Psychological accentuations of personality. Character accentuation: what is it, types according to Lichko and Leonhard

Each person is a unique personality, with a unique inner world, worldview and life experience. It is the combination of all these features that over time forms the unique structure of the personality of each of us. The complex and lengthy process of its formation takes place in close interaction with the surrounding world and people. We choose our life path, professional field of activity, form a certain social circle.

In this process of vital activity, we manifest the entire palette and intensity of the colors of our character - its various features. If one of the traits is more intense than the others, then we are talking about character accentuation. This complex concept came into use in world psychiatry and psychology in 1981, when the famous German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard in his work “Accentuated Personality” described the concept of accentuation and specific types of character accentuation. If this is a psychiatric concept, then what does it have to do with psychology, which deals with helping mentally healthy people? Character accentuation is an enhanced or excessive manifestation of a specific trait or a combination of individual character traits that make a person vulnerable to certain external influences. Accentuation in psychology is an extreme mental norm, beyond which negative personal changes and mental deviations begin. It is important for a psychologist to identify accentuation in order to correct its negative manifestations in time and prevent the development of a mental illness.

Accentuation or originality?

How can one give a definition of character accentuation, if one can often meet people in whom certain traits are clearly manifested, but do not interfere with their life, but, on the contrary, contribute to success, make them original? Creating a theory about accentuations, Leonhard took into account these features. Each character trait in different people manifests itself to varying degrees, a vivid manifestation of a particular trait does not at all indicate accentuation. The accentuation of character implies a certain polarity: in one circumstance it is the key to social success, and in others it hinders self-realization.

For example, in the professional field, a person with sharpened pedantry can become an indispensable worker who does everything scrupulously and in a timely manner. But on the other hand, in adverse circumstances, this person can get sick with obsessive-compulsive disorder, when he simply ceases to direct his own life, loses self-control.

Consider the specific types of pointed features that form the basis of Leonhard's theory of character accentuations in order to have a general idea of ​​the specifics of accentuations. Leonhard identified the following main types of accentuations:

Accentuations are born in adolescence

In 1977, the professor of Soviet psychiatry Andrei Lichko, focusing on the research of psychiatrists of that time, formed his own concept of character accentuations. In his theory, Lichko emphasized that character accentuations are born and are most clearly manifested precisely in adolescence. This age period is characterized by the rapid development of all mental structures, and the formation of character reaches its climax, a personality is born.

It was Lichko who formed the specific aspects that distinguish accentuations from personality disorders:

  • Impact on specific areas of life. If a person with a personality disorder reacts to any external influences, based on the characteristics of this disorder, then the peculiarity of accentuations is that they appear only in specific life situations.
  • Instability over time. Accentuations are most often clearly manifested in certain periods of life: adolescence, various crises, traumatic events. The disorders are stable over time, appear at a fairly early age, and increase with age.
  • The short duration of social maladaptation. Disorders constantly interfere with a person's adaptation to life, or even stop it altogether. Accentuations do not interfere with this process or cause "temporary inconvenience".

Consider the classification of character accentuation types proposed by Professor Lichko:

To determine specific character accentuations, professional psychology suggests using two qualitative methods:

  • K. Leonhard's technique in collaboration with N. Shmishek. This technique is designed to study the accentuations of the character of adults of any age.
  • Methodology "PDO". This is a pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire by Andrey Lichko, designed specifically to study the accentuations of the character of adolescents.

Video about how certain character traits affect our health:

The main types of accentuation include:
- Cyclothymic, which is characterized by alternation (cyclicity) of periods of good and bad mood. Often these transitions are associated with a change in the situation, sometimes even with the weather, which makes the cyclothymic type related to the labile, unstable one.

Hyperthymic type, which is characterized by constantly high spirits, the desire for activity, increased excitability. People of this type tend to take on a large number of cases, which they often do not complete, taking on new ones.

Associated with the predominance of low tone, bad mood. People of this type are characterized by a tendency to depression, they usually see everything in a dark light and their forecasts are the most pessimistic. Irritability and hypochondria make this type related to the asthenic type, which is also characterized by fatigue.

The schizoid type, which is characterized by emotional coldness, isolation from others. Often people of this type are closed, self-centered, not inclined to expand contacts; a high level of intelligence is also widespread, primarily in the field of abstract, logical thinking.

The epileptoid type, on the contrary, is characterized by concreteness, viscosity of thinking, often a low general intellectual level, as well as scrupulous pedantry. A tendency to an angry-dreary mood often manifests itself in attacks of aggressive behavior, conflict, sometimes even rage and cruelty, which makes this type similar to a stuck one.

The stuck (paranoid) type is characterized by increased suspicion and painful resentment, suspiciousness, especially in relations with others. Distrust of them and the desire for dominance lead to frequent conflicts, and vindictiveness, the persistence of negative emotional experiences - to cruelty and revenge.

The demonstrative (hysterical) type is characterized primarily by pronounced vanity, the desire for recognition, to attract attention at any cost. For this, deceit, fantasizing, pretense, and imaginary illnesses are sometimes used. Adventurism and the ability to repress unpleasant facts and memories into the unconscious are also very common in people of this type.

The psychasthenic type is characterized by high anxiety, indecision, suspiciousness associated with the constant search for diseases. There are frequent manifestations of introspection, a tendency to "self-discipline" and a mental return to unpleasant events, which leads to uncertainty, a decrease in claims. This heightened sense of one's own inferiority makes this type related to the sensitive type, which is also characterized by increased impressionability and timidity.

It should be noted that in its pure form, these types of accentuation are quite rare, usually a person has a “mixed” accentuation, with more or less pronounced forms of several types.

The combination of individual qualities, which is completely unique for each person, in many respects his behavior, communication with other people and attitude towards himself. It represents the second level in the structure of individuality, that "integral individuality" (V. Merlin's term), which underlies the individual lifestyle, mediating the connection between psychodynamic individual traits and personality structure. The tasks of psychotherapy are largely connected precisely with helping a person in creating an individual style of activity and communication based on his integral disposition of psychodynamic features, which uses the positive aspects of his personality, compensating for the negative ones if possible.


accentuationcharacter- this is an extreme version of the norm, in which certain character traits are excessively strengthened, as a result of which selective vulnerability is found in relation to a certain kind of psychogenic influences with good resistance to others. In other words, accentuation is a variant of mental health (norm), which is characterized by a special severity, sharpness, disproportion of some character traits to the whole personality and leads it to a certain disharmony.

The author of the concept of accentuation is the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard; he coined the term "accentuated personality". A. E. Lichko clarified this term, changing it to the term "accentuation of character", since personality, in his opinion, is too complex a concept, more suitable for psychopathy.

According to A. E. Lichko, two types (two stages) of accentuations can be distinguished according to the degree of severity:

Explicit accentuation is an extreme version of the norm. Problematic character traits are quite pronounced throughout life, in situations that are both problematic and prosperous. Explicit accentuation in everyday life is called - Psychopath (not to be confused with Psychopathy as a personality disorder).

Hidden accentuation is a common variant of the norm. The problematic character traits of this type are manifested mainly in difficult life situations, in stress and conflicts, although in favorable circumstances we can have a very nice person in front of us.

Accentuation - personality traits, more pronounced than the personality pattern, but not as prominent as in psychopathy. Accentuation of character is a consequence of both heredity factors and one or another type of child upbringing. The factors of upbringing that provoke and reinforce accentuations include hyper-custody, conniving upbringing, emotional rejection, cruel or contradictory upbringing, upbringing in the conditions of the "cult of the disease"

Different researchers distinguish different accentuations. The classifications of K. Leonhard and A.E. Lichko, other classifications can be found in A.P. Egides, E.A. Nekrasova and V.V. Ponomarenko, N.I. Kozlov and other authors.

In his work Accentuated Personalities, Karl Leonhard singled out ten pure types and a number of intermediate ones.

Pure types:

1.Demonstrative(self-confidence, vanity, boasting, lies, flattery, focus on one's own Self as a standard). An analogue of the hysteroid type according to Lichko.

2.Emotive(kindness, timidity, compassion). - An analogue of the labile type according to Lichko.

3. Hyperthymic(desire for activity, pursuit of experiences, optimism, focus on good luck);

4. Dysthymic(inhibition, emphasizing ethical aspects, worries and fears, focus on failure);

5.Labile(mutual compensation of traits, focus on different standards);

6.Alarming(fearfulness, timidity, humility);

7. Exalted(inspiration, elevated feelings, erection of emotions into a cult). An analogue of the labile type according to Lichko.

8.Pedantic(indecision, conscientiousness, hypochondria, fear of inconsistency with ideals). An analogue of the psychasthenic type according to Lichko.

9.Stuck(suspicion, resentment, vanity, the transition from the rise to despair); - an analogue of Ixotim, Viscous character according to Kretschmer. Another analogy is epileptoid.

10. Excitable(temper, heaviness, pedantry, focus on instincts). An analogue of the epileptoid type according to Lichko.

The other two types are extroverted and introverted type, were described by K. Leonhard as intermediate types, since they no longer refer so much to character as to the personal level.

Karl Leonhard is primarily a psychiatrist, and his classification of types of accentuation is closest not to healthy people, but to psychiatric practice. A.E. Lichko described to a greater extent mentally safe people and younger people, namely adolescents and young men.

According to the classification of A.E. Lichko, the following types of character accentuations can be distinguished:

Hyperthymic type - a constant sign is a good mood. Energetic, hyperactive. Friendship is superficial, the soul of the company. Unforgiving. Conformist. Romantic. Loves sex. Straightforward. fair. The family are entertainment partners. Easy to get along with others. With money - goof. Doesn't make a career. The organizer is not bad, but temporarily. Hardworking as part of a team. Working professions. Drink. Non-domestic person. Speech is fast and slurred. Memory and erudition are mediocre. Reflection is weak or absent. Thinks in terms of axioms. Adventurer. Creativity is primitive, unsophisticated. Self-taught. The will is strong. Easily influenced. Dared. Angry. Authentic, not trying to impress. The level of claims is low. Humor greasy, rude. Not religious. Empathy is not well developed. Characterized by anarchy.

Cycloid type - with a cycloid type of character accentuation, the presence of two phases is observed - hyperthymia and subdepression. They are not expressed sharply, usually short-term (1-2 weeks) and may be interspersed with long breaks. A person with a cycloid accentuation experiences cyclical mood swings, when depression is replaced by elevated mood. With a decline in mood, such people show increased sensitivity to reproaches, they do not tolerate public humiliation. However, they are proactive, cheerful and sociable. Their hobbies are unstable, during the recession there is a tendency to abandon business. Sexual life is highly dependent on the ups and downs of their general condition. In the elevated, hyperthymic phase, such people are extremely similar to hyperthyms.

Labile type - the main feature of the labile type is extreme mood variability, rapid and little predictable switching of the emotional state ... Rich sensory sphere, high sensitivity to signs of attention. Severe mental pain with emotional rejection from loved ones, loss of loved ones and separation from those to whom they are attached. Sociability, good nature, sincere affection, social responsiveness. They are interested in communication, reach out to their peers, are content with the role of a ward.

Astheno-neurotic type- the overall picture is a thin person with narrow shoulders, thin arms and hands, a long and narrow chest, and a belly devoid of fat. The face of an asthenic is usually long, narrow and pale, in profile there is a sharp discrepancy between the elongated nose and a small lower jaw, and therefore it is called angular in shape. The corresponding type of character is schizotim. Closed (the so-called autism), serious, prone to fluctuations in emotions from irritation to dryness, stubborn, inflexible to change attitudes and views. With difficulty adapts to a new environment, prone to abstraction.

sensitive type - excessive sensitivity, impressionability, high moral requirements, first of all, to oneself, low self-esteem, timidity and shyness. Under the blows of fate, they easily become extremely cautious, suspicious and withdrawn. Tastefully dressed, moderately. Good-natured and attentive facial expression. Precautionary, monitors the reactions of others. Executive and dedicated. Able to show kindness and mutual assistance. Very sociable, sociable. Social recognition is important. Interests in the intellectual and aesthetic sphere.

Psychasthenic type - determines the tendency to introspection and reflection. Psychasthenics often hesitate in making decisions and cannot bear the high demands and burden of responsibility for themselves and others. Such subjects demonstrate accuracy and prudence, a characteristic feature for them is self-criticism and reliability. They usually have an even mood without sudden changes. In sex, they are often afraid to make a mistake, but in general, their sex life is uneventful.

schizoid type - Speech: "porridge in the mouth." Non-plastic. This is a formula man. Thinking is original, but inconsistent. In creativity, the process is important, not the result. In science - a generator of ideas. In religion, the theologian. The ideas are paradoxical and often premature. Schizoids are the mind of the earth. Intellectual aggression. Feel bad for others. Creators of semantic humor (including black). Wooden face mask. Lack of image. Sex is speculative. The family is an application to intellectual being. There is a mess on the table. He gravitates towards theoretical research and calculations.

epileptoid type - speech is intelligible. Thinking is standard. Restrained, but explosive. Likes order. Ultimate. Lawyer. Moralizer. tight-fisted. Conservative. Esprit de corps. The conductor of ideology. Inquisitor. Career "gradual". Brings justice. Reliable. Sex is normal. Family man. My home is my castle. "Trench" friendship. He is an officer, teacher, doctor.

hysterical type - hysterical personality, hysteroid - consists of the following features. Firstly, this is the desire to stand out, to attract the attention of others, to be in the center of attention. Secondly, artistry, imagination, ease of getting used to any role and any invented truth. And, thirdly, the lack of objectivity in relation to others and to oneself. Ease of self-justification, natural self-deception is characteristic. Probably, you have learned - these are the most characteristic female features. True, hysteroids are more often women.

Unstable type- an unstable type of character accentuation determines laziness, unwillingness to conduct labor or educational activities in a person. These people have a pronounced craving for entertainment, idle pastime, idleness. Their ideal is to be left without outside control and be left to their own devices. They are sociable, open, helpful. They talk a lot. Sex for them is a source of entertainment, sexual life begins early, the feeling of love is often unfamiliar to them. Prone to alcohol and drug use.

Conformal type- the conformal type is characterized by conformity to the environment, such people tend to "think like everyone else." They do not tolerate drastic changes, breaking the stereotype of life, deprivation of their familiar environment. Their perception is extremely rigid and severely limited by their expectations. People with this type of accentuation are friendly, disciplined and non-confrontational. Their hobbies and sex life are determined by the social environment. Bad habits depend on the attitude towards them in the nearest social circle, on which they are guided in the formation of their values.

The Lichko system found further development as a typology of characters or psychotypes. They are described in the books of A.P. Egides, E.A. Nekrasova and V.V. Ponomarenko. A.P. Egides described healthy people and adults, and in his classification are paranoid, epileptoid, hysteroid, hyperthym and schizoid. We emphasize once again that these psychotypes have nothing in common with such diseases as paranoia, epilepsy, hysteria and schizophrenia. We are talking about terms that define the normal "personality pattern".

Types of character accentuations describe not only the character itself, but also the personality. Personality is a broader concept than character, it includes intelligence, abilities, worldview ...

As in the case of psychopathy, different types can be combined, or mixed, in one person, although these combinations are not arbitrary.


1. Introduction.

2. Hyperthymic type

3. Cycloid type

4. labile type

5. Astheno-neurotic type

6. sensitive type

7. Psychasthenic type

8. Schizoid type

9. epileptoid type

10. hysteroid type

11. Unstable type

12. Conformal type

13. mixed types.

14. On the dynamics of character accentuations

15. Literature


Character is a set of stable personality traits that determine the attitude of a person to people, to the work performed. Character is manifested in activity and communication and includes what gives a person’s behavior a specific, characteristic shade for him.

In the period of character formation, its typological features, not yet being smoothed and obscured by life experience, come to light so clearly that they sometimes resemble psychopathy, i.e., pathological anomalies of character. With maturation, the features of accentuations are usually smoothed out. This allowed us to talk about “transient adolescent character accentuations” [Lichko A.E., 1977].

Depending on the degree of severity, we identified two degrees of character accentuation: explicit and hidden (Lichko; Aleksandrov; 1973).

obvious accentuation. This degree of accentuation refers to the extreme variants of the norm. It is distinguished by the presence of fairly constant traits of a certain type of character.

In adolescence, character traits are often sharpened, and under the influence of psychogenic factors that address the "place of least resistance", temporary adaptation disorders and behavioral deviations may occur. When growing up, character traits remain quite pronounced, but they are compensated and usually do not interfere with adaptation.

hidden accent. This degree, apparently, should be attributed not to the extreme, but to the usual variants of the norm. In ordinary, habitual conditions, the features of a certain type of character are weakly expressed or do not appear at all. Even with prolonged observation, versatile contacts and detailed acquaintance with the biography, it is difficult to get a clear idea of ​​a certain type of character. However, traits of this type can be clearly, sometimes unexpectedly, revealed under the influence of those situations and mental traumas that place increased demands on the "place of least resistance." Psychogenic factors of a different kind, even severe ones, not only do not cause mental disorders, but may not even reveal the type of character. If such features are revealed, this, as a rule, does not lead to noticeable social maladaptation.

Psychopathies are such anomalies of character that, according to P. B. Gannushkin (1933), “determine the entire mental appearance of the individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental warehouse”, “during life ... they are not exposed to any abrupt changes", "prevent ... adapt to the environment". These three criteria were designated by O. V. Kerbikov (1962) as the totality and relative stability of pathological character traits and their severity to a degree that violates social adaptation.

Adjustment disorders, or, more precisely, social maladaptation, in cases of psychopathy usually go through the entire adolescent period.

These are the three criteria - totality, relative stability of character and social maladjustment - that make it possible to distinguish psychopathy.

The types of character accentuations are very similar and partially coincide with the types of psychopathy.

There are two classifications of character accentuation types. The first was proposed by K. Leongard (1968) and the second by A. E. Lichko (1977). We present a comparison of these classifications made by VV Yustitsky (1977).

Accentuated personality type

according to K. Leonhard

Type of character accentuation,

according to A.E. Lichko

Labile (affectively labile and affectively exalted) labile cycloid
super mobile
Demonstrative hysterical
Over-punctual (pedantic) Psychasthenic
Rigid affective
uncontrollable (excitable)
introverted Schizoid
Fearful (anxious) sensitive
Unconcentrated or neurasthenic Astheno-neurotic
extrovert Conformal
Weak-willed Unstable
- Hyperthymic
- Cycloid

Hyperthymic type

This type of psychopathy is described in detail by Schneider (1923) and P.B. Gannushkin (1933) in adults and G.E. Sukhareva (1959) in children and adolescents. P.B. Gannushkin gave this type the name "constitutionally excited" and included it in the group of cycloids.

Information from relatives indicates that since childhood, hyperthymic adolescents are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, excessive independence, a penchant for mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relation to adults. From the first years of life, they make a lot of noise everywhere, love the company of their peers and strive to command them. Kindergarten teachers complain about their restlessness.

The main feature of hyperthymic adolescents is almost always a very good, even high spirits. Only occasionally and for a short time this sunshine is overshadowed by outbursts of irritation, anger, aggression.

The reaction of emancipation is especially pronounced. Because of this, conflicts easily arise with parents, teachers, educators.

As a rule, a tendency to unauthorized absences, sometimes prolonged, is found. True escapes from the house in hyperthyms are rare.

An irrepressible interest in everything around makes hyperthymic teenagers illegible in choosing acquaintances. Alcoholization is a serious danger for hyperthyms from adolescence. They drink in companies with friends.

The reaction of passion differs in hyperthymic adolescents by the richness and variety of manifestations, but most importantly, by the extreme inconsistency of the hobby.

Always a good mood and high vitality create favorable conditions for reassessing one's abilities and capabilities. Excessive self-confidence encourages "to show oneself", to appear before others in a favorable light, to brag. But the self-assessment of hyperthymic adolescents is quite sincere.

Hyperthymia-unstable variant of psychopathization is the most frequent. The decisive role in the fact that hyperthymic-unstable psychopathy grows on hyperthymic accentuation is usually played by the family. Both excessive guardianship - hyperprotection, petty control and cruel dictatorship, and even combined with the dysfunction of intra-family relations, and hypo-custody, neglect can serve as incentives for the development of hyperthymic-unstable psychopathy.

The hyperthymic-hysteroid variant is much less common. Against the background of hyperthymia, hysteroid features gradually emerge.

The hyperthymno-affective variant of psychopathization is characterized by an increase in the features of affective explosiveness, which creates a resemblance to explosive psychopathy. Outbursts of irritation and anger, often characteristic of hyperthyms, when they meet resistance or fail, here they become especially violent and arise at the slightest provocation.


As is known, this type was described in 1921 by Kretschmer and at first became widely used in psychiatric research. P.B. Gannushkin (1933) included four types of psychopaths in the "group of cycloids": "constitutionally depressive", "constitutionally excited" (hyperthymic), cyclothymic and emotively labile. Cyclothymia was considered by him as a type of psychopathy.

In adolescence, two variants of cycloid accentuation can be seen: typical and labile cycloids.

Typical cycloids in childhood are no different from their peers or more often give the impression of hyperthyms. With the onset of puberty (in girls, this may coincide with menarche), the first subdepressive phase occurs. It is distinguished by a tendency to apathy and irritability. In the morning, one feels lethargy and loss of strength, everything falls out of hand.

Previously noisy and lively teenagers during these periods become lethargic homebodies.

Serious failures and complaints from others can deepen the subdepressive state or cause an acute affective reaction with suicidal attempts.

In typical cycloids, the phases are usually short, lasting two to three weeks.

Cycloid teenagers have their "places of least resistance." The most important of them, probably, is the instability To radically break the stereotype of life.

Labile cycloids, unlike typical ones, in many ways approach the labile (emotionally labile or reactively labile) type. The phases here are much shorter - several "good" days are replaced by several "bad" ones. "Bad" days are more marked by bad mood than by lethargy, loss of energy or poor health. Within one period, short mood swings are possible, caused by relevant news or events. But, unlike the labile type described below, there is no excessive emotional reactivity, the constant readiness of the mood to change easily and abruptly from minor causes.

Adolescent behavioral responses in cycloids, both typical and labile, are usually moderate. Emancipatory aspirations and grouping reactions with peers are intensified during the upswing period. Hobbies are unstable.

Self-assessment of character in cycloids is formed gradually, as the experience of "good" and "bad" periods accumulates. Adolescents do not yet have this experience, and therefore self-assessment can still be very inaccurate.


This type is most fully described under various names "emotionally labile" (Schneider, 1923), "reactively labile" (P.B. Gannushkin, 1933) or "emotionally labile" (Leongard, 1964, 1968), etc.

In addition to the classification of K. Leonhard, in the practice of psychologists and psychiatrists are used accentuation of Lichko's character.

He expanded and supplemented this concept, deduced his own typology of characteristics of pointed personality traits.

Brief background

A. Lichko derived his systematics of character accentuations, based on, G.E. Sukhareva and P. B. Gannushkin.

However, she slightly different.

Classification in the first place for studying adolescence, covers not only accentuations, but also psychopathological deviations of character.

Lichko suggested replacing the term "personality accentuations" with "character accentuations", explaining that personality is a broader concept and cannot be assessed only in terms of accentuations.

Attention in the studies was directed to adolescence, because during this period, various psychopathy begin to manifest itself most clearly.

Types of character accentuation according to Lichko:

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

According to Lichko's theory, accentuation is temporary. In the process they may appear and disappear. These changes and personality traits sometimes turn into psychopathy and persist into adulthood.

The direction of development of pointed personality traits is determined by the social environment and the type of accentuation. She happens overt and covert.

According to psychiatrist A. Lichko, accentuations are borderline states between norm and pathology.

Therefore, he built his classification on the basis of the types of psychopathy.

Character accentuations - examples:


The following types of accentuations were distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic type. Active, restless, poorly controlled by teachers. Flexible, easily adapts to changing situations. Teenagers are prone to conflicts with adults, including teachers. Change is not afraid. The mood is predominantly positive. tend to overestimate their capabilities, so they are able to take risks without hesitation.

    For them, excitement, noisy, active companies and entertainment are acceptable. There are many hobbies, they are superficial.

  2. Cycloid. Characterized by frequent mood swings - from good to bad. They prefer loneliness, being at home, than active entertainment in the company. Adversity is hard to bear. Painfully reacts to criticism and remarks. There is a tendency to, apathy, easily irritated. Change of mood can be tied to the time of year.

    In the process of growing up, the pronounced features of accentuation can be smoothed out, but sometimes it gets stuck at the oppressive-melancholic stage. During the period of recovery, when the mood is good, there is cheerfulness, optimism, high activity, sociability, initiative. In the opposite state - a bad mood - they show increased sensitivity, react sharply to criticism.

  3. sensitive. People of this type are highly sensitive. Adolescents give the impression of being closed, they do not strive for joint games, they are timid. They treat their parents well, behave obediently. Difficulties in adapting in a team are possible. An inferiority complex may develop.

    People of this type have a developed sense of responsibility, make high moral demands on themselves and others.

    Perseverance allows you to successfully engage in painstaking work and complex activities. choose carefully. They prefer to communicate with those who are older.

  4. Schizoid type. There is isolation, the desire to spend time alone, fenced off from the world. They are indifferent to other people and communication with them, which can manifest itself in a defiant avoidance of contact. They lack such a quality as sympathy, they do not show interest in the people around them, there is no empathy and understanding of the feelings of others. do not seek to show people their feelings, so their peers do not understand them, considering them strange.

  5. hysterical. They have a high degree of egocentrism. They need the attention of other people, and they do everything to get it. Demonstrative and artistic. They worry if attention is paid not to them, but to someone else. They should be admired - one of the important needs of the individual. Hysteroids become the initiator of events and events, but they themselves are not able to clearly organize them. It is also problematic for them to earn authority among their peers, despite the fact that they strive for leadership. They need praise in their address, but criticism is perceived painfully. Feelings are shallow.

    Prone to deceit, fantasies, pretense. Often they show a demonstrative type of suicide in an attempt to attract attention and earn the sympathy of others.

  6. Conformal type. Teenagers with a similar accentuation easily obey the will of other people. They do not have their own opinion, they follow the group. The basic principle is to be, to act like everyone else. At the same time, they are conservative. If they need to protect their interests, they will do anything, finding an excuse for them. prone to betrayal. Finds a way to survive in the team, adapting to it and adapting to the leader.
  7. psychasthenic type. Differs in indecision, unwillingness to take responsibility. They are prone to introspection, they are critical in evaluating their personality and actions. They have high mental abilities, ahead of their peers. In behavior, impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions can be observed. Accurate and prudent, calm enough, but at the same time indecisive and not capable of active actions, where risk and responsibility are required.

    To relieve tension, they tend to use alcohol or drugs. Psychasthenics manifest themselves arbitrarily in personal relationships, which can ultimately lead to their destruction. They are also prone to pettiness.

  8. Unstable. They show little interest in learning, which causes a lot of excitement for parents and teachers. They have a penchant for entertainment. There are no life goals, they live one day, they are not interested in anything. The main features are frivolity, laziness, idleness. They are not interested in work. They do not like to be controlled, they strive for complete freedom. Open to communication, communicative, love to talk. They are prone to different types of addictions. Often fall into dangerous companies.
  9. Emotionally labile type. Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings. Any trifle, up to an incorrectly thrown glance or a spoken word, can serve as a reason for changes in the emotional state.

    The type is sensitive, needs support, especially during periods of bad mood.

    Treats peers well. It has sensitivity, understands the attitude and mood of others. Strongly attached to people.

  10. epileptoid type. One of the pronounced character traits is cruelty, they tend to offend the younger and weaker animals. He prefers to make friends and communicate with adults, the need to establish communication with peers causes discomfort. At an early age, they show traits of capriciousness, tearfulness, and require attention.

    They have self-esteem and a desire for power. If they become the boss, subordinates are kept in fear. Of all the accentuations, it is considered the most dangerous personality type, as it has a high degree of cruelty. If it is necessary to make a career and achieve a high position, they are able to please the top management, adapt to its requirements, while not forgetting their own interests.

  11. Asthenoneurotic type. Show discipline and responsibility. However, they have a high degree of fatigue, this is especially noticeable during monotonous activities or the need to participate in competitive work. Drowsiness, fatigue can occur for no apparent reason. In manifestations of accentuation, irritability, increased suspiciousness, and hypochondria are noticeable.

    There is a possibility of emotional breakdowns, especially if events do not happen the way asthenics want. Irritability is replaced by remorse.

In addition to pronounced types, there can also be observed mixed characters.

Table of character accentuations:

Where is the technique used?

Lichko test expanded to 143 questions. Focused more on children and teenagers.

used to identify obvious problems and accentuations in character, allows you to predict the appearance of psychopathy, start correcting negative states in a timely manner, and identify dangerous personalities.

Lichko believed that it was important to study accentuations already in adolescence, since the majority during this period manifests itself most clearly and is formed. up to adolescence.

The use of methods of diagnosing, testing, conversation allows identify the problem in a timely manner and develop a corrective program.

How to identify character accentuations? Psychologist's comment:

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