a deposit, but can be withdrawn after the individual entrepreneur closes the account.

When cash is needed urgently, it is withdrawn from the card that is linked to the account. You will have to pay a percentage for withdrawals, but an ATM can be found at any time of the day. But it’s better not to do this, because the tax office may suspect you of cashing out and close the account. The safest way is to transfer to your card as an individual and pay from it.

How to withdraw money from an individual entrepreneur's account to a Sberbank card

In order not to go to the bank, you can transfer money to a Sberbank card, which is linked to the individual entrepreneur’s current account. The limit for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank card is 170,000 rubles per day, but not more than five million rubles per month. The bank does not limit the number of cards, but charges a percentage for the transfer.

You can transfer money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account to a personal one and then withdraw from it. The bank does not charge interest for such transactions, but the money can go on for days.

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