Sloop east drawings. Basic data of the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny"

Sloop "Vostok"

The ship was launched from the slipway of the Okhtinskaya shipyard in St. Petersburg in 1818. Its length is 40 m, width about 10 m, draft 4.8 m, displacement 900 tons, speed up to 10 knots. The armament consisted of 28 guns. Crew 117 people.

On July 3 (15), 1819, the sloop “Vostok” under the command of captain II rank F.F. Bellingshausen, head of the round-the-world Antarctic expedition, and the Mirny sloop under the command of Lieutenant M.P. Lazarev left Kronstadt and on January 16 (28) of the following year reached the shores of Antarctica. After repairs in Sydney (Australia), the ships explored the tropical Pacific Ocean, and then on October 31 (November 12), 1820, they again headed for Antarctica. On January 10 (22), 1821, the sloops reached the southernmost point: 69°53" south latitude and 92°19" west longitude. On July 24 (August 5), 1821, having completed the most difficult voyage, the ships arrived in Kronstadt. In 3a 751 days they covered 49,723 miles (about 92,300 km). The most important result of the expedition was the discovery of the huge sixth continent - Antarctica. In addition, 29 islands were mapped and complex oceanographic work was carried out. In memory of this significant voyage, a medal was knocked out in Russia.

In 1828, the sloop Vostok was removed from the lists of the fleet and dismantled. Nowadays, two Soviet Antarctic scientific stations bear the names of the sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny”. According to established tradition, the name “Vostok” passed to the largest research vessel.

This year marks 197 years since the departure of the first Russian Antarctic expedition consisting of two warships: the sloop “Vostok” under the command of captain 2nd rank F.F. Bellingshausen and the sloop "Mirny" under the command of Lieutenant M.P. Lazarev.

More than once, sailors have tried to penetrate uncharted lands in the waters of Antarctica. History has noted the voyages of the courageous English navigators Cook and Furneaux. In 1772 - 1775, on two ships - "Resolution" and "Adventure" they sailed around the supposed mainland, discovered the island of South Georgia, crossed the Antarctic Circle three times and... Cook flatly rejected the existence of the South Earth, or rather, believed that if it is, then unattainable. The authority of the outstanding English navigator was so great that for almost half a century no one made new attempts to go in search of Antarctica.

Brave Russian sailors set out to answer the question - does the Great Southern Land exist after all?

On July 16 (4th Old Style), 1819, an Antarctic expedition consisting of two ships left Kronstadt. One of the remarkable voyages in the history of the Great Geographical Discoveries began.

The voyage took place in incredibly difficult conditions, especially in the waters of Antarctica, when storms, snowfalls, icing and fog accompanied by severe frosts accompanied the ships for more than a hundred days.

Despite the incredible hardships and all sorts of dangers that threatened the ships and their crews, the expedition was crowned with exceptional success. The research carried out made it possible to clearly establish the existence of a huge continent and, moreover, to discover twenty-nine previously unknown islands, calling them by Russian names.

1 – keel; 2 – stem; 3 – tack-bokans; 4 – latrine; 5 – crumble; 6 – anchor cushion; 7 – dowel strips and bollards: 8 – cleats; 9 – rollers; 10 – hatches; 11 – bokans-davits; 12 – velhout; 13 – channeling: 14 – 8-oar longboat on keel blocks; 15 – starboard boat; 16 – left side boat; 17 – stern boat; 18 – side ladder; 19 – officer’s toilet

For more than two years, the sloops were at sea; a distance was covered under sail that was more than twice the length of the equator. On August 5, 1821, the ships stopped at the Kronstadt roadstead.

The commander of the sloop "Mirny", the later famous naval commander M.P. Lazarev, in one of his letters to his friend A.A. Shestakov, describing swimming in Antarctic waters, proudly summed up: “What is it like for our little mermaids to walk now!”

The first Russian expedition entered the annals of great geographical discoveries, and its significance is especially noticeable in our time, when Antarctica has turned into an international scientific laboratory in which the possibilities of the sixth continent are explored. The leading role in this matter belongs to the stations of the Soviet Union - and among them two: “Vostok” and “Mirny”, named after the glorious sloops.


At the Olonetsky shipyard in Lodeynoye Pole near St. Petersburg in 1818, the auxiliary ship “Ladoga” was built for the fleet. In an effort to speed up the departure of a high-latitude expedition to Antarctica, they decided not to build a new ship, but to use the Ladoga. When the ship was included in the navy, it was given a new name - “Mirny” and reconstruction immediately began. The work was supervised by the commander of the Mirny M.P. Lazarev. By attaching studs to the sloop, they lengthened the stern part, installed a knyavdiged on the stem, and additionally sheathed the hull with inch-long planks, firmly securing them with copper nails. The hull was carefully caulked, and the underwater part was covered with copper sheets to prevent it from becoming overgrown with algae. Additional fastenings were installed inside the hull - in case of exposure to ice floes, the pine steering wheel was replaced with an oak one. The previously supplied standing rigging, shrouds, stays and other rigging made from low-grade hemp were replaced with stronger ones used on naval ships.

The Mirny sloop was a three-masted, double-decker ship armed with twenty cannons: six 12-pounders (120 mm caliber) and fourteen 3-pounders (76 mm caliber). The crew consisted of 72 people.

The dimensions of the sloop "Mirny" according to drawing No. 21, stored in the Central State Archive of the Navy in Leningrad, are as follows: length - 120 feet (36.6 m), width - 30 feet (9.15 m), draft - 15 feet (4. 6 m). These dimensions increased slightly after the vessel was rebuilt, and the same applies to the displacement of the Mirny.

20 – bom-utlsgar; 21 jigsaws; 22 – blind-ray; 23 bowsprit; 24 – wager-woolings; 25 – fore-yard; 26 fore-mars-rays; 27 – fore-frame; 28 – fort-trisel-gaff; 29 – mainsail; 30 – grotto-marsa-rey; 31 – main beam; 32 main-trisail-gaff; 33 – begin-rey; 34 – cruise-Marsa-ray; 35 – cruise-bram-ray; 36 – mizzen-gaff; 37 – mizzen boom: 38 – water stays; 39 – water backstays; 40 – stays; 41 – lower cables; 42 – wall-stays; 43 – fortune; 44 – puttens shrouds; 45 – topenants; 46 – braces; 47 gits; 48 – bowline; 49 – reef sessions: 50 sheets; 51 – tacks; 52 – lyric halyards

Figure 1 shows the most important of all - the theoretical one, consisting of a hull, which shows the outlines of the frames (the bows are numbered with letters), a side, depicting the side view of the sloop, and the half-latitude of three waterlines. In addition to the theoretical drawing, it shows a plan of the upper deck, a bulwark and a section along the center plane showing the forecastle - the front part of the sloop deck to the foremast, the waist - between the foremast and mainmast and, finally, the quarterdeck - between the main and mizzen. masts. It also shows some of the parts installed on the upper deck. Figure 2 shows the sailing rig of all three masts: foresail, mainsail, mizzen. The pictures at the top of the page show the spar details. And finally, Figure 3 shows a side view of the model with all the sails, the stern and bow with decoration, artillery, cannon ports, a diagram of the assembly of the stays, and the cover of the stays and mainstays. All three drawings contain a scale ruler, which will allow you to make working drawings on the scale in which you plan to build the model.


The most suitable material for the manufacture of the body and all its parts will be dry, fine-grained wood, free of knots and other defects. The body can be made in typesetting or from timber glued together from boards.

The next stage of work is the manufacture of spars, superstructures of deck ship equipment, devices, useful things, artillery placed on the upper deck. All this is also recommended to be made from wood.

The sails are sewn from thin white fabric, cut out according to drawings (Fig. 3). Threads are used for standing and running rigging.

When building a model at a scale of 1:100, it is quite difficult to maintain the scale of the rigging - matching the thickness of the gear. We must be guided by the rule: the higher, the thinner the threads that imitate cables should be. Mainstays – 1.0 mm, mainstays – 0.1 -0.2 mm. This task is further aggravated by the fact that it is far from easy to make blocks and deadeyes.

In scale they appear very small. To make them you need a jewelry lathe. For this reason, it is necessary to simplify the wiring of gear and imitate blocks and deadeyes.

A – boom jib; B jib; B – foresail staysail; G – fore staysail, storm sail is shown as a dotted line; D – forock; E – fore-topsail; F – fore-bramssl; 3 – fore-trisail; I – grog; K – main topsail; L – mainsail; M – mainsail trysail; 11 – cruys-marseille or cruy-sel; O – cruys-bramsel; P – mizzen or counter-mizzen; S, U – marsa-lisel, T; F – bram-lisel

Before you start assembling the Mirny sloop model, you need to paint the hull and all the parts. Painting should be done using a spray gun; brushes are not suitable for this purpose, especially for details. Any paint can be used, preferably quick-drying. After the first painting and when the paint has dried well, it is recommended to sand the surface with sandpaper that does not leave marks or scratches, and then paint again, which will improve the quality of the coating. The sides are painted with black paint, including the bulwark, gunwale, hookboard, knyavdiged shtulki, latrine grate, bokants, rusleni, spurs of topmasts, topmasts and boom topmasts, all yards with spinners, topsails, salings, all ezelgofts, boats, berth nets , lanterns, deadeyes, side walls of cannon semi-porticos on the upper deck, shrouds, shrouds, bell roof, galley pipe lining, anchor, bowsprit yoke, water-bulling, cat-beam, foxel yoke, perths, crum-ball and bollards, yokes on the mast tops, anchor yokes, gun port loops and all standing rigging. Masts up to the top, chicks and scales, yokes on masts, mast tops, topmasts, top topmasts, top top top tops, boom top top tops (flagpole), bowsprit to ezelgoft, bowsprit encores, stripe on board, gun port covers, window panels are painted white. bindings. The inside of the bulwark is painted dark green. The following are painted bright red: the shield on the eagle emblem, the side walls of the cannon ports and their covers from the inside. The “Eagle” emblem, the edgings of the crown, the edgings on the shtulz and the stern shell are bronzed in gold. The guns are coated with dark green bronze or black paint. The underwater part of the hull is painted yellow with the addition of bronze powder to imitate the copper sheets with which the Mirny sloop was sheathed. The dowel strips, cleats, bollards, hatches, gratings, steering wheel, transans, and gun mountings are etched with stain.

The deck, topmasts, topmasts, topmasts, boom mast, inside boats, anchor rods, jib, boom jib are not painted.

Making the hull and deckhouses, boat tillers, useful things, anchors, spars and its numerous parts will require a lot of effort and time. Since there are a lot of parts for the model, be sure to check whether you have done everything, whether all components, such as the bowsprit, main mast, foremast, etc., have a complete set of parts. It is useful for these purposes to draw up a specification - a list of parts; It will immediately become clear what is missing.

The approximate order of assembling the Mirny sloop model is recommended as follows: 1) assemble the hull, glue the keel, stem, sternpost, deadwood, stern mirror, channel, install the lower deadeyes, stems, knives, install the bowsprit and attach the rudder; 2) draw a waterline, drive in all the butts for the backstays, then assemble the latrine with a grate, install the emblem, and glue in the bows; 3) glue in all the deck parts of the boat, gratings, install the steering wheel, keel blocks of the longboat and mast bollards; 4) install the deck; 5) assemble the jib and boom jib, assemble the masts, glue the chicks, topsies, yokes, on which the shrouds measured according to the template are already hung with shrouds-jocks at the ends, install the topmasts, tighten the shrouds even before installing the masts; 6) then install the assembled masts, tighten the standing rigging of the masts and bowsprit; 7) arm yards, sel-spirits, beyfoots; 8) raise the lower yards of the foresail, mainsail and mizzen-beginray into place, hang the topenants on the girdles and borgs, secure the bayfoot; 9) install the braces (running rigging of the spar), do the same with the topsails, boom and gaff; 10) lace the sails, imitate the seams with pencil lines, cut the straight sails only parallel to the top edge, set the sails and anchors; 11) install the boats on the sides, stretch the running rigging of the sails; 12) raise the flag and pennant.

The model can be left without sails, which will allow you to better see the spar, its parts and rigging.

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USSR postage stamp, 1965

Vessel class and typeSloop
Main Features
Displacement985 t
Length39.62 m
Width10.36 m
Draft4.8 m
Travel speedup to 10 knots
Crew117 people
Artillery16 137 mm guns, 12 120 mm carronades

Vessel history

The ship was launched from the slipway of the Okhtensky Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg in 1818.

In 751 days they covered 49,723 miles (about 92,300 km). The most important result of the expedition was the discovery of the huge sixth continent - Antarctica. In addition, 29 islands were mapped and complex oceanographic work was carried out. In memory of this significant voyage, a medal was knocked out in Russia.

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  • Marine encyclopedic dictionary. L.: Shipbuilding, 1991. ISBN 5-7355-0280-8

Excerpt characterizing the East (sloop)

- What the hell is this! - said Ilaginsky the stirrup.
“Yes, as soon as she stopped short, every mongrel will catch you from stealing,” said Ilagin at the same time, red-faced, barely catching his breath from the galloping and excitement. At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so shrilly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters also expressed in their one-time conversation. And this squeal was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild squeal and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.
The uncle himself pulled the hare back, deftly and smartly threw him over the back of the horse, as if reproaching everyone with this throwing, and with such an air that he didn’t even want to talk to anyone, sat on his kaurago and rode away. Everyone except him, sad and offended, left and only long after could they return to their former pretense of indifference. For a long time they looked at the red Rugai, who, with his hunchbacked back and dirt stained, rattling his iron, with the calm look of a winner, walked behind the legs of his uncle’s horse.
“Well, I’m the same as everyone else when it comes to bullying. Well, just hang in there!” It seemed to Nikolai that the appearance of this dog spoke.
When, long after, the uncle drove up to Nikolai and spoke to him, Nikolai was flattered that his uncle, after everything that had happened, still deigned to speak with him.

When Ilagin said goodbye to Nikolai in the evening, Nikolai found himself at such a far distance from home that he accepted his uncle’s offer to leave the hunt to spend the night with him (with his uncle), in his village of Mikhailovka.
- And if they came to see me, it would be a pure march! - said the uncle, even better; you see, the weather is wet, the uncle said, if we could rest, the countess would be taken in a droshky. “Uncle’s proposal was accepted, a hunter was sent to Otradnoye for the droshky; and Nikolai, Natasha and Petya went to see their uncle.
About five people, large and small, courtyard men ran out onto the front porch to meet the master. Dozens of women, old, big and small, leaned out from the back porch to watch the approaching hunters. The presence of Natasha, a woman, a lady on horseback, brought the curiosity of the uncle's servants to such limits that many, not embarrassed by her presence, came up to her, looked into her eyes and in her presence made their comments about her, as if about a miracle being shown, which is not a person, and cannot hear or understand what is said about him.
- Arinka, look, she’s sitting on her side! She sits herself, and the hem dangles... Look at the horn!
- Father of the world, that knife...
- Look, Tatar!
- How come you didn’t somersault? - said the bravest one, directly addressing Natasha.
The uncle got off his horse at the porch of his wooden house overgrown with a garden and, looking around at his household, shouted imperiously for the extra ones to leave and for everything necessary to be done for receiving guests and hunting.
Everything ran away. Uncle took Natasha off the horse and led her by the hand along the shaky plank steps of the porch. The house, not plastered, with log walls, was not very clean - it was not clear that the purpose of the people living was to keep it stain-free, but there was no noticeable neglect.
The hallway smelled of fresh apples, and there were wolf and fox skins hanging. Through the front hall, the uncle led his guests into a small hall with a folding table and red chairs, then into a living room with a birch round table and a sofa, then into an office with a torn sofa, a worn carpet and with portraits of Suvorov, the owner’s father and mother, and himself in a military uniform . There was a strong smell of tobacco and dogs in the office. In the office, the uncle asked the guests to sit down and make themselves at home, and he himself left. Scolding, his back not cleaned, entered the office and lay down on the sofa, cleaning himself with his tongue and teeth. From the office there was a corridor in which screens with torn curtains could be seen. Women's laughter and whispers could be heard from behind the screens. Natasha, Nikolai and Petya undressed and sat on the sofa. Petya leaned on his arm and immediately fell asleep; Natasha and Nikolai sat in silence. Their faces were burning, they were very hungry and very cheerful. They looked at each other (after the hunt, in the room, Nikolai no longer considered it necessary to show his male superiority in front of his sister); Natasha winked at her brother, and both did not hold back for long and burst into loud laughter, not yet having time to think of an excuse for their laughter.

Kronstadt exactly 197 years ago - on July 4, 1819 - solemnly conducted an expedition on a long voyage to the polar seas, which was destined to find the unknown southern land - Antarctica. This vast continent with a harsh climate was the last to be discovered, although at one time it attracted the attention of many famous scientists and researchers.

Back in the 16th century, people assumed that Antarctica existed. Speculation first arose among the participants of the Portuguese expedition, in which the traveler Amerigo Vespucci also took part. The cold was so strong that none of the flotilla could bear it.

“I am convinced that such land exists, and it is possible that we have seen part of it. Great cold, a huge number of ice islands and floating ice - all this proves that the land in the south must be ...,” wrote Cook. He even prepared a special treatise, “Arguments for the existence of land near the South Pole,” noting that no one would be able to reach Antarctica.

Soviet stamp dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the expedition. 1970 Photo:

At home, the authority of the navigator was very great. His words were taken for granted, and the British and a number of explorers from other countries stopped searching for the land. However, not all: the Russian sailors were adamant in their desire to see the mainland. Officers and admirals, taking into account hypotheses and research, repeatedly advocated further study of the southern polar seas. Fortunately, in Russia at that time the progressive public supported the idea.

Rum for the cold

Two three-masted sloops had to navigate the harsh seas. These ships managed to write their name in the history of the country and even gave names to spaceships.

The sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny”, built in St. Petersburg and Lodeynoye Pole, set off for the expedition from Kronstadt. The first had on board a crew of 117 people and 28 guns. "Mirny", which previously bore the name "Ladoga", was smaller - the crew included 73 people. The ships were commanded by the most worthy and experienced officers of the Russian navy, Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev. Under the leadership of these people, the ships had to cross the Antarctic and cross the southern polar zone at the highest latitudes. This would help to find out whether there are undiscovered lands there and whether it is possible to go to the pole.

Bust of F. F. Belingshausen in Nikolaev. Photo:

Particular attention was paid to providing ships with the best nautical and astronomical instruments available at that time. Some of them were later purchased in Portsmouth, since equipment of the required quality was not produced in Russia.

The expedition was supplied with all kinds of anti-scorbutic foods: lemons, canned vegetables and sauerkraut. Later, at every opportunity, on the islands of Oceania they bought and exchanged fruits for future use from local residents - a long voyage to Antarctica lay ahead. They saved themselves from the cold with the rum on board. All personnel had to observe the strictest hygiene: clothes were aired almost daily, beds were washed, and an impromptu bathhouse was flooded. There were also highly qualified doctors on board the ships. Their work and hygiene helped the sloops to pass tests in harsh climatic conditions without serious illnesses.

Icy silence

“Vostok” and “Mirny”, which, to the displeasure of the captains, differed greatly in speed, called at Copenhagen, Portsmouth, the island of Tenerife and Rio de Janeiro. Next, the expedition entered Antarctic waters. The separated sloops made a hydrographic inventory of the southwestern shores of the island of South Georgia. Capes and bays were marked on the maps and received the names of the participants of this expedition. The ships discovered the islands of Annenkov, Leskov and Thorson. The chain of islands was named after the country's maritime minister, Ivan de Traverse.

Russian sailors reached the sixth continent on January 16, 1820. This day became the date of the discovery of Antarctica. The storm, cold and heavy ice did not stop the expedition, and its participants on wooden ships approached the shores they saw for the first time twice more.

Satellite photo of Antarctica. Photo:

Next, “Vostok” and “Mirny” headed to Sydney for a short rest. Along the way, having visited the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, Russian explorers discovered a group of islands. Bellingshausen called them the Russian Islands. Each of them received the name of one of the famous Russian commanders, generals, admirals and sailors: Kutuzov, Ermolov, Barclay de Tolly, Raevsky, Volkonsky, Lazarev, Greig, Chichagov. In the group of Cook Islands, Vostok Island was discovered (in honor of the flagship ship), and in the area of ​​the Fiji Islands - the Mikhailov and Simonov Islands.

Bust of M. P. Lazarev in Nikolaev. Photo:

After careful preparation in Sydney, the sloops crossed the Antarctic Circle on December 13, 1820. Later, Vostok and Mirny discovered a large island, which was named after Peter I. However, on January 30, 1821, due to the poor condition of the Vostok corps, the detachment was forced to leave Antarctica. The expedition arrived in Rio de Janeiro on February 27, and on July 24 the ships dropped anchor in Kronstadt, completing their historically significant journey.

The expedition collected rich ethnographic, zoological and botanical collections, brought to Russia and transferred to various museums, where they are still stored. “Vostok” and “Mirny” were at sea for 751 days. The sailors and scientists spent 100 days among the ice and icebergs. The sloops discovered 29 islands, along the way collecting a wealth of materials for studying the Antarctic seas.

People attended the Vostok and Mirny courses again only after more than 100 years.

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