Make your own warm water plinth. Warm plinth: types and how to do it yourself

How to make a warm skirting board with your own hands? This issue is now very relevant, since the attention of modern builders is increasingly drawn to this innovative method of space heating.

Warm baseboards in the house can serve as both the main and additional heating system in the house. They fit perfectly into the interior and often remain invisible to prying eyes. The width of such skirting boards is usually no more than three centimeters, and the height from the floor level is within 15-20 centimeters.

Install indoors warm plinth do it yourself much easier than, for example, underfloor heating. This does not require a concrete screed and other additional processes. At its core, a warm skirting board is a small heat convector capable of heating even very large rooms in a short period of time. In appearance, it is very similar to a regular plinth. Most often metal is used to create it. Heating occurs in three ways: water, electric and infrared. From conventional convectors, which used to be often installed under the windowsill, the warm baseboard differs in the way of heating. If the convector heats the room with the help of a convection flow, then the warm plinth does this due to radiant energy, which has a positive effect on the human body.

Heating a room with a warm baseboard has several significant advantages:

  • The rooms will warm up completely. They will not have cold corners and walls that can become damp even at optimal air temperature when using conventional batteries.
  • A kind of thermal curtain is created near the window, which does not let cold air into the room. This is especially important at low temperatures outside, strong winds, and if a fairly large part of the surfaces in the room are glazed.
  • This method of heating will help save money on energy resources. This will be facilitated by the ray component, which will help to quickly heat the air with minimal energy consumption.
  • In such a system, there is no protruding node and various unaesthetic details, so it harmoniously fits into any room without losing its aesthetics.

How to make a warm skirting board with your own hands?

Each owner of a private house who has chosen the "Warm plinth" heating system for his house must decide whether he will install warm plinth do it yourself step by step, or purchase a ready-made system and simply install it. The second option will save you time and effort, but the first one is more financially beneficial. Another important decision to think about is the type of skirting board. The most popular are water and electric warm baseboards, lovers of everything new and unusual prefer to choose the infrared option.

The first thing you need when installing a warm baseboard is a tube, the diameter of which should be at least 1.6 cm. This diameter can be slightly larger, for example 2 cm. As for the material from which these tubes should be made, then here Suitable for both aluminum and copper. The aluminum version is more affordable, but aluminum has a very low thermal conductivity, so such a plinth will heat the room more slowly. Copper pipes are more expensive, but the price is worth paying, then it will pay off due to the high level of thermal conductivity of this material.

to install warm plinth do it yourself, you will also need a brass sheet about 3 mm thick. Instead, you can use aluminum sheet, or assemble a box from aluminum siding. If you find a large aluminum sheet, you can cut out all the necessary details for a warm baseboard from it. When installing a warm baseboard, remember that you need it to heat the room, not the wall. Therefore, all sections of the wall to which it will be attached must be insulated with thick plywood or drywall.

The radiator fins, which you yourself will cut out from a brass sheet, will subsequently perform two functions. They will be emitters and a carrier bracket. Therefore, they need to be cut in a U-shape. Later, you will screw the box bar to them. The bottom of these ribs should be bent outward at an angle of 90 degrees. Thus, you will get a platform for attaching the bracket to the insulating layer.

After you have a finished plate, you need to draw two axes along it - horizontally and vertically. To do this, you will need a compass meter. From the symmetrical horizontal line, you need to retreat another 4 cm in different directions and draw two more lines at these points. With a vertical line, you need to do the same, but you need to retreat 4.5 cm. At those points where additional lines will intersect, you need to drill holes for the pipes. The easiest way to drill them is with a drill, the diameter of which will be half a millimeter larger than the diameter of the pipes you have chosen. If your drill is a few millimeters larger, it's okay, it will work too.

Having drilled all the necessary holes, bend the plate in the form of the letter p. You need to make markings on its legs, since it is with them that it will be attached to the wall. Stepping back three centimeters from the sides of the plate, it is necessary to draw two lines vertically. This is a mark for future folds needed to attach the system to the wall. The boundaries of the upper part of our "P" can be indicated by drawing two lines at a distance of 1.5 cm from the vertical line on its two sides.

If you do use brass sheet to make your own warm baseboard, keep in mind that it is not easy to bend it. You will need a special vise for this. Clamping the metal in a vise so that their upper edge coincides with the fold line, lightly tap with a hammer along this line until its edges drop - this is the maximum, it is unrealistic to achieve a straighter angle at home. But such a fold will be quite enough to install a warm plinth with your own hands without buying special materials for this.

The next step in the installation of a warm skirting board is the connection of radiator brackets with plywood, which serves as wall insulation. You need to connect them with self-tapping screws. Copper pipes are inserted into the finished holes and a warm baseboard is ready for commissioning with your own hands. When working on the creation of such a heating system, do not forget that drywall is a material that holds any type of fasteners very poorly. Therefore, even before you begin to install pipes, you need to put supports under all the brackets. Even a wooden rail is suitable for this. Each pipe must be fixed every meter with clamps using dowels. These dowels are not recommended to be driven into drywall - it will be much more reliable to fix them in the wall or its lining.

Next, the pipe loop must be looped and connected to a water source if you create do-it-yourself warm plinth water. For this you will need fittings. If you yourself can embed pipes into an autonomous heating system - excellent, if you are unsure of your abilities - better seek the help of a specialist. The most risky craftsmen use ordinary corrugated hoses for this. They are put on the end of a copper tube and tightened with a clamp. This option is quite dangerous and unreliable, therefore, if you have already decided to create a warm water plinth with your own hands, it is better to do it reliably. Think about how your loved ones will cope with the breakdown of such a system if it happens in your absence. It is especially impossible to take risks if there are small children in the house - they may not immediately understand the reason for the appearance of water in the room and damage their skin due to its high temperature.

Not only installing a warm skirting board with your own hands, but also when completing any other stage in the construction of your house, you should first of all think that all your actions are aimed at the comfort, safety and health of every person who will live in it. Therefore, even independent actions without the help of experienced specialists must be carried out in strict accordance with generally accepted standards and technologies.

Using the same hoses and fittings, you will not only connect your system to the heating, but also loop it. The ends of the copper pipes are connected in such a way that water can flow from one pipe to another, and then into the central system. Since you will most likely buy straight copper pipes, you will also want to bend them at home. To do this, it is customary to fill them with sand and bend around the steel column, plugging the ends. This is quite difficult to do - the pipes can tear or wrinkle, and water will circulate poorly at the places of kinks. Therefore, it is better not to waste time and effort on this losing task, but to use straight pipes, take high-quality hoses for corners.

Do-it-yourself warm electric plinth much harder to install than water. To do this, it is not enough to invest the heating element in a copper tube. It is also necessary to take care of insulation and waterproofing, to check whether the wiring in the house can withstand such an additional load. When installing a warm electric skirting board with your own hands, you need to be extremely careful, because any mistake can lead to a short circuit and even a fire. Each threaded connection in such a system must have a rubber gasket. Neither the radiator nor the copper pipes may touch the aluminum cladding. If you decide to install a do-it-yourself warm electric skirting board in your house, it is better to purchase all the factory-made ready-made parts and simply install them according to the instructions.

The general principle of creating warm skirting boards unites all such systems. But each of them has its own nuances and features that should be taken into account when creating a warm water plinth with your own hands. The specialists of the InnovaStroy company not only know how to make a warm plinth with their own hands, but also gladly share their knowledge with each new client. They are ready to create for you project of a private house go cottage the whole or that part of the project that you need in particular, including the installation scheme for warm skirting boards.

The warm plinth space heating system has long been studied and actively used by our architects when creating new buildings, if it suits customers. Thus, not only a new building equipped with modern heating technologies is obtained, but also material savings occur, which is important for almost all members of modern society. It is best to buy ready-made systems for installing a warm baseboard and install them using instructions. If this is a water type of skirting boards, the Thermia system from Ukrainian manufacturers is an ideal option. Having bought a ready-made system, you will know that every detail and every connection in it is made in strict accordance with the norms, and your family will live not only in warmth and comfort, but also in absolute safety.

Often, to design an optimal heating system, it is required to use the smallest heaters in size. At the same time, their efficiency should ensure the normal maintenance of the temperature regime in the room. One of the ways out in this situation can be the use of a warm skirting board.

This design is a small height heating devices that are installed at the bottom of the wall.

Despite its relatively small size, this type of radiator has a number of important advantages:

  • Compactness. It will harmoniously fit into any room due to the presence of external decorative panels of various configurations and colors.
  • Uniform heating. Since the structure is installed along the perimeter of the room and the lower part, the convection of air flows occurs simultaneously throughout the entire volume.
  • Ease of installation. To install a warm baseboard, it is enough to provide a coolant supply (water heating) or a place to connect to the mains (designs with a heating element).

But despite all these advantages, there are a number of significant disadvantages:

  • If there is a lot of furniture in the room that stands against the walls, there will be little free space for installing a warm baseboard, and the heating efficiency is reduced by an order of magnitude.
  • Relatively high cost of factory models. The vast majority of them are made of copper, which significantly affects their price.

To solve the last question, you can try to make a warm baseboard yourself.


Structurally, this heating device should consist of several elements.

  1. The back panel, which is necessary for installing heating elements and protecting the wall from thermal exposure.
  2. A heating element - . Their dimensions are usually 1000 * 40 * 160 mm. In this case, the number of heat exchange plates should be maximum.
  3. External panel with slotted holes for air circulation.
  4. Decorative side and swivel caps.

The average power of the factory installation is about 240 W, i.e. for a room with a perimeter of 18 m (20 m²) and an average ceiling height, the maximum power of a warm baseboard will be 4 kW, which is more than enough for efficient heating.

However, for the independent manufacture of such an analogue, it is necessary to make a lot of effort and money, which in the vast majority of cases will exceed the cost of buying a factory copper plinth. The main problems are as follows:

  • Optimum power rating in copper construction is achieved by a large number of heat exchanger plates. Moreover, their soldering occurs in such a way as to ensure tight contact of the plate with the copper tube. This is the only way to achieve efficient heat transfer.
  • Production of a decorative casing that would provide normal air heating and at the same time be resistant to thermal shocks.

Is there a way to do this at home? Alas, the efforts to repeat the construction of a warm copper plinth will not be appropriate. Let's consider an alternative.


The main task when designing a warm baseboard on your own is to achieve good heating of the room with a minimum height and width of the structure.

Since it is impossible to make copper radiators with your own hands, it is recommended to use copper pipes, but without plates. Their diameter varies from 10 to 20 mm. The most effective size is 16 mm.

They are installed along the entire perimeter of the room at a height of 6 cm from the floor level. For better heat transfer, a strip of reflective foil is attached to the wall surface. A steel box can be used as a protective case. Inside the resulting structure, you can install a heater. As an example, you can see a photo of a home-made warm baseboard.

Effective operation of such a design is possible only if several conditions are met:

  1. Minimum temperature difference between pipes. In this case, the resulting thermal radiation will be more efficiently reflected from the wall surface. To do this, it is advisable to install an individual circular for a warm baseboard, which will increase the rate of passage of the coolant, thereby reducing the temperature difference between the heating pipes.
  2. If a copper screen is used as a decorative panel, then it is best to solder the pipes to it. In this case, the efficiency of the system will increase significantly.
  3. When using a heating element as a heating element, it is necessary to provide insulation of the pipe surface from the screen, i.e. contrary to the previous recommendation, the pipe should never be welded to the copper panel.
  • Width - 3 cm.
  • Height - 15 cm.
  • Distance to the floor - from 6 cm.

Otherwise, everything is determined by the parameters of a particular heating system. For the best result, competent calculations of specialists are required.

Most people are very attentive to the level of comfort in their own home, while the microclimate is one of the main evaluation criteria, an indicator of comfort. In many private houses, individual heating allows you not to feel inconvenience. But it is possible to build an effective system using a warm water plinth in a city apartment. At the same time, owners of private houses find such a system attractive because it is very economical.

What is a warm baseboard

A warm plinth is a system of rather thin radiators, which are located in the lower zone of the walls of the rooms along the perimeter of the room. Such a construction of the system makes it convenient for a number of criteria, if we consider the complexity of installation and the need for certain large-scale repair work. In particular:

  • a hot water heating system can be installed with a warm baseboard, practically without interfering with the existing infrastructure for supplying and supplying coolant. This is especially valuable in apartments;
  • a warm water plinth can be connected without big problems instead of regular heating radiators. At the same time, installation is possible in houses of any type (with a contour supply or with a return mixing system);
  • to modify the heating system in a house or apartment, you do not have to dismantle and create screeds or carry out other costly and lengthy repairs. Unlike the underfloor heating system, the plinth does not have special requirements for the installation and location of radiators;
  • a warm water plinth, providing efficient heating, is able to play the role of an element of interior design. The design includes decorative panels, responsible manufacturers offer many colors and designs;
  • to increase the efficiency of heat transfer, you can choose the standard sizes of radiators that provide a good microclimate in the room with a certain length of the circuit and the degree of insulation. At the same time, the complexity and volume of installation work practically do not change.

Water warm skirting boards are easy to install, for carrying out all operations to build the system, the performer does not require special buildings and skills. The usual set of tools is enough: adjustable wrenches, a puncher or impact drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, and marking devices.

What are the advantages of circuit heating systems

If we compare the classic radiator system, underfloor heating and the skirting board, the latter shows several noticeable advantages that make it attractive in the eyes of consumers. For example:

  • the heat transfer that a warm water plinth has is higher than a classic radiator system. This is due to the fact that the amount of coolant is small, it moves at high speed. Therefore, the temperature drop at the inlet and outlet of a long circuit is smaller. The radiator in the far corner of the room is always colder than the one located at the entrance. This does not happen with the water circuit of the skirting board;
  • without clearly localized points of energy return, warm water skirting boards bypass the classic radiator system in terms of the rate of heating the room;
  • unlike underfloor heating, skirting boards provide air curtains, which can be important in drafty rooms. The heating circuit, laid from the bottom of the walls, forms a constant upward flow of air. Passing along the walls, window openings, in the area of ​​​​the door - it neutralizes the cold streams coming from the outside.

In the competition of three systems, you can immediately weed out the classic radiator due to its low efficiency, clear localization of energy return zones. Warm baseboards and floors can compete only in rooms of different sizes. The first - ideal for relatively small rooms, shows the best results in rooms with drafts. Underfloor heating works well with a large floor area.

How a warm baseboard affects the state of structures

A warm baseboard can be an optimal heating system in rooms with a low degree of thermal insulation. It shifts the dew point outside the walls. It works like this:

  • in an insufficiently insulated room, when air falls from the outside, the wall cools down;
  • if the amount of heat coming to the structure (slab, masonry, monolithic pouring layer) is not enough to warm up, condensation forms on the surface, mold forms, and in rare cases, frost (in the corner rooms the problem is more noticeable);
  • a warm plinth installed around the perimeter of the room heats not only the air, but also partially the wall on which it is mounted;
  • the flow of warm air rising along the wall gives off heat to the structure.

As a result of the work of the contour heating system, the amount of heat is sharply increased, designed to solve the problems of the dew point located inside the room. By heating the wall, a warm baseboard eliminates frost, mold and other problems in the room.

To achieve the same result with a system of radiators or underfloor heating, you will need to spend a lot of energy, openly overheat the room so that the air in its volume raises the temperature of the wall.

High panels of warm plinth show themselves especially well in the area of ​​dealing with problematic walls. Having an increased area, such radiators often do not have an increased volume. They are also built from thin tubes, have a heat exchanger made of plates of large dimensions (width, height), but often of lesser depth. In the mass market from many manufacturers you can buy a variety of products in this class. They can become an interesting detail of interior design.

Basic Design Principles

If we consider the creation of a warm baseboard in a single room, the work is carried out according to a simple scheme and clear principles.

  1. The product is sold in the form of radiators. Inside the system of thin plates are copper tubes. Radiators of the same brand have the same dimension in terms of height and depth, they are offered in different lengths. Each standardized element of the heating system has a certain heat transfer capacity.
  2. To connect individual radiators into a single circuit, plastic or copper pipes are used.
  3. The set of elements of the main system includes adapter and clamp nuts, as well as elements for fastening to the wall. A solder connection may be provided.

The warm plinth radiator is mounted in a system of wall and decorative strips. The installation process itself is as follows:

  • using a laser level, the middle line of the passage of a warm water plinth is marked. It is calculated so that it is located in the middle of the radiator and its wall mounting bracket. Installation of the latter must be calculated very carefully. It is desirable that the distance from it to the floor allows you to close the gap with an ordinary plastic plinth;
  • in the right places of the wall (depending on the position of the technological holes), drilling is done and plugs for fastening screws are installed;
  • mounted radiator wall strips and fixing plates that will hold the heat exchanger;
  • in accordance with the established structural elements, connecting tubes are tried on and cut off. In this case, length tolerances must be made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, depending on the connecting fittings for fixing and waterproofing;
  • starting from the inlet of the circuit, radiators are installed;
  • each subsequent one is connected by pre-cut tubes to the previous one.

At the end of work on the last radiator, the output is looped. To connect the upper and lower tubes, both a finished part and a connecting tube can be used.

Such work is most often done inside the apartment. The selection of the coolant and the return is carried out at the appropriate points of the heating riser. All that needs to be done is to cut off the existing radiators, dismantle the pipes and lay a warm baseboard. In a private house, the system is more complicated, but the above procedure is carried out in each room for equipping a separate heating circuit.

Detailed installation instructions:

Climate control and accessories

When installing a contour heating system, especially if you make a warm water plinth with your own hands, it is necessary to create a regulation structure and install some additional nodes. The presence of the latter is especially important. If a warm baseboard is made in an apartment and connected to the heating risers, it is important not to violate the parameters of the centralized heating supply system.

Adjustment system

To control the amount of heat entering the room, in the simplest case, shut-off valves can be used. A conventional valve installed at the inlet to the circuit can change the amount of coolant pumped per unit time. This is convenient in conditions of stable water temperature in the circuit and the climate outside: you can increase or decrease the circulation several times a season “by eye”.

Automated systems are more functional. In this case, a thermal head is installed at the outlet of the circuit. Such a valve, roughly speaking, controls the temperature drop and shuts off the circulation at the set indicators of the water that has passed through the heating system.

Thermal heads with an external temperature sensor are more convenient. They receive a signal from small devices located inside the room, which determine the microclimate indicators and set the heating mode.

Thermal heads with external control can also receive data on the air temperature outside the building in order to increase or decrease heat transfer from the baseboard accordingly.

Circulation pump

Equipping the circuit of a warm baseboard in an apartment is a necessary step if the house heating system is built on a supply-return scheme with mixing. In such a structure, the gravitational principle of the movement of the coolant is applied. It is deprived of a warm water plinth. Therefore, forced pumping of water through the system will be required.

In apartments with a through circulation circuit (heating radiators without a mixing pipe between the supply and return), the use of its own pump for a warm baseboard will not affect the pressure indicators that exist in the centralized heating system.

There can be several circulation pumps in one circuit of a warm baseboard. This is done on long routes, especially if you want to avoid installing bulky nodes and tubes are not strictly horizontal. It is also recommended to seek the advice of a hydraulic specialist. The presence of many turns of the circuit increases the overall fluid resistance and requires the installation of one or more pumps of a certain capacity.

Construction of a heating system for a private house based on a heating boiler

If the apartment has heating risers and the baseboard is connected to a centralized system, the work is not very difficult. In a private house or apartment with its own heating boiler, collectors are used to power individual room circuits. This is the same class of equipment that is used to construct underfloor heating.

With its help, both the temperature of the water in the baseboard and the amount of heat that enters each room are set. Can be purchased and installed:

  • systems on two or three-way valve;
  • collector equipped with flow meters for each circuit.

It is rational to use a system with centralized temperature control. In this case, temperature sensors are located in each room, the readings of which affect the operation of the collector flow meters.

The most complex systems are built using weather sensors that determine the nature of the climate outside. They simultaneously affect the flow meters and the temperature of the coolant entering the skirting boards.

Built on a collector system is very functional, easy to use and durable. Today, you can purchase an arbitrarily complex installation for a warm water baseboard. Manifolds with 6,7, 10, 12 circuits are offered, equipped with automatic air vents and other devices that prevent emergencies.

Do-it-yourself warm plinth with water - is it real? How difficult is it to make such a heating system yourself? What do you need to assemble and install a warm water baseboard yourself?

Heating with a warm baseboard is a relatively new technology that is gaining popularity. It allows you to effectively and evenly heat the room, does not require special installation costs, does not violate the aesthetic appearance of the interior. A big plus of such a heating system is that with some skills and a minimum of tools, you can make a warm water plinth with your own hands.

What is a warm baseboard

Not everyone is familiar with this technology. Heating skirting boards have started to appear on the market quite recently, but there is already a positive trend. The system is quite simple, but at the same time convenient and able to provide a warm environment not only in residential premises, but also in offices, on a balcony, attic. The main distinguishing features of warm water baseboards are atypical forms. The design consists of several elements:

  1. Rear panel, which is fixed to the wall and used to create thermal protection;
  2. Face plate (there are options with holes and without them);
  3. Plugs located on the sides;
  4. A heating device used to heat the coolant (boiler, heat pump, central heating system);
  5. A heat exchange module consisting of two tubes - it is through them that water circulates.

Read also:

How to properly lay a warm floor under the tile

The design of a warm skirting board does not differ in any complexity. Installation can be performed in any type of room. It is not at all necessary that the plinth be around the entire perimeter. Sometimes it can be seen under the window, near the door. The most important thing is that in any place the design will perfectly cope with its immediate function.

Water is most often used as a coolant in a warm baseboard, but sometimes antifreeze, propylene glycol or ethylene glycol solutions are pumped into them. This option makes sense if the heating is installed in a private house, which does not need to be heated constantly, for example, in a country house.

Warm water plinth has a number of positive qualities:

  • Compactness (unlike the vast majority of other devices);
  • Heating is carried out evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the room;
  • Ease of installation;
  • The air does not dry out;
  • High efficiency.

Thanks to this technology, everything is heated - floors, walls, ceilings. Accordingly, the likelihood of mold and mildew is eliminated. The skirting board harmonizes perfectly with any floor covering.

Finally, the market offers a wide range, in particular in terms of colors, sizes and shapes. You can purchase the design of the shade that will look best in a particular room.

Production of a warm water plinth

There are many options for finished products on the market, but some prefer to do everything themselves. This approach is not always rational, since you will have to buy specific materials and consumables.

An aluminum profile for wall mounting and an external trim are easy to find, as are radiator mounts. But the latter can be problematic. Often copper radiators for warm baseboards are sold as spare parts and their price does not allow savings. In this case, a home-made warm plinth will be slightly cheaper than a factory one.

Read also:

Warm electric floors: pros and cons, types and features

Instead of a radiator, you can use an ordinary copper pipe, then you will either have to supply a coolant with a high temperature, or slow down its circulation so that it has time to give off the right amount of heat.

For thermal insulation of the wall behind the radiator, it is desirable to use thermal protection with a metallized coating. For greater efficiency, it is better to install it with foil towards the radiator.

If possible, you can buy radiators without threaded connections, and weld them into a single system during installation. But at the same time, there may be a problem with connecting to the coolant line.

The installation process of a ready-made warm water plinth or a home-made one is not fundamentally different. In fact, you assemble a "constructor" from several parts.

Do-it-yourself installation of a warm water plinth

After purchasing all the necessary materials, you need to take care of the installation of the structure. Someone fundamentally turns to the masters, because they are simply not confident in their abilities and are used to trusting specialists in everything.

But, in fact, there is nothing difficult in doing the installation yourself, without having any experience in carrying out such work. Of the tools you will need a hammer, wire cutters, adjustable wrenches, a drill. Now you can proceed with the installation of a warm plinth. The whole algorithm of work is divided into several stages:

  1. Measurement and installation of pipes. Cut off the length that is needed from the distribution device to the node connecting to the first structure. Pipes should not be closer to the floor than 5 centimeters. The protective tube must always be at the top. Experts do not advise to withdraw from the corners.
  2. Installation of an aluminum profile. It is fixed with a self-adhesive tape, even a schoolboy can cope with such a task.
  3. Radiator mounts installed. It's also pretty easy to do. The step between the fixing elements should be more than 0.4 meters. Further - after determining the connection points, clips are attached. Using a drill, holes are created for the dowels, after which the clips are fixed.
  4. Copper pipes are connected to plastic. To do this, resort to the usual methods, using bushings, gaskets and nuts. It is recommended to remove the brass plates at the joints. They are dismantled with the help of wire cutters, but then they will not interfere with the fixation of the radiator in the clip. The last design is advised to loop.
  5. Now you need to put an aluminum case on each section. It is desirable to provide reliable insulation on the inner sides of the covers. The installation of the covers themselves is carried out taking into account the type of skirting board. There are models when it is necessary to simply snap into place, sometimes the method of fastening with screws is used.

The house should be warm and cozy, only in this case it will be pleasant to live in it.

Previously, fire was used for heating, then the turn of water heating and batteries came.

Today, the system is gaining popularity: despite some features, it is more convenient and practical.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plinth is a decorative element that covers the junction of the wall and floor below.

A warm baseboard is a small heating system that runs under the element.

At the same time, the height of the plinth rises to 12-15 cm, while its width remains unchanged - about 2-3 cm.

The system can be electric and water - each of the options has some features of operation and installation.

Like any system, baseboard heating has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The first ones include:

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • higher cost per acquisition;
  • the inability to completely turn off the plinth, like a battery.

It is important to know: despite the safety of use, it is still not recommended to force a warm baseboard with flammable objects, especially when it is working at maximum.

Installation of the water version

not much different from the usual central heating battery: heating occurs due to the supply of hot water, which runs around the entire perimeter of the room. It is connected to a heating boiler and is a more economical option compared to an electric one.

The system consists of:

  • a heat exchanger, inside which hot water circulates, it consists of two copper pipes, between which aluminum radiator plates lie;
  • fasteners;
  • external facade and plugs.

Take note: the total length of the water plinth should not exceed 15 meters, otherwise it will not be able to heat the entire room.

Installation of a warm baseboard is not difficult, you can do it yourself:

Installing a water plinth is not difficult, but if in doubt, you should contact the professionals.

Experts advise: if the perimeter of the room is more than 15 meters, it is necessary to install several closed circuits, each of which will lead to central heating.

Assembly of electrical models

consist of the same parts as water ones, but instead of a heat exchanger with water, they contain special copper tubes.

The system consists of:

  • a heating rod located inside a silicone cable that can withstand temperatures up to +180 degrees;
  • heat shrink tube with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • clamp for grounding;
  • heating register;
  • connecting element;
  • metal base, fasteners and external decorative elements.

Before installing the system, it is necessary to calculate the required power so as not to purchase a model that is too cold or too hot. To do this, take an average value of 100 W per 1 sq. m - it can be reduced or increased depending on the average temperature in the region.

Note: the installation of the electric skirting board should be above the floor, at a distance of about 1 cm - the wires should not lie on the floor.

Do-it-yourself system assembly includes several steps:

Specialist's note: electric warm baseboard must be grounded and tested to avoid serious problems.

Warm skirting is gradually becoming more and more popular with many families. Due to the uniform distribution of heated air, it helps not only to maintain the selected temperature, but also helps to eliminate excessive wall moisture.

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