Abel's prophecies - what awaits us in the future, detailed prediction (3 photos). What Russia can expect in the near future: forecasts and opinions of analysts and political scientists Cars will become robots and learn to fly

Nowadays technology is developing so rapidly that we do not realize how quickly fantastic ideas become reality. We remembered the most incredible inventions of this year and realized that the future will come sooner than it seems.

Apartments are turning into “smart” houses

Automatic doors, lights that turn on when you clap, robotic cleaners—this is what the houses of the future looked like in science fiction films. Everyone has long been accustomed to doors and smart lights. Now inventors are thinking about how to make our life even easier.

  • The noise of city streets will no longer penetrate the house

Austrian designer Rudolf Stefanich created a noise filter that attaches to window glass. The Sono has a dedicated microphone built into it. It picks up incoming noise and produces sounds of the same frequency and wavelength, but with a 180 phase shift. Outgoing noise collides with incoming noise and cancels each other out. In addition, Sono lets in those sounds that the owner of the home likes. For example, with the help of special settings, the annoying barking of street dogs can be replaced with nightingale trills.

  • New robot cleaner will destroy competitors

In the future, the house will be tidied up by a cleaning system invented by industrial designer from Colombia Adrian Perez Zapata. Mab consists of a central core and 908 tiny flying robots. The central core mixes water and detergents and pours them into the robots. It also scans the space and determines which areas need cleaning. The robots, in turn, fly around the room and clean it.

  • Products will be frozen in gel

The Electrolux company presented a conceptual model of a refrigerator, the idea of ​​which was put forward by Russian Yuri Dmitriev. The entire space of the refrigerator is filled with biopolymer gel in which food is stored. The incoming UV radiation is converted into visible light, which provides cooling due to the wavelength. The refrigerator can be filled to 90%, thereby saving kitchen space and energy.

You won't have to update your wardrobe often anymore

An indispensable attribute of the future in the works of science fiction writers was unusual clothing. If we talk about silhouettes and fabrics, then futurism has reigned on fashion catwalks for a long time. Inventors, meanwhile, are coming up with new ways to create clothes.

  • Clothes will be printed on a printer

US industrial designer Joshua Harris created a concept that prints clothes from different brands. According to Harris, the device will be connected to online clothing stores, and cartridges with fabrics will be sold with it. The user simply loads the cartridge, clicks on the outfit he likes, and it appears directly from the printer. When the item becomes boring to its owner, with the help of the same device it can be washed and unraveled into threads.

  • Eyeglass frames will become individual

The company also adopted a 3D printer. She suggests printing glasses that are perfect for a specific face. You just need to choose the shape of the frame, take your profile and full-face photos and upload them to a special program. The program will “tailor” the frame to the client. The data is then sent to Protos Eyewear and the customer receives the finished product.

  • Things will change color on their own

Fashion designer Elisabeth Bigger, who lives in Spain, decorates pieces from her Lüme collection with LEDs. They are woven into the fabric of clothing so that they can be removed before washing. Using the mobile application of the same name, the owner can change the color of the LEDs, “combining” them with one or another accessory. To do this, you need to take a photo of the desired accessory and upload the photo to the application, after which the LEDs will acquire the desired shade. And designers Vernon Chen and Joan Lim Jin Xuan created the Plexus shirt for any occasion. It is made of nano-particles with sliding and retractable flaps, like blinds, so that the color and pattern of the item can change. To make the shirt look appropriate for the event, you need to upload your daily schedule to a special application on your smartphone. The designers plan to release it in 2021.

Augmented reality will be “diluted” by lucid dreams

There is an incredible breakthrough happening in the field of augmented reality. Soon people will begin to look at the world through the prism of Google Glass and smart helmets, and also control their dreams.

  • A “smart” helmet will show you the right path

The domestic company Art Business has created a concept motorcycle helmet with a navigation system based on augmented reality technology. The helmet will have headphones, a microphone for issuing voice commands and a light sensor to automatically adjust the brightness of the image depending on the current conditions. The start of sales is scheduled for 2014, and the price of the model will be $2 thousand.

  • Dreams can be controlled

The Canadian company GXP Technologies has invented a dream inducer. It analyzes brain impulses. When the REM sleep phase occurs, during which a person is able to remember dreams and partially control them, the device emits a sound signal. At this moment, the sleeper understands that he is dreaming and can control it. The price of the model will be about $300.

Gadgets will become the main trend

  • Smart watches will control more than just time

At the moment, smart watches are considered the most promising segment in the gadget market. Similar devices have already been released by Sony (the latest model is SmartWatch 2), (Pebble Watch model) and Samsung (Galaxy Gear model). True, these are not independent gadgets, but accessories for smartphones, capable of controlling only certain functions: viewing SMS and email, switching tracks on a media player. Experts predict that in the future, smart watches will be able to work on their own, without being “connected” with smartphones. It is expected that the main struggle for this segment will take place between Apple, Google and Samsung. The media is full of rumors that iWatch and Google Smartwatch are about to appear. And Sony developed the concept of a smartphone-tablet in the form of a bracelet with a flexible LED screen. The screen can be folded, reducing the size of the device. It is planned to integrate a holographic projector and a retractable touch keyboard into the gadget.

  • The smartphone will be assembled from blocks

The project being developed by Motorola clearly demonstrates how quickly the concept of a gadget can be realized. The company set out to create a smartphone consisting of replaceable units. The user will be able to purchase the basic body of the model and supplement it with various elements: display, camera, keyboard and battery. The concept of a similar device was created by Dutch designer Dave Hakkens. Now Motorola has teamed up with Hakkens to further develop this project.

Transport of the future will save fuel and asphalt

Heroes of science fiction films about the distant future move either using teleportation or in incredible flying cars. The ideas of science fiction writers are gradually coming to life.

  • Humanity will switch to electric cars

Fuel prices are rising, the environment is deteriorating, and electric cars are becoming a real alternative to conventional cars. Demand for electric cars is growing: for example, this summer the Mitsubishi company announced that in Russia alone it sold 100 i-MiEV cars in a year and a half and plans to sell the same number by the end of 2013 - at a price of almost 2 million rubles per copy. The price of other electric car models is also quite high: the simplest version of Renault Twizy costs from €7 thousand, Nissan Leaf - from $32 thousand, and Tesla Model S - from $88 thousand. One of the main problems of electric cars is the lithium-ion batteries from which they are recharged engines of such cars. Batteries are not yet able to provide a gasoline range and are expensive. Another question - where to charge them? An excellent solution in the form of wireless charging was invented by the American company Team HEVO. The charger has a round shape, and you can find the device in a special parking lot using the HEVO Mobile smartphone application.

  • Aeromobile will save the city from traffic jams

Electric cars will not relieve traffic-clogged city streets. But air cars can do this. The concept of one of these vehicles was developed by a Slovak company. The airplane with folding wings is designed for two people, its minimum flight speed is 60 km/h, the maximum is 200 km/h, and it can fly 700 km without refueling.

  • Asphalt will turn into the Milky Way

The transport of the future is still being developed, and the roads of the future are already spreading under the feet of pedestrians. Specialists from the British company Pro-Teq have created a glow-in-the-dark waterproof coating for roads. It contains complex phosphorescent compounds. The composition has already been sprayed in some places in Cambridge, and in the future the creators want to offer the use of StarPath on motorways.

Everyone will fly into space

Tourist flights into space are becoming a reality. If previously the pleasure of riding a rocket cost $20 million, now several companies offer to go beyond the Earth for less money.

  • Virgin Galactic will give celebrity rides

The palm belongs, of course, to. The company builds its own infrastructure, spaceports and ships. Last year, Spaceport America opened in the desert of the American state of New Mexico, where the space shuttles WhiteKnightTwo and SpaceShipTwo will be located, as well as an astronaut training area and a suborbital flight control center. The ships have been tested and are ready to take on board the first tourists, among whom will be famous entrepreneurs and show business stars. The ticket price is $250 thousand.

  • Michelin-starred dinner with a view of the Earth

Thanks to the efforts of a Spanish company, it will be possible to fly into near space on a huge helium-filled balloon with a capsule suspended from it. The capsule can accommodate two pilots and four space tourists. The flight altitude is 36 km, and the cost is $141 thousand. During the flights, passengers will be served according to the full program: for example, at the request of the client, dinner can be served from a menu compiled by Michelin-starred chefs.

  • Space without weightlessness

A company from Arizona offers those who wish to admire the Earth from a height of 30 kilometers for “only” $75 thousand. The flight will be carried out on a space gondola attached to a suborbital balloon and will last from 2 to 6 hours. However, during the trip, passengers will not experience a feeling of weightlessness, since they will not reach the required height.

This year, NASA, with the help of a space probe (that is, the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer), has improved Internet communications with extraterrestrial space by 5 times. LADEE orbits the Moon at a distance of 380,000 km and provides high data rates. To establish communication with our planet, the system only needs three terminals with telescopes located on Earth. LADEE allows you to receive 3D video from the depths of space and maintain high quality images.

Researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo conducted a test of an underwater architectural network to conduct . They immersed sensors into the lake, connected to relays attached to the buoy. The devices converted Wi-Fi radio signals, which did not work at the bottom of the sea, into well-functioning acoustic signals. The research was successful. We just have to wait until waterproof smartphones go on sale.

The future is part of the time line, a set of events that have not yet happened, but will happen. Because events are characterized by both time and place, the future occupies the region of the space-time continuum.
Among the predictors of the future, such famous personalities as Dmitry Silin stand out; great Russian saints - Sergei of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the elders of Optina Hermitage; holy fools - St. Basil the Blessed, Galaktion Beloezersky. There are well-known prophecies about the future of Russia and the fate of its famous people, foreign soothsayers - Nostradamus, Vanga. There is no need to talk about all the prophecies, since among them there are already fulfilled ones that are not related to modern Russia.
Let us dwell on the most interesting and important predictions for the future of Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, which today have acquired a new meaning. During her lifetime, many of the clairvoyant’s words were incomprehensible to us. For example, at the end of the 20th century, no one could believe Vanga’s prediction that Kursk would go under water. However, her words were simply misunderstood. In 2000, the Kursk submarine sank. After this event, Vanga’s biographers began to be more attentive to all her prophecies.
It is difficult to imagine that Vanga knew about the current events in Russia and Ukraine back in the second half of the last century. Vanga’s biographer Boyka Tsvetkova made public one of the predictions of the Bulgarian prophetess:
“More and more often you will meet people who will have eyes but will not see, who will have ears but will not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children.”
In the 20th century, no one could even imagine what we were talking about. However, right now all Vanga’s words take on a clear meaning. The prophetess spoke specifically about the situation in Ukraine. “Brother will go against brother” - a confrontation between two sides in Ukraine. “People don’t hear or see” - this is the West, which sees and hears only what is beneficial to it.
Vanga’s next words describe the outcome of everything that is happening: “What was united will crumble into pieces. It will be next to Russia.” Now it is obvious what the Bulgarian clairvoyant wanted to say then - Ukraine collapsed.

After unification of Russia and Crimea many of Vanga's predictions made sense. Back in 1979, the prophetess said:
“Everything will melt like ice. Only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Russia.
Vanga also predicted that the Slavic peoples would unite. A ruler will come to power in Russia who will unite all the Slavic lands. This unification will mark the beginning of Russia's world domination and the end of wars and ethnic conflicts.
According to Vanga's predictions, Russia will become the dominant country. US influence will weaken. Moreover, Vanga said that the economic crisis would break her in the future.

For the most part, psychics and soothsayers speak about our country in laudatory terms, declaring that the Russian Federation faces development and a targeted path to prosperity and increasing its influence on the rest of the world.
So, for example, Pavel Globa has repeatedly stated that Russia will create a powerful union that will include more than five countries of the former Soviet space. The famous American political scientist George Friedman said that a new round of the Cold War will begin between Russia and the United States.

Dramatic events will develop in Ukraine, where already in the spring of 2014 the country split into Western and Eastern.
“The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2016 - 2020, will not be the most severe, but the factors of human fatigue from living under constant stress will have an impact. Only by the end of 2020 will all humanity finally say goodbye to this crisis, which will be called the “Second Great Depression,” the astrologer assures.
According to Pavel Globa, the end of the crisis is associated with the proximity of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once every 20 years and marks positive changes. Considering that Jupiter will approach Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius - the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that it is Russia, which by then has revived its imperial power, that has the greatest chance of becoming the new world leader.

According to the astrologer, the post-crisis thirty years of 2020-2050 will be the time of Russia's revival. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchin, who lived before Nostradamus.
“A powerful, new personality will come to power in Russia in 2020-2021, whom Nemchin called “The Rider on the White Horse.” In terms of scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will be tall. I don’t know what “white horse” means. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse,” said Pavel Globa.
“The new leader will not rule for long, but will leave an outstanding mark. He will be replaced by another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nemchina called him “The Great Potter”. And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years,” concluded Pavel Globa.

Modern predictors see the future of Russia:
- European Union - the beginning of destruction 2017 - 2221. Provides support to the authorities of Central and Western Ukraine until 2020. Since 2020, he has been forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of 2021, the Baltic states will move into Russia’s zone of influence. Since 2222, the Balkans have come under Russian influence. 2226 - Germany and Poland join the New Economic Entity led by Russia.
- USA - starting from 2020, it ceases to play the role of a world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar is feeling insecure. The third (information) world war is ending. There will be a small war with Mexico in the future. It will end with US concessions. The English-speaking world will gradually lose its dominant influence. It will remain within Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK and Canada.
- China will support Russia in all endeavors and will strive to unite economies. He will give leadership in the external arena to Russia, while maintaining his individuality. He will maintain a positive but wary attitude towards Russia.

- Japan - since 2024, has been gravitating towards a new economic and political alliance. From '26, political agreements will also be signed.
- India has been especially moving closer to Russia since 2021.
- Islam. 2020; active cooperation with Russia in Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan. There will be widespread unrest in Pakistan in the late 20s and the threat of war will be felt. In general, the Islamic world will be in full swing, but there will be no global conflicts, with the exception of Pakistan.

The new leader of Ukraine will be revealed in 2019. The name of the country - "Ukraine" - will be questioned. The leader will profess pro-Western values ​​and will create more disasters than benefits for the people. By 2020, he will be forced to cooperate with Russia.
- 2021 Active economic cooperation between the Scandinavian countries and Russia.
- 2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia in Central America.

- Dollar - the dollar will fall at the end of 2020. 2021 – collapse of the US economy.
The disappearance of the dollar, and therefore the American debt of 100 trillion. dollars, will return to the Western economy with a real destructive boomerang, which will sweep away the remnants of hopes for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia and countries from the former republics of the USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to essentially re-create its currency system, relying on its countless reserves of precious metals.
In addition to Russia, the Arab-Muslim Union with its center in Saudi Arabia and Egypt will accumulate reserves of precious metals, which will rely on gold ore reserves in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
We will have to find out very soon whether these predictions will come true, but we cannot but agree that almost all of them give hope for the best.

“Even the most successful outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek faith.
These latter, even if they are subsequently corroded by international treaties, will reconnect with each other as quickly as separated droplets of mercury find their way to each other.
This is the indestructible State of the Russian nation, strong in its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after complete defeat, will remain our creation, an enemy seeking revenge."

Otto von Bismarck

“The US is shooting itself in the foot. The country refuses to share its power with anyone. In 5-10 years, America will face a major collapse."

Jim Rogers(American billionaire).

In 2015, in an interview, he said that he was going to invest in the ruble. Moreover, he believes in the Russian economy more than the American one.

Technology is developing faster every day, and no one can say what technological innovations await us tomorrow. However, the life cycle is an inevitable thing: when a new high-tech device or device appears, something leaves our reality forever. Let's list some modern technologies that will soon disappear

Wired home internet

For now, broadband access to the Internet dominates, but our children and grandchildren will no longer know what it is. Mobile Internet now leaves much to be desired, but the development of 4G and subsequent technologies will make wires useless.

Photo and video cameras

Why do we need separate devices for recording video and photos, if top-end smartphones already take good pictures with the ability to process them? And in the near future, the capabilities of built-in cameras will be enough even for professional photography.

Credit and debit cards

It's hard to imagine today, but in the very near future, credit cards may become obsolete. Technologies like NFC, which allow you to pay at the checkout with the touch of a mobile phone, are becoming increasingly popular. Virtual credit cards are being created. Traditional magnetic strips are being replaced by chips, which can be installed on any other media if desired. You carry a card in your pocket with its number stamped on it, and even a CVV security code. Why give the world so much information about yourself if more secure tools are already appearing on the scene?

Landline phones

Landline phones are already considered an anachronism. Few young people use them. Rather, it is a matter of habit among older people. And in 10 years, telephones with wires will finally disappear into another world.

"Push-button" mobile phones

People have been talking about the imminent death of mobile phones with buttons for a long time. And there is reason to believe that today the fate of such devices has been finally decided. The fact is that early touchscreen smartphones were not always superior to traditional mobile phones in terms of ease of use. A real keyboard was more convenient than a flat touchscreen, the battery life of smartphones was too short, and the mobile Internet was too underdeveloped to justify using a phone with a huge screen. But today, even smartphones in the lower price segment provide the necessary comfort and are endowed with all the qualities necessary for a mobile phone.

Phone numbers

There are more and more phones, and more and more SIM cards are required. Maybe someday there will come a time when there won’t be enough numbers? With the advent of VoIP telephony and the development of wireless Internet, it will be easier to make calls using the Network rather than the services of a cellular operator. And in the future, our children will use a user ID rather than a phone number.

Window operating systems

We still have little idea what the interface of the future will be like. They have already tried to rethink it in Windows 8, where instead of traditional windows, a tile with widgets is used - Metro. Indeed, why create a separate window for each application when you can display all the necessary data on one page: weather, exchange rates, news feed, etc.

Readers (e-books)

Readers first appeared in the early 2000s and found many fans among literature lovers. But at that time, it was considered normal to keep more than one gadget in your pockets. Today, the situation has changed, and users are striving for all-in-one devices. Against this background, a “reader”, even with a special screen and additional functions, cannot compete with a full-fledged tablet or smartphone.

Hard disks

Solid state drives are becoming more and more popular. The only limitation that prevents you from “seizing power” over hard drives is capacity and a limited number of write-rewrite cycles. But, in the near future this limit may be bypassed.


Touch screens will soon become cheap and large. And this means goodbye, mouse. Ridiculous fidgeting on the rug will disappear into oblivion, replacing the usual way of controlling a computer with the usual touch of a finger to the monitor. Also, do not forget about technologies such as Kinect, when you can control the computer simply by tilting your head or moving your hand near the screen.

USB cables and phone chargers

Sooner or later, the whole world will give up USB cables and any chargers for iPhone, Samsung and other smartphones and tablets. Wireless technologies are taking over. Today, wireless devices have appeared that can charge electronics wirelessly. Also, due to the development of WiFi and Bluetooth, data transfer technologies using a USB cable are becoming a thing of the past. Not in the distant future, we will forget that we used USB cables for data transfer and wired charging of our gadgets.

3D glasses

The first 3D films conquered cinemas in the 50s of the last century. At first, spectators wore ridiculous colored glasses. Much later, glasses with active shutters were invented. And just last year they finally made screens that reproduce 3D without glasses. Over time, this technology will improve and 3D will be displayed without problems on our televisions and computer monitors.

Remote controls

In the 90s, when the first Japanese TV appeared, we learned all the delights of progress. There was no longer any need to get up from your chair and manually change channels. But this convenient thing will soon disappear. Already now you can control your TV using smartphones, a combination of gestures and even your voice.

Desktop computers

Modern computers are already outdated. Tablets and smartphones are becoming more powerful. And in the future, their power will reach such a level that there will be no point in having a separate machine for games or work. Everything fits in a small device.

Game consoles

New generation gaming consoles are selling quite well, especially when it comes to the PlayStation 4. However, these devices are gradually moving away from the traditional “philosophy” and turning from purely gaming clusters into home entertainment centers. It is obvious that in technological terms, personal computers are ahead of consoles, and tablets and smartphones are taking “casual” consumers out of the market. Perhaps the future belongs to Steam Machines, perhaps to media centers like the Xbox One. Or maybe exclusive games will still allow more traditional consoles like the PlayStation to hold on in the saddle. In any case, game streaming, online stores and other virtual applications for promoting consoles are already more important than the hardware itself.

A television

TV is unlikely to disappear completely. But such a concept as prime time may sink into oblivion. You won't have to sit in front of the screen at a certain time to watch your favorite series. All you have to do is find it on the Internet. Many already do this, but in the future such services will be provided by the TV channels themselves.


The fashion for these devices appeared quite recently, but has almost disappeared. Firstly, tablets and smartphones cope with navigation with a solid five, and modern navigation systems from Internet companies surpass their offline counterparts in detail and accuracy. Secondly, automakers are increasingly installing standard navigation systems in cars, or providing communication with the same smartphone, information from which is displayed on the screen. The combination of GPS and Internet technologies leaves traditional navigators with too little chance of success.


In the age of email, instant messaging and 4G communications, there is only one excuse for the continued existence of faxes - a signature. Some companies and attorneys will only accept signed contracts. And so far it is only possible to transmit them over long distances using faxes.

However, there are things that will kill faxes. More and more companies are switching to so-called electronic signatures. A fingerprint or retina scanner can also serve as a signature, which will confirm your identity. After all, a fingerprint is much more difficult to fake than an illegible squiggle.

Optical discs

CDs have almost disappeared, it's time for DVDs. BluRay discs may last another ten years, but they too will disappear. Why buy CDs when you can download a movie or music? And you can store photos in a cloud service.

USB flash drives

Potentially all data should be stored in the cloud, in a personal profile. Transferring something on a physical medium already in the days of dropbox is not comme il faut, and will soon be a crime against technocracy in general.


Scottish futurist Frank Pollack believes that by 2050 each person will have several robots. Some models will replace animals, others will become household assistants.

Ian Pearson, a futurist from the UK, predicts that in the next 15-20 years people will learn to get pleasure chemically. Traditional sex will be replaced by pills and technical devices, ideally customized to the tastes and needs of each individual person. The same scientist is confident that people will discover the opportunity to transfer their thoughts and feelings into electronic form. There will be no need to type on the keyboard what comes to mind, or speak information into the microphone. All thought processes will be recorded automatically and, if necessary, saved as files on hard drives or directly on the Internet.

Many scientists agree that in the next 40 years the human body will be completely computerized. With the help of devices, a direct connection will be established between the computer and the brain. In this case, special boards will not only record, but also enhance thought processes. Subsequently, telepathy will become possible - direct transmission of information at a distance, bypassing various external technical devices, since they will be implanted into the brain immediately after birth.

Within 100 years, the world's population will increase to 10 billion people. To feed everyone, floating and underwater farms will be created. The diet of people of the future will be based on fish and algae. According to NASA specialist Dennis Bushnell, seaweed with its ability to absorb nitrogen will significantly reduce the consumption of fresh water for agricultural needs.

British futurist Aubrey de Gray believes that immortal people are already living, but the secret of eternal life will become public domain only in 20-30 years. American scientist Kurzweil continues the idea of ​​computerization of consciousness. He believes that storing thoughts and feelings in electronic form will allow everyone, if necessary, to change only the physical shell an unlimited number of times.

In their forecasts, futurologists devote considerable space to geopolitical changes. Pearson expressed the opinion that by 2100 the whole world will use a single currency. Moreover, it is possible that the world currency will be electronic. Coins and bills will become a relic of the past. Other experts (for example, Tucker) categorically disagree. They are betting that there will be many more currencies than there are now. Moreover, new forms of payment for goods and services will appear.

Pearson believes that by the end of the century, 3 languages ​​will remain international (not 6, as now): Chinese, Spanish and English. Every inhabitant of the planet will be fluent in at least one of them. Futurologists predict the collapse of China, the European Union and Russia. It is possible that wealthy people will buy land in order to create their own, separate state. According to some, many American states, such as Texas and California, will demand independence and become separate countries.

Despite the fact that futurology is often called pseudoscience, there are cases when predictions. For example, in 1900, John Watkins, a civil engineer from the United States, gave free rein to his imagination and published futurological forecasts. He wrote that color photographs could be transmitted by telegraph in a split second (the Internet appeared), that any sailor would be able to call his wife somewhere in Chicago using a personal telephone (cell phones were created). Watkins believed that by the middle of the 20th century, most people would eat specially processed and packaged food that could be stored in the refrigerator for several months (convenience foods).

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Like all living things on Earth, you and I continue to evolve. If you don’t believe me, remember the story of wisdom teeth, which were well developed among our distant ancestors who ate rough food. In our country they were reduced as unnecessary.

We are in website wondered what a person would look like after millions of years of evolution if conditions on planet Earth roughly correspond to emerging trends and probable forecasts.

  • Height. Over the past 200 years, the population of developed countries has grown by 10 cm due to improved living conditions and quality nutrition. If this continues, the height of men will reach 2 meters, but hardly higher. (Sources: Mean Body Weight, Height, and body mass index, United States 1960–2002, wikipedia)
  • Leather will become darker as the races will intensively mix. And dark skin will better protect against ultraviolet radiation, which will penetrate the Earth in excess. (Source: livescience, nickolaylamm)
  • Body. A person will reduce his physical costs with the help of machines and robots. Physical strength will not be in demand, the muscles will shrink. Technology will become an integral part of our body, embedded chips and gadgets will become commonplace. (Source: futurehumanevolution)

  • Hands. Constant use of keyboards and touch screens will make your hands and fingers thinner and longer. (Source: the-scientist)
  • Legs. The body will change to suit a sedentary lifestyle, long strong legs will not be needed. The fibula is reduced, which is typical for land animals. This bone serves to rotate the foot, which was important for our tree-climbing ancestors. But for us, sideways mobility of the ankle has become rather harmful, often leading to dislocations. (Source: futurehumanevolution, anthropogenez)
  • Toes. Our ancestors also used them for climbing trees. In the line from Australopithecus to us, the fingers have noticeably shortened, obviously this is not the limit. Probably their number will also decrease. Land animals always come to a decrease in their numbers, and the horse is the record holder here. (Source: anthropogenez)


  • Teeth. Humanity is switching to increasingly soft food. The number of teeth and their size will decrease, this will entail a reduction in the jaw and mouth. (
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