Wiring diagram for inductor VTA 36W 220V. Operating principle and connection diagram of fluorescent lamps

(or as we are used to calling them Fluorescent lamp) are ignited by a discharge created inside the flask.
If anyone is interested in learning about the structure of such a lamp - about their advantages and disadvantages, then you can look into.

In order to obtain a high-voltage discharge, special devices are used - ballast chokes controlled by a starter.
It works something like this: inside the lamp fittings there is a choke and a capacitor that form an oscillating circuit. A starter neon lamp with a small capacitor is installed in series with this circuit. When current passes through a neon lamp, an electrical breakdown occurs in it, the resistance of the lamp drops almost to zero, but it almost immediately begins to discharge through the capacitor. Thus, the starter opens and closes chaotically and chaotic oscillations occur in the throttle.
Due to self-induction EMF, these oscillations can have an amplitude of up to 1000 Volts, and they serve as a source of high-voltage pulses that light the lamp.

This design has been used in everyday life for many years and has a number of disadvantages - indefinite switching time, wear of lamp filaments and a huge level of radio interference.

As practice shows, in starter devices (a simplified diagram of one of them is shown in Fig. 1), the sections of the filaments to which the mains voltage is supplied are subject to the greatest heating. This is where the thread often burns out.

More promising - without starter ignition devices, where the filaments are not used for their intended purpose, but act as electrodes of a gas-discharge lamp - they are supplied with the voltage necessary to ignite the gas in the lamp.

Here, for example, is a device designed to power a lamp with a power of up to 40 W (Fig. 2). It works like this. The mains voltage is supplied through inductor L1 to the bridge rectifier VD3. During one of the half-cycles of the mains voltage, capacitor C2 is charged through the zener diode VD1, and capacitor S3 is charged through the zener diode VD2. During the next half-cycle, the mains voltage is summed with the voltage on these capacitors, as a result of which the EL1 lamp lights up. After this, these capacitors are quickly discharged through the zener diodes and diodes of the bridge and subsequently do not affect the operation of the device, since they are not able to charge - after all, the amplitude voltage of the network is less than the total stabilization voltage of the zener diodes and the voltage drop across the lamp.

Resistor R1 removes the residual voltage on the lamp electrodes after turning off the device, which is necessary for safe replacement of the lamp. Capacitor C1 compensates for reactive power.

In this and subsequent devices, pairs of contacts of the connector of each filament can be connected together and connected to “their” circuit - then even a lamp with burnt-out filaments will work in the lamp.

A diagram of another version of the device, designed to power a fluorescent lamp with a power of more than 40 W, is shown in Fig. 3. Here the bridge rectifier is made using diodes VD1-VD4. And the “starting” capacitors C2, C3 are charged through thermistors R1, R2 with a positive temperature coefficient of resistance. Moreover, in one half-cycle, capacitor C2 is charged (through thermistor R1 and diode VD3), and in the other - SZ (through thermistor R2 and diode VD4). Thermistors limit the charging current of the capacitors. Since the capacitors are connected in series, the voltage across lamp EL1 is sufficient to ignite it.

If the thermistors are in thermal contact with the bridge diodes, their resistance will increase when the diodes heat up, which will reduce the charging current.

The inductor, which serves as a ballast resistance, is not necessary in the power devices under consideration and can be replaced with an incandescent lamp, as shown in Fig. 4. When the device is turned on, the lamp EL1 and thermistor R1 heat up. The alternating voltage at the input of the diode bridge VD3 increases. Capacitors C1 and C2 are charged through resistors R2, R3. When the total voltage across them reaches the ignition voltage of lamp EL2, the capacitors will quickly discharge - this is facilitated by diodes VD1, VD2.

By supplementing a conventional incandescent lamp with this device with a fluorescent lamp, you can improve general or local lighting. For a EL2 lamp with a power of 20 W, EL1 should be 75 or 100 W, but if EL2 is used with a power of 80 W, EL1 should be 200 or 250 W. In the latter option, it is permissible to remove the charge-discharge circuits from resistors R2, R3 and diodes VD1, VD2 from the device.

A slightly better option for powering a powerful fluorescent lamp is to use a device with quadrupling the rectified voltage, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 5. Some improvement of the device that increases the reliability of its operation can be considered the addition of a thermistor connected parallel to the input of the diode bridge (between points 1, 2 of node U1). It will provide a smoother increase in voltage on the parts of the rectifier-multiplier, as well as damping the oscillatory process in a system containing reactive elements (inductor and capacitors), and therefore reducing interference entering the network.

The devices considered use diode bridges KTs405A or KTs402A, as well as rectifier diodes KD243G-KD243Zh or others, designed for a current of up to 1 A and a reverse voltage of 400 V. Each zener diode can be replaced by several in series connected with a lower stabilization voltage. It is advisable to use a non-polar MBGCh type capacitor for shunting the network; the remaining capacitors are MBM, K42U-2, K73-16. It is recommended to bypass the capacitors with resistors with a resistance of 1 MOhm and a power of 0.5 W. The choke must correspond to the power of the fluorescent lamp used (1UBI20 - for a lamp with a power of 20 W, 1UBI40 - 40 W, 1UBI80-80W). Instead of one 40 W lamp, it is permissible to switch on two 20 W lamps in series.

Some of the assembly parts are mounted on a board made of one-sided foil fiberglass, on which areas are left for soldering the leads of the parts and connecting petals for connecting the assembly to the luminaire circuits. After installing the unit into a housing of suitable dimensions, it is filled with epoxy compound.

Today, fluorescent lamps are one of the most common sources of artificial lighting. This is explained by the fact that lamps of this type are several times more economical than the standard incandescent devices we are used to and are an order of magnitude cheaper than LED ones.

Today, luminescent types are found almost at every step: in offices, hospitals, schools and homes.

How it works

A fluorescent lamp is a gas-discharge device, inside which this discharge is formed among a pair of spirals. These spirals are nothing more than an anode and a cathode, they are located on both sides. Visible light is produced by ultraviolet radiation from mercury vapor. This is facilitated by a phosphor applied to the inner surface of the lamp - a substance that contains phosphorus and other elements.

Fluorescent lamps operate thanks to a special device - a ballast, which is also called a choke. Many imported models operate with both a standard throttle and an automatic operation device. The latter are common as electronic ballasts.

Advantages of devices operating on electronic ballasts

Among the positive qualities of these models are the following:

  • no flicker;
  • no noise;
  • relatively light weight;
  • better ignition;
  • energy saving.

Each fluorescent lamp has a number of advantages over a standard incandescent lamp:

  • durability;
  • efficiency;
  • high light transmission.

However, this technology also has a significant drawback - if the room temperature is no more than five degrees, the ignition of such a lamp occurs slowly, and the light from it is dimmer.

Connection diagram

There are several schemes for connecting fluorescent lamps.

If electronic ballasts are used, the connection diagram is as follows:

  • C - compensation capacitor;
  • LL - throttle;
  • EL-fluorescent lamp;
  • SF starter.

As a rule, in practice the most common luminaires are those that use two devices connected in series. In this case, their connection diagram looks like this:

A - for fluorescent models with a power of 20 (18) W

B - for fluorescent models with a power of 40 (36) W

When exactly two lamps are used, it becomes possible to reduce the pulsation of the total light flux. This occurs due to the fact that the pulsation of a single lamp is not simultaneous, that is, there is a slight time shift. In this regard, the value of the total luminous flux will never become equal to zero. Another name for the circuit when two lamps are used at once is a split-phase circuit. Its important advantage is that it does not require additional measures to increase the power factor. Another advantage is that when the network voltage decreases, the total luminous flux remains stable.

When connecting, be sure to take into account that the power of the inductor and the lamp must be identical. If the power of the second is high, then it may be worth using two chokes at once.

However, despite all the obvious advantages, one more significant drawback of such models should be pointed out. All of them contain such an unsafe substance as mercury in liquid form. Today, there is a problem with the disposal of such devices that have failed, so the use of fluorescent lamps poses a threat to the environment.

If during installation the lamp accidentally slips out of your hands and breaks into pieces, you can see small balls of mercury rolling out on the ground.

  • Supply voltage is supplied to the circuit. Then it passes through the inductor and filaments, and then to the starter terminals;
  • the starter is nothing more than a neon light bulb with two contacts. A bimetallic plate is welded onto one of these contacts;
  • the resulting voltage begins to ionize neon. A current of considerable strength begins to flow through the starter, heating the gas and the bimetal plate;
  • the plate begins to bend and short-circuit the starter terminals;
  • electric current passes through a closed circuit, due to which the filaments heat up;
  • This heating gives impetus to the appearance of glow in lamps under lower voltage conditions;
  • the moment the lamp starts to glow, the voltage at the starter begins to drop. It drops to a level where the ion is no longer able to ionize. The starter is automatically switched off, and the filaments are no longer under the influence of current.

In order to ensure the functioning of the lamps, a choke is installed. This device is used to limit the current to the required value, depending on the power. Thanks to self-induction, reliable starting of the lamps is ensured.

Pros and cons of lamps with electromagnetic ballast

The design and circuit of these lamps is quite simple. However, despite this, they are distinguished by high reliability and relatively low cost, but they also have disadvantages.

Among them:

  • there is no guarantee of starting at low temperatures;
  • flicker;
  • probability of low-frequency hum;
  • increased electricity consumption;
  • quite large weight and dimensions.

Compact fluorescent lamps

Many modern fluorescent lamps are suitable for lighting industrial premises. However, they are inconvenient for home use due to their large dimensions and inappropriate design. Technologies do not stand still and today devices have been created that have small-sized electronic ballast. The patent for the compact fluorescent lamp was received in the 80s of the last century, but they began to be used in everyday life not so long ago. Today, compact luminescent models do not exceed the usual standard ones in size. As for the operating principle, it remains the same. There are two filaments at the ends of the lamp. It is between them that the arc discharge appears, which produces ultraviolet waves. Under the influence of these waves, the phosphor glows.

Fluorescent lamps from the very first releases and are partially still lit using electromagnetic ballasts - EMP. The classic version of the lamp is made in the form of a sealed glass tube with pins at the ends.

What do fluorescent lamps look like?

Inside it is filled with an inert gas with mercury vapor. It is installed in cartridges through which voltage is supplied to the electrodes. An electric discharge is created between them, causing an ultraviolet glow, which acts on the phosphor layer applied to the inner surface of the glass tube. The result is a bright glow. The switching circuit for fluorescent lamps (LL) is provided by two main elements: electromagnetic ballast L1 and glow discharge lamp SF1.

LL connection diagram with electromagnetic choke and starter

Ignition circuits with electronic ballasts

A device with a throttle and starter works according to the following principle:

  1. Supplying voltage to the electrodes. The current does not pass through the gaseous medium of the lamp at first due to its high resistance. It enters through the starter (St) (Fig. below), in which a glow discharge is formed. In this case, a current passes through the spirals of the electrodes (2) and begins to heat them up.
  2. The starter contacts heat up, and one of them closes, since it is made of bimetal. The current passes through them and the discharge stops.
  3. The starter contacts stop heating up, and after cooling, the bimetallic contact opens again. A voltage pulse occurs in the inductor (D) due to self-induction, which is sufficient to ignite the LL.
  4. A current passes through the gaseous medium of the lamp; after starting the lamp, it decreases along with the voltage drop across the inductor. The starter remains disconnected, since this current is not enough to start it.

Fluorescent lamp connection diagram

Capacitors (C 1) and (C 2) in the circuit are designed to reduce the level of interference. A capacitance (C 1), connected in parallel to the lamp, helps reduce the amplitude of the voltage pulse and increase its duration. As a result, the service life of the starter and LL increases. The capacitor (C 2) at the input provides a significant reduction in the reactive component of the load (cos φ increases from 0.6 to 0.9).

If you know how to connect a fluorescent lamp with burnt-out filaments, it can be used in an electronic ballast circuit after a slight modification of the circuit itself. To do this, the spirals are short-circuited and a capacitor is connected in series to the starter. According to this scheme, the light source will be able to work for some more time.

A widely used switching method is with one choke and two fluorescent lamps.

Switching on two fluorescent lamps with a common choke

2 lamps are connected in series between each other and the choke. Each of them requires the installation of a parallel connected starter. To do this, use one output pin at the ends of the lamp.

For LLs, it is necessary to use special switches so that their contacts do not stick due to high inrush current.

Ignition without electromagnetic ballast

To extend the life of burnt-out fluorescent lamps, you can install one of the switching circuits without a choke and starter. For this purpose, voltage multipliers are used.

Diagram for switching on fluorescent lamps without a choke

The filaments are short-circuited and voltage is applied to the circuit. After straightening, it increases 2 times, and this is enough for the lamp to light up. Capacitors (C 1), (C 2) are selected for a voltage of 600 V, and (C 3), (C 4) - for a voltage of 1000 V.

The method is also suitable for working LLs, but they should not operate with DC power. After some time, mercury accumulates around one of the electrodes, and the brightness of the glow decreases. To restore it, you need to turn the lamp over, thereby changing the polarity.

Connection without starter

Using a starter increases the lamp warm-up time. However, its service life is short. The electrodes can be heated without it if you install secondary transformer windings for this.

Wiring diagram for a fluorescent lamp without a starter

Where the starter is not used, the lamp has a quick start designation - RS. If you install such a lamp with a starter, its coils can quickly burn out, since they have a longer warm-up time.

Electronic ballast

Electronic ballast control circuitry has replaced older daylight sources to eliminate their inherent shortcomings. Electromagnetic ballast consumes excess energy, often makes noise, breaks down and damages the lamp. In addition, the lamps flicker due to the low frequency of the supply voltage.

Electronic ballasts are an electronic unit that takes up little space. Fluorescent lamps are easy and quick to start, without creating noise and providing uniform illumination. The circuit provides several ways to protect the lamp, which increases its service life and makes its operation safer.

The electronic ballast works as follows:

  1. Warming up the LL electrodes. Start-up is quick and smooth, which increases lamp life.
  2. Ignition is the generation of a high voltage pulse that pierces the gas in the flask.
  3. Combustion is the maintenance of a small voltage on the lamp electrodes, which is sufficient for a stable process.

Electronic throttle circuit

First, the alternating voltage is rectified using a diode bridge and smoothed by a capacitor (C 2). Next, a half-bridge high-frequency voltage generator using two transistors is installed. The load is a toroidal transformer with windings (W1), (W2), (W3), two of them are connected in antiphase. They alternately open the transistor switches. The third winding (W3) supplies resonant voltage to the LL.

A capacitor (C 4) is connected in parallel to the lamp. Resonant voltage is supplied to the electrodes and penetrates the gaseous environment. By this time the filaments have already warmed up. Once ignited, the lamp's resistance drops sharply, causing the voltage to drop sufficiently to maintain combustion. The startup process lasts less than 1 second.

Electronic circuits have the following advantages:

  • start with any specified time delay;
  • installation of a starter and a massive throttle is not required;
  • the lamp does not blink or hum;
  • high-quality light output;
  • compactness of the device.

The use of electronic ballasts makes it possible to install it in the base of a lamp, which is also reduced to the size of an incandescent lamp. This gave rise to new energy-saving lamps that can be screwed into a regular standard socket.

During operation, fluorescent lamps age and require an increase in operating voltage. In the EPG circuit, the ignition voltage of the glow discharge at the starter decreases. In this case, its electrodes may open, which will trigger the starter and turn off the LL. Then it starts again. Such blinking of the lamp leads to its failure along with the inductor. In an electronic ballast circuit, a similar phenomenon does not occur, since the electronic ballast automatically adjusts to changes in the parameters of the lamp, selecting a favorable mode for it.

Lamp repair. Video

Tips for repairing a fluorescent lamp can be obtained from this video.

LL devices and their connection circuits are constantly being developed in the direction of improving technical characteristics. It is important to be able to choose suitable models and use them correctly.

Fluorescent lamps (FLLs) are the first economical devices that appeared after traditional incandescent lamps. They belong to gas-discharge devices, where an element is required that limits the power in the electrical circuit.

Throttle purpose

The choke for fluorescent lamps controls the voltage supplied to the lamp electrodes. In addition, it has the following purposes:

  • protection against power surges;
  • heating the cathodes;
  • creating high voltage to start the lamp;
  • limitation of electric current after start-up;
  • stabilization of the lamp combustion process.

To save money, the choke is connected to two lamps.

Operating principle of an electromagnetic ballast (EMP)

The first one, which was created and is still used today, includes the elements:

  • throttle;
  • starter;
  • two capacitors.

The fluorescent lamp circuit with a choke is connected to a 220 V network. All parts connected together are called electromagnetic ballast.

When power is applied, the circuit of the tungsten spirals of the lamp is closed, and the starter is turned on in glow discharge mode. No current passes through the lamp yet. The threads gradually warm up. The starter contacts are initially open. One of them is made bimetallic. It bends when heated by a glow discharge and completes the circuit. In this case, the current increases 2-3 times and the cathodes of the lamp heat up.

As soon as the contacts of the starter are closed, the discharge in it stops and begins to cool. As a result, the moving contact opens and the inductor self-inducts in the form of a significant voltage pulse. It is enough for electrons to break through the gaseous medium between the electrodes and the lamp lights up. The rated current begins to pass through it, which then decreases by 2 times due to the voltage drop across the inductor. The starter remains constantly off (contacts open) while the LDS is on.

Thus, the ballast starts the lamp and subsequently maintains it in an active state.

Advantages and disadvantages of EmPRA

The electromagnetic choke for fluorescent lamps is characterized by low price, simple design and high reliability.

In addition, there are disadvantages:

  • pulsating light, leading to eye fatigue;
  • up to 15% of electricity is lost;
  • noise at startup and during operation;
  • the lamp does not start well at low temperatures;
  • large size and weight;
  • long lamp startup.

Typically, humming and flickering of the lamp occurs when the power supply is unstable. Ballasts are produced with different noise levels. To reduce it, you can choose a suitable model.

Lamps and chokes are selected equal to each other in power, otherwise the service life of the lamp will be significantly reduced. Usually they are supplied as a set, and the ballast is replaced with a device with the same parameters.

Complete with electronic ballasts, they are inexpensive and do not require configuration.

The ballast is characterized by the consumption of reactive energy. To reduce losses, a capacitor is connected in parallel to the power supply network.

Electronic ballast

All the shortcomings of the electromagnetic choke had to be eliminated, and as a result of research, an electronic choke for fluorescent lamps (ECG) was created. The circuit is a single unit that starts and maintains the combustion process by forming a specified sequence of voltage changes. You can connect it using the instructions included with the model.

The choke for electronic fluorescent lamps has the following advantages:

  • possibility of instant start or with any delay;
  • lack of starter;
  • no blinking;
  • increased light output;
  • compactness and lightness of the device;
  • optimal operating modes.

Electronic ballasts are more expensive than electromagnetic devices due to the complex electronic circuitry, which includes filters, power factor correction, inverter and ballast. Some models are equipped with protection against erroneous starting of the lamp without lamps.

User reviews talk about the convenience of using electronic ballasts in energy-saving LDS, which are built directly into bases for ordinary standard cartridges.

How to start a fluorescent lamp using electronic ballasts?

When turned on, voltage is applied to the electrodes from the electronic ballast, and they heat up. Then a powerful impulse is sent to them, lighting the lamp. It is formed by creating an oscillatory circuit that resonates before the discharge. In this way, the cathodes are well heated, all the mercury in the flask evaporates, making the lamp easy to start. After the discharge occurs, the resonance of the oscillatory circuit immediately stops and the voltage drops to operating voltage.

The principle of operation of electronic ballasts is similar to the version with an electromagnetic choke, since the lamp starts which then decreases to a constant value and maintains a discharge in the lamp.

The current frequency reaches 20-60 kHz, due to which flicker is eliminated and the efficiency becomes higher. Reviews often suggest replacing electromagnetic chokes with electronic ones. It is important that they match the power. The circuit can create an instant start or with a gradual increase in brightness. A cold start is convenient, but at the same time the service life of the lamp becomes much shorter.

Fluorescent lamp without starter, throttle

LDS can be turned on without a bulky choke, using instead a simple incandescent lamp with the same power. In this scheme, a starter is also not needed.

The connection is made through a rectifier, in which the voltage is doubled using capacitors and ignites the lamp without heating the cathodes. An incandescent lamp is switched on in series with the LDS through a phase wire, limiting the current. Capacitors and diodes of the rectifier bridge should be selected with a margin of allowable voltage. When feeding the LDS through a rectifier, the bulb on one side will soon begin to darken. In this case, you need to change the polarity of the power supply.

Daylight without a choke, where an active load is used instead, gives low brightness.

If you install a choke instead of an incandescent lamp, the lamp will glow noticeably stronger.

Checking the serviceability of the throttle

When the LDS does not light up, the reason lies in a malfunction of the electrical wiring, the lamp itself, the starter or the choke. Simple causes are identified by the tester. Before checking the choke of a fluorescent lamp with a multimeter, you should turn off the voltage and discharge the capacitors. Then the device switch is set to the dialing mode or to the minimum resistance measurement limit and the following are determined:

  • integrity of the coil winding;
  • winding electrical resistance;
  • interturn closure;
  • break in the coil winding.

Reviews suggest checking the inductor by connecting it to the network through an incandescent lamp. When it is lit, it burns brightly, but when it is working, it is fully lit.

If a malfunction is detected, it is easier to replace the throttle, since repairs can be more expensive.

Most often, the starter fails in the circuit. To check its functionality, connect a known good one instead. If the lamp still does not light up, then the reason is different.

The choke is also checked using a working lamp, connecting two wires from it to its socket. If the lamp lights up brightly, it means the throttle is operational.


The choke for fluorescent lamps is being improved in the direction of improving technical characteristics. Electronic devices are beginning to replace electromagnetic ones. At the same time, older versions of the models continue to be used due to their simplicity and low price. It is necessary to understand the variety of types, operate and connect them correctly.

The distinctive principle of the connection diagram for fluorescent lamps is the need to include starting-type devices in it, the duration of operation depends on them.

In order to understand the circuits, you need to understand the operating principle of these lamps.

The device of a fluorescent type lamp is a sealed vessel filled with a special consistency of gas. The calculation of the mixture was made with the aim of wasting less ionization energy of gases in comparison with conventional lamps, due to this you can save a lot on lighting a house or apartment.

For continuous illumination it is necessary to hold the glow discharge. This process is ensured by supplying the required voltage. The only problem is the following situation - such a discharge appears from a supply voltage that is higher than the operating voltage. But this problem was also solved by the manufacturers.

Electrodes are installed on both sides of the lamp, which receive voltage and maintain the discharge. Each electrode has two contacts with which the current source is connected. Due to this, the zone surrounding the electrodes is heated.

The lamp lights up after heating each electrode. This happens due to the impact of high-voltage pulses on them and subsequent voltage work.

When exposed to a discharge, the gases contained in the lamp container activate the emission of ultraviolet light, which is not perceived by the human eye. In order for human vision to distinguish this glow, the bulb inside is coated with a phosphor substance, which shifts the frequency interval of illumination into the visible interval.

By changing the structure of this substance, the range of color temperatures changes.

Important! You can’t simply plug the lamp into the network. The arc will appear after the electrodes and pulse voltage have been warmed up.

Special ballasts help ensure such conditions.

Connection diagram nuances

A circuit of this type must include a throttle and a starter.

The starter looks like a small neon light source. To power it, you need an electrical network with a variable current value, and it is also equipped with a number of bimetallic contacts.

The throttle, starter contacts and electrode threads are connected in series.

Another option is possible by replacing the starter with a button from the input bell.

The voltage will be carried out by holding the button in the pressed state. When the lamp lights up, you need to let it go.

  • the connected inductor stores electromagnetic energy;
  • Electricity is supplied via the starter contacts;
  • current movement is carried out using tungsten filaments of heating electrodes;
  • heating of electrodes and starter;
  • then the starter contacts open;
  • the energy that is accumulated using the throttle is released;
  • the lamp turns on.

In order to increase the efficiency and reduce interference, two capacitors are introduced into the circuit model.

The advantages of this scheme:


Reasonable price;

She is reliable;

Disadvantages of the scheme:

Large mass of the device;

Noisy operation;

The lamp flickers, which is not good for vision;

Consumes a large amount of electricity;

The device turns on for about three seconds;

Poor performance at sub-zero temperatures.

Connection order

The connection using the above diagram occurs with starters. The option discussed below has a starter model S10 with a power of 4-65W, a 40W lamp and the same power for the choke.

Stage 1. Connecting the starter to the pin contacts of the lamp, which look like incandescent filaments.

Stage 2. The remaining contacts are connected to the inductor.

Stage 3. The capacitor is connected to the power pins in parallel. Due to the capacitor, the level of reactive power is compensated, and the amount of interference is reduced.

Features of the connection diagram

Thanks to the electronic ballast, the lamp provides a long period of operation and saves energy costs. When operating at voltages up to 133 kHz, light propagates without flickering.

Microcircuits provide power to the lamps and heat the electrodes, thereby increasing their productivity and extending their service life. It is possible to use dimmers in conjunction with lamps of this connection scheme - these are devices that smoothly regulate the brightness of the glow.

Electronic ballast converts the voltage. The action of direct current is transformed into high-frequency and alternating current, which passes to the electrode heaters.

The frequency increases due to this, the intensity of heating of the electrodes decreases. The use of electronic ballast in the connection diagram allows you to adapt to the properties of the lamp.

Advantages of this type of scheme:

  • big savings;
  • the light turns on smoothly;
  • no flickering;
  • the lamp electrodes are warmed up carefully;
  • permissible operation at low temperatures;
  • compactness and low weight;
  • long term validity.

Disadvantages of this type of scheme:

  • complexity of the connection diagram;
  • high installation requirements.

Lamp connection procedure

The lamp is connected in three stages:

The electrodes are heated, due to which the device starts up carefully and smoothly;

A powerful impulse is created, which is required for ignition;

The operating voltage is balanced and supplied to the lamp.

Connection order

Stage 1. Parallel connection of the starter to each lamp.

Stage 2. Serial connection using a choke of free contacts to the network.

Stage 3. Parallel connection of capacitors to the lamp contacts. Due to this, interference is reduced, as well as reactive power compensation.

Video - Connecting fluorescent lamps

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