Production of soy milk from soy flour. Soy flour

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the site “I am a villager”! Today we’ll talk about how to make tofu cheese at home, it turns out it’s easy and simple. In we got to know tofu cheese better and learned about its beneficial qualities.

From your comments I realized that this cheese is not sold everywhere, let’s make it ourselves, with our own hands. You will always have fresh and healthy tofu in your refrigerator.
In order to prepare soy cheese, we need soy milk; if you are too lazy to prepare milk, use soy flour.

Soy milk recipe

Fill 1 kg of soybeans with water and leave for 24 hours. We change the water 2-3 times.

To remove the grassy taste, add a couple of pinches of soda to the water. To make less milk, use less soybeans.

We wash the swollen beans and pass them through a meat grinder twice. Fill with three liters of water, stir and let stand for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally. We take a large colander, put cheesecloth in it and strain, we get soy “milk”.

Soy milk is great for cooking; porridge and baked goods are prepared with it. For people who are allergic to real milk, soy milk is an excellent substitute. Today, as promised, we will prepare tofu soy cheese or unpressed cottage cheese.

Watch how soy milk is prepared:

Tofu cheese recipe

Take 1 liter of milk and 1 lemon. Heat the milk to a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes, remove from the heat and squeeze lemon juice into it, gradually stirring until completely curdled. Lemon can be replaced with citric acid; for 1 liter of milk, take 0.5 teaspoon of acid and dissolve in 50 ml of water.

Gradually pour into hot milk and stir until melted. Strain the curdled milk and squeeze out the curd. If you want to get a dense cheese, put a piece of the pressed mass under something heavy (do not remove the cheese from the gauze until it is compressed), then take out the tofu cheese and cut it, add it to salads and other dishes.

Place the remaining cheese in salted water and put it in the refrigerator, so it will stay fresh for 5 days. You can freeze it, after defrosting it will become denser.

To obtain soft cheese, do the following.

Cool the boiled milk to 30-40 degrees and then add acid to it, the cheese will turn out soft and tender.

Recipe for making tofu cheese from soy flour

Mix 1 cup of soy flour with 1 cup of cold water, pour in 2 cups of boiling water and stir. Place on low heat and cook for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat and add citric acid as in the previous recipe.

Strain and squeeze, you get a curd mass with a neutral taste. This is how you make tofu soy cheese at home.

I offer recipes with tofu cheese.

Salad with peppers and tomatoes and tofu

  • 300g tofu cheese
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Greenery
  • Ground black pepper
  • Onion head
  • Olive oil for dressing

We cut the cheese into cubes, tomatoes into small slices, pepper into strips, tear lettuce leaves with our hands, cut the onion into thin half rings. Mix everything, salt, pepper and add chopped herbs. It makes a hearty salad.

Fish salad with tofu cheese

  • 300g boiled fish
  • 200g tofu cheese
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch of lettuce
  • Vegetable oil for dressing

The ingredients are chopped and mixed, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Sandwiches with tofu cheese

To prepare sandwiches, grind the cheese, mix it with pate or sauce and apply it to pieces of bread; the previously prepared mass is left to steep for 5 minutes. You can make a sandwich by simply cutting the cheese into slices and adding a slice of boiled egg. A hearty and healthy breakfast is provided to you.

There are many recipes with this wonderful tofu cheese, and the main thing is that they are healthy. The site “I am a villager” wishes you bon appetit and good health!

I suggest watching the video

Soy flour is made by finely grinding roasted soybeans. Like other soy products, it is a rich source of plant protein, iron, B-complex vitamins and calcium. Adding soy flour to your favorite dishes will give them a pleasant taste and delicate texture.

You can find two varieties on sale: whole, containing all natural soybean oils, and defatted, from which these oils are removed during processing. Defatted soy flour has a higher percentage of protein and calcium.

One cup of wholemeal flour contains: 17 grams of fat (only 3 grams of saturated fat), 29 grams of protein, and 8 grams of dietary fiber. Also present are 173 mg of calcium, 360 mg of magnesium, 415 mg of phosphorus, 2.113 mg of potassium, 290 mcg of folic acid, 101 IU of vitamin A, 60 mcg of beta-carotene and 59 mcg of vitamin K.

One cup of defatted soy flour contains: 49 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 18 g of dietary fiber, 253 mg of calcium, 304 mg of magnesium, 708 mg of phosphorus and 2,503 mg of potassium. Also present are 320 mcg of folic acid, 42 IU of vitamin A, 25 mcg of beta-carotene and 59 mcg of vitamin K.

Several Key Benefits

Regular consumption of soy flour will help reduce blood cholesterol, control your weight, and strengthen your muscles and heart.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Soy flour reduces the risk of heart disease, including hypertension and atherosclerosis. By the way, the connection between the consumption of soy products and a reduced risk of ischemia was established and documented by scientists back in 1999.

All these cardiological bonuses are explained by the presence of the isoflavone genistein with powerful antioxidant properties in soy flour. This herbal component helps prevent the formation of blood clots, protects against heart attack, stroke and the formation of plaques on the walls of the arteries.

Anti-cancer properties

Soy flour and other soybean products, when included regularly in your diet, contribute to the body's defense against prostate, breast and uterine cancer.

Scientists attribute the anti-cancer properties to the same genistein, which helps block the activity of the protein tyrosine kinase in growing tumor cells.

Soy isoflavones not only block the growth of cancer, but are also involved in the creation of genes aimed at destroying tumor cells.

Combats menopausal symptoms

Clinical studies at the University of Maryland have shown that taking soy protein from 20 g to 60 g per day in menopausal women reduces the intensity of hot flashes and reduces sweating during sleep.

These positive results can be attributed to taking at least 15 mg per day of genistein (soy isoflavone).

Good for bones

Another characteristic feature of soy flour is its high calcium content, as well as magnesium and boron (two important trace elements that promote the absorption of calcium by the body). This is an excellent product for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Gluten free

People with hypersensitivity to foods containing gluten have severely limited food choices. Symptoms of the disease include mouth sores, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, bloating, diarrhea and chronic fatigue.

When it comes to flour, you need to look for a worthy alternative to wheat. An alternative would be a mixture of different types of gluten-free flours, such as those based on soy, quinoa and amaranth grain.

Suitable for diabetic nutrition

In diabetes, elevated blood glucose levels are a key risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. Therefore, it is extremely important to make up a diet of foods that do not cause a spike in glucose.

Soy dietary fiber also makes a contribution, reducing the rate of absorption of carbohydrates into the blood, thereby maintaining insulin homeostasis.

Culinary facts

Soy flour can be used:

  • for making candy, pies, muffins, donuts, cakes and buns, bread and pasta, pancake flour and frozen desserts;
  • in a quick homemade soy milk recipe;
  • as a thickener for gravy or sauce;
  • for baking as a substitute for chicken eggs (1 egg is equivalent to 1 tablespoon of soy flour diluted in the same amount of water).

The following qualities of soy flour can be considered as pleasant culinary additions to its beneficial properties:

  • makes baked goods more tender and moist;
  • prevents baked goods from becoming stale;
  • products containing soy flour are quickly covered with a beautiful brown crust, which allows you to reduce baking time and slightly reduce the cooking temperature;
  • In fried foods that use a lot of oil, such as donuts, soy flour prevents the dough from absorbing excess fat.

Storage Tips: Keep soy flour in the refrigerator for several months or in the freezer for up to one year.

And as a thank you to those who read this article to the end, I suggest you read the instructions for cooking with flour.

Homemade Soy Flour Milk Recipe

  1. Pour 3 cups of water into the pan. Set the heat to high and wait until it boils.
  2. Add 1 cup soy flour to boiling water. This should be done slowly, stirring constantly with a whisk. Whisk until the water and flour are completely combined.
  3. Reduce heat and leave the milk to simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it thickens too quickly, add a little more water.
  4. Strain the mixture through a colander covered with gauze. Ready soy milk should be placed in the refrigerator immediately.

The word “soybean” comes from the Chinese “shu” and means “big bean”. There are about a dozen wild species of soybeans. At first, it is believed to have grown in the Far East and from there it has already penetrated into China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, etc. Soybeans are now grown all over the world. Breeders have managed to develop varieties that grow not only in warm climates, but also in temperate climates.

The Chinese were the first to cultivate soybeans as a crop. From about the VI-V centuries. BC. in the Yellow River basin there is a transition to complex agriculture using artificial irrigation. The Chinese have developed several cultivated types of soybeans with high yields and great resistance to all diseases. From them it spread throughout the world. According to some sources, the Chinese began cultivating soybeans much earlier than the 6th century. BC. Proof of this can be found in recipes for soy sauce and soy cheese, which are described in literary sources dating back 6,000 years.

In Russia, soybeans grow in the Khabarovsk, Primorsky and Krasnodar territories. It is grown a lot in the USA. China is still the largest exporter of soybeans and soy products and does not seem to be going to give up its position.

What caused such interest in soybeans, this rather inconspicuous-looking herbaceous plant? It's all about their composition. They contain 2.5 times more protein than meat, and it is almost completely balanced in essential amino acids.

300 years ago it began to penetrate into Georgia, Ukraine, Kuban and the North Caucasus. In Western Europe and the United States, soybeans were introduced only in 1712, but they became widely known only after the international exhibition in Vienna in 1878, where the Chinese demonstrated a wide variety of soybean dishes.

In the epics of Southeast Asia, legends and tales were written about it as a wonderful plant - a friend of man in both joy and trouble, a savior from hunger and disease. Soybean was included in the rituals of welcoming spring, days of autumn prosperity and table fun. During ceremonies, the emperor sowed its seeds with his own hands,

Soya beans In addition to the high protein content, they are also distinguished by a high content of vitamins, amino acids, and, very importantly, a unique composition of fats. Soybean oil contains a lot of phospholipids, which are the structural basis, the “framework” of cell membranes. When a damaging effect occurs, several defective phospholipid molecules leave the cell membrane and new ones must immediately take their place, otherwise the cell will not retain its structure. The constant exit and entry of phospholipid molecules is a normal physiological process. The body itself synthesizes a certain amount of phospholipids. But they are clearly not enough, judging by the fact that the introduction of phospholipids from the outside leads to a tangible improvement in health. There are especially many phospholipids in the brain, heart and liver. These organs need food sources of phospholipid molecules more than others, because self-renewal of their cell membranes proceeds most intensively.

Phospholipids is not only a building material for cells. They have the unique ability to remove cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels if the cholesterol plaque has not yet hardened. Having penetrated into it, the phospholipid molecule attaches one molecule of cholesterol, forming a generally water-soluble complex (cholesterol does not dissolve in water), and removes it from the body. Residents of countries with a high proportion of soy consumption - Japan, China, Korea - have low cholesterol levels in their blood. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases in these countries is noticeably lower, and life expectancy is 12% higher than in other countries. Until recently, it was believed that the youthful appearance of the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans was caused by some genetic characteristics, as well as their higher life expectancy. Subsequently, however, it turned out that residents of Japan, China and Korea, who emigrated to Europe and the USA and began to eat similarly to the local population, suffer from atherosclerosis in the same way as the local population, and their life expectancy is even shorter than that of native Europeans and Americans. From this, a completely unambiguous conclusion was made: the low incidence of atherosclerosis and higher life expectancy in some countries of Southeast Asia are associated with the nutritional characteristics of their population. In addition to the ability to remove cholesterol from the body, phospholipids have a significant antioxidant effect, inhibiting the formation of highly toxic free radicals in the body. Oxygen radicals are an inevitable by-product of oxygen oxidation. Having one free electron in their orbit, they are chemically very aggressive and destroy everything they touch. Free radicals contribute to the formation of age-related diseases and shorten human life. By exhibiting their antioxidant (antiradical) effect, phospholipids contribute to prolonging human life. They also have an anti-cancer effect, significantly prolonging the life of the most hopeless patients.

Soy flour contains still little-studied substances - isolectans. Several large laboratories around the world are studying them, but one thing is now clear: isolectans are substances similar in their action to insulin-like growth factor. They have an anabolic effect, increasing cell permeability to amino acids and glucose. Very interesting data were obtained in the USA. A large group of patients with stomach and intestinal ulcers received 100 to 300 g of soy flour every day, in addition to their usual diet. Within a month, all patients had complete scarring of the ulcers. There was not a single person who tested negative. Here we have exactly the case when food is also medicine. The anabolic properties of soy flour are widely used in sports practice. Various sports foods are made based on soy, which most often contain soy flour concentrate or isolate.

Defatted soy flour contains 50% protein, concentrate 70 to 75% and isolate 90-99% protein. It (isolate) is most often used for the production of specialized sports food products (proteins). Soy flour itself has a rather specific taste, which not everyone likes. In sports products containing soy isolate (as a main component or mixed with other types of protein), the soy flavor is neutralized and the product itself has special flavoring fillers (fruit, etc.).

When consuming soy products for medicinal or anabolic purposes, it should be remembered that isolectans lose their properties after heat treatment. You can, of course, make pancakes, noodles, or just some kind of baked goods from soy protein. You will receive a good dietary product with a high protein content. But that's all. The nutritional value of soy will remain, but its medicinal and anabolic properties will be lost. Therefore, if you are consuming soy protein for the purpose of enhancing anabolism (besides simply meeting the body's protein needs), it is better to eat it as it is. You can experiment with flavorings, but you should not heat the product.

Japanese researchers believe that even an excess of soy isolate in the diet cannot lead to obesity, which cannot be said about animal proteins. This issue has not yet been studied enough, but I want to believe that Japanese scientists were not mistaken and you can “overeat” on soy protein without the risk of gaining weight.

The balance of essential amino acids in soybeans is close to ideal1 (up to 90%), but still falls slightly short of the standard due to methionine (one of the essential amino acids). Milk, on the contrary, has a relative excess of methionine. Therefore, a mixture of soy and milk proteins is a product that is close to ideal in terms of balance of amino acids. Typically, sports products made from a mixture of milk and soy proteins contain them in equal proportions. (See the article “Milk and its products” in this issue).

Many children cannot tolerate milk from birth due to allergies or congenital diathesis. Formulas are produced especially for such children, from which soy milk can be easily made. The quality of such milk is not inferior to mother's milk, not to mention cow's milk. Commercial formulas that replace breast milk contain all the necessary components.

Soy milk You can prepare it at home, as long as you have soy flour on hand. To do this, soy flour is poured with cold water, stirred thoroughly, heated to 60° and kept at this temperature for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, then filtered through a thick cloth. Finished soy milk contains about 5% dry matter: 3-4% protein, 0.5% fat, 0.2% ash. Soy milk can be used in traditional recipes (puddings, jellies, creams, mousses). Protein drinks are prepared from it into cocktails with various fruit fillings, fruit and berry syrups, and simply mixed with various juices. Soy milk, produced on an industrial scale, is used in the baking industry in the production of biscuits and as a 100% replacement for egg powder; in the oil and fat industry for the preparation of mayonnaise (partial or complete replacement of egg powder and skimmed milk powder), for the production of low-fat mayonnaise, for the preparation of dietary varieties of margarine; in the confectionery industry for the production of marshmallows, mousses, creams, sweets, waffle fillings, in flour confectionery products (cookies, gingerbread); in the dairy industry for the preparation of soy curd, tofu soy cheese, for the preparation of yoghurts, ice cream.

Soybean flour is widely used in common food products. Soy protein has excellent culinary qualities: it is well structured, has high swelling properties, moisture-absorbing and fat-binding properties, retains its shape during heat treatment, and has the structure and consistency characteristic of meat products. For this reason, soy flour has been added to sausages (as well as finished fish products) in quantities of at least 10% all over the world for many years. This allows you to improve the amino acid composition of the finished product and save 10% of the main raw materials. Recently, many varieties of imported sausages have appeared on the shelves of our stores, which, if they contain meat, are in very small quantities. The basis of such sausages is soy protein, which during special processing gives the structure, color and taste of meat. By the way, monosodium glutamate gives these products their meaty taste and pink color. Soy protein and glutamic acid are by no means a bad combination. The only pity is that most of these products are overcooked and sold at a high price that does not correspond to the real cost.

Due to its low cost, soybeans are the main source of protein in many underdeveloped and developing countries. Due to their medicinal and preventive qualities, soybean and its processed products are very popular in developed countries. Soy protein begins to displace meat protein. This has a beneficial effect on public health and reduces the cost of food. The entire American livestock industry relies on feed, the main component of which is soybean meal, what is left of soybeans after pressing soybean oil.

Consumption of soybeans and its products around the world is growing at a very rapid pace. Here in Russia, soy food products, both sports and dietary, are just becoming popular.

Soybeans do not boil well, so they are pre-soaked, sprouted or crushed. The number of dishes that can be prepared from soy is extremely large and many of them can act as medicine. Take at least sprouted soybeans. This is a real multivitamin concentrate. Sprouting any cereals or legumes is accompanied by the accumulation of large amounts of vitamins and can serve as a means of preventing vitamin deficiencies. But soybeans hold the palm here too. Green sprouts make a delicious vitamin salad that can be made at any time of the year.

It's very easy to get them. First, the beans are soaked for a day in water at room temperature (no more than 25 ° C). After swelling, they are poured onto damp gauze or cotton cloth and placed on the bottom of the pan and covered with a lid. One end of the cheesecloth outside the pan should be dipped in water to keep the beans in a moist environment at all times. After 3-4 days, sprouts appear. They are consumed when they reach 5 cm. From 400 g of seeds, 1.5 kg of green sprouts are obtained, which completely replace green vegetables. For long-term storage, sprouts can be dried.

Flour is the main soy product worldwide. In appearance, it resembles wheat, has a delicate cream color and a slight nutty smell. Its nutritional properties are exceptionally great. 500 g of such flour can be equated in protein content to 1 kg of cottage cheese or 1.5 kg of beef, or 40 chicken eggs. However, due to the lack of starch in it, it is impossible to bake bread or any confectionery products from soy flour alone. Therefore, 10-20% of regular flour (wheat, oatmeal, rye, rice, etc.) is added to it. Potato starch is also suitable.

You can make your own soy flour from soybeans. To do this, the beans are washed, dried and ground in a mill, coffee grinder or millstone. To improve the taste of flour, the beans can be treated with saturated steam for 10-12 minutes in a closed vessel, after which they are dried and ground. Due to its high oil content, soy flour cannot be stored for long (it may go rancid after a couple of weeks). We have already talked about soy milk. But it becomes even more tasty and nutritious when kefir or yogurt is made from it. To do this, soy milk is fermented with a small amount of factory-made kefir (contains pure kefir grains) or curdled milk and placed in a warm place to ferment. After a few hours the product is ready. In its consistency and taste, it is almost no different from ordinary kefir or yogurt. If you season soy milk with sour cream (contains a pure culture of lactic acid streptococci), then after souring, a product very similar to fermented baked milk is formed. Fermenting soy milk with acidophilus bacillus (acidophilus kefir) allows you to get a real acidophilus. We talked about how beneficial lactic acid bacteria are for the body in the article about milk. You can make soy curd from soy milk, kefir and fermented baked milk. The technology for preparing cottage cheese is similar to that when using ordinary yogurt as a starting material.

Interestingly, in Chinese cuisine there are 3 types of product called cottage cheese and they are obtained in different ways. The only thing they have in common is that the starting material is always soy milk. We already know about method 1. Method 2 involves boiling soy milk, adding vinegar to it and allowing time to curdle. After curdling, the curd mass is separated from the whey using a sieve or gauze. And the cottage cheese is ready. Method 3 of making soy curd is completely exotic. To deflate soy milk in traditional1 Chinese cuisine, sea salt or gypsum powder(!) is used. Gypsum is diluted in water (4 parts water to one part gypsum). The solution is poured into soy milk in a ratio of 1:140. After 10-15 minutes, the protein begins to coagulate, turning into flakes and settling to the bottom. After separating the whey through cheesecloth or a sieve, bean curd is obtained.

Bean curd, no matter how it is obtained, tastes rather bland, although in its nutritional value and protein content it is more than 2 times higher than milk cottage cheese. To add flavor to the squeezed freshly prepared bean curd, various seasonings from pepper, garlic, and vegetable decoctions are added. Soy cheese- Tofu is nothing more than pressed bean curd. After pressing, the product becomes so dense in consistency that it can be cut into slices with a knife. In the East, tofu is called boneless meat. To add flavor to the cheese, it is marinated. To do this, use salt water with aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, celery), infusions of wild garlic, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, etc. The minimum marinating time is 12 hours. For better absorption of marinades, tofu is first frozen. And then they thaw. After thawing, it is squeezed out again and it becomes like a sponge, which absorbs the marinade sauce much faster and easier.

Soy curd mass prepared from soy milk according to the principle of soy curd with the addition of sugar, sometimes cocoa or vanillin. It has a delicate consistency, pleasant taste and light brown color.

Okara is a homogeneous, moist, odorless mass with a high protein content. Okara is obtained by squeezing soy milk on special filters in a factory. Okara is a semi-finished product used to make other soy products, for example, soy meat. Okara is added to baked goods instead of eggs and used in confectionery products, mixed half and half with flour.

Soy meat most often made from defatted soy flour, it is given the shape and texture of minced meat, goulash, chops, etc. The protein content in soy meat is 54%.

Dumplings are the oldest food of the Chinese. They are prepared in the same way as ours, but instead of meat filling they use okara. Dumplings came to Russia through Siberia and were therefore known as a Siberian dish. The Chinese prepare very small dumplings and cook them in special vessels.

Soy sauce- this concept unites different types of sauces, consisting of a mixture of special soy mass and salt in different proportions and with different degrees of aging. Soy sauces are very shelf stable. The two main types of sauce are red, highly salted, and white, less salty. The soy mass for the sauce is obtained by long-term fermentation of boiled soybean seeds with the participation of special fungi. Soy sauce helps digest rough plant foods and, due to its physiological effect, can replace meat extracts, soups and other substances of animal origin that stimulate the functioning of the digestive organs. The sauce significantly improves the taste of food and increases appetite.

Almost anything can be made from soybeans. Sour cream and ice cream, sweets and marmalade are made from it. It’s probably easier to name those dishes that cannot be prepared from soybeans. Soy is a nutritionist's dream come true. It is at the same time food, medicine, and a means to prolong life. One nutritionist called soy God's gift to humanity. It appears that this is the case.

Pancakes made from soy flour


Kefir - 1l;
soy flour - 250 g,
soda with citric acid - 1 tsp,
three green apples, finely grated,
1 egg,
Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Knead the dough, add grated apples and bake over medium heat

Steamed dumplings with soy flour

Flour - 1 cup.
Soy flour - 4 tbsp. l.
Water (warm) - 0.5 cups.
Potatoes - 5 pcs.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil (for frying)
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. l.
Butter - 50 g

Cooking method:

Let the peeled potatoes cook. Knead an elastic dough from wheat flour, soy flour, eggs and water. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes. While the dough is standing, mash the potatoes. Grate the carrots, finely chop 1 onion. Fry in oil with spices and soy sauce. Add to potatoes, mix well. The filling is ready. We make flagella from the dough, cut into small pieces and roll them out, forming dumplings. Place dumplings in a steamer. Cook for approximately 20-25 minutes. Fry the second onion in oil (preferably butter) with breadcrumbs and pour over the prepared dumplings.

Soy-pea pancakes
soy flour - 1 cup,
pea flour - 1 cup,
2 onions,
green chilli peppers - 4 pcs.,
a little ginger
crushed red peppers - 1 tsp,
salt to taste,
water and fat.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion, peppers and ginger, mix with pea flour and soy flour, add red pepper powder, salt and mix well. Knead sour cream into a dough with water. Pour the dough with a spoon into a hot greased frying pan, so that you get a pancake, fry in a thin layer of fat until golden brown on both sides. Serve hot with curry sauce.

Soy biscuits
soy flour - 1/2 cup
wheat flour - 1 cup
sugar - 1/3 cup
butter - 250 g
eggs - 2 pcs
soda - 1/2 teaspoon
vanilla sugar - to taste
vegetable oil - for lubrication

Cooking method:

Combine butter with sugar, vanilla sugar and grind thoroughly. Beat the eggs and add to the mixture. Then add all the sifted flour and soda. Mix everything well, knead the dough, cover with a kitchen towel and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out thinly and cut out various cookies using pastry cutters. Place on a greased baking sheet with vegetable oil. Bake cookies in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until done. Then place the cookies on a plate. Soy cookies are ready!

Soy cakes
soy flour - 350g
wheat flour - 350g
soy milk - 250g
baking powder - 1 sachet
fat - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Sift flour with baking powder, add fat, gradually pour in milk and mix with a mixer. Place the mixture on a floured board, knead well, roll out to a thickness of 2 cm, cut into squares and bake in a hot oven.

Soy pancakes
soy flour - 1 cup
wheat flour - 1 cup

filling to taste: - apples, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, green bell peppers, etc. - ground ginger - to taste - baking powder - 1 tsp. - fat and water for dough.

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients except the fat with water so that you get a dough as thick as sour cream, fry the pancakes in hot fat, pouring the dough with a spoon.

Soy cakes "khasta kachauri"

soaked and mashed soybeans - 4 cups,
soy flour - 1 cup,
white flour - 2 cups,
garam masala powder - 2 tsp,
crushed ginger - 2 tsp,
crushed green chillies - 1 tbsp. l.,
red pepper powder - 1 tsp,
a pinch of baking powder,
cumin seed powder - 1 tsp,
coriander powder - 2 tsp,
anise seed - 1 tsp,
salt to taste, water, fat, a pinch of asafoetida.

Cooking method:

Dough: mix together soy and white flour, salt, a pinch of baking powder, add 0.5 cups of fat, grind, add water and knead into a soft dough, set aside, cover with a damp cloth.

Filling: heat 1.5 tbsp. l. fat, add asafoetida powder and mashed soybeans, fry until golden brown, add all the spices, green chillies, ginger, garam masala, mix well, cook for a while, remove from heat.

Make flat cakes from the dough, put the filling, fold the edges so as to cover the filling and make a ball, roll it into a flat cake. Fry over medium heat and serve with tomato sauce, ketchup and mayonnaise.

Soy cakes stuffed with soya beans
green soybean pods - 1 cup,
soy flour - 0.33 cups,
white flour - 0.66 cups,
cumin seeds - 1 tsp,
turmeric powder - 0.5 tsp,
coriander powder - 1 tsp,
garam masala mixture - 0.5 tsp,
green chilli peppers - 3-4 pcs.,
grated coconut - 1 tbsp. l.,
a little ginger, fat, salt to taste, water.

Cooking method:

Dough: sift soy flour through a sieve, mix it with white flour, add a little salt and 2 tbsp. l. melted fat, grind well, knead with water into a stiff dough.

Filling: Boil the pods until soft and drain. Melt the fat, fry the cumin seeds, green peppers, ginger for 2-3 minutes, add cooked beans, coconut, crushed turmeric, coriander, garam masala mixture and salt and cook for about 3 minutes.

Divide the dough into parts, roll into thin flat cakes and cut them in half. Roll the halves into a cone and secure the edges. Fill the cones with filling and seal the edges. Fry in a large excess of fat until golden brown over low heat, serve hot with tomato sauce.

Soy sauce with vegetables and potatoes .
Potatoes – 5 pcs.,
Water – 1 liter (for boiling potatoes),
Soy flour – 1 cup
Wheat flour - ? glasses
Onions – 1 pc.,
Carrots – 1 pc.,
Tomato paste – 2 tbsp.,
Salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

Place the peeled potatoes in a saucepan, add hot water and cook until tender. Next, mash the potatoes and the broth with a wooden masher. Mix wheat flour with soy flour, add water and cook together for 15-20 minutes, then combine with crushed potatoes, add sauteed onions, carrots, tomato paste, dilute with hot water until sour cream thickens, add salt, pepper and boil the sauce for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

Salted soybean brush
soy flour - 1 cup,
fine flour - 2 cups,
fat - 0.5 cups and fat for frying,
salt to taste,

Cooking method:

Mix soy and white flour with half a cup of fat, knead into a stiff dough and with a small amount of water. Roll out the dough into a flat cake 5 mm thick and cut it into strips or squares. Fry in excess fat and allow the fat to drain.

Soy and tomato tubes

white flour - 2 cups,
soy flour - 0.5 cups,
soaked soybeans - 1.5 cups,
tomato paste or juice - 1.5 cups,
3-4 green chillies,
a little ginger
2 onions,
red pepper powder - 2 tsp,
caraway seeds - 0.5 tsp,
garam masala powder - 0.25 tsp,
salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil soybeans until soft and mash. Simmer cumin, onion in fat, add ginger, green peppers and tomato juice (paste), cook a little until the mixture thickens. Knead the flour, salt and baking powder into a stiff dough with a little water. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a circle 3-4mm thick and cut it into long triangles. Place soy-tomato filling on their wide end and wrap. Bake in the oven at 150-160 degrees until they are browned.

Soy bread
1 tbsp. spoon of butter,
1 yolk,
5 tbsp. spoons of milk,
1 protein,
2 tbsp. spoons of soy flour,
2 tbsp. spoons of corn starch,
0.5 sachet of baking powder,
ground cumin

Cooking method:

Grind the butter with salt, caraway seeds and yolk until foamy. Add warm milk, beaten egg whites and sifted soy flour mixed with cornstarch and baking powder. Knead the dough well and pour into a pan greased and sprinkled with soy flour. Bake the soy bread in a preheated oven over medium heat until done.

Chat with soy tortillas
soy flour - 2 cups,
white flour - 1.5 cups,
semolina - 0.5 cups,
salt to taste,
a pinch of baking powder,
pomegranate - 2.5 cups,
sugar syrup (from 1.5 cups of sugar and 2.5 cups of water),

Cooking method:

mix white and soy flour, semolina, baking powder and knead a stiff dough with water. Cut into small flatbreads and fry in fat over low heat. Place pomegranate seeds in boiling water, mash and squeeze, mix with sugar syrup. Add red chilli powder and stir. This is gravy. Place the flatbreads on a platter and pour over the pomegranate sauce. Add some chat masala mixture on top. Place cooked soybeans (ripe or green) and chopped boiled potatoes on top.

Humanity started talking about the dangers of premium wheat flour relatively recently. After identifying a whole series of contraindications and side effects, store shelves were enriched with new varieties of flour for every taste. Among them are corn, buckwheat, nut, rice, oat and soy. Let's take a closer look at the last option. The formation and cultivation of soybeans dates back to the period 6-7 thousand years BC. The plant has firmly established itself in the gastronomic segment and is clearly not going to give up its position. We learned how to make meat, butter, pasta, cheese, milk and flour from soybeans.

What exactly is soy, how safe is it, and is there a place for soy products in the modern diet?

general characteristics

Soybean is an annual herbaceous plant of the soybean genus, legume family. The culture grows on all continents, islands of the Pacific/Indian oceans at latitudes 56-60°.

The plant produces fruits that are commonly called beans throughout the world (from English - soybean). The product was used as early as the 3rd millennium BC as an essential food ingredient.

Botanical description

The plant develops in several variable forms. The stem can be either thin or thick, and its base is bare or drooping. The height of the stem depends on many factors (variety, external environment, additional feeding) and can grow from 15 centimeters to 2 meters or more.

The formed flowers are distinguished by their miniature size and a bright palette of shades - from purple to muted pink.

Later, beans form from the flowers. They are protected by two special flaps that open as the fetus develops. The valve opens along two sutures: ventral and dorsal. One valve contains 2-3 seeds. The beans develop large - from 4 to 6 centimeters. They are dense and resistant to cracking.

The beans are formed in the shape of an oval with variable convexities. Harvest weight may vary. 100 grams of fruit can weigh from 60 to 400 grams. Each seed is covered with a special shell. It protects the fetus from moisture, wind and other harmful effects of the external environment. The seeds are colored yellow; green, brown and black beans are less common.

Is it profitable for humanity to grow soybeans?

The answer is clear - profitable. The crop is characterized by high productivity, so one harvest of beans brings enormous monetary profit. Soybeans have high nutritional value. They contain about 50% protein, a set of vital B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Products with such a rich composition easily solve the problem of hunger and raise the general standard of living of the population. Moreover, the unique structure of soy allows you to conduct a lot of gastronomic experiments with it. From the component you can prepare everything from milk to meat. Nutritionists say that soy products minimize the risk of developing osteoporosis, heart and vascular diseases.

It was soy that contributed to the development of the culture of veganism and vegetarianism. People who, for various reasons, have given up animal products have found the ideal plant-based alternative. Soy food is easily absorbed by the body, efficiently processed into energy, and promotes long-term satiety and a feeling of lightness. Soybeans are also used in the production of feed for farm animals.

Chemical composition of the ingredient

What are the benefits of soy flour?


Soy is one of the few plant components with a high protein concentration. Soy vegetable protein contains a complete set of vital amino acids for the human body. What's more, soy has no cholesterol, extra empty calories or gluten.


It is soy, and not dairy products, that helps strengthen the skeletal system. 100 grams of beans contain 134 milligrams of calcium. The herbal product has a general strengthening effect due to the presence of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamins E, D and group B.


The macroelement is necessary for the quality functioning of the immune system, normal growth and development of the muscular system. Zinc takes part in protein synthesis and metabolic cellular processes. The element is also responsible for the formation and maintenance of the bone skeleton, which is especially important in infancy and old age. Without zinc, rapid tissue regeneration will become impossible, and a failure of sugar-insulin metabolism will provoke many health problems. What else is the element useful for:

  • strengthening hair follicles, protecting the scalp from baldness and excessive dryness;
  • softening the skin, minimizing acne and inflammatory processes;
  • skin whitening.

The daily intake of zinc depends on individual characteristics and varies from 8 to 15 milligrams.


Soybeans contain the highest phospholipid content compared to other legumes - from 1.6 to 2.2%. The component is responsible for:

  • liver detox;
  • restoration and compaction of cell membranes;
  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • reducing the need for insulin in people with diabetes;
  • prevention of degenerative changes in nerve cells;
  • strengthening capillaries;
  • building and maintaining a muscle corset.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Soy contains essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. Fatty biologically active substances are ingested exclusively through food. What are fats for? They are responsible for the regulation of the female hormonal system, synthesize prostaglandins (hormone-like substances), cleanse the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Product varieties

The food industry offers only 3 variations of soy flour: low-fat, non-fat, semi-skimmed.

The low-fat product is made from food meal.

Meal is a by-product of oil production. Fat is extracted from seeds/beans using organic solvents. The resulting product is a valuable nutritious food product. Meal is especially valued for its high protein concentration. The component is used both as an additive to the human diet and as a high-protein feed for animals.

To create full-fat flour, peeled, hulled and deodorized beans are used. The semi-skimmed product consists of soybean cake that has been pre-fat separated and pressed.

According to the variety criteria, soy flour is no different from any other. The first and highest grades indicate additional processing of soybeans. This flour contains absolutely no fiber, vitamins or beneficial nutrients. The processing independently adjusts the composition and instead of a valuable food product, we get empty calories. Always choose wholemeal flour to ensure that your meal is not only tasty, but also nutritious.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Soy flour is loved by cooks of all levels for its unobtrusive nutty aroma and soft neutral taste. It is important that the product is devoid of a bean flavor, which can unpleasantly clog the receptors and take away the main focus of the dish.

In the food industry, the component is used as a vitamin and industrially necessary additive:

  • increases the nutritional value of the final product;
  • saturates the vitamin and nutrient composition;
  • makes the appearance of the product more attractive (due to the natural color of legumes: dough made with soy flour acquires a pleasant creamy shade, which can shift towards yellow or light brown);
  • reduces the cost of the finished product;
  • simplifies the process of rolling out dough (makes it softer and more pliable);
  • increases the volume of baked goods without additional food components;
  • replaces animal products (eggs, milk);
  • protects baked goods from excess moisture and fat;
  • is responsible for the delicate structure, golden brown crust and shelf life of the product.

Soy flour is popular not only in the “sweet” industrial segment. The ingredient is added to meat and fish dishes, vegetables, canned food, pasta, caramel and candies. The product is administered in small portions. The percentage of soy component ranges from 1 to 5%.

The ingredient is especially popular in China, the USA and Japan. The Japanese people are accustomed to calling soy flour “kinako”. Its taste is almost identical to peanut butter, and its consistency is softer and more delicate. Sweets and some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are prepared using flour.

Flour based soy milk recipe

The cost of soy milk is several times higher than the price of cow milk. Moreover, manufacturers often add preservatives, sugar and flavorings to the product, which pleases our receptors, but depresses our health. The safest and easiest way to obtain soy milk is homemade. You can dilute the taste with carob, cinnamon and your favorite spices.

We will need:

  • filtered water at room temperature - 3 glasses;
  • soy flour - 1 cup.

Pour the filtered liquid into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Place a glass of soy flour into boiling water. Pour in the flour slowly, constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk. As soon as the glass is empty and the flour has completely dissolved in the water, leave the mixture to cook for another 20-25 minutes. If the milk starts to thicken, just add a little water and mix the contents of the pan thoroughly. Strain the resulting mixture through a colander, pour the milk into a glass bottle/jar and place in the refrigerator. Soy milk can be stored for about 3-5 days.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have become adept at using soy protein in the cosmetics industry. Soy protein undergoes primary processing, is cleared of fat, and a certain percentage of the protein is partially destroyed. The remaining components can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Soy-based products protect the dermis from excessive dryness, cracks and inflammation. Hair begins to grow faster and healthier, and the time intervals between washing your hair gradually increase. Soy cannot completely restore damaged hair, just like any other plant component. But the product will ensure the growth of new, as healthy and strong hair as possible.

The soy ingredient is also used in care cosmetics for aging skin. The component smoothes out the first wrinkles, fills every cell with moisture and helps improve complexion. Soy cosmetics copes well with puffiness, swelling of the eyelids and dry skin around the eyes. The moisturizing and nourishing properties of the food product are even useful in creams for rough skin on the hands/feet.

When choosing soy cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Make sure that it does not contain harmful chemical components, and that soy extract is in the first place. If soy is in the extreme positions in the composition, then the product is just another marketing ploy. Pay special attention to brands of organic and natural cosmetics that have already earned a reputation and love from consumers.

Hazardous properties of the product

Soy and its derivatives contain isoflavones. Substances can negatively affect the hormonal system, and in pregnant women they increase the risk of premature birth and abnormal fetal development. Scientists say that excessive consumption of soy is dangerous for the health of women of reproductive age. The most harmless side effect is disruption of the menstrual cycle.

An increased concentration of soy in the diet can lead to premature aging, disruption of the protective function of the immune system, and disruption of the nervous and reproductive systems. Nutritionists advise sticking to the measure, adjusting the menu to suit individual needs and looking for alternative ways to get healthy nutrients.

It is permissible to introduce soy into a child’s diet only after reaching 3 years of age. Early exposure to the product can cause allergies and thyroid diseases.

Approach rational nutrition from a scientific point of view and be healthy!

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